コード例 #1
void SelfPlay()
	printf("\n\n--------------The Bot Will Now Play itself to Some Randomized Depth-------------\n\n");
	printf("Press Any Key To See The Next Move\n");
	BOARD *board=new BOARD;
		MOVE *list=new MOVE;
			printf("%c LOST THE GAME\n\n",PceSideChar[board->Side]);
		int Depth=5+rand()%4;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: heisencoder/gnuchess
void TestMoveList (void)
 *  This routine reads in a *.epd file (EPD notation) and prints the legal
 *  moves for that position.  
   while (ReadEPDFile ("TEST/GMG1.epd", 0))
      ShowBoard (); 
      GenCnt = 0;
      TreePtr[2] = TreePtr[1];
      GenMoves (1);
      FilterIllegalMoves (1);
      ShowMoveList (1); 
      printf ("No. of moves generated = %lu\n\n", GenCnt);
コード例 #3
ファイル: io.cpp プロジェクト: justcode21/CHESS-ENGINE
//this fuction takes in a move in form of files and rank and return the move in integer
int ParseMove(char *ptrChar, BOARD *pos)

	if(ptrChar[1] > '8' || ptrChar[1] < '1') return NOMOVE;
    if(ptrChar[3] > '8' || ptrChar[3] < '1') return NOMOVE;
    if(ptrChar[0] > 'h' || ptrChar[0] < 'a') return NOMOVE;
    if(ptrChar[2] > 'h' || ptrChar[2] < 'a') return NOMOVE;

	int f1=(ptrChar[0] - 'a');
	int r1=(ptrChar[1] - '1');
	int f2=(ptrChar[2] - 'a');
	int r2=(ptrChar[3] - '1');
    int from = fr2sq(f1, r1);
    int to = fr2sq(f2, r2);	
	MOVELIST list[1];
    int MoveNum = 0;
	int Move = 0;
	int PromPce = EMPTY;
	for(MoveNum = 0; MoveNum < list->Count; ++MoveNum) {	
		Move = list->MoveNum[MoveNum].Move;
		if(FromSq(Move)==from && ToSq(Move)==to) {
			PromPce = Promoted(Move);
			if(PromPce!=EMPTY) {
				if(IsRQ[PromPce] && !IsBQ[PromPce] && ptrChar[4]=='r') {
					return Move;
				} else if(!IsRQ[PromPce] && IsBQ[PromPce] && ptrChar[4]=='b') {
					return Move;
				} else if(IsRQ[PromPce] && IsBQ[PromPce] && ptrChar[4]=='q') {
					return Move;
				} else if(IsKnight[PromPce]&& ptrChar[4]=='n') {
					return Move;
			return Move;
    return NOMOVE;	
コード例 #4
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: heisencoder/gnuchess
void TestMoveGenSpeed (void)
 *   This routine benchmarks the speed of the bitmap move generation.
 *   The test case is BK.epd, the 24 positions from the Brat-Kopec test
 *   suite.
   unsigned long i;
   struct timeval t1, t2;
   double et;
   short side, xside;

   GenCnt = 0;
   et = 0;
   while (ReadEPDFile ("../test/wac.epd", 0))
      gettimeofday (&t1, NULL);
      side = board.side;
      xside = 1^side;
      for (i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
	 TreePtr[2] = TreePtr[1];
         GenMoves (1);
      gettimeofday (&t2, NULL);
      et += (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec) / 1e6;
      printf ("Time = %f\n", et);
   printf ("No. of moves generated = %lu\n", GenCnt);
   printf ("Time taken = %f secs\n", et);
   if (et > 0)
      printf ("Rate = %f moves/sec.\n", GenCnt / et);
コード例 #5
ファイル: search.c プロジェクト: troygnichols/Chessoid
void ShowLine (int move __attribute__ ((unused)), int score, char c)
 *  Print out the latest PV found during the search.
 *  The only move we know is the root move.  The rest of the PV is taken
 *  from the hash table.  This strategy avoids all the headaches associated
 *  with returning the PV up from the leaf to the root.
   int i, len;
   int pvar[MAXPLYDEPTH];

   /* SMC */
   if (!(flags & POST))
   if (NodeCnt < 500000 && (flags & SOLVE)) {
      /* printf("NodeCnt = %d\n",NodeCnt); getchar(); */
   if (Idepth == DEPTH && c == '&')
   if ((flags & XBOARD) && c == '&')
   if (rootscore == -INFINITY-1)
   GetElapsed ();

