コード例 #1
ファイル: cluster.hpp プロジェクト: antoshkaplus/Ant
    std::vector<Index> partition(Count k, Count n, Rng& rng) {
        struct P {
            Index idx;
            Count sz;

            bool operator<(const P& p) const {
                return sz < p.sz;
        std::vector<P> ps(n, {0, 0});
        auto i = 0;
        for (auto& p : ps) p.idx = i++;

        auto cs = GenerateClusters(n, rng);
        for (auto c : cs) {

        std::partial_sort(ps.begin(), ps.end()-k, ps.end());
        std::vector<bool> res(ps.size(), true);
        for (auto i = 0; i < n-k; ++i) {
            res[ps[i].idx] = false;
        DecreaseClustering(cs, res);
        auto it = std::remove_if(centers_.begin(), centers_.end(), [&](Index c){ return cs[c] == -1; });
        centers_.erase(it, centers_.end());

        auto redoCount = std::count(cs.begin(), cs.end(), -1);
        std::vector<Index> origs;
        for (int i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i) {
            if (cs[i] != -1) origs.push_back(i);

        return GenerateClusters(origs);
コード例 #2
ファイル: cluster.hpp プロジェクト: antoshkaplus/Ant
    std::vector<Index> GenerateClusters(Count k, Rng& rng) {
        std::vector<Index> clusters(g.nodeCount());

        std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr_v(0, g.nodeCount()-1);

        auto& origs = centers_;
        for (auto i = 0; i < k;) {
            auto n = distr_v(rng);
            auto it = lower_bound(origs.begin(), origs.end(), n);
            if (*it == n) {
            // vector...
            origs.insert(it, n);

        return GenerateClusters(origs);
コード例 #3
// bool TePDIIsosegClas::Implementation(const TePDIParameters& params)
bool TePDIIsosegClas::RunImplementation()
  // Setting the parameters
  TePDITypes::TePDIRasterVectorType input_rasters;
  params_.GetParameter("input_rasters", input_rasters);

  vector<int> bands;
  params_.GetParameter("bands", bands);

  W = input_rasters[0]->params().ncols_;
  H = input_rasters[0]->params().nlines_;

  TePDITypes::TePDIPolygonSetPtrType input_polygonset;
  params_.GetParameter("input_polygonset", input_polygonset);

  TePDITypes::TePDIRasterPtrType output_raster;
  params_.GetParameter("output_raster", output_raster);

  double  acceptance_limiar;
  params_.GetParameter("acceptance_limiar", acceptance_limiar);

  /* Setting the output raster */
  TeRasterParams output_raster_params = output_raster->params();

  output_raster_params.setDataType( TeDOUBLE, -1 );
  output_raster_params.nBands( 1 );
  if( input_rasters[0]->projection() != 0 ) {
    TeSharedPtr< TeProjection > proj( TeProjectionFactory::make(
      input_rasters[0]->projection()->params() ) );
    output_raster_params.projection( proj.nakedPointer() );
  output_raster_params.boxResolution( input_rasters[0]->params().box().x1(),
    input_rasters[0]->params().box().y1(), input_rasters[0]->params().box().x2(),
    input_rasters[0]->params().box().y2(), input_rasters[0]->params().resx_,
    input_rasters[0]->params().resy_ );
  // output_raster_params.setPhotometric( TeRasterParams::TeRGB, -1 );

  TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN( output_raster->init( output_raster_params ),
    "Output raster reset error" );

  for (unsigned pols = 0; pols < input_polygonset->size(); pols++)
    TePolygon polygon(input_polygonset->operator[](pols));

