const char * gmVariable::AsString(gmMachine * a_machine, char * a_buffer, int a_len) const { switch(m_type) { case GM_NULL : _gmsnprintf(a_buffer, a_len, "null"); break; case GM_INT : _gmsnprintf(a_buffer, a_len, "%d", m_value.m_int); break; case GM_FLOAT : _gmsnprintf(a_buffer, a_len, "%g", m_value.m_float); break; case GM_STRING : return ((gmStringObject *) GM_MOBJECT(a_machine, m_value.m_ref))->GetString(); default: gmAsStringCallback asStringCallback = a_machine->GetUserAsStringCallback(m_type); if(asStringCallback) { asStringCallback((gmUserObject *) GM_MOBJECT(a_machine, m_value.m_ref), a_buffer, a_len ); } else { _gmsnprintf(a_buffer, a_len, "%s:0x%x", a_machine->GetTypeName(m_type), m_value.m_ref); } break; } return a_buffer; }
gmThread::State gmThread::Sys_PopStackFrame(const gmuint8 * &a_ip, const gmuint8 * &a_cp) { if(m_frame == NULL) { m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry("stack underflow"); return SYS_EXCEPTION; } // Write barrier old local objects { gmGarbageCollector* gc = m_machine->GetGC(); if( !gc->IsOff() ) { for(int index = m_base-2; index < m_top; ++index) { if(m_stack[index].IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, m_stack[index].m_value.m_ref); gc->WriteBarrier(object); } } } } gmStackFrame * frame = m_frame->m_prev; if( frame == NULL ) // Final frame, we will exit now { return KILLED; // Don't clean up stack, let the machine reset it as state changes to killed (so Exit callback can examine valid thread contents) } a_ip = m_frame->m_returnAddress; // Copy old tos to new tos m_stack[m_base - 2] = m_stack[m_top - 1]; m_top = m_base - 1; m_base = m_frame->m_returnBase; m_machine->Sys_FreeStackFrame(m_frame); m_frame = frame; // Update instruction and code pointers GM_ASSERT(GetFunction()->m_type == GM_FUNCTION); gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, GetFunction()->m_value.m_ref); a_cp = (const gmuint8 *) fn->GetByteCode(); return RUNNING; }
void gmThread::GCScanRoots(gmMachine* a_machine, gmGarbageCollector* a_gc) { // mark stack int i; for(i = 0; i < m_top; ++i) { if(m_stack[i].IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, m_stack[i].m_value.m_ref); a_gc->GetNextObject(object); } } // mark signals gmSignal * signal = m_signals; while(signal) { if(signal->m_signal.IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, signal->m_signal.m_value.m_ref); a_gc->GetNextObject(object); } signal = signal->m_nextSignal; } // mark blocks gmBlock * block = m_blocks; while(block) { if(block->m_block.IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, block->m_block.m_value.m_ref); a_gc->GetNextObject(object); } block = block->m_nextBlock; } }
void gmThread::Mark(gmuint32 a_mark) { // mark stack int i; for(i = 0; i < m_top; ++i) { if(m_stack[i].IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, m_stack[i].m_value.m_ref); if(object->NeedsMark(a_mark)) object->Mark(m_machine, a_mark); } } // mark signals gmSignal * signal = m_signals; while(signal) { if(signal->m_signal.IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, signal->m_signal.m_value.m_ref); if(object->NeedsMark(a_mark)) object->Mark(m_machine, a_mark); } signal = signal->m_nextSignal; } // mark blocks gmBlock * block = m_blocks; while(block) { if(block->m_block.IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, block->m_block.m_value.m_ref); if(object->NeedsMark(a_mark)) object->Mark(m_machine, a_mark); } block = block->m_nextBlock; } }
bool ScriptSys::GetTableTable(const char* a_memberName, gmTableObject*& a_retTable, gmTableObject* a_table) { GM_ASSERT(a_table); gmTableObject* table = a_table; gmVariable stringName; gmVariable retVar; stringName.SetString(m_machine->AllocStringObject(a_memberName)); retVar = table->Get(stringName); if(retVar.m_type == GM_TABLE) { a_retTable = (gmTableObject*)GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, retVar.m_value.m_ref); return true; } return false; }
