コード例 #1
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: dreadk2002/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	WindowSDL *window = new WindowSDL(vs, "Pioneer");
	width = window->GetWidth();
	height = window->GetHeight();

	const int didLoad = ogl_LoadFunctions();
	if (!didLoad)
		Error("glLoadGen failed to load functions.\n");

		std::ostringstream buf;

		FILE *f = FileSystem::userFiles.OpenWriteStream("opengl.txt", FileSystem::FileSourceFS::WRITE_TEXT);
		if (!f)
			Output("Could not open 'opengl.txt'\n");
		const std::string &s = buf.str();
		fwrite(s.c_str(), 1, s.size(), f);

	if (ogl_ext_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc == ogl_LOAD_FAILED) {
		Error("OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not supported.\nPioneer can not run on your graphics card as it does not support compressed (DXTn/S3TC) format textures.");

	// We deliberately ignore the value from GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, because some drivers
	// choose not to list any formats (despite supporting texture compression). See issue #3132.
	// This is (probably) allowed by the spec, which states that only formats which are "suitable
	// for general-purpose usage" should be enumerated.
	Renderer *renderer = new RendererOGL(window, vs);

	Output("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

	std::ostringstream dummy;

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.effect = EFFECT_VTXCOLOR;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	return renderer;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: Philbywhizz/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	// We deliberately ignore the value from GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, because some drivers
	// choose not to list any formats (despite supporting texture compression). See issue #3132.
	// This is (probably) allowed by the spec, which states that only formats which are "suitable
	// for general-purpose usage" should be enumerated.

	assert(vs.rendererType < MAX_RENDERER_TYPE);
	Renderer *renderer = rendererCreateFunc[vs.rendererType](vs);
	if(renderer==nullptr) {
		Error("Failed to set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError());
		return nullptr;

	if (vs.rendererType == Graphics::RENDERER_DUMMY) {
		width = vs.width;
		height = vs.height;
	} else {
		width = renderer->GetWindowWidth();
		height = renderer->GetWindowHeight();

	Output("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

		std::ostringstream buf;

		FILE *f = FileSystem::userFiles.OpenWriteStream("opengl.txt", FileSystem::FileSourceFS::WRITE_TEXT);
		if (!f)
			Output("Could not open 'opengl.txt'\n");
		const std::string &s = buf.str();
		fwrite(s.c_str(), 1, s.size(), f);

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.effect = EFFECT_VTXCOLOR;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	return renderer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: Faiva78/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	WindowSDL *window = new WindowSDL(vs, "Pioneer");
	width = window->GetWidth();
	height = window->GetHeight();


	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
		OS::Error("OpenGL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported. Pioneer can not run on your graphics card.");

	Renderer *renderer = 0;

	shadersAvailable = glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0");
	shadersEnabled = vs.shaders && shadersAvailable;

	if (shadersEnabled)
		renderer = new RendererGL2(window, vs);
		renderer = new RendererLegacy(window, vs);

	printf("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	return renderer;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: jaj22/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	const SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo();

	//printf("SDL_GetVideoInfo says %d bpp\n", info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel);

	switch (info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel) {
		case 16:
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6);
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
		case 24:
		case 32:
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8);
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8);
			SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8);
			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid pixel depth: %d bpp\n", info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, vs.requestedSamples ? 1 : 0);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, vs.requestedSamples);
	SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, vs.vsync);

	Uint32 flags = SDL_OPENGL;
	if (vs.fullscreen) flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;

	// attempt sequence is:
	// 1- requested mode
	SDL_Surface *scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(vs.width, vs.height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags);

	// 2- requested mode with no anti-aliasing (skipped if no AA was requested anyway)
	if (!scrSurface && vs.requestedSamples) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set video mode. (%s). Re-trying without multisampling.\n", SDL_GetError());

		scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(vs.width, vs.height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags);

	// 3- requested mode with 16 bit depth buffer
	if (!scrSurface) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set video mode. (%s). Re-trying with 16-bit depth buffer\n", SDL_GetError());
		SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, vs.requestedSamples ? 1 : 0);
		SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, vs.requestedSamples);
		SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);

		scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(vs.width, vs.height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags);

	// 4- requested mode with 16-bit depth buffer and no anti-aliasing
	//    (skipped if no AA was requested anyway)
	if (!scrSurface && vs.requestedSamples) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set video mode. (%s). Re-trying with 16-bit depth buffer and no multisampling\n", SDL_GetError());
		SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);

		scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(vs.width, vs.height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags);