    // this iterator "walks" in the image, on the region defined by a specific polygon
    TeRaster::iteratorPoly it = input_rasters[0]->begin(polygon, TeBoxPixelIn, 0);
    TeRaster::iteratorPoly it_end = input_rasters[0]->end(polygon, TeBoxPixelIn, 0);

    long area = (long)TeGeometryArea(polygon);
    // pixel vector for each band
    vector<vector<double> > pixels_per_band(bands.size());
    vector<double> sums(bands.size());
    vector<double> tmp(1);
    for (unsigned band = 0; band < bands.size(); band++)

    long npix = 0;
    double tmp_pixel;
    while(it != it_end)
      int col = it.currentColumn(),
          lin = it.currentLine();

      if ((col >= 0 && col < W) && (lin >=0 && lin < H))
        for (unsigned band = 0; band < bands.size(); band++)
          input_rasters[band]->getElement(col, lin, tmp_pixel, band);
          sums[band] += tmp_pixel;


    vector<double> tmp_mean;
    for (unsigned band = 0; band < bands.size(); band++)

    // sets the covarariance matrix
    TeMatrix tmp_covar;
    int nbands = bands.size();
    TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN(tmp_covar.Init(nbands, nbands, 0.0), "Unable to Init tmp_covar");
    double sum;
    for(int i = 0; i < nbands; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < nbands; j++)
        sum = 0.0;
        for (int p = 0; p < npix; p++)
          sum += (pixels_per_band[i][p] - tmp_mean[i]) * (pixels_per_band[j][p] - tmp_mean[j]);
        if (npix == 1)
          tmp_covar(i,j) = 0.0;
          tmp_covar(i,j) = (double)(sum / (npix - 1));

    TePDIRegion tmp_region(pols);
    TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN(tmp_region.Init(bands.size(), npix, tmp_mean, tmp_covar), "Unable to Init tmp_region");
    regions.insert(pair<double, TePDIRegion>(area, tmp_region));
  total_regions = regions.size();

  TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN(SetThreshold(acceptance_limiar, bands.size()), "Unable to SetThreshold");
  TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN(GenerateClusters(), "Unable to GenerateClusters");
  TEAGN_TRUE_OR_RETURN(MergeClusters(), "Unable to MergeClusters");

// remap cluster values to 1 -> N
  std::set<unsigned int> ulabels;
  std::set<unsigned int>::iterator lit;
  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> colormap;

  for (int pols = 0; pols < total_regions; pols++)
    TePolygon polygon(input_polygonset->operator[](pols));

    // searches for the region with Id = pols
    multimap<double, TePDIRegion, greater<double> >::iterator regions_it;

    for (regions_it = regions.begin(); regions_it != regions.end(); ++regions_it)
      if (regions_it->second.GetId() == pols)


  unsigned int color = 1;
  for (lit = ulabels.begin(); lit != ulabels.end(); ++lit)
    colormap[*lit] = color++;

// paint output_raster with the correspondent classes
  for (int pols = 0; pols < total_regions; pols++)
    TePolygon polygon(input_polygonset->operator[](pols));

    // this iterator "walks" in the image, on the region defined by a specific polygon
    TeRaster::iteratorPoly it = input_rasters[0]->begin(polygon, TeBoxPixelIn, 0);
    TeRaster::iteratorPoly it_end = input_rasters[0]->end(polygon, TeBoxPixelIn, 0);

    // searches for the region with Id = pols
    multimap<double, TePDIRegion, greater<double> >::iterator  regions_it,
                        regions_tmp = regions.begin();
    for (regions_it = regions.begin(); regions_it != regions.end(); ++regions_it)
      if (regions_it->second.GetId() == pols)
        regions_tmp = regions_it;

    unsigned bit_class = colormap[regions_it->second.GetClass()];

    // here, a set of colors for up to 81 classes, C(3, 4) = tree bands, four levels
    vector<int> levels;
	int change = levels.size();
    vector<int> colors_R, colors_G, colors_B;
    for (int c = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; c < 81; c++)

      if (i >= change)
        i = 0;
      if (j >= change)
        j = 0;
      if (k >= change)
        k = 0;

	if (bit_class >= colors_R.size())
		bit_class = 0;

    double  R = colors_R[bit_class],
        G = colors_G[bit_class],
        B = colors_B[bit_class];
    // paint output_raster with specific color class
    while(it != it_end)
      int  i = it.currentColumn(),
           j = it.currentLine();

      output_raster->setElement(i, j, bit_class);

  return true;