コード例 #1
ファイル: symref.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
/*  SRSendNewDatabase - send a change-database request to server
 *  psz     name of new database.  This name is rootpath'd as the
 *          server may be operating on a different directory/drive
void SRSendNewDatabase (PSZ psz)
    char szFile[MAX_PATH];

	char szTmp[MAX_PATH];

	rootpath (psz, szTmp);

	GetGlobalName (szTmp, szFile);

	HANDLE hServer;
	char sz[CBMSG];

	sprintf (sz, "%s %s", CMD_SET_DATABASE, szFile);

	hServer = OpenDatabase (FALSE);

	SendSz (hServer, sz);

	CloseDatabase (hServer);
コード例 #2
ファイル: symref.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
/*  SRSendAddDirectory - send an index-file request to server
 *  psz     name of file to be indexed. This name is rootpath'd as the
 *          server may be operating on a different directory/drive
void SRSendAddDirectory (PSZ psz)
    char szFile[MAX_PATH];

	char szTmp[MAX_PATH];

	rootpath (psz, szTmp);

	GetGlobalName (szTmp, szFile);

	HANDLE hServer;
	char sz[CBMSG];

	sprintf (sz, "%s %s", CMD_ADD_DIRECTORY, szFile);

	printf ("%s", szFile);

	hServer = OpenDatabase (TRUE);

	SendSz (hServer, sz);

	CloseDatabase (hServer);

	printf ("\n");

コード例 #3
CMHandlerAddr CM_FIXEDARGS CMGetOperation(CMType targetType,
																					CMconst_CMGlobalName operationType)
	TOCObjectPtr 	 theObject;
	TOCValuePtr		 theValue;
	ContainerPtr 	 container;
	CM_CHAR	 			 *typeName;
	MetaHandlerPtr metaHandler;
	GetOpComArea 	 getOpComArea;
	ExitIfBadType(targetType, NULL);									/* validate targetType							*/

	theObject = (TOCObjectPtr)targetType;
	container = theObject->container;
	/* Walk the entire object and look at all the values to find the value for a global		*/
	/* name.  The object can have other properties and values, but there better be only 	*/
	/* one global name.  The object is walked with cmWalkObject().  The "refCon" we pass	*/
	/* is a pointer to a communication area which will hold the count of the global name	*/
	/* values and the pointer to it.  As just mentioned, if the count comes back other 		*/
	/* than 1, we have an error.																													*/
	getOpComArea.theValue = NULL;											/* init value ptr to no value yet		*/
	getOpComArea.nbrOfGlobalNames = 0;								/* there are no global names yet too*/
	cmWalkObject(container, theObject, &getOpComArea, NULL, NULL, NULL, checkValue);
	/* Get the global name for this type. The type must have only one property, one value,*/
	/* and that value must be for a global name.																					*/
	if (getOpComArea.nbrOfGlobalNames > 1) {					/* must have exactly 1 global name	*/
		ERROR2(CM_err_AmbiguousType, "CMGetOperation", CONTAINERNAME);
		return (NULL);

	if (getOpComArea.nbrOfGlobalNames == 0) {
		ERROR2(CM_err_TypeNotGlobal, "CMGetOperation", CONTAINERNAME);
		return (NULL);
	/* Set the typeName to point at the global name now that we're happy there is one...	*/
	theValue = getOpComArea.theValue;
	if (theValue == NULL) return (NULL);							/* safety														*/
	typeName = GetGlobalName(theValue->value.globalName.globalNameSymbol);
	/* Use the global name to look up the metahandler in the meta handler symbol table.		*/
	/* A few things can go wrong here, but if we successfully found a metahandler symbol	*/
	/* table entry we use the resulting metahandler proc pointer to get the routine				*/
	/* address for the input operationType.  That's what we return.												*/
	if ((metaHandler = cmLookupMetaHandler((CM_UCHAR *)typeName, SESSION)) == NULL) { 
		ERROR1(CM_err_UndefMetaHandler, typeName);
		return (NULL);
	if (!SessionSuccess) {														/* if allocation error...						*/
		ERROR1(CM_err_HandlerError, typeName);					/* ...yell													*/
		return (NULL);
	return ((CMHandlerAddr)(*metaHandler->metaHandler)(NULL, operationType));
コード例 #4
void CBasePlayer::CheatImpulseCommands( int iImpulse )
	if( !UTIL_CheatsAllowed() )

