static void do_reclass(const char *basemap, char **outputs) { const char *tempfile = G_tempfile(); char *input_arg = G_malloc(strlen(basemap) + 7); char *rules_arg = G_malloc(strlen(tempfile) + 7); int quant; G_message(_("Generating reclass maps")); sprintf(input_arg, "input=%s", basemap); sprintf(rules_arg, "rules=%s", tempfile); for (quant = 0; quant < num_quants; quant++) { const char *output = outputs[quant]; char *output_arg = G_malloc(strlen(output) + 8); FILE *fp; int cat; sprintf(output_arg, "output=%s", output); fp = fopen(tempfile, "w"); if (!fp) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file")); for (cat = 0; cat < num_cats; cat++) fprintf(fp, "%d = %d %f\n", min + cat, min + cat, basecats[cat].quants[quant]); fclose(fp); G_spawn("r.reclass", "r.reclass", input_arg, output_arg, rules_arg, NULL); } remove(tempfile); }
char* Create_segment_file (int nrows, int fract, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type) { int seg_fd; char* seg_name; int ncols; int submatrix_rows, submatrix_cols; int length_data_item = 0; int seg_error; ncols = G_window_cols (); if (data_type == CELL_TYPE) length_data_item = sizeof (CELL); if (data_type == FCELL_TYPE) length_data_item = sizeof (FCELL); if (data_type == DCELL_TYPE) length_data_item = sizeof (DCELL); submatrix_rows = nrows/fract + 1; submatrix_cols = ncols/fract + 1; seg_name = G_tempfile (); seg_fd = creat (seg_name, 0666); /* create a new segment file on disk */ /* size of data items (CELL, DCELL, FCELL ...) is stored in the file header */ seg_error = segment_format (seg_fd, nrows, ncols, submatrix_rows, submatrix_cols, length_data_item); if ( seg_error != 1 ) { G_fatal_error ("Cannot create segment file(s).\nCheck available diskspace and access rights."); } close (seg_fd); return seg_name; }
int I_list_cameras(int full) { char *element; char buf[1024]; char title[50]; FILE *ls, *temp; int any; if (tempfile == NULL) tempfile = G_tempfile(); element = "camera"; G__make_mapset_element(element); temp = fopen(tempfile, "w"); if (temp == NULL) G_fatal_error("can't open any temp files"); fprintf(temp, "Available cameras\n"); fprintf(temp, "---------------------------------\n"); any = 0; strcpy(buf, "cd "); G_file_name(buf + strlen(buf), element, "", G_mapset()); strcat(buf, ";ls"); if (!full) strcat(buf, " -C"); if (ls = popen(buf, "r")) { while (G_getl(buf, sizeof buf, ls)) { any = 1; fprintf(temp, "%s", buf); if (full) { I_get_cam_title(buf, title, sizeof title); if (*title) fprintf(temp, " (%s)", title); fprintf(temp, "\n"); } else fprintf(temp, "\n"); } pclose(ls); } if (!any) fprintf(temp, "no camera files available\n"); fprintf(temp, "---------------------------------\n"); fclose(temp); sprintf(buf, "$GRASS_PAGER %s", tempfile); G_system(buf); unlink(tempfile); fprintf(stderr, "hit RETURN to continue -->"); G_gets(buf); return 0; }
int dseg_open(DSEG * dseg, int srows, int scols, int nsegs_in_memory) { char *filename; int errflag; int fd; dseg->filename = NULL; dseg->fd = -1; dseg->name = NULL; dseg->mapset = NULL; filename = G_tempfile(); if (-1 == (fd = creat(filename, 0666))) { G_warning("dseg_open(): unable to create segment file"); return -2; } if (0 > (errflag = Segment_format(fd, Rast_window_rows(), Rast_window_cols(), srows, scols, sizeof(double)))) { close(fd); unlink(filename); if (errflag == -1) { G_warning("dseg_open(): could not write segment file"); return -1; } else { G_warning("dseg_open(): illegal configuration parameter(s)"); return -3; } } close(fd); if (-1 == (fd = open(filename, 2))) { unlink(filename); G_warning("dseg_open(): unable to re-open segment file"); return -4; } if (0 > (errflag = Segment_init(&(dseg->seg), fd, nsegs_in_memory))) { close(fd); unlink(filename); if (errflag == -1) { G_warning("dseg_open(): could not read segment file"); return -5; } else { G_warning("dseg_open(): out of memory"); return -6; } } dseg->filename = filename; dseg->fd = fd; return 0; }
int seg_open(SSEG * sseg, int nrows, int ncols, int row_in_seg, int col_in_seg, int nsegs_in_memory, int size_struct) { char *filename; int errflag; int fd; sseg->filename = NULL; sseg->fd = -1; filename = G_tempfile(); if (-1 == (fd = creat(filename, 0666))) { G_warning("seg_open(): unable to create segment file"); return -2; } if (0 > (errflag = segment_format(fd, nrows, ncols, row_in_seg, col_in_seg, size_struct))) { close(fd); unlink(filename); if (errflag == -1) { G_warning("seg_open(): could not write segment file"); return -1; } else { G_warning("seg_open(): illegal configuration parameter(s)"); return -3; } } close(fd); if (-1 == (fd = open(filename, 2))) { unlink(filename); G_warning("seg_open(): unable to re-open segment file"); return -4; } if (0 > (errflag = segment_init(&(sseg->seg), fd, nsegs_in_memory))) { close(fd); unlink(filename); if (errflag == -1) { G_warning("seg_open(): could not read segment file"); return -5; } else { G_warning("seg_open(): out of memory"); return -6; } } sseg->filename = filename; sseg->fd = fd; return 0; }
int I_list_elev(int full) { char *element; char buf[1024]; FILE *ls, *temp; int any; if (tempfile == NULL) tempfile = G_tempfile(); element = "cell"; G__make_mapset_element(element); temp = fopen(tempfile, "w"); if (temp == NULL) G_fatal_error("can't open any temp files"); fprintf(temp, "Available raster maps:\n"); fprintf(temp, "---------------------------------\n"); any = 0; strcpy(buf, "cd "); G__file_name(buf + strlen(buf), element, " ", " "); strcat(buf, ";ls"); strcat(buf, " -C"); if ((ls = popen(buf, "r"))) { while (G_getl(buf, sizeof buf, ls)) { any = 1; fprintf(temp, "%s", buf); fprintf(temp, "\n"); } pclose(ls); } if (!any) fprintf(temp, "no raster maps available\n"); fprintf(temp, "---------------------------------\n"); fclose(temp); sprintf(buf, "$GRASS_PAGER %s", tempfile); G_system(buf); unlink(tempfile); fprintf(stderr, "hit RETURN to continue -->"); G_gets(buf); /******/ G_list_element("cell", "cell", G_mapset(), NULL); return 0; }
int accept(void) { if (sessionfile == NULL) { *cur = 0; sessionfile = G_tempfile(); fd = fopen(sessionfile, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { error("session file", "", "can't open"); return 1; } } if (fd != NULL && *cur) { fprintf(fd, "%s\n", cur); fflush(fd); *cur = 0; } return 0; }
int add_to_plfile(char *buf) { FILE *fd; if (PS.plfile == NULL) { PS.plfile = G_tempfile(); fd = fopen(PS.plfile, "w"); } else fd = fopen(PS.plfile, "a"); if (fd != NULL) { fprintf(fd, "%s\n", buf); fclose(fd); } else error("point/line file", "", "can't open"); return 0; }
void rast_segment_open(SEGMENT * segment, const char *name, RASTER_MAP_TYPE * map_type) { /* TODO: check if not passing the mapset is OK */ int rowio = Rast_open_old(name, ""); *map_type = Rast_get_map_type(rowio); int segment_rows = 64; /* we use long segments because this is how the values a binned */ int segment_cols = Rast_input_window_cols(); int segments_in_memory = 4; if (Segment_open(segment, G_tempfile(), Rast_input_window_rows(), Rast_input_window_cols(), segment_rows, segment_cols, Rast_cell_size(*map_type), segments_in_memory) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Cannot create temporary file with segments of a raster map")); rast_segment_load(segment, rowio, *map_type); Rast_close(rowio); /* we won't need the raster again */ }
static int use_r_out(void) { char *mpfilename; int ret; mpfilename = G_tempfile(); write_params(mpfilename, vfiles[0], outfile, frames, quality, 0, 0, 1); if (G_verbose() <= G_verbose_min()) ret = G_spawn(encoder, encoder, mpfilename, SF_REDIRECT_FILE, SF_STDOUT, SF_MODE_OUT, G_DEV_NULL, SF_REDIRECT_FILE, SF_STDERR, SF_MODE_OUT, G_DEV_NULL, NULL); else ret = G_spawn(encoder, encoder, mpfilename, NULL); if (ret != 0) G_warning(_("mpeg_encode ERROR")); clean_files(mpfilename, NULL, 0); return (1); }
static FILE *create_temp_file(const char *name, char **tmpname) { FILE *fp; char *tmp; int i; if (!name) return NULL; *tmpname = tmp = G_tempfile(); fp = fopen(tmp, "w+"); if (!fp) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file <%s>"), *tmpname); for (i = 0; i < nsizr; i++) { if (fwrite(zero_array_cell, sizeof(FCELL), nsizc, fp) != nsizc) { clean(); G_fatal_error(_("Error writing temporary file <%s>"), *tmpname); } } return fp; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { static DCELL *count, *sum, *mean, *sumu, *sum2, *sum3, *sum4, *min, *max; DCELL *result; struct GModule *module; struct { struct Option *method, *basemap, *covermap, *output; } opt; struct { struct Flag *c, *r; } flag; char methods[2048]; const char *basemap, *covermap, *output; int usecats; int reclass; int base_fd, cover_fd; struct Categories cats; CELL *base_buf; DCELL *cover_buf; struct Range range; CELL mincat, ncats; int method; int rows, cols; int row, col, i; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("statistics")); module->description = _("Calculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics)."); opt.basemap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASE); opt.covermap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_COVER); opt.method = G_define_option(); opt.method->key = "method"; opt.method->type = TYPE_STRING; opt.method->required = YES; opt.method->description = _("Method of object-based statistic"); for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) { if (i) strcat(methods, ","); else *(methods) = 0; strcat(methods, menu[i].name); } opt.method->options = G_store(methods); for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) { if (i) strcat(methods, ";"); else *(methods) = 0; strcat(methods, menu[i].name); strcat(methods, ";"); strcat(methods, menu[i].text); } opt.method->descriptions = G_store(methods); opt.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); opt.output->description = _("Resultant raster map"); opt.output->required = YES; flag.c = G_define_flag(); flag.c->key = 'c'; flag.c->description = _("Cover values extracted from the category labels of the cover map"); flag.r = G_define_flag(); flag.r->key = 'r'; flag.r->description = _("Create reclass map with statistics as category labels"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); basemap = opt.basemap->answer; covermap = opt.covermap->answer; output = opt.output->answer; usecats = flag.c->answer; reclass = flag.r->answer; for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) if (strcmp(menu[i].name, opt.method->answer) == 0) break; if (!menu[i].name) { G_warning(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"), opt.method->key, opt.method->answer, opt.method->key); G_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } method = menu[i].val; base_fd = Rast_open_old(basemap, ""); cover_fd = Rast_open_old(covermap, ""); if (usecats && Rast_read_cats(covermap, "", &cats) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read category file of cover map <%s>"), covermap); if (Rast_map_is_fp(basemap, "") != 0) G_fatal_error(_("The base map must be an integer (CELL) map")); if (Rast_read_range(basemap, "", &range) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read range of base map <%s>"), basemap); mincat = range.min; ncats = range.max - range.min + 1; rows = Rast_window_rows(); cols = Rast_window_cols(); switch (method) { case COUNT: count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case SUM: sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case MIN: min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL)); break; case MAX: max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL)); break; case RANGE: min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL)); max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL)); break; case AVERAGE: case ADEV: case VARIANCE2: case STDDEV2: case SKEWNESS2: case KURTOSIS2: count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case VARIANCE1: case STDDEV1: count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case SKEWNESS1: count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case KURTOSIS1: count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; } if (min) for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) min[i] = 1e300; if (max) for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) max[i] = -1e300; base_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); cover_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf(); G_message(_("First pass")); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row); Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row); for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { int n; DCELL v; if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col])) continue; if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col])) continue; n = base_buf[col] - mincat; if (n < 0 || n >= ncats) continue; v = cover_buf[col]; if (usecats) sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v); if (count) count[n]++; if (sum) sum[n] += v; if (sum2) sum2[n] += v * v; if (sum3) sum3[n] += v * v * v; if (sum4) sum4[n] += v * v * v * v; if (min && min[n] > v) min[n] = v; if (max && max[n] < v) max[n] = v; } G_percent(row, rows, 2); } G_percent(row, rows, 2); result = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); switch (method) { case ADEV: case VARIANCE2: case STDDEV2: case SKEWNESS2: case KURTOSIS2: mean = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) mean[i] = sum[i] / count[i]; G_free(sum); break; } switch (method) { case ADEV: sumu = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case VARIANCE2: case STDDEV2: sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case SKEWNESS2: sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; case KURTOSIS2: sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL)); break; } if (mean) { G_message(_("Second pass")); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row); Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row); for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { int n; DCELL v, d; if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col])) continue; if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col])) continue; n = base_buf[col] - mincat; if (n < 0 || n >= ncats) continue; v = cover_buf[col]; if (usecats) sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v); d = v - mean[n]; if (sumu) sumu[n] += fabs(d); if (sum2) sum2[n] += d * d; if (sum3) sum3[n] += d * d * d; if (sum4) sum4[n] += d * d * d * d; } G_percent(row, rows, 2); } G_percent(row, rows, 2); G_free(mean); G_free(cover_buf); } switch (method) { case COUNT: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = count[i]; break; case SUM: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = sum[i]; break; case AVERAGE: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = sum[i] / count[i]; break; case MIN: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = min[i]; break; case MAX: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = max[i]; break; case RANGE: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = max[i] - min[i]; break; case VARIANCE1: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1); result[i] = var; } break; case STDDEV1: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1); result[i] = sqrt(var); } break; case SKEWNESS1: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1); double skew = (sum3[i] / n - 3 * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n) + 2 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n)) / (pow(var, 1.5)); result[i] = skew; } break; case KURTOSIS1: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1); double kurt = (sum4[i] / n - 4 * sum[i] * sum3[i] / (n * n) + 6 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n * n) - 3 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n * n)) / (var * var) - 3; result[i] = kurt; } break; case ADEV: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = sumu[i] / count[i]; break; case VARIANCE2: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1); break; case STDDEV2: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) result[i] = sqrt(sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1)); break; case SKEWNESS2: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1); double sdev = sqrt(var); result[i] = sum3[i] / (sdev * sdev * sdev) / n; } G_free(count); G_free(sum2); G_free(sum3); break; case KURTOSIS2: for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) { double n = count[i]; double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1); result[i] = sum4[i] / (var * var) / n - 3; } G_free(count); G_free(sum2); G_free(sum4); break; } if (reclass) { const char *tempfile = G_tempfile(); char *input_arg = G_malloc(strlen(basemap) + 7); char *output_arg = G_malloc(strlen(output) + 8); char *rules_arg = G_malloc(strlen(tempfile) + 7); FILE *fp; G_message(_("Generating reclass map")); sprintf(input_arg, "input=%s", basemap); sprintf(output_arg, "output=%s", output); sprintf(rules_arg, "rules=%s", tempfile); fp = fopen(tempfile, "w"); if (!fp) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file")); for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d = %d %f\n", mincat + i, mincat + i, result[i]); fclose(fp); G_spawn("r.reclass", "r.reclass", input_arg, output_arg, rules_arg, NULL); } else { int out_fd; DCELL *out_buf; struct Colors colors; G_message(_("Writing output map")); out_fd = Rast_open_fp_new(output); out_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf(); for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row); for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col])) Rast_set_d_null_value(&out_buf[col], 1); else out_buf[col] = result[base_buf[col] - mincat]; Rast_put_d_row(out_fd, out_buf); G_percent(row, rows, 2); } G_percent(row, rows, 2); Rast_close(out_fd); if (Rast_read_colors(covermap, "", &colors) > 0) Rast_write_colors(output, G_mapset(), &colors); } return 0; }
int open_file(char *name) { int cell_file, buf_len; int i, row; CELL *buf; /* open raster map */ cell_file = Rast_open_old(name, ""); if (Rast_get_map_type(cell_file) != CELL_TYPE) { Rast_close(cell_file); G_fatal_error(_("Input raster must be of type CELL.")); } n_rows = Rast_window_rows(); n_cols = Rast_window_cols(); G_message(_("File %s -- %d rows X %d columns"), name, n_rows, n_cols); n_cols += (PAD << 1); /* copy raster map into our read/write file */ work_file_name = G_tempfile(); /* create the file and then open it for read and write */ close(creat(work_file_name, 0666)); if ((work_file = open(work_file_name, 2)) < 0) { unlink(work_file_name); G_fatal_error(_("%s: Unable to create temporary file <%s> -- errno = %d"), error_prefix, work_file_name, errno); } buf_len = n_cols * sizeof(CELL); buf = (CELL *) G_malloc(buf_len); Rast_set_c_null_value(buf, n_cols); for (i = 0; i < PAD; i++) { if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) { unlink(work_file_name); G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"), error_prefix); } } for (row = 0; row < n_rows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(cell_file, buf + PAD, row); if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) { unlink(work_file_name); G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"), error_prefix); } } Rast_set_c_null_value(buf, n_cols); for (i = 0; i < PAD; i++) { if (write(work_file, buf, buf_len) != buf_len) { unlink(work_file_name); G_fatal_error(_("%s: Error writing temporary file"), error_prefix); } } n_rows += (PAD << 1); G_free(buf); Rast_close(cell_file); Rowio_setup(&row_io, work_file, MAX_ROW, n_cols * sizeof(CELL), read_row, write_row); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fe, fd, fm; int i, j, type; int new_id; int nrows, ncols, nbasins; int map_id, dir_id, bas_id; char map_name[GNAME_MAX], new_map_name[GNAME_MAX]; const char *tempfile1, *tempfile2, *tempfile3; char dir_name[GNAME_MAX]; char bas_name[GNAME_MAX]; struct Cell_head window; struct GModule *module; struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4, *opt5; struct Flag *flag1; int in_type, bufsz; void *in_buf; CELL *out_buf; struct band3 bnd, bndC; /* Initialize the GRASS environment variables */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("hydrology")); module->description = _("Filters and generates a depressionless elevation map and a " "flow direction map from a given elevation raster map."); opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_ELEV); opt2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); opt2->key = "depressionless"; opt2->description = _("Name for output depressionless elevation raster map"); opt4 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); opt4->key = "direction"; opt4->description = _("Name for output flow direction map for depressionless elevation raster map"); opt5 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); opt5->key = "areas"; opt5->required = NO; opt5->description = _("Name for output raster map of problem areas"); opt3 = G_define_option(); opt3->key = "type"; opt3->type = TYPE_STRING; opt3->required = NO; opt3->description = _("Aspect direction format"); opt3->options = "agnps,answers,grass"; opt3->answer = "grass"; flag1 = G_define_flag(); flag1->key = 'f'; flag1->description = _("Find unresolved areas only"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (flag1->answer && opt5->answer == NULL) { G_fatal_error(_("The '%c' flag requires '%s'to be specified"), flag1->key, opt5->key); } type = 0; strcpy(map_name, opt1->answer); strcpy(new_map_name, opt2->answer); strcpy(dir_name, opt4->answer); if (opt5->answer != NULL) strcpy(bas_name, opt5->answer); if (strcmp(opt3->answer, "agnps") == 0) type = 1; else if (strcmp(opt3->answer, "answers") == 0) type = 2; else if (strcmp(opt3->answer, "grass") == 0) type = 3; G_debug(1, "output type (1=AGNPS, 2=ANSWERS, 3=GRASS): %d", type); if (type == 3) G_verbose_message(_("Direction map is D8 resolution, i.e. 45 degrees")); /* open the maps and get their file id */ map_id = Rast_open_old(map_name, ""); /* allocate cell buf for the map layer */ in_type = Rast_get_map_type(map_id); /* set the pointers for multi-typed functions */ set_func_pointers(in_type); /* get the window information */ G_get_window(&window); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); /* buffers for internal use */ bndC.ns = ncols; = sizeof(CELL) * ncols; bndC.b[0] = G_calloc(ncols, sizeof(CELL)); bndC.b[1] = G_calloc(ncols, sizeof(CELL)); bndC.b[2] = G_calloc(ncols, sizeof(CELL)); /* buffers for external use */ bnd.ns = ncols; = ncols * bpe(); bnd.b[0] = G_calloc(ncols, bpe()); bnd.b[1] = G_calloc(ncols, bpe()); bnd.b[2] = G_calloc(ncols, bpe()); in_buf = get_buf(); tempfile1 = G_tempfile(); tempfile2 = G_tempfile(); tempfile3 = G_tempfile(); fe = open(tempfile1, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); /* elev */ fd = open(tempfile2, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); /* dirn */ fm = open(tempfile3, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); /* problems */ G_message(_("Reading elevation map...")); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { G_percent(i, nrows, 2); get_row(map_id, in_buf, i); write(fe, in_buf,; } G_percent(1, 1, 1); Rast_close(map_id); /* fill single-cell holes and take a first stab at flow directions */ G_message(_("Filling sinks...")); filldir(fe, fd, nrows, &bnd); /* determine flow directions for ambiguous cases */ G_message(_("Determining flow directions for ambiguous cases...")); resolve(fd, nrows, &bndC); /* mark and count the sinks in each internally drained basin */ nbasins = dopolys(fd, fm, nrows, ncols); if (flag1->answer) { /* determine the watershed for each sink */ wtrshed(fm, fd, nrows, ncols, 4); /* fill all of the watersheds up to the elevation necessary for drainage */ ppupdate(fe, fm, nrows, nbasins, &bnd, &bndC); /* repeat the first three steps to get the final directions */ G_message(_("Repeat to get the final directions...")); filldir(fe, fd, nrows, &bnd); resolve(fd, nrows, &bndC); nbasins = dopolys(fd, fm, nrows, ncols); } G_free(bndC.b[0]); G_free(bndC.b[1]); G_free(bndC.b[2]); G_free(bnd.b[0]); G_free(bnd.b[1]); G_free(bnd.b[2]); out_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); bufsz = ncols * sizeof(CELL); lseek(fe, 0, SEEK_SET); new_id = Rast_open_new(new_map_name, in_type); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); dir_id = Rast_open_new(dir_name, CELL_TYPE); if (opt5->answer != NULL) { lseek(fm, 0, SEEK_SET); bas_id = Rast_open_new(bas_name, CELL_TYPE); for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { read(fm, out_buf, bufsz); Rast_put_row(bas_id, out_buf, CELL_TYPE); } Rast_close(bas_id); close(fm); } for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) { read(fe, in_buf,; put_row(new_id, in_buf); read(fd, out_buf, bufsz); for (j = 0; j < ncols; j += 1) out_buf[j] = dir_type(type, out_buf[j]); Rast_put_row(dir_id, out_buf, CELL_TYPE); } Rast_close(new_id); close(fe); Rast_close(dir_id); close(fd); G_free(in_buf); G_free(out_buf); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void *Rast3d_open_cell_new(const char *name, int typeIntern, int cache, RASTER3D_Region * region) { RASTER3D_Map *map; int nofHeaderBytes, dummy = 0, compression, precision; long ldummy = 0; char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX]; Rast3d_init_defaults(); if (!Rast3d_mask_open_old()) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: error in Rast3d_mask_open_old")); return (void *)NULL; } compression = g3d_do_compression; precision = g3d_precision; map = Rast3d_malloc(sizeof(RASTER3D_Map)); if (map == NULL) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: error in Rast3d_malloc")); return (void *)NULL; } if (G_unqualified_name(name, G_mapset(), xname, xmapset) < 0) { G_warning(_("map <%s> is not in the current mapset"), name); return (void *)NULL; } map->fileName = G_store(xname); map->mapset = G_store(xmapset); map->tempName = G_tempfile(); map->data_fd = open(map->tempName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (map->data_fd < 0) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: could not open file")); return (void *)NULL; } Rast3d_make_mapset_map_directory(map->fileName); map->useXdr = RASTER3D_USE_XDR; if (g3d_file_type == FCELL_TYPE) { if (precision > 23) precision = 23; /* 32 - 8 - 1 */ else if (precision < -1) precision = 0; } else if (precision > 52) precision = 52; /* 64 - 11 - 1 */ else if (precision < -1) precision = 0; /* no need to write trailing zeros */ if ((typeIntern == FCELL_TYPE) && (g3d_file_type == DCELL_TYPE)) { if (precision == -1) precision = 23; else precision = RASTER3D_MIN(precision, 23); } if (compression == RASTER3D_NO_COMPRESSION) precision = RASTER3D_MAX_PRECISION; if (compression == RASTER3D_COMPRESSION) map->useXdr = RASTER3D_USE_XDR; if (RASTER3D_HAS_INDEX) { map->indexLongNbytes = sizeof(long); /* at the beginning of the file write */ /* nof bytes of "long" */ /* max nof bytes used for index */ /* position of index in file */ /* the index is appended at the end of the file at closing time. since */ /* we do not know this position yet we write dummy values */ if ((!Rast3d_write_ints(map->data_fd, map->useXdr, &(map->indexLongNbytes), 1)) || (!Rast3d_write_ints(map->data_fd, map->useXdr, &dummy, 1))) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: can't write header")); return (void *)NULL; } if (write(map->data_fd, &ldummy, map->indexLongNbytes) != map->indexLongNbytes) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: can't write header")); return (void *)NULL; } } /* can't use a constant since this depends on sizeof (long) */ nofHeaderBytes = lseek(map->data_fd, (long)0, SEEK_CUR); Rast3d_range_init(map); Rast3d_adjust_region(region); if (!Rast3d_fill_header(map, RASTER3D_WRITE_DATA, compression, g3d_do_rle_compression, g3d_do_lzw_compression, g3d_file_type, precision, cache, RASTER3D_HAS_INDEX, map->useXdr, typeIntern, nofHeaderBytes, g3d_tile_dimension[0], g3d_tile_dimension[1], g3d_tile_dimension[2], region->proj, region->zone, region->north, region->south, region->east, region->west, region->top, region->bottom, region->rows, region->cols, region->depths, region->ew_res, region->ns_res, region->tb_res, g3d_unit_default)) { Rast3d_error(_("Rast3d_open_cell_new: error in Rast3d_fill_header")); return (void *)NULL; } /*Set the map window to the map region */ Rast3d_region_copy(&(map->window), region); /*Set the resampling function to nearest neighbor for data access */ Rast3d_get_nearest_neighbor_fun_ptr(&(map->resampleFun)); Rast3d_mask_off(map); return (void *)map; }
