GFont *GDrawNewFont(GWindow gw, char *family_name, int point_size, int weight, enum font_style style) { FontRequest rq; memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = family_name; rq.point_size = point_size; rq.weight = weight; = style; return (GDrawInstanciateFont(gw, &rq)); }
static void RulerPlace(CharView *cv, GEvent *event) { unichar_t ubuf[80]; int width, x, y; GRect size; GPoint pt; int i,h,w; GWindowAttrs wattrs; GRect pos; FontRequest rq; int as, ds, ld; if ( cv->ruler_w==NULL ) { memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_positioned|wam_nodecor|wam_backcol|wam_bordwidth; wattrs.event_masks = (1<<et_expose)|(1<<et_resize)|(1<<et_mousedown); wattrs.cursor = ct_mypointer; wattrs.background_color = 0xe0e0c0; wattrs.nodecoration = 1; wattrs.border_width = 1; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width=pos.height = 20; cv->ruler_w = GWidgetCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,ruler_e_h,cv,&wattrs); if ( rvfont==NULL ) { memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = FIXED_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = -12; rq.weight = 400; rvfont = GDrawInstanciateFont(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(cv->ruler_w),&rq); rvfont = GResourceFindFont("CharView.Measure.Font",rvfont); } cv->rfont = rvfont; GDrawFontMetrics(cv->rfont,&as,&ds,&ld); cv->rfh = as+ds; cv->ras = as; } else GDrawRaise(cv->ruler_w); GDrawSetFont(cv->ruler_w,cv->rfont); width = h = 0; for ( i=0; RulerText(cv,ubuf,i); ++i ) { w = GDrawGetBiTextWidth(cv->ruler_w,ubuf,-1,-1,NULL); if ( w>width ) width = w; h += cv->rfh; } GDrawGetSize(GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&size); pt.x = event->u.mouse.x; pt.y = event->u.mouse.y; GDrawTranslateCoordinates(cv->v,GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&pt); x = pt.x + infowindowdistance; if ( x+width > size.width ) x = pt.x - width-infowindowdistance; y = pt.y -cv->ras-2; if ( y+h > size.height ) y = pt.y - h - cv->ras -10; GDrawMoveResize(cv->ruler_w,x,y,width+4,h+4); }
static void CreateErrorWindow(void) { GWindowAttrs wattrs; FontRequest rq; GRect pos,size; int as, ds, ld; GWindow gw; GGadgetData gd; extern int _GScrollBar_Width; GDrawGetSize(GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&size); memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_isdlg|wam_positioned; wattrs.event_masks = ~(1<<et_charup); wattrs.is_dlg = true; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; wattrs.positioned = true; wattrs.utf8_window_title = _("Warnings"); pos.width = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,GGadgetScale(400)); pos.height = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,GGadgetScale(100)); pos.x = size.width - pos.width - 10; pos.y = size.height - pos.height - 30; = gw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,warnings_e_h,&errdata,&wattrs); memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SANS_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = 10; rq.weight = 400; errdata.font = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); errdata.font = GResourceFindFont("Warnings.Font",errdata.font); GDrawWindowFontMetrics(,errdata.font,&as,&ds,&ld); = as; errdata.fh = as+ds; memset(&gd,0,sizeof(gd)); gd.pos.y = 0; gd.pos.height = pos.height; gd.pos.width = GDrawPointsToPixels(gw,_GScrollBar_Width); gd.pos.x = pos.width-gd.pos.width; gd.flags = gg_visible|gg_enabled|gg_pos_in_pixels|gg_sb_vert; errdata.vsb = GScrollBarCreate(gw,&gd,&errdata); pos.width -= gd.pos.width; pos.x = pos.y = 0; wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor; errdata.v = GWidgetCreateSubWindow(gw,&pos,warningsv_e_h,&errdata,&wattrs); GDrawSetVisible(errdata.v,true); errdata.linecnt = pos.height/errdata.fh; errdata.start_l = errdata.end_l = -1; }
/* font name may be something like: bold italic extended 12pt courier 400 10pt small-caps family name comes at the end, size must have "pt" after it */ void *GResource_font_cvt(char *val, void *def) { static char *styles[] = { "normal", "italic", "oblique", "small-caps", "bold", "light", "extended", "condensed", NULL }; FontRequest rq; FontInstance *fi; char *pt, *end, ch; int ret; char *freeme=NULL; memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SANS_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = 10; rq.weight = 400; = 0; if ( def!=NULL ) GDrawDecomposeFont((FontInstance *)def, &rq); else if ( _ggadget_default_font!=NULL ) GDrawDecomposeFont(_ggadget_default_font, &rq); for ( pt=val; *pt && *pt!='"'; ) { for ( end=pt; *end!=' ' && *end!='\0'; ++end ); ch = *end; *end = '\0'; ret = match(styles,pt); if ( ret==-1 && isdigit(*pt)) { char *e; ret = strtol(pt,&e,10); if ( strmatch(e,"pt")==0 ) rq.point_size = ret; else if ( *e=='\0' ) rq.weight = ret; else { *end = ch; break; } } else if ( ret==-1 ) { *end = ch; break; } else if ( ret==0 ) /* Do Nothing */; else if ( ret==1 || ret==2 ) |= fs_italic; else if ( ret==3 ) |= fs_smallcaps; else if ( ret==4 ) rq.weight = 700; else if ( ret==5 ) rq.weight = 300; else if ( ret==6 ) |= fs_extended; else |= fs_condensed; *end = ch; pt = end; while ( *pt==' ' ) ++pt; } if ( *pt!='\0' ) rq.utf8_family_name = freeme = copy(pt); fi = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); free(freeme); if ( fi==NULL ) return( def ); return( (void *) fi ); }
void SFBdfProperties(SplineFont *sf, EncMap *map, BDFFont *thisone) { struct bdf_dlg bd; int i; BDFFont *bdf; GTextInfo *ti; char buffer[40]; char title[130]; GRect pos, subpos; GWindow gw; GWindowAttrs wattrs; GGadgetCreateData gcd[10]; GTextInfo label[9]; FontRequest rq; static GFont *font = NULL; extern int _GScrollBar_Width; int sbwidth; static unichar_t sans[] = { 'h','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',',','c','l','e','a','r','l','y','u',',','u','n','i','f','o','n','t', '\0' }; static GBox small = { 0 }; GGadgetData gd; /* I don't use a MatrixEdit here because I want to be able to display */ /* non-standard properties. And a MatrixEdit can only disply things in */ /* its pull-down list */ memset(&bd,0,sizeof(bd)); = map; bd.sf = sf; for ( bdf = sf->bitmaps, i=0; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next, ++i ); if ( i==0 ) return; bd.fcnt = i; bd.fonts = gcalloc(i,sizeof(struct bdf_dlg_font)); bd.cur = &bd.fonts[0]; for ( bdf = sf->bitmaps, i=0; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next, ++i ) { bd.fonts[i].bdf = bdf; bd.fonts[i].old_prop_cnt = bdf->prop_cnt; bd.fonts[i].old_props = BdfPropsCopy(bdf->props,bdf->prop_cnt); bd.fonts[i].sel_prop = -1; bdf->prop_max = bdf->prop_cnt; if ( bdf==thisone ) bd.cur = &bd.fonts[i]; } ti = gcalloc((i+1),sizeof(GTextInfo)); for ( bdf = sf->bitmaps, i=0; bdf!=NULL; bdf=bdf->next, ++i ) { if ( bdf->clut==NULL ) sprintf( buffer, "%d", bdf->pixelsize ); else sprintf( buffer, "%d@%d", bdf->pixelsize, BDFDepth(bdf)); ti[i].text = (unichar_t *) copy(buffer); ti[i].text_is_1byte = true; } ti[bd.cur-bd.fonts].selected = true; memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_undercursor|wam_isdlg|wam_restrict; wattrs.event_masks = ~(1<<et_charup); wattrs.is_dlg = true; wattrs.restrict_input_to_me = 1; wattrs.undercursor = 1; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; snprintf(title,sizeof(title),_("Strike Information for %.90s"), sf->fontname); wattrs.utf8_window_title = title; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,GGadgetScale(268)); pos.height = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,375); = gw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,bdfp_e_h,&bd,&wattrs); sbwidth = GDrawPointsToPixels(,_GScrollBar_Width); subpos.x = 0; subpos.y = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,28); subpos.width = pos.width-sbwidth; subpos.height = pos.height - subpos.y - GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,70); wattrs.mask = wam_events; bd.v = GWidgetCreateSubWindow(gw,&subpos,bdfpv_e_h,&bd,&wattrs); bd.vwidth = subpos.width; bd.vheight = subpos.height; bd.width = pos.width; bd.height = pos.height; bd.value_x = GDrawPointsToPixels(,135); if ( font==NULL ) { memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.family_name = sans; rq.point_size = 10; rq.weight = 400; font = GDrawInstanciateFont(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(gw),&rq); font = GResourceFindFont("BDFProperties.Font",font); } bd.font = font; { int as, ds, ld; GDrawFontMetrics(bd.font,&as,&ds,&ld); = as; bd.fh = as+ds; } memset(gcd,0,sizeof(gcd)); memset(label,0,sizeof(label)); i=0; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = 10; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = 3; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled; gcd[i].gd.u.list = ti; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_ChangeBDF; gcd[i++].creator = GListButtonCreate; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = bd.vwidth; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = subpos.y-1; gcd[i].gd.pos.width = sbwidth; gcd[i].gd.pos.height = subpos.height+2; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_sb_vert | gg_pos_in_pixels; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = _BdfP_VScroll; gcd[i++].creator = GScrollBarCreate; label[i].text = (unichar_t *) _("Delete"); label[i].