コード例 #1
ファイル: perturb.cpp プロジェクト: Haider-BA/geode
// Check for identically zero polynomials using randomized polynomial identity testing
template<class R,class PerturbedT> static void
assert_last_nonzero(void(*const polynomial)(R,RawArray<const Vector<Exact<1>,PerturbedT::m>>),
                    R result, RawArray<const PerturbedT> X, const char* message) {

  typedef Vector<Exact<1>,PerturbedT::m> EV;
  const int n = X.size();
  const auto Z = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(n,EV);
  for (const int k : range(20)) {
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
      Z[i] = EV(perturbation<PerturbedT::m>(k<<10,X[i].seed()));
    if (last_nonzero(result)) // Even a single nonzero means we're all good
  // If we reach this point, the chance of a nonzero nonmalicious polynomial is something like (1e-5)^20 = 1e-100.  Thus, we can safely assume that for the lifetime
  // of this code, we will never treat a nonzero polynomial as zero.  If this comes up, we can easily bump the threshold a bit further.
  throw AssertionError(format("%s (there is likely a bug in the calling code), X = %s",message,str(X)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: integral.cpp プロジェクト: otherlab/hollow
  void hessian(RawArray<const T,2> x, RawArray<T,4> hess) const {
    // Temporary arrays and views
    GEODE_ASSERT(x.sizes()==vec(n+3,d) && hess.sizes()==vec(n+3,4,d,d));
    const auto sx = smallx.flat.raw(),
               sv = smallv.flat.raw();

    // Collect quadrature points
    const int e = 1+8*d+8*d*(d-1);
    Array<T,3> tq(    n,quads,e,uninit);
    Array<T,4> xq(vec(n,quads,e,d),uninit);
    Array<T,4> vq(vec(n,quads,e,d),uninit);
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
      for (int q=0;q<quads;q++) {
        const T s = samples[q],
                t = t1+dt*s;
        for (int j=0;j<e;j++)
          tq(i,q,j) = t;
        for (int a=0;a<d;a++) {
          const T x = a0*x0+a1*x1+a2*x2+a3*x3,
                  v = b0*x0+b1*x1+b2*x2+b3*x3;
          for (int j=0;j<e;j++) {
            xq(i,q,j,a) = x;
            vq(i,q,j,a) = v;
          int j = 1;
          for (int b=0;b<d;b++) {
            const T xb = sx[b],
                    vb = sv[b];
            xq(i,q,j++,a) -= xb;
            xq(i,q,j++,a) += xb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) -= vb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) += vb;
            xq(i,q,j  ,a) -= xb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) -= vb;
            xq(i,q,j  ,a) -= xb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) += vb;
            xq(i,q,j  ,a) += xb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) -= vb;
            xq(i,q,j  ,a) += xb;
            vq(i,q,j++,a) += vb;
            for (int c=b+1;c<d;c++) {
              const T xc = sx[c],
                      vc = sv[c];
              xq(i,q,j++,a) -= xb+xc;
              xq(i,q,j++,a) -= xb-xc;
              xq(i,q,j++,a) += xb-xc;
              xq(i,q,j++,a) += xb+xc;
              vq(i,q,j++,a) -= vb+vc;
              vq(i,q,j++,a) -= vb-vc;
              vq(i,q,j++,a) += vb-vc;
              vq(i,q,j++,a) += vb+vc;

              vq(i,q,j++,a) -= sv[b];
              xq(i,q,j  ,a) -= sx[b];
              vq(i,q,j++,a) += sv[b];
              xq(i,q,j  ,a) += sx[b];
              vq(i,q,j++,a) -= sv[b];
              xq(i,q,j  ,a) += sx[b];
              vq(i,q,j++,a) += sv[b];

    // Compute energies
    const auto Uq_ = U(tq.reshape_own(n*quads*d4),NdArray<const T>(q2shape,xq.flat),NdArray<const T>(q2shape,vq.flat));
    const auto Uq = Uq_.reshape(n,quads,d4);

    // Accumulate
    const auto inv_2s = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(d,Vector<T,2>);
    for (int a=0;a<d;a++)
      inv_2s[a] = vec(.5/sx[a],.5/sv[a]);
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
      for (int q=0;q<quads;q++) {
        const T s = samples[q],
                w = dt*weights[q];
        for (int b=0;b<d;b++) {
          const T wx = w*inv_2s[b].x*(Uq(i,q,4*b+1)-Uq(i,q,4*b  )),
                  wv = w*inv_2s[b].y*(Uq(i,q,4*b+3)-Uq(i,q,4*b+2));
          grad(i  ,b) += a0*wx+b0*wv;
          grad(i+1,b) += a1*wx+b1*wv;
          grad(i+2,b) += a2*wx+b2*wv;
          grad(i+3,b) += a3*wx+b3*wv;
コード例 #3
ファイル: integral.cpp プロジェクト: otherlab/hollow
  void gradient(RawArray<const T,2> x, RawArray<T,2> grad) const {
    // Temporary arrays and views
    GEODE_ASSERT(x.sizes()==vec(n+3,d) && grad.sizes()==x.sizes());
    const auto sx = smallx.flat.raw(),
               sv = smallv.flat.raw();

