コード例 #1
ファイル: SD_File.c プロジェクト: Manish-cimcon/micro
 *        Initialize a Flash Memory Card
static void init_card (void) {
  U32 retv;
  MMCFG SDCardCfg;
  char outBuf[26];

  GLCD_SetBackColor (White);
  GLCD_SetTextColor (Blue);
  GLCD_ClearLn (5);
  GLCD_ClearLn (6);
  GLCD_ClearLn (7);
  GLCD_ClearLn (8);

  while ((retv = finit ()) != 0) {            /* Wait until the Card is ready*/
    if (retv == 1) {
      printf ("\nSD/MMC Init Failed");
      printf ("\nInsert Memory card and press key...\n");
      getkey ();
    else {
      printf ("\nSD/MMC Card is Unformatted");
      strcpy (&in_line[0], "KEIL\r\n");
      cmd_format (&in_line[0]);

  mmc_read_config (&SDCardCfg);

  outBuf[0] = 0;
  sprintf (&outBuf[0], " SerNr:  0x%08X", SDCardCfg.sernum);
  GLCD_DisplayString (5, 0, (unsigned char *)outBuf);
  sprintf (&outBuf[0], " BlockNr:0x%08X", SDCardCfg.blocknr);
  GLCD_DisplayString (6, 0, (unsigned char *)outBuf);
  sprintf (&outBuf[0], " RdLen:  0x%04X", SDCardCfg.read_blen);
  GLCD_DisplayString (7, 0, (unsigned char *)outBuf);
  sprintf(&outBuf[0], " WrLen:  0x%04X", SDCardCfg.write_blen);
  GLCD_DisplayString (8, 0, (unsigned char *)outBuf);
コード例 #2
// This is the actual task that is run
static portTASK_FUNCTION( vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters )
	unsigned short screenColor = 0;
	unsigned short tscr;
	unsigned char curLine;
	unsigned timerCount = 0;
	int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
	unsigned int xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0;
	unsigned int x, y;
	int i, j;
	float hue=0, sat=0.2, light=0.2;
	#elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1
	unsigned char picIndex = 0;
	Bad definition
	vtLCDMsg msgBuffer;
	vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *) pvParameters;

	// This is meant as an example that you can re-use in your own tasks
	// Inspect to the stack remaining to see how much room is remaining
	// 1. I'll check it here before anything really gets started
	// 2. I'll check during the run to see if it drops below 10%
	// 3. You could use break points or logging to check on this, but
	//    you really don't want to print it out because printf() can
	//    result in significant stack usage.
	// 4. Note that this checking is not perfect -- in fact, it will not
	//    be able to tell how much the stack grows on a printf() call and
	//    that growth can be *large* if version 1 of printf() is used.   
	unsigned portBASE_TYPE InitialStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
	unsigned portBASE_TYPE CurrentStackLeft;
	float remainingStack = InitialStackLeft;
	remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE;
	if (remainingStack < 0.10) {
		// If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to run out
		// The 0.10 is just leaving a cushion, in theory, you could use exactly all of it

	/* Initialize the LCD and set the initial colors */
	tscr = Red; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below
	screenColor = White; // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below

	// Added by Matthew Ibarra 2/2/2013
	int xPos = 0;

	// Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used unless you are using
	srand((unsigned) 55); // initialize the random number generator to the same seed for repeatability

	curLine = 5;
	// This task should never exit
		#ifdef INSPECT_STACK   
		CurrentStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
		float remainingStack = CurrentStackLeft;
		remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE;
		if (remainingStack < 0.10) {
			// If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to run out

		// Wait for a message
		if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) {

		//Log that we are processing a message -- more explanation of logging is given later on