	// 5- abort!
	if (!scrSurface) {
		OS::Error("Failed to set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError());

	// this valuable is not reliable if antialiasing settings are overridden by
	// nvidia/ati/whatever settings
	int actualSamples = 0;
	SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, &actualSamples);
	if (vs.requestedSamples != actualSamples)
		fprintf(stderr, "Requested AA mode: %dx, actual: %dx\n", vs.requestedSamples, actualSamples);


	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
		OS::Error("OpenGL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported. Pioneer can not run on your graphics card.");

	Renderer *renderer = 0;

	shadersAvailable = glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0");
	shadersEnabled = vs.shaders && shadersAvailable;

	if (shadersEnabled)
		renderer = new RendererGL2(vs);
		renderer = new RendererLegacy(vs);

	printf("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	Graphics::settings = vs;

	return renderer;
コード例 #5
// switchres_modeline_setup
bool switchres_modeline_setup(running_machine &machine)
    ModeLine *bestMode;
    char modeline[1024]= {'\x00'};
    bool success = false;
    int got_res = 0;

    mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Entering switchres_modeline_setup (%d)\n",

    bestMode = &machine.switchRes.bestMode;

    windows_options &options = downcast<windows_options &>(machine.options());
    astring error_string;

    if (!machine.switchRes.resolution.count) {
        strcpy(machine.switchRes.gameInfo.resolution, options.resolution());
        machine.switchRes.cs.monitorcount = options.numscreens();
        machine.switchRes.cs.doublescan = 0;
        if (!strcmp(options.video(), "d3d")) {
            machine.switchRes.cs.cleanstretch = 1;
            options.set_value(OPTION_CLEANSTRETCH, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -cleanstretch\n");

    // Save old modeline first if it exists
    if (machine.switchRes.resolution.count > 0) {
        memcpy(&machine.switchRes.lastMode, bestMode, sizeof(ModeLine));
        mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Copy lastMode name %s\n",

    // Generate modeline

    if (!machine.switchRes.modeLine) {
        mame_printf_error("SwitchRes: Modeline was NULL!!!\n");
        return false;

    // Initially get the registry modelines
    if (machine.switchRes.modecount == 0) {
        int custom_count = 0;

        machine.switchRes.modecount = GetAvailableVideoModes(machine.switchRes.videoModes);
        custom_count = GetCustomVideoModes(&machine.switchRes.cs,
        mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Found %d custom of %d active modelines\n",
                            custom_count, machine.switchRes.modecount);

    // If we got any, check for the best modeline
    if (machine.switchRes.modecount > 0) {
        int orientation = 0;
        if (machine.switchRes.gameInfo.orientation && !strcmp(machine.switchRes.cs.morientation, "horizontal"))
            orientation = 1;
        got_res = findBestMode(orientation, machine.switchRes.modeLine,
        mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Index %d/%d modeline %s score %.02f %s\n",
                            got_res, machine.switchRes.modecount, bestMode->label, bestMode->score,
                            (got_res >= 0)?"matches":"has no match");
    } else {
        got_res = -1;
        machine.switchRes.modecount = -1;
        mame_printf_error("SwitchRes: Didn't get any system or custom modelines %d\n",

    // If we got a best mode, setup for use
    if (got_res != -1) {
        int use_ini = strcmp(machine.switchRes.gameInfo.resolution, "auto")?1:0;
        bool virtualize = false;

        // Got a registry modeline to change refresh rate of
        mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Got %s modeline %s - %s:\n\t%s\n",
                            bestMode->resolution, bestMode->label,
                            PrintModeline(bestMode, modeline));

        // Tweak modeline if height/width changed
        if (machine.switchRes.modeLine->hactive != bestMode->a_width
                || machine.switchRes.modeLine->vactive != bestMode->a_height)
            int minwidth = machine.switchRes.modeLine->hactive;

            // Turn off .ini file support, since we can't do that
            use_ini = 0;

            // Use values from registry
            machine.switchRes.gameInfo.width = bestMode->a_width;
            machine.switchRes.gameInfo.height = bestMode->a_height;

            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Trying to recalculate modeline %d x %d != %d x %d\n",
                                bestMode->a_width, bestMode->a_height);

