コード例 #1
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_stringformatflags(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;

    INT flags;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* NULL args */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(NULL, 0);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, 0);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(0, flags);

    /* Check some valid flags */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft, flags);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(StringFormatFlagsNoFontFallback, flags);

    /* Check some flag combinations */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical
        | StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
        | StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox), flags);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, StringFormatFlagsDisplayFormatControl
        | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
        | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces), flags);

    /* Check invalid flags */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatFlags(format, 0xdeadbeef);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(0xdeadbeef, flags);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #2
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_characterrange(void)
    CharacterRange ranges[3];
    INT count;
    GpStringFormat* format;
    GpStatus stat;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(NULL, 3, ranges);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(format, 0, ranges);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(format, 3, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRanges(format, 3, ranges);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(format, &count);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    if (stat == Ok) expect(3, count);

    stat= GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #3
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_constructor(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;
    INT n, count;
    StringAlignment align, valign;
    StringTrimming trimming;
    StringDigitSubstitute digitsub;
    LANGID digitlang;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    GdipGetStringFormatAlign(format, &align);
    GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(format, &valign);
    GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(format, &n);
    GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(format, &trimming);
    GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, &digitlang, &digitsub);
    GdipGetStringFormatMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(format, &count);

    expect(HotkeyPrefixNone, n);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringTrimmingCharacter, trimming);
    expect(StringDigitSubstituteUser, digitsub);
    expect(LANG_NEUTRAL, digitlang);
    expect(0, count);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #4
ファイル: gdip_font.cpp プロジェクト: golgol7777/gpac
static GF_Err gdip_get_text_size(GF_FontReader *dr, const unsigned short *string, Fixed *width, Fixed *height)
	GpPath *path_tmp;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->udta;
	*width = *height = 0;
	if (!ctx->font) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	GdipCreateStringFormat(StringFormatFlagsNoWrap, LANG_NEUTRAL, &fmt);
	GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path_tmp);
	RectF rc;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, (const WCHAR *)string, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->em_size, &rc, fmt);

	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);

	adjust_white_space(string, &rc.Width, ctx->whitespace_width);
	*width = FLT2FIX(rc.Width);
	*height = FLT2FIX(rc.Height);

	return GF_OK;
コード例 #5
ファイル: gdip_font.cpp プロジェクト: DmitrySigaev/DSMedia
static M4Err gdip_get_text_size(FontRaster *dr, const unsigned short *string, Float *width, Float *height)
	GpPath *path_tmp;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->priv;
	*width = *height = 0.0;
	if (!ctx->font) return M4BadParam;

	GdipCreateStringFormat(StringFormatFlagsNoWrap, LANG_NEUTRAL, &fmt);
	GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path_tmp);
	RectF rc;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, string, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->font_size, &rc, fmt);

	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);
	*width = rc.Width;
	*height = rc.Height;
	adjust_white_space(string, width, ctx->whitespace_width );

	return M4OK;
コード例 #6
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_digitsubstitution(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;
    StringDigitSubstitute digitsub;
    LANGID digitlang;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_RUSSIAN, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* NULL arguments */
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(NULL, NULL, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(NULL, &digitlang, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(NULL, NULL, &digitsub);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(NULL, &digitlang, &digitsub);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(NULL, LANG_NEUTRAL, StringDigitSubstituteNone);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    /* try to get both and one by one */
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, &digitlang, &digitsub);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(StringDigitSubstituteUser, digitsub);
    expect(LANG_NEUTRAL, digitlang);

    digitsub  = StringDigitSubstituteNone;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, NULL, &digitsub);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(StringDigitSubstituteUser, digitsub);

    digitlang = LANG_RUSSIAN;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, &digitlang, NULL);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(LANG_NEUTRAL, digitlang);