		// Take a different action depending on the type of the message that we received
		switch(getMsgType(&msgBuffer)) {
		case LCDMsgTypePrint: {
			// This will result in the text printing in the last five lines of the screen
			char   lineBuffer[lcdCHAR_IN_LINE+1];
			// clear the line
			// show the text
			GLCD_DisplayString(curLine,0,1,(unsigned char *)lineBuffer);
			if (curLine == lcdNUM_LINES) {
				curLine = 5;
		case LCDMsgTypeTimer: {
			// Note: if I cared how long the timer update was I would call my routine
			//    unpackTimerMsg() which would unpack the message and get that value
			// Each timer update will cause a circle to be drawn on the top half of the screen
			//   as explained below
			if (timerCount == 0) {
				/* ************************************************** */
				// Find a new color for the screen by randomly (within limits) selecting HSL values
				// This can be ignored unless you care about the color map
				hue = rand() % 360;
				sat = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; sat = sat * 0.5; sat += 0.5;
				light = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0;	light = light * 0.8; light += 0.10;
				hue = (hue + 1); if (hue >= 360) hue = 0;
				sat+=0.01; if (sat > 1.0) sat = 0.20;	
				light+=0.03; if (light > 1.0) light = 0.20;
				screenColor = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);
				// Now choose a complementary value for the text color
				hue += 180;
				if (hue >= 360) hue -= 360;
				tscr = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);
				// End of playing around with figuring out a random color
				/* ************************************************** */

				// clear the top half of the screen

				// Now we are going to draw a circle in the upper left corner of the screen
				int	count = 200;
				float radius;
				float inc, val, offset = MAX_RADIUS;
				unsigned short circleColor;
				inc = 2*M_PI/count;
				xmax = 0;
				ymax = 0;
				xmin = 50000;
				ymin = 50000;
				val = 0.0;
				for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
					// Make the circle a little thicker
					// by actually drawing three circles w/ different radii
					float cv = cos(val), sv=sin(val);
					circleColor = (val*0xFFFF)/(2*M_PI);
					for (radius=MAX_RADIUS-2.0;radius<=MAX_RADIUS;radius+=1.0) {
						x = round(cv*radius+offset);
						y = round(sv*radius+offset);
						if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
						if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
						if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
						if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
					val += inc;
				// Now we are going to read the upper left square of the LCD's
				// memory (see its data sheet for details on that) and save
				// that into a buffer for fast re-drawing later
				if (((xmax+1-xmin)*(ymax+1-ymin)) > BUF_LEN) {
					// Make sure we have room for the data
				unsigned short int *tbuffer = buffer;
				unsigned int width = (xmax+1-xmin);
				for (j=ymin;j<=ymax;j++) {
					GLCD_GetPixelRow (xmin,j,width,tbuffer);
					tbuffer += width;
				// end of reading in the buffer
				xoffset = xmin;
				yoffset = ymin;
			} else {
				// We are going to write out the data read into the buffer
				//   back onto the screen at a new location
				// This is *very* fast

				// First, clear out where we were
				// Pick the new location
				xoffset = rand() % (320-(xmax+1-xmin));
				yoffset = rand() % (120-(ymax+1-ymin));
				xoffset = (xoffset + 10) % (320-(xmax+1-xmin));
				yoffset = (yoffset + 10) % (120-(ymax+1-ymin));
				// Draw the bitmap
				GLCD_Bitmap(xoffset,yoffset,xmax+1-xmin,ymax-1-ymin,(unsigned char *)buffer);
			if (timerCount >= 40) {	  
				// every so often, we reset timer count and start again
				// This isn't for any important reason, it is just to for this example code to do "stuff"
				timerCount = 0;
		default: {
			// In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages
		} // end of switch()
		#if MILESTONE_1==1
		// Added by Matthew Ibarra 2/2/2013
			if(timerCount==0) {
				// Draw the vertical gridlines onto the LCD
				int i;
				for(i = 320/6; i < 315; i = i + 320/6) {
					GLCD_ClearWindow(i, 0, 1, 240, Red);
				// Draw the vertical gridlines onto the LCD
				for(i = 240/4; i < 235; i = i + 240/4) {
					GLCD_ClearWindow(0, i, 320, 1, Red);
				//Output Scale on LCD
				GLCD_DisplayString(29, 0, 0, (unsigned char*) "V/div=2.5 s/div=3");
			int adcValue;
			getMsgValue(&adcValue, &msgBuffer);
			int displayValue;
			displayValue = 120 - (adcValue * 120)/(0x100);
			GLCD_ClearWindow(xPos, displayValue, 2, 2, Black);
			xPos += 2;
			if(xPos > 320) {
				timerCount = 0;
				xPos = 0;

