void ClusterColors::ConstructFromImage(const FloatVectorImageType* image) { this->Image = const_cast<FloatVectorImageType*>(image); // TODO: remove the need for this cast GenerateColors(); CreateMembershipImage(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrimaryRolledPreset::initializeCOverATableModel(StatsGenPlotWidget* plot, QVector<float> binNumbers) { // Make sure the distribution is set correctly plot->setDistributionType(SIMPL::DistributionType::Beta, false); // This line basically makes sure we have the distribution type we are looking for SGBetaTableModel* model = qobject_cast<SGBetaTableModel*> (plot->tableModel()); if (NULL == model) { return; } qint32 count = binNumbers.count(); // Remove all the current rows in the table model model->removeRows(0, model->rowCount()); float alpha, beta; SIMPL_RANDOMNG_NEW() QVector<float> alphas; QVector<float> betas; QVector<QColor> colors = GenerateColors(count, 160, 255); for (qint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { alpha = (0 * i) + (1.1 + (28.9 * (1.0 / m_AspectRatio2))) + (rg.genrand_res53()); beta = (0 * i) + (30 - (28.9 * (1.0 / m_AspectRatio2))) + (rg.genrand_res53()); alphas.push_back(alpha); betas.push_back(beta); } QVector<QVector<float> > data; data.push_back(alphas); data.push_back(betas); model->setTableData(binNumbers, data, colors); }
unsigned char Renderable::PostLoad() { if (GenerateColors() != STATUS_OK) { return 0x2; } return STATUS_OK; }
QString ChatTab::FormatNickname (QString nick, Plugins::IMessage *msg) { Util::DefaultHookProxy_ptr proxy (new Util::DefaultHookProxy); emit hookFormatNickname (proxy, &nick, msg->GetObject ()); if (proxy->IsCancelled ()) return nick; QString string; QString color = "green"; if (msg->GetMessageType () == Plugins::IMessage::MTMUCMessage) { if (NickColors_.isEmpty ()) GenerateColors (); if (!NickColors_.isEmpty ()) { int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nick.length (); ++i) hash += nick.at (i).unicode (); QColor nc = NickColors_.at (hash % NickColors_.size ()); color = nc.name (); } QUrl url (QString ("azoth://msgeditreplace/%1") .arg (nick + ":")); string.append ("<span class='nickname'><a href='"); string.append (url.toString () + "%20"); string.append ("' class='nicklink' style='text-decoration:none; color:"); string.append (color); string.append ("'>"); string.append (nick); string.append ("</a></span>"); } else { switch (msg->GetDirection ()) { case Plugins::IMessage::DIn: color = "blue"; break; case Plugins::IMessage::DOut: color = "red"; break; } string = QString ("<span class='nickname' style='color:%2'>%1</span>") .arg (nick) .arg (color); } return string; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrimaryRolledPreset::initializeNeighborTableModel(StatsGenPlotWidget* plot, QVector<float> binNumbers) { // Make sure the distribution is set correctly plot->setDistributionType(SIMPL::DistributionType::LogNormal, false); // This line basically makes sure we have the distribution type we are looking for SGLogNormalTableModel* model = qobject_cast<SGLogNormalTableModel*> (plot->tableModel()); if (NULL == model) { return; } qint32 count = binNumbers.count(); // Remove all the current rows in the table model model->removeRows(0, model->rowCount()); float mu, sigma; SIMPL_RANDOMNG_NEW() QVector<float> mus; QVector<float> sigmas; QVector<QColor> colors = GenerateColors(count, 160, 255); int middlebin = count / 2; for (qint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { mu = log(8.0 + (1.0 * float(i - middlebin))); sigma = 0.3 + (float(middlebin - i) / float(middlebin * 10)); mus.push_back(mu); sigmas.push_back(sigma); } QVector<QVector<float> > data; data.push_back(mus); data.push_back(sigmas); model->setTableData(binNumbers, data, colors); }