            // Generate new modeline
            machine.switchRes.modeLine->weight =

            // Double check the height/width, recalculate if necessary
            if (machine.switchRes.modeLine->hactive != bestMode->a_width
                    || machine.switchRes.modeLine->vactive != bestMode->a_height)
                mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Trying again to recalculate modeline %d x %d != %d x %d\n",
                                    bestMode->a_width, bestMode->a_height);

                if (machine.switchRes.modecount > 0) {
                    int orientation = 0;
                    int idx = 0;
                    if (machine.switchRes.gameInfo.orientation
                            && !strcmp(machine.switchRes.cs.morientation, "horizontal"))
                        orientation = 1;

                    idx = findBestMode(orientation, machine.switchRes.modeLine,
                                       machine.switchRes.videoModes, bestMode);

                    mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Recalculated index %d/%d modeline %s score %.02f %s\n",
                                        idx, machine.switchRes.modecount, bestMode->label, bestMode->score,
                                        (got_res >= 0)?"matches":"has no match");

                    if (idx) {
                        if (bestMode->custom) {
                            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Got %s modeline %s - %s:\n\t%s\n",
                                                bestMode->resolution, bestMode->label,
                                                PrintModeline(bestMode, modeline));
                        } else {
                            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Got %s modeline %s\n",
                        machine.switchRes.gameInfo.width = bestMode->a_width;
                        machine.switchRes.gameInfo.height = bestMode->a_height;
                    } else
                        virtualize = true;
                } else
                    virtualize = true;
                if (virtualize)
                    mame_printf_error("SwitchRes: Failed at finding a good modeline!!!\n");

            // Check if aspect ratio needs to be fixed
            if (bestMode->a_width > minwidth) {
                mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -keepaspect\n");
                options.set_value(WINOPTION_KEEPASPECT, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

            PrintModeline(machine.switchRes.modeLine, modeline);
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: New Modeline: \tModeLine     %s\n",

        // Set new resolution settings and reload it into the system
        if (!bestMode->custom || virtualize) {
            machine.switchRes.modeLine->result |= RESULT_VFREQ_CHANGE;
            success = true;
        } else if (!SetCustomVideoModes(&machine.switchRes.cs,
                                        bestMode, machine.switchRes.modeLine, 0))
            success = true;
        } else {
            machine.switchRes.modeLine->result |= RESULT_VIRTUALIZE;
            mame_printf_error("SwitchRes: Failed setting modeline!!!\n");
            success = false;

        // Calculate flags to set options

        // If not virtualizing, do 1:1 scaling from original for height/width
        if (!(machine.switchRes.modeLine->result & RESULT_VIRTUALIZE)) {
            if ((machine.switchRes.modeLine->result & (RESULT_RES_INC|RESULT_RES_DEC)))
                virtualize = true;
        } else
            virtualize = true;

        if (virtualize) {
            // Adjust settings if stretched resolution
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -hwstretch\n");
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_HWSTRETCH, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -keepaspect\n");
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_KEEPASPECT, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

            // Aspect ratio specified
            if ((machine.switchRes.gameInfo.orientation && !strcmp(machine.switchRes.cs.morientation, "horizontal")) ||
                    (!machine.switchRes.gameInfo.orientation && !strcmp(machine.switchRes.cs.morientation, "vertical")))
                mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -screen_aspect %s\n", machine.switchRes.cs.aspect);
                options.set_value(WINOPTION_ASPECT, machine.switchRes.cs.aspect, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

        // If interlacing, we need the filter on
        if (bestMode->interlace) {
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -filter\n");
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_FILTER, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

        // Only use soundsync if set by user and also vsync doesn't match, else turn it off
        if (machine.switchRes.modeLine->result & RESULT_VFREQ_CHANGE) {
            if (machine.options().soundsync()) {
                mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -soundsync\n");
                machine.switchRes.cs.soundsync = 1;
        } else {
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -nosoundsync\n");
            machine.switchRes.cs.soundsync = 0;

        if ((machine.switchRes.modeLine->result & RESULT_VFREQ_CHANGE && !options.sync_refresh()) || options.triple_buffer()) {
            // Resolution doesn't match refresh rate
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Disabling VSYNC\n");
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -throttle\n");
            options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -nowaitvsync\n");
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_WAITVSYNC, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);
        } else {
            // Resolution matches refresh rate
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Enabling VSYNC\n");
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -nothrottle\n");
            options.set_value(OPTION_THROTTLE, false, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -waitvsync\n");
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_WAITVSYNC, true, OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

        // Force resolution
        if (!use_ini) {
            sprintf(machine.switchRes.bestMode.resolution, "%dx%d@%d",
                    machine.switchRes.bestMode.hactive, machine.switchRes.bestMode.vactive,

            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: Setting Option -resolution %s\n", machine.switchRes.bestMode.resolution);
            options.set_value(WINOPTION_RESOLUTION, machine.switchRes.bestMode.resolution,
                              OPTION_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM, error_string);