    /* set/get */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL),
    expect(Ok, stat);
    digitsub  = StringDigitSubstituteNone;
    digitlang = LANG_RUSSIAN;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, &digitlang, &digitsub);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(StringDigitSubstituteUser, digitsub);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #7
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: mono/libgdiplus
/* coverity[+alloc : arg-*1] */
GdipCloneStringFormat (GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format,  GpStringFormat **newFormat)
	GpStringFormat *result;

	if (!format || !newFormat)
		return InvalidParameter;

	result = gdip_string_format_new ();
	if (!result)
		goto error;

	result->alignment = format->alignment;
	result->lineAlignment =  format->lineAlignment;
	result->hotkeyPrefix = format->hotkeyPrefix;
	result->formatFlags = format->formatFlags;
	result->trimming = format->trimming;
	result->substitute = format->substitute;
	result->language = format->language;
	result->firstTabOffset = format->firstTabOffset;
	result->numtabStops = format->numtabStops;
	result->charRangeCount = format->charRangeCount;

	/* Create a copy of tab stops for the clone */
	result->tabStops = (float *) GdipAlloc (sizeof (float) * format->numtabStops);
	if (!result->tabStops)
		goto error;

	memcpy (result->tabStops, format->tabStops, format->numtabStops * sizeof (float));

	/* Create a copy of char ranges for the clone */
	result->charRanges = (CharacterRange *) GdipAlloc (format->charRangeCount * sizeof (CharacterRange));
	if (result->charRanges == NULL)
		goto error;

	memcpy (result->charRanges, format->charRanges, format->charRangeCount * sizeof (CharacterRange));

	*newFormat = result;
	return Ok;

	if (result)
		GdipDeleteStringFormat (result);

	*newFormat = NULL;
	return OutOfMemory;
コード例 #8
ファイル: text-cairo.c プロジェクト: CoreCompat/libgdiplus
cairo_DrawString (GpGraphics *graphics, GDIPCONST WCHAR *stringUnicode, int length, GDIPCONST GpFont *font, GDIPCONST RectF *rc, 
	GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format, GpBrush *brush)
	cairo_matrix_t SavedMatrix;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	GpStringDetailStruct *StringDetails;
	WCHAR *CleanString;
	GpDrawTextData data; /* avoid recomputation of stuff done while measuring */
	int StringLen = length;

	GpStatus status = AllocStringData (&CleanString, &StringDetails, length);
	if (status != Ok)
		return status;

	/* a NULL format is valid, it means get the generic default values (and free them later) */
	if (!format) {
		GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault ((GpStringFormat **)&fmt);
	} else {
		fmt = (GpStringFormat *)format;

	/* is the following ok ? */
	cairo_get_font_matrix (graphics->ct, &SavedMatrix);

	status = MeasureString (graphics, stringUnicode, &StringLen, font, rc, fmt, brush, NULL, NULL, NULL, CleanString, StringDetails, &data);
	if ((status == Ok) && (StringLen > 0)) {
		status = DrawString (graphics, stringUnicode, StringLen, font, rc, fmt, brush, CleanString, StringDetails, &data);

	/* Restore matrix to original values */
	cairo_set_font_matrix (graphics->ct, &SavedMatrix);

	/* Cleanup */
	GdipFree (CleanString);
	GdipFree (StringDetails);

	/* we must delete the default stringformat (when one wasn't provided by the caller) */
	if (format != fmt)
		GdipDeleteStringFormat (fmt);

	return status;
コード例 #9
ファイル: text-cairo.c プロジェクト: CoreCompat/libgdiplus
cairo_MeasureString (GpGraphics *graphics, GDIPCONST WCHAR *stringUnicode, int length, GDIPCONST GpFont *font, GDIPCONST RectF *rc,
	GDIPCONST GpStringFormat *format,  RectF *boundingBox, int *codepointsFitted, int *linesFilled)
	cairo_matrix_t SavedMatrix;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	GpStringDetailStruct *StringDetails;
	WCHAR *CleanString;
	int StringLen = length;
	GpStatus status;

	status = AllocStringData (&CleanString, &StringDetails, length);
	if (status != Ok)
		return status;

	/* a NULL format is valid, it means get the generic default values (and free them later) */
	if (!format) {
		GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault ((GpStringFormat **)&fmt);
	} else {
		fmt = (GpStringFormat *)format;