static int load_files(void) { void *voidc; int rtype; register int i, rowoff, row, col, vxoff, vyoff, offset; int cnt, fd, size, tsiz, coff; int vnum; int y_rows, y_cols; char *pr, *pg, *pb; unsigned char *tr, *tg, *tb, *tset; char *mpfilename, *name; char *yfiles[MAXIMAGES]; struct Colors colors; int ret; size = nrows * ncols; pr = G_malloc(size); pg = G_malloc(size); pb = G_malloc(size); tsiz = Rast_window_cols(); tr = (unsigned char *)G_malloc(tsiz); tg = (unsigned char *)G_malloc(tsiz); tb = (unsigned char *)G_malloc(tsiz); tset = (unsigned char *)G_malloc(tsiz); for (cnt = 0; cnt < frames; cnt++) { if (cnt > MAXIMAGES) { cnt--; break; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) pr[i] = pg[i] = pb[i] = 0; for (vnum = 0; vnum < numviews; vnum++) { if (icols == vcols) { vxoff = BORDER_W; vyoff = (irows == vrows) ? BORDER_W : BORDER_W + vnum * (BORDER_W + vrows); } else if (irows == vrows) { vxoff = (icols == vcols) ? BORDER_W : BORDER_W + vnum * (BORDER_W + vcols); vyoff = BORDER_W; } else { /* 4 views */ /* assumes we want: view1 view2 view3 view4 */ vxoff = vnum % 2 ? BORDER_W : vcols + 2 * BORDER_W; vyoff = vnum > 1 ? vrows + 2 * BORDER_W : BORDER_W; } name = vfiles[vnum][cnt]; G_message(_("Reading raster map <%s>..."), name); fd = Rast_open_old(name, ""); if (Rast_read_colors(name, "", &colors) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read color table for <%s>"), name); rtype = Rast_get_map_type(fd); voidc = Rast_allocate_buf(rtype); for (row = 0; row < vrows; row++) { Rast_get_row(fd, voidc, (int)(row / vscale), rtype); rowoff = (vyoff + row) * ncols; Rast_lookup_colors(voidc, tr, tg, tb, tset, tsiz, &colors, rtype); for (col = 0; col < vcols; col++) { coff = (int)(col / vscale); offset = rowoff + col + vxoff; if (!tset[coff]) pr[offset] = pg[offset] = pb[offset] = (char)255; else { pr[offset] = (char)tr[coff]; pg[offset] = (char)tg[coff]; pb[offset] = (char)tb[coff]; } } } Rast_close(fd); } yfiles[cnt] = G_tempfile(); #ifdef USE_PPM write_ppm(pr, pg, pb, nrows, ncols, &y_rows, &y_cols, yfiles[cnt]); #else write_ycc(pr, pg, pb, nrows, ncols, &y_rows, &y_cols, yfiles[cnt]); #endif } mpfilename = G_tempfile(); write_params(mpfilename, yfiles, outfile, cnt, quality, y_rows, y_cols, 0); if (G_verbose() <= G_verbose_min()) ret = G_spawn(encoder, encoder, mpfilename, SF_REDIRECT_FILE, SF_STDOUT, SF_MODE_OUT, G_DEV_NULL, SF_REDIRECT_FILE, SF_STDERR, SF_MODE_OUT, G_DEV_NULL, NULL); else ret = G_spawn(encoder, encoder, mpfilename, NULL); if (ret != 0) G_warning(_("mpeg_encode ERROR")); clean_files(mpfilename, yfiles, cnt); G_free(voidc); G_free(tset); G_free(tr); G_free(tg); G_free(tb); G_free(pr); G_free(pg); G_free(pb); return (cnt); }
/* break polygons using a file-based search index */ void Vect_break_polygons_file(struct Map_info *Map, int type, struct Map_info *Err) { struct line_pnts *BPoints, *Points; struct line_cats *Cats, *ErrCats; int i, j, k, ret, ltype, broken, last, nlines; int nbreaks; struct RTree *RTree; int npoints, nallpoints, nmarks; XPNT2 XPnt; double dx, dy, a1 = 0, a2 = 0; int closed, last_point; char cross; int fd, xpntfd; char *filename; static struct RTree_Rect rect; static int rect_init = 0; if (!rect_init) { rect.boundary = G_malloc(6 * sizeof(RectReal)); rect_init = 6; } G_debug(1, "File-based version of Vect_break_polygons()"); filename = G_tempfile(); fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600); RTree = RTreeCreateTree(fd, 0, 2); remove(filename); filename = G_tempfile(); xpntfd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600); remove(filename); BPoints = Vect_new_line_struct(); Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); ErrCats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Map); G_debug(3, "nlines = %d", nlines); /* Go through all lines in vector, and add each point to structure of points, * if such point already exists check angles of segments and if differ mark for break */ nmarks = 0; npoints = 1; /* index starts from 1 ! */ nallpoints = 0; XPnt.used = 0; G_message(_("Breaking polygons (pass 1: select break points)...")); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { G_percent(i, nlines, 1); G_debug(3, "i = %d", i); if (!Vect_line_alive(Map, i)) continue; ltype = Vect_read_line(Map, Points, Cats, i); if (!(ltype & type)) continue; /* This would be confused by duplicate coordinates (angle cannot be calculated) -> * prune line first */ Vect_line_prune(Points); /* If first and last point are identical it is close polygon, we don't need to register last point * and we can calculate angle for first. * If first and last point are not identical we have to mark for break both */ last_point = Points->n_points - 1; if (Points->x[0] == Points->x[last_point] && Points->y[0] == Points->y[last_point]) closed = 1; else closed = 0; for (j = 0; j < Points->n_points; j++) { G_debug(3, "j = %d", j); nallpoints++; if (j == last_point && closed) continue; /* do not register last of close polygon */ /* Box */ rect.boundary[0] = Points->x[j]; rect.boundary[3] = Points->x[j]; rect.boundary[1] = Points->y[j]; rect.boundary[4] = Points->y[j]; rect.boundary[2] = 0; rect.boundary[5] = 0; /* Already in DB? */ fpoint = -1; RTreeSearch(RTree, &rect, (void *)srch, NULL); G_debug(3, "fpoint = %d", fpoint); if (Points->n_points <= 2 || (!closed && (j == 0 || j == last_point))) { cross = 1; /* mark for cross in any case */ } else { /* calculate angles */ cross = 0; if (j == 0 && closed) { /* closed polygon */ dx = Points->x[last_point] - Points->x[0]; dy = Points->y[last_point] - Points->y[0]; a1 = atan2(dy, dx); dx = Points->x[1] - Points->x[0]; dy = Points->y[1] - Points->y[0]; a2 = atan2(dy, dx); } else { dx = Points->x[j - 1] - Points->x[j]; dy = Points->y[j - 1] - Points->y[j]; a1 = atan2(dy, dx); dx = Points->x[j + 1] - Points->x[j]; dy = Points->y[j + 1] - Points->y[j]; a2 = atan2(dy, dx); } } if (fpoint > 0) { /* Found */ /* read point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); read(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); if (XPnt.cross == 1) continue; /* already marked */ /* Check angles */ if (cross) { XPnt.cross = 1; nmarks++; /* write point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); } else { G_debug(3, "a1 = %f xa1 = %f a2 = %f xa2 = %f", a1, XPnt.a1, a2, XPnt.a2); if ((a1 == XPnt.a1 && a2 == XPnt.a2) || (a1 == XPnt.a2 && a2 == XPnt.a1)) { /* identical */ } else { XPnt.cross = 1; nmarks++; /* write point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); } } } else { /* Add to tree and to structure */ RTreeInsertRect(&rect, npoints, RTree); if (j == 0 || j == (Points->n_points - 1) || Points->n_points < 3) { XPnt.a1 = 0; XPnt.a2 = 0; XPnt.cross = 1; nmarks++; } else { XPnt.a1 = a1; XPnt.a2 = a2; XPnt.cross = 0; } /* write point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (npoints - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); npoints++; } } } nbreaks = 0; /* Second loop through lines (existing when loop is started, no need to process lines written again) * and break at points marked for break */ G_message(_("Breaking polygons (pass 2: break at selected points)...")); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { int n_orig_points; G_percent(i, nlines, 1); G_debug(3, "i = %d", i); if (!Vect_line_alive(Map, i)) continue; ltype = Vect_read_line(Map, Points, Cats, i); if (!(ltype & type)) continue; if (!(ltype & GV_LINES)) continue; /* Nonsense to break points */ /* Duplicates would result in zero length lines -> prune line first */ n_orig_points = Points->n_points; Vect_line_prune(Points); broken = 0; last = 0; G_debug(3, "n_points = %d", Points->n_points); for (j = 1; j < Points->n_points; j++) { G_debug(3, "j = %d", j); nallpoints++; /* Box */ rect.boundary[0] = Points->x[j]; rect.boundary[3] = Points->x[j]; rect.boundary[1] = Points->y[j]; rect.boundary[4] = Points->y[j]; rect.boundary[2] = 0; rect.boundary[5] = 0; if (Points->n_points <= 1 || (j == (Points->n_points - 1) && !broken)) break; /* One point only or * last point and line is not broken, do nothing */ RTreeSearch(RTree, &rect, (void *)srch, 0); G_debug(3, "fpoint = %d", fpoint); /* read point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); read(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); /* break or write last segment of broken line */ if ((j == (Points->n_points - 1) && broken) || XPnt.cross) { Vect_reset_line(BPoints); for (k = last; k <= j; k++) { Vect_append_point(BPoints, Points->x[k], Points->y[k], Points->z[k]); } /* Result may collapse to one point */ Vect_line_prune(BPoints); if (BPoints->n_points > 1) { ret = Vect_write_line(Map, ltype, BPoints, Cats); G_debug(3, "Line %d written j = %d n_points(orig,pruned) = %d n_points(new) = %d", ret, j, Points->n_points, BPoints->n_points); } if (!broken) Vect_delete_line(Map, i); /* not yet deleted */ /* Write points on breaks */ if (Err) { if (XPnt.cross && !XPnt.used) { Vect_reset_line(BPoints); Vect_append_point(BPoints, Points->x[j], Points->y[j], 0); Vect_write_line(Err, GV_POINT, BPoints, ErrCats); } if (!XPnt.used) { XPnt.used = 1; /* write point */ lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET); write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2)); } } last = j; broken = 1; nbreaks++; } } if (!broken && n_orig_points > Points->n_points) { /* was pruned before -> rewrite */ if (Points->n_points > 1) { Vect_rewrite_line(Map, i, ltype, Points, Cats); G_debug(3, "Line %d pruned, npoints = %d", i, Points->n_points); } else { Vect_delete_line(Map, i); G_debug(3, "Line %d was deleted", i); } } else { G_debug(3, "Line %d was not changed", i); } } close(RTree->fd); RTreeDestroyTree(RTree); close(xpntfd); Vect_destroy_line_struct(Points); Vect_destroy_line_struct(BPoints); Vect_destroy_cats_struct(Cats); Vect_destroy_cats_struct(ErrCats); G_verbose_message(_("Breaks: %d"), nbreaks); }
/* linked list of stats */ void get_stats(const char *mapname, struct stat_list *dist_stats, int nsteps, int map_type) { char buf[1024]; /* input buffer for reading stats */ int done = FALSE; char *tempfile; /* temp file name */ FILE *fd; /* temp file pointer */ /* int is_fp; struct FPRange fp_range; */ long int cat; /* a category value */ long int stat; /* a category stat value */ struct stat_node *ptr = NULL; int first; /* write stats to a temp file */ tempfile = G_tempfile(); /* is_fp = Rast_map_is_fp(mapname, ""); if (is_fp) { if (Rast_read_fp_range(mapname, "", &fp_range) <= 0) G_fatal_error("Can't read frange file"); } */ run_stats(mapname, nsteps, tempfile, map_type); /* open temp file and read the stats into a linked list */ fd = fopen(tempfile, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { perror("opening r.stats output file"); G_fatal_error("unable to continue."); } dist_stats->ptr = NULL; dist_stats->count = 0; dist_stats->sumstat = 0; first = TRUE; while (!done) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fd) != NULL) { /* WARNING!!!!!! * this will be very wrong if type!=COUNT * since the stat prodcued by r.stats will be a floating point value * possibly less than 1 (shapiro) */ if (sscanf(buf, "* %ld", &stat) == 1) { dist_stats->null_stat = stat; /* if (stat > dist_stats->maxstat && nodata) dist_stats->maxstat = stat; if (stat < dist_stats->minstat && nodata) dist_stats->minstat = stat; if (nodata) dist_stats->sumstat += stat; */ } else if (sscanf(buf, "%ld %ld", &cat, &stat) == 2) { /* count stats */ dist_stats->count++; /* sum stats */ dist_stats->sumstat += stat; /* a max or a min stat? */ if (first) { dist_stats->maxstat = stat; dist_stats->minstat = stat; dist_stats->maxcat = cat; dist_stats->mincat = cat; first = FALSE; } if (stat > dist_stats->maxstat) dist_stats->maxstat = stat; if (stat < dist_stats->minstat) dist_stats->minstat = stat; /* a max or a min cat? */ if (cat > dist_stats->maxcat) dist_stats->maxcat = cat; if (cat < dist_stats->mincat) dist_stats->mincat = cat; /* put it in the list */ if (dist_stats->ptr == NULL) { /* first in list */ dist_stats->ptr = (struct stat_node *) G_malloc(sizeof(struct stat_node)); dist_stats->ptr->cat = cat; dist_stats->ptr->stat = stat; dist_stats->ptr->next = NULL; ptr = dist_stats->ptr; } else { ptr->next = (struct stat_node *) G_malloc(sizeof(struct stat_node)); ptr->next->cat = cat; ptr->next->stat = stat; ptr->next->next = NULL; /* mod: shapiro */ ptr = ptr->next; } } } else done = TRUE; } fclose(fd); unlink(tempfile); }
