void main() { GenerateTables(); hires(); CurrentPixelX=40; CurrentPixelY=30; OtherPixelX=40+160; OtherPixelY=30; DrawLine8(); //DrawLineROM(); text(); // call(0xc6f0); // Call Basic NEW SwitchToCommand(command1); }
/* Generate key from the 0x40-0x4c data in g_RegExt */ void WiimoteGenerateKey(wiimote_key* const key, const u8* const keydata) { u8 rand[10]; u8 skey[6]; u8 testkey[6]; int idx; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) rand[9 - i] = keydata[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) skey[5 - i] = keydata[i + 10]; for (idx = 0; idx < 7; ++idx) { GenerateKey(rand, idx, testkey); if (0 == memcmp(testkey, skey, 6)) break; } // default case is idx = 7 which is valid (homebrew uses it for the 0x17 case) GenerateTables(rand, skey, idx, key->ft, key->sb); // for homebrew, ft and sb are all 0x97 which is equivalent to 0x17 }
Rijndael::Rijndael() { if (S[0]==0) GenerateTables(); }
void SkJS::InitializeDisplayables(const SkBitmap& bitmap, JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *proto) { SkJSDisplayable::gCanvas = new SkCanvas(bitmap); SkJSDisplayable::gPaint = new SkPaint(); #if SK_USE_CONDENSED_INFO == 0 GenerateTables(); #else SkASSERT(0); // !!! compressed version hasn't been implemented #endif AddInit(cx, obj, proto); AddCircleInit(cx, obj, proto); AddOvalInit(cx, obj, proto); AddPathInit(cx, obj, proto); AddRectangleInit(cx, obj, proto); AddRoundRectInit(cx, obj, proto); // AfterInit(cx, obj, proto); ApplyInit(cx, obj, proto); // AnimateInit(cx, obj, proto); // AnimateColorInit(cx, obj, proto); AnimateFieldInit(cx, obj, proto); // AnimateRotateInit(cx, obj, proto); // AnimateScaleInit(cx, obj, proto); // AnimateTranslateInit(cx, obj, proto); BitmapInit(cx, obj, proto); // BaseBitmapInit(cx, obj, proto); // BeforeInit(cx, obj, proto); BitmapShaderInit(cx, obj, proto); BlurInit(cx, obj, proto); ClipInit(cx, obj, proto); ColorInit(cx, obj, proto); CubicToInit(cx, obj, proto); DashInit(cx, obj, proto); DataInit(cx, obj, proto); // DimensionsInit(cx, obj, proto); DiscreteInit(cx, obj, proto); DrawToInit(cx, obj, proto); EmbossInit(cx, obj, proto); EventInit(cx, obj, proto); // FontInit(cx, obj, proto); // FocusInit(cx, obj, proto); ImageInit(cx, obj, proto); IncludeInit(cx, obj, proto); // InputInit(cx, obj, proto); LineInit(cx, obj, proto); LinearGradientInit(cx, obj, proto); LineToInit(cx, obj, proto); MatrixInit(cx, obj, proto); MoveInit(cx, obj, proto); MoveToInit(cx, obj, proto); OvalInit(cx, obj, proto); PathInit(cx, obj, proto); PaintInit(cx, obj, proto); DrawPointInit(cx, obj, proto); PolyToPolyInit(cx, obj, proto); PolygonInit(cx, obj, proto); PolylineInit(cx, obj, proto); PostInit(cx, obj, proto); QuadToInit(cx, obj, proto); RadialGradientInit(cx, obj, proto); RandomInit(cx, obj, proto); RectToRectInit(cx, obj, proto); RectangleInit(cx, obj, proto); RemoveInit(cx, obj, proto); ReplaceInit(cx, obj, proto); RotateInit(cx, obj, proto); RoundRectInit(cx, obj, proto); ScaleInit(cx, obj, proto); SetInit(cx, obj, proto); SkewInit(cx, obj, proto); // 3D_CameraInit(cx, obj, proto); // 3D_PatchInit(cx, obj, proto); SnapshotInit(cx, obj, proto); // StrokeInit(cx, obj, proto); TextInit(cx, obj, proto); TextOnPathInit(cx, obj, proto); TextToPathInit(cx, obj, proto); TranslateInit(cx, obj, proto); // UseInit(cx, obj, proto); }
Rijndael::Rijndael() { if (S[0]==0) GenerateTables(); CBCMode = true; // Always true for RAR. }