	/* is the following ok ? */
	cairo_get_font_matrix (graphics->ct, &SavedMatrix);

	status = MeasureString (graphics, stringUnicode, &StringLen, font, rc, fmt, NULL, boundingBox, codepointsFitted, 
		linesFilled, CleanString, StringDetails, NULL);

	/* Restore matrix to original values */
	cairo_set_font_matrix (graphics->ct, &SavedMatrix);

	/* Cleanup */
	GdipFree (CleanString);
	GdipFree (StringDetails);

	/* we must delete the default stringformat (when one wasn't provided by the caller) */
	if (format != fmt)
		GdipDeleteStringFormat (fmt);

	return status;
コード例 #10
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_getgenericdefault(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;

    INT flags;
    INT n;
    StringAlignment align, valign;
    StringTrimming trimming;
    StringDigitSubstitute digitsub;
    LANGID digitlang;
    INT tabcount;

    /* NULL arg */
    stat = GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipStringFormatGetGenericDefault(&format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    GdipGetStringFormatFlags(format, &flags);
    GdipGetStringFormatAlign(format, &align);
    GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(format, &valign);
    GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(format, &n);
    GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(format, &trimming);
    GdipGetStringFormatDigitSubstitution(format, &digitlang, &digitsub);
    GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, &tabcount);

    expect(0, flags);
    expect(HotkeyPrefixNone, n);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringTrimmingCharacter, trimming);
    expect(StringDigitSubstituteUser, digitsub);
    expect(LANG_NEUTRAL, digitlang);
    expect(0, tabcount);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #11
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: WASSUM/longene_travel
static void test_constructor(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;
    INT n;
    StringAlignment align, valign;
    StringTrimming trimming;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, 0, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    GdipGetStringFormatAlign(format, &align);
    GdipGetStringFormatLineAlign(format, &valign);
    GdipGetStringFormatHotkeyPrefix(format, &n);
    GdipGetStringFormatTrimming(format, &trimming);

    expect(HotkeyPrefixNone, n);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringAlignmentNear, align);
    expect(StringTrimmingCharacter, trimming);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #12
ファイル: font.c プロジェクト: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_font_transform(void)
    static const WCHAR string[] = { 'A',0 };
    GpStatus status;
    HDC hdc;
    LOGFONTA lf;
    GpFont *font;
    GpGraphics *graphics;
    GpMatrix *matrix;
    GpStringFormat *format, *typographic;
    PointF pos[1] = { { 0,0 } };
    REAL height, margin_y;
    RectF bounds, rect;

    hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    status = GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, &graphics);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipSetPageUnit(graphics, UnitPixel);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &format);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic(&typographic);
    expect(Ok, status);

    memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));
    lstrcpyA(lf.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");
    lf.lfHeight = -100;
    lf.lfWidth = 100;
    status = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lf, &font);
    expect(Ok, status);

    margin_y = 100.0 / 8.0;

    /* identity matrix */
    status = GdipCreateMatrix(&matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics, matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(-100, lf.lfHeight);
    expect(0, lf.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lf.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lf.lfOrientation);
    status = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &height);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(120.703125, height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, format, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf(height + margin_y, bounds.Height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, typographic, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 1.0);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, NULL, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.5);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, matrix, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.5);

    /* scale matrix */
    status = GdipScaleMatrix(matrix, 2.0, 3.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics, matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(-300, lf.lfHeight);
    expect(0, lf.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lf.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lf.lfOrientation);
    status = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &height);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(120.703125, height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, format, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf(height + margin_y, bounds.Height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, typographic, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.05);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, NULL, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.2);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, matrix, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-300.0, bounds.Y, 0.15);
    expectf(height * 3.0, bounds.Height);

    /* scale + ratate matrix */
    status = GdipRotateMatrix(matrix, 45.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics, matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(-300, lf.lfHeight);
    expect(0, lf.lfWidth);
    expect_(3151, lf.lfEscapement, 1);
    expect_(3151, lf.lfOrientation, 1);
    status = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &height);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(120.703125, height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, format, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf(height + margin_y, bounds.Height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, typographic, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.05);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, NULL, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.2);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, matrix, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf_(-43.814377, bounds.X, 0.05);
    expectf_(-212.235611, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(340.847534, bounds.Height, 0.05);

