コード例 #1
  Function Name  : OnHeaderEndDrag
  Input(s)       : pNMHDR, pResult
  Output         : BOOL 
  Functionality  : Event is fired after column Drag is ended.
  Member of      : CRxMsgList
  Author(s)      : Arunkumar K
  Date Created   : 20-05-2010
  Modifications  : 
BOOL CRxMsgList::OnHeaderEndDrag(UINT, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* /*pResult*/)

	if (pNMH->pitem->mask & HDI_ORDER)
		// Correct iOrder so it is just after the last hidden column
		int nColCount = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
		int* pOrderArray = new int[nColCount];
		VERIFY( GetColumnOrderArray(pOrderArray, nColCount) );

		if(pNMH->iItem == 0 )
			pNMH->pitem->iOrder = 0;
			return FALSE;
		for(int i = 0; i < nColCount ; ++i)
			if (IsColumnVisible(pOrderArray[i]))
                pNMH->pitem->iOrder = max(pNMH->pitem->iOrder,i);
				if(pNMH->pitem->iOrder == 0)
		delete [] pOrderArray;
	return FALSE;
コード例 #2
void CSortingListControl::LoadPersistentAttributes()
	CArray<int, int> arr;

	GetColumnOrderArray(arr.GetData(), arr.GetSize());	
	CPersistence::GetColumnOrder(m_name, arr);
	SetColumnOrderArray(arr.GetSize(), arr.GetData());

	for (int i=0; i < arr.GetSize(); i++)
		arr[i]= GetColumnWidth(i);
	CPersistence::GetColumnWidths(m_name, arr);
	for (i=0; i < arr.GetSize(); i++)
		// To avoid "insane" settings we set the column width to
		// maximal twice the default width.
		int maxWidth= GetColumnWidth(i) * 2;
		int w= min(arr[i], maxWidth);
		SetColumnWidth(i, w);

	// Not so good: CPersistence::GetSorting(m_name, GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(), m_sorting.column1, m_sorting.ascending1, m_sorting.column2, m_sorting.ascending2);
	// We refrain from saving the sorting because it is too likely, that
	// users start up with insane settings and don't get it.
コード例 #3
void CListCtrlEx::DeleteHdrItem(int iItem)
	GetColumnOrderArray ((int*) aOrder, GetHeaderCtrl ()->GetItemCount ());
	int iCol = aOrder [m_aIndex [iItem]];
	DeleteColumn (iCol);
	RebuildAIndex ();
	OnForceUpdate ();
コード例 #4
void CSortingListControl::SavePersistentAttributes()
	CArray<int, int> arr;

	GetColumnOrderArray(arr.GetData(), arr.GetSize());	
	CPersistence::SetColumnOrder(m_name, arr);

	for (int i=0; i < arr.GetSize(); i++)
		arr[i]= GetColumnWidth(i);
	CPersistence::SetColumnWidths(m_name, arr);

	// Not so good: CPersistence::SetSorting(m_name, m_sorting.column1, m_sorting.ascending1, m_sorting.column2, m_sorting.ascending2);
コード例 #5
bool CReportCtrl::StoreHeaderState(LPCTSTR Key, LPCTSTR SubKey)
	DWORD	hsz = CalcHeaderStateSize(m_Columns);
	ph->Columns = m_Columns;
	ph->SortCol = SortCol();
	ph->SortDir = SortDir();
	int	cols = m_Columns;
	int	*pColWidth = &ph->ColInfo[cols];
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
		pColWidth[i] = GetColumnWidth(i);
	GetColumnOrderArray(ph->ColInfo, cols);
	bool	retc = CPersist::WriteBinary(Key, SubKey, ph, hsz) != 0;
	delete ph;
コード例 #6
void CListCtrlEx::SetColumnText(int iCol, LPCSTR pszText)
	m_appszCols [iCol] = pszText;

	if (m_aIndex [iCol] == -1)

	GetColumnOrderArray ((int*) aOrder, GetHeaderCtrl ()->GetItemCount ());

	iCol = aOrder [m_aIndex [iCol]];

	HDITEM item;
	item.mask = HDI_TEXT;
	item.pszText = (LPSTR) pszText;
	GetHeaderCtrl ()->SetItem (iCol, &item);
コード例 #7
void CListCtrlEx::RebuildAIndex()
	int cCols = GetHeaderCtrl ()->GetItemCount ();
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < m_cTotalCols; i++)
		m_aIndex [i] = -1;

	GetColumnOrderArray ((int*) aOrder, cCols);

