コード例 #1
ファイル: clearlooks_style.c プロジェクト: 63n/ardour
static void
clearlooks_set_widget_parameters (GtkWidget      *widget,
                                  const GtkStyle       *style,
                                  GtkStateType          state_type,
                                  WidgetParameters     *params)
	params->style_functions = &(clearlooks_style_class->style_functions[CLEARLOOKS_STYLE (style)->style]);

	params->active      = (state_type == GTK_STATE_ACTIVE);
	params->prelight    = (state_type == GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT);
	params->disabled    = (state_type == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE);
	params->state_type  = (ClearlooksStateType)state_type;
	params->corners     = CR_CORNER_ALL;
	params->ltr         = ge_widget_is_ltr ((GtkWidget*)widget);
	params->focus       = widget && GTK_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS (widget);
	params->is_default  = widget && GE_WIDGET_HAS_DEFAULT (widget);
	params->enable_glow = FALSE;
	params->radius      = CLEARLOOKS_STYLE (style)->radius;

	if (!params->active && widget && GE_IS_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget))
		params->active = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget));

	params->xthickness = style->xthickness;
	params->ythickness = style->ythickness;

	/* This is used in GtkEntry to fake transparency. The reason to do this
	 * is that the entry has it's entire background filled with base[STATE].
	 * This is not a very good solution as it will eg. fail if one changes
	 * the background color of a notebook. */
	params->parentbg = CLEARLOOKS_STYLE (style)->colors.bg[state_type];
	clearlooks_get_parent_bg (widget, &params->parentbg);
コード例 #2
static void
thinice_style_draw_box(GtkStyle * style,
         cairo_t *cr,
         GtkStateType state_type,
         GtkShadowType shadow_type,
         GtkWidget * widget,
         const gchar *detail,
         gint x,
         gint y,
         gint width,
         gint height)
	ThiniceStyle *thinice_style = THINICE_STYLE (style);
	gboolean draw_border = TRUE;

	/* GTK Sanity Checks                           */

	/* GTK Special Cases - Ignored Widgets         */
	if ((CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "optionmenutab")) ||
		(CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "slider")) ||
		(CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "buttondefault")) ||
		(CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "bar") && 
			((height < 1) && (width < 1))))

	/* GTK Special Cases - adjust Size/Offset      */
	if ((CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "bar")))
		x += 1;
		y += 1;
		width -= 2;
		height -= 2;

	else if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "handlebox_bin"))
	else if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "entry-progress"))

	/* Fill Box                                    */
        gtk_style_apply_default_background(style, cr,
                        gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
                        x, y, width, height);
	/* Draw Box Border                             */
	if (draw_border)
		thinice_style_draw_shadow(style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, widget,
						detail, x, y, width, height);

	/* Draw Widget Specific Sub-Parts              */
	if (CHECK_DETAIL (detail, "button"))
		/* Paint a triangle here instead of in "buttondefault"
			which is drawn _behind_ the current button */
		if (widget && GE_WIDGET_HAS_DEFAULT (widget))
			ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &thinice_style->color_cube.bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED]);
			cairo_move_to(cr, x+2.5, y+2.5);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x+10.5, y+2.5);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x+2.5, y+10.5);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x+2.5, y+2.5);

			ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &thinice_style->color_cube.dark[state_type]);
			cairo_move_to(cr, x + 2.5, y + 11);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x + 2.5, y + 2.5);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x + 11, y + 2.5);

			cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.5);
			ge_cairo_set_color(cr, &thinice_style->color_cube.light[state_type]);
			cairo_move_to(cr, x+11, y+3);
			cairo_line_to(cr, x+3, y+11);

	/* Draw Option Menus and Combo Box "Tab" The Same Way Here */
	if (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "optionmenu") ||  (CHECK_DETAIL(detail, "button") && 
		(ge_is_combo_box(widget, FALSE)) && !(ge_is_combo_box_entry(widget))))
		GtkRequisition indicator_size;
		GtkBorder indicator_spacing;
		CairoColor *dark;
		CairoColor *light;
		gint vline_x;
		if (state_type != GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
			state_type = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
		ge_option_menu_get_props (widget, &indicator_size, &indicator_spacing);
		if ((!widget) || (gtk_widget_get_direction (widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL))
			vline_x = x + indicator_size.width + indicator_spacing.left + indicator_spacing.right;
			vline_x = x + width - (indicator_size.width + indicator_spacing.left + 
						indicator_spacing.right) - style->xthickness;

		dark = &thinice_style->color_cube.dark[state_type];
		light = &thinice_style->color_cube.light[state_type];
		thinice_draw_separator(cr, dark, light, FALSE,
                                       vline_x, y + style->ythickness + 1,
                                       style->xthickness, height - 2*style->ythickness - 2);

		if ((widget) && (gtk_widget_get_direction (GTK_WIDGET (widget)) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL))
			x +=  indicator_spacing.right + style->xthickness;
			x += width - indicator_size.width - indicator_spacing.right - style->xthickness;
		y += ((height - indicator_size.height) / 2) + 1;
		width = indicator_size.width;
		height = indicator_size.height;
		thinice_style_draw_arrow (style, cr, state_type, shadow_type, NULL, "optionmenu", 
						GTK_ARROW_DOWN, TRUE,  x,  y,  width,  height);