    /* scale + ratate + shear matrix */
    status = GdipShearMatrix(matrix, 4.0, 5.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics, matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(1032, lf.lfHeight);
    expect(0, lf.lfWidth);
    expect_(3099, lf.lfEscapement, 1);
    expect_(3099, lf.lfOrientation, 1);
    status = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &height);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(120.703125, height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, format, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf(height + margin_y, bounds.Height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, typographic, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.2);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, NULL, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.2);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.2);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, matrix, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf_(-636.706848, bounds.X, 0.05);
    expectf_(-175.257523, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(1532.984985, bounds.Height, 0.05);

    /* scale + ratate + shear + translate matrix */
    status = GdipTranslateMatrix(matrix, 10.0, 20.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipSetWorldTransform(graphics, matrix);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expect(1032, lf.lfHeight);
    expect(0, lf.lfWidth);
    expect_(3099, lf.lfEscapement, 1);
    expect_(3099, lf.lfOrientation, 1);
    status = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &height);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(120.703125, height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, format, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf(height + margin_y, bounds.Height);
    status = GdipMeasureString(graphics, string, -1, font, &rect, typographic, &bounds, NULL, NULL);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.Y);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.1);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, NULL, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(0.0, bounds.X);
    expectf_(-100.0, bounds.Y, 0.2);
    expectf_(height, bounds.Height, 0.2);
    status = GdipMeasureDriverString(graphics, (const UINT16 *)string, -1, font, pos,
                                     DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup, matrix, &bounds);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf_(-626.706848, bounds.X, 0.05);
    expectf_(-155.257523, bounds.Y, 0.05);
    expectf_(1532.984985, bounds.Height, 0.05);

コード例 #13
ファイル: stringformat.c プロジェクト: AlexSteel/wine
static void test_tabstops(void)
    GpStringFormat *format;
    GpStatus stat;
    INT count;
    REAL tabs[3];
    REAL firsttab;

    stat = GdipCreateStringFormat(0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &format);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* NULL */
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(NULL, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(NULL, &count);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(NULL, 0.0, 0, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0.0, 0, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(NULL, 0.0, 0, tabstops);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0, NULL, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(NULL, 0, &firsttab, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(NULL, 0, NULL, tabs);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0, &firsttab, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0, NULL, tabs);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    /* not NULL */
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, &count);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(0, count);
    /* negative tabcount */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0.0, -1, tabstops);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    count = -1;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, &count);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(0, count);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, -10.0, 0, tabstops);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, -10.0, 1, tabstops);
    expect(NotImplemented, stat);

    firsttab = -1.0;
    tabs[0] = tabs[1] = tabs[2] = -1.0;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0, &firsttab, tabs);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[0]);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[1]);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[2]);
    expectf(0.0, firsttab);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, +0.0, 3, tabstops);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    count = 0;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, &count);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(3, count);

    firsttab = -1.0;
    tabs[0] = tabs[1] = tabs[2] = -1.0;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 3, &firsttab, tabs);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(0.0,  tabs[0]);
    expectf(10.0, tabs[1]);
    expectf(2.0,  tabs[2]);
    expectf(0.0,  firsttab);

    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, 10.0, 3, tabstops);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    firsttab = -1.0;
    tabs[0] = tabs[1] = tabs[2] = -1.0;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0, &firsttab, tabs);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[0]);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[1]);
    expectf(-1.0, tabs[2]);
    expectf(10.0, firsttab);

    /* zero tabcount, after valid setting to 3 */
    stat = GdipSetStringFormatTabStops(format, 0.0, 0, tabstops);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    count = 0;
    stat = GdipGetStringFormatTabStopCount(format, &count);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(3, count);

    stat = GdipDeleteStringFormat(format);
    expect(Ok, stat);
コード例 #14
ファイル: gdip_font.cpp プロジェクト: golgol7777/gpac
static GF_Glyph *gdip_load_glyph(GF_FontReader *dr, u32 glyph_name)
	GF_Rect bounds;
	GF_Glyph *glyph;
	GpPath *path_tmp;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	GpMatrix *mat;
	Float est_advance_h;
	unsigned short str[4];
	int i;
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->udta;

	if (!ctx->font) return NULL;