    // Collect quadrature points
    const int e = 4*d;
    Array<T,3> tq(    n,quads,e,uninit);
    Array<T,4> xq(vec(n,quads,e,d),uninit);
    Array<T,4> vq(vec(n,quads,e,d),uninit);
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
      for (int q=0;q<quads;q++) {
        const T s = samples[q],
                t = t1+dt*s;
        for (int j=0;j<e;j++)
          tq(i,q,j) = t;
        for (int a=0;a<d;a++) {
          const T x = a0*x0+a1*x1+a2*x2+a3*x3,
                  v = b0*x0+b1*x1+b2*x2+b3*x3;
          for (int j=0;j<e;j++) {
            xq(i,q,j,a) = x;
            vq(i,q,j,a) = v;
        for (int a=0;a<d;a++) {
          xq(i,q,4*a  ,a) -= sx[a];
          xq(i,q,4*a+1,a) += sx[a];
          vq(i,q,4*a+2,a) -= sv[a];
          vq(i,q,4*a+3,a) += sv[a];

    // Compute energies
    const auto Uq_ = U(tq.reshape_own(n*quads*e),NdArray<const T>(q2shape,xq.flat),NdArray<const T>(q2shape,vq.flat));
    const auto Uq = Uq_.reshape(n,quads,e);

    // Accumulate
    const auto inv_2s = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(d,Vector<T,2>);
    for (int a=0;a<d;a++)
      inv_2s[a] = vec(.5/sx[a],.5/sv[a]);
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
      for (int q=0;q<quads;q++) {
        const T s = samples[q],
                w = dt*weights[q];
        for (int a=0;a<d;a++) {
          const T wx = w*inv_2s[a].x*(Uq(i,q,4*a+1)-Uq(i,q,4*a  )),
                  wv = w*inv_2s[a].y*(Uq(i,q,4*a+3)-Uq(i,q,4*a+2));
          grad(i  ,a) += a0*wx+b0*wv;
          grad(i+1,a) += a1*wx+b1*wv;
          grad(i+2,a) += a2*wx+b2*wv;
          grad(i+3,a) += a3*wx+b3*wv;
コード例 #4
ファイル: perturb.cpp プロジェクト: Haider-BA/geode
template<class PerturbedT> bool perturbed_ratio(RawArray<Quantized> result, void(*const ratio)(RawArray<mp_limb_t,2>,RawArray<const Vector<Exact<1>,PerturbedT::m>>), const int degree, RawArray<const PerturbedT> X, const bool take_sqrt) {
  const int m = PerturbedT::m;
  typedef Vector<Exact<1>,m> EV;
  const int n = X.size();
  const int r = result.size();

  if (verbose)
    cout << "perturbed_ratio:\n  degree = "<<degree<<"\n  X = "<<X<<endl;

  // Check if the ratio is nonsingular before perturbation
  const auto Z = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(n,EV);
  const int precision = degree*Exact<1>::ratio;
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
      Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value()));
    const auto R = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA((r+1)*precision,mp_limb_t).reshape(r+1,precision);
    if (const int sign = mpz_sign(R[r])) {
      return sign>0;

  // Check the first perturbation level with specialized code
  vector<Vector<ExactInt,m>> Y(n); // perturbations
    // Compute the first level of perturbations
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
      Y[i] = perturbation<m>(1,X[i].seed());
    if (verbose)
      cout << "  Y = "<<Y<<endl;

    // Evaluate polynomial at epsilon = 1, ..., degree
    const int scaled_precision = precision+factorial_limbs(degree);
    const auto values = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(degree*(r+1)*scaled_precision,mp_limb_t).reshape(degree,r+1,scaled_precision);
    for (int j=0;j<degree;j++) {
      for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
        Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value())+(j+1)*Y[i]);
      if (verbose)
        cout << "  ratio("<<Z<<") = "<<mpz_str(values[j])<<endl;

    // Find interpolating polynomials, overriding the input with the result.
    for (int k=0;k<=r;k++) {
      if (verbose)
        cout << "  coefs "<<k<<" = "<<mpz_str(values.sub<1>(k))<<endl;

