コード例 #1
ファイル: plAGAnim.cpp プロジェクト: Asteral/Plasma
// ExtendToLength ----------------------------
// ---------------
void plAGAnim::ExtendToLength(float length)
    if (length > GetEnd())
コード例 #2
* CTextRun::Speak() *
*	Description:  
*       Uses *plStart and *plEnd to find the nearest start and 
*       endpoints for speaking (to the nearest word).
*       Returns these values in plStart and plEnd.
*		Speaks the text associated with this CTextRun from *plStart 
*       to *plEnd.  
*       If *plStart is not within the range, then 
*       start at the beginning.  If lEnd is not within range, then
*       end at the end.  
* 	Return:
*       S_OK
*       E_POINTER
*		Return value of CTextRun::Speak()
HRESULT CTextRun::Speak( ISpVoice &rVoice, 
                               long *plStart,
                               long *plEnd )
    if ( !plStart || !plEnd )
        return E_POINTER;
    _ASSERTE( m_cpTextRange );
    if ( !m_cpTextRange )
        return E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Save the old range
    long lOldStart = GetStart();
    long lOldEnd = GetEnd();

    // Out of range start or end means we start speaking from the start
    // or end (resp.) of the text range.
    if ( WithinRange( *plStart ) )
        // The start needs to be moved
        SetStart( *plStart );
        *plStart = GetStart();

    if ( WithinRange( *plEnd ) )
        // The end needs to be moved
        SetEnd( *plEnd );
        *plEnd = GetEnd();

    // Expand to include whole words
    m_cpTextRange->Expand( tomWord, NULL );

    // Get the new start and end so that we can pass them back
    m_cpTextRange->GetStart( plStart );
    m_cpTextRange->GetEnd( plEnd );

    // We should never speak past the end of this run, even if expanding to include
    // whole words caused extra text to be included 
    // (e.g. if you typed "This is a sentence" and dictated some text that 
    // consumed leading spaces right afterwards)
    *plStart = __max( *plStart, lOldStart );
    *plEnd = __min( *plEnd, lOldEnd );
    SetStart( *plStart );
    SetEnd( *plEnd );

    // Pass to the CTextRun::Speak() that speaks an entire run
    HRESULT hr = Speak( rVoice );

    // Restore the old range limits
    SetStart( lOldStart );
    SetEnd( lOldEnd );

    return hr;
}   /* CTextRun::Speak */
コード例 #3
* CTextRun::IsDegenerate *
*   Description:
*       Determines whether "this" has a degenerate range associated
*       with it.
*   Return:
*       true iff start == end
bool CTextRun::IsDegenerate()
    return ( GetStart() == GetEnd() );
}   /* CTextRun::IsDegenerate */
コード例 #4
ファイル: Replay.cpp プロジェクト: yati-sagade/PerlitoMonkey
 /* Extend the buffer over the content of the other buffer, assuming it is
  * adjacent. */
 void Extend(Buffer aOther)
   MOZ_ASSERT(aOther.mBuf == GetEnd());
   mLength += aOther.mLength;
コード例 #5
* CTextRun::Concatenate *
*	Description:  
*		If possible, concatenates pNext (pPrev if fConcatAfter is false)
*       onto the end of this.
*       Another CTextRun can always be concatenated on, unless it 
*       contains dictation.
* 	Return:
*		E_NOMERGE if could not be merged (because pTextRun is dictation)
MERGERESULT CTextRun::Concatenate( CTextRun *pTextRun, bool fConcatAfter )
    if ( !pTextRun || !m_cpTextRange )
        return E_NOMERGE;

    // Check for compatibility: In this case, neither mergee can be 
    // a dict run
    if ( IsDict() || pTextRun->IsDict() )
        return E_NOMERGE;

    // lNewBound will be the new end (resp. start) of the run, if the 
    // concatenation is successful
    long lNewBound;
    // Concatenation is possible iff one run ends exactly where the other
    // begins.
    // If concatenation is possible, do it.
    if ( fConcatAfter )
        // Will be concatenating pTextRun onto the end of this
        if ( GetEnd() != pTextRun->GetStart() )
            // They are not consecutive runs
            return E_NOMERGE;

        // lNewBound will be the new end of the run, if the 
        // concatenation is successful
        lNewBound = pTextRun->GetEnd();
        // Swallow up pTextRun by setting our end to its end
        SetEnd( lNewBound );

        // Make pTextRun degenerate
        pTextRun->SetStart( lNewBound );
        // Will be concatenating pTextRun onto the beginning of this
        if ( GetStart() != pTextRun->GetEnd() )
            return E_NOMERGE;

        // lNewBound will be the new start of the run, if the 
        // concatenation is successful
        lNewBound = pTextRun->GetStart();