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = 4; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = GDrawPixelsToPoints(gw,subpos.y+subpos.height)+6; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled ; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_DeleteCurrent; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_Delete; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; label[i].text = (unichar_t *) _("Default All"); label[i].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = 80; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = gcd[i-1].gd.pos.y; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled ; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_DefaultAll; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_DefAll; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; label[i].text = (unichar_t *) _("Default This"); label[i].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = gcd[i-1].gd.pos.y; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled ; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_DefaultCurrent; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_DefCur; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; /* I want the 2 pronged arrow, but gdraw can't find a nice one */ /* label[i].text = (unichar_t *) "⇑"; *//* Up Arrow */ label[i].text = (unichar_t *) "↑"; /* Up Arrow */ label[i].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = gcd[i-1].gd.pos.y; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled ; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_Up; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_Up; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; /* I want the 2 pronged arrow, but gdraw can't find a nice one */ /* label[i].text = (unichar_t *) "⇓"; *//* Down Arrow */ label[i].text = (unichar_t *) "↓"; /* Down Arrow */ label[i].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = gcd[i-1].gd.pos.y; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled ; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_Down; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_Down; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = 30-3; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = GDrawPixelsToPoints(NULL,pos.height)-32-3; gcd[i].gd.pos.width = -1; gcd[i].gd.pos.height = 0; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_but_default; label[i].text = (unichar_t *) _("_OK"); label[i].text_is_1byte = true; label[i].text_in_resource = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_OK; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_OK; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; gcd[i].gd.pos.x = -30; gcd[i].gd.pos.y = gcd[i-1].gd.pos.y+3; gcd[i].gd.pos.width = -1; gcd[i].gd.pos.height = 0; gcd[i].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_but_cancel; label[i].text = (unichar_t *) _("_Cancel"); label[i].text_is_1byte = true; label[i].text_in_resource = true; gcd[i].gd.label = &label[i]; gcd[i].gd.handle_controlevent = BdfP_Cancel; gcd[i].gd.cid = CID_Cancel; gcd[i++].creator = GButtonCreate; GGadgetsCreate(gw,gcd); GTextInfoListFree(gcd[0].gd.u.list); bd.vsb = gcd[1].ret; small.main_background = small.main_foreground = COLOR_DEFAULT; small.main_foreground = 0x0000ff; memset(&gd,'\0',sizeof(gd)); memset(&label[0],'\0',sizeof(label[0])); label[0].text = (unichar_t *) "\0\0\0\0"; label[0].font = bd.font; gd.pos.height = bd.fh; gd.pos.width = bd.vwidth-bd.value_x; gd.label = &label[0]; = &small; gd.flags = gg_enabled | gg_pos_in_pixels | gg_dontcopybox | gg_text_xim; = GTextFieldCreate(bd.v,&gd,&bd); bd.press_pos = -1; BdfP_EnableButtons(&bd); BdfP_RefigureScrollbar(&bd); GDrawSetVisible(bd.v,true); GDrawSetVisible(gw,true); while ( !bd.done ) GDrawProcessOneEvent(NULL); GDrawDestroyWindow(gw); }
int fontforge_main( int argc, char **argv ) { extern const char *source_modtime_str; extern const char *source_version_str; const char *load_prefs = getenv("FONTFORGE_LOADPREFS"); int i; int recover=2; int any; int next_recent=0; GRect pos; GWindowAttrs wattrs; char *display = NULL; FontRequest rq; int ds, ld; int openflags=0; int doopen=0, quit_request=0; bool use_cairo = true; #if !(GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 35, 0)) g_type_init(); #endif /* Must be done before we cache the current directory */ /* Change to HOME dir if specified on the commandline */ for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char *pt = argv[i]; if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' ) ++pt; if (strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 || strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0) { /* OK, I don't know what _-psn_ means, but to GW it means */ /* we've been started on the mac from the */ /* structure, and the current directory is (shudder) "/" */ if (getenv("HOME")!=NULL) chdir(getenv("HOME")); break; /* Done - Unnecessary to check more arguments */ } if (strcmp(pt,"-quiet")==0) quiet = 1; } if (!quiet) { fprintf( stderr, "Copyright (c) 2000-2014 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " with many parts BSD <>. Please read LICENSE.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " Based on sources from %s" "-ML" #ifdef FREETYPE_HAS_DEBUGGER "-TtfDb" #endif #ifdef _NO_PYTHON "-NoPython" #endif #ifdef FONTFORGE_CONFIG_USE_DOUBLE "-D" #endif ".\n", FONTFORGE_MODTIME_STR ); fprintf( stderr, " Based on source from git with hash: %s\n", FONTFORGE_GIT_VERSION ); } #if defined(__Mac) /* Start X if they haven't already done so. Well... try anyway */ /* Must be before we change DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or X won't start */ /* (osascript depends on a libjpeg which isn't found if we look in /sw/lib first */ int local_x = uses_local_x(argc,argv); if ( local_x==1 && getenv("DISPLAY")==NULL ) { /* Don't start X if we're just going to quit. */ /* if X exists, it isn't needed. If X doesn't exist it's wrong */ if ( !hasquit(argc,argv)) { /* This sequence is supposed to bring up an app without a window */ /* but X still opens an xterm */ system( "osascript -e 'tell application \"X11\" to launch'" ); system( "osascript -e 'tell application \"X11\" to activate'" ); } setenv("DISPLAY",":0.0",0); } else if ( local_x==1 && *getenv("DISPLAY")!='/' && strcmp(getenv("DISPLAY"),":0.0")!=0 && strcmp(getenv("DISPLAY"),":0")!=0 ) /* 10.5.7 uses a named socket or something "/tmp/launch-01ftWX:0" */ local_x = 0; #endif #if defined(__MINGW32__) if( getenv("DISPLAY")==NULL ) { putenv("DISPLAY="); } if( getenv("LC_ALL")==NULL ){ char lang[8]; char env[32]; if( GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, lang, 8) > 0 ){ strcpy(env, "LC_ALL="); strcat(env, lang); putenv(env); } } #endif FF_SetUiInterface(&gdraw_ui_interface); FF_SetPrefsInterface(&gdraw_prefs_interface); FF_SetSCInterface(&gdraw_sc_interface); FF_SetCVInterface(&gdraw_cv_interface); FF_SetBCInterface(&gdraw_bc_interface); FF_SetFVInterface(&gdraw_fv_interface); FF_SetFIInterface(&gdraw_fi_interface); FF_SetMVInterface(&gdraw_mv_interface); FF_SetClipInterface(&gdraw_clip_interface); #ifndef _NO_PYTHON PythonUI_Init(); #endif FindProgDir(argv[0]); InitSimpleStuff(); #if defined(__MINGW32__) { char path[MAX_PATH]; unsigned int len = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, MAX_PATH); path[len] = '\0'; //The '.exe' must be removed as resources presumes it's not there. GResourceSetProg(GFileRemoveExtension(GFileNormalizePath(path))); } #else GResourceSetProg(argv[0]); #endif #if defined(__Mac) /* The mac seems to default to the "C" locale, LANG and LC_MESSAGES are not*/ /* defined. This means that gettext will not bother to look up any message*/ /* files -- even if we have a "C" or "POSIX" entry in the locale diretory */ /* Now if X11 gives us the command key, I want to force a rebinding to use */ /* Cmd rather than Control key -- more mac-like. But I can't do that if */ /* there is no locale. So I force a locale if there is none specified */ /* I force the US English locale, because that's the what the messages are */ /* by default so I'm changing as little as I can. I think. */ /* Now the locale command will treat a LANG which is "" as undefined, but */ /* gettext will not. So I don't bother to check for null strings or "C" */ /* or "POSIX". If they've mucked with the locale perhaps they know what */ /* they are doing */ { int did_keybindings = 0; int useCommandKey = get_mac_x11_prop("enable_key_equivalents") <= 0; if ( local_x && useCommandKey ) { hotkeySystemSetCanUseMacCommand( 1 ); /* Ok, we get the command key */ if ( getenv("LANG")==NULL && getenv("LC_MESSAGES")==NULL ) { setenv("LC_MESSAGES","en_US.UTF-8",0); } /* Can we find a set of keybindings designed for the mac with cmd key? */ bind_textdomain_codeset("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts", getLocaleDir()); if ( *dgettext("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts","Flag0x10+")!