コード例 #1
ファイル: pow.cpp プロジェクト: synrg-labs/ribbitcoin
// FIXME algo is only needed here for a minimum work block.
// if all algos are treated the same with the same minimum limit...
bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, int algo)
    bool fNegative;
    bool fOverflow;
    uint256 bnTarget;

    if (Params().SkipProofOfWorkCheck() || hash == Params().HashAirdropBlock())
       return true;

    bnTarget.SetCompact(nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);

    // Check range
    if (fNegative || bnTarget == 0 || fOverflow || bnTarget > Params().ProofOfWorkLimit(algo)) {
        LogPrintf("CheckProofOfWork: \n");
        LogPrintf("                           hash = %s\n", hash.GetHex());
        LogPrintf("                        bnTaget = %s\n", bnTarget.GetHex());
        LogPrintf("  Params().ProofOfWorkLimit(%s) = %s\n", GetAlgoName(algo), Params().ProofOfWorkLimit(algo).GetHex());
        return error("CheckProofOfWork(algo=%d) : nBits below minimum work", algo);

    // Check proof of work matches claimed amount
    if (hash > bnTarget)
        return error("CheckProofOfWork(algo=%s) : hash doesn't match nBits", GetAlgoName(algo));

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MediPixAlgo.cpp プロジェクト: ozel/mafalda
void MediPixAlgo::PreInitMPXAlgo(){

	// Deal with the extended mask here

	if (m_inputExtendedMask) { // In this case the code will produce the extended mask

		// If not filename given
		if( m_extendedMaskFile == TString("") ) {
			TString oname = TString(GetOutputBaseName().c_str());
			oname += "_ExtendedMask.txt";
			m_extendedMaskFile = oname;

		Log << MSG::INFO << "Attempting to load extended mask file : " << m_extendedMaskFile << endreq;
		infile_extendedmask = new ifstream(m_extendedMaskFile.Data());
		if( ! infile_extendedmask->good() ) {
			Log << MSG::ERROR << "Coudn't load extended mask file : " << m_extendedMaskFile << ", giving up." << endreq;
		Log << MSG::INFO << "Extended mask successfully loaded. " << GetAlgoName() << " will use it." << endreq;


コード例 #3
void RunSimulation(boost::function<double(const CBlockIndex*)>* hashRate, int startHeight, int iterations)
    CBlockIndex* tip = NULL;
    double rate[5];
    for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
    SimulationSetup(tip, rate, startHeight);
    printf("begin simulation:\n");
    for(int it=0; it<iterations; it++)
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
        SimulateNextBlock(tip, rate);

        double diffsum=0;
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
            diffsum+=BitsToDifficulty(GetNextWorkRequired(tip, NULL, i));
        printf("height %d algo %7s time %3d diff %8.3f, avg next diff %7.3f\n", 
            tip->nTime - tip->pprev->nTime, 
            BitsToDifficulty(tip->nBits), diffsum/5);
コード例 #4
ファイル: MediPixAlgo.cpp プロジェクト: ozel/mafalda
void MediPixAlgo::TouchConfiguraton(string type, string val, string varname, string algo)

	MPXDefs::SpecialObjs typeFetch;
	if(type == "int")
		typeFetch = MPXDefs::CONF_INT;
	else if(type == "float")
		typeFetch = MPXDefs::CONF_FLOAT;
	else if(type == "double")
		typeFetch = MPXDefs::CONF_DOUBLE;
	else if(type == "bool")
		typeFetch = MPXDefs::CONF_BOOL;

	std::vector<CandidateContainer *> conf = GetObjectsSpecialWithAuthor(typeFetch, GetAlgoName());
	std::vector<CandidateContainer *>::iterator itr = conf.begin();

	if(type == "int"){
		for( ; itr != conf.end() ; itr++){
			ConfigurationValue<Int_t> * p = (ConfigurationValue<Int_t> *)(*itr);
			if(p->GetConfigName() ==  varname && algoName == algo){
				Log << MSG::ALWAYS << "  found " << p->GetConfigName() << " | setting value to " << val << endreq;
				p->SetConfigValue( atoi(val.c_str()) );
	else if(type == "float"){
		for( ; itr != conf.end() ; itr++){
			ConfigurationValue<Float_t> * p = (ConfigurationValue<Float_t> *)(*itr);
			if(p->GetConfigName() ==  varname && algoName == algo){
				Log << MSG::ALWAYS << "  found " << p->GetConfigName() << " | setting value to " << val << endreq;
				p->SetConfigValue( atof(val.c_str()) );
	else if(type == "double"){
		for( ; itr != conf.end() ; itr++){
			ConfigurationValue<Double_t> * p = (ConfigurationValue<Double_t> *)(*itr);
			if(p->GetConfigName() ==  varname && algoName == algo){
				Log << MSG::ALWAYS << "  found " << p->GetConfigName() << " | setting value to " << val << endreq;
				p->SetConfigValue( atof(val.c_str()) );
	else if(type == "bool"){
		for( ; itr != conf.end() ; itr++){
			ConfigurationValue<Bool_t> * p = (ConfigurationValue<Bool_t> *)(*itr);
			if(p->GetConfigName() ==  varname && algoName == algo){
				Log << MSG::ALWAYS << "  found " << p->GetConfigName() << " | setting value to " << val << endreq;
				p->SetConfigValue( atof(val.c_str()) );