        // Swallow up pTextRun by setting our start to its start
        SetStart( lNewBound );

        // Make pTextRun degenerate
        pTextRun->SetEnd( lNewBound );

    return E_FULLMERGE;
}   /* CTextRun::Concatenate */
コード例 #6
ファイル: AString.cpp プロジェクト: JeremieA/fastbuild
// Tokenize
void AString::Tokenize( Array< AString > & tokens, char splitChar ) const
	Array< const char * > tokenStarts;
	Array< const char * > tokenEnds;

	const char * pos = Get();
	const char * end = GetEnd();
	bool lookingForStart = true;
	char quoteChar = 0;
	while ( pos < end )
		if ( lookingForStart )
			if ( *pos == splitChar )

			// found the start of a new token
			tokenStarts.Append( pos );
			lookingForStart = false;

		// hit a quote?
		char c = *pos;
		if ( ( c == '"' ) || ( c == '\'' ) )
			if ( quoteChar == 0 )
				// opening quote
				quoteChar = c;
			else if ( quoteChar == c )
				// closing quote
				quoteChar = 0;
				// quote of the 'other' type - consider as part of token
		else if ( c == splitChar )
			if ( quoteChar == 0 )
				tokenEnds.Append( pos );
				lookingForStart = true;
				// space inside quoted token - consider as part of token
			// normal character part of token
	ASSERT( ( tokenStarts.GetSize() == tokenEnds.GetSize() ) ||
			( tokenStarts.GetSize() == ( tokenEnds.GetSize() + 1 ) ) );
	if ( tokenStarts.GetSize() > tokenEnds.GetSize() )
		tokenEnds.Append( pos );
	ASSERT( tokenStarts.GetSize() == tokenEnds.GetSize() );

	// pre-size output to avoid reallocations
	const size_t numTokens( tokenStarts.GetSize() );
	if ( tokens.GetCapacity() < numTokens )
		tokens.SetCapacity( numTokens );
	tokens.SetSize( numTokens );

	// copy tokens
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numTokens; ++i )
		tokens[ i ].Assign( tokenStarts[ i ], tokenEnds[ i ] );
コード例 #7
ファイル: range.hpp プロジェクト: andrewjinyounglee/PerVERT
  * Tells if the range contains all addresses in another range.
  *  @param[in] range    Range to test.
  * @return  TRUE if range contains \a range.
 bool Contains(const RANGE &range) const
     return (Contains(range.m_base) && !range.Contains(GetEnd()));
コード例 #8
ファイル: range.hpp プロジェクト: andrewjinyounglee/PerVERT
  * Aligns the starting and ending addresses of the range.  Afterwards, the
  * original range is contained by the new one, and the start and end are aligned.
  *  @param[in] alignment    Desired alignement (bytes).
 void AlignEndpoints(size_t alignment)
     ADDRTYPE end = RoundUp(GetEnd(), alignment);
     _base = RoundDown(_base, alignment);
     _size = end - _base;
コード例 #9
bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* aDC )
    int ItemCount = 0;
    bool nextCmd = false;
    BLOCK_SELECTOR* block = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate;
    wxPoint pt;

    auto panel =static_cast<SCH_DRAW_PANEL*>(m_canvas);
    auto view = panel->GetView();
    auto area = view->GetSelectionArea();

    auto start = area->GetOrigin();
    auto end = area->GetEnd();

    block->SetOrigin( wxPoint( start.x, start.y ) );
    block->SetEnd( wxPoint( end.x, end.y ) );

    view->ShowSelectionArea( false );

    if( block->GetCount() )
        BLOCK_STATE_T state     = block->GetState();
        BLOCK_COMMAND_T command = block->GetCommand();

        m_canvas->CallEndMouseCapture( aDC );

        block->SetState( state );
        block->SetCommand( command );
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines, AbortBlockCurrentCommand );

        if( block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_ABORT
            && block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_DUPLICATE
            && block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_COPY
            && block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_CUT
            && block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_DELETE )
            SetCrossHairPosition( block->GetEnd() );

    if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
        switch( block->GetCommand() )
        case  BLOCK_IDLE:
            DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace" ) );

        case BLOCK_DRAG:        // Drag
        case BLOCK_DRAG_ITEM:
        case BLOCK_MOVE:        // Move
        case BLOCK_DUPLICATE:   // Duplicate
            if( GetCurPart() )
                ItemCount = BlockSelectItems( GetCurPart(), block, m_unit, m_convert, m_syncPinEdit );

            if( ItemCount )
                nextCmd = true;
                block->SetState( STATE_BLOCK_MOVE );

                if( block->GetCommand() == BLOCK_DUPLICATE )
                    if( block->AppendUndo() )
                        ; // UR_LIBEDIT saves entire state, so no need to append anything more
                        SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurPart(), UR_LIBEDIT );