bool ScriptSys::GetTableGameObj(const char* a_memberName, GameObj*& a_gameObj, gmTableObject* a_table) { GM_ASSERT(a_table); gmTableObject* table = a_table; gmVariable stringName; gmVariable retVar; stringName.SetString(m_machine->AllocStringObject(a_memberName)); retVar = table->Get(stringName); if(retVar.m_type == ScriptObj::GMTYPE_GAMEOBJ) { gmUserObject* userObj = (gmUserObject*)GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, retVar.m_value.m_ref); a_gameObj = ((ScriptObj*)userObj->m_user)->GetGameObj(); return true; } return false; }
bool ScriptSys::GetTableString(const char* a_memberName, String& a_string, gmTableObject* a_table) { GM_ASSERT(a_table); gmTableObject* table = a_table; gmVariable stringName; gmVariable retVar; stringName.SetString(m_machine->AllocStringObject(a_memberName)); retVar = table->Get(stringName); if(retVar.m_type == GM_STRING) { gmStringObject* stringObj = (gmStringObject*)GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, retVar.m_value.m_ref); a_string = stringObj->GetString(); return true; } return false; }
void gmThread::LogCallStack() { m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry(GM_NL"callstack.."); gmStackFrame * frame = m_frame; int base = m_base; const gmuint8 * ip = m_instruction; while(frame) { // get the function object gmVariable * fnVar = &m_stack[base - 1]; if(fnVar->m_type == GM_FUNCTION) { gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, fnVar->m_value.m_ref); m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry("%3d: %s", fn->GetLine(ip), fn->GetDebugName()); } base = frame->m_returnBase; ip = frame->m_returnAddress; frame = frame->m_prev; } m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry(""); }
void gmThread::LogLineFile() { // spit out the source and line info for the exception. if(m_base >= 2 && GetFunction()->m_type == GM_FUNCTION) { gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, GetFunction()->m_value.m_ref); if(fn) { int line = fn->GetLine(m_instruction); gmuint32 id = fn->GetSourceId(); const char * source, * filename; if(m_machine->GetSourceCode(id, source, filename)) { char buffer[80]; gmGetLineFromString(source, line, buffer, 80); m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry(GM_NL"%s(%d) : %s", filename, line, buffer); } else { m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry(GM_NL"unknown(%d) : ", line); } } } }
// RAGE AGAINST THE VIRTUAL MACHINE =) gmThread::State gmThread::Sys_Execute(gmVariable * a_return) { register union { const gmuint8 * instruction; const gmuint32 * instruction32; }; register gmVariable * top; gmVariable * base; gmVariable * operand; const gmuint8 * code; if(m_state != RUNNING) return m_state; #if GMDEBUG_SUPPORT if(m_debugFlags && m_machine->GetDebugMode() && m_machine->m_isBroken) { if(m_machine->m_isBroken(this)) return RUNNING; } #endif // GMDEBUG_SUPPORT // make sure we have a stack frame GM_ASSERT(m_frame); GM_ASSERT(GetFunction()->m_type == GM_FUNCTION); // cache our "registers" gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, GetFunction()->m_value.m_ref); code = (const gmuint8 *) fn->GetByteCode(); if(m_instruction == NULL) instruction = code; else instruction = m_instruction; top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); // // start byte code execution // for(;;) { #ifdef GM_CHECK_USER_BREAK_CALLBACK // This may be defined in gmConfig_p.h // Check external source to break execution with exception eg. Check for CTRL-BREAK // Endless loop protection could be implemented with this, or in a similar manner. if( gmMachine::s_userBreakCallback && gmMachine::s_userBreakCallback(this) ) { GMTHREAD_LOG("User break. Execution halted."); goto LabelException; } #endif //GM_CHECK_USER_BREAK_CALLBACK switch(*(instruction32++)) { // // unary operator // #if GM_USE_INCDECOPERATORS case BC_OP_INC : case BC_OP_DEC : #endif case BC_BIT_INV : case BC_OP_NEG : case BC_OP_POS : case BC_OP_NOT : { operand = top - 1; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else if((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 3); State res = PushStackFrame(1, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("unary operator %s undefined for type %s", gmGetOperatorName((gmOperator) instruction32[-1]), m_machine->GetTypeName(operand->m_type)); goto LabelException; } break; } // // operator // case BC_OP_ADD : case BC_OP_SUB : case BC_OP_MUL : case BC_OP_DIV : case BC_OP_REM : case BC_BIT_OR : case BC_BIT_XOR : case BC_BIT_AND : case BC_BIT_SHL : case BC_BIT_SHR : case BC_OP_LT : case BC_OP_GT : case BC_OP_LTE : case BC_OP_GTE : case BC_OP_EQ : case BC_OP_NEQ : { operand = top - 2; --top; // NOTE: Classic logic for operators. Higher type processes the operation. register gmType t1 = operand[1].m_type; if(operand->m_type > t1) t1 = operand->m_type; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(t1, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else if((fn = CALLOPERATOR(t1, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[3] = operand[1]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 4); State res = PushStackFrame(2, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("operator %s undefined for type %s and %s", gmGetOperatorName((gmOperator) instruction32[-1]), m_machine->GetTypeName(operand->m_type), m_machine->GetTypeName((operand + 1)->m_type)); goto LabelException; } break; } case BC_GETIND : { operand = top - 2; --top; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else if((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, (gmOperator) instruction32[-1]))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[3] = operand[1]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 4); State res = PushStackFrame(2, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("operator %s undefined for type %s and %s", gmGetOperatorName((gmOperator) instruction32[-1]), m_machine->GetTypeName(operand->m_type), m_machine->GetTypeName((operand + 1)->m_type)); goto LabelException; } break; } case BC_SETIND : { operand = top - 3; top -= 3; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_SETIND); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else if((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_SETIND))) { operand[4] = operand[2]; operand[3] = operand[1]; operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 5); State res = PushStackFrame(3, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("setind failed."); goto LabelException; } break; } case BC_NOP : { break; } case BC_LINE : { #if GMDEBUG_SUPPORT if(m_machine->GetDebugMode() && m_machine->m_line) { SetTop(top); m_instruction = instruction; if(m_machine->m_line(this)) return RUNNING; } #endif // GMDEBUG_SUPPORT break; } case BC_GETDOT : { operand = top - 1; gmptr member = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); top->m_type = GM_STRING; top->m_value.m_ref = member; gmType t1 = operand->m_type; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(t1, O_GETDOT); if(op) { op(this, operand); if(operand->m_type) break; } if(t1 == GM_NULL) { GMTHREAD_LOG("getdot failed."); goto LabelException; } *operand = m_machine->GetTypeVariable(t1, gmVariable(GM_STRING, member)); break; } case BC_SETDOT : { operand = top - 2; gmptr member = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); top->m_type = GM_STRING; top->m_value.m_ref = member; top -= 2; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_SETDOT); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("setdot failed."); goto LabelException; } break; } case BC_BRA : { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); break; } case BC_BRZ : { #if GM_BOOL_OP operand = top - 1; --top; if (operand->m_type > GM_USER) { // Look for overridden operator. gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL); if (op) { op(this, operand); } else if ((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 