int read_text(char *east, char *north, char *text) { PSCOLOR color, hcolor, background, border; int r, g, b; int ret; int xoffset; int yoffset; float size; int fontsize; double width; double hwidth; double rotate; int xref, yref; int opaque; char t1[128]; char buf[1024]; char *key, *data; FILE *fd; char fontname[128]; set_color(&color, 0, 0, 0); /* black */ unset_color(&hcolor); unset_color(&background); unset_color(&border); opaque = TRUE; size = 0.0; fontsize = 0; xoffset = 0; yoffset = 0; width = 1.; hwidth = 0.; rotate = 0.0; xref = CENTER; yref = CENTER; G_strcpy(fontname, "Helvetica"); while (*text == ' ' || *text == '\t') text++; if (*text == '\\') text++; if (*text == 0) { error("text", "", "no text given"); gobble_input(); return 0; } while (input(2, buf, help)) { if (!key_data(buf, &key, &data)) continue; if (KEY("font")) { get_font(data); strcpy(fontname, data); continue; } if (KEY("color")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&color, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) error(key, data, "primary color cannot be \"none\""); else error(key, data, "illegal color request"); continue; } if (KEY("hcolor")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&hcolor, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) unset_color(&hcolor); else error(key, data, "illegal hcolor request"); if (color_none(&hcolor) || hwidth <= 0.) hwidth = 0.; continue; } if (KEY("background")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&background, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) { unset_color(&background); opaque = FALSE; } else error(key, data, "illegal background color request"); continue; } if (KEY("border")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&border, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) unset_color(&border); else error(key, data, "illegal border color request"); continue; } if (KEY("opaque")) { opaque = yesno(key, data); continue; } if (KEY("width")) { width = -1.; *t1 = 0; if (sscanf(data, "%lf%1s", &width, t1) < 1 || width < 0.) { width = 1.; error(key, data, "illegal width request"); } if (t1 && t1[0] == 'i') width = width / 72.0; continue; } if (KEY("hwidth")) { hwidth = -1.; *t1 = 0; if (sscanf(data, "%lf%1s", &hwidth, t1) < 1 || hwidth < 0.) { hwidth = 0.; error(key, data, "illegal width request"); } if (t1 && t1[0] == 'i') hwidth = hwidth / 72.0; continue; } if (KEY("size")) { double x; if (!scan_resolution(data, &x)) { size = 0.0; error(key, data, "illegal size request"); } else size = x; continue; } if (KEY("fontsize")) { if (sscanf(data, "%d", &fontsize) != 1 || fontsize <= 0) { error(key, data, "illegal fontsize request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("xoffset")) { *t1 = 0; if (sscanf(data, "%d%1s", &xoffset, t1) != 1 || *t1) { xoffset = 0; error(key, data, "illegal request (text)"); } continue; } if (KEY("yoffset")) { *t1 = 0; if (sscanf(data, "%d%1s", &yoffset, t1) != 1 || *t1) { yoffset = 0; error(key, data, "illegal request (text)"); } continue; } if (KEY("rotate")) { if (sscanf(data, "%lf", &rotate) != 1) { rotate = 0.0; error(key, data, "illegal rotate request"); } continue; } if (KEY("ref")) { if (!scan_ref(data, &xref, &yref)) { xref = CENTER; yref = CENTER; error(key, data, "illegal ref request"); } continue; } error(key, data, "illegal request (text)"); } /* if file doesn't exist create it and close it */ if (labels.other == NULL) { labels.other = G_tempfile(); if ((fd = fopen(labels.other, "w")) != NULL) fclose(fd); } /* open file in append mode */ fd = fopen(labels.other, "a"); if (fd == NULL) { error("misc labels file", "", "can't open"); return 1; } /* write the file */ fprintf(fd, "font: %s\n", fontname); fprintf(fd, "east: %s\n", east); fprintf(fd, "north: %s\n", north); fprintf(fd, "xoffset: %d\n", xoffset); fprintf(fd, "yoffset: %d\n", yoffset); fprintf(fd, "width: %f\n", width); fprintf(fd, "hwidth: %f\n", hwidth); fprintf(fd, "size: %f\n", size); fprintf(fd, "fontsize: %d\n", fontsize); fprintf(fd, "opaque: %s\n", opaque ? "yes" : "no"); if (rotate != 0) fprintf(fd, "rotate: %f\n", rotate); fprintf(fd, "color: "); if (!color_none(&color)) fprintf(fd, "%d:%d:%d\n", color.r, color.g, color.b); else fprintf(fd, "black\n"); fprintf(fd, "hcolor: "); if (!color_none(&hcolor)) fprintf(fd, "%d:%d:%d\n", hcolor.r, hcolor.g, hcolor.b); else fprintf(fd, "none\n"); fprintf(fd, "background: "); if (!color_none(&background)) fprintf(fd, "%d:%d:%d\n", background.r, background.g, background.b); else fprintf(fd, "none\n"); fprintf(fd, "border: "); if (!color_none(&border)) fprintf(fd, "%d:%d:%d\n", border.r, border.g, border.b); else fprintf(fd, "none\n"); fprintf(fd, "ref: "); switch (yref) { case UPPER: fprintf(fd, "upper"); break; case LOWER: fprintf(fd, "lower"); break; case CENTER: fprintf(fd, "center"); break; } switch (xref) { case LEFT: fprintf(fd, " left"); break; case RIGHT: fprintf(fd, " right"); break; case CENTER: fprintf(fd, "%s", (xref == CENTER) ? "" : " center"); break; } fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "text:%s\n\n", text); fclose(fd); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int n, verbose = 1, backrow, backcol, col, row, len, flag, srows, scols, backrow_fd, backcol_fd, path_fd, in_row_fd, in_col_fd, out_fd; const char *current_mapset, *search_mapset, *path_mapset, *backrow_mapset, *backcol_mapset, *in_row_file, *in_col_file, *out_file; CELL *cell; POINT *PRES_PT, *PRESENT_PT, *OLD_PT; struct Cell_head window; double east, north; struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4; struct Flag *flag1; struct GModule *module; G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* Set description */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("raster")); G_add_keyword(_("fire")); G_add_keyword(_("cumulative costs")); module->description = _("Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to " "cells from which the cumulative cost was determined."); opt1 = G_define_option(); opt1->key = "x_input"; opt1->type = TYPE_STRING; opt1->required = YES; opt1->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster"; opt1->description = _("Name of raster map containing back-path easting information"); opt2 = G_define_option(); opt2->key = "y_input"; opt2->type = TYPE_STRING; opt2->required = YES; opt2->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster"; opt2->description = _("Name of raster map containing back-path northing information"); opt3 = G_define_option(); opt3->key = "coordinate"; opt3->type = TYPE_STRING; opt3->multiple = YES; opt3->key_desc = "x,y"; opt3->description = _("The map E and N grid coordinates of starting points"); opt4 = G_define_option(); opt4->key = "output"; opt4->type = TYPE_STRING; opt4->required = YES; opt4->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster"; opt4->description = _("Name of spread path raster map"); flag1 = G_define_flag(); flag1->key = 'v'; flag1->description = _("Run verbosely"); /* Do command line parsing */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); current_mapset = G_mapset(); in_row_file = G_tempfile(); in_col_file = G_tempfile(); out_file = G_tempfile(); /* Get database window parameters */ G_get_window(&window); verbose = flag1->answer; /* Check if backrow layer exists in data base */ search_mapset = ""; strcpy(backrow_layer, opt2->answer); strcpy(backcol_layer, opt1->answer); backrow_mapset = G_find_raster(backrow_layer, search_mapset); backcol_mapset = G_find_raster(backcol_layer, search_mapset); if (backrow_mapset == NULL) G_fatal_error("%s - not found", backrow_layer); if (backcol_mapset == NULL) G_fatal_error("%s - not found", backcol_layer); search_mapset = ""; strcpy(path_layer, opt4->answer); path_mapset = G_find_raster(path_layer, search_mapset); /* find number of rows and cols in window */ nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); /* Open back cell layers for reading */ backrow_fd = Rast_open_old(backrow_layer, backrow_mapset); backcol_fd = Rast_open_old(backcol_layer, backcol_mapset); /* Parameters for map submatrices */ len = sizeof(CELL); srows = nrows / 4 + 1; scols = ncols / 4 + 1; if (verbose) G_message ("\nReading the input map -%s- and -%s- and creating some temporary files...", backrow_layer, backcol_layer); /* Create segmented files for back cell and output layers */ in_row_fd = creat(in_row_file, 0666); segment_format(in_row_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len); close(in_row_fd); in_col_fd = creat(in_col_file, 0666); segment_format(in_col_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len); close(in_col_fd); out_fd = creat(out_file, 0666); segment_format(out_fd, nrows, ncols, srows, scols, len); close(out_fd); /* Open initialize and segment all files */ in_row_fd = open(in_row_file, 2); segment_init(&in_row_seg, in_row_fd, 4); in_col_fd = open(in_col_file, 2); segment_init(&in_col_seg, in_col_fd, 4); out_fd = open(out_file, 2); segment_init(&out_seg, out_fd, 4); /* Write the back cell layers in the segmented files, and * Change UTM coordinates to ROWs and COLUMNs */ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(backrow_fd, cell, row); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) if (cell[col] > 0) cell[col] = (window.north - cell[col]) / window.ns_res /* - 0.5 */ ; else cell[col] = -1; segment_put_row(&in_row_seg, cell, row); Rast_get_c_row(backcol_fd, cell, row); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) if (cell[col] > 0) cell[col] = (cell[col] - window.west) / window.ew_res /* - 0.5 */ ; segment_put_row(&in_col_seg, cell, row); } /* Convert easting and northing from the command line to row and col */ if (opt3->answer) { for (n = 0; opt3->answers[n] != NULL; n += 2) { G_scan_easting(opt3->answers[n], &east, G_projection()); G_scan_northing(opt3->answers[n + 1], &north, G_projection()); row = (window.north - north) / window.ns_res; col = (east - window.west) / window.ew_res; /* ignore pt outside window */ if (east < window.west || east > window.east || north < window.south || north > window.north) { G_warning("Ignoring point outside window: "); G_warning(" %.4f,%.4f", east, north); continue; } value = (char *)&backrow; segment_get(&in_row_seg, value, row, col); /* ignore pt in no-data area */ if (backrow < 0) { G_warning("Ignoring point in NO-DATA area :"); G_warning(" %.4f,%.4f", east, north); continue; } value = (char *)&backcol; segment_get(&in_col_seg, value, row, col); insert(&PRESENT_PT, row, col, backrow, backcol); } } /* Set flag according to input */ if (path_mapset != NULL) { if (head_start_pt == NULL) /*output layer exists and start pts are not given on cmd line */ flag = 1; /* output layer exists and starting pts are given on cmd line */ else flag = 2; } else flag = 3; /* output layer does not previously exist */ /* If the output layer containing the starting positions */ /* create a linked list of of them */ if (flag == 1) { path_fd = Rast_open_old(path_layer, path_mapset); /* Search for the marked starting pts and make list */ for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(path_fd, cell, row); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (cell[col] > 0) { value = (char *)&backrow; segment_get(&in_row_seg, value, row, col); /* ignore pt in no-data area */ if (backrow < 0) { G_warning("Ignoring point in NO-DATA area:"); G_warning(" %.4f,%.4f\n", window.west + window.ew_res * (col + 0.5), window.north - window.ns_res * (row + 0.5)); continue; } value = (char *)&backcol; segment_get(&in_col_seg, value, row, col); insert(&PRESENT_PT, row, col, backrow, backcol); } } /* loop over cols */ } /* loop over rows */ Rast_close(path_fd); } /* loop over the starting points to find the least cost paths */ if (verbose) G_message("\nFinding the least cost paths ..."); PRES_PT = head_start_pt; while (PRES_PT != NULL) { path_finder(PRES_PT->row, PRES_PT->col, PRES_PT->backrow, PRES_PT->backcol); OLD_PT = PRES_PT; PRES_PT = NEXT_PT; G_free(OLD_PT); } /* Write pending updates by segment_put() to outputmap */ segment_flush(&out_seg); if (verbose) G_message("\nWriting the output map -%s-...", path_layer); path_fd = Rast_open_c_new(path_layer); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { segment_get_row(&out_seg, cell, row); Rast_put_row(path_fd, cell, CELL_TYPE); } if (verbose) G_message("finished."); segment_release(&in_row_seg); /* release memory */ segment_release(&in_col_seg); segment_release(&out_seg); close(in_row_fd); /* close all files */ close(in_col_fd); close(out_fd); Rast_close(path_fd); Rast_close(backrow_fd); Rast_close(backcol_fd); unlink(in_row_file); /* remove submatrix files */ unlink(in_col_file); unlink(out_file); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Variable declarations */ int nsply, nsplx, nrows, ncols, nsplx_adj, nsply_adj; int nsubregion_col, nsubregion_row, subregion_row, subregion_col; int subregion = 0, nsubregions = 0; int last_row, last_column, grid, bilin, ext, flag_auxiliar, cross; /* booleans */ double stepN, stepE, lambda, mean; double N_extension, E_extension, edgeE, edgeN; const char *mapset, *drv, *db, *vector, *map; char table_name[GNAME_MAX], title[64]; char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX]; int dim_vect, nparameters, BW; int *lineVect; /* Vector restoring primitive's ID */ double *TN, *Q, *parVect; /* Interpolating and least-square vectors */ double **N, **obsVect; /* Interpolation and least-square matrix */ SEGMENT out_seg, mask_seg; const char *out_file, *mask_file; int out_fd, mask_fd; double seg_size; int seg_mb, segments_in_memory; int have_mask; /* Structs declarations */ int raster; struct Map_info In, In_ext, Out; struct History history; struct GModule *module; struct Option *in_opt, *in_ext_opt, *out_opt, *out_map_opt, *stepE_opt, *stepN_opt, *lambda_f_opt, *type_opt, *dfield_opt, *col_opt, *mask_opt, *memory_opt, *solver, *error, *iter; struct Flag *cross_corr_flag, *spline_step_flag; struct Reg_dimens dims; struct Cell_head elaboration_reg, original_reg; struct bound_box general_box, overlap_box, original_box; struct Point *observ; struct line_cats *Cats; dbCatValArray cvarr; int with_z; int nrec, ctype = 0; struct field_info *Fi; dbDriver *driver, *driver_cats; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Options declarations */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("surface")); G_add_keyword(_("interpolation")); G_add_keyword(_("LIDAR")); module->description = _("Performs bicubic or bilinear spline interpolation with Tykhonov regularization."); cross_corr_flag = G_define_flag(); cross_corr_flag->key = 'c'; cross_corr_flag->description = _("Find the best Tykhonov regularizing parameter using a \"leave-one-out\" cross validation method"); spline_step_flag = G_define_flag(); spline_step_flag->key = 'e'; spline_step_flag->label = _("Estimate point density and distance"); spline_step_flag->description = _("Estimate point density and distance for the input vector points within the current region extends and quit"); in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); in_opt->label = _("Name of input vector point map"); dfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); dfield_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); col_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); col_opt->required = NO; col_opt->label = _("Name of the attribute column with values to be used for approximation"); col_opt->description = _("If not given and input is 3D vector map then z-coordinates are used."); col_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); in_ext_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); in_ext_opt->key = "sparse_input"; in_ext_opt->required = NO; in_ext_opt->label = _("Name of input vector map with sparse points"); out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); out_opt->required = NO; out_opt->guisection = _("Outputs"); out_map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); out_map_opt->key = "raster_output"; out_map_opt->required = NO; out_map_opt->guisection = _("Outputs"); mask_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT); mask_opt->key = "mask"; mask_opt->label = _("Raster map to use for masking (applies to raster output only)"); mask_opt->description = _("Only