コード例 #1
void G_namelog_update_name( gclient_t *client )
  char      n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  namelog_t *n = client->pers.namelog;

  if( n->name[ n->nameOffset ][ 0 ] )
    G_SanitiseString( client->pers.netname, n1, sizeof( n1 ) );
    G_SanitiseString( n->name[ n->nameOffset ],
      n2, sizeof( n2 ) );
    if( strcmp( n1, n2 ) != 0 )
      n->nameOffset = ( n->nameOffset + 1 ) % MAX_NAMELOG_NAMES;
  strcpy( n->name[ n->nameOffset ], client->pers.netname );
コード例 #2
ファイル: g_namelog.c プロジェクト: OnlyTheGhosts/Mirai_Ran
void G_namelog_update_name( gclient_t *client )
  int       i;
  char      n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  namelog_t *n = client->pers.namelog;

  G_SanitiseString( client->pers.netname, n1, sizeof( n1 ) );
  for( i = 0; i < MAX_NAMELOG_NAMES && n->name[ i ][ 0 ]; i++ )
    G_SanitiseString( n->name[ i ], n2, sizeof( n2 ) );
    if( !strcmp( n1, n2 ) )
  strcpy( n->name[ n->nameChanges % MAX_NAMELOG_NAMES ], client->pers.netname );
コード例 #3
ファイル: g_cmds_ext.c プロジェクト: OpenArena/legacy

Sets plist to an array of integers that represent client numbers that have
names that are a partial match for s.

Returns number of matching clientids up to max.
int G_ClientNumbersFromString( char *s, int *plist, int max )
  gclient_t *p;
  int i, found = 0;
  char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""};
  char s2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""};

  if( max == 0 )
    return 0;

  // if a number is provided, it is a clientnum
  for( i = 0; s[ i ] && isdigit( s[ i ] ); i++ );
  if( !s[ i ] )
    i = atoi( s );
    if( i >= 0 && i < level.maxclients )
      p = &level.clients[ i ];
      if( p->pers.connected != CON_DISCONNECTED )
        *plist = i;
        return 1;
    // we must assume that if only a number is provided, it is a clientNum
    return 0;

  // now look for name matches
  G_SanitiseString( s, s2, sizeof( s2 ) );
  if( strlen( s2 ) < 1 )
    return 0;
  for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients && found < max; i++ )
    p = &level.clients[ i ];
    if( p->pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED )
    G_SanitiseString( p->pers.netname, n2, sizeof( n2 ) );
    if( strstr( n2, s2 ) )
      *plist++ = i;
  return found;
コード例 #4
ファイル: g_cmds_ext.c プロジェクト: sago007/oax

Returns a player number for either a number or name string
Returns -1 if invalid
int G_ClientNumberFromString( char *s )
	gclient_t *cl;
	int       i;
	char      s2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
	char      n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];

	// numeric values are just slot numbers
	for( i = 0; s[ i ] && isdigit( s[ i ] ); i++ );
	if( !s[ i ] )
		i = atoi( s );

		if( i < 0 || i >= level.maxclients )
			return -1;

		cl = &level.clients[ i ];

		if( cl->pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED )
			return -1;

		return i;

	// check for a name match
	G_SanitiseString( s, s2, sizeof( s2 ) );

	for( i = 0, cl = level.clients; i < level.maxclients; i++, cl++ )
		if( cl->pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED )

		G_SanitiseString( cl->pers.netname, n2, sizeof( n2 ) );

		if( !strcmp( n2, s2 ) )
			return i;

  return -1;
コード例 #5
void G_adminGlobalSetWho(char *who, int skiparg)
	G_SayArgv(1 + skiparg, who, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
	G_SanitiseString(who, who, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
コード例 #6
ファイル: g_bot.c プロジェクト: lepe/trem-gpp-bots
 * Add one bot into a team
 * @param name [string] bot's name
 * @param team [team_t] alien or human
qboolean G_BotAdd( char *name, team_t team ) {
	int i;
	int clientNum;
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int reservedSlots = 0;
	gentity_t *ent;
    namelog_t *namelog;
    char name_s[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
    char name_tmp_s[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = "";
	reservedSlots = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "sv_privateclients" );

	//If bot name does not contains [BOT], prepend it.
	if(g_bot_tagname.integer == 1) {
		G_DecolorString(name, name_s, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
		if (! (Com_StringContains(name_s, "[BOT]", 0))) {
			if(team == TEAM_HUMANS) {
				strcat(name_tmp_s, "^4[BOT] ");
			} else if(team == TEAM_ALIENS) {
				strcat(name_tmp_s, "^1[BOT] ");
			strcat(name_tmp_s, name);
			strcpy(name, name_tmp_s);
    // LEPE: check if no player/bot exists with that name	
    G_SanitiseString(name, name_s, sizeof(name_s) );
    for( namelog = level.namelogs; namelog; namelog = namelog->next ) {
        if( namelog->slot >= 0 ) {
            for( i = 0; i < MAX_NAMELOG_NAMES && namelog->name[ i ][ 0 ]; i++ ) {
                G_SanitiseString(namelog->name[ i ], name_tmp_s, sizeof(name_tmp_s) );
                if( i == namelog->nameOffset && namelog->slot > -1 && !strcmp( name_s, name_tmp_s ) ) {
                    trap_Print("Nick already exists\n");
                    return qfalse;
	// find what clientNum to use for bot
	// LEPE: clientNum calculation was modified to prevent player hijacking
        // We will assign slots from maxclients - 1 to maxclients - reservedSlots - 1
	clientNum = -1;
	for( i = level.maxclients - 1; i > level.maxclients - reservedSlots - 1; i-- ) {
		if( !g_entities[i].inuse ) {
			clientNum = i;
	if(clientNum == -1)
		trap_Print("Error: Bots were not assigned correctly\n"); //LEPE
		return qfalse;
	if(clientNum < level.maxclients - reservedSlots - 1) 
		trap_Print("no more slots for bot\n");
		return qfalse;
	ent = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->bot = (bot_t *)BG_Alloc( sizeof(bot_t) );
//	ent->bot->path.crumb = BG_Alloc( sizeof(level.paths) );
	ent->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
	// register user information
	userinfo[0] = '\0';
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", name );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rate", "25000" ); //25000
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "snaps", "40" );
	//so we can connect if server is password protected
	if(g_needpass.integer == 1) {
		  Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "password", g_password.string);
	trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if(ClientConnect(clientNum, qtrue) != NULL ) {
		G_Printf("Something weird happened. Bot was not added.");
		// won't let us join
		return qfalse;
	ClientBegin( clientNum );
    G_BotDebug(ent, BOT_VERB_IMPORTANT, BOT_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Bot Added\n");
	G_ChangeTeam( ent, team );
	BotInit( ent );
    if(team == TEAM_HUMANS) {
		BotInitHuman( ent );
    } else if(team == TEAM_ALIENS) {
		BotInitAlien( ent );
	//TODO: load profile
	return qtrue;