コード例 #5
ファイル: mining.cpp プロジェクト: DigiByte-Core/digibyte
static UniValue getmininginfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "\nReturns a json object containing mining-related information."
            "  \"blocks\": nnn,             (numeric) The current block\n"
            "  \"currentblockweight\": nnn, (numeric) The last block weight\n"
            "  \"currentblocktx\": nnn,     (numeric) The last block transaction\n"
            "  \"difficulty\": xxx.xxxxx    (numeric) The current difficulty\n"
            "  \"networkhashps\": nnn,      (numeric) The network hashes per second\n"
            "  \"pooledtx\": n              (numeric) The size of the mempool\n"
            "  \"chain\": \"xxxx\",           (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n"
            "  \"warnings\": \"...\"          (string) any network and blockchain warnings\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getmininginfo", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getmininginfo", "")


    UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    obj.pushKV("blocks",           (int)chainActive.Height());
    obj.pushKV("currentblockweight", (uint64_t)nLastBlockWeight);
    obj.pushKV("pow_algo_id",        miningAlgo);
    obj.pushKV("pow_algo",           GetAlgoName(miningAlgo));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty",         (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, miningAlgo));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty_sha256d", (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_SHA256D));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty_scrypt",  (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_SCRYPT));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty_groestl", (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_GROESTL));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty_skein",   (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_SKEIN));
    obj.pushKV("difficulty_qubit",   (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_QUBIT));
    //obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty_EQUIHASH",   (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_EQUIHASH)));
    //obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty_ETHASH",   (double)GetDifficulty(NULL, ALGO_ETHASH)));
    obj.pushKV("errors",           GetWarnings("statusbar"));
    //obj.push_back(Pair("networkhashps",    getnetworkhashps(request)));
    obj.pushKV("pooledtx",         (uint64_t)mempool.size());
    obj.pushKV("chain",            Params().NetworkIDString());
    if (IsDeprecatedRPCEnabled("getmininginfo")) {
        obj.pushKV("errors",       GetWarnings("statusbar"));
    } else {
        obj.pushKV("warnings",     GetWarnings("statusbar"));
    return obj;
コード例 #6
ファイル: status.cpp プロジェクト: re-curse/golly
void UpdateStatusLines()
    std::string rule = currlayer->algo->getrule();

    status1 = "Pattern=";
    if (currlayer->dirty) {
        // display asterisk to indicate pattern has been modified
        status1 += "*";
    status1 += currlayer->currname;
    status1 += widescreen ? large_algo_prefix : small_algo_prefix;
    status1 += GetAlgoName(currlayer->algtype);
    status1 += widescreen ? large_rule_prefix : small_rule_prefix;
    status1 += rule;

    // show rule name if one exists and is not same as rule
    // (best NOT to remove any suffix like ":T100,200" in case we allow
    // users to name "B3/S23:T100,200" as "Life on torus")
    std::string rulename = GetRuleName(rule);
    if (!rulename.empty() && rulename != rule) {
        status1 += " [";
        status1 += rulename;
        status1 += "]";

    char scalestr[32];
    int mag = currlayer->view->getmag();
    if (mag < 0) {
        sprintf(scalestr, "2^%d:1", -mag);
    } else {
        sprintf(scalestr, "1:%d", 1 << mag);

    char stepstr[32];
    if (currlayer->currexpo < 0) {
        // show delay in secs
        sprintf(stepstr, "Delay=%gs", (double)GetCurrentDelay() / 1000.0);
    } else {
        sprintf(stepstr, "Step=%d^%d", currlayer->currbase, currlayer->currexpo);

    status2 = widescreen ? large_gen_prefix : small_gen_prefix;
    if (nopattupdate) {
        status2 += "0";
    } else {
        status2 += Stringify(currlayer->algo->getGeneration());
    status2 += widescreen ? large_pop_prefix : small_pop_prefix;
    if (nopattupdate) {
        status2 += "0";
    } else {
        bigint popcount = currlayer->algo->getPopulation();
        if (popcount.sign() < 0) {
            // getPopulation returns -1 if it can't be calculated
            status2 += "?";
        } else {
            status2 += Stringify(popcount);
    status2 += widescreen ? large_scale_prefix : small_scale_prefix;
    status2 += scalestr;
    status2 += widescreen ? large_step_prefix : small_step_prefix;
    status2 += stepstr;
    status2 += widescreen ? large_xy_prefix : small_xy_prefix;
    #ifdef WEB_GUI
        // in web app we show the cursor's current cell location,
        // or nothing if the cursor is outside the viewport (ie. showxy is false)
        if (showxy) {
            bigint xo, yo;
            bigint xpos = currx;   xpos -= currlayer->originx;
            bigint ypos = curry;   ypos -= currlayer->originy;
            if (mathcoords) {
                // Y values increase upwards
                bigint temp = 0;
                temp -= ypos;
                ypos = temp;
            status2 += Stringify(xpos);
            status2 += " ";
            status2 += Stringify(ypos);
        // in iOS and Android apps we show location of the cell in middle of viewport
        status2 += Stringify(currlayer->view->x);
        status2 += " ";
        status2 += Stringify(currlayer->view->y);