cells that are not NULL and not zero are interpolated"); mask_opt->required = NO; stepE_opt = G_define_option(); stepE_opt->key = "ew_step"; stepE_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; stepE_opt->required = NO; stepE_opt->answer = "4"; stepE_opt->description = _("Length of each spline step in the east-west direction"); stepE_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); stepN_opt = G_define_option(); stepN_opt->key = "ns_step"; stepN_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; stepN_opt->required = NO; stepN_opt->answer = "4"; stepN_opt->description = _("Length of each spline step in the north-south direction"); stepN_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); type_opt = G_define_option(); type_opt->key = "method"; type_opt->description = _("Spline interpolation algorithm"); type_opt->type = TYPE_STRING; type_opt->options = "bilinear,bicubic"; type_opt->answer = "bilinear"; type_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); G_asprintf((char **) &(type_opt->descriptions), "bilinear;%s;bicubic;%s", _("Bilinear interpolation"), _("Bicubic interpolation")); lambda_f_opt = G_define_option(); lambda_f_opt->key = "lambda_i"; lambda_f_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; lambda_f_opt->required = NO; lambda_f_opt->description = _("Tykhonov regularization parameter (affects smoothing)"); lambda_f_opt->answer = "0.01"; lambda_f_opt->guisection = _("Settings"); solver = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_SOLVER_SYMM); solver->options = "cholesky,cg"; solver->answer = "cholesky"; iter = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS); error = N_define_standard_option(N_OPT_ITERATION_ERROR); memory_opt = G_define_option(); memory_opt->key = "memory"; memory_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER; memory_opt->required = NO; memory_opt->answer = "300"; memory_opt->label = _("Maximum memory to be used (in MB)"); memory_opt->description = _("Cache size for raster rows"); /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parsing */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); vector = out_opt->answer; map = out_map_opt->answer; if (vector && map) G_fatal_error(_("Choose either vector or raster output, not both")); if (!vector && !map && !cross_corr_flag->answer) G_fatal_error(_("No raster or vector or cross-validation output")); if (!strcmp(type_opt->answer, "linear")) bilin = P_BILINEAR; else bilin = P_BICUBIC; stepN = atof(stepN_opt->answer); stepE = atof(stepE_opt->answer); lambda = atof(lambda_f_opt->answer); flag_auxiliar = FALSE; drv = db_get_default_driver_name(); if (!drv) { if (db_set_default_connection() != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to set default DB connection")); drv = db_get_default_driver_name(); } db = db_get_default_database_name(); if (!db) G_fatal_error(_("No default DB defined")); /* Set auxiliary table's name */ if (vector) { if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(out_opt->answer, xname, xmapset)) { sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", xname); } else sprintf(table_name, "%s_aux", out_opt->answer); } /* Something went wrong in a previous execution */ if (db_table_exists(drv, db, table_name)) { /* Start driver and open db */ driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db); if (driver == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. Run db.connect."), drv); db_set_error_handler_driver(driver); if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Old auxiliary table could not be dropped")); db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); } /* Open input vector */ if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_opt->answer, "")) == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_opt->answer); Vect_set_open_level(1); /* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */ if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, in_opt->answer, mapset)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at the topological level"), in_opt->answer); bspline_field = 0; /* assume 3D input */ bspline_column = col_opt->answer; with_z = !bspline_column && Vect_is_3d(&In); if (Vect_is_3d(&In)) { if (!with_z) G_verbose_message(_("Input is 3D: using attribute values instead of z-coordinates for approximation")); else G_verbose_message(_("Input is 3D: using z-coordinates for approximation")); } else { /* 2D */ if (!bspline_column) G_fatal_error(_("Input vector map is 2D. Parameter <%s> required."), col_opt->key); } if (!with_z) { bspline_field = Vect_get_field_number(&In, dfield_opt->answer); } /* Estimate point density and mean distance for current region */ if (spline_step_flag->answer) { double dens, dist; if (P_estimate_splinestep(&In, &dens, &dist) == 0) { fprintf(stdout, _("Estimated point density: %.4g"), dens); fprintf(stdout, _("Estimated mean distance between points: %.4g"), dist); } else { fprintf(stdout, _("No points in current region")); } Vect_close(&In); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cross-correlation begins */ if (cross_corr_flag->answer) { G_debug(1, "CrossCorrelation()"); cross = cross_correlation(&In, stepE, stepN); if (cross != TRUE) G_fatal_error(_("Cross validation didn't finish correctly")); else { G_debug(1, "Cross validation finished correctly"); Vect_close(&In); G_done_msg(_("Cross validation finished for ew_step = %f and ns_step = %f"), stepE, stepN); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } /* Open input ext vector */ ext = FALSE; if (in_ext_opt->answer) { ext = TRUE; G_message(_("Vector map <%s> of sparse points will be interpolated"), in_ext_opt->answer); if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(in_ext_opt->answer, "")) == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), in_ext_opt->answer); Vect_set_open_level(1); /* WITHOUT TOPOLOGY */ if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In_ext, in_ext_opt->answer, mapset)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s> at the topological level"), in_opt->answer); } /* Open output map */ /* vector output */ if (vector && !map) { if (strcmp(drv, "dbf") == 0) G_fatal_error(_("Sorry, the <%s> driver is not compatible with " "the vector output of this module. " "Try with raster output or another driver."), drv); Vect_check_input_output_name(in_opt->answer, out_opt->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT); grid = FALSE; if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, WITH_Z)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), out_opt->answer); /* Copy vector Head File */ if (ext == FALSE) { Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out); } else { Vect_copy_head_data(&In_ext, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In_ext, &Out); } Vect_hist_command(&Out); G_verbose_message(_("Points in input vector map <%s> will be interpolated"), vector); } /* read z values from attribute table */ if (bspline_field > 0) { G_message(_("Reading values from attribute table...")); db_CatValArray_init(&cvarr); Fi = Vect_get_field(&In, bspline_field); if (Fi == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Cannot read layer info")); driver_cats = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database); /*G_debug (0, _("driver=%s db=%s"), Fi->driver, Fi->database); */ if (driver_cats == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"), Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_set_error_handler_driver(driver_cats); nrec = db_select_CatValArray(driver_cats, Fi->table, Fi->key, col_opt->answer, NULL, &cvarr); G_debug(3, "nrec = %d", nrec); ctype = cvarr.ctype; if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE) G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported")); if (nrec < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select data from table")); G_verbose_message(_("%d records selected from table"), nrec); db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver_cats); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Interpolation begins */ G_debug(1, "Interpolation()"); /* Open driver and database */ driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db); if (driver == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("No database connection for driver <%s> is defined. " "Run db.connect."), drv); db_set_error_handler_driver(driver); /* Create auxiliary table */ if (vector) { if ((flag_auxiliar = P_Create_Aux4_Table(driver, table_name)) == FALSE) { P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name); G_fatal_error(_("Interpolation: Creating table: " "It was impossible to create table <%s>."), table_name); } /* db_create_index2(driver, table_name, "ID"); */ /* sqlite likes that ??? */ db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); driver = db_start_driver_open_database(drv, db); } /* raster output */ raster = -1; Rast_set_fp_type(DCELL_TYPE); if (!vector && map) { grid = TRUE; raster = Rast_open_fp_new(out_map_opt->answer); G_verbose_message(_("Cells for raster map <%s> will be interpolated"), map); } /* Setting regions and boxes */ G_debug(1, "Interpolation: Setting regions and boxes"); G_get_window(&original_reg); G_get_window(&elaboration_reg); Vect_region_box(&original_reg, &original_box); Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &overlap_box); Vect_region_box(&elaboration_reg, &general_box); nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); /* Alloc raster matrix */ have_mask = 0; out_file = mask_file = NULL; out_fd = mask_fd = -1; if (grid == TRUE) { int row; DCELL *drastbuf; seg_mb = atoi(memory_opt->answer); if (seg_mb < 3) G_fatal_error(_("Memory in MB must be >= 3")); if (mask_opt->answer) seg_size = sizeof(double) + sizeof(char); else seg_size = sizeof(double); seg_size = (seg_size * SEGSIZE * SEGSIZE) / (1 << 20); segments_in_memory = seg_mb / seg_size + 0.5; G_debug(1, "%d %dx%d segments held in memory", segments_in_memory, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE); out_file = G_tempfile(); out_fd = creat(out_file, 0666); if (Segment_format(out_fd, nrows, ncols, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE, sizeof(double)) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Can not create temporary file")); close(out_fd); out_fd = open(out_file, 2); if (Segment_init(&out_seg, out_fd, segments_in_memory) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Can not initialize temporary file")); /* initialize output */ G_message(_("Initializing output...")); drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE); Rast_set_d_null_value(drastbuf, ncols); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); Segment_put_row(&out_seg, drastbuf, row); } G_percent(row, nrows, 2); if (mask_opt->answer) { int row, col, maskfd; DCELL dval, *drastbuf; char mask_val; G_message(_("Load masking map")); mask_file = G_tempfile(); mask_fd = creat(mask_file, 0666); if (Segment_format(mask_fd, nrows, ncols, SEGSIZE, SEGSIZE, sizeof(char)) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Can not create temporary file")); close(mask_fd); mask_fd = open(mask_file, 2); if (Segment_init(&mask_seg, mask_fd, segments_in_memory) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Can not initialize temporary file")); maskfd = Rast_open_old(mask_opt->answer, ""); drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); Rast_get_d_row(maskfd, drastbuf, row); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { dval = drastbuf[col]; if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&dval) || dval == 0) mask_val = 0; else mask_val = 1; Segment_put(&mask_seg, &mask_val, row, col); } } G_percent(row, nrows, 2); G_free(drastbuf); Rast_close(maskfd); have_mask = 1; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ | Subdividing and working with tiles: | Each original region will be divided into several subregions. | Each one will be overlaped by its neighbouring subregions. | The overlapping is calculated as a fixed OVERLAP_SIZE times | the largest spline step plus 2 * edge ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fixing parameters of the elaboration region */ P_zero_dim(&dims); /* Set dim struct to zero */ nsplx_adj = NSPLX_MAX; nsply_adj = NSPLY_MAX; if (stepN > stepE) dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepN; else dims.overlap = OVERLAP_SIZE * stepE; P_get_edge(bilin, &dims, stepE, stepN); P_set_dim(&dims, stepE, stepN, &nsplx_adj, &nsply_adj); G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted EW splines %d"), nsplx_adj); G_verbose_message(_("Adjusted NS splines %d"), nsply_adj); /* calculate number of subregions */ edgeE = dims.ew_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_v; edgeN = dims.sn_size - dims.overlap - 2 * dims.edge_h; N_extension = original_reg.north - original_reg.south; E_extension = original_reg.east - original_reg.west; nsubregion_col = ceil(E_extension / edgeE) + 0.5; nsubregion_row = ceil(N_extension / edgeN) + 0.5; if (nsubregion_col < 0) nsubregion_col = 0; if (nsubregion_row < 0) nsubregion_row = 0; nsubregions = nsubregion_row * nsubregion_col; /* Creating line and categories structs */ Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, 0); subregion_row = 0; elaboration_reg.south = original_reg.north; last_row = FALSE; while (last_row == FALSE) { /* For each subregion row */ subregion_row++; P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, GENERAL_ROW); if (elaboration_reg.north > original_reg.north) { /* First row */ P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, FIRST_ROW); } if (elaboration_reg.south <= original_reg.south) { /* Last row */ P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, LAST_ROW); last_row = TRUE; } nsply = ceil((elaboration_reg.north - elaboration_reg.south) / stepN) + 0.5; G_debug(1, "Interpolation: nsply = %d", nsply); /* if (nsply > NSPLY_MAX) nsply = NSPLY_MAX; */ elaboration_reg.east = original_reg.west; last_column = FALSE; subregion_col = 0; /* TODO: process each subregion using its own thread (via OpenMP or pthreads) */ /* I'm not sure about pthreads, but you can tell OpenMP to start all at the same time and it will keep num_workers supplied with the next job as free cpus become available */ while (last_column == FALSE) { /* For each subregion column */ int npoints = 0; /* needed for