/************************************************************************ * @brief main function * @param[in] None * @return None ***********************************************************************/ int main(void) { uint16_t i; uint16_t ReData; SystemInit(); USART_Config(); init_display (); USART1_Puts("This msg from USART1\n\r"); USART2_Puts("This msg from USART2\n\r"); while(1) { #if 0 ReData = USART2_GetChar(); //USART2_Puts((unsigned char*)ReData); USART_SendData(USART2, ReData); #endif #if 1 USART2_Puts("*STS#"); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line7, "Sending: *STS#"); USART2_SmartCardGet(4); //updating data if (USART2_BufferCompare((uint8_t *)"*CP#", 4)) { USART2_Puts("*R0802#"); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line8, "Sending: *R0802#"); USART2_SmartCardGet(12); //updating data if (USART2_BufferCompare((uint8_t *)"*RD08024344#", 12)) { GLCD_clearLn(Line9); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, "Person 1"); //break; } if (USART2_BufferCompare((uint8_t *)"*RD08024142#", 12)) { GLCD_clearLn(Line9); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, "Person 2"); //break; } if (USART2_BufferCompare((uint8_t *)"*RD08024143#", 12)) { GLCD_clearLn(Line9); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, "Person 3"); //break; } } #endif } }
/** * Display one line of text plus a grid with characters (qwerty...) * asking for example to "Enter Text" * * textCol - text color, see file GLCD.h (not all colors work) * text - a number of characters forming a text string * numberOfChars - maximum number of characters in response * (maximum characters in one line is 20) * * returns entered characters, which can be ' ', ended by a \0 */ void screenQueryChars(unsigned short textCol, unsigned char text[], int numberOfChars, unsigned char textEntered[]) { int dataX; int dataY; int charInt = 0; int pos = 0; int caps = 1; //let capsOld be different from caps, //so grid with characters will be drawn first time int capsOld = 1 - caps; screenClear (); xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY); //clear display GLCD_clear(White); //set color GLCD_setTextColor(textCol); //write text on bottom line GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, text); xSemaphoreGive(lcdLock); //loop over touched numbers while (pos < numberOfChars && charInt < 201) { //if caps changed, redraw grid with characters if (caps != capsOld) { screenDisplayGrid(0,caps); capsOld = caps; } //find out where screen touched screenTouched(&dataX, &dataY); //and which character this means charInt = screenGridTouchedChar(dataX, dataY); if (charInt == 32 || (charInt > 64 && charInt < 91)) { //spece or regular printable character //eventually change to lower case if (!caps && charInt != 32) charInt = charInt + 32; textEntered[pos] = charInt; //if lower case change character (except for spaces) screenDisplayChar(0, pos, textCol, charInt); pos++; } else if (charInt == 199) { //change between caps and lower case caps = 1 - caps; } else if (charInt == 200) { //Delete one character if (pos > 0) pos--; //write a space (clear next position) screenDisplayChar(0, pos, textCol, 32); } else if (charInt == 201 ) { //Cancel pressed pos = 0; //add a char 0 to end of string textEntered[pos] = 0; } else if (charInt == 202) { //Enter pressed textEntered[pos] = 0; } } }
/** * Diplay one line of text, max 20 chars * * lineNo = selected Line1 to Line9 (or y-coordinates) * textCol = text color, see file GLCD.h (not all colors work) * text = text to print */ void screenOutputTextLine(unsigned short textCol, unsigned int lineNo, unsigned char text[]) { xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY); GLCD_setTextColor(textCol); GLCD_displayStringLn(lineNo, text); xSemaphoreGive(lcdLock); }
void init_display (void) { /* LCD Module init */ GLCD_init(); GLCD_clear(Navy); GLCD_setBackColor(Navy); GLCD_setTextColor(White); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line0, " VBEB Co.,Ltd"); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line3, "Libarary Management"); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line4, " Center"); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line6, " Version 1.0"); GLCD_bitmap (5, 10, 95, 35, VBEBLogo); // upd_display (); }
/** * Display one line of text plus a grid with numbers * from 0 to 9. Asking for example to "Enter Code * * textCol - text color, see file GLCD.h (not all colors work) * text - a number of characters forming a text string * numberOfDigits - maximum number of digits in response * * returns entered number, which can be 0 */ int screenQueryNumber(unsigned short textCol, unsigned char text[], int numberOfDigits) { int dataX; int dataY; int digit = 0; char cDigit; int pos = 0; int totalInput = 0; screenClear (); xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY); //clear display GLCD_clear(White); //set color GLCD_setTextColor(textCol); //write text on bottom line GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, text); xSemaphoreGive(lcdLock); //show grid with numbers screenDisplayGrid(1, 0); //loop over touched numbers while (pos < numberOfDigits && digit < 201) { //find out where screen touched screenTouched(&dataX, &dataY); //find out the meaning of where screen touched digit = screenGridTouchedDigit(dataX, dataY); if(digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { //regular input of digit pos++; cDigit = digit + 48; totalInput = totalInput*10 + digit; screenDisplayChar(0, pos, textCol, cDigit); } else if (digit == 200 && pos > 0 ) { //delete previous character cDigit = ' '; totalInput = totalInput/10; screenDisplayChar(0, pos, textCol, cDigit); pos--; } } if(digit == 201) { //cancel pressed totalInput = 0; } return totalInput; }
static void new_multimeter_sample(const measure_data_t* data) { int channel = ch_generic2internal(data->ch); static portTickType last_update[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] = { 0 }; if((last_update[channel] + CONFIG_DISPLAY_MULTIMETER_REFRESH_TIME) < xTaskGetTickCount()) { static char buffer[15]; static const int max_mV = 3300; int mV = (data->data[0]*max_mV)/ADC_MAX; int Line; char ch; last_update[channel] = xTaskGetTickCount(); switch (channel) { case input_channel0: Line = Line3; ch = 'A'; break; case input_channel1: Line = Line4; ch = 'B'; break; default: ipc_watchdog_signal_error(0); return; } sprintf (buffer, "Channel %c: %i.%03i V", ch, mV/1000,mV%1000); xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY); taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); TIM_ITConfig(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update, DISABLE); GLCD_setTextColor(Black); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line, (unsigned char *) buffer); TIM_ITConfig(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update, ENABLE); taskENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); xSemaphoreGive(lcdLock); } }
static void printTask(void *params) { unsigned char str[21] = " "; portTickType lastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); int i; for (;;) { xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY); GLCD_setTextColor(Black); GLCD_displayStringLn(Line9, str); xSemaphoreGive(lcdLock); for (i = 0; i < 19; ++i) str[i] = str[i+1]; if (!xQueueReceive(printQueue, str + 19, 0)) str[19] = ' '; vTaskDelayUntil(&lastWakeTime, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } }
/******************************************************************************* * Clear given line * * Parameter: ln: line number * * Return: * *******************************************************************************/ void GLCD_clearLn(unsigned int ln) { GLCD_displayStringLn(ln, " "); }