void CScriptCameraHint::AcceptScriptMsg(EScriptObjectMessage msg, TUniqueId sender, CStateManager& mgr) { switch (msg) { case EScriptObjectMessage::Deleted: case EScriptObjectMessage::Deactivate: mgr.GetCameraManager()->DeleteCameraHint(GetUniqueId(), mgr); break; case EScriptObjectMessage::InitializedInArea: InitializeInArea(mgr); break; default: break; } if (GetActive()) { switch (msg) { case EScriptObjectMessage::Increment: AddHelper(sender); mgr.GetCameraManager()->AddActiveCameraHint(GetUniqueId(), mgr); x166_inactive = false; break; case EScriptObjectMessage::Decrement: RemoveHelper(sender); mgr.GetCameraManager()->AddInactiveCameraHint(GetUniqueId(), mgr); break; default: break; } } if (msg == EScriptObjectMessage::Follow) { if (!GetActive()) { if (TCastToConstPtr<CActor> act = mgr.GetObjectById(sender)) { zeus::CVector3f followerToThisFlat = x168_origXf.origin - act->GetTranslation(); followerToThisFlat.z() = 0.f; if (followerToThisFlat.canBeNormalized()) followerToThisFlat.normalize(); else followerToThisFlat = act->GetTransform().basis[1]; zeus::CVector3f target = act->GetTranslation() + followerToThisFlat; target.z() = x168_origXf.origin.z() + followerToThisFlat.z(); SetTransform(zeus::lookAt(act->GetTranslation(), target)); } } AddHelper(sender); mgr.GetCameraManager()->AddActiveCameraHint(GetUniqueId(), mgr); } CActor::AcceptScriptMsg(msg, sender, mgr); }
void ScreenLogin::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if( !GetActive() ) return; if( e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return ) w_login->connectToServer(); }
void Window_Selectable::DrawContent() const{ TCHAR buf[WND_SELECTABLE_TITLELENGTH]; BYTE color; int contentSize = 0; BYTE _state = state; if(GetActive()){ if(drawFocus){ DrawFocus(); } int cntX = frameArea.x + contentArea.x; int cntY = frameArea.y + contentArea.y; // タイトルを描画する場合 if(useTitle){ GetTitle(buf); DrawStringToHandle( cntX + GetDrawDeltaX(buf, -1, titleFontSize.hFont), cntY, buf, GetPresetColor(presetColorIndex, COLORSET_COLOR_NORMAL), titleFontSize.hFont); cntY += titleFontSize.lineHeight; } // 各選択肢の描画 contentSize = num; for(int n=0; n<contentSize; n++){ color = select.isActive[n] ? ((select.index == n) ? WND_SELECTABLE_COLOR_SELECTED : WND_SELECTABLE_COLOR_ACTIVE) : WND_SELECTABLE_COLOR_INACTIVE, DrawContentItem(n, color); } } SetDrawBlendMode(DX_BLENDMODE_NOBLEND, 255); }
CChildWnd* CWindowManager::Open(CRuntimeClass* pClass, BOOL bFocus) { CSingleLock pLock( &theApp.m_pSection, TRUE ); CChildWnd* pChild = Find( pClass ); if ( pChild && pChild->IsIconic() ) { pChild->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL ); } #if 0 if ( pChild && GetActive() == pChild ) { pChild->DestroyWindow(); return NULL; } #endif pLock.Unlock(); if ( ! pChild ) pChild = (CChildWnd*)pClass->CreateObject(); if ( bFocus ) pChild->BringWindowToTop(); return pChild; }
void CInstanceMesh::Render() { if ( !mStaticMesh || !GetActive() ) return; Math::Mat44f lTransform = GetTransform(); mCenter = lTransform* mStaticMesh->GetAABB().GetCenter(); if( mIsDynamic ) { mPhysicActor->GetMat44( lTransform ); Math::Vect3f lUp( 0.0f, -mStaticMesh->GetAABB().GetCenter().y, 0.0f ); Math::Mat44f lCenterTransform; lCenterTransform.SetIdentity(); lCenterTransform.Translate( lUp ); lTransform = lTransform * lCenterTransform; } CFrustum lCameraFrustum = CameraMInstance->GetCurrentCamera()->GetFrustum(); CGraphicsManager* lGM = GraphicsInstance; if ( lCameraFrustum.SphereVisible( D3DXVECTOR3( mCenter.u ), mRadius ) ) { lGM ->SetTransform( lTransform ); mStaticMesh->Render( lGM ); lGM ->SetTransform( Math::Mat44f() ); } }