	HDITEM item;
	item.mask = HDI_LPARAM;
	for (i = 0; i < cCols; i++)
		GetHeaderCtrl ()->GetItem (aOrder [i], &item);
		m_aIndex [item.lParam] = i;	
コード例 #8
ファイル: DownloadedListView.cpp プロジェクト: Runcy/unDonut
void CDownloadedListView::OnDestroy()
	// 設定を保存する
	CString strIniFile = Misc::GetFullPath_ForExe(_T("Download.ini"));
	CIniFileO pr(strIniFile, _T("DownloadedListView"));
	int nColumnCount = GetColumnCount();
	unique_ptr<int[]> pColumnOrder(new int[nColumnCount]);
	GetColumnOrderArray(nColumnCount, pColumnOrder.get());
	for (int i = 0; i < nColumnCount; ++i) {
		CString strColumnOrder = _T("ColumnOrder");
		pr.SetValue(pColumnOrder[i], strColumnOrder);

	for (int i = 0; i < nColumnCount; ++i) {
		int nWidth = GetColumnWidth(i);
		CString strWidth = _T("ColumnWidth");
		pr.SetValue(nWidth, strWidth);

コード例 #9
void CListCtrlEx::SaveState(LPCSTR pszName)
	int *piWidthes;	
	piWidthes = new int [m_cTotalCols];

	GetColumnOrderArray ((int*) aOrder, GetHeaderCtrl ()->GetItemCount ());

	for (int i = 0; i < m_cTotalCols; i++)
		if (m_aIndex [i] != -1)
			piWidthes [i] = GetColumnWidth (aOrder [m_aIndex [i]]);
			piWidthes [i] = -1;	

	CString strIndexes = pszName, strWidthes = pszName;
	strIndexes += 'I';
	strWidthes += 'W';

	_App.WriteProfileBinary (_T ("Settings\\View\\ListViews"), strIndexes, (LPBYTE)m_aIndex, m_cTotalCols * sizeof (int));
	_App.WriteProfileBinary (_T ("Settings\\View\\ListViews"), strWidthes, (LPBYTE)piWidthes, m_cTotalCols * sizeof (int));

	delete [] piWidthes;
コード例 #10
ファイル: RxMsgList.cpp プロジェクト: Ferrere/busmaster
  Function Name  : ShowColumn
  Input(s)       : nCol, bShow
  Output         : BOOL
  Functionality  : Shows/Hides a Column nCol based on boolean bShow.
  Member of      : CRxMsgList
  Author(s)      : Arunkumar K
  Date Created   : 20-05-2010
  Modifications  :
BOOL CRxMsgList::ShowColumn(int nCol, bool bShow)
    ColumnState& columnState = GetColumnState(nCol);
    int nColCount = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
    int* pOrderArray = new int[nColCount];
    VERIFY( GetColumnOrderArray(pOrderArray, nColCount) );

    if (bShow)
        // Restore the position of the column
        int nCurIndex = -1;

        for(int i = 0; i < nColCount ; ++i)
            if (pOrderArray[i]==nCol)
                nCurIndex = i;
            else if (nCurIndex!=-1)
                // We want to move it to the original position,
                // and after the last hidden column
                if ( (i <= columnState.m_OrgPosition)
                        || !IsColumnVisible(pOrderArray[i])
                    pOrderArray[nCurIndex] = pOrderArray[i];
                    pOrderArray[i] = nCol;
                    nCurIndex = i;
        // Move the column to the front of the display order list
        int nCurIndex(-1);

        for(int i = nColCount-1; i >=0 ; --i)
            if (pOrderArray[i]==nCol)
                // Backup the current position of the column
                columnState.m_OrgPosition = i;
                nCurIndex = i;
            else if (nCurIndex!=-1)
                pOrderArray[nCurIndex] = pOrderArray[i];
                pOrderArray[i] = nCol;
                nCurIndex = i;

    VERIFY( SetColumnOrderArray(nColCount, pOrderArray) );
    delete [] pOrderArray;

    if (bShow)
        // Restore the column width
        columnState.m_Visible = true;
        VERIFY( SetColumnWidth(nCol, columnState.m_OrgWidth) );
        // Backup the column width
        if(GetColumnWidth(nCol) == 0)
            columnState.m_Visible = false;
            int orgWidth = GetColumnWidth(nCol);
            VERIFY( SetColumnWidth(nCol, 0) );
            columnState.m_Visible = false;
            columnState.m_OrgWidth = orgWidth;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #11
This function saves the columns widths of the listctrl to the registry.
This is called in two places, OnDestroy, and OnEndTrack in the headerCtrl class.
void CMultiColumnSortListCtrl::SaveColumnSettings()
	//You must set a unique name for every listctrl
	ASSERT( m_strUniqueName.GetLength() );

	int nIndex;	//for the loops

	Save the widths
	CString strEntry( m_strUniqueName );
	CString strValue;

	int iNumColumns = GetColumnCount();
	for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < iNumColumns; nIndex++ )
		CString strTemp;
		strTemp.Format( "%d,", GetColumnWidth(nIndex) );
		strValue += strTemp;

