コード例 #1
QVariant model::DbContainerModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
	TreeNode* node = Index2Node(index);
	if (node != nullptr)
		switch (role)
		case Qt::DisplayRole:
		case ItemNameRole:
			return GetDisplayData(node, index.row());
		case ItemTypeRole:
			return QVariant::fromValue(node->GetElement()->Type());
		case ItemSizeRole:
			return GetSizeData(node);
			return QVariant();
	return QVariant();
コード例 #2
void CPageDisplay::Update()
	int				max_rate[NUM_STATUS_BARS];
	CString			max_range_text;
	double			stat_double;
	CString			stat_string;

	// Setting ranges on status bar display based on selections.
	for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_BARS; i++ )
		max_rate[i] = GetMaxRange( &(barcharts[i].results[GetWhichPerf()]), barcharts[i].result_to_display );

	// If the results to display are the same, giving them the same ranges for easier comparisons.
	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_BARS - 1; i++)
		for ( int j = i; j < NUM_STATUS_BARS; j++ )
			if ( barcharts[i].result_to_display == barcharts[j].result_to_display )
				if ( max_rate[i] > max_rate[j] )
					max_rate[j] = max_rate[i];
					max_rate[i] = max_rate[j];

	// Setting ranges on status bar and displaying range value.
	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_STATUS_BARS; i++ )
		( (CProgressCtrl*)GetDlgItem( PRate1 + i ) )->SetRange( 0, max_rate[i] );

		// See if results are displaying a percentage.
		if ( ( barcharts[i].result_to_display >= CPU_UTILIZATION_RESULT ) && 
			( barcharts[i].result_to_display <= IRQ_UTILIZATION_RESULT ) )
			max_range_text.Format( "%d %%", max_rate[i] );		// display % sign
			( (CStatic*)GetDlgItem( TRate1MAX + i ) )->SetWindowText( max_range_text );
			max_range_text.Format( "%d", max_rate[i] );			// displaying a rate
			( (CStatic*)GetDlgItem( TRate1MAX + i ) )->SetWindowText( max_range_text );

		// Update the name.
		SetDlgItemText( TWorker1 + i, barcharts[i].name );

		// Get the performance data to display (a number and a string)
		GetDisplayData(	&(barcharts[i].results[GetWhichPerf()]), 
			barcharts[i].result_to_display, &stat_double, &stat_string );

		// Update the appropriate progress bar
		((CProgressCtrl *) GetDlgItem( PRate1 + i ))->SetPos( (int) stat_double );

		// Display the new value to the user
		((CStatic *) GetDlgItem( TRate1 + i ))->SetWindowText( stat_string );

	// Update the data.

	// Update the big meter dialog, if it exists.
	if ( m_dlgBigMeter.is_displayed )