3); // Return to the same instruction after making the call but it will be testing the results of the call. --instruction32; State res = PushStackFrame(1, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } } if(operand->m_value.m_int == 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #else // !GM_BOOL_OP --top; if(top->m_value.m_int == 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #endif // !GM_BOOL_OP break; } case BC_BRNZ : { #if GM_BOOL_OP operand = top - 1; --top; if (operand->m_type > GM_USER) { // Look for overridden operator. gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL); if (op) { op(this, operand); } else if ((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 3); // Return to the same instruction after making the call but it will be testing the results of the call. --instruction32; State res = PushStackFrame(1, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } } if(operand->m_value.m_int != 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #else // !GM_BOOL_OP --top; if(top->m_value.m_int != 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #endif // !GM_BOOL_OP break; } case BC_BRZK : { #if GM_BOOL_OP operand = top - 1; if (operand->m_type > GM_USER) { // Look for overridden operator. gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL); if (op) { op(this, operand); } else if ((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 3); // Return to the same instruction after making the call but it will be testing the results of the call. --instruction32; State res = PushStackFrame(1, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } } if(operand->m_value.m_int == 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #else // !GM_BOOL_OP if(top[-1].m_value.m_int == 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #endif // !GM_BOOL_OP break; } case BC_BRNZK : { #if GM_BOOL_OP operand = top - 1; if (operand->m_type > GM_USER) { // Look for overridden operator. gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL); if (op) { op(this, operand); } else if ((fn = CALLOPERATOR(operand->m_type, O_BOOL))) { operand[2] = operand[0]; operand[0] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); operand[1] = gmVariable(GM_FUNCTION, fn->GetRef()); SetTop(operand + 3); // Return to the same instruction after making the call but it will be testing the results of the call. --instruction32; State res = PushStackFrame(1, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) break; if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); GM_ASSERT(0); } // operator should not kill a thread return res; } } if(operand->m_value.m_int != 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #else // !GM_BOOL_OP if(top[-1].m_value.m_int != 0) { instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI(instruction); } else instruction += sizeof(gmptr); #endif // !GM_BOOL_OP break; } case BC_CALL : { SetTop(top); int numParams = (int) OPCODE_INT(instruction); State res = PushStackFrame(numParams, &instruction, &code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) { #if GMDEBUG_SUPPORT if(m_debugFlags && m_machine->GetDebugMode() && m_machine->m_call) { m_instruction = instruction; if(m_machine->m_call(this)) return RUNNING; } #endif // GMDEBUG_SUPPORT break; } if(res == SYS_YIELD) return RUNNING; if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; if(res == KILLED) { if(a_return) *a_return = m_stack[m_top - 1]; m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); } return res; } case BC_RET : { PUSHNULL; } case BC_RETV : { SetTop(top); int res = Sys_PopStackFrame(instruction, code); top = GetTop(); base = GetBase(); if(res == RUNNING) { #if GMDEBUG_SUPPORT if(m_debugFlags && m_machine->GetDebugMode() && m_machine->m_return) { m_instruction = instruction; if(m_machine->m_return(this)) return RUNNING; } #endif // GMDEBUG_SUPPORT break; } if(res == KILLED) { if(a_return) *a_return = *(top - 