	RectF rc;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;

	GdipCreateStringFormat(StringFormatFlagsNoWrap | StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces, LANG_NEUTRAL, &fmt);
	GdipSetStringFormatAlign(fmt, StringAlignmentNear);
	GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path_tmp);

	if (glyph_name==0x20) {
		est_advance_h = ctx->whitespace_width;
	} else {
		/*to compute first glyph alignment (say 'x', we figure out its bounding full box by using the '_' char as wrapper (eg, "_x_")
		then the bounding box starting from xMin of the glyph ('x_'). The difference between both will give us a good approx 
		of the glyph alignment*/
		str[0] = glyph_name;
		str[1] = (unsigned short) '_';
		str[2] = (unsigned short) 0;
		GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, (const WCHAR *)str, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->em_size, &rc, fmt);
		GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);
		est_advance_h = rc.Width - ctx->underscore_width;

	str[0] = glyph_name;
	str[1] = (unsigned short) 0;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, (const WCHAR *)str, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->em_size, &rc, fmt);

	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);

	/*flip so that we are in a font coordinate system - also move back the glyph to x=0 and y=baseline, GdiPlus doesn't do so*/
	GdipTranslateMatrix(mat, - rc.X, -ctx->ascent, MatrixOrderAppend);
	GdipScaleMatrix(mat, 1, -1, MatrixOrderAppend);
	GdipTransformPath(path_tmp, mat);

	/*start enum*/
	s32 count;
	GdipGetPointCount(path_tmp, &count);
	GpPointF *pts = new GpPointF[count];
	BYTE *types = new BYTE[count];
	GdipGetPathTypes(path_tmp, types, count);
	GdipGetPathPoints(path_tmp, pts, count);

	GF_SAFEALLOC(glyph, GF_Glyph);
	GF_SAFEALLOC(glyph->path, GF_Path);

	for (i=0; i<count; ) {
		BOOL closed = 0;
		s32 sub_type;
		sub_type = types[i] & PathPointTypePathTypeMask;

		if (sub_type == PathPointTypeStart) {
			gf_path_add_move_to(glyph->path, FLT2FIX(pts[i].X), FLT2FIX(pts[i].Y));
		else if (sub_type == PathPointTypeLine) {
			gf_path_add_line_to(glyph->path, FLT2FIX(pts[i].X), FLT2FIX(pts[i].Y));
			if (types[i] & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) gf_path_close(glyph->path);

		else if (sub_type == PathPointTypeBezier) {
			gf_path_add_cubic_to(glyph->path, FLT2FIX(pts[i].X), FLT2FIX(pts[i].Y), FLT2FIX(pts[i+1].X), FLT2FIX(pts[i+1].Y), FLT2FIX(pts[i+2].X), FLT2FIX(pts[i+2].Y));

			if (types[i+2] & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) gf_path_close(glyph->path);

			i += 3;
		} else {
	delete [] pts;
	delete [] types;

	glyph->ID = glyph_name;
	glyph->utf_name = glyph_name;
	glyph->vert_advance = (s32) (ctx->ascent-ctx->descent);
	glyph->horiz_advance = (s32) est_advance_h;
	gf_path_get_bounds(glyph->path, &bounds);
	glyph->width = FIX2INT(bounds.width);
	glyph->height = FIX2INT(bounds.height);
	return glyph;
コード例 #15
ファイル: gdip_font.cpp プロジェクト: DmitrySigaev/DSMedia
static M4Err gdip_add_text_to_path(FontRaster *dr, LPM4PATH path, Bool flipText,
					const unsigned short* string, Float left, Float top, Float x_scaling, Float y_scaling, 
					Float ascent, M4Rect *bounds)
	GpPath *path_tmp;
	GpMatrix *mat;
	GpStringFormat *fmt;
	Float real_start;
	unsigned short str[4];
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->priv;

	if (!ctx->font) return M4BadParam;

