コード例 #1
static void test_createfont(void)
    GpFontFamily* fontfamily = NULL, *fontfamily2;
    GpFont* font = NULL;
    GpStatus stat;
    Unit unit;
    UINT i;
    REAL size;
    WCHAR familyname[LF_FACESIZE];

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(nonexistent, NULL, &fontfamily);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);
    stat = GdipDeleteFont(font);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(arial, NULL, &fontfamily);
    if(stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Arial not installed\n");
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint, &font);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    expect (UnitPoint, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &fontfamily2);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFamilyName(fontfamily2, familyname, 0);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok (lstrcmpiW(arial, familyname) == 0, "Expected arial, got %s\n",
    stat = GdipDeleteFontFamily(fontfamily2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* Test to see if returned size is based on unit (its not) */
    GdipGetFontSize(font, &size);
    ok (size == 12, "Expected 12, got %f\n", size);

    /* Make sure everything is converted correctly for all Units */
    for (i = UnitWorld; i <=UnitMillimeter; i++)
        if (i == UnitDisplay) continue; /* Crashes WindowsXP, wtf? */
        GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 24, FontStyleRegular, i, &font);
        GdipGetFontSize (font, &size);
        ok (size == 24, "Expected 24, got %f (with unit: %d)\n", size, i);
        GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
        expect (i, unit);

コード例 #2
ファイル: font.c プロジェクト: iamfil/wine
static void test_createfont(void)
    GpFontFamily* fontfamily = NULL;
    GpFont* font = NULL;
    GpStatus stat;
    Unit unit;
    UINT i;
    REAL size;

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(nonexistant, NULL, &fontfamily);
    expect (FontFamilyNotFound, stat);
    stat = GdipDeleteFont(font);
    expect (InvalidParameter, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(arial, NULL, &fontfamily);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 12, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint, &font);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
    expect (Ok, stat);
    expect (UnitPoint, unit);

    /* Test to see if returned size is based on unit (its not) */
    GdipGetFontSize(font, &size);
    ok (size == 12, "Expected 12, got %f\n", size);

    /* Make sure everything is converted correctly for all Units */
    for (i = UnitWorld; i <=UnitMillimeter; i++)
        if (i == UnitDisplay) continue; /* Crashes WindowsXP, wtf? */
        GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 24, FontStyleRegular, i, &font);
        GdipGetFontSize (font, &size);
        ok (size == 24, "Expected 24, got %f (with unit: %d)\n", size, i);
        GdipGetFontUnit (font, &unit);
        expect (i, unit);
コード例 #3
ファイル: font.c プロジェクト: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_logfont(void)
    LOGFONTA lfa, lfa2;
    GpFont *font;
    GpFontFamily *family;
    GpStatus stat;
    GpGraphics *graphics;
    HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
    INT style;
    REAL rval;
    UINT16 em_height, line_spacing;
    Unit unit;

    GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, &graphics);

    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");

    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    ok(lfa2.lfHeight < 0, "Expected negative height\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOrientation);
    ok((lfa2.lfWeight >= 100) && (lfa2.lfWeight <= 900), "Expected weight to be set\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfItalic);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfUnderline);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfStrikeOut);
    ok(lfa2.lfCharSet == GetTextCharset(hdc) || lfa2.lfCharSet == ANSI_CHARSET,
        "Expected %x or %x, got %x\n", GetTextCharset(hdc), ANSI_CHARSET, lfa2.lfCharSet);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOutPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfClipPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfQuality);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfPitchAndFamily);


    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lfa.lfHeight = 25;
    lfa.lfWidth = 25;
    lfa.lfEscapement = lfa.lfOrientation = 50;
    lfa.lfItalic = lfa.lfUnderline = lfa.lfStrikeOut = TRUE;

    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");

    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    ok(lfa2.lfHeight < 0, "Expected negative height\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOrientation);
    ok((lfa2.lfWeight >= 100) && (lfa2.lfWeight <= 900), "Expected weight to be set\n");
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfItalic);
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfUnderline);
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfStrikeOut);
    ok(lfa2.lfCharSet == GetTextCharset(hdc) || lfa2.lfCharSet == ANSI_CHARSET,
        "Expected %x or %x, got %x\n", GetTextCharset(hdc), ANSI_CHARSET, lfa2.lfCharSet);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOutPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfClipPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfQuality);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfPitchAndFamily);

    stat = GdipGetFontStyle(font, &style);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok (style == (FontStyleItalic | FontStyleUnderline | FontStyleStrikeout),
            "Expected , got %d\n", style);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(25.347656, rval);
    stat = GdipGetFontSize(font, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(21.0, rval);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(family, FontStyleRegular, &em_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2048, em_height);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(family, FontStyleRegular, &line_spacing);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2472, line_spacing);


    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(lfa));
    lfa.lfHeight = -25;
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");
    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(lfa2));
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(lfa.lfHeight, lfa2.lfHeight);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(30.175781, rval);
    stat = GdipGetFontSize(font, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(25.0, rval);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(family, FontStyleRegular, &em_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2048, em_height);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(family, FontStyleRegular, &line_spacing);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2472, line_spacing);


    ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
コード例 #4
ファイル: font.c プロジェクト: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_font_metrics(void)
    LOGFONTW lf;
    GpFont *font;
    GpFontFamily *family;
    GpGraphics *graphics;
    GpStatus stat;
    Unit unit;
    struct font_metrics fm_gdi, fm_gdip;
    HDC hdc;

    hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    stat = GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, &graphics);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));

    /* Tahoma,-13 */
    lstrcpyW(lf.lfFaceName, Tahoma);
    lf.lfHeight = -13;
    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, &lf, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    gdip_get_font_metrics(font, &fm_gdip);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdip.em_height, fm_gdip.line_spacing, fm_gdip.ascent, fm_gdip.descent,
          fm_gdip.font_height, fm_gdip.font_size);

    gdi_get_font_metrics(&lf, &fm_gdi);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdi.em_height, fm_gdi.line_spacing, fm_gdi.ascent, fm_gdi.descent,
          fm_gdi.font_height, fm_gdi.font_size);

    cmp_font_metrics(&fm_gdip, &fm_gdi, __LINE__);

    stat = GdipGetLogFontW(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok(lf.lfHeight < 0, "lf.lfHeight should be negative, got %d\n", lf.lfHeight);
    gdi_get_font_metrics(&lf, &fm_gdi);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdi.em_height, fm_gdi.line_spacing, fm_gdi.ascent, fm_gdi.descent,
          fm_gdi.font_height, fm_gdi.font_size);
    ok((REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0 == fm_gdi.font_size, "expected %f, got %f\n", (REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0, fm_gdi.font_size);

    cmp_font_metrics(&fm_gdip, &fm_gdi, __LINE__);


    /* Tahoma,13 */
    lstrcpyW(lf.lfFaceName, Tahoma);
    lf.lfHeight = 13;
    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, &lf, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    gdip_get_font_metrics(font, &fm_gdip);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdip.em_height, fm_gdip.line_spacing, fm_gdip.ascent, fm_gdip.descent,
          fm_gdip.font_height, fm_gdip.font_size);

    gdi_get_font_metrics(&lf, &fm_gdi);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdi.em_height, fm_gdi.line_spacing, fm_gdi.ascent, fm_gdi.descent,
          fm_gdi.font_height, fm_gdi.font_size);

    cmp_font_metrics(&fm_gdip, &fm_gdi, __LINE__);

    stat = GdipGetLogFontW(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok(lf.lfHeight < 0, "lf.lfHeight should be negative, got %d\n", lf.lfHeight);
    gdi_get_font_metrics(&lf, &fm_gdi);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdi.em_height, fm_gdi.line_spacing, fm_gdi.ascent, fm_gdi.descent,
          fm_gdi.font_height, fm_gdi.font_size);
    ok((REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0 == fm_gdi.font_size, "expected %f, got %f\n", (REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0, fm_gdi.font_size);

    cmp_font_metrics(&fm_gdip, &fm_gdi, __LINE__);


    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(Tahoma, NULL, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    /* Tahoma,13 */
    stat = GdipCreateFont(family, 13.0, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    gdip_get_font_metrics(font, &fm_gdip);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdip.em_height, fm_gdip.line_spacing, fm_gdip.ascent, fm_gdip.descent,
          fm_gdip.font_height, fm_gdip.font_size);

    stat = GdipGetLogFontW(font, graphics, &lf);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok(lf.lfHeight < 0, "lf.lfHeight should be negative, got %d\n", lf.lfHeight);
    gdi_get_font_metrics(&lf, &fm_gdi);
    trace("%s,%d: EmHeight %u, LineSpacing %u, CellAscent %u, CellDescent %u, FontHeight %f, FontSize %f\n",
          wine_dbgstr_w(lf.lfFaceName), lf.lfHeight,
          fm_gdi.em_height, fm_gdi.line_spacing, fm_gdi.ascent, fm_gdi.descent,
          fm_gdi.font_height, fm_gdi.font_size);
    ok((REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0 == fm_gdi.font_size, "expected %f, got %f\n", (REAL)lf.lfHeight * -1.0, fm_gdi.font_size);

    cmp_font_metrics(&fm_gdip, &fm_gdi, __LINE__);

    stat = GdipGetLogFontW(font, NULL, &lf);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);


    stat = GdipCreateFont(family, -13.0, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel, &font);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);


コード例 #5
ファイル: font.c プロジェクト: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_heightgivendpi(void)
    GpStatus stat;
    GpFont* font = NULL;
    GpFontFamily* fontfamily = NULL;
    REAL height;
    Unit unit;

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(Tahoma, NULL, &fontfamily);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(NULL, 96, &height);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, NULL);
    expect(InvalidParameter, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(36.210938, height);

    height = 12345;
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitWorld, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(36.210938, height);

    height = 12345;
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitPoint, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(48.281250, height);

    height = 12345;
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitInch, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitInch, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(3476.250000, height);

    height = 12345;
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitDocument, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitDocument, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(11.587500, height);

    height = 12345;
    stat = GdipCreateFont(fontfamily, 30, FontStyleRegular, UnitMillimeter, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitMillimeter, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(font, 96, &height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(136.860245, height);