void CRenderGameInfoRendererCommand ::Execute(CRenderManager &RM) { if( GetActive() ) { CORE->GetProcess()->Render(RM); } }
void Bullet::Update(float fDeltaTime) { if (GetActive()) { Vector2 position = GetPosition(); Vector2 velocity = GetVelocity(); position += velocity * fDeltaTime; SetPosition(position); RecalculateAABB(); GameObject* other = nullptr; bool collision = CollisionManager::GetSingleton()->IsColliding(this, &other); if (collision && other->GetCollisionLayer() == ECOLLISIONLAYER_ALL) { other->SetHealth(GetHealth() - 30); SetActive(false); } Engine::GetSingleton()->GetSpriteBatch()->GetViewRect(&minX, &minY, &maxX, &maxY); if (position.x > maxX) SetActive(false); else if (position.x < minX) SetActive(false); else if (position.y > maxY) SetActive(false); else if (position.y < minY) SetActive(false); } return; }
bool Chunk::Destroy(int x, int y, int z) { if (GetActive(x, y, z)) { m_blocks[x][y][z].SetActive(false); RebuildMesh(); return true; } return false; }
int slNode::GetIconId() { if (!GetActive()) return nodeFactory.GetDisabledIconId(); else if (GetSlId() == GetCluster()->GetLocalNodeID()) return nodeFactory.GetLocalIconId(); else return nodeFactory.GetIconId(); }
void ScreenCreate::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *keyEvent) { if(GetActive()) { if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Right) { gotoMenuScreen(); } } }
void avtLegendAttributesColleague::GetOptions(AnnotationObject &annot) { annot = atts; // Make sure that the name is set properly. annot.SetObjectType(AnnotationObject::LegendAttributes); annot.SetVisible(GetVisible()); annot.SetActive(GetActive()); }
void CScriptCameraPitchVolume::Think(float, CStateManager& mgr) { if (!GetActive()) return; if (x13c_24_entered && !x13c_25_occupied) Entered(mgr); else if (!x13c_24_entered && x13c_25_occupied) Exited(mgr); x13c_24_entered = false; }
void CBloodFlower::Think(float dt, CStateManager& mgr) { if (!GetActive()) return; CPatterned::Think(dt, mgr); x574_podEffect->Update(dt); if (x5bc_projectileDelay > 0.f) x5bc_projectileDelay -= dt; x5c0_ += dt; }
void Stripe::OnKeyLeft() { if(!m_hasAnimated) return; if(GetActive() == "" && m_menuItems.size() != 0) { m_menuItems[m_menuItems.size()-1]->SetActive(true); } else { for( int i = m_menuItems.size()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( m_menuItems[i]->IsActive()) { m_menuItems[i]->SetActive(false); m_menuItems[((i-1)+m_menuItems.size())%m_menuItems.size()]->SetActive(true); if(GetActive() != m_seperator ) return; } } } }
void Stripe::OnKeyRight() { if(!m_hasAnimated) return; // none is active if(GetActive() == "" && m_menuItems.size() != 0) { m_menuItems[0]->SetActive(true); } else { for( int i = 0; i < m_menuItems.size(); i++ ) { if( m_menuItems[i]->IsActive()) { m_menuItems[i]->SetActive(false); m_menuItems[(i+1)%m_menuItems.size()]->SetActive(true); if(GetActive() != m_seperator ) return; } } } }
void CScriptDoor::Think(float dt, CStateManager& mgr) { if (!GetActive()) return; if (!x2a8_26_isOpen && x25c_animTime < 0.5f) x25c_animTime += dt; if (x2a8_27_conditionsMet && GetDoorOpenCondition(mgr) == 2) { x2a8_27_conditionsMet = false; OpenDoor(x280_prevDoor, mgr); } if (x2a8_24_closing) { x2a8_25_wasOpen = false; mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetBallCamera()->DoorClosed(GetUniqueId()); x2a8_28_projectilesCollide = false; x2a8_24_closing = false; SendScriptMsgs(EScriptObjectState::Closed, mgr, EScriptObjectMessage::Decrement); x25c_animTime = 0.f; x2a8_30_doClose = false; } if (x2a8_26_isOpen && !x64_modelData->IsAnimating()) RemoveMaterial(EMaterialTypes::Solid, EMaterialTypes::Occluder, EMaterialTypes::Orbit, EMaterialTypes::Scannable, mgr); else { if (x2a8_25_wasOpen && !x64_modelData->IsAnimating()) { x2a8_25_wasOpen = false; mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetBallCamera()->DoorClosed(GetUniqueId()); x2a8_28_projectilesCollide = false; x2a8_27_conditionsMet = false; SendScriptMsgs(EScriptObjectState::Closed, mgr, EScriptObjectMessage::None); } if (GetScannableObjectInfo()) AddMaterial(EMaterialTypes::Solid, EMaterialTypes::Metal, EMaterialTypes::Occluder, EMaterialTypes::Orbit, EMaterialTypes::Scannable, mgr); else AddMaterial(EMaterialTypes::Solid, EMaterialTypes::Metal, EMaterialTypes::Occluder, EMaterialTypes::Orbit, mgr); } if (x64_modelData->IsAnimating()) UpdateAnimation((x64_modelData->GetAnimationDuration(s32(x260_doorAnimState)) / x258_animLen) * dt, mgr, true); xe7_31_targetable = mgr.GetPlayerState()->GetCurrentVisor() == CPlayerState::EPlayerVisor::Scan; }
void CChoreoChannel::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene, IChoreoStringPool *pStringPool ) { buf.PutShort( pStringPool->FindOrAddString( GetName() ) ); int c = GetNumEvents(); Assert( c <= 255 ); buf.PutUnsignedChar( c ); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = GetEvent( i ); Assert( e ); e->SaveToBuffer( buf, pScene, pStringPool ); } buf.PutChar( GetActive() ? 1 : 0 ); }
void CScriptSwitch::AcceptScriptMsg(EScriptObjectMessage msg, TUniqueId objId, CStateManager& mgr) { if (GetActive()) { if (msg == EScriptObjectMessage::Open) x34_opened = true; else if (msg == EScriptObjectMessage::Close) x34_opened = false; else if (msg == EScriptObjectMessage::SetToZero) { if (x34_opened) { SendScriptMsgs(EScriptObjectState::Open, mgr, EScriptObjectMessage::None); if (x35_closeOnOpened) x34_opened = false; } else SendScriptMsgs(EScriptObjectState::Closed, mgr, EScriptObjectMessage::None); } } CEntity::AcceptScriptMsg(msg, objId, mgr); }
void BWindow_Result::DrawContent() const{ if(!GetActive()) return; DrawDollsWithIcon( WND_MANAGE_DOLLS_X, WND_MANAGE_DOLLS_Y - WND_RESULT_DY, CAMPDOLL_GAUGE_TYPE_EXP); switch(phaze){ case WND_RESULT_SHOW_INFO: DrawResultInfo(activeCount); break; case WND_RESULT_ADD_EXP: case WND_RESULT_WAITKEY: case WND_RESULT_LEVELUP: DrawResultInfo(-1); break; } w_dollNotice.Draw(); }
void slSequence::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane) { if (!expandedKids) { expandedKids = true; browser->RemoveDummyChild(this); } if (properties) { CreateListColumns(properties); properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName()); properties->AppendItem(_("ID"), GetSlId()); properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Active"), GetActive()); } }
void slSubscription::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane) { if (!expandedKids) { expandedKids = true; browser->RemoveDummyChild(this); // Log if (WantDummyChild()) { wxTreeItemId id = browser->GetItemParent(browser->GetItemParent(GetId())); if (id) { slSet *set = (slSet *)browser->GetObject(id); if (set && set->IsCreatedBy(setFactory)) { wxLogInfo(wxT("Adding child object to subscription %s"), GetIdentifier().c_str()); browser->AppendCollection(this, slSequenceFactory); browser->AppendCollection(this, slTableFactory); } } } } if (properties) { CreateListColumns(properties); properties->AppendItem(_("Provider ID"), GetProviderId()); properties->AppendItem(_("Provider Name"), GetProviderNode()); properties->AppendItem(_("Receiver ID"), GetReceiverId()); properties->AppendItem(_("Receiver Name"), GetReceiverNode()); properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Active"), GetActive()); properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("May forward"), GetForward()); if (GetForward()) properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Is forwarded"), GetIsSubscribed()); } }