	RectF rc;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;

	/*find first non-space char and estimate its glyph pos since GDIplus doesn't give this info*/
	s32 len = utf8_wcslen(string);
	s32 i=0;
	for (; i<len; i++) {
		if (string[i] != (unsigned short) ' ') break;
	if (i>=len) return M4OK;

	GdipCreateStringFormat(StringFormatFlagsNoWrap | StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox | StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces, LANG_NEUTRAL, &fmt);
	GdipSetStringFormatAlign(fmt, StringAlignmentNear);
	GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path_tmp);

	/*to compute first glyph alignment (say 'x', we figure out its bounding full box by using the '_' char as wrapper (eg, "_x_")
	then the bounding box starting from xMin of the glyph ('x_'). The difference between both will give us a good approx 
	of the glyph alignment*/
	str[0] = (unsigned short) '_';
	str[1] = string[i];
	str[2] = (unsigned short) '_';
	str[3] = (unsigned short) 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, str, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->font_size, &rc, fmt);
	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);
	Float w1 = rc.Width - 2 * ctx->underscore_width;

	str[0] = string[i];
	str[1] = (unsigned short) '_';
	str[2] = (unsigned short) 0;
	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, str, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->font_size, &rc, fmt);
	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);
	real_start = w1 - (rc.Width - ctx->underscore_width);


	rc.X = rc.Y = 0;
	rc.Width = rc.Height = 0;
	GdipAddPathString(path_tmp, string, -1, ctx->font, ctx->font_style, ctx->font_size, &rc, fmt);
	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, NULL, NULL);

	Float off_left = rc.X;
	Float off_left_real = rc.X;

	/*adjust all white space at begin*/
	adjust_white_space(string, &off_left, -1*ctx->whitespace_width);

	if (flipText) {
		/*first translate in local system*/
		GdipTranslateMatrix(mat, left - off_left + real_start, -top, MatrixOrderAppend);
		/*then scale as specified*/
		GdipScaleMatrix(mat, x_scaling, -y_scaling, MatrixOrderAppend);
	} else {
		/*first translate in local system*/
		GdipTranslateMatrix(mat, left - off_left + real_start, top-ascent, MatrixOrderAppend);
		/*then scale as specified*/
		GdipScaleMatrix(mat, x_scaling, y_scaling, MatrixOrderAppend);
	GdipTransformPath(path_tmp, mat);

	/*start enum*/
	s32 count;
	GdipGetPointCount(path_tmp, &count);
	GpPointF *pts = new GpPointF[count];
	BYTE *types = new BYTE[count];
	GdipGetPathTypes(path_tmp, types, count);
	GdipGetPathPoints(path_tmp, pts, count);

	for (i=0; i<count; ) {
		BOOL closed = 0;
		s32 sub_type;
		sub_type = types[i] & PathPointTypePathTypeMask;

		if (sub_type == PathPointTypeStart) {
			m4_path_add_move_to(path, pts[i].X, pts[i].Y);
		else if (sub_type == PathPointTypeLine) {
			m4_path_add_line_to(path, pts[i].X, pts[i].Y);
			if (types[i] & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) m4_path_close(path);

		else if (sub_type == PathPointTypeBezier) {
			m4_path_add_cubic_to(path, pts[i].X, pts[i].Y, pts[i+1].X, pts[i+1].Y, pts[i+2].X, pts[i+2].Y);

			if (types[i+2] & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) m4_path_close(path);

			i += 3;
		} else {
	delete [] pts;
	delete [] types;
	adjust_white_space(string, &rc.Width, ctx->whitespace_width);
	rc.X = off_left_real;
	rc.X = off_left;
	/*special case where string is just space*/
	if (!rc.Height) rc.Height = 1;

	GdipAddPathRectangles(path_tmp, &rc, 1);
	GdipGetPathWorldBounds(path_tmp, &rc, mat, NULL);
	bounds->x = rc.X;
	bounds->y = rc.Y;
	bounds->width = rc.Width;
	bounds->height = rc.Height;

	return M4OK;