コード例 #1
ファイル: motion.c プロジェクト: PhamVanNhi/ECE5770
// Main function to handler motion events that are triggered by the MPU9150
// data ready interrupt.
        // This is our initial data set from the MPU9150, start the DCM.
        case MOTION_STATE_INIT:
            // Check the read data buffer of the MPU9150 to see if the
            // Magnetometer data is ready and present. This may not be the case
            // for the first few data captures.
            if(g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[14] & AK8975_ST1_DRDY)
                // Get local copy of Accel and Mag data to feed to the DCM
                // start.
                MPU9150DataAccelGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfAccel,
                                         g_pfAccel + 1, g_pfAccel + 2);
                MPU9150DataMagnetoGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfMag,
                                          g_pfMag + 1, g_pfMag + 2);
                MPU9150DataGyroGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfGyro,
                                        g_pfGyro + 1, g_pfGyro + 2);

                // Feed the initial measurements to the DCM and start it.
                // Due to the structure of our MotionMagCallback function,
                // the floating point magneto data is already in the local
                // data buffer.
                CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfMag[0], g_pfMag[1],
                CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfAccel[0], g_pfAccel[1],

                // Proceed to the run state.
                g_ui8MotionState = MOTION_STATE_RUN;


            // Turn off the LED to show we are done processing motion data.
            g_pui32RGBColors[RED] = 0;

            // Finished

        // DCM has been started and we are ready for normal operations.
        case MOTION_STATE_RUN:
            // Get the latest Euler data from the DCM. DCMUpdate is done
            // inside the interrupt routine to insure it is not skipped and
            // that the timing is consistent.
            CompDCMComputeEulers(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfEulers,
                                 g_pfEulers + 1, g_pfEulers + 2);

            // Pass the latest sensor data back to the Gesture system for
            // classification.  What state do i think i am in?
            GestureEmitClassify(&g_sGestureInst, g_pfEulers, g_pfAccel, g_pfGyro);

            // Update best guess state based on past history and current
            // estimate.
            GestureUpdate(&g_sGestureInst, g_sGestureInst.ui16Emit);

            // Turn off the LED to show we are done processing motion data.
            g_pui32RGBColors[RED] = 0;

            // Finished

        // An I2C error has occurred at some point. Usually these are due to
        // asynchronous resets of the main MCU and the I2C peripherals. This
        // can cause the slave to hold the bus and the MCU to think it cannot
        // send.  In practice there are ways to clear this condition.  They are
        // not implemented here.  To clear power cycle the board.
        case MOTION_STATE_ERROR:
            // Our tick counter and blink mechanism may not be safe across
            // rollovers of the g_ui32SysTickCount variable.  This rollover
            // only occurs after 1.3+ years of continuous operation.
            if(g_ui32SysTickCount > (g_ui32RGBMotionBlinkCounter + 20))
                // 20 ticks have expired since we last toggled so turn off the
                // LED and reset the counter.
                g_ui32RGBMotionBlinkCounter = g_ui32SysTickCount;
                g_pui32RGBColors[RED] = 0;
            else if(g_ui32SysTickCount == (g_ui32RGBMotionBlinkCounter + 10))
                // 10 ticks have expired since the last counter reset.  turn
                // on the RED LED.
                g_pui32RGBColors[RED] = 0xFFFF;
コード例 #2
ファイル: motion.c プロジェクト: peterliu2/tivaWare
// Main function to handler motion events that are triggered by the MPU9150
// data ready interrupt.
    switch(g_ui8MotionState) {
        // This is our initial data set from the MPU9150, start the DCM.
        case MOTION_STATE_INIT: {
            // Check the read data buffer of the MPU9150 to see if the
            // Magnetometer data is ready and present. This may not be the case
            // for the first few data captures.
            if(g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[14] & AK8975_ST1_DRDY) {
                // Get local copy of Accel and Mag data to feed to the DCM
                // start.
                MPU9150DataAccelGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfAccel,
                                         g_pfAccel + 1, g_pfAccel + 2);
                MPU9150DataMagnetoGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfMag,
                                           g_pfMag + 1, g_pfMag + 2);
                MPU9150DataGyroGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, g_pfGyro,
                                        g_pfGyro + 1, g_pfGyro + 2);

                // Feed the initial measurements to the DCM and start it.
                // Due to the structure of our MotionMagCallback function,
                // the floating point magneto data is already in the local
                // data buffer.
                CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfMag[0], g_pfMag[1],
                CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfAccel[0], g_pfAccel[1],

                // Proceed to the run state.
                g_ui8MotionState = MOTION_STATE_RUN;

            // Finished

        // DCM has been started and we are ready for normal operations.
        case MOTION_STATE_RUN: {
            // Get the latest Euler data from the DCM. DCMUpdate is done
            // inside the interrupt routine to insure it is not skipped and
            // that the timing is consistent.
            CompDCMComputeEulers(&g_sCompDCMInst, g_pfEulers,
                                 g_pfEulers + 1, g_pfEulers + 2);

            // Pass the latest sensor data back to the Gesture system for
            // classification.  What state do i think i am in?
            GestureEmitClassify(&g_sGestureInst, g_pfEulers, g_pfAccel,

            // Update best guess state based on past history and current
            // estimate.
            GestureUpdate(&g_sGestureInst, g_sGestureInst.ui16Emit);

            // This tick counter and blink mechanism may not be safe across
            // rollovers of the g_ui32SysTickCount variable.  This rollover
            // only occurs after 1.3+ years of continuous operation.
            if(g_ui32SysTickCount > (g_ui32MotionBlinkCounter + 10)) {
                // 10 ticks have expired since we last toggled so toggle the
                // blue LED and reset the counter.
                g_ui32MotionBlinkCounter = g_ui32SysTickCount;
                MAP_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTQ_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4,
                                 ((GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTQ_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4)) ^

            // Finished

        // An I2C error has occurred at some point. Usually these are due to
        // asynchronous resets of the main MCU and the I2C peripherals. This
        // can cause the slave to hold the bus and the MCU to think it cannot
        // send.  In practice there are ways to clear this condition.  They are
        // not implemented here.  To clear power cycle the board.
        case MOTION_STATE_ERROR: {
            // Display this error and how to clear.
            DpyRectFill(g_sContext.psDisplay, &g_sUserInfoRect, ClrBlack);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrGray);
            GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, g_psFontCmss16b);
            GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "I2C Error has occurred. Power cycle",
                         -1, 10, 140, 1);
            GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "board to clear this error.", -1, 10,
                         160, 1);
            GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrWhite);
            GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, g_psFontCm18b);