='F' ) { GMenuSetShortcutDomain("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts"); did_keybindings = 1; } } if ( !did_keybindings ) { /* Nope. we can't. Fall back to the normal stuff */ #endif GMenuSetShortcutDomain("FontForge-MenuShortCuts"); bind_textdomain_codeset("FontForge-MenuShortCuts","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("FontForge-MenuShortCuts", getLocaleDir()); #if defined(__Mac) } } #endif bind_textdomain_codeset("FontForge","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("FontForge", getLocaleDir()); textdomain("FontForge"); GResourceUseGetText(); { char shareDir[PATH_MAX]; char* sd = getShareDir(); strncpy( shareDir, sd, PATH_MAX ); shareDir[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; if(!sd) { strcpy( shareDir, SHAREDIR ); } char path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", shareDir, "/pixmaps" ); GGadgetSetImageDir( path ); snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", shareDir, "/resources/fontforge.resource" ); GResourceAddResourceFile(path, GResourceProgramName,false); } hotkeysLoad(); // loadPrefsFiles(); Prefs_LoadDefaultPreferences(); if ( load_prefs!=NULL && strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Always")==0 ) LoadPrefs(); if ( default_encoding==NULL ) default_encoding=FindOrMakeEncoding("ISO8859-1"); if ( default_encoding==NULL ) default_encoding=&custom; /* In case iconv is broken */ // This no longer starts embedded Python unless control passes to the Python executors, // which exit independently rather than returning here. CheckIsScript(argc,argv); /* Will run the script and exit if it is a script */ /* If there is no UI, there is always a script */ /* and we will never return from the above */ if ( load_prefs==NULL || (strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Always")!=0 && /* Already loaded */ strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Never")!=0 )) LoadPrefs(); GrokNavigationMask(); for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char *pt = argv[i]; if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' ) ++pt; if ( strcmp(pt,"-sync")==0 ) GResourceAddResourceString("Gdraw.Synchronize: true",argv[0]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-depth")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Depth", argv[++i]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-vc")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.VisualClass", argv[++i]); else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-cmap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-colormap")==0) && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Colormap", argv[++i]); else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-dontopenxdevices")==0) ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.DontOpenXDevices", "true"); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-keyboard")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Keyboard", argv[++i]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-display")==0 && i<argc-1 ) display = argv[++i]; # if MyMemory else if ( strcmp(pt,"-memory")==0 ) __malloc_debug(5); # endif else if ( strncmp(pt,"-usecairo",strlen("-usecairo"))==0 ) { if ( strcmp(pt,"-usecairo=no")==0 ) use_cairo = false; else use_cairo = true; GDrawEnableCairo(use_cairo); } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-nosplash")==0 ) splash = 0; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-quiet")==0 ) /* already checked for this earlier, no need to do it again */; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-unique")==0 ) unique = 1; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-forceuihidden")==0 ) cmdlinearg_forceUIHidden = 0; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover")==0 && i<argc-1 ) { ++i; if ( strcmp(argv[i],"none")==0 ) recover=0; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"clean")==0 ) recover= -1; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"auto")==0 ) recover= 1; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"inquire")==0 ) recover= 2; else { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument to -recover, must be none, auto, inquire or clean\n" ); dousage(); } } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=none")==0 ) { recover = 0; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=clean")==0 ) { recover = -1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=auto")==0 ) { recover = 1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=inquire")==0 ) { recover = 2; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-docs")==0 ) dohelp(); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-help")==0 ) dousage(); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-version")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-v")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-V")==0 ) doversion(FONTFORGE_MODTIME_STR); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-quit")==0 ) quit_request = true; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 ) /* already did a chdir earlier, don't need to do it again */; #if defined(__Mac) else if ( strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0 ) { /* OK, I don't know what _-psn_ means, but to GW it means */ /* we've been started on the mac from the */ /* structure, and the current directory was (shudder) "/" */ /* (however, we changed to HOME earlier in main routine). */ unique = 1; listen_to_apple_events = true; // This has been problematic on Mavericks and later. } #endif } ensureDotFontForgeIsSetup(); #if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_NO_LIBCAIRO) //Load any custom fonts for the user interface if (use_cairo) { char *system_load = getGResourceProgramDir(); char *user_load = getFontForgeUserDir(Data); char lbuf[MAX_PATH]; int lret; if (system_load != NULL) { //Follow the FontConfig APPSHAREFONTDIR location lret = snprintf(lbuf, MAX_PATH, "%s/../share/fonts", system_load); if (lret > 0 && lret < MAX_PATH) { WinLoadUserFonts(lbuf); } } if (user_load != NULL) { lret = snprintf(lbuf, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", user_load, "ui-fonts"); if (lret > 0 && lret < MAX_PATH) { WinLoadUserFonts(lbuf); } free(user_load); } } #endif InitImageCache(); // This is in gtextinfo.c. It zeroes imagecache for us. atexit(&ClearImageCache); // We register the destructor, which is also in gtextinfo.c. GDrawCreateDisplays(display,argv[0]); atexit(&GDrawDestroyDisplays); // We register the destructor so that it runs even if we call exit without finishing this function. default_background = GDrawGetDefaultBackground(screen_display); InitToolIconClut(default_background); InitToolIcons(); InitCursors(); /** * we have to do a quick sniff of argv[] here to see if the user * wanted to skip loading these python init files. */ for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char *pt = argv[i]; if ( !strcmp(pt,"-SkipPythonInitFiles")) { ProcessPythonInitFiles = 0; } } #ifndef _NO_PYTHON /*# ifndef GWW_TEST*/ FontForge_InitializeEmbeddedPython(); /* !!!!!! debug (valgrind doesn't like python) */ /*# endif*/ #endif #ifndef _NO_PYTHON if( ProcessPythonInitFiles ) PyFF_ProcessInitFiles(); #endif /* the splash screen used not to have a title bar (wam_nodecor) */ /* but I found I needed to know how much the window manager moved */ /* the window around, which I can determine if I have a positioned */ /* decorated window created at the begining */ /* Actually I don't care any more */ wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_bordwidth|wam_backcol|wam_positioned|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_isdlg; wattrs.event_masks = ~(1<<et_charup); wattrs.positioned = 1; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; wattrs.utf8_window_title = "FontForge"; wattrs.border_width = 2; wattrs.background_color = 0xffffff; wattrs.is_dlg = !listen_to_apple_events; pos.x = pos.y = 200; pos.width = splashimage.u.image->width; pos.height = splashimage.u.image->height-56; /* 54 */ GDrawBindSelection(NULL,sn_user1,"FontForge"); if ( unique && GDrawSelectionOwned(NULL,sn_user1)) { /* Different event handler, not a dialog */ wattrs.is_dlg = false; splashw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,request_e_h,NULL,&wattrs); PingOtherFontForge(argc,argv); } else { if ( quit_request ) exit( 0 ); splashw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,splash_e_h,NULL,&wattrs); } memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SERIF_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = 12; rq.weight = 400; splash_font = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); splash_font = GResourceFindFont("Splash.Font",splash_font); GDrawDecomposeFont(splash_font, &rq); = fs_italic; splash_italic = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); splash_italic = GResourceFindFont("Splash.ItalicFont",splash_italic); GDrawSetFont(splashw,splash_font); SplashLayout(); localsplash = splash; if ( localsplash && !listen_to_apple_events ) start_splash_screen(); // // The below call will initialize the fontconfig cache if required. // That can take a while the first time it happens. // GDrawWindowFontMetrics(splashw,splash_font,&as,&ds,&ld); fh = as+ds+ld; if ( AutoSaveFrequency>0 ) autosave_timer=GDrawRequestTimer(splashw,2*AutoSaveFrequency*1000,AutoSaveFrequency*1000,NULL); GDrawProcessPendingEvents(NULL); GDrawSetBuildCharHooks(BuildCharHook,InsCharHook); any = 0; if ( recover==-1 ) CleanAutoRecovery(); else if ( recover ) any = DoAutoRecoveryExtended( recover-1 ); openflags = 0; for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char buffer[1025]; char *pt = argv[i]; GDrawProcessPendingEvents(NULL); if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' && pt[2]!