void main() { char j, a; unsigned int *seed; backupPageZero(); GenerateTables(); DiscLoad("FONT.BIN"); // testing //sedoric("!LOAD(\"TEAM.BIN\")"); //cls(); #ifdef debug printf("char : %d, short %d, int %d, long %d, float %d\n", sizeof(char), sizeof(short), sizeof(int), sizeof(long), sizeof(float)); printf("taper sur une touche pour continuer\n"); a = (char)getchar(); #endif io_needed = 1; loadCharacters(); #ifdef debug printf("taper sur une touche pour continuer\n"); a = (char)getchar(); #endif loadLaby(); if (ca==0) { if (c[x+y*XMAX] != 0) { unsigned char nb = 255; // un coffre ou un combat a été fini char cas = c[x+y*XMAX]; if (cas>=21 && cas<=28) nb = cas - 21; else if (cas >=30 && cas <= 50) nb = cas - 30 + 8; // les 8 premiers bits stockent les coffres if (nb < 40) { SetBit(combats_coffres[ville-1], nb); //printf("Coffre ou Combat %d fini!\n", nb); c[x+y*XMAX] = 0; } } } #ifdef debug for (a=0; a<8; a++) for (j=0; j<40; j++) if(TestBit(combats_coffres[a], j)) printf("Bit %d is set\n", j); // testing // SetBit(combats_coffres[ville-1], 0); #endif printf("Taper sur une touche pour continuer\n"); get(); seed = (unsigned int *) 630; // timer srand(*seed); #ifdef debug printf("timer vaut %d\n", *seed); printf("alea vaut %d\n", rand()); printf("taper sur une touche pour continuer\n"); a = (char)getchar(); #endif // Sedoric(command2); // 330 CASE=C(X,Y) prep(); drawLaby(); ca = c[x+y*XMAX]; // manageCell(); // 320 GOSUB 500:GOSUB 1000 while(1) { // 380 GET A$ //a = (char)getchar(); //printf("x=%d, y=%d, s=%d ca=%d\n", x,y,s,ca); a = get(); switch(a) { //#ifdef debug case 'F': // pour debug case 'f': // 390 IF A$="F" THEN END a = 'F'; text(); io_needed = 1; saveCharacters(); restorePageZero(); printf("sauvegarde ok\n"); SwitchToCommand("!DIR"); // évite une erreur bizarre return; break; //#endif case ' ': // 400 IF A$=" "AND F(1)>1 AND F(1)<7 THEN GOSUB 3000:GOTO 330 if(f[0]>1&&f[0]<7) { #ifdef debug for (j=0;j<4;j++) { printf("cle(%d,%d) = %d ", 3, j, cles[3][j]); } #endif // 3000 REM ClÈ // 3010 IF F(1)=2 THEN 3030 // 3020 IF CLEF(VIL,(F(1)-2))=0 THEN ZAP:PRINT TX$(4):GOTO 3050 // 3030 F(1)=0:GOSUB 600:PING // 3050 RETURN if (f[0] == 2) { f[0]=0; forward(); ping(); // on avance deux fois prep(); printf("On passe la porte\n"); wait(180); drawLaby(); forward(); } else { ////// MODIF Maximus ******* if(cles[ville-1][f[0]-3]==0) { zap(); printf("Ou est la cl{ ?\n"); } else { #ifdef debug printf("Porte %d cle(%d,%d) %d ", f[0], ville-1, (f[0]-3), cles[ville-1][f[0]-3]); a = (char)getchar(); #endif InvertBit(&dedans,f[0]-3); f[0]=0; forward(); ping(); // on avance deux fois prep(); printf("On passe la porte\n"); wait(180); drawLaby(); forward(); } } } break; case 'I': case 'i': case 'Z': case 'z': // 410 IF A$="I" OR A$="i" THEN GOSUB 600:GOTO 330 forward(); break; case 'J': case 'j': case 'Q': case 'q': // 420 IF A$="J" OR A$="j" THEN S=S-1:IF S=0 THEN S=4 s--; if(s<0) s=3; prep(); drawLaby(); break; case 'L': case 'l': case 'D': case 'd': // 430 IF A$="L" OR A$="l" THEN S=S+1:IF S=5 THEN S=1 s++; if(s>3) s=0; prep(); drawLaby(); break; case 'C': case 'c': // 435 IF A$="C" THEN GOTO 21000 text(); io_needed = 1; saveCharacters(); restorePageZero(); SwitchToCommand("CAMP"); break; //#ifdef debug case 'A': case 'a': printf("alea vaut %d\n", rand()); break; case 'K': case 'k': for (j=0;j<4;j++) { cles[ville-1][j] = !cles[ville-1][j]; } break; case 'V': case 'v': text(); io_needed = 1; saveCharacters(); restorePageZero(); SwitchToCommand("VILLE"); break; //#endif default: puts("I:avance, J:droite, L:gauche\nESPACE: ouvrir porte"); wait(200); } // 450 GOTO 300 } }