                    BlockCopySelectedItems( pt, GetCurPart(), block );
                    block->SetLastCursorPosition( GetCrossHairPosition( true ) );

                m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( DrawMovingBlockOutlines );
                m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
                m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
                m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

        case BLOCK_COPY:    // Save a copy of items in the clipboard buffer
        case BLOCK_CUT:
            if( GetCurPart() )
                ItemCount = BlockSelectItems( GetCurPart(), block, m_unit, m_convert, m_syncPinEdit );

            if( ItemCount )
                auto cmd = block->GetCommand();

                if( cmd == BLOCK_COPY )
                    BlockClearSelectedItems( GetCurPart(), block );
                else if( cmd == BLOCK_CUT )
                    if( block->AppendUndo() )
                        ; // UR_LIBEDIT saves entire state, so no need to append anything more
                        SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurPart(), UR_LIBEDIT );

                    BlockDeleteSelectedItems( GetCurPart(), block );

        case BLOCK_DELETE:     // Delete
            if( GetCurPart() )
                ItemCount = BlockSelectItems( GetCurPart(), block, m_unit, m_convert, m_syncPinEdit );

            if( block->AppendUndo() )
                ; // UR_LIBEDIT saves entire state, so no need to append anything more
            else if( ItemCount )
                SaveCopyInUndoList( GetCurPart(), UR_LIBEDIT );

            if( GetCurPart() )
                BlockDeleteSelectedItems( GetCurPart(), block );

        case BLOCK_PASTE:
        case BLOCK_ROTATE:
        case BLOCK_MIRROR_X:
        case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y:
        case BLOCK_FLIP:
            wxFAIL; // should not happen

        case BLOCK_ZOOM:     // Window Zoom
            Window_Zoom( *block );

        case BLOCK_ABORT:


        case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE:          // not used in LibEdit
        case BLOCK_DUPLICATE_AND_INCREMENT: // not used in Eeschema
        case BLOCK_MOVE_EXACT:              // not used in Eeschema

    if( block->GetCommand() == BLOCK_ABORT )

    if( !nextCmd )
        if( block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_SELECT_ITEMS_ONLY && GetCurPart() )
            BlockClearSelectedItems( GetCurPart(), block );

        GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
        m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), GetGalCanvas()->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
                                   false );

    view->ShowSelectionArea( false );
    view->ShowPreview( nextCmd );

    return nextCmd;
コード例 #10
ファイル: astar.cpp プロジェクト: Spacetech/gmodmodules
NodeList_t& AStar::FindPath()

	FoundPath = false;

	//Msg("Reset Variables: %i, %i, %i\n", Path.Count(), Opened.Count(), Closed.Count());

	if(GetStart() == GetEnd())
		//Msg("Start Is End\n");
		return Path;

	// 1) Add the starting node to the open list.
	Start->SetStatus(NULL, 0, 0, 0);

	float CurrentScoreG;
	float ScoreF, ScoreG, ScoreH;
	NodeList_t Links;
	AStarNode *Current = NULL, *LastNode = NULL, *Link = NULL;

	//Msg("Added Node\n");

	// 2) Repeat the following:
		// a) Look for the lowest F cost square on the open list. We refer to this as the current square.
		Current = FindLowestF();

		if(Current != NULL)
			LastNode = Current;

			if(Current->GetPos() == End->GetPos())
				FoundPath = true;
				CurrentScoreG = Current->GetScoreG();

				// b) Switch it to the closed list.

				// c) For each of the nodes linked to this node...
				Links = Current->GetLinks();

				ScoreH = HeuristicDistance(Current->GetPos(), End->GetPos());

				//Msg("Found Lowest F: %i | %f, %f, %f\n", Links.Count(), Current->GetPos().x, Current->GetPos().y, Current->GetPos().z);

				for(int i = 0; i < Links.Count(); i++)
					Link = Links[i];

					if(Link != NULL)

						// If it is not walkable or if it is on the closed list, ignore it.

							// If it isn’t on the open list, add it to the open list. Make the current node the parent of this node. Record the F, G, and H costs of the node. 
								ScoreG = CurrentScoreG + HeuristicDistance(Current->GetPos(), Link->GetPos());
								ScoreF = ScoreG + ScoreH;
								Link->SetStatus(Current, ScoreF, ScoreG, ScoreH);

							//if(Link->Opened()) Always true?
								if(CurrentScoreG > ScoreG)
									//Msg("Set Parent\n");
									//Msg("%f | %f\n", CurrentScoreG, ScoreG);
			//Msg("Failed to find Lowest F\n");

	return CalcPath(LastNode);