コード例 #1
static bool AdjustRect( gui_window *wnd, SAREA *area )
    if( ( wnd->hgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        if( ( area->col + area->width ) < wnd->hgadget->pos ) {
            return( false );
        } else {
            if( area->col < wnd->hgadget->pos ) {
                area->width -= ( wnd->hgadget->pos - area->col );
                area->col = 0;
            } else {
                area->col -= wnd->hgadget->pos;
    if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        if( ( area->row + area->height ) < wnd->vgadget->pos ) {
            return( false );
        } else {
            if( area->row < wnd->vgadget->pos ) {
                area->height -= ( wnd->vgadget->pos - area->row );
                area->row = 0;
            } else {
                area->row -= wnd->vgadget->pos;
    area->col += wnd->use.col;
    area->row += wnd->use.row;
    return( GUIIntersectRect( area, &wnd->dirty ) );
コード例 #2
ファイル: guixloop.c プロジェクト: bhanug/open-watcom-v2
static void SendPointEvent( gui_window *wnd, gui_event gui_ev,
                            gui_coord *point )
    gui_point   pt;
    bool        down_sent;

    down_sent = ButtonDownSent == wnd;
    switch( gui_ev ) {
        ButtonDownSent = wnd;
    case GUI_LBUTTONUP :
    case GUI_RBUTTONUP :
        ButtonDownSent = NULL;
    default :
    /* if the mouse event is not on the border, or if it is a mouse up on
     * the border
    if( down_sent || ( MouseState == MOUSE_CLIENT ) ) {
        if( ( wnd->hgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
            point->x += wnd->hgadget->pos;
        if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
            point->y += wnd->vgadget->pos;
        GUIMakeRelative( wnd, point, &pt );
        GUIEVENTWND( wnd, gui_ev, &pt );
コード例 #3
ファイル: guidrect.c プロジェクト: ABratovic/open-watcom-v2
void GUIWndDirtyRect( gui_window * wnd, gui_rect * rect )
    SAREA       area;

    GUIScaleToScreenRectR( rect, &area );

    /* adjust for scrolling */
    if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        if( area.row < wnd->vgadget->pos ) {
            if( ( area.row + area.height ) < wnd->vgadget->pos ) {
                return; // rect entirely above visible area;
            } else {
                /* only bottom portion of rect visible */
                area.height -= ( wnd->vgadget->pos - area.row );
                area.row = 0;
        } else {
            area.row -= wnd->vgadget->pos;
    if( ( wnd->hgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        if( area.col < wnd->hgadget->pos ) {
            if( ( area.col + area.width ) < wnd->hgadget->pos ) {
                return; // rect entirely to left of visible area;
            } else {
                /* only right portion of rect visible */
                area.width -= ( wnd->hgadget->pos - area.col );
                area.col = 0;
        } else {
            area.col -= wnd->hgadget->pos;

    /* adjust top left to inside client area */
    area.row += wnd->use.row;
    area.col += wnd->use.col;

    /* ensure we're only redrawing in the client area */

    if( area.row > ( wnd->use.row + wnd->use.height ) ) {
        /* area entirely below visible area */
    if( area.col > ( wnd->use.col + wnd->use.width ) ) {
        /* area entirely to right of visible area */
    if( ( area.row + area.height ) > ( wnd->use.row + wnd->use.height ) ) {
        /* area goes past bottom of visible area - clip */
        area.height = wnd->use.row + wnd->use.height - area.row;
    if( ( area.col + area.width ) > ( wnd->use.col + wnd->use.width ) ) {
        /* area goes past right of visible area - clip */
        area.width = wnd->use.col + wnd->use.width - area.col;
    GUIDirtyArea( wnd, &area );
コード例 #4
ファイル: guifloat.c プロジェクト: bhanug/open-watcom-v2
static void MapLocation( gui_window *wnd, gui_point *point )
    GUIScaleToScreenRPt( point );
    if( ( wnd->hgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        point->x -= wnd->hgadget->pos;
    if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        point->y -= wnd->vgadget->pos;
    point->x += wnd->use.col + 1;
    point->y += wnd->use.row + 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: guidrow.c プロジェクト: ABratovic/open-watcom-v2
void GUIWndDirtyRow( gui_window * wnd, gui_ord row )
    SAREA area;