void CWindowManager::Cascade(BOOL bActiveOnly) { CSingleLock pLock( &theApp.m_pSection, TRUE ); CChildWnd* pActive = bActiveOnly ? GetActive() : NULL; for ( POSITION pos = GetIterator() ; pos ; ) { CChildWnd* pChild = GetNext( pos ); if ( ! pChild && pChild->IsWindowVisible() && ! pChild->IsIconic() && ( pChild == pActive || ! pActive ) ) { CRect rcClient; pChild->ShowWindow( SW_RESTORE ); pChild->GetParent()->GetClientRect( &rcClient ); pChild->MoveWindow( &rcClient ); } } }
void Chunk::UpdateWallFlags() { int x_minus = 0; int x_plus = 0; int y_minus = 0; int y_plus = 0; int z_minus = 0; int z_plus = 0; for (int a = 0; a < CHUNK_SIZE; ++a) { for (int b = 0; b < CHUNK_SIZE; ++b) { if (GetActive(0, a, b)) ++x_minus; if (GetActive(CHUNK_SIZE - 1, a, b)) ++x_plus; if (GetActive(a, 0, b)) ++y_minus; if (GetActive(a, CHUNK_SIZE - 1, b)) ++y_plus; if (GetActive(a, b, 0)) ++z_minus; if (GetActive(a, b, CHUNK_SIZE - 1)) ++z_plus; } } m_x_minus_full = false; m_x_plus_full = false; m_y_minus_full = false; m_y_plus_full = false; m_z_minus_full = false; m_z_plus_full = false; int wall_size = CHUNK_SIZE * CHUNK_SIZE; if (x_minus == wall_size) m_x_minus_full = true; if (x_plus == wall_size) m_x_plus_full = true; if (y_minus == wall_size) m_y_minus_full = true; if (y_plus == wall_size) m_y_plus_full = true; if (z_minus == wall_size) m_z_minus_full = true; if (z_plus == wall_size) m_z_plus_full = true; }
// **************************************************************************** // Method: avtImageColleague::GetOptions // // Purpose: // This method stores the text label's attributes in an object that can // be passed back to the client. // // Arguments: // annot : The AnnotationObject to populate. // // Programmer: John C. Anderson // Creation: Fri Sep 03 08:59:53 PDT 2004 // // Modifications: // // **************************************************************************** void avtImageColleague::GetOptions(AnnotationObject &annot) { annot.SetObjectType(AnnotationObject::Image); annot.SetVisible(GetVisible()); annot.SetActive(GetActive()); annot.SetFontShadow(maintainAspectRatio); stringVector sv; sv.push_back(currentImage); annot.SetText(sv); annot.SetPosition(actor->GetPosition()); double pos[] = {width, height, 0}; annot.SetPosition2(pos); annot.SetIntAttribute1(useOpacityColor ? 1 : 0); annot.SetColor1(opacityColor); }
void LocationDlg::UpdateEnabling() { GetAnimPos()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetSaveAnim()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetActive()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetSpeed()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetReset()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetPlay()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetRecord1()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetStop()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetLoop()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetContinuous()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetSmooth()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1 && GetAnim(m_iAnim)->NumPoints() > 2); GetPosOnly()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetRecordInterval()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetRecordLinear()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); GetRecordSpacing()->Enable(m_bRecordInterval); GetPlayToDisk()->Enable(m_iAnim != -1); }