		// Here is a way to do debugging output via the built-in hardware -- it requires the ULINK cable and the
		//   debugger in the Keil tools to be connected.  You can view PORT0 output in the "Debug(printf) Viewer"
		//   under "View->Serial Windows".  You have to enable "Trace" and "Port0" in the Debug setup options.  This
		//   should not be used if you are using Port0 for printf()
		// There are 31 other ports and their output (and port 0's) can be seen in the "View->Trace->Records"
		//   windows.  You have to enable the prots in the Debug setup options.  Note that unlike ITM_SendChar()
		//   this "raw" port write is not blocking.  That means it can overrun the capability of the system to record
		//   the trace events if you go too quickly; that won't hurt anything or change the program execution and
		//   you can tell if it happens because the "View->Trace->Records" window will show there was an overrun.

		#elif 	LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1
		// In this alternate version, we just keep redrawing a series of bitmaps as
		//   we receive timer messages
		// Wait for a message
		if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) {
		if (getMsgType(&msgBuffer) != LCDMsgTypeTimer) {
			// In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages
  		/* go through a  bitmap that is really a series of bitmaps */
		picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % 9;
		GLCD_Bmp(99,99,120,45,(unsigned char *) &ARM_Ani_16bpp[picIndex*(120*45*2)]);
		Bad setting
コード例 #3
ファイル: LCDtask.c プロジェクト: benwr/blab
// This is the actual task that is run
static portTASK_FUNCTION(vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters)
  unsigned short screenColor = 0;
  unsigned short tscr;
  unsigned char curLine;
  unsigned timerCount = 0;
  int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
  unsigned int xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0;
  unsigned int x, y;
  int i;
  float hue = 0, sat = 0.2, light = 0.2;
#else  // if LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1
  unsigned char picIndex = 0;
  vtLCDMsg msgBuffer;
  vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *)pvParameters;

  // This is meant as an example that you can re-use in your own tasks
  // Inspect to the stack remaining to see how much room is remaining
  // 1. I'll check it here before anything really gets started
  // 2. I'll check during the run to see if it drops below 10%
  // 3. You could use break points or logging to check on this, but
  //    you really don't want to print it out because printf() can
  //    result in significant stack usage.
  // 4. Note that this checking is not perfect -- in fact, it will not
  //    be able to tell how much the stack grows on a printf() call and
  //    that growth can be *large* if version 1 of printf() is used.
  unsigned portBASE_TYPE InitialStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
  unsigned portBASE_TYPE CurrentStackLeft;
  float remainingStack = InitialStackLeft;
  remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE;
  if (remainingStack < 0.10) {
    // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to
    // run out
    // The 0.10 is just leaving a cushion, in theory, you could use exactly all
    // of it

  // Graph initialization
  const unsigned graphXoff = 30;
  const unsigned graphYoff = 10;
  const unsigned graphWidth = 260;
  const unsigned graphHeight = 160;
  uint8_t graphVals[graphWidth];
  for (i = 0; i < graphWidth; i++) {
    graphVals[i] = 0;
  uint8_t graphStart = 0;

  /* Initialize the LCD and set the initial colors */
  tscr = White;         // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below
  screenColor = Black;  // may be reset in the LCDMsgTypeTimer code below
  GLCD_ClearWindow(graphXoff - 1, graphYoff - 1, 1, graphHeight + 1, Blue);
      graphXoff - 1, graphYoff + graphHeight + 1, graphWidth + 1, 1, Blue);
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 47, 0, (unsigned char *)"0min");
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 37, 0, (unsigned char *)"-1min");
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 27, 0, (unsigned char *)"-2min");
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 17, 0, (unsigned char *)"-3min");
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 7, 0, (unsigned char *)"-4min");
  GLCD_DisplayString(22, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"0.0m");
  GLCD_DisplayString(14, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"0.5m");
  GLCD_DisplayString(8, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"1.0m");
  GLCD_DisplayString(2, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)"1.5m");

// Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used
// unless you are using
  srand((unsigned)55);  // initialize the random number generator to the same
                        // seed for repeatability

  curLine = lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES - 1;
  // This task should never exit
  for (;;) {
    CurrentStackLeft = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
    float remainingStack = CurrentStackLeft;
    remainingStack /= lcdSTACK_SIZE;
    if (remainingStack < 0.10) {
      // If the stack is really low, stop everything because we don't want it to
      // run out

    // Wait for a message
    if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ, (void *)&msgBuffer, portMAX_DELAY) !=
        pdTRUE) {

    // Log that we are processing a message -- more explanation of logging is
    // given later on
    vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg, getMsgType(&msgBuffer));
    vtITMu8(vtITMPortLCDMsg, getMsgLength(&msgBuffer));

    // Take a different action depending on the type of the message that we
    // received
    switch (getMsgType(&msgBuffer)) {
    case LCDMsgTypePrint: {
      // This will result in the text printing in the last five lines of the
      // screen
      char lineBuffer[lcdCHAR_IN_LINE + 1];
      copyMsgString(lineBuffer, &msgBuffer, lcdCHAR_IN_LINE);
      // clear the line
      GLCD_ClearLn(curLine, 1);
      // show the text
      GLCD_DisplayString(curLine, 0, 0, (unsigned char *)lineBuffer);
      if (curLine == lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES) {
        curLine = lcdNUM_SMALL_LINES - 1;
    case LCDMsgTypePoint: {
      graphVals[graphStart] = getMsgPoint(&msgBuffer);
    case LCDMsgTypeTimer: {
      // Note: if I cared how long the timer update was I would call my
      // routine
      //    unpackTimerMsg() which would unpack the message and get that value
      // Each timer update will cause a circle to be drawn on the top half of
      // the screen
      //   as explained below

      if (timerCount % 2 == 0) {
        /* ************************************************** */
        // Find a new color for the screen by randomly (within limits)
        // selecting
        // HSL values
        // This can be ignored unless you care about the color map
                        #if MALLOC_VERSION==1
                        hue = rand() % 360;
                        sat = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; sat = sat * 0.5; sat
                        light = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0;	light = light *
           0.8; light += 0.10;
                        hue = (hue + 1); if (hue >= 360) hue = 0;
                        sat+=0.01; if (sat > 1.0) sat = 0.20;
                        light+=0.03; if (light > 1.0) light = 0.20;
                        screenColor = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);

                        // Now choose a complementary value for the text color
                        hue += 180;
                        if (hue >= 360) hue -= 360;
                        tscr = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);

                        unsigned short int *tbuffer = buffer;
                        //int i;
                        for(i = BUF_LEN; i--;) {
                                tbuffer[i] = screenColor;
        // End of playing around with figuring out a random color
        /* ************************************************** */

        // clear the top half of the screen
        // GLCD_ClearWindow(0,0,320,120,screenColor);

                        // Now we are going to draw a circle in the buffer
                        // count is how many pixels are in the circle
                        int	count = 50;
                        float radius;
                        float inc, val, offset = MAX_RADIUS;
                        unsigned short circleColor;
                        inc = 2*M_PI/count;
                        xmax = 0;
                        ymax = 0;
                        xmin = 50000;
                        ymin = 50000;
                        val = 0.0;
                        for (i=0;i<count;i++) {
                                // Make the circle a little thicker
                                // by actually drawing three circles w/
           different radii
                                float cv = cos(val), sv=sin(val);
                                circleColor = (val*0xFFFF)/(2*M_PI);
           (radius=MAX_RADIUS-2.0;radius<=MAX_RADIUS;radius+=1.0) {
                                        x = round(cv*radius+offset);
                                        y = round(sv*radius+offset);
                                        if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
                                        if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
                                        if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
                                        if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
                                        //tbuffer[(y*((MAX_RADIUS*2)+1)) + x]
                                val += inc;
        // GLCD_ClearWindow(graphXoff, graphYoff, graphWidth, graphHeight,
        // screenColor);
        graphStart = (graphStart + 1) % graphWidth;

        for (i = 0; i < graphWidth; i++) {
          unsigned index = (i + graphStart) % graphWidth;
          unsigned y = graphHeight - graphVals[index] + graphYoff;
          unsigned x = i + graphXoff;
          GLCD_ClearWindow(x, graphYoff, 1, graphHeight, screenColor);
          GLCD_PutPixel(x, y);