='\0') ++pt; if ( strcmp(pt,"-new")==0 ) { FontNew(); any = 1; # if HANYANG } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-newkorean")==0 ) { MenuNewComposition(NULL,NULL,NULL); any = 1; # endif } else if ( !strcmp(pt,"-SkipPythonInitFiles")) { // already handled above. } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-last")==0 ) { if ( next_recent<RECENT_MAX && RecentFiles[next_recent]!=NULL ) if ( ViewPostScriptFont(RecentFiles[next_recent++],openflags)) any = 1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-sync")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-memory")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-nosplash")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=none")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=clean")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=auto")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-dontopenxdevices")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-unique")==0 || strncmp(pt,"-usecairo",strlen("-usecairo"))==0 || strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-quiet")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-forceuihidden")==0 ) /* Already done, needed to be before display opened */; else if ( strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0 ) /* Already done */; else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-depth")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-vc")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-cmap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-colormap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-keyboard")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-display")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover")==0 ) && i<argc-1 ) ++i; /* Already done, needed to be before display opened */ else if ( strcmp(pt,"-allglyphs")==0 ) openflags |= of_all_glyphs_in_ttc; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-open")==0 ) doopen = true; else { printf("else argv[i]:%s\n", argv[i] ); if ( strstr(argv[i],"://")!=NULL ) { /* Assume an absolute URL */ strncpy(buffer,argv[i],sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1]= '\0'; } else GFileGetAbsoluteName(argv[i],buffer,sizeof(buffer)); if ( GFileIsDir(buffer) || (strstr(buffer,"://")!=NULL && buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]=='/')) { char *fname; fname = malloc(strlen(buffer)+strlen("/glyphs/contents.plist")+1); strcpy(fname,buffer); strcat(fname,"/glyphs/contents.plist"); if ( GFileExists(fname)) { /* It's probably a Unified Font Object directory */ free(fname); if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags) ) any = 1; } else { strcpy(fname,buffer); strcat(fname,"/font.props"); if ( GFileExists(fname)) { /* It's probably a sf dir collection */ free(fname); if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags) ) any = 1; } else { free(fname); if ( buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]!='/' ) { /* If dirname doesn't end in "/" we'll be looking in parent dir */ buffer[strlen(buffer)+1]='\0'; buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '/'; } fname = GetPostScriptFontName(buffer,false); if ( fname!=NULL ) ViewPostScriptFont(fname,openflags); any = 1; /* Even if we didn't get a font, don't bring up dlg again */ free(fname); } } } else if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags)!=0 ) any = 1; } } if ( !any && !doopen ) any = ReopenLastFonts(); collabclient_ensureClientBeacon(); collabclient_sniffForLocalServer(); #ifndef _NO_PYTHON PythonUI_namedpipe_Init(); #endif #if defined(__Mac) if ( listen_to_apple_events ) { install_apple_event_handlers(); install_mac_timer(); setup_cocoa_app(); // WARNING: See declaration of RunApplicationEventLoop() above as to // why you might not want to call that function anymore. // RunApplicationEventLoop(); } else #endif if ( doopen || !any ) _FVMenuOpen(NULL); GDrawEventLoop(NULL); GDrawDestroyDisplays(); #ifndef _NO_PYTHON /*# ifndef GWW_TEST*/ FontForge_FinalizeEmbeddedPython(); /* !!!!!! debug (valgrind doesn't like python) */ /*# endif*/ #endif // These free menu translations, mostly. BitmapViewFinishNonStatic(); MetricsViewFinishNonStatic(); CharViewFinishNonStatic(); FontViewFinishNonStatic(); ClearImageCache(); // This frees the contents of imagecache. hotkeysSave(); LastFonts_Save(); #ifndef _NO_LIBUNICODENAMES uninm_names_db_close(names_db); /* close this database before exiting */ uninm_blocks_db_close(blocks_db); #endif lt_dlexit(); return( 0 ); }
SearchView *SVCreate(FontView *fv) { SearchView *sv; GRect pos; GWindow gw; GWindowAttrs wattrs; GGadgetCreateData gcd[14], boxes[6], *butarray[14], *allowarray[6], *fudgearray[4], *halfarray[3], *varray[14]; GTextInfo label[14]; FontRequest rq; int as, ds, ld; char fudgebuf[20]; int k, sel_pos, efdo_pos; static GFont *plainfont = NULL, *boldfont=NULL; if ( searcher!=NULL ) { if ( SVAttachFV(fv,true)) { GDrawSetVisible(fv->sv->gw,true); GDrawRaise(fv->sv->gw); return( searcher ); } else return( NULL ); } searcher = sv = SVFillup( gcalloc(1,sizeof(SearchView)), fv ); memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_isdlg/*|wam_icon*/; wattrs.is_dlg = true; wattrs.event_masks = -1; wattrs.event_masks = -1; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; /*wattrs.icon = icon;*/ pos.width = 600; pos.height = 400; pos.x = GGadgetScale(104)+6; DefaultY(&pos); sv->gw = gw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,sv_e_h,&sv->cv_srch,&wattrs); SVSetTitle(sv); if ( plainfont==NULL ) { memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SANS_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = 12; rq.weight = 400; plainfont = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); plainfont = GResourceFindFont("SearchView.Font",plainfont); GDrawDecomposeFont(plainfont, &rq); rq.weight = 700; boldfont = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); boldfont = GResourceFindFont("SearchView.BoldFont",boldfont); } sv->plain = plainfont; sv->bold = boldfont; GDrawFontMetrics(sv->plain,&as,&ds,&ld); sv->fh = as+ds; sv->as = as; SVCharViewInits(sv); memset(&label,0,sizeof(label)); memset(&gcd,0,sizeof(gcd)); memset(&boxes,0,sizeof(boxes)); k=0; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Allow:"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 5; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = GDrawPixelsToPoints(NULL,sv->cv_y+sv->cv_height+8); gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Allow; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _("Allow a match even if the search pattern has\nto be transformed by a combination of the\nfollowing transformations."); gcd[k].creator = GLabelCreate; allowarray[k] = &gcd[k]; ++k; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Flipping"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 35; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[0].gd.pos.y-3; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_cb_on|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Flipping; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _("Allow a match even if the search pattern has\nto be transformed by a combination of the\nfollowing transformations."); gcd[k].creator = GCheckBoxCreate; allowarray[k] = &gcd[k]; ++k; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Scaling"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 100; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[1].gd.pos.y; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Scaling; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _("Allow a match even if the search pattern has\nto be transformed by a combination of the\nfollowing transformations."); gcd[k].creator = GCheckBoxCreate; allowarray[k] = &gcd[k]; ++k; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Rotating"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 170; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[1].gd.pos.y; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Rotating; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _("Allow a match even if the search pattern has\nto be transformed by a combination of the\nfollowing transformations."); gcd[k].creator = GCheckBoxCreate; allowarray[k] = &gcd[k]; allowarray[++k] = GCD_Glue; allowarray[5] = NULL; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("_Match Fuzziness:"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; label[k].text_in_resource = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k].creator = GLabelCreate; fudgearray[0] = &gcd[k++]; sprintf(fudgebuf,"%g",old_fudge); label[k].text = (unichar_t *) fudgebuf; label[k].text_is_1byte = true; label[k].text_in_resource = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Fuzzy; gcd[k].creator = GTextFieldCreate; fudgearray[1] = &gcd[k++]; fudgearray[2] = GCD_Glue; fudgearray[3] = NULL; efdo_pos = k; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Endpoints specify minimum length and direction only"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 5; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[1].gd.pos.y+18; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Endpoints; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _( "If the search pattern is a single open contour\n" "then do not match the end points. They merely\n" "specify the direction from which the curve should\n" "move toward the next point (which will be matched),\n" "and the minimum distance between the first matched\n" "point and the one before it. The endpoints of the\n" "replace contour will also only be used for positioning.\n" "\n" "This allows you to match a right angle corner\n" "without needed to specify exactly how long the edges\n" "are which form the right angle."); gcd[k++].creator = GCheckBoxCreate; sel_pos = k; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Search Selected Chars Only"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 5; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[1].gd.pos.y+18; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_utf8_popup; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Selected; gcd[k].gd.popup_msg = (unichar_t *) _("Only search characters selected in the fontview.\nNormally we search all characters in the font."); gcd[k++].creator = GCheckBoxCreate; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Find Next"); /* Start with this to allow sufficient space */ label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 5; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[sel_pos].gd.pos.y+24; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible|gg_but_default; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Find; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = SV_Find; gcd[k].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[0] = GCD_Glue; butarray[1] = GCD_Glue; butarray[2] = &gcd[k++]; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Find All"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 0; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[k-1].gd.pos.y+3; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_FindAll; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = SV_FindAll; gcd[k].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[3] = GCD_Glue; butarray[4] = &gcd[k++]; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Replace"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 0; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[k-1].gd.pos.y; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Replace; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = SV_RplFind; gcd[k].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[5] = GCD_Glue; butarray[6] = &gcd[k++]; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Replace All"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 0; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[k-2].gd.pos.y; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_ReplaceAll; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = SV_RplAll; gcd[k].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[7] = GCD_Glue; butarray[8] = &gcd[k++]; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("_Cancel"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; label[k].text_in_resource = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.pos.x = 0; gcd[k].gd.pos.y = gcd[k-3].gd.pos.y; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_but_cancel; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Cancel; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = SV_Cancel; gcd[k].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[9] = GCD_Glue; butarray[10] = &gcd[k++]; butarray[11] = GCD_Glue; butarray[12] = GCD_Glue; butarray[13] = NULL; boxes[2].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[2].gd.u.boxelements = allowarray; boxes[2].creator = GHBoxCreate; boxes[3].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[3].gd.u.boxelements = fudgearray; boxes[3].creator = GHBoxCreate; halfarray[0] = &boxes[2]; halfarray[1] = &boxes[3]; halfarray[2] = NULL; boxes[4].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[4].gd.u.boxelements = halfarray; boxes[4].creator = GHBoxCreate; boxes[5].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[5].gd.u.boxelements = butarray; boxes[5].creator = GHBoxCreate; varray[0] = GCD_Glue; varray[1] = NULL; varray[2] = &boxes[4]; varray[3] = NULL; varray[4] = &gcd[efdo_pos]; varray[5] = NULL; varray[6] = GCD_Glue; varray[7] = NULL; varray[8] = &gcd[sel_pos]; varray[9] = NULL; varray[10] = &boxes[5]; varray[11]= NULL; varray[12] = NULL; boxes[0].gd.pos.x = boxes[0].gd.pos.y = 2; boxes[0].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[0].gd.u.boxelements = varray; boxes[0].gd.cid = CID_TopBox; boxes[0].creator = GHVGroupCreate; GGadgetsCreate(gw,boxes); GHVBoxSetExpandableRow(boxes[0].ret,0); GHVBoxSetPadding(boxes[2].ret,6,3); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[2].ret,gb_expandglue); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[3].ret,gb_expandglue); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[5].ret,gb_expandglue); GGadgetResize(boxes[0].ret,pos.width,pos.height); GGadgetSetTitle8(GWidgetGetControl(gw,CID_Find),_("Find")); sv->showsfindnext = false; GDrawRequestTimer(gw,1000,1000,NULL); sv->button_height = GDrawPointsToPixels(gw,100); GDrawResize(gw,650,400); /* Force a resize event */ GDrawSetVisible(sv->gw,true); return( sv ); }
void SFShowKernPairs(SplineFont *sf,SplineChar *sc,AnchorClass *ac,int layer) { KPData kpd; GRect pos; GWindow gw; GWindowAttrs wattrs; GGadgetCreateData gcd[9], boxes[6], *hvarray[3][3], *harray[3], *barray[10], *varray[5]; GTextInfo label[9]; FontRequest rq; int as, ds, ld,i; static int done=false; static GFont *font=NULL; memset(&kpd,0,sizeof(kpd)); kpd.sf = sf; = sc; = ac; kpd.layer = layer; kpd.first = true; kpd.last_index = kpd.selected = -1; if ( ac==NULL ) KPBuildKernList(&kpd); else KPBuildAnchorList(&kpd); if ( kpd.kcnt==0 ) return; memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_undercursor|wam_isdlg|wam_restrict; wattrs.event_masks = ~(1<<et_charup); wattrs.restrict_input_to_me = 1; wattrs.undercursor = 1; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; wattrs.utf8_window_title = ac==NULL?_("Kern Pairs"):_("Anchored Pairs"); wattrs.is_dlg = true; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width = GGadgetScale(200); pos.height = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,500); = gw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,kpd_e_h,&kpd,&wattrs); memset(&label,0,sizeof(label)); memset(&gcd,0,sizeof(gcd)); memset(&boxes,0,sizeof(boxes)); label[0].text = (unichar_t *) _("_Size:"); label[0].text_is_1byte = true; label[0].text_in_resource = true; gcd[0].gd.label = &label[0]; gcd[0].gd.pos.x = 5; gcd[0].gd.pos.y = 5+6; gcd[0].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[0].creator = GLabelCreate; hvarray[0][0] = &gcd[0]; gcd[1].gd.label = &sizes[1]; gcd[1].gd.label->selected = true; gcd[1].gd.pos.x = 50; gcd[1].gd.pos.y = 5; gcd[1].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[1].gd.cid = CID_Size; gcd[1].gd.u.list = sizes; gcd[1].gd.handle_controlevent = KP_ChangeSize; gcd[1].creator = GListButtonCreate; hvarray[0][1] = &gcd[1]; hvarray[0][2] = NULL; label[2].text = (unichar_t *) _("Sort By:"); label[2].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[2].gd.label = &label[2]; gcd[2].gd.pos.x = gcd[0].gd.pos.x; gcd[2].gd.pos.y = gcd[0].gd.pos.y+25; gcd[2].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[2].creator = GLabelCreate; hvarray[1][0] = &gcd[2]; if ( !done ) { done = true; for ( i=0; sortby[i].text!