    area.row = row + wnd->use.row;
    if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        area.row -= wnd->vgadget->pos;
    area.col = wnd->use.col;
    area.width = wnd->use.width;
    area.height = 1;
    GUIDirtyArea( wnd, &area );
コード例 #6
ファイル: guixloop.c プロジェクト: bhanug/open-watcom-v2
bool GUIProcessEvent( EVENT ev )
    gui_event   gui_ev;
    ORD         row, col;
    gui_window  *wnd;
    int         prev;
    int         diff;
    gui_ctl_id  id;
    gui_window  *menu_window;
    bool        new_curr_wnd;
    VSCREEN     *screen;

    // this is processed before all others and signals the end for all
    // GUI UI windows ( unconditional )
    if( ev == EV_KILL_UI ) {
        GUIDestroyWnd( NULL );
        return( false );

    ev = MapMiddleToRight( ev );
    ev = CheckPrevEvent( ev );
    wnd = NULL;
    if( uimouseinstalled() ) {
        screen = uivmousepos( NULL, &row, &col );
        if( screen != NULL && (screen->flags & V_GUI_WINDOW) != 0 ) {
            wnd = (gui_window *)((char *)screen - offsetof( gui_window, screen ));
    if( GUIDoKeyboardMoveResize( ev ) ) {
        return( true );
    if( MouseState == MOUSE_MOVE || MouseState == MOUSE_SIZE ) {
        if( GUIDoMoveResizeCheck( GUIMouseWnd, ev, row, col ) ) {
            MouseState = MOUSE_FREE;
            return( true );
        if( GUI_WND_MINIMIZED( GUIMouseWnd ) ) {
            switch( ev ) {
            case EV_MOUSE_DCLICK :
            case EV_MOUSE_RELEASE :
            case EV_MOUSE_DRAG :
                ProcessMinimizedMouseEvent( ev, row, col );
        } else {
            switch( ev ) {
            case EV_MOUSE_RELEASE :
            case EV_MOUSE_DRAG :
            case EV_MOUSE_DRAG_R :
                ProcessMouseReleaseDrag( ev, GUI_LBUTTONUP, row, col );
        return( true );
    new_curr_wnd = SetCurrWnd( ev, wnd );
    if( GUIProcessAltMenuEvent( ev ) ) {
        return( true );
    /* Only deal with press and dclick events for minimized windows.
     * All other non-menu events are ingored.
    if( !IS_CTLEVENT( ev ) && ( GUICurrWnd != NULL ) && GUI_WND_MINIMIZED( GUICurrWnd ) ) {
        /* ignore event if mouse not in minimized current window */
        if( GUICurrWnd == wnd ) {
            switch( ev ) {
            case EV_MOUSE_PRESS :
            case EV_MOUSE_DCLICK :
            case EV_MOUSE_RELEASE :
                GUIMouseWnd = GUICurrWnd;
                ProcessMinimizedMouseEvent( ev, row, col );
        return( true );
    if( !IS_CTLEVENT( ev ) && ( GUICurrWnd != NULL ) && GUIIsOpen( GUICurrWnd ) ) {
        /* see if any of the controls in the window consume the event */
        ev = GUIProcessControlEvent( GUICurrWnd, ev, row, col );
        /* See if the event is for on of the scroll bars. */
        /* Diff and prev are used if the event return is  */
        if( !new_curr_wnd || ( GUIGetWindowStyles() & ( GUI_INACT_GADGETS+GUI_INACT_SAME ) ) ) {
            ev = GUIGadgetFilter( GUICurrWnd, ev, &prev, &diff );
        if( ev == EV_NO_EVENT ) {
            return( true );
    gui_ev = GUI_NO_EVENT;
    ev = GUIMapKeys( ev );
    switch( ev ) {
    case EV_MOUSE_DCLICK_R :
        ProcessMousePos( GUI_RBUTTONDBLCLK, row, col, wnd );
        return( true );
        ProcessMouseReleaseDrag( ev, GUI_RBUTTONUP, row, col );
        return( true );
    case EV_MOUSE_DRAG_R :
        if( GUICurrWnd != GUIMouseWnd ) {