1); m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); return KILLED; } if(res == SYS_EXCEPTION) goto LabelException; break; } #if GM_USE_FORK // duplicates the current thread and just the local stack frame // and branches around the forked section of code case BC_FORK : { int id; gmThread* newthr = GetMachine()->CreateThread(&id); GM_ASSERT( newthr ); // make sure there is enough room newthr->Touch( m_size - m_base + 2 - GMTHREAD_SLACKSPACE); // copy stack and vars memcpy( newthr->m_stack, &m_stack[ m_base - 2 ], sizeof( gmVariable ) * (m_top - m_base + 2 ) ); newthr->m_top = m_top - m_base + 2; newthr->m_frame = m_machine->Sys_AllocStackFrame(); newthr->m_frame->m_prev = 0; newthr->m_frame->m_returnAddress = 0; newthr->m_frame->m_returnBase = 0; newthr->m_base = 2; newthr->m_instruction = instruction + sizeof(gmptr); // skip branch on other thread newthr->PushInt( GetId() ); instruction = code + OPCODE_PTR_NI( instruction ); // branch top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = newthr->GetId(); ++top; break; } #endif //GM_USE_FORK case BC_FOREACH : { gmuint32 localvalue = OPCODE_INT(instruction); gmuint32 localkey = localvalue >> 16; localvalue &= 0xffff; // iterator is at tos-1, table is at tos -2, push int 1 if continuing loop. write key and value into localkey and localvalue if(top[-2].m_type != GM_TABLE) { #if GM_USER_FOREACH gmTypeIteratorCallback itrfunc = m_machine->GetUserTypeIteratorCallback(top[-2].m_type); if (!itrfunc) { GMTHREAD_LOG("foreach expression has no iterator function"); goto LabelException; } gmTypeIterator it = (gmTypeIterator) top[-1].m_value.m_int; gmUserObject *obj = (gmUserObject*)GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, top[-2].m_value.m_ref); // Do callback for getnext gmVariable localvar; gmVariable localkeyvar; itrfunc(this, obj, it, &localkeyvar, &localvar); if (it != GM_TYPE_ITR_NULL) { base[localkey] = localkeyvar; base[localvalue] = localvar; top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 1; } else { top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 0; } top[-1].m_value.m_int = it; ++top; #else //GM_USER_FOREACH (original) GMTHREAD_LOG("foreach expression is not table type"); goto LabelException; #endif //GM_USER_FOREACH } else { GM_ASSERT(top[-1].m_type == GM_INT); gmTableIterator it = (gmTableIterator) top[-1].m_value.m_int; gmTableObject * table = (gmTableObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, top[-2].m_value.m_ref); gmTableNode * node = table->GetNext(it); top[-1].m_value.m_int = it; if(node) { base[localkey] = node->m_key; base[localvalue] = node->m_value; top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 1; } else { top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 0; } ++top; } break; } case BC_POP : { --top; break; } case BC_POP2 : { top -= 2; break; } case BC_DUP : { top[0] = top[-1]; ++top; break; } case BC_DUP2 : { top[0] = top[-2]; top[1] = top[-1]; top += 2; break; } case BC_SWAP : { top[0] = top[-1]; top[-1] = top[-2]; top[-2] = top[0]; break; } case BC_PUSHNULL : { PUSHNULL; break; } case BC_PUSHINT : { top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = OPCODE_INT(instruction); ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHINT0 : { top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 0; ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHINT1 : { top->m_type = GM_INT; top->m_value.m_int = 1; ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHFP : { top->m_type = GM_FLOAT; top->m_value.m_float = OPCODE_FLOAT(instruction); ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHSTR : { top->m_type = GM_STRING; top->m_value.m_ref = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHTBL : { SetTop(top); top->m_type = GM_TABLE; top->m_value.m_ref = m_machine->AllocTableObject()->GetRef(); ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHFN : { top->m_type = GM_FUNCTION; top->m_value.m_ref = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); ++top; break; } case BC_PUSHTHIS : { *top = *GetThis(); ++top; break; } case BC_GETLOCAL : { gmuint32 offset = OPCODE_INT(instruction); *(top++) = base[offset]; break; } case BC_SETLOCAL : { gmuint32 offset = OPCODE_INT(instruction); // Write barrier old local objects { gmGarbageCollector* gc = m_machine->GetGC(); if( !gc->IsOff() && base[offset].IsReference() ) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, base[offset].m_value.m_ref); gc->WriteBarrier(object); } } base[offset] = *(--top); break; } case BC_GETGLOBAL : { top->m_type = GM_STRING; top->m_value.m_ref = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); *top = m_machine->GetGlobals()->Get(*top); ++top; break; } case BC_SETGLOBAL : { top->m_type = GM_STRING; top->m_value.m_ref = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); m_machine->GetGlobals()->Set(m_machine, *top, *(top-1)); --top; break; } case BC_GETTHIS : { gmptr member = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); const gmVariable * thisVar = GetThis(); *top = *thisVar; top[1].m_type = GM_STRING; top[1].m_value.m_ref = member; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(thisVar->m_type, O_GETDOT); if(op) { op(this, top); if(top->m_type) { ++top; break; } } if(thisVar->m_type == GM_NULL) { GMTHREAD_LOG("getthis failed. this is null"); goto LabelException; } *top = m_machine->GetTypeVariable(thisVar->m_type, top[1]); ++top; break; } case BC_SETTHIS : { gmptr member = OPCODE_PTR(instruction); const gmVariable * thisVar = GetThis(); operand = top - 1; *top = *operand; *operand = *thisVar; top[1].m_type = GM_STRING; top[1].m_value.m_ref = member; --top; gmOperatorFunction op = OPERATOR(thisVar->m_type, O_SETDOT); if(op) { op(this, operand); } else { GMTHREAD_LOG("setthis failed."); goto LabelException; } break; } default : { break; } } } LabelException: // // exception handler // m_instruction = instruction; // spit out error info LogLineFile(); LogCallStack(); // call machine exception handler if(gmMachine::s_machineCallback) { if(gmMachine::s_machineCallback(m_machine, MC_THREAD_EXCEPTION, this)) { #if GMDEBUG_SUPPORT // if we are being debugged, put this thread into a limbo state, waiting for delete. if(m_machine->GetDebugMode() && m_machine->m_debugUser) { m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, EXCEPTION); return EXCEPTION; } #endif } } // kill the thread m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, KILLED); return KILLED; }
gmThread::State gmThread::PushStackFrame(int a_numParameters, const gmuint8 ** a_ip, const gmuint8 ** a_cp) { // calculate new stack base int base = m_top - a_numParameters; if( base == 2 ) // When initial thread function is ready, signal thread creation { // This may not be the best place to signal, but we at least want a valid 'this' m_base = base; // Init so some thread queries work m_machine->Sys_SignalCreateThread(this); } gmVariable * fnVar = &m_stack[base - 1]; if(fnVar->m_type != GM_FUNCTION) { m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry("attempt to call non function type"); return SYS_EXCEPTION; } gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, fnVar->m_value.m_ref); if(fn->m_cFunction) { // // Its a native function call, call it now as we cannot stack wind natives. this avoids // pushing a gmStackFrame. // m_numParameters = (short) a_numParameters; int lastBase = m_base; int lastTop = m_top; m_base = base; int result = fn->m_cFunction(this); // Write barrier old local objects at native pop time { gmGarbageCollector* gc = m_machine->GetGC(); if( !gc->IsOff() ) { for(int index = m_base; index < m_top; ++index) { if(m_stack[index].IsReference()) { gmObject * object = GM_MOBJECT(m_machine, m_stack[index].m_value.m_ref); gc->WriteBarrier(object); } } } } // handle state if(result == GM_SYS_STATE) { // this is special case, a bit messy. return PushStackFrame(a_numParameters - GM_STATE_NUM_PARAMS, a_ip, a_cp); } // NOTE: It is not currently safe for a C binding to kill this thread. // Since we cant unwind mixed script and native functions anyway, // perhaps the safest thing would be for ALWAYS delay killed threads // from deletion. // push a null if the function did not return anything if(lastTop == m_top) { m_stack[m_base - 2] = gmVariable(GM_NULL, 0); } else { m_stack[m_base - 2] = m_stack[m_top - 1]; } // Restore the stack m_top = m_base - 1; m_base = lastBase; // check the call result if(result != GM_OK) { const gmuint8 * returnAddress = (a_ip) ? *a_ip : NULL; if(result == GM_SYS_YIELD) { m_machine->Sys_RemoveSignals(this); m_instruction = returnAddress; return SYS_YIELD; } else if(result == GM_SYS_BLOCK) { m_instruction = returnAddress; m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, BLOCKED); return BLOCKED; } else if(result == GM_SYS_SLEEP) { m_instruction = returnAddress; m_machine->Sys_SwitchState(this, SLEEPING); return SLEEPING; } else if(result == GM_SYS_KILL) { return KILLED; } return SYS_EXCEPTION; } if(!m_frame) // C called C function, no stack frame, so signal killed. { return KILLED; } // return result return RUNNING; } // // Its a script function call, push a stack frame // int clearSize = fn->GetNumParamsLocals() - a_numParameters; if(!Touch(clearSize + fn->GetMaxStackSize())) { m_machine->GetLog().LogEntry("stack overflow"); return SYS_EXCEPTION; } // zero missing params and locals. if(a_numParameters <= fn->GetNumParams()) { memset(GetTop(), 0, sizeof(gmVariable) * clearSize); } else { memset(&m_stack[base + fn->GetNumParams()], 0, sizeof(gmVariable) * fn->GetNumLocals()); } // push a new stack frame gmStackFrame * frame = m_machine->Sys_AllocStackFrame(); frame->m_prev = m_frame; m_frame = frame; // cache new frame variables m_frame->m_returnBase = m_base; if(a_ip) { m_frame->m_returnAddress = *a_ip; *a_ip = (const gmuint8 *) fn->GetByteCode(); *a_cp = *a_ip; } else { m_frame->m_returnAddress = NULL; } m_base = base; m_top = base + fn->GetNumParamsLocals(); return RUNNING; }
void gmMachineGetContext(gmDebugSession * a_session, int a_threadId, int a_callframe) { const int buffSize = 256; char buff[buffSize]; // buff is used for AsString gmThread * thread = a_session->GetMachine()->GetThread(a_threadId); if(thread) { // count the number of frames on the thread int numFrames = 0; const gmStackFrame * frame = thread->GetFrame(); while(frame) { ++numFrames; frame = frame->m_prev; } // if a valid frame was requested, fill out a context. if(a_callframe >= 0 && a_callframe <= numFrames) { gmDebuggerBeginContext(a_session, a_threadId, a_callframe); // pack frames frame = thread->GetFrame(); numFrames = 0; gmVariable * base = thread->GetBase(); const gmuint8 * ip = thread->GetInstruction(); while(frame) { // get the function object gmVariable * fnVar = base - 1; if(fnVar->m_type == GM_FUNCTION) { gmFunctionObject * fn = (gmFunctionObject *) GM_MOBJECT(thread->GetMachine(), fnVar->m_value.m_ref); // this base[-2].AsStringWithType(thread->GetMachine(), buff, buffSize); gmDebuggerContextCallFrame(a_session, numFrames, fn->GetDebugName(), fn->GetSourceId(), fn->GetLine(ip), "this", buff, (base[-2].IsReference()) ? base[-2].m_value.m_ref : 0); if(numFrames == a_callframe) { // this is the active frame, fill out the variables int i; for(i = 0; i < fn->GetNumParamsLocals(); ++i) { base[i].AsStringWithType(thread->GetMachine(), buff, buffSize); gmDebuggerContextVariable(a_session, fn->GetSymbol(i), buff, (base[i].IsReference()) ? base[i].m_value.m_ref : 0); } } } else { base[-2].AsStringWithType(thread->GetMachine(), buff, buffSize); gmDebuggerContextCallFrame(a_session, numFrames, "unknown", 0, 0, "this", buff, (base[-2].IsReference()) ? base[-2].m_value.m_ref : 0); } // next call frame ++numFrames; base = thread->GetBottom() + frame->m_returnBase; ip = frame->m_returnAddress; frame = frame->m_prev; } gmDebuggerEndContext(a_session); } } }