	//write to the registry
	AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString( m_strColumnWidthSection, strEntry, strValue );

	Save the column's order
	LPINT pnOrder = (LPINT)malloc(iNumColumns*sizeof(int));
	ASSERT(pnOrder != NULL);

	if( pnOrder )
		GetColumnOrderArray(pnOrder, iNumColumns);
		CString strColumnOrder;
		for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < iNumColumns; nIndex++ )
			CString strTemp;
			strTemp.Format( "%d,", pnOrder[nIndex] );
			strColumnOrder += strTemp;
		//write to the registry
		AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString( m_strColumnOrderSection, strEntry, strColumnOrder );


	Save the sort order
	It saves the column numbers, it's negative if ASCENDING
	CString strColumnSort;
	int iNumCombinedSortedCols = GetNumCombinedSortedColumns();

	//store the m_lColumnSortStates first
		CString strTemp;
		strTemp.Format( "%d,", m_lColumnSortStates );
		strColumnSort += strTemp;

	//iterate the columns
	for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < iNumCombinedSortedCols; nIndex++ )
		SORT_STATE ssEachItem = GetItemSortState( m_aCombinedSortedColumns[nIndex] );
		CString strTemp;
		strTemp.Format( "%d,", m_aCombinedSortedColumns[nIndex] );
		strColumnSort += strTemp;

	//write to the registry
	AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString( m_strColumnSortSection, strEntry, strColumnSort );
コード例 #12
BOOL COwnerDrawnListControl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
    int i = 0;
    ASSERT(GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount() > 0);

    // We should recalculate m_yFirstItem here (could have changed e.g. when
    // the XP-Theme changed).
    if(GetItemCount() > 0)
        CRect rc;
        GetItemRect(GetTopIndex(), rc, LVIR_BOUNDS);
        m_yFirstItem = rc.top;
    // else: if we did the same thing as in OnColumnsCreated(), we get
    // repaint problems.

    const COLORREF gridColor = RGB(212,208,200);

    CRect rcClient;

    CRect rcHeader;

    CRect rcBetween = rcClient; // between header and first item
    rcBetween.top = rcHeader.bottom;
    rcBetween.bottom = m_yFirstItem;
    pDC->FillSolidRect(rcBetween, gridColor);

    CArray<int, int> columnOrder;
    GetColumnOrderArray(columnOrder.GetData(), int(columnOrder.GetSize()));

    CArray<int, int> vertical;

    int x = - GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
    HDITEM hdi;
    ZeroMemory(&hdi, sizeof(hdi));
    hdi.mask = HDI_WIDTH;
    for(i = 0; i < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); i++)
        GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItem(columnOrder[i], &hdi);
        x += hdi.cxy;
        vertical[i]= x;

        CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, gridColor);
        CSelectObject sopen(pDC, &pen);

        for(int y = m_yFirstItem + GetRowHeight() - 1; y < rcClient.bottom; y += GetRowHeight())
            pDC->MoveTo(rcClient.left, y);
            pDC->LineTo(rcClient.right, y);

        // BUGBUG: re-using i could be a potential bug!
        for(i = 0; i < vertical.GetSize(); i++)
            pDC->MoveTo(vertical[i] - 1, rcClient.top);
            pDC->LineTo(vertical[i] - 1, rcClient.bottom);

    const int gridWidth = m_showGrid ? 1 : 0;
    const COLORREF bgcolor = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);

    const int lineCount = GetCountPerPage() + 1;
    const int firstItem = GetTopIndex();
    const int lastItem = min(firstItem + lineCount, GetItemCount()) - 1;

    ASSERT(GetItemCount() == 0 || firstItem < GetItemCount());
    ASSERT(GetItemCount() == 0 || lastItem < GetItemCount());
    ASSERT(GetItemCount() == 0 || lastItem >= firstItem);

    const int itemCount = lastItem - firstItem + 1;

    CRect fill;
    fill.left = vertical[vertical.GetSize() - 1];
    fill.right = rcClient.right;
    fill.top = m_yFirstItem;
    fill.bottom = fill.top + GetRowHeight() - gridWidth;
    for(i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
        pDC->FillSolidRect(fill, bgcolor);
        fill.OffsetRect(0, GetRowHeight());

    int top = fill.top;
    while(top < rcClient.bottom)
        fill.top = top;
        fill.bottom = top + GetRowHeight() - gridWidth;

        int left = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < vertical.GetSize(); i++)
            fill.left = left;
            fill.right = vertical[i] - gridWidth;

            pDC->FillSolidRect(fill, bgcolor);

            left = vertical[i];
        fill.left = left;
        fill.right = rcClient.right;
        pDC->FillSolidRect(fill, bgcolor);

        top += GetRowHeight();

    return true;