    // Find the largest (lowest degree) nonzero denominator coefficient.  If we detect an infinity during this process, explode.
    for (int j=0;j<degree;j++) {
      if (const int sign = mpz_sign(values(j,r))) { // We found a nonzero, now compute the rounded ratio
        return sign>0;
      } else
        for (int k=0;k<r;k++)
          if (mpz_nonzero(values(j,k)))
            throw OverflowError(format("perturbed_ratio: infinite result in l'Hopital expansion: %s/0",mpz_str(values(j,k))));

    // Add one perturbation level after another until we hit a nonzero denominator.  Our current implementation duplicates
    // work from one iteration to the next for simplicity, which is fine since the first interation suffices almost always.
    for (int d=2;;d++) {
      // Compute the next level of perturbations
      for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
        Y[(d-1)*n+i] = perturbation<m>(d,X[i].seed());

      // Evaluate polynomial at every point in an "easy corner"
      const auto lambda = monomials(degree,d);
      const Array<mp_limb_t,3> values(lambda.m,r+1,precision,uninit);
      for (int j=0;j<lambda.m;j++) {
        for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
          Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value())+lambda(j,0)*Y[i]);
        for (int v=1;v<d;v++)
          for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
            Z[i] += EV(lambda(j,v)*Y[v*n+i]);

      // Find interpolating polynomials, overriding the input with the result.
      for (int k=0;k<=r;k++)

      // Find the largest nonzero denominator coefficient
      int sign = 0;
      int nonzero = -1;
      for (int j=0;j<lambda.m;j++)
        if (const int s = mpz_sign(values(j,r))) {
          if (check) // Verify that a term which used to be zero doesn't become nonzero
          if (nonzero<0 || monomial_less(lambda[nonzero],lambda[j])) {
            sign = s;
            nonzero = j;

      // Verify that numerator coefficients are zero for all large monomials
      for (int j=0;j<lambda.m;j++)
        if (nonzero<0 || monomial_less(lambda[nonzero],lambda[j]))
          for (int k=0;k<r;k++)
            if (mpz_nonzero(values(j,k)))
              throw OverflowError(format("perturbed_ratio: infinite result in l'Hopital expansion: %s/0",str(values(j,k))));

      // If we found a nonzero, compute the result
      if (nonzero >= 0) {
        return sign>0;

      // If we get through two levels without fixing the degeneracy, run a fast, strict identity test to make sure we weren't handed an impossible problem.
      if (d==2)
        assert_last_nonzero(ratio,values[0],X,"perturbed_ratio: identically zero denominator");
コード例 #5
ファイル: perturb.cpp プロジェクト: Haider-BA/geode
// Cast num/den to an int, rounding towards nearest.  All inputs are destroyed.  Take a sqrt if desired.
// The values array must consist of r numerators followed by one denominator.
void snap_divs(RawArray<Quantized> result, RawArray<mp_limb_t,2> values, const bool take_sqrt) {

  // For division, we seek x s.t.
  //   x-1/2 <= num/den <= x+1/2
  //   2x-1 <= 2num/den <= 2x+1
  //   2x-1 <= floor(2num/den) <= 2x+1
  //   2x <= 1+floor(2num/den) <= 2x+2
  //   x <= (1+floor(2num/den))//2 <= x+1
  //   x = (1+floor(2num/den))//2

  // In the sqrt case, we seek a nonnegative integer x s.t.
  //   x-1/2 <= sqrt(num/den) < x+1/2
  //   2x-1 <= sqrt(4num/den) < 2x+1
  // Now the leftmost and rightmost expressions are integral, so we can take floors to get
  //   2x-1 <= floor(sqrt(4num/den)) < 2x+1
  // Since sqrt is monotonic and maps integers to integers, floor(sqrt(floor(x))) = floor(sqrt(x)), so
  //   2x-1 <= floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))) < 2x+1
  //   2x <= 1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))) < 2x+2
  //   x <= (1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))))//2 < x+1
  //   x = (1+floor(sqrt(floor(4num/den))))//2

  // Thus, both cases look like
  //   x = (1+f(2**k*num/den))//2
  // where k = 1 or 2 and f is some truncating integer op (division or division+sqrt).