void CPathCamera::Think(float dt, CStateManager& mgr) { if (!GetActive()) return; if (mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetPathCameraId() != GetUniqueId()) return; if (x188_spline.GetSize() <= 0) return; zeus::CTransform xf = GetTransform(); zeus::CVector3f ballLook = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetBallCamera()->GetLookPos(); if ((x1ec_flags & 0x10)) { if (const CScriptCameraHint* hint = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCameraHint(mgr)) ballLook.z() = hint->GetTranslation().z(); } if (!mgr.GetPlayer().GetVelocity().canBeNormalized() && (ballLook - GetTranslation()).canBeNormalized()) { if (x1ec_flags & 4) SetTransform(x188_spline.GetInterpolatedSplinePointByLength(x1d4_pos)); else SetTransform(zeus::lookAt(GetTranslation(), ballLook)); return; } xf = MoveAlongSpline(dt, mgr); SetTranslation(xf.origin); if (x1ec_flags & 0x20) ClampToClosedDoor(mgr); zeus::CVector3f tmp = ballLook - GetTranslation(); tmp.z() = 0.f; if (tmp.canBeNormalized()) SetTransform(zeus::lookAt(GetTranslation(), ballLook)); if (x1ec_flags & 4) SetTransform(xf); }
void avtText2DColleague::GetOptions(AnnotationObject &annot) { annot.SetObjectType(AnnotationObject::Text2D); annot.SetVisible(GetVisible()); annot.SetActive(GetActive()); annot.SetPosition(textActor->GetPosition()); // Store the width and height in position2. double p2wh[3]; p2wh[0] = textActor->GetTextHeight(); p2wh[1] = 0.; p2wh[2] = 0.; annot.SetPosition2(p2wh); // Store the text color and opacity. annot.SetTextColor(textColor); annot.SetUseForegroundForTextColor(useForegroundForTextColor); // Store the font properties into the annotation object. int ff = textActor->GetTextProperty()->GetFontFamily(); AnnotationObject::FontFamily aff; if(ff == VTK_ARIAL) aff = AnnotationObject::Arial; else if(ff == VTK_COURIER) aff = AnnotationObject::Courier; else if(ff == VTK_TIMES) aff = AnnotationObject::Times; else aff = AnnotationObject::Arial; annot.SetFontFamily(aff); annot.SetFontBold(textActor->GetTextProperty()->GetBold() > 0); annot.SetFontItalic(textActor->GetTextProperty()->GetItalic() > 0); annot.SetFontShadow(textActor->GetTextProperty()->GetShadow() > 0); stringVector text; text.push_back(textFormatString); annot.SetText(text); }
void DeltaDrawablePrivate::RemovedFromScene(Scene* scene, osg::Node* node) { // for now don't include this check, since we're calling // DeltaDrawablePrivate::AddedToScene() first //if (mParentScene != scene) { return; } // we're not even in this scene; nothing to do here. mParentScene = NULL; for (ChildList::iterator itr = mChildList.begin(); itr != mChildList.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->RemovedFromScene(scene); } // we've just been removed from a scene // if we're inactive, we should remove our Switch if (GetActive() == false) { RemoveSwitchNode(node); } }
void CChoreoActor::SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, CChoreoScene *pScene ) { int i, c; buf.PutString( GetName() ); c = GetNumChannels(); buf.PutShort( c ); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CChoreoChannel *channel = GetChannel( i ); Assert( channel ); channel->SaveToBuffer( buf, pScene ); } /* if ( Q_strlen( a->GetFacePoserModelName() ) > 0 ) { FilePrintf( buf, level + 1, "faceposermodel \"%s\"\n", a->GetFacePoserModelName() ); } */ buf.PutChar( GetActive() ? 1 : 0 ); }
void DeltaDrawablePrivate::AddedToScene(Scene* scene, osg::Node* node) { if (mParentScene == scene) { return; } // nothing to do here. mParentScene = scene; for (ChildList::iterator itr = mChildList.begin(); itr != mChildList.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->AddedToScene(scene); } // If we've been set to inactive before being added to a Scene, // then we need to do add in our Switch node. if (mParentScene != NULL) { if (GetActive() == false) { InsertSwitchNode(node); } } }