=NULL; ++i ) sortby[i].text = (unichar_t *) _((char *) sortby[i].text); } gcd[3].gd.label = &sortby[0]; gcd[3].gd.label->selected = true; gcd[3].gd.pos.x = 50; gcd[3].gd.pos.y = gcd[1].gd.pos.y+25; gcd[3].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[3].gd.cid = CID_SortBy; gcd[3].gd.u.list = sortby; gcd[3].gd.handle_controlevent = KP_ChangeSort; gcd[3].creator = GListButtonCreate; hvarray[1][1] = &gcd[3]; hvarray[1][2] = NULL; hvarray[2][0] = NULL; boxes[2].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[2].gd.u.boxelements = hvarray[0]; boxes[2].creator = GHVBoxCreate; varray[0] = &boxes[2]; gcd[4].gd.pos.width = 40; gcd[4].gd.pos.height = 250; gcd[4].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled; gcd[4].gd.u.drawable_e_h = kpdv_e_h; gcd[4].creator = GDrawableCreate; gcd[5].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible|gg_sb_vert; gcd[5].gd.cid = CID_ScrollBar; gcd[5].gd.handle_controlevent = KP_Scrolled; gcd[5].creator = GScrollBarCreate; harray[0] = &gcd[4]; harray[1] = &gcd[5]; harray[2] = NULL; boxes[3].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[3].gd.u.boxelements = harray; boxes[3].creator = GHBoxCreate; varray[1] = &boxes[3]; gcd[6].gd.pos.x = 20-3; gcd[6].gd.pos.y = 17+37; gcd[6].gd.pos.width = -1; gcd[6].gd.pos.height = 0; gcd[6].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_but_default; label[6].text = (unichar_t *) _("_OK"); label[6].text_is_1byte = true; label[6].text_in_resource = true; gcd[6].gd.label = &label[6]; gcd[6].gd.cid = CID_OK; gcd[6].gd.handle_controlevent = KP_OK; gcd[6].creator = GButtonCreate; gcd[7].gd.pos.x = -20; gcd[7].gd.pos.y = gcd[6].gd.pos.y+3; gcd[7].gd.pos.width = -1; gcd[7].gd.pos.height = 0; gcd[7].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_but_cancel; label[7].text = (unichar_t *) _("_Cancel"); label[7].text_is_1byte = true; label[7].text_in_resource = true; gcd[7].gd.label = &label[7]; gcd[7].gd.cid = CID_Cancel; gcd[7].gd.handle_controlevent = KP_Cancel; gcd[7].creator = GButtonCreate; barray[0] = GCD_Glue; barray[1] = &gcd[6]; barray[2] = GCD_Glue; barray[3] = GCD_Glue; barray[4] = &gcd[7]; barray[5] = GCD_Glue; barray[6] = NULL; boxes[4].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[4].gd.u.boxelements = barray; boxes[4].creator = GHBoxCreate; varray[2] = &boxes[4]; varray[3] = NULL; boxes[0].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[0].gd.u.boxelements = varray; boxes[0].creator = GVBoxCreate; GGadgetsCreate(gw,boxes); GHVBoxSetExpandableRow(boxes[0].ret,1); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[3].ret,0); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[4].ret,gb_expandgluesame); GHVBoxSetPadding(boxes[0].ret,0,2); GHVBoxSetPadding(boxes[3].ret,0,0); kpd.v = GDrawableGetWindow(gcd[4].ret);; GGadgetGetSize(gcd[4].ret,&pos); kpd.sb_width = pos.width; GGadgetGetSize(gcd[3].ret,&pos); kpd.header_height = pos.y+pos.height+4; kpd.bdf = SplineFontPieceMeal(kpd.sf,kpd.layer,(intpt) (gcd[1].gd.label->userdata),72,true,NULL); if ( font==NULL ) { memset(&rq,'\0',sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SANS_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = -12; rq.weight = 400; font = GDrawInstanciateFont(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(gw),&rq); font = GResourceFindFont("Combinations.Font",font); } kpd.font = font; GDrawFontMetrics(kpd.font,&as,&ds,&ld); kpd.fh = as+ds; = as; kpd.uh = (4*kpd.bdf->pixelsize/3)+kpd.fh+6; kpd.vpad = kpd.bdf->pixelsize/5 + 3; GHVBoxFitWindow(boxes[0].ret); GDrawSetVisible(kpd.v,true); GDrawSetVisible(,true); while ( !kpd.done ) GDrawProcessOneEvent(NULL); free( kpd.kerns ); GDrawDestroyWindow(gw); }
int fontforge_main( int argc, char **argv ) { extern const char *source_modtime_str; extern const char *source_version_str; const char *load_prefs = getenv("FONTFORGE_LOADPREFS"); int i; int recover=2; int any; int next_recent=0; GRect pos; GWindowAttrs wattrs; char *display = NULL; FontRequest rq; int ds, ld; int openflags=0; int doopen=0, quit_request=0; #if defined(__Mac) int local_x; #endif fprintf( stderr, "Copyright (c) 2000-2012 by George Williams.\n Executable based on sources from %s" "-ML" #ifdef FREETYPE_HAS_DEBUGGER "-TtfDb" #endif #ifdef _NO_PYTHON "-NoPython" #endif #ifdef FONTFORGE_CONFIG_USE_DOUBLE "-D" #endif ".\n", source_modtime_str ); fprintf( stderr, " Library based on sources from %s.\n", library_version_configuration.library_source_modtime_string ); /* Must be done before we cache the current directory */ /* Change to HOME dir if specified on the commandline */ for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char *pt = argv[i]; if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' ) ++pt; #ifndef __Mac if (strcmp(pt,"-home")==0) { #else if (strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 || strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0) { /* OK, I don't know what _-psn_ means, but to GW it means */ /* we've been started on the mac from the */ /* structure, and the current directory is (shudder) "/" */ #endif if (getenv("HOME")!=NULL) chdir(getenv("HOME")); break; /* Done - Unnecessary to check more arguments */ } } #if defined(__Mac) /* Start X if they haven't already done so. Well... try anyway */ /* Must be before we change DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or X won't start */ /* (osascript depends on a libjpeg which isn't found if we look in /sw/lib first */ local_x = uses_local_x(argc,argv); if ( local_x==1 && getenv("DISPLAY")==NULL ) { /* Don't start X if we're just going to quit. */ /* if X exists, it isn't needed. If X doesn't exist it's wrong */ if ( !hasquit(argc,argv)) { #if 1 /* This sequence is supposed to bring up an app without a window */ /* but X still opens an xterm */ system( "osascript -e 'tell application \"X11\" to launch'" ); system( "osascript -e 'tell application \"X11\" to activate'" ); #else system( "open /Applications/Utilities/" ); #endif } setenv("DISPLAY",":0.0",0); } else if ( local_x==1 && *getenv("DISPLAY")!='/' && strcmp(getenv("DISPLAY"),":0.0")!=0 && strcmp(getenv("DISPLAY"),":0")!=0 ) /* 10.5.7 uses a named socket or something "/tmp/launch-01ftWX:0" */ local_x = 0; #endif #if defined(__MINGW32__) if( getenv("DISPLAY")==NULL ) { putenv("DISPLAY="); } if( getenv("LC_ALL")==NULL ){ char lang[8]; char env[32]; if( GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, lang, 8) > 0 ){ strcpy(env, "LC_ALL="); strcat(env, lang); putenv(env); } } #endif FF_SetUiInterface(&gdraw_ui_interface); FF_SetPrefsInterface(&gdraw_prefs_interface); FF_SetSCInterface(&gdraw_sc_interface); FF_SetCVInterface(&gdraw_cv_interface); FF_SetBCInterface(&gdraw_bc_interface); FF_SetFVInterface(&gdraw_fv_interface); FF_SetFIInterface(&gdraw_fi_interface); FF_SetMVInterface(&gdraw_mv_interface); FF_SetClipInterface(&gdraw_clip_interface); #ifndef _NO_PYTHON PythonUI_Init(); #endif InitSimpleStuff(); FindProgDir(argv[0]); #if defined(__MINGW32__) { char path[MAX_PATH+4]; char *c = path; unsigned int len = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, path, MAX_PATH); path[len] = '\0'; for(; *c; *c++) /* backslash to slash */ if(*c == '\\') *c = '/'; GResourceSetProg(path); } #else GResourceSetProg(argv[0]); #endif #if defined(__Mac) /* The mac seems to default to the "C" locale, LANG and LC_MESSAGES are not*/ /* defined. This means that gettext will not bother to look up any message*/ /* files -- even if we have a "C" or "POSIX" entry in the locale diretory */ /* Now if X11 gives us the command key, I want to force a rebinding to use */ /* Cmd rather than Control key -- more mac-like. But I can't do that if */ /* there is no locale. So I force a locale if there is none specified */ /* I force the US English locale, because that's the what the messages are */ /* by default so I'm changing as little as I can. I think. */ /* Now the locale command will treat a LANG which is "" as undefined, but */ /* gettext will not. So I don't bother to check for null strings or "C" */ /* or "POSIX". If they've mucked with the locale perhaps they know what */ /* they are doing */ { int did_keybindings = 0; if ( local_x && !get_mac_x11_prop("enable_key_equivalents") ) { /* Ok, we get the command key */ if ( getenv("LANG")==NULL && getenv("LC_MESSAGES")==NULL ) { setenv("LC_MESSAGES","en_US.UTF-8",0); } /* Can we find a set of keybindings designed for the mac with cmd key? */ bind_textdomain_codeset("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts", getLocaleDir()); if ( *dgettext("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts","Flag0x10+")!