    * What is the reason for these different output formats, in
    * particular for et?
   if (flags & XBOARD) {
     if (score > MATE-255) {
       printf ("%d%c Mat%d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c,
                (int)(MATE+2-abs(score))/2, (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else if (score < -MATE+255) {
       printf ("%d%c -Mat%2d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c,
                (int)(MATE+2-abs(score))/2, (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
		 (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else {
	 printf ("%d%c %d %d %lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, (int)score, 
		 (int)(et*100), NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
	 if (ofp != stdout) 
	   fprintf (ofp,"%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);	 
   else {
     if (score > MATE-255) {
       printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f  Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
                (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else if (score < -MATE+255) {
       printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
	     (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
       if (ofp != stdout)
	 fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f -Mat%02d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et,
		 (MATE+2-abs(score))/2, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
     } else {
	 printf ("\r%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);
	 if (ofp != stdout) 
	   fprintf (ofp,"\r%2d%c%7.2f%7d%10lu\t", Idepth/DEPTH, c, et, score, NodeCnt+QuiesCnt);	 

   if (c == '-')
      printf ("\n");
      if (ofp != stdout) fprintf(ofp, "\n");
   else if (c == '+')
      SANMove (RootPV, 1);
      printf (" %s\n", SANmv);
      if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s\n", SANmv);

   SANMove (RootPV, 1);
   printf (" %s", SANmv);
   if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s", SANmv);
   MakeMove (board.side, &RootPV);
   TreePtr[3] = TreePtr[2];
   GenMoves (2);
   len = strlen (SANmv);
   i = 2;
   pvar[1] = RootPV;

   /*  We fill the rest of the PV with moves from the hash table */
   if ((flags & USEHASH))
      while (TTGetPV (board.side, i, rootscore, &pvar[i]))
         if ((MATESCORE(score) && abs(score) == MATE+2-i) || Repeat ())
         if (len >= 32)
            printf ("\n\t\t\t\t");
	    if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp,"\n\t\t\t\t");
            len = 0;
         SANMove (pvar[i], i);
         printf (" %s", SANmv);
	 if (ofp != stdout) fprintf (ofp," %s", SANmv);
         MakeMove (board.side, &pvar[i]);
         TreePtr[i+2] = TreePtr[i+1];
         GenMoves (++i);
         len += strlen (SANmv);

   printf ("\n");
   if (ofp != stdout) fprintf(ofp,"\n");
   for (--i; i; i--)
      UnmakeMove (board.side, &pvar[i]);
   fflush (stdout);
   if (ofp != stdout) fflush (ofp);
コード例 #6
ファイル: genmoves.c プロジェクト: thickforest/SLS-1.02
MoveList (short int side, register short int ply)

 * Fill the array Tree[] with all available moves for side to play. Array
 * TrPnt[ply] contains the index into Tree[] of the first move at a ply.

    register short i, xside, f;