            // Setup video config resolution parameters screen 1
            video_config.window[0].refresh = (int)machine.switchRes.bestMode.vfreq;
            video_config.window[0].width = machine.switchRes.bestMode.a_height;
            video_config.window[0].height = machine.switchRes.bestMode.a_width;
        } else
            mame_printf_verbose("SwitchRes: INI File resolution: %dx%d@%d\n",
                                video_config.window[0].width, video_config.window[0].height,

        machine.switchRes.cs.cleanstretch = machine.options().cleanstretch();

    } else {
        mame_printf_error("SwitchRes: Couldn't find a working resolution for %dx%d@%d\n",
    return success;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: giriko/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	WindowSDL *window = new WindowSDL(vs, "Pioneer");
	width = window->GetWidth();
	height = window->GetHeight();

	GLenum glew_err;
	if ((glew_err = glewInit()) != GLEW_OK)
		Error("GLEW initialisation failed: %s", glewGetErrorString(glew_err));

		std::ostringstream buf;

		FILE *f = FileSystem::userFiles.OpenWriteStream("opengl.txt", FileSystem::FileSourceFS::WRITE_TEXT);
		if (!f)
			Output("Could not open 'opengl.txt'\n");
		const std::string &s = buf.str();
		fwrite(s.c_str(), 1, s.size(), f);

	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0") )
		Error("OpenGL Version 2.0 is not supported. Pioneer cannot run on your graphics card.");

	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
		Error("OpenGL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported. Pioneer can not run on your graphics card.");

	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc"))
		Error("OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not supported.\nPioneer can not run on your graphics card as it does not support compressed (DXTn/S3TC) format textures.");

	// We deliberately ignore the value from GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, because some drivers
	// choose not to list any formats (despite supporting texture compression). See issue #3132.
	// This is (probably) allowed by the spec, which states that only formats which are "suitable
	// for general-purpose usage" should be enumerated.

	Renderer *renderer = new RendererGL2(window, vs);

	Output("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	return renderer;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Graphics.cpp プロジェクト: ZeframCochrane/pioneer
Renderer* Init(Settings vs)
	if (initted) return 0;

	// no mode set, find an ok one
	if ((vs.width <= 0) || (vs.height <= 0)) {
		const std::vector<VideoMode> modes = GetAvailableVideoModes();

		vs.width = modes.front().width;
		vs.height = modes.front().height;

	WindowSDL *window = new WindowSDL(vs, "Pioneer");
	width = window->GetWidth();
	height = window->GetHeight();

	glewExperimental = true;
	GLenum glew_err;
	if ((glew_err = glewInit()) != GLEW_OK)
		Error("GLEW initialisation failed: %s", glewGetErrorString(glew_err));

		std::ostringstream buf;

		FILE *f = FileSystem::userFiles.OpenWriteStream("opengl.txt", FileSystem::FileSourceFS::WRITE_TEXT);
		if (!f)
			Output("Could not open 'opengl.txt'\n");
		const std::string &s = buf.str();
		fwrite(s.c_str(), 1, s.size(), f);

	// pump this once as glewExperimental is necessary but spews a single error
	GLenum err = glGetError();

	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_3_2") )
		Error("OpenGL Version 3.2 is not supported. Pioneer cannot run on your graphics card.");

	// Brilliantly under OpenGL 3.2 CORE profile Glew says this isn't supported, this forces us to use a COMPATIBILITY profile :/
	if (!glewIsSupported("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc"))
		if (glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_texture_compression")) {
			GLint intv[4];
			glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &intv[0]);
			if( intv[0] == 0 ) {
				Error("GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS is zero.\nPioneer can not run on your graphics card as it does not support compressed (DXTn/S3TC) format textures.");
		} else {
			Error("OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not supported.\nPioneer can not run on your graphics card as it does not support compressed (DXTn/S3TC) format textures.");

	// We deliberately ignore the value from GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, because some drivers
	// choose not to list any formats (despite supporting texture compression). See issue #3132.
	// This is (probably) allowed by the spec, which states that only formats which are "suitable
	// for general-purpose usage" should be enumerated.

	Renderer *renderer = new RendererOGL(window, vs);

	Output("Initialized %s\n", renderer->GetName());

	std::ostringstream dummy;

	initted = true;

	MaterialDescriptor desc;
	desc.effect = EFFECT_VTXCOLOR;
	desc.vertexColors = true;
	vtxColorMaterial = renderer->CreateMaterial(desc);

	return renderer;