='F' ) { GMenuSetShortcutDomain("Mac-FontForge-MenuShortCuts"); did_keybindings = 1; } } if ( !did_keybindings ) { /* Nope. we can't. Fall back to the normal stuff */ #endif GMenuSetShortcutDomain("FontForge-MenuShortCuts"); bind_textdomain_codeset("FontForge-MenuShortCuts","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("FontForge-MenuShortCuts", getLocaleDir()); #if defined(__Mac) }} #endif bind_textdomain_codeset("FontForge","UTF-8"); bindtextdomain("FontForge", getLocaleDir()); textdomain("FontForge"); GResourceUseGetText(); #if defined(__MINGW32__) { size_t len = strlen(GResourceProgramDir); char* path = galloc(len + 64); strcpy(path, GResourceProgramDir); strcpy(path+len, "/share/fontforge/pixmaps"); /* PixmapDir */ GGadgetSetImageDir(path); strcpy(path+len, "/share/fontforge/resources/fontforge.resource"); /* Resource File */ GResourceAddResourceFile(path, GResourceProgramName, false); gfree(path); } #elif defined(SHAREDIR) GGadgetSetImageDir(SHAREDIR "/pixmaps"); GResourceAddResourceFile(SHAREDIR "/resources/fontforge.resource",GResourceProgramName,false); #endif hotkeysLoad(); if ( load_prefs!=NULL && strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Always")==0 ) LoadPrefs(); if ( default_encoding==NULL ) default_encoding=FindOrMakeEncoding("ISO8859-1"); if ( default_encoding==NULL ) default_encoding=&custom; /* In case iconv is broken */ CheckIsScript(argc,argv); /* Will run the script and exit if it is a script */ /* If there is no UI, there is always a script */ /* and we will never return from the above */ if ( load_prefs==NULL || (strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Always")!=0 && /* Already loaded */ strcasecmp(load_prefs,"Never")!=0 )) LoadPrefs(); GrokNavigationMask(); for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char *pt = argv[i]; if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' ) ++pt; if ( strcmp(pt,"-sync")==0 ) GResourceAddResourceString("Gdraw.Synchronize: true",argv[0]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-depth")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Depth", argv[++i]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-vc")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.VisualClass", argv[++i]); else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-cmap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-colormap")==0) && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Colormap", argv[++i]); else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-dontopenxdevices")==0) ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.DontOpenXDevices", "true"); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-keyboard")==0 && i<argc-1 ) AddR(argv[0],"Gdraw.Keyboard", argv[++i]); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-display")==0 && i<argc-1 ) display = argv[++i]; # if MyMemory else if ( strcmp(pt,"-memory")==0 ) __malloc_debug(5); # endif else if ( strncmp(pt,"-usecairo",strlen("-usecairo"))==0 ) { if ( strcmp(pt,"-usecairo=no")==0 ) GDrawEnableCairo(false); else GDrawEnableCairo(true); } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-nosplash")==0 ) splash = 0; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-unique")==0 ) unique = 1; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover")==0 && i<argc-1 ) { ++i; if ( strcmp(argv[i],"none")==0 ) recover=0; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"clean")==0 ) recover= -1; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"auto")==0 ) recover= 1; else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"inquire")==0 ) recover= 2; else { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument to -recover, must be none, auto, inquire or clean\n" ); dousage(); } } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=none")==0 ) { recover = 0; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=clean")==0 ) { recover = -1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=auto")==0 ) { recover = 1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-recover=inquire")==0 ) { recover = 2; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-docs")==0 ) dohelp(); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-help")==0 ) dousage(); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-version")==0 ) doversion(source_version_str); else if ( strcmp(pt,"-quit")==0 ) quit_request = true; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 ) /* already did a chdir earlier, don't need to do it again */; #if defined(__Mac) else if ( strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0 ) { /* OK, I don't know what _-psn_ means, but to GW it means */ /* we've been started on the mac from the */ /* structure, and the current directory was (shudder) "/" */ /* (however, we changed to HOME earlier in main routine). */ unique = 1; listen_to_apple_events = true; } #endif } ensureDotFontForgeIsSetup(); GDrawCreateDisplays(display,argv[0]); default_background = GDrawGetDefaultBackground(screen_display); InitToolIconClut(default_background); InitToolIcons(); InitCursors(); #ifndef _NO_PYTHON PyFF_ProcessInitFiles(); #endif /* Wait until the UI has started, otherwise people who don't have consoles*/ /* open won't get our error messages, and it's an important one */ /* Scripting doesn't care about a mismatch, because scripting interpretation */ /* all lives in the library */ check_library_version(&exe_library_version_configuration,true,false); /* the splash screen used not to have a title bar (wam_nodecor) */ /* but I found I needed to know how much the window manager moved */ /* the window around, which I can determine if I have a positioned */ /* decorated window created at the begining */ /* Actually I don't care any more */ wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_bordwidth|wam_backcol|wam_positioned|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_isdlg; wattrs.event_masks = ~(1<<et_charup); wattrs.positioned = 1; wattrs.cursor = ct_pointer; wattrs.utf8_window_title = "FontForge"; wattrs.border_width = 2; wattrs.background_color = 0xffffff; wattrs.is_dlg = !listen_to_apple_events; pos.x = pos.y = 200; pos.width = splashimage.u.image->width; pos.height = splashimage.u.image->height-56; /* 54 */ GDrawBindSelection(NULL,sn_user1,"FontForge"); if ( unique && GDrawSelectionOwned(NULL,sn_user1)) { /* Different event handler, not a dialog */ wattrs.is_dlg = false; splashw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,request_e_h,NULL,&wattrs); PingOtherFontForge(argc,argv); } else { if ( quit_request ) exit( 0 ); splashw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,splash_e_h,NULL,&wattrs); } memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = SERIF_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = 12; rq.weight = 400; splash_font = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); splash_font = GResourceFindFont("Splash.Font",splash_font); GDrawDecomposeFont(splash_font, &rq); = fs_italic; splash_italic = GDrawInstanciateFont(NULL,&rq); splash_italic = GResourceFindFont("Splash.ItalicFont",splash_italic); GDrawSetFont(splashw,splash_font); GDrawWindowFontMetrics(splashw,splash_font,&as,&ds,&ld); fh = as+ds+ld; SplashLayout(); localsplash = splash; if ( localsplash && !listen_to_apple_events ) start_splash_screen(); if ( AutoSaveFrequency>0 ) autosave_timer=GDrawRequestTimer(splashw,2*AutoSaveFrequency*1000,AutoSaveFrequency*1000,NULL); GDrawProcessPendingEvents(NULL); GDrawSetBuildCharHooks(BuildCharHook,InsCharHook); any = 0; if ( recover==-1 ) CleanAutoRecovery(); else if ( recover ) any = DoAutoRecovery(recover-1); openflags = 0; for ( i=1; i<argc; ++i ) { char buffer[1025]; char *pt = argv[i]; GDrawProcessPendingEvents(NULL); if ( pt[0]=='-' && pt[1]=='-' ) ++pt; if ( strcmp(pt,"-new")==0 ) { FontNew(); any = 1; # if HANYANG } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-newkorean")==0 ) { MenuNewComposition(NULL,NULL,NULL); any = 1; # endif } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-last")==0 ) { if ( next_recent<RECENT_MAX && RecentFiles[next_recent]!=NULL ) if ( ViewPostScriptFont(RecentFiles[next_recent++],openflags)) any = 1; } else if ( strcmp(pt,"-sync")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-memory")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-nosplash")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=none")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=clean")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover=auto")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-dontopenxdevices")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-unique")==0 || strncmp(pt,"-usecairo",strlen("-usecairo"))==0 || strcmp(pt,"-home")==0 ) /* Already done, needed to be before display opened */; else if ( strncmp(pt,"-psn_",5)==0 ) /* Already done */; else if ( (strcmp(pt,"-depth")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-vc")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-cmap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-colormap")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-keyboard")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-display")==0 || strcmp(pt,"-recover")==0 ) && i<argc-1 ) ++i; /* Already done, needed to be before display opened */ else if ( strcmp(pt,"-allglyphs")==0 ) openflags |= of_all_glyphs_in_ttc; else if ( strcmp(pt,"-open")==0 ) doopen = true; else { if ( strstr(argv[i],"://")!