            /* got drag without press first */
            ProcessMousePress( EV_MOUSE_PRESS_R, GUI_LBUTTONDOWN, row, col,
                               new_curr_wnd );
    case EV_MOUSE_MOVE :
        ProcessMousePos( GUI_MOUSEMOVE, row, col, wnd );
        return( true );
        ProcessMouseReleaseDrag( ev, GUI_LBUTTONUP, row, col );
        return( true );
    case EV_MOUSE_DRAG :
        if( GUICurrWnd != GUIMouseWnd ) {
            /* got drag without press first */
            ProcessMousePress( EV_MOUSE_PRESS, GUI_LBUTTONDOWN, row, col,
                               new_curr_wnd );
        ProcessMouseReleaseDrag( ev, GUI_MOUSEMOVE, row, col );
        return( true );
    case EV_MOUSE_PRESS_R :
        ProcessMousePress( ev, GUI_RBUTTONDOWN, row, col, new_curr_wnd );
        return( true );
    case EV_MOUSE_PRESS :
        ProcessMousePress( ev, GUI_LBUTTONDOWN, row, col, new_curr_wnd );
        return( true );
    case EV_MOUSE_DCLICK :
        ProcessMousePress( ev, GUI_LBUTTONDBLCLK, row, col, new_curr_wnd );
        return( true );
    case EV_NO_EVENT :
        gui_ev = GUI_NO_EVENT;
    case EV_SCROLL_UP :
    case EV_SCROLL_DOWN :
    case EV_SCROLL_PAGE_UP :
    case EV_SCROLL_LEFT :
    case EV_SCROLL_RIGHT :
        if( GUICurrWnd != NULL ) {
            ProcessScrollEvent( ev );
            return( true );
        if( GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( GUICurrWnd ) ) {
            DoScrollDrag( GUICurrWnd->vgadget, prev, diff );
        } else {
            GUIWholeWndDirty( GUICurrWnd );
        return( true );
        if( GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( GUICurrWnd ) ) {
            DoScrollDrag( GUICurrWnd->hgadget, prev, diff );
        } else {
            GUIWholeWndDirty( GUICurrWnd );
        return( true );
        return( true );
#if 0
            gui_window          *root;
            root = GUIGetRootWindow();
            if( root != NULL ) {
                GUIZoomWnd( root, GUI_NONE );
        return( true );
    default :
        if( IS_CTLEVENT( ev ) ) {
            if( !GUIMDIProcessEvent( ev ) ) {
                menu_window = GUIGetMenuWindow();
                if( menu_window != NULL ) {
                    id = EV2ID( ev );
                    GUIEVENTWND( menu_window, GUI_CLICKED, &id );
            return( true );
    if( ( GUICurrWnd != NULL ) && (gui_ev != GUI_NO_EVENT ) ) {
        GUIEVENTWND( GUICurrWnd, gui_ev, NULL );
    return( true );
コード例 #7
void GUIXDrawText( gui_window *wnd, const char *text, size_t length, gui_coord *in_pos,
                  gui_attr attr, gui_ord extentx, bool draw_extent )
    int         vscroll;        /* vertical scroll adjust amount */
    int         hscroll;        /* horizontal scroll adjust amount */
    size_t      my_length;      /* actual length of text (may be > length) */
    gui_coord   my_pos;         /* pos in screen coords */
    int         pos;            /* position to draw on VSCREEN */
    int         col;            /* index into string */
    gui_coord   extent;
    SAREA       area;
    int         width;
    int         frame_adjust;

    if( attr >= wnd->num_attrs ) {
    if( !( wnd->style & GUI_VISIBLE ) ) {

    if( wnd->style & GUI_NOFRAME ) {
        frame_adjust = 0;
    } else {
        frame_adjust = 1;

    my_pos.x = in_pos->x;
    my_pos.y = in_pos->y;
    GUIScaleToScreenR( &my_pos );