      }  // else {

      // We are going to write out the buffer
      //   back onto the screen at a new location
      // This is *very* fast

      // First, clear out where we were
      // Pick the new location
      #if MALLOC_VERSION==1
      xoffset = rand() % (320-(xmax+1-xmin));
      yoffset = rand() % (120-(ymax+1-ymin));
      xoffset = (xoffset + 10) % (320-(xmax+1-xmin));
      yoffset = (yoffset + 10) % (120-(ymax+1-ymin));
      // Draw the bitmap

      if (timerCount >= 100) {
        // every so often, we reset timer count and start again
        // This isn't for any important reason, it is just to for this example
        // code to do "stuff"
        timerCount = 0;
    default: {
      // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer
      // messages
    }  // end of switch()

// Here is a way to do debugging output via the built-in hardware -- it requires
// the ULINK cable and the debugger in the Keil tools to be connected.  You can
// view PORT0 output in the "Debug(printf) Viewer" under "View->Serial Windows".
// You have to enable "Trace" and "Port0" in the Debug setup options.  This
// should not be used if you are using Port0 for printf(). There are 31 other
// ports and their output (and port 0's) can be seen in the
// "View->Trace->Records" windows.  You have to enable the ports in the Debug
// setup options.  Note that unlike ITM_SendChar() this "raw" port write is not
// blocking.  That means it can overrun the capability of the system to record
// the trace events if you go too quickly; that won't hurt anything or change
// the program execution and you can tell if it happens because the
// "View->Trace->Records" window will show there was an overrun.

// vtITMu16(vtITMPortLCD,screenColor);

#elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP == 1
    // In this alternate version, we just keep redrawing a series of bitmaps as
    // we receive timer messages

    // Wait for a message
    if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ, (void *)&msgBuffer, portMAX_DELAY) !=
        pdTRUE) {
    if (getMsgType(&msgBuffer) != LCDMsgTypeTimer) {
      // In this configuration, we are only expecting to receive timer messages
    /* go through a  bitmap that is really a series of bitmaps */
    picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % 9;
             (unsigned char *)&ARM_Ani_16bpp[picIndex * (120 * 45 * 2)]);
    Bad setting
コード例 #4
// This is the actual task that is run
static portTASK_FUNCTION( vLCDUpdateTask, pvParameters )
	portTickType xUpdateRate, xLastUpdateTime;
	int pixel_buffer[80];
	float max = 0;
	float min = 990;
	unsigned short screenColor;
	unsigned short tscr;
	static char scrString[40];
	unsigned char curLine = 0;
	float hue=0, sat=0.2, light=0.2;
	#elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1
	unsigned char picIndex = 0;
	#elif LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==2
	vtLCDMsg msgBuffer;
	unsigned char curLine = 0;
	vtLCDStruct *lcdPtr = (vtLCDStruct *) pvParameters;

	/* Initialize the LCD */

	// Scale the update rate to ensure it really is in ms
	xUpdateRate = lcdWRITE_RATE_BASE / portTICK_RATE_MS;

	/* We need to initialise xLastUpdateTime prior to the first call to 
	vTaskDelayUntil(). */
	xLastUpdateTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
	// Note that srand() & rand() require the use of malloc() and should not be used unless you are using
	srand((unsigned) 55); // initialize the random number generator to the same seed for repeatability
	// Like all good tasks, this should never exit

	int i = 0;


		/* Ask the RTOS to delay reschduling this task for the specified time */
		vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastUpdateTime, xUpdateRate );

		// Find a new color for the screen by randomly (within limits) selecting HSL values
		hue = rand() % 360;
		sat = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0; sat = sat * 0.5; sat += 0.5;
		light = (rand() % 1024) / 1023.0;	light = light * 0.8; light += 0.10;
		hue = (hue + 1); if (hue >= 360) hue = 0;
		sat+=0.01; if (sat > 1.0) sat = 0.20;
		light+=0.03; if (light > 1.0) light = 0.20;
		screenColor = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);
		// Now choose a complementary value for the text color
		hue += 180;
		if (hue >= 360) hue -= 360;
		tscr = hsl2rgb(hue,sat,light);
		/* create a string for printing to the LCD */
		sprintf(scrString,"LCD: %d %d %d",screenColor,(int)xUpdateRate,(int)xLastUpdateTime);
		GLCD_DisplayString(curLine,0,1,(unsigned char *)scrString);
		if (curLine == 10) {
			/* clear the LCD at the end of the screen */
			curLine = 0;