=NULL ) { /* Assume an absolute URL */ strncpy(buffer,argv[i],sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1]= '\0'; } else GFileGetAbsoluteName(argv[i],buffer,sizeof(buffer)); if ( GFileIsDir(buffer) || (strstr(buffer,"://")!=NULL && buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]=='/')) { char *fname; fname = galloc(strlen(buffer)+strlen("/glyphs/contents.plist")+1); strcpy(fname,buffer); strcat(fname,"/glyphs/contents.plist"); if ( GFileExists(fname)) { /* It's probably a Unified Font Object directory */ free(fname); if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags) ) any = 1; } else { strcpy(fname,buffer); strcat(fname,"/font.props"); if ( GFileExists(fname)) { /* It's probably a sf dir collection */ free(fname); if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags) ) any = 1; } else { free(fname); if ( buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]!='/' ) { /* If dirname doesn't end in "/" we'll be looking in parent dir */ buffer[strlen(buffer)+1]='\0'; buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '/'; } fname = GetPostScriptFontName(buffer,false); if ( fname!=NULL ) ViewPostScriptFont(fname,openflags); any = 1; /* Even if we didn't get a font, don't bring up dlg again */ free(fname); } } } else if ( ViewPostScriptFont(buffer,openflags)!=0 ) any = 1; } } if ( !any && !doopen ) any = ReopenLastFonts(); #if defined(__Mac) if ( listen_to_apple_events ) { install_apple_event_handlers(); install_mac_timer(); RunApplicationEventLoop(); } else #endif if ( doopen || !any ) MenuOpen(NULL,NULL,NULL); GDrawEventLoop(NULL); hotkeysSave(); uninm_names_db_close(names_db); lt_dlexit(); return( 0 ); }
static void StartDeltaDisplay(QGData *qg) { GWindowAttrs wattrs; GRect pos; GWindow gw, oldgw = qg->gw; GGadgetCreateData gcd[8], boxes[5], *harray[4], *harray2[5], *butarray[8], *varray[4]; GTextInfo label[8]; int i, k; FontRequest rq; int as, ds, ld; static GFont *valfont=NULL; static int sorts_translated = 0; if (!sorts_translated) { for (i=0; i<sizeof(sorts)/sizeof(sorts[0]); i++) sorts[i].text = (unichar_t *) _((char *) sorts[i].text); for (i=0; i<sizeof(glyphsorts)/sizeof(glyphsorts[0]); i++) glyphsorts[i].text = (unichar_t *) _((char *) glyphsorts[i].text); sorts_translated=1; } memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_utf8_wtitle|wam_undercursor|wam_isdlg; wattrs.event_masks = -1; wattrs.cursor = ct_mypointer; wattrs.utf8_window_title = _("Potential spots for Delta instructions"); wattrs.is_dlg = true; wattrs.undercursor = 1; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,200); pos.height = GDrawPointsToPixels(NULL,300); qg->gw = gw = GDrawCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,qg_e_h,qg,&wattrs); qg->done = false; if ( valfont==NULL ) { memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = "Helvetica"; rq.point_size = 11; rq.weight = 400; valfont = GDrawInstanciateFont(gw,&rq); valfont = GResourceFindFont("Validate.Font",valfont); } qg->font = valfont; GDrawWindowFontMetrics(gw,qg->font,&as,&ds,&ld); qg->fh = as+ds; qg->as = as; memset(&label,0,sizeof(label)); memset(&gcd,0,sizeof(gcd)); memset(&boxes,0,sizeof(boxes)); k = 0; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Sort:"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k++].creator = GLabelCreate; sorts[0].selected = true; sorts[1].selected = sorts[2].selected = false; sorts[2].disabled = qg->fv==NULL; gcd[k].gd.u.list = sorts; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_Sort; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = QGSorter; gcd[k++].creator = GListButtonCreate; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("Glyph:"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k++].creator = GLabelCreate; gcd[k].gd.u.list = glyphsorts; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; gcd[k].gd.cid = CID_GlyphSort; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = QGSorter; gcd[k++].creator = GListButtonCreate; if ( qg->fv==NULL ) gcd[k-1].gd.flags = gcd[k-2].gd.flags = gg_enabled; harray2[0] = &gcd[k-4]; harray2[1] = &gcd[k-3]; harray2[2] = &gcd[k-2]; harray2[3] = &gcd[k-1]; harray2[4] = NULL; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled; gcd[k].gd.u.drawable_e_h = qgv_e_h; gcd[k++].creator = GDrawableCreate; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_sb_vert; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = QG_VScroll; gcd[k++].creator = GScrollBarCreate; harray[0] = &gcd[k-2]; harray[1] = &gcd[k-1]; harray[2] = NULL; harray[3] = NULL; gcd[k].gd.flags = gg_visible | gg_enabled | gg_but_default; label[k].text = (unichar_t *) _("_OK"); label[k].text_is_1byte = true; label[k].text_in_resource = true; gcd[k].gd.label = &label[k]; gcd[k].gd.handle_controlevent = QG_OK; gcd[k++].creator = GButtonCreate; butarray[0] = GCD_Glue; butarray[1] = &gcd[k-1]; butarray[2] = GCD_Glue; butarray[3] = NULL; boxes[2].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[2].gd.u.boxelements = harray; boxes[2].creator = GHVGroupCreate; boxes[3].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[3].gd.u.boxelements = butarray; boxes[3].creator = GHBoxCreate; boxes[4].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[4].gd.u.boxelements = harray2; boxes[4].creator = GHBoxCreate; varray[0] = &boxes[4]; varray[1] = &boxes[2]; varray[2] = &boxes[3]; varray[3] = NULL; boxes[0].gd.flags = gg_enabled|gg_visible; boxes[0].gd.u.boxelements = varray; boxes[0].creator = GVBoxCreate; GGadgetsCreate(gw,boxes); qg->vsb = gcd[5].ret; qg->v = GDrawableGetWindow(gcd[4].ret); GHVBoxSetExpandableRow(boxes[0].ret,1); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[2].ret,0); GHVBoxSetPadding(boxes[2].ret,0,0); GHVBoxSetExpandableCol(boxes[3].ret,gb_expandglue); GHVBoxFitWindow(boxes[0].ret); QGDoSort(qg); GDrawSetVisible(gw,true); while ( !qg->done ) GDrawProcessOneEvent(NULL); GDrawDestroyWindow(gw); qgnodeFree(&qg->list); qg->gw = oldgw; }
static void CpInfoPlace(CharView *cv, GEvent *event) { char buf[100]; int line, which; int width, x, y; GRect size; GPoint pt, pt2; int h,w; GWindowAttrs wattrs; GRect pos; FontRequest rq; int as, ds, ld; SplinePoint *sp; if ( cv->ruler_w==NULL ) { memset(&wattrs,0,sizeof(wattrs)); wattrs.mask = wam_events|wam_cursor|wam_positioned|wam_nodecor|wam_backcol|wam_bordwidth; wattrs.event_masks = (1<<et_expose)|(1<<et_resize)|(1<<et_mousedown); wattrs.cursor = ct_mypointer; wattrs.background_color = 0xe0e0c0; wattrs.nodecoration = 1; wattrs.border_width = 1; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width=pos.height = 20; cv->ruler_w = GWidgetCreateTopWindow(NULL,&pos,cpinfo_e_h,cv,&wattrs); if ( rvfont==NULL ) { memset(&rq,0,sizeof(rq)); rq.utf8_family_name = FIXED_UI_FAMILIES; rq.point_size = -12; rq.weight = 400; rvfont = GDrawInstanciateFont(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(cv->ruler_w),&rq); rvfont = GResourceFindFont("CharView.Measure.Font",rvfont); } cv->rfont = rvfont; GDrawFontMetrics(cv->rfont,&as,&ds,&ld); cv->rfh = as+ds; cv->ras = as; } else GDrawRaise(cv->ruler_w); GDrawSetFont(cv->ruler_w,cv->rfont); h = 0; width = 0; for ( which = 0; which<2; ++which ) { for ( line=0; PtInfoText(cv,line,which,buf,sizeof(buf))!=NULL; ++line ) { w = GDrawGetBiText8Width(cv->ruler_w,buf,-1,-1,NULL); if ( w>width ) width = w; h += cv->rfh+1; } h += 4; } if ( PtInfoText(cv,0,-1,buf,sizeof(buf))!=NULL ) { w = GDrawGetBiText8Width(cv->ruler_w,buf,-1,-1,NULL); if ( w>width ) width = w; h += cv->rfh+1; } GDrawGetSize(GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&size); pt.x = event->u.mouse.x; pt.y = event->u.mouse.y; /* Address of cp */ GDrawTranslateCoordinates(cv->v,GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&pt); sp = cv->p.sp; if ( !cv->p.prevcp && !cv->p.nextcp ) sp = cv->active_sp; if ( sp!=NULL ) { x = cv->xoff + rint(sp->me.x*cv->scale); y = -cv->yoff + cv->height - rint(sp->me.y*cv->scale); if ( x>=0 && y>=0 && x<cv->width && y<cv->height ) { pt2.x = x; pt2.y = y; GDrawTranslateCoordinates(cv->v,GDrawGetRoot(NULL),&pt2); } else sp = NULL; } x = pt.x + infowindowdistance; y = pt.y - cv->ras-2; if ( sp!=NULL && x<=pt2.x-4 && x+width>=pt2.x+4 && y<=pt2.y-4 && y+h>=pt2.y+4 ) x = pt2.x + 4; if ( x+width > size.width ) { x = pt.x - width-30; if ( sp!=NULL && x<=pt2.x-4 && x+width>=pt2.x+4 && y<=pt2.y-4 && y+h>=pt2.y+4 ) x = pt2.x - width - 4; if ( x<0 ) { x = pt.x + 10; y = pt.y - h - infowindowdistance; if ( sp!=NULL && x<=pt2.x-4 && x+width>=pt2.x+4 && y<=pt2.y-4 && y+h>=pt2.y+4 ) y = pt2.y - h - 4; if ( y<0 ) y = pt.y+infowindowdistance; /* If this doesn't work we have nowhere else to */ /* try so don't check */ } } if ( y+h > size.height ) y = pt.y - h - cv->ras - 10; GDrawMoveResize(cv->ruler_w,x,y,width+4,h+4); }