	switch( iImpulse )
	case 76:
			if( !g_bPrecacheGrunt )
				g_bPrecacheGrunt = true;
				ALERT( at_console, "You must now restart to use Grunt-o-matic.\n" );
				UTIL_MakeVectors( Vector( 0, GetViewAngle().y, 0 ) );
				Create( "monster_human_grunt", GetAbsOrigin() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, GetAbsAngles() );

	case 101:
			gEvilImpulse101 = true;
			GiveNamedItem( "item_suit" );
			GiveNamedItem( "item_battery" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crowbar" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmhandgun" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_shotgun" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_buckshot" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmAR" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmAR" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_ARgrenades" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_handgrenade" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_tripmine" );

			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_357" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_357" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crossbow" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_crossbow" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_egon" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_gauss" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_gaussclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_rpg" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_rpgclip" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_satchel" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_snark" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_hornetgun" );

			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_knife" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_pipewrench" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_grapple" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_eagle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_m249" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_displacer" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_sniperrifle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_sporelauncher" );
			GiveNamedItem( "weapon_shockrifle" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_556" );
			GiveNamedItem( "ammo_762" );

			gEvilImpulse101 = false;

	case 102:
			// Gibbage!!!
			CGib::SpawnRandomGibs( this, 1, 1 );

	case 103:
			// What the hell are you doing?
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				CBaseMonster *pMonster = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer();
				if( pMonster )

	case 104:
			// Dump all of the global state varaibles (and global entity names)

	case	105:// player makes no sound for monsters to hear.
			if( m_fNoPlayerSound )
				ALERT( at_console, "Player is audible\n" );
				m_fNoPlayerSound = false;
				ALERT( at_console, "Player is silent\n" );
				m_fNoPlayerSound = true;

	case 106:
			// Give me the classname and targetname of this entity.
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				ALERT( at_console, "Classname: %s", pEntity->GetClassname() );

				if( pEntity->HasTargetname() )
					ALERT( at_console, " - Targetname: %s\n", pEntity->GetTargetname() );
					ALERT( at_console, " - TargetName: No Targetname\n" );

				ALERT( at_console, "Model: %s\n", pEntity->GetModelName() );
				if( HasGlobalName() )
					ALERT( at_console, "Globalname: %s\n", pEntity->GetGlobalName() );


	case 107:
			TraceResult tr;

			CBaseEntity* pWorld = CWorld::GetInstance();

			Vector start = GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset();
			Vector end = start + gpGlobals->v_forward * 1024;
			UTIL_TraceLine( start, end, ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr );
			if( tr.pHit )
				pWorld = CBaseEntity::Instance( tr.pHit );
			const texture_t* pTexture = UTIL_TraceTexture( pWorld, start, end );
			if( pTexture )
				ALERT( at_console, "Texture: %s\n", pTexture->name );

	case	195:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_fly", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	196:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_large", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	197:// show shortest paths for entire level to nearest node
			Create( "node_viewer_human", GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles() );

	case	199:// show nearest node and all connections
			ALERT( at_console, "%d\n", WorldGraph.FindNearestNode( GetAbsOrigin(), bits_NODE_GROUP_REALM ) );
			WorldGraph.ShowNodeConnections( WorldGraph.FindNearestNode( GetAbsOrigin(), bits_NODE_GROUP_REALM ) );

	case	202:// Random blood splatter
			UTIL_MakeVectors( GetViewAngle() );
			TraceResult tr;
			UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset(), GetAbsOrigin() + GetViewOffset() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr );

			if( tr.flFraction != 1.0 )
			{// line hit something, so paint a decal
				auto pBlood = static_cast< CBloodSplat* >( UTIL_CreateNamedEntity( "blood_splat" ) );
				pBlood->CreateSplat( this );

	case	203:// remove creature.
			auto pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityForward( this );
			if( pEntity )
				if( pEntity->GetTakeDamageMode() != DAMAGE_NO )
					pEntity->SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove );