int main(void) { GameManager gm = GameManager(); UserCMD userCMD; userCMD.deltaMousePosition = glm::vec2(0,0); gm.Initialize(); while (true) { userCMD.keys.push_back(1); userCMD.keys.push_back(3); userCMD.deltaMousePosition = glm::vec2(0,0); gm.Update(userCMD); } }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmd, int show) #endif { // setup random generator from start srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); glfwInit(); GameManager manager = GameManager(); double current_time, old_time, dt, next_update; old_time = glfwGetTime(); while(true) { current_time = glfwGetTime(); dt = current_time - old_time; if (dt <= 0.0) continue; old_time = current_time; next_update = current_time + 1.0 / FRAMERATE; // printf("%f\n", 1.0 / dt); if (!manager.update(dt)) break; manager.draw(); glfwSwapBuffers(); if (!glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED)) break; dt = next_update - glfwGetTime(); if (dt > 0.0) { glfwSleep(dt); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { GameManager mg = GameManager(); // unsigned int time = 0; // unsigned int curr_time; while(mg.isGameRunning()){ // curr_time = SDL_GetTicks(); mg.receiveInput(); mg.update(); mg.render(); // time = cur; // time = curr_time; } mg.quit(); return 0; }
int main() { // window sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode((int) (780 * 1.5), (int) (565 * 1.5)), "Hexagon Fort", (sf::Style::Close | sf::Style::Titlebar)); window.setFramerateLimit(30); window.setMouseCursorVisible(false); // cursor sf::Texture cursorTexture; if (!cursorTexture.loadFromFile("images/mouse_pointer.png")) { return -1; // failed to load mouse pointer image } sf::Sprite cursor(cursorTexture); cursor.setScale(0.175f, 0.175f); // Setup game manager and map if (!GameManager::loadNecessaryFiles()) { return -1; // failed to load files so terminate application } GameManager manager(window); int gameState = 0; // 0 = start screen, 1 = in-game, 2 = pause, 3 = gameover int winner = -1; // -1 = no winner, 0 = red team won, 1 = blue team won sf::Sprite gameMap(GameManager::gameMapTexture); gameMap.setScale(1.5f, 1.5f); // background music sf::Music backgroundMusic; if (!backgroundMusic.openFromFile("sounds/Failing_Defense.ogg")) { return -1; // could not find the Failing_Defense music } backgroundMusic.setLoop(true); backgroundMusic.setVolume(25);; while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); } if (window.isOpen()) { if (gameState == 0) { if (manager.isOnStartButton((sf::Vector2f) sf::Mouse::getPosition(window)) && sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { //manager = GameManager(window); do not need to do this as we already initialized GameManager object gameState = 1; // go to in game winner = -1; // no winner GameManager::areTimersViable = true; } } else if (gameState == 1) { manager.runGameManager(window, 20, 0.75f); if (manager.getBlueTeamHealth() <= 0) { gameState = 3; // go to game over! winner = 0; // red won GameManager::areTimersViable = false; } else if (manager.getRedTeamHealth() <= 0) { gameState = 3; // go to game over! winner = 1; // blue won GameManager::areTimersViable = false; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape)) { gameState = 2; // go to pause game backgroundMusic.pause(); GameManager::areTimersViable = false; } } else if (gameState == 2) { if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left) && sf::IntRect(window.getPosition(), (sf::Vector2i) window.getSize()).contains(sf::Mouse::getPosition(window)) || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) { gameState = 1; // go to in game (continue game); GameManager::areTimersViable = true; } } else if (gameState == 3) { if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left) && sf::IntRect(window.getPosition(), (sf::Vector2i) window.getSize()).contains(sf::Mouse::getPosition(window)) || sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Space)) { manager = GameManager(window); gameState = 1; // go to in game (restart game) winner = -1; // no winner GameManager::areTimersViable = true; } } } window.clear(); window.draw(gameMap); // background map texture manager.draw(window, gameState, winner); if (window.isOpen()) { cursor.setPosition((sf::Vector2f)sf::Mouse::getPosition(window)); window.draw(cursor); } window.display(); } return 0; }
bool ERROR_LOG = true; bool COLISION_SPHERE = false; float GLOBAL1 = 0.0f; float GLOBAL2 = 0.0f; float GLOBAL3 = 0.0f; float GLOBAL4 = 0.0f; float GLOBAL5 = 0.0f; float GLOBAL6 = 0.0f; // initialize global log object Log logger = Log(); // initialize game manager GameManager gm = GameManager(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- main() int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // initialise glut library glutInit(&argc, argv); // request a RGBA display mode, and we want single buffering glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB|GLUT_DOUBLE|GLUT_DEPTH); // set the initial window size glutInitWindowSize(VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT); // set the initial window position glutInitWindowPosition(WINDOW_X_POS, WINDOW_Y_POS); // create the window with properties defined before glutCreateWindow(WINDOW_NAME); // stops continuisly pressing keyboard glutIgnoreKeyRepeat(1);
int main(int argc,char** argv) { GameManager GM=GameManager(); GM.init( argc, argv); return 0; }