コード例 #1
            extern "C" SEXP xaml_graphicsdevice_new(SEXP args) {
                args = CDR(args);
                SEXP file = CAR(args);
                args = CDR(args);
                SEXP width = CAR(args);
                args = CDR(args);
                SEXP height = CAR(args);

                const char *f = R_CHAR(STRING_ELT(file, 0));
                double *w = REAL(width);
                double *h = REAL(height);

                int ver = R_GE_getVersion();
                if (ver < R_32_GE_version || ver > R_33_GE_version) {
                    Rf_error("Graphics API version %d is not supported.", ver);

                    auto dev = xaml_device::create(f, *w, *h);
                    pGEDevDesc gdd = GEcreateDevDesc(dev->device_desc);
                    GEaddDevice2f(gdd, "xaml", f);
                    // Owner is DevDesc::deviceSpecific, and is released in close()
                } END_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS;

                return R_NilValue;
コード例 #2
ファイル: cairoBM.c プロジェクト: SvenDowideit/clearlinux
   cairo(filename, type, width, height, pointsize, bg, res, antialias, 
         quality, family)
SEXP in_Cairo(SEXP args)
    pGEDevDesc gdd;
    SEXP sc;
    const char *filename, *family;
    int type, quality, width, height, pointsize, bgcolor, res, antialias;
    const void *vmax = vmaxget();

    args = CDR(args); /* skip entry point name */
    if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "filename");
    filename = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0));
    args = CDR(args);
    type = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(type == NA_INTEGER || type <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "type");
    args = CDR(args);
    width = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(width == NA_INTEGER || width <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "width");
    args = CDR(args);
    height = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(height == NA_INTEGER || height <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "height");
    args = CDR(args);
    pointsize = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(pointsize == NA_INTEGER || pointsize <= 0)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "pointsize");
    args = CDR(args);
    sc = CAR(args);
    if (!isString(sc) && !isInteger(sc) && !isLogical(sc) && !isReal(sc))
	error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "bg");
    bgcolor = RGBpar(sc, 0);
    args = CDR(args);
    res = asInteger(CAR(args));
    args = CDR(args);
    antialias = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(antialias == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "antialias");
    args = CDR(args);
    quality = asInteger(CAR(args));
    if(quality == NA_INTEGER || quality < 0 || quality > 100)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "quality");
    args = CDR(args);
    if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) < 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "family");
    family = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0));

	pDevDesc dev;
	/* Allocate and initialize the device driver data */
	if (!(dev = (pDevDesc) calloc(1, sizeof(DevDesc)))) return 0;
	if (!BMDeviceDriver(dev, devtable[type].gtype, filename, quality,
			    width, height, pointsize,
			    bgcolor, res, antialias, family)) {
	    error(_("unable to start device '%s'"), devtable[type].name);
	gdd = GEcreateDevDesc(dev);
	GEaddDevice2f(gdd, devtable[type].name, filename);

    return R_NilValue;