    /* adjust for scrolling */
    vscroll = 0;
    if( ( wnd->vgadget != NULL ) && ( !GUI_VSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) ) {
        vscroll += wnd->vgadget->pos;
    hscroll = 0;
    if( ( wnd->hgadget != NULL ) && !GUI_HSCROLL_EVENTS_SET( wnd ) ) {
        hscroll += wnd->hgadget->pos;

    if( ( my_pos.y - vscroll + frame_adjust ) < frame_adjust ) {
        /* row to draw is not visible with vertical scrolling */

    if( text != NULL ) {
        my_length = strlen( text );
        if( my_length < length ) {
            length = my_length;
    } else {
        my_length = 0;

    /* if text shows even with scrolling */
    if( ( my_pos.x + length ) > hscroll ) {
        pos = frame_adjust;  /* position on VSCREEN */
        col = 0;             /* index into curr string */

        /* start of text in dirty region */
        if( ( ( wnd->dirty.col - 1 ) <= ( my_pos.x - hscroll ) ) &&
            ( my_pos.x >= hscroll ) ) {
            pos += ( my_pos.x - hscroll );
        } else {
            /* start of text to left of dirty region */
            pos += wnd->dirty.col - 1;
            if( my_pos.x < hscroll ) {
                /* start of text scrolled off screen */
                col    += ( hscroll - my_pos.x + wnd->dirty.col - 1 );
                length -= ( hscroll - my_pos.x + wnd->dirty.col - 1 );
            } else {
                /* start of text visible but to left of dirty region */
                col    += ( wnd->dirty.col  - 1 + hscroll - my_pos.x );
                length -= ( wnd->dirty.col  - 1 + hscroll - my_pos.x );
        /* should deal with decreasing length due to text off screen
            to right */
        if( ( length > 0 ) &&
            ( ( col - hscroll ) < ( wnd->dirty.col + wnd->dirty.width ) ) ) {
            if( ( pos + length ) > ( wnd->dirty.col + wnd->dirty.width ) ) {
                length = wnd->dirty.col + wnd->dirty.width - pos;
            if( length > 0 ) {
                char        *p;
                const char  *cp;

                for( cp = text; cp < text+col; cp += GUICharLen( *cp ) ) ;
                if( cp != text + col ) {
                    p = alloca( length );
                    cp = memcpy( p, text+col, length );
                    p[0] = ' ';
                uivtextput( &wnd->screen, my_pos.y - vscroll + frame_adjust,
                            pos, wnd->colours[attr], cp, length );
            } else {
                length = 0;
        } else {
            length = 0;
    } else {
        pos = -length + 1; /* so (pos+length) will be 1 for drawing extent */
    if( draw_extent ) {
        if( extentx == GUI_NO_COLUMN ) {
            /* this is the most that will be covered.  It will be adjust for
               starting position and dirty rect */
            extentx = wnd->use.width;
        } else {
            /* record total width user wants to cover, adjusting for
             * portion not visible due to scrolling scrolling
            extent.x = extentx + in_pos->x;
            GUIScaleToScreenR( &extent );
            extentx = extent.x - hscroll;

        if( ( pos + length ) <= extentx ) {
            area.row = my_pos.y - vscroll + frame_adjust;
            area.height = 1;
            area.col = pos + length;
            /* adjust left border for dirty area */
            if( area.col < wnd->dirty.col ) {
                area.col = wnd->dirty.col;
            width = extentx - area.col + 1;
            /* adjust right border for dirty area */
            if( ( area.col + width ) > ( wnd->dirty.col + wnd->dirty.width ) ) {
                width = wnd->dirty.width + wnd->dirty.col - area.col;
            if( width > 0 )  {
                area.width = width;
                uivfill( &wnd->screen, area, wnd->colours[attr], ' ' );