sparse points interpolation */ int npoints_ext, *lineVect_ext = NULL; double **obsVect_ext; /*, mean_ext = .0; */ struct Point *observ_ext; subregion_col++; subregion++; if (nsubregions > 1) G_message(_("Processing subregion %d of %d..."), subregion, nsubregions); P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, GENERAL_COLUMN); if (elaboration_reg.west < original_reg.west) { /* First column */ P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, FIRST_COLUMN); } if (elaboration_reg.east >= original_reg.east) { /* Last column */ P_set_regions(&elaboration_reg, &general_box, &overlap_box, dims, LAST_COLUMN); last_column = TRUE; } nsplx = ceil((elaboration_reg.east - elaboration_reg.west) / stepE) + 0.5; G_debug(1, "Interpolation: nsplx = %d", nsplx); /* if (nsplx > NSPLX_MAX) nsplx = NSPLX_MAX; */ G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): subregion bounds", subregion_row, subregion_col); G_debug(1, "Interpolation: \t\tNORTH:%.2f\t", elaboration_reg.north); G_debug(1, "Interpolation: WEST:%.2f\t\tEAST:%.2f", elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.east); G_debug(1, "Interpolation: \t\tSOUTH:%.2f", elaboration_reg.south); #ifdef DEBUG_SUBREGIONS fprintf(stdout, "B 5\n"); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.north); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.north); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.south); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.south); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", elaboration_reg.east, elaboration_reg.north); fprintf(stdout, "C 1 1\n"); fprintf(stdout, " %.11g %.11g\n", (elaboration_reg.west + elaboration_reg.east) / 2, (elaboration_reg.south + elaboration_reg.north) / 2); fprintf(stdout, " 1 %d\n", subregion); #endif /* reading points in interpolation region */ dim_vect = nsplx * nsply; observ_ext = NULL; if (grid == FALSE && ext == TRUE) { observ_ext = P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In_ext, &elaboration_reg, &npoints_ext, dim_vect, 1); } else npoints_ext = 1; if (grid == TRUE && have_mask) { /* any unmasked cells in general region ? */ mean = 0; observ_ext = P_Read_Raster_Region_masked(&mask_seg, &original_reg, original_box, general_box, &npoints_ext, dim_vect, mean); } observ = NULL; if (npoints_ext > 0) { observ = P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In, &elaboration_reg, &npoints, dim_vect, bspline_field); } else npoints = 1; G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Number of points in <elaboration_box> is %d", subregion_row, subregion_col, npoints); if (npoints > 0) G_verbose_message(_("%d points found in this subregion"), npoints); /* only interpolate if there are any points in current subregion */ if (npoints > 0 && npoints_ext > 0) { int i; nparameters = nsplx * nsply; BW = P_get_BandWidth(bilin, nsply); /* Least Squares system */ N = G_alloc_matrix(nparameters, BW); /* Normal matrix */ TN = G_alloc_vector(nparameters); /* vector */ parVect = G_alloc_vector(nparameters); /* Parameters vector */ obsVect = G_alloc_matrix(npoints, 3); /* Observation vector */ Q = G_alloc_vector(npoints); /* "a priori" var-cov matrix */ lineVect = G_alloc_ivector(npoints); /* */ for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { /* Setting obsVect vector & Q matrix */ double dval; Q[i] = 1; /* Q=I */ lineVect[i] = observ[i].lineID; obsVect[i][0] = observ[i].coordX; obsVect[i][1] = observ[i].coordY; /* read z coordinates from attribute table */ if (bspline_field > 0) { int cat, ival, ret; cat = observ[i].cat; if (cat < 0) continue; if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) { ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_int(&cvarr, cat, &ival); obsVect[i][2] = ival; observ[i].coordZ = ival; } else { /* DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */ ret = db_CatValArray_get_value_double(&cvarr, cat, &dval); obsVect[i][2] = dval; observ[i].coordZ = dval; } if (ret != DB_OK) { G_warning(_("Interpolation: (%d,%d): No record for point (cat = %d)"), subregion_row, subregion_col, cat); continue; } } /* use z coordinates of 3D vector */ else { obsVect[i][2] = observ[i].coordZ; } } /* Mean calculation for every point */ mean = P_Mean_Calc(&elaboration_reg, observ, npoints); G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): mean=%lf", subregion_row, subregion_col, mean); G_free(observ); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) obsVect[i][2] -= mean; /* Bilinear interpolation */ if (bilin) { G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Bilinear interpolation...", subregion_row, subregion_col); normalDefBilin(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx, nsply, elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.south, npoints, nparameters, BW); nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN); } /* Bicubic interpolation */ else { G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Bicubic interpolation...", subregion_row, subregion_col); normalDefBicubic(N, TN, Q, obsVect, stepE, stepN, nsplx, nsply, elaboration_reg.west, elaboration_reg.south, npoints, nparameters, BW); nCorrectGrad(N, lambda, nsplx, nsply, stepE, stepN); } if(G_strncasecmp(solver->answer, "cg", 2) == 0) G_math_solver_cg_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW, atoi(iter->answer), atof(error->answer)); else G_math_solver_cholesky_sband(N, parVect, TN, nparameters, BW); G_free_matrix(N); G_free_vector(TN); G_free_vector(Q); if (grid == TRUE) { /* GRID INTERPOLATION ==> INTERPOLATION INTO A RASTER */ G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Regular_Points...", subregion_row, subregion_col); if (!have_mask) { P_Regular_Points(&elaboration_reg, &original_reg, general_box, overlap_box, &out_seg, parVect, stepN, stepE, dims.overlap, mean, nsplx, nsply, nrows, ncols, bilin); } else { P_Sparse_Raster_Points(&out_seg, &elaboration_reg, &original_reg, general_box, overlap_box, observ_ext, parVect, stepE, stepN, dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply, npoints_ext, bilin, mean); } } else { /* OBSERVATION POINTS INTERPOLATION */ if (ext == FALSE) { G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Sparse_Points...", subregion_row, subregion_col); P_Sparse_Points(&Out, &elaboration_reg, general_box, overlap_box, obsVect, parVect, lineVect, stepE, stepN, dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply, npoints, bilin, Cats, driver, mean, table_name); } else { /* FLAG_EXT == TRUE */ /* done that earlier */ /* int npoints_ext, *lineVect_ext = NULL; double **obsVect_ext; struct Point *observ_ext; observ_ext = P_Read_Vector_Region_Map(&In_ext, &elaboration_reg, &npoints_ext, dim_vect, 1); */ obsVect_ext = G_alloc_matrix(npoints_ext, 3); /* Observation vector_ext */ lineVect_ext = G_alloc_ivector(npoints_ext); for (i = 0; i < npoints_ext; i++) { /* Setting obsVect_ext vector & Q matrix */ obsVect_ext[i][0] = observ_ext[i].coordX; obsVect_ext[i][1] = observ_ext[i].coordY; obsVect_ext[i][2] = observ_ext[i].coordZ - mean; lineVect_ext[i] = observ_ext[i].lineID; } G_free(observ_ext); G_debug(1, "Interpolation: (%d,%d): Sparse_Points...", subregion_row, subregion_col); P_Sparse_Points(&Out, &elaboration_reg, general_box, overlap_box, obsVect_ext, parVect, lineVect_ext, stepE, stepN, dims.overlap, nsplx, nsply, npoints_ext, bilin, Cats, driver, mean, table_name); G_free_matrix(obsVect_ext); G_free_ivector(lineVect_ext); } /* END FLAG_EXT == TRUE */ } /* END GRID == FALSE */ G_free_vector(parVect); G_free_matrix(obsVect); G_free_ivector(lineVect); } else { if (observ) G_free(observ); if (observ_ext) G_free(observ_ext); if (npoints == 0) G_warning(_("No data within this subregion. " "Consider increasing spline step values.")); } } /*! END WHILE; last_column = TRUE */ } /*! END WHILE; last_row = TRUE */ G_verbose_message(_("Writing output...")); /* Writing the output raster map */ if (grid == TRUE) { int row, col; DCELL *drastbuf, dval; if (have_mask) { Segment_release(&mask_seg); /* release memory */ close(mask_fd); unlink(mask_file); } drastbuf = Rast_allocate_buf(DCELL_TYPE); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 2); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { Segment_get(&out_seg, &dval, row, col); drastbuf[col] = dval; } Rast_put_d_row(raster, drastbuf); } Rast_close(raster); Segment_release(&out_seg); /* release memory */ close(out_fd); unlink(out_file); /* set map title */ sprintf(title, "%s interpolation with Tykhonov regularization", type_opt->answer); Rast_put_cell_title(out_map_opt->answer, title); /* write map history */ Rast_short_history(out_map_opt->answer, "raster", &history); Rast_command_history(&history); Rast_write_history(out_map_opt->answer, &history); } /* Writing to the output vector map the points from the overlapping zones */ else if (flag_auxiliar == TRUE) { if (ext == FALSE) P_Aux_to_Vector(&In, &Out, driver, table_name); else P_Aux_to_Vector(&In_ext, &Out, driver, table_name); /* Drop auxiliary table */ G_debug(1, "%s: Dropping <%s>", argv[0], table_name); if (P_Drop_Aux_Table(driver, table_name) != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Auxiliary table could not be dropped")); } db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); Vect_close(&In); if (ext != FALSE) Vect_close(&In_ext); if (vector) Vect_close(&Out); G_done_msg(" "); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /*END MAIN */
int start_mon(const char *name, const char *output, int select, const char *width, const char *height, const char *bgcolor, int truecolor) { const char *curr_mon; char *env_name, *env_value, *cmd_value; char *tempfile, buf[1024]; int env_fd; curr_mon = G__getenv("MONITOR"); if (curr_mon && strcmp(curr_mon, name) == 0 && check_mon(curr_mon)) G_fatal_error(_("Monitor <%s> already running"), name); tempfile = G_tempfile(); env_name = env_value = NULL; G_asprintf(&env_name, "MONITOR_%s_ENVFILE", name); G_asprintf(&env_value, "%s.env", tempfile); G_setenv(env_name, env_value); env_fd = creat(env_value, 0666); if (env_fd < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create file '%s'"), env_value); if (width) { sprintf(buf, "GRASS_WIDTH=%s\n", width); write(env_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } if (height) { sprintf(buf, "GRASS_HEIGHT=%s\n", height); write(env_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } if (bgcolor) { if (strcmp(bgcolor, "none") == 0) sprintf(buf, "GRASS_TRANSPARENT=TRUE\n"); else sprintf(buf, "GRASS_BACKGROUNDCOLOR=%s\n", bgcolor); write(env_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } if (truecolor) { sprintf(buf, "GRASS_TRUECOLOR=TRUE\n"); write(env_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } close(env_fd); cmd_value = NULL; G_asprintf(&env_name, "MONITOR_%s_CMDFILE", name); G_asprintf(&cmd_value, "%s.cmd", tempfile); G_setenv(env_name, cmd_value); close(creat(cmd_value, 0666)); G_verbose_message(_("Staring monitor <%s> with env file '%s'"), name, env_value); G_debug(1, "start: name=%s ", name); G_debug(3, " envfile = %s", env_value); G_debug(3, " cmdfile = %s", cmd_value); if (select) G_setenv("MONITOR", name); if (strncmp(name, "wx", 2) == 0) /* use G_strncasecmp() instead */ start_wx(name, tempfile, env_value, cmd_value, width, height); else start(name, output); return 0; }
int open_files(struct globals *globals) { struct Ref Ref; /* group reference list */ int *in_fd, bounds_fd, is_null; int n, row, col, srows, scols, inlen, outlen, nseg; DCELL **inbuf; /* buffers to store lines from each of the imagery group rasters */ CELL *boundsbuf, bounds_val; int have_bounds = 0; CELL s, id; struct Range range; /* min/max values of bounds map */ struct FPRange *fp_range; /* min/max values of each input raster */ DCELL *min, *max; struct ngbr_stats Ri, Rk; /*allocate memory for flags */ globals->null_flag = flag_create(globals->nrows, globals->ncols); globals->candidate_flag = flag_create(globals->nrows, globals->ncols); flag_clear_all(globals->null_flag); flag_clear_all(globals->candidate_flag); G_debug(1, "Checking image group..."); /* ****** open the input rasters ******* */ if (!I_get_group_ref(globals->image_group, &Ref)) G_fatal_error(_("Group <%s> not found in the current mapset"), globals->image_group); if (Ref.nfiles <= 0) G_fatal_error(_("Group <%s> contains no raster maps"), globals->image_group); /* Read Imagery Group */ in_fd = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(int)); inbuf = (DCELL **) G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL *)); fp_range = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(struct FPRange)); min = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL)); max = G_malloc(Ref.nfiles * sizeof(DCELL)); G_debug(1, "Opening input rasters..."); for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { inbuf[n] = Rast_allocate_d_buf(); in_fd[n] = Rast_open_old(Ref.file[n].name, Ref.file[n].mapset); } /* Get min/max values of each input raster for scaling */ globals->max_diff = 0.; globals->nbands = Ref.nfiles; for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { /* returns -1 on error, 2 on empty range, quitting either way. */ if (Rast_read_fp_range(Ref.file[n].name, Ref.file[n].mapset, &fp_range[n]) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"), Ref.file[n].name); Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&(fp_range[n]), &min[n], &max[n]); G_debug(1, "Range for layer %d: min = %f, max = %f", n, min[n], max[n]); } if (globals->weighted == FALSE) globals->max_diff = Ref.nfiles; else { /* max difference with selected similarity method */ Ri.mean = max; Rk.mean = min; globals->max_diff = 1; globals->max_diff = (*globals->calculate_similarity) (&Ri, &Rk, globals); } /* ********** find out file segmentation size ************ */ G_debug(1, "Calculate temp file sizes..."); /* size of each element to be stored */ inlen = sizeof(DCELL) * Ref.nfiles; outlen = sizeof(CELL); G_debug(1, "data element size, in: %d , out: %d ", inlen, outlen); globals->datasize = sizeof(double) * globals->nbands; /* count non-null cells */ globals->notnullcells = (long)globals->nrows * globals->ncols; for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) { for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { Rast_get_d_row(in_fd[n], inbuf[n], row); } for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) { is_null = 0; /*Assume there is data */ for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&inbuf[n][col])) { is_null = 1; } } if (is_null) { globals->notnullcells--; FLAG_SET(globals->null_flag, row, col); } } } G_verbose_message(_("Non-NULL cells: %ld"), globals->notnullcells); if (globals->notnullcells < 2) G_fatal_error(_("Insufficient number of non-NULL cells in current region")); /* segment lib segment size */ srows = 64; scols = 64; nseg = manage_memory(srows, scols, globals); /* create segment structures */ if (Segment_open (&globals->bands_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows, scols, inlen, nseg) != 1) G_fatal_error("Unable to create input temporary files"); if (Segment_open (&globals->rid_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows, scols, outlen, nseg * 2) != 1) G_fatal_error("Unable to create input temporary files"); /* load input bands to segment structure */ if (Ref.nfiles > 1) G_message(_("Loading input bands...")); else G_message(_("Loading input band...")); globals->bands_val = (double *)G_malloc(inlen); globals->second_val = (double *)G_malloc(inlen); /* initial segment ID */ s = 1; globals->row_min = globals->nrows; globals->row_max = 0; globals->col_min = globals->ncols; globals->col_max = 0; for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, globals->nrows, 4); for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { Rast_get_d_row(in_fd[n], inbuf[n], row); } for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) { is_null = 0; /*Assume there is data */ for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { globals->bands_val[n] = inbuf[n][col]; if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&inbuf[n][col])) { is_null = 1; } else { if (globals->weighted == FALSE) /* scaled version */ globals->bands_val[n] = (inbuf[n][col] - min[n]) / (max[n] - min[n]); } } if (Segment_put(&globals->bands_seg, (void *)globals->bands_val, row, col) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file")); if (!is_null) { if (!globals->seeds) { /* sequentially number all cells with a unique segment ID */ id = s; s++; } /* get min/max row/col to narrow the processing window */ if (globals->row_min > row) globals->row_min = row; if (globals->row_max < row) globals->row_max = row; if (globals->col_min > col) globals->col_min = col; if (globals->col_max < col) globals->col_max = col; } else { /* all input bands NULL */ Rast_set_c_null_value(&id, 1); FLAG_SET(globals->null_flag, row, col); } if (!globals->seeds || is_null) { if (Segment_put(&globals->rid_seg, (void *)&id, row, col) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file")); } } } G_percent(1, 1, 1); G_debug(1, "nrows: %d, min row: %d, max row %d", globals->nrows, globals->row_min, globals->row_max); G_debug(1, "ncols: %d, min col: %d, max col %d", globals->ncols, globals->col_min, globals->col_max); globals->row_max++; globals->col_max++; globals->ncells = (long)(globals->row_max - globals->row_min) * (globals->col_max - globals->col_min); /* bounds/constraints */ Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound, 1); Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound, 1); if (globals->bounds_map != NULL) { if (Segment_open (&globals->bounds_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows, scols, sizeof(CELL), nseg) != TRUE) G_fatal_error("Unable to create bounds temporary files"); if (Rast_read_range(globals->bounds_map, globals->bounds_mapset, &range) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"), globals->bounds_map); Rast_get_range_min_max(&range, &globals->upper_bound, &globals->lower_bound); if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound) || Rast_is_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound)) { G_fatal_error(_("No min/max found in raster map <%s>"), globals->bounds_map); } bounds_fd = Rast_open_old(globals->bounds_map, globals->bounds_mapset); boundsbuf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(bounds_fd, boundsbuf, row); for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) { bounds_val = boundsbuf[col]; if (FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) { Rast_set_c_null_value(&bounds_val, 1); } else { if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&bounds_val)) { have_bounds = 1; if (globals->lower_bound > bounds_val) globals->lower_bound = bounds_val; if (globals->upper_bound < bounds_val) globals->upper_bound = bounds_val; } } if (Segment_put(&globals->bounds_seg, &bounds_val, row, col) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file")); } } Rast_close(bounds_fd); G_free(boundsbuf); if (!have_bounds) { G_warning(_("There are no boundary constraints in '%s'"), globals->bounds_map); Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->upper_bound, 1); Rast_set_c_null_value(&globals->lower_bound, 1); Segment_close(&globals->bounds_seg); globals->bounds_map = NULL; globals->bounds_mapset = NULL; } } else { G_debug(1, "no boundary constraint supplied."); } /* other info */ globals->candidate_count = 0; /* counter for remaining candidate pixels */ /* Free memory */ for (n = 0; n < Ref.nfiles; n++) { G_free(inbuf[n]); Rast_close(in_fd[n]); } globals->rs.sum = G_malloc(globals->datasize); globals->rs.mean = G_malloc(globals->datasize); globals->reg_tree = rgtree_create(globals->nbands, globals->datasize); globals->n_regions = s - 1; if (globals->seeds) { load_seeds(globals, srows, scols, nseg); } G_debug(1, "Number of initial regions: %d", globals->n_regions); G_free(inbuf); G_free(in_fd); G_free(fp_range); G_free(min); G_free(max); return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input; char *output; char *title; FILE *fd; int cf; struct Cell_head cellhd; CELL *cell; FCELL *fcell; DCELL *dcell; int row, col; int nrows, ncols; static int missingval; int rtype; double mult_fact; double x; struct GModule *module; struct History history; struct { struct Option *input, *output, *type, *title, *mult; } parm; G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); module->keywords = _("raster, import"); module->description = _("Converts an ESRI ARC/INFO ascii raster file (GRID) " "into a (binary) raster map layer."); parm.input = G_define_option(); parm.input->key = "input"; parm.input->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.input->required = YES; parm.input->description = _("ARC/INFO ASCII raster file (GRID) to be imported"); parm.input->gisprompt = "old_file,file,input"; parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); parm.type = G_define_option(); parm.type->key = "type"; parm.type->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.type->required = NO; parm.type->options = "CELL,FCELL,DCELL"; parm.type->answer = "FCELL"; parm.type->description = _("Storage type for resultant raster map"); parm.title = G_define_option(); parm.title->key = "title"; parm.title->key_desc = "\"phrase\""; parm.title->type = TYPE_STRING; parm.title->required = NO; parm.title->description = _("Title for resultant raster map"); parm.mult = G_define_option(); parm.mult->key = "mult"; parm.mult->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; parm.mult->answer = "1.0"; parm.mult->required = NO; parm.mult->description = _("Multiplier for ASCII data"); if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); input = parm.input->answer; output = parm.output->answer; if (title = parm.title->answer) G_strip(title); sscanf(parm.mult->answer, "%lf", &mult_fact); if (strcmp("CELL", parm.type->answer) == 0) rtype = CELL_TYPE; else if (strcmp("DCELL", parm.type->answer) == 0) rtype = DCELL_TYPE; else rtype = FCELL_TYPE; if (strcmp("-", input) == 0) { Tmp_file = G_tempfile(); if (NULL == (Tmp_fd = fopen(Tmp_file, "w+"))) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file <%s>"), Tmp_file); unlink(Tmp_file); if (0 > file_cpy(stdin, Tmp_fd)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); fd = Tmp_fd; } else fd = fopen(input, "r"); if (fd == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input file <%s>"), input); if (!gethead(fd, &cellhd, &missingval)) G_fatal_error(_("Can't get cell header")); nrows = cellhd.rows; ncols = cellhd.cols; if (G_set_window(&cellhd) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Can't set window")); if (nrows != G_window_rows()) G_fatal_error(_("OOPS: rows changed from %d to %d"), nrows, G_window_rows()); if (ncols != G_window_cols()) G_fatal_error(_("OOPS: cols changed from %d to %d"), ncols, G_window_cols()); switch (rtype) { case CELL_TYPE: cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf(); break; case FCELL_TYPE: fcell = G_allocate_f_raster_buf(); break; case DCELL_TYPE: dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf(); break; } cf = G_open_raster_new(output, rtype); if (cf < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"), output); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 5); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { if (fscanf(fd, "%lf", &x) != 1) { G_unopen_cell(cf); G_fatal_error(_("Data conversion failed at row %d, col %d"), row + 1, col + 1); } switch (rtype) { case CELL_TYPE: if ((int)x == missingval) G_set_c_null_value(cell + col, 1); else cell[col] = (CELL) x *mult_fact; break; case FCELL_TYPE: if ((int)x == missingval) G_set_f_null_value(fcell + col, 1); else fcell[col] = (FCELL) x *mult_fact; break; case DCELL_TYPE: if ((int)x == missingval) G_set_d_null_value(dcell + col, 1); else dcell[col] = (DCELL) x *mult_fact; break; } } switch (rtype) { case CELL_TYPE: G_put_c_raster_row(cf, cell); break; case FCELL_TYPE: G_put_f_raster_row(cf, fcell); break; case DCELL_TYPE: G_put_d_raster_row(cf, dcell); break; } } /* G_message(_("CREATING SUPPORT FILES FOR %s"), output); */ G_close_cell(cf); if (title) G_put_cell_title(output, title); G_short_history(output, "raster", &history); G_command_history(&history); G_write_history(output, &history); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
CELL clump(int in_fd, int out_fd, int diag, int print) { register int col; register int n; CELL NEW, OLD; CELL *temp_cell, *temp_clump; CELL *prev_in, *cur_in, *out_cell; CELL *prev_clump, *cur_clump; CELL X, LEFT; CELL *index, *renumber; CELL label; int nrows, ncols; int row; int len; int nalloc; long cur_time; char *cname; int cfd, csize; CELL cat; nrows = Rast_window_rows(); ncols = Rast_window_cols(); /* allocate clump index */ nalloc = INCR; index = (CELL *) G_malloc(nalloc * sizeof(CELL)); index[0] = 0; renumber = NULL; /* allocate CELL buffers two columns larger than current window */ len = (ncols + 2) * sizeof(CELL); prev_in = (CELL *) G_malloc(len); cur_in = (CELL *) G_malloc(len); prev_clump = (CELL *) G_malloc(len); cur_clump = (CELL *) G_malloc(len); out_cell = (CELL *) G_malloc(len); /* temp file for initial clump IDs */ cname = G_tempfile(); if ((cfd = open(cname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temp file")); csize = ncols * sizeof(CELL); time(&cur_time); /* fake a previous row which is all NULL */ Rast_set_c_null_value(prev_in, ncols + 2); /* set left and right edge to NULL */ Rast_set_c_null_value(&cur_in[0], 1); Rast_set_c_null_value(&cur_in[ncols + 1], 1); /* initialize clump labels */ G_zero(cur_clump, len); G_zero(prev_clump, len); label = 0; /**************************************************** * PASS 1 * * pass thru the input, create initial clump labels * ****************************************************/ G_message(_("Pass 1 of 2...")); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(in_fd, cur_in + 1, row); G_percent(row, nrows, 4); Rast_set_c_null_value(&X, 1); for (col = 1; col <= ncols; col++) { LEFT = X; X = cur_in[col]; if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&X)) { /* don't clump NULL data */ cur_clump[col] = 0; continue; } /* * if the cell value is different to the left and above * (diagonal: and above left and above right) * then we must start a new clump * * this new clump may eventually collide with another * clump and will have to be merged */ /* try to connect the current cell to an existing clump */ OLD = NEW = 0; /* same clump as to the left */ if (X == LEFT) { OLD = cur_clump[col] = cur_clump[col - 1]; } if (diag) { /* check above right, center, left, in that order */ n = 2; temp_clump = prev_clump + col + 1; temp_cell = prev_in + col + 1; do { if (X == *temp_cell) { cur_clump[col] = *temp_clump; if (OLD == 0) { OLD = *temp_clump; } else { NEW = *temp_clump; break; } } temp_cell--; temp_clump--; } while (n-- > 0); } else { /* check above */ if (X == prev_in[col]) { temp_clump = prev_clump + col; cur_clump[col] = *temp_clump; if (OLD == 0) { OLD = *temp_clump; } else { NEW = *temp_clump; } } } if (NEW == 0 || OLD == NEW) { /* ok */ if (OLD == 0) { /* start a new clump */ label++; cur_clump[col] = label; if (label >= nalloc) { nalloc += INCR; index = (CELL *) G_realloc(index, nalloc * sizeof(CELL)); } index[label] = label; } continue; } /* conflict! preserve NEW clump ID and change OLD clump ID. * Must go back to the left in the current row and to the right * in the previous row to change all the clump values as well. */ /* left of the current row from 1 to col - 1 */ temp_clump = cur_clump; n = col - 1; while (n-- > 0) { temp_clump++; /* skip left edge */ if (*temp_clump == OLD) *temp_clump = NEW; } /* right of previous row from col + 1 to ncols */ temp_clump = prev_clump; temp_clump += col; n = ncols - col; while (n-- > 0) { temp_clump++; /* skip col */ if (*temp_clump == OLD) *temp_clump = NEW; } /* modify the OLD index */ index[OLD] = NEW; } /* write initial clump IDs */ /* this works also with writing out cur_clump, but only * prev_clump is complete and will not change any more */ if (row > 0) { if (write(cfd, prev_clump + 1, csize) != csize) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temp file")); } /* switch the buffers so that the current buffer becomes the previous */ temp_cell = cur_in; cur_in = prev_in; prev_in = temp_cell; temp_clump = cur_clump; cur_clump = prev_clump; prev_clump = temp_clump; } /* write last row with initial clump IDs */ if (write(cfd, prev_clump + 1, csize) != csize) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temp file")); G_percent(1, 1, 1); /* generate a renumbering scheme */ G_message(_("Generating renumbering scheme...")); G_debug(1, "%d initial labels", label); /* allocate final clump ID */ renumber = (CELL *) G_malloc((label + 1) * sizeof(CELL)); renumber[0] = 0; cat = 1; G_percent(0, label, 1); for (n = 1; n <= label; n++) { G_percent(n, label, 1); OLD = n; NEW = index[n]; if (OLD != NEW) { renumber[n] = 0; /* find valid clump ID */ while (OLD != NEW) { OLD = NEW; NEW = index[OLD]; } index[n] = NEW; } else /* set final clump id */ renumber[n] = cat++; } /* rewind temp file */ lseek(cfd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (print) { fprintf(stdout, "clumps=%d\n", cat - 1); } else { /**************************************************** * PASS 2 * * apply renumbering scheme to initial clump labels * ****************************************************/ /* the input raster is no longer needed, * using instead the temp file with initial clump labels */ G_message(_("Pass 2 of 2...")); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { G_percent(row, nrows, 4); if (read(cfd, cur_clump, csize) != csize) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read from temp file")); temp_clump = cur_clump; temp_cell = out_cell; for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { *temp_cell = renumber[index[*temp_clump]]; if (*temp_cell == 0) Rast_set_c_null_value(temp_cell, 1); temp_clump++; temp_cell++; } Rast_put_row(out_fd, out_cell, CELL_TYPE); } G_percent(1, 1, 1); } close(cfd); unlink(cname); print_time(&cur_time); return 0; }