  // Adjust denominator to be positive
  const auto raw_den = values[result.size()];
  const bool den_negative = mp_limb_signed_t(raw_den.back())<0;
  if (den_negative)
  const auto den = trim(raw_den);
  assert(den.size()); // Zero should be prevented by the caller

  // Prepare for divisions
  const auto q = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(values.n-den.size()+1,mp_limb_t),
             r = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(den.size(),mp_limb_t);

  // Compute each component of the result
  for (int i=0;i<result.size();i++) {
    // Adjust numerator to be positive
    const auto num = values[i];
    const bool num_negative = mp_limb_signed_t(num.back())<0;
    if (take_sqrt && num_negative!=den_negative && !num.contains_only(0))
      throw RuntimeError("perturbed_ratio: negative value in square root");
    if (num_negative)

    // Add enough bits to allow round-to-nearest computation after performing truncating operations
    // Perform division
    const auto trim_q = trim(q);
    if (!trim_q.size()) {
      result[i] = 0;
    // Take sqrt if desired, reusing the num buffer
    const auto s = take_sqrt ? sqrt_helper(num,trim_q) : trim_q;

    // Verify that result lies in [-exact::bound,exact::bound];
    const int ratio = sizeof(ExactInt)/sizeof(mp_limb_t);
    if (s.size() > ratio)
      goto overflow;
    const auto nn = ratio==2 && s.size()==2 ? s[0]|ExactInt(s[1])<<8*sizeof(mp_limb_t) : s[0],
               n = (1+nn)/2;
    if (uint64_t(n) > uint64_t(exact::bound))
      goto overflow;

    // Done!
    result[i] = (num_negative==den_negative?1:-1)*Quantized(n);

  throw OverflowError("perturbed_ratio: overflow in l'Hopital expansion");
コード例 #6
ファイル: perturb.cpp プロジェクト: Haider-BA/geode
template<class PerturbedT> bool perturbed_sign(void(*const predicate)(RawArray<mp_limb_t>,RawArray<const Vector<Exact<1>,PerturbedT::m>>),
                                                      const int degree, RawArray<const PerturbedT> X) {
  const int m = PerturbedT::m;
  typedef Vector<Exact<1>,m> EV;
  if (check)
    GEODE_WARNING("Expensive consistency checking enabled");

  const int n = X.size();
  if (verbose)
    cout << "perturbed_sign:\n  degree = "<<degree<<"\n  X = "<<X<<endl;

  // Check if the predicate is nonsingular without perturbation
  const auto Z = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(n,EV);
  const int precision = degree*Exact<1>::ratio;
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
      Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value()));
    const auto R = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(precision,mp_limb_t);
    if (const int sign = mpz_sign(R))
      return sign>0;

  // Check the first perturbation level with specialized code
  vector<Vector<ExactInt,m>> Y(n); // perturbations
    // Compute the first level of perturbations
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
      Y[i] = perturbation<m>(1,X[i].seed());
    if (verbose)
      cout << "  Y = "<<Y<<endl;

    // Evaluate polynomial at epsilon = 1, ..., degree
    const int scaled_precision = precision+factorial_limbs(degree);
    const auto values = GEODE_RAW_ALLOCA(degree*scaled_precision,mp_limb_t).reshape(degree,scaled_precision);
    for (int j=0;j<degree;j++) {
      for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
        Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value())+(j+1)*Y[i]);
      if (verbose)
        cout << "  predicate("<<Z<<") = "<<mpz_str(values[j])<<endl;

    // Find an interpolating polynomial, overriding the input with the result.
    if (verbose)
      cout << "  coefs = "<<mpz_str(values)<<endl;

    // Compute sign
    for (int j=0;j<degree;j++)
      if (const int sign = mpz_sign(values[j]))
        return sign>0;

    // Add one perturbation level after another until we hit a nonzero polynomial.  Our current implementation duplicates
    // work from one iteration to the next for simplicity, which is fine since the first interation suffices almost always.
    for (int d=2;;d++) {
      if (verbose)
        cout << "  level "<<d<<endl;
      // Compute the next level of perturbations
      for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
        Y[(d-1)*n+i] = perturbation<m>(d,X[i].seed());

      // Evaluate polynomial at every point in an "easy corner"
      const auto lambda = monomials(degree,d);
      const Array<mp_limb_t,2> values(lambda.m,precision,uninit);
      for (int j=0;j<lambda.m;j++) {
        for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
          Z[i] = EV(to_exact(X[i].value())+lambda(j,0)*Y[i]);
        for (int v=1;v<d;v++)
          for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
            Z[i] += EV(lambda(j,v)*Y[v*n+i]);

      // Find an interpolating polynomial, overriding the input with the result.

      // Compute sign
      int sign = 0;
      int sign_j = -1;
      for (int j=0;j<lambda.m;j++)
        if (const int s = mpz_sign(values[j])) {
          if (check) // Verify that a term which used to be zero doesn't become nonzero
          if (!sign || monomial_less(lambda[sign_j],lambda[j])) {
            sign = s;
            sign_j = j;

      // If we find a nonzero sign, we're done!
      if (sign)
        return sign>0;

      // If we get through two levels without fixing the degeneracy, run a fast, strict identity test to make sure we weren't handed an impossible problem.
      if (d==2)
        assert_last_nonzero(predicate,values[0],X,"perturbed_sign: identically zero predicate");