コード例 #1
void idSurface_Polytope::SetupTetrahedron( const idBounds &bounds ) {
	idVec3 center, scale;
	float c1, c2, c3;

	c1 = 0.4714045207f;
	c2 = 0.8164965809f;
	c3 = -0.3333333333f;

	center = bounds.GetCenter();
	scale = bounds[1] - center;

	verts.SetNum( 4 );
	verts[0].xyz = center + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, scale.z );
	verts[1].xyz = center + idVec3( 2.0f * c1 * scale.x, 0.0f, c3 * scale.z );
	verts[2].xyz = center + idVec3( -c1 * scale.x, c2 * scale.y, c3 * scale.z );
	verts[3].xyz = center + idVec3( -c1 * scale.x, -c2 * scale.y, c3 * scale.z );

	indexes.SetNum( 4*3 );
	indexes[0*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[0*3+1] = 1;
	indexes[0*3+2] = 2;
	indexes[1*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[1*3+1] = 2;
	indexes[1*3+2] = 3;
	indexes[2*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[2*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[2*3+2] = 1;
	indexes[3*3+0] = 1;
	indexes[3*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[3*3+2] = 2;

コード例 #2
void idSurface_Patch::GenerateIndexes()
	int i, j, v1, v2, v3, v4, index;
	indexes.SetNum( ( width - 1 ) * ( height - 1 ) * 2 * 3 );
	index = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < width - 1; i++ )
		for( j = 0; j < height - 1; j++ )
			v1 = j * width + i;
			v2 = v1 + 1;
			v3 = v1 + width + 1;
			v4 = v1 + width;
			indexes[index++] = v1;
			indexes[index++] = v3;
			indexes[index++] = v2;
			indexes[index++] = v1;
			indexes[index++] = v4;
			indexes[index++] = v3;
コード例 #3
void idSurface_Polytope::SetupHexahedron(const idBounds &bounds)
	idVec3 center, scale;

	center = bounds.GetCenter();
	scale = bounds[1] - center;

	verts[0].xyz = center + idVec3(-scale.x, -scale.y, -scale.z);
	verts[1].xyz = center + idVec3(scale.x, -scale.y, -scale.z);
	verts[2].xyz = center + idVec3(scale.x,  scale.y, -scale.z);
	verts[3].xyz = center + idVec3(-scale.x,  scale.y, -scale.z);
	verts[4].xyz = center + idVec3(-scale.x, -scale.y,  scale.z);
	verts[5].xyz = center + idVec3(scale.x, -scale.y,  scale.z);
	verts[6].xyz = center + idVec3(scale.x,  scale.y,  scale.z);
	verts[7].xyz = center + idVec3(-scale.x,  scale.y,  scale.z);

	indexes[ 0*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 0*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[ 0*3+2] = 2;
	indexes[ 1*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 1*3+1] = 2;
	indexes[ 1*3+2] = 1;
	indexes[ 2*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 2*3+1] = 1;
	indexes[ 2*3+2] = 5;
	indexes[ 3*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 3*3+1] = 5;
	indexes[ 3*3+2] = 4;
	indexes[ 4*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 4*3+1] = 4;
	indexes[ 4*3+2] = 7;
	indexes[ 5*3+0] = 0;
	indexes[ 5*3+1] = 7;
	indexes[ 5*3+2] = 3;
	indexes[ 6*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[ 6*3+1] = 5;
	indexes[ 6*3+2] = 1;
	indexes[ 7*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[ 7*3+1] = 1;
	indexes[ 7*3+2] = 2;
	indexes[ 8*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[ 8*3+1] = 2;
	indexes[ 8*3+2] = 3;
	indexes[ 9*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[ 9*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[ 9*3+2] = 7;
	indexes[10*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[10*3+1] = 7;
	indexes[10*3+2] = 4;
	indexes[11*3+0] = 6;
	indexes[11*3+1] = 4;
	indexes[11*3+2] = 5;

コード例 #4
void idSurface_Polytope::FromPlanes( const idPlane* planes, const int numPlanes )
	int i, j, k, *windingVerts;
	idFixedWinding w;
	idDrawVert newVert;
	windingVerts = ( int* ) _alloca( MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING * sizeof( int ) );
	memset( &newVert, 0, sizeof( newVert ) );
	for( i = 0; i < numPlanes; i++ )
		w.BaseForPlane( planes[i] );
		for( j = 0; j < numPlanes; j++ )
			if( j == i )
			if( !w.ClipInPlace( -planes[j], ON_EPSILON, true ) )
		if( !w.GetNumPoints() )
		for( j = 0; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
			for( k = 0; k < verts.Num(); k++ )
				if( verts[k].xyz.Compare( w[j].ToVec3(), POLYTOPE_VERTEX_EPSILON ) )
			if( k >= verts.Num() )
				newVert.xyz = w[j].ToVec3();
				k = verts.Append( newVert );
			windingVerts[j] = k;
		for( j = 2; j < w.GetNumPoints(); j++ )
			indexes.Append( windingVerts[0] );
			indexes.Append( windingVerts[j - 1] );
			indexes.Append( windingVerts[j] );
コード例 #5
void idSurface_Polytope::SetupOctahedron(const idBounds &bounds)
	idVec3 center, scale;