int G_put_cell_title (char *name, char *title) { char *mapset; FILE *in, *out; char *tempfile; int line ; char buf[300]; mapset = G_mapset() ; in = out = 0 ; in = G_fopen_old ("cats", name, mapset); if (!in) { sprintf (buf, "category information for [%s] in [%s] missing or invalid", name, mapset); G_warning (buf); return -1; } tempfile = G_tempfile(); out = fopen (tempfile, "w"); if (!out) { fclose (in); sprintf (buf, "G_put_title - can't create a temp file"); G_warning (buf); return -1; } for (line = 0; G_getl (buf, sizeof buf, in); line++) { if (line == 1) { strcpy (buf, title); G_strip (buf); } fprintf (out, "%s\n", buf); } fclose (in); fclose (out); /* must be #cats line, title line, and label for cat 0 */ if (line < 3) { sprintf (buf, "category information for [%s] in [%s] invalid", name, mapset); G_warning (buf); return -1; } in = fopen (tempfile, "r"); if (!in) { sprintf (buf, "G_put_title - can't reopen temp file"); G_warning (buf); return -1; } out = G_fopen_new ("cats", name); if (!out) { fclose (in); sprintf (buf, "can't write category information for [%s] in [%s]", name, mapset); G_warning (buf); return -1; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, in)) fprintf (out, "%s", buf); fclose (in); fclose (out); return 1; }
/*! \brief Delete vector map including attribute tables \param map vector map name \return -1 error \return 0 success */ int Vect_delete(const char *map) { int i, n, ret; struct Map_info Map; struct field_info *Fi; char buf[GPATH_MAX]; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; const char *tmp; char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX]; G_debug(3, "Delete vector '%s'", map); /* remove mapset from fully qualified name */ if (G_name_is_fully_qualified(map, xname, xmapset)) { map = xname; } if (map == NULL || strlen(map) == 0) { G_warning(_("Invalid vector map name <%s>"), map ? map : "null"); return -1; } sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", G_gisdbase(), G_location(), G_mapset(), GV_DIRECTORY, map, GV_DBLN_ELEMENT); G_debug(1, "dbln file: %s", buf); if (access(buf, F_OK) == 0) { /* Open input */ Vect_set_open_level(1); /* Topo not needed */ ret = Vect_open_old_head(&Map, map, G_mapset()); if (ret < 1) { G_warning(_("Unable to open header file for vector map <%s>"), map); return -1; } /* Delete all tables, NOT external (OGR) */ if (Map.format == GV_FORMAT_NATIVE) { n = Vect_get_num_dblinks(&Map); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Fi = Vect_get_dblink(&Map, i); if (Fi == NULL) { G_warning(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"), Map.dblnk->field[i].number); Vect_close(&Map); return -1; } G_debug(3, "Delete drv:db:table '%s:%s:%s'", Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table); ret = db_table_exists(Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table); if (ret == -1) { G_warning(_("Unable to find table <%s> linked to vector map <%s>"), Fi->table, map); Vect_close(&Map); return -1; } if (ret == 1) { ret = db_delete_table(Fi->driver, Fi->database, Fi->table); if (ret == DB_FAILED) { G_warning(_("Unable to delete table <%s>"), Fi->table); Vect_close(&Map); return -1; } } else { G_warning(_("Table <%s> linked to vector map <%s> does not exist"), Fi->table, map); } } } Vect_close(&Map); } /* Delete all files from vector/name directory */ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map); G_debug(3, "opendir '%s'", buf); dir = opendir(buf); if (dir == NULL) { G_warning(_("Unable to open directory '%s'"), buf); return -1; } while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { G_debug(3, "file = '%s'", ent->d_name); if ((strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0)) continue; sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map, ent->d_name); G_debug(3, "delete file '%s'", buf); ret = unlink(buf); if (ret == -1) { G_warning(_("Unable to delete file '%s'"), buf); closedir(dir); return -1; } } closedir(dir); /* NFS can create .nfsxxxxxxxx files for those deleted * -> we have to move the directory to ./tmp before it is deleted */ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s/vector/%s", G_location_path(), G_mapset(), map); tmp = G_tempfile(); G_debug(3, "rename '%s' to '%s'", buf, tmp); ret = rename(buf, tmp); if (ret == -1) { G_warning(_("Unable to rename directory '%s' to '%s'"), buf, tmp); return -1; } G_debug(3, "remove directory '%s'", tmp); /* Warning: remove() fails on Windows */ ret = rmdir(tmp); if (ret == -1) { G_warning(_("Unable to remove directory '%s'"), tmp); return -1; } return 0; }
static void set_rgn(double *msc, char *name, char *name1, char *name2) { char reg_name[20]; int x0, y0, xp, yp, *x, *y, xstart, ystart, btn, d, method, meth; static int pts, rgn_cnt = 0; double dtmp, etmp; FILE *tmp; char *tempfile; /* get the name of the regions map */ if (!G_ask_cell_new(" ENTER THE NEW REGION MAP NAME:", reg_name)) return; /* allocate memory for storing the points along the boundary of each region */ x = (int *)G_malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); y = (int *)G_malloc(100 * sizeof(int)); tempfile = G_tempfile(); tmp = fopen(tempfile, "w"); back2: G_system("clear"); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n CHOOSE AN OPTION:\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Draw a region 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Quit drawing regions and return"); fprintf(stderr, "\n to setup options menu 2\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Change the color for drawing 3\n\n"); do { fprintf(stderr, " Which Number? "); numtrap(1, &etmp); if ((meth = fabs(etmp)) > 3 || meth < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\n Choice must between 1-3; try again"); } } while (meth > 3 || meth < 1); if (meth == 2) return; if (meth == 3) { R_open_driver(); change_draw(); } if (meth == 1) { R_open_driver(); rgn_cnt = 0; } /* ask the user to outline a region */ back: G_system("clear"); ppoint(NULL, 0, 0, -1); fprintf(stderr, "\n PLEASE OUTLINE REGION # %d\n", (++rgn_cnt)); pbutton(0); pts = 0; x0 = 0; y0 = 0; /* get the points along the boundary of the region as they are drawn */ do { btn = 0; R_get_location_with_line(x0, y0, &xp, &yp, &btn); if (btn == 1) ppoint(msc, xp, yp, 0); else if (btn == 2) { if (!pts) { pbutton(1); R_move_abs(xp, yp); xstart = xp; ystart = yp; } x[pts] = xp * msc[0]; y[pts] = yp * msc[1]; ppoint(msc, xp, yp, (++pts)); x0 = xp; y0 = yp; R_cont_abs(x0, y0); } else if (btn == 3 && pts < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\n Please digitize more than 2 boundary points\n\n"); } } while (btn != 3 || pts < 3); R_cont_abs(xstart, ystart); R_close_driver(); R_open_driver(); x[pts] = x[0]; y[pts] = y[0]; pts++; /* redisplay the menu and find out what to do next */ back1: G_system("clear"); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n CHOOSE AN OPTION:\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Draw another region 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Start over drawing regions 2\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Quit drawing and save the region map 3\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Quit drawing and don't save the region map 4\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Change the color for drawing 5\n\n"); do { fprintf(stderr, " Which Number? "); numtrap(1, &dtmp); if ((method = fabs(dtmp)) > 5 || method < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\n Choice must between 1-5; try again"); } } while (method > 5 || method < 1); /* save the region and draw another */ if (method == 1) { save_rgn(reg_name, tempfile, tmp, x, y, pts, rgn_cnt, 1); goto back; } /* start over */ else if (method == 2) { fclose(tmp); if (!(tmp = fopen(tempfile, "w"))) G_fatal_error ("Can't open temporary file for storing region info\n"); rgn_cnt = 0; R_close_driver(); paint_map(name, name1, name2); goto back2; } /* save the region and exit */ else if (method == 3) save_rgn(reg_name, tempfile, tmp, x, y, pts, rgn_cnt, 2); /* change the color for drawing */ else if (method == 5) { change_draw(); goto back1; } R_close_driver(); G_free(x); G_free(y); unlink(tempfile); return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct Cell_head window; struct Categories cats; struct GModule *module; struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3; struct Flag *fancy_mode, *simple_mode, *draw; char *tmpfile; FILE *fp; /* Initialize the GIS calls */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("display")); G_add_keyword(_("cartography")); module->description = _("Create a TITLE for a raster map in a form suitable " "for display with d.text."); opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP); opt2 = G_define_option(); opt2->key = "color"; opt2->type = TYPE_STRING; opt2->answer = DEFAULT_FG_COLOR; opt2->required = NO; opt2->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color"; opt2->description = _("Sets the text color"); opt3 = G_define_option(); opt3->key = "size"; opt3->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; opt3->answer = "4.0"; opt3->options = "0-100"; opt3->description = _("Sets the text size as percentage of the frame's height"); draw = G_define_flag(); draw->key = 'd'; draw->description = _("Draw title on current display"); fancy_mode = G_define_flag(); fancy_mode->key = 'f'; fancy_mode->description = _("Do a fancier title"); /* currently just title, but it doesn't have to be /that/ simple */ simple_mode = G_define_flag(); simple_mode->key = 's'; simple_mode->description = _("Do a simple title"); /* Check command line */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); map_name = opt1->answer; color = opt2->answer; if (opt3->answer != NULL) sscanf(opt3->answer, "%f", &size); type = fancy_mode->answer ? FANCY : NORMAL; if (fancy_mode->answer && simple_mode->answer) G_fatal_error(_("Title can be fancy or simple, not both")); if (!strlen(map_name)) G_fatal_error(_("No map name given")); Rast_get_cellhd(map_name, "", &window); if (Rast_read_cats(map_name, "", &cats) == -1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read category file of raster map <%s>"), map_name); if (draw->answer) { tmpfile = G_convert_dirseps_to_host(G_tempfile()); if (!(fp = fopen(tmpfile, "w"))) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file <%s>"), tmpfile); } else fp = stdout; if (type == NORMAL) normal(&window, &cats, simple_mode->answer, fp); else fancy(&window, &cats, fp); if (draw->answer) { char inarg[GPATH_MAX]; fclose(fp); sprintf(inarg, "input=%s", tmpfile); G_spawn("d.text", "d.text", inarg, NULL); unlink(tmpfile); /* note a tmp file will remain, created by d.text so it can survive d.redraw */ } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
static int load_seeds(struct globals *globals, int srows, int scols, int nseg) { int row, col; SEGMENT seeds_seg; CELL *seeds_buf, seeds_val; int seeds_fd; int spos, sneg, have_seeds; struct rc Ri; G_debug(1, "load_seeds()"); G_message(_("Loading seeds from raster map <%s>..."), globals->seeds); if (Segment_open (&seeds_seg, G_tempfile(), globals->nrows, globals->ncols, srows, scols, sizeof(CELL), nseg) != TRUE) G_fatal_error("Unable to create bounds temporary files"); seeds_fd = Rast_open_old(globals->seeds, ""); seeds_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf(); have_seeds = 0; /* load seeds map to segment structure */ for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(seeds_fd, seeds_buf, row); for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) { if (FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) { Rast_set_c_null_value(&seeds_val, 1); } else { seeds_val = seeds_buf[col]; if (!Rast_is_c_null_value(&seeds_val)) have_seeds = 1; } if (Segment_put(&seeds_seg, &seeds_val, row, col) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file")); } } if (!have_seeds) { G_warning(_("No seeds found in '%s'!"), globals->seeds); G_free(seeds_buf); Rast_close(seeds_fd); Segment_close(&seeds_seg); return 0; } spos = 1; sneg = -1; /* convert seeds to regions */ G_debug(1, "convert seeds to regions"); Rast_set_c_null_value(&seeds_val, 1); for (row = 0; row < globals->nrows; row++) { Rast_get_c_row(seeds_fd, seeds_buf, row); for (col = 0; col < globals->ncols; col++) { if (!(FLAG_GET(globals->null_flag, row, col)) && !(FLAG_GET(globals->candidate_flag, row, col))) { if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&(seeds_buf[col]))) { if (Segment_put(&globals->rid_seg, &sneg, row, col) != 1) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to write to temporary file")); sneg--; globals->n_regions--; } else { Ri.row = row; Ri.col = col; read_seed(globals, &seeds_seg, &Ri, spos); spos++; } } } } G_free(seeds_buf); Rast_close(seeds_fd); Segment_close(&seeds_seg); globals->n_regions = spos - 1; flag_clear_all(globals->candidate_flag); return 1; }