    xside = side ^ 1;
    TrP = &TrPnt[ply + 1];
    *TrP = TrPnt[ply];
    if (!PV)
        Swag0 = killr0[ply];
    else Swag0 = PV;
    Swag1 = killr1[ply];
    Swag2 = killr2[ply];
    Swag3 = killr3[ply];
    if (ply > 2)
        Swag4 = killr1[ply - 2];
    else Swag4 = 0;
#ifdef KILLT
    sidebit = ((side == white) ? 0 : 0x80);
    killt[SwagHt | sidebit] += 5000;
    killt[Swag0 | sidebit] += 2000;
    killt[Swag1 | sidebit] += 60;
    killt[Swag2 | sidebit] += 50;
    killt[Swag3 | sidebit] += 40;
    killt[Swag4 | sidebit] += 30;
#ifdef HISTORY
    i = (side == black)?0x4000:0;
    history[SwagHt | i] += 5000;
    history[Swag0 | i] += 2000;
    history[Swag1 | i] += 60;
    history[Swag2 | i] += 50;
    history[Swag3 | i] += 40;
    history[Swag4 | i] += 30;
    for (i = PieceCnt[side]; i >= 0; i--)
        GenMoves (ply, PieceList[side][i], side, xside);
    if (!castld[side])
        f = PieceList[side][0];
        if (castle (side, f, f + 2, 0))
            LinkMove (ply, f, f + 2, cstlmask, xside);
        if (castle (side, f, f - 2, 0))
            LinkMove (ply, f, f - 2, cstlmask, xside);
    if (epsquare > 0)
        f = epmove1[epsquare];
        if (color[f] == side && board[f] == pawn)
            LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask, xside);
        f = epmove2[epsquare];
        if (color[f] == side && board[f] == pawn)
            LinkMove (ply, f, epsquare, capture | epmask, xside);
#ifdef KILLT
    killt[SwagHt | sidebit] -= 5000;
    killt[Swag0 | sidebit] -= 2000;
    killt[Swag1 | sidebit] -= 60;
    killt[Swag2 | sidebit] -= 50;
    killt[Swag3 | sidebit] -= 40;
    killt[Swag4 | sidebit] -= 30;
#ifdef HISTORY
    i = (side == black)?0x4000:0;
    history[SwagHt | i] -= 5000;
    history[Swag0 | i] -= 2000;
    history[Swag1 | i] -= 60;
    history[Swag2 | i] -= 50;
    history[Swag3 | i] -= 40;
    history[Swag4 | i] -= 30;
    SwagHt = 0;			/* SwagHt is only used once */
    GenCnt += (TrPnt[ply+1] - TrPnt[ply]);
コード例 #7
void PlayBot()
	printf("\n\nAt Any Time In The Game If You Want To See The Grid Indexing In Which You Have To Make A Move\n\n");
	printf("During Enter A Move Command...Just Press 0 And Press Enter \n\n");
	BOARD *board=new BOARD;
	printf("The Starting Board\n\n");
	char Inp[200];
	int Side;
	printf("\nChoose Your Side...\n\n0. For Black\n1. For White\n");
		MOVE *list1=new MOVE;
		printf("\n\nEnter Your Move\n");
		else if(Inp[0]=='1')
			printf("\nYour Possible MoveList is\n");
			MOVE *YourMoveList=new MOVE;
			MOVE *User=new MOVE;
				printf("Sorry You Lost\n\n");
				printf("Invalid Move...Enter Again\n\n");
		printf("-----------------------------------Bot's Turn----------------------------------\n");
		MOVE *Bot=new MOVE;
			printf("--------------------------Congratulations You Win--------------------------\n");
コード例 #8
ファイル: search.c プロジェクト: Cubitect/cep
int AlphaBeta(board_t *brd, int alpha, int beta, int depth, searchinfo_t *sinfo, int null)
	if(depth == 0){
		//return Eval(brd);
		return Quiece(brd, alpha, beta, sinfo);

	if(!(sinfo->nodes & 0xfff)) CheckUp(sinfo);



	// if we are not the root of the tree and we have a repetition
	// or we exceeded the fifty move rule, then we have a draw and return 0
	if((IsRep(brd) || brd->fifty >= 100) && brd->ply) return 0;
	if(brd->ply >= MAXDEPTH-1) return Eval(brd);	// if we are too deep, we return

	// test if we are in check
	int check = SqAttacked(brd, LOCATEBIT(brd->bb[brd->side][King]), brd->side^1);
	if(check) depth++;

	int score = -INFINITE;
	int pvMain = NO_MOVE;
	// check the transposition table if we have searched the current position before
	// if so, return what we found
	if(TestHashTable(brd, &pvMain, &score, alpha, beta, depth)) return score;

	// Before we search, we try how we do if we don't make a move
	// i.e. make a null move
	if( null && !check && brd->ply && depth >= 4 &&
		(brd->all[brd->side]^brd->bb[brd->side][Pawn]^brd->bb[brd->side][King]) )
		// We cannot do two null moves in a row so we set the null argument here to false
		score = -AlphaBeta(brd, -beta, -beta + 1, depth-4, sinfo, false);

			return 0;
		if(score >= beta){
			return beta;

	mlist_t list;
	int i;
	int legal = 0;
	int bestMove = NO_MOVE;
	int bestScore = -INFINITE;
	int oldAlpha = alpha;
	score = -INFINITE;

	GenMoves(brd, &list);

	// we tested our transposition table for the best move 'pvMain'
	// if it exists we will set this move as the first move to be searched
	if(pvMain != NO_MOVE){

		if(MakeMove(brd, pvMain)){
			score = -AlphaBeta(brd, -beta, -alpha, depth-1, sinfo, true);

			bestScore = score;
			if(score > alpha){
				if(score >= beta){
					if(!(pvMain & FLAGCAP)){
						brd->betaMoves[1][brd->ply] = brd->betaMoves[0][brd->ply];
						brd->betaMoves[0][brd->ply] = pvMain;
					return beta;
				alpha = score;
				bestMove = pvMain;
		for(i = 0; i < list.len; i++){
			if(list.move[i].move == pvMain){
				list.move[i].score = 5000000;

	for(i = 0; i < list.len; i++) // Loop through all moves
		if(sinfo->stop) return 0;