	center = bounds.GetCenter();
	scale = bounds[1] - center;

	verts[0].xyz = center + idVec3(scale.x, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	verts[1].xyz = center + idVec3(-scale.x, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	verts[2].xyz = center + idVec3(0.0f,  scale.y, 0.0f);
	verts[3].xyz = center + idVec3(0.0f, -scale.y, 0.0f);
	verts[4].xyz = center + idVec3(0.0f, 0.0f,  scale.z);
	verts[5].xyz = center + idVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -scale.z);

	indexes[0*3+0] = 4;
	indexes[0*3+1] = 0;
	indexes[0*3+2] = 2;
	indexes[1*3+0] = 4;
	indexes[1*3+1] = 2;
	indexes[1*3+2] = 1;
	indexes[2*3+0] = 4;
	indexes[2*3+1] = 1;
	indexes[2*3+2] = 3;
	indexes[3*3+0] = 4;
	indexes[3*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[3*3+2] = 0;
	indexes[4*3+0] = 5;
	indexes[4*3+1] = 2;
	indexes[4*3+2] = 0;
	indexes[5*3+0] = 5;
	indexes[5*3+1] = 1;
	indexes[5*3+2] = 2;
	indexes[6*3+0] = 5;
	indexes[6*3+1] = 3;
	indexes[6*3+2] = 1;
	indexes[7*3+0] = 5;
	indexes[7*3+1] = 0;
	indexes[7*3+2] = 3;

コード例 #6

  tesselate the surface
void idSurface_SweptSpline::Tessellate( const int splineSubdivisions, const int sweptSplineSubdivisions ) {
	int i, j, offset, baseOffset, splineDiv, sweptSplineDiv;
	int i0, i1, j0, j1;
	float totalTime, t;
	idVec4 splinePos, splineD1;
	idMat3 splineMat;

	if ( !spline || !sweptSpline ) {

	verts.SetNum( splineSubdivisions * sweptSplineSubdivisions, false );

	// calculate the points and first derivatives for the swept spline
	totalTime = sweptSpline->GetTime( sweptSpline->GetNumValues() - 1 ) - sweptSpline->GetTime( 0 ) + sweptSpline->GetCloseTime();
	sweptSplineDiv = sweptSpline->GetBoundaryType() == idCurve_Spline<idVec3>::BT_CLOSED ? sweptSplineSubdivisions : sweptSplineSubdivisions - 1;
	baseOffset = (splineSubdivisions-1) * sweptSplineSubdivisions;
	for ( i = 0; i < sweptSplineSubdivisions; i++ ) {
		t = totalTime * i / sweptSplineDiv;
		splinePos = sweptSpline->GetCurrentValue( t );
		splineD1 = sweptSpline->GetCurrentFirstDerivative( t );
		verts[baseOffset+i].xyz = splinePos.ToVec3();
		verts[baseOffset+i].st[0] = splinePos.w;
		verts[baseOffset+i].tangents[0] = splineD1.ToVec3();

	// sweep the spline
	totalTime = spline->GetTime( spline->GetNumValues() - 1 ) - spline->GetTime( 0 ) + spline->GetCloseTime();
	splineDiv = spline->GetBoundaryType() == idCurve_Spline<idVec3>::BT_CLOSED ? splineSubdivisions : splineSubdivisions - 1;
	for ( i = 0; i < splineSubdivisions; i++ ) {
		t = totalTime * i / splineDiv;

		splinePos = spline->GetCurrentValue( t );
		splineD1 = spline->GetCurrentFirstDerivative( t );

		GetFrame( splineMat, splineD1.ToVec3(), splineMat );

		offset = i * sweptSplineSubdivisions;
		for ( j = 0; j < sweptSplineSubdivisions; j++ ) {
			idDrawVert *v = &verts[offset+j];
			v->xyz = splinePos.ToVec3() + verts[baseOffset+j].xyz * splineMat;
			v->st[0] = verts[baseOffset+j].st[0];
			v->st[1] = splinePos.w;
			v->tangents[0] = verts[baseOffset+j].tangents[0] * splineMat;
			v->tangents[1] = splineD1.ToVec3();
			v->normal = v->tangents[1].Cross( v->tangents[0] );
			v->color[0] = v->color[1] = v->color[2] = v->color[3] = 0;

	indexes.SetNum( splineDiv * sweptSplineDiv * 2 * 3, false );

	// create indexes for the triangles
	for ( offset = i = 0; i < splineDiv; i++ ) {

		i0 = (i+0) * sweptSplineSubdivisions;
		i1 = (i+1) % splineSubdivisions * sweptSplineSubdivisions;

		for ( j = 0; j < sweptSplineDiv; j++ ) {

			j0 = (j+0);
			j1 = (j+1) % sweptSplineSubdivisions;

			indexes[offset++] = i0 + j0;
			indexes[offset++] = i0 + j1;
			indexes[offset++] = i1 + j1;

			indexes[offset++] = i1 + j1;
			indexes[offset++] = i1 + j0;
			indexes[offset++] = i0 + j0;