		printf("BackColor (RGB): %d %d %d - (HSL) %3.0f %3.2f %3.2f \n",
			(screenColor & 0xF800) >> 11,(screenColor & 0x07E0) >> 5,screenColor & 0x001F,
		printf("TextColor (RGB): %d %d %d\n",
			(tscr & 0xF800) >> 11,(tscr & 0x07E0) >> 5,tscr & 0x001F);

		// Here is a way to do debugging output via the built-in hardware -- it requires the ULINK cable and the
		//   debugger in the Keil tools to be connected.  You can view PORT0 output in the "Debug(printf) Viewer"
		//   under "View->Serial Windows".  You have to enable "Trace" and "Port0" in the Debug setup options.  This
		//   should not be used if you are using Port0 for printf()
		// There are 31 other ports and their output (and port 0's) can be seen in the "View->Trace->Records"
		//   windows.  You have to enable the prots in the Debug setup options.  Note that unlike ITM_SendChar()
		//   this "raw" port write is not blocking.  That means it can overrun the capability of the system to record
		//   the trace events if you go too quickly; that won't hurt anything or change the program execution and
		//   you can tell if it happens because the "View->Trace->Records" window will show there was an overrun.

#elif 	LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==1
		/* Ask the RTOS to delay reschduling this task for the specified time */
		vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastUpdateTime, xUpdateRate );
  		/* go through a  bitmap that is really a series of bitmaps */
		picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % 9;
		GLCD_Bmp(99,99,120,45,(unsigned char *) &ARM_Ani_16bpp[picIndex*(120*45*2)]);

#elif 	LCD_EXAMPLE_OP==2
		// wait for a message from another task telling us to send/recv over i2c
		if (xQueueReceive(lcdPtr->inQ,(void *) &msgBuffer,portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) {
		//get the data from the message queue and reconvert it into a 10-bit value
		int pixel = msgBuffer.buf[1]<<8;
		pixel = pixel + msgBuffer.buf[0];

		//set minimum and maximum values should they change across the 80 data points in buffer
		if (pixel > max)
			max = pixel;
		if (pixel < min)
			min = pixel;
		//trim pixel data value to fit it on screen
		pixel = pixel / 5;

		//add pixel to a data buffer so we can clear the screen and keep accurate data
		pixel_buffer[i] = pixel;
		//increment for next position in the buffer

		//once we have a filled buffer of data points, print the screen
		if (i > 79)

			//each data point is 4 pixels by 4 pixels
			for (i = 0; i < 80; i++)
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4, 240-pixel_buffer[i]);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+1);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+2);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+3);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+1, 240-pixel_buffer[i]);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+1, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+1);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+1, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+2);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+1, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+3);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+2, 240-pixel_buffer[i]);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+2, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+1);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+2, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+2);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+2, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+3);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+3, 240-pixel_buffer[i]);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+3, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+1);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+3, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+2);
				GLCD_PutPixel(i*4+3, 240-pixel_buffer[i]+3);

			//convert max and mins to voltages
			max = max / 300;
			min = min / 300;

			//display the max and min voltages on the screen
			uint8_t toprint[4];
			sprintf((char *)toprint, "%1.1fV", max);
			GLCD_DisplayString(0,9,1, (unsigned char*)&toprint);
			sprintf((char *)toprint, "%1.1fV", min);
			GLCD_DisplayString(9,9,1, (unsigned char*)&toprint);

			//display the scalar on the screen
			GLCD_DisplayString(9,0,1, (unsigned char *)"0V");
			GLCD_DisplayString(7,0,1, (unsigned char *)"1V");
			GLCD_DisplayString(5,0,1, (unsigned char *)"2V");
			GLCD_DisplayString(3,0,1, (unsigned char *)"3V");

			//reset values for the next buffer screen
			i = 0;
			max = 0;
			min = 990;
		Bad setting