		SelectNextMove(&list, i);

		if(!MakeMove(brd, list.move[i].move)) continue;

		legal++; // we have found a legal move so we need not check for mate afterwards
		// call AlphaBeta in a negamax fashion
		score = -AlphaBeta(brd, -beta, -alpha, depth-1, sinfo, true);

		if(score > bestScore){
			bestScore = score;
			if(score > alpha){
				if(score >= beta){
					if(legal==1) sinfo->fhf++; 	// count the number of beta cutoffs searched first
					sinfo->fh++;				// compared to all beta cutoffs (measure of efficiency)
					if(!(list.move[i].move & FLAGCAP)){
						brd->betaMoves[1][brd->ply] = brd->betaMoves[0][brd->ply];
						brd->betaMoves[0][brd->ply] = list.move[i].move;
					// Store the move in the transposition table as a beta (killer) move
					StorePvMove(brd, bestMove, depth, beta, HFBETA);
					return beta;
				alpha = score;
				bestMove = list.move[i].move;
	if(legal == 0){ // We havn't found a legal move
			// if we are in check it is mate; but we want the shortest path
			// to it so we'll subtract the path length
			return -MATE + brd->ply;
		return 0; // Stalemate

	if(oldAlpha != alpha){
		// Store exact (normal) transposition entry
		StorePvMove(brd, bestMove, depth, bestScore, HFEXACT);
	else {
		// Store alpha cutoff transposition entry
		StorePvMove(brd, bestMove, depth, alpha, HFALPHA);

	return alpha;
コード例 #9
ファイル: search.c プロジェクト: isilanes/catDNA
int Search (int alpha, int beta, int depth, MOVE * pBestMove, LINE * pline)

    /* Vars deffinition */
    int i;
    int value;			/* To store the evaluation */
    int havemove;		/* Either we have or not a legal move available */
    int movecnt;		/* The number of available moves */

//    int score;
    MOVE moveBuf[200];  /* List of movements */
    MOVE tmpMove;
    LINE    line;


    /* Do some housekeeping every 1024 nodes */
    if ((nodes & 1023) == 0)
    if (must_stop)
        return 0;

    havemove = 0;		/* is there a move available? */
    pBestMove->type_of_move = MOVE_TYPE_NONE;

    /* If we are in a leaf node we cal quiescence instead of eval */
    if (depth == 0)
            pline->cmove = 0;
            return Quiescent(alpha, beta);
            /* Uncomment nest line if want to make tests avoiding qsearch */
            //return Eval(alpha, beta);

    /* If we're in check we want to search deeper */
    if (IsInCheck(side))

    /* Static null move prunning */
    if (ply && !IsInCheck(side))
            int ev = Eval(-MATE, MATE);
            int evalua = ev - 150;
            if (evalua >= beta)
                return beta;

    /* Generate and count all moves for current position */
    movecnt = GenMoves (side, moveBuf);

    /* Once we have all the moves available, we loop through the posible
     * moves and apply an alpha-beta search */
    for (i = 0; i < movecnt; ++i)
            /* Here must be called OrderMove, so we have the moves are ordered before
            picking one up from the list*/
            MoveOrder(i, movecnt, moveBuf);

            /* If the current move isn't legal, we take it back
             * and take the next move in the list */
            if (!MakeMove (moveBuf[i]))
                    TakeBack ();

            /* If we've reached this far, then we have a move available */
            havemove = 1;

            value = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1, &tmpMove, &line);

            /* We've evaluated the position, so we return to the previous position in such a way
               that when we take the next move from moveBuf everything is in order */
            TakeBack ();

            /* Once we have an evaluation, we use it in in an alpha-beta search */
            if (value > alpha)
                    /* Este movimiento causo un cutoff, asi que incrementamos
                    el valor de historia para que sea ordenado antes la
                    proxima vez que se busque */
                    history[moveBuf[i].from][moveBuf[i].dest] += depth;

                    /* This move is so good and caused a cutoff */
                    if (value >= beta)
                            return beta;
                    alpha = value;
                    /* So far, current move is the best reaction for current position */
                    *pBestMove = moveBuf[i];

                    /* Update the principal line */
                    pline->argmove[0] = moveBuf[i];
                    memcpy(pline->argmove + 1, line.argmove, line.cmove * sizeof(MOVE));
                    pline->cmove = line.cmove + 1;

    /* Once we've checked all the moves, if we have no legal moves,
     * then that's checkmate or stalemate */
    if (!havemove)
            if (IsInCheck (side))
                return -MATE + ply;	/* add ply to find the longest path to lose or shortest path to win */
                return 0;

    /* 3 vecez la misma posicion */
    if (reps() >= 2)
        return 0;

    if (fifty >= 100) /* 50 jugadas o mas */
        return 0;

    /* Finally we return alpha, the score value */
    return alpha;