コード例 #1
ファイル: Engine.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
// This is a WINDOWS dedicated function
// LATER: This function doesn't work as expected, it won't "blink" on and off, and I cann't find a solution yet
void EngineApp::FlashWhileMinimized( void )
#if !defined( _WINDOWS ) && !defined( WINDOWS )

   if( !m_pWindow )
   HWND hwnd = GetHwnd();
   ENG_ASSERT( hwnd );
   // If the window is minized
   if( GetWindowState() & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED )
      float totalTime = 0.f;
      SDL_Event event;
      FlashWindow( hwnd, true );

      while( true )
         if( SDL_PeepEvents( &event, 1, SDL_PEEKEVENT, SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT ) > 0 )
            // wait for processing if close or other window event is called
            if( event.type != SDL_WINDOWEVENT ||  event.type != SDL_QUIT )
            // Not minimized anymore, flash for once and break
            if( !( GetWindowState() & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ) )
               FlashWindow( GetHwnd(), false );
         else // The window has no upcoming message, keep flashing 
            totalTime += GetGlobalTimer()->GetElapsedTime();
            if( totalTime > 1.0f )
               totalTime -= 1.0f;
               FlashWindow( GetHwnd(), true );

コード例 #2
	double PrecisionTimer::GetTimer() const
		double delta = GetGlobalTimer() - startCount;
		// could be < 0 after call to Reset, so clamp
		return delta < 0.0? 0.0 : delta;
コード例 #3
ファイル: checkpoint.cpp プロジェクト: ClockMan/chaos-share
	int Checkpoint::Send( const Topic &node )
		/* Optionally update our own timestamp before we send on our information */
		if (( m_TopicFlags & TOPIC_TIMESTAMP_FLAG ) != 0 )
			m_tTime = GetGlobalTimer().Get();

		return TopicSource::Send( node );
コード例 #4
ファイル: Engine.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
void EngineApp::SingleLoop( void )
   static double fAppTime = 0.0;
   static double fAbsoluteTime = 0.0;
   static float  fElapasedTime = 0.0f;
   GetGlobalTimer()->GetTimeValues( &fAppTime, &fAbsoluteTime, &fElapasedTime );

   OnUpdateGame( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );

   OnFrameRender( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );
コード例 #5
ファイル: Engine.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
// class GameCodeApp::PumpUntilMessage			- Chapter 10, page 295
int EngineApp::PumpUntilMessage( Uint32& eventEnd, Sint32& code )
   SDL_Event event;
	int currentTime = timeGetTime();
	for ( ;; )
		if ( SDL_PeepEvents( &event, 1, SDL_PEEKEVENT, SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT ) > 0 )
         // it should be the event we want
			if ( event.type == eventEnd )
            eventEnd = event.user.type;
            code = event.user.code;
            // Default processing
			// Update the game views, but nothing else! ( actor & game logic state skipped ) 
			// Remember this is a modal screen.
			if ( m_pEngineLogic )
				double fAppTime = 0.0;
            double fAbsoluteTime = 0.0;
            float  fElapasedTime = 0.0f;
            GetGlobalTimer()->GetTimeValues( &fAppTime, &fAbsoluteTime, &fElapasedTime );
            m_pEngineLogic->VOnUpdate( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );
				OnFrameRender( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );

	return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Engine.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
void EngineApp::MainLoop( void )
   double fAppTime = 0.0;
   double fAbsoluteTime = 0.0;
   float  fElapasedTime = 0.0f;
   while( true  )
      if( !m_bIsRunning )
      GetGlobalTimer()->GetTimeValues( &fAppTime, &fAbsoluteTime, &fElapasedTime );

      OnUpdateGame( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );
      OnFrameRender( fAppTime, fElapasedTime );


コード例 #7
ファイル: EventManager.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
bool EventManager::VUpdate( unsigned long maxMs ) 
   unsigned long currMs = (unsigned long) ( GetGlobalTimer()->GetTime() * 1000.0 );
   unsigned long targetMs = ( maxMs == kINFINITE )? kINFINITE: currMs + maxMs;

	// swap active queues and clear the new queue after the swap
    int queueToProcess = m_ActiveQueue;
	m_ActiveQueue = (m_ActiveQueue + 1) % EVENTMANAGER_NUM_QUEUES;

   std::string s( ( "EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " +
      ToStr( queueToProcess ) + "; " +
      ToStr( ( unsigned long ) m_EventQueues[ queueToProcess ].size() )
      + " events to process" ) ); \
      Logger::Log( "EventLoop", s, NULL, NULL, 0 ); \
   /*ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "Processing Event Queue " + 
            ToStr(queueToProcess) + "; " + 
            ToStr((unsigned long)m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].size()) 
            + " events to process");*/

	// Process the queue
	while ( !m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty() )
      // pop the front of the queue
		IEventPtr pEvent = m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].front();
      ENG_LOG( "EventLoop", "\t\tProcessing Event " + std::string( pEvent->GetName() ) );

		const EventType& eventType = pEvent->VGetEventType();

      // find all the delegate functions registered for this event
		auto findIt = m_EventListeners.find(eventType);
		if (findIt != m_EventListeners.end())
			const EventListenerList& eventListeners = findIt->second;
         ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tFound " + ToStr((unsigned long)eventListeners.size()) + " delegates");

         // call each listener
			for (auto it = eventListeners.begin(); it != eventListeners.end(); ++it)
            EventListenerDelegate listener = (*it);
            ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "\t\tSending event " + std::string(pEvent->GetName()) + " to delegate");

        // check to see if time ran out
		currMs = (unsigned long) ( GetGlobalTimer()->GetTime() * 1000.0 );
		if ( targetMs != IEventManager::kINFINITE && currMs >= targetMs )
         ENG_LOG("EventLoop", "Aborting event processing; time ran out");
	// If we couldn't process all of the events, push the remaining events to the new active queue.
	// Note: To preserve sequencing, go back-to-front, inserting them at the head of the active queue
	bool queueFlushed = ( m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty() );
	if ( !queueFlushed )
		while (!m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].empty())
			IEventPtr pEvent = m_EventQueues[queueToProcess].back();
	return queueFlushed;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Engine.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
bool EngineApp::InitInstance( SDL_Window* window, int screenWidth, int screenHeight )
   /*auto test = std::vector< Vec2 >( { Vec2( 1.0f, 1.0f ), Vec2( 5.0f, 5.0f ), Vec2( 4.0f, 4.0f ), Vec2( 1.0f, -3.0f ) } );*/
   //auto test = std::vector< Vec2 >( { Vec2( 0.0f, 2.0f ), Vec2( 1.0f, 4.0f ), Vec2( 2.0f, 0.0f ), Vec2( 3.0f, 1.0f ), Vec2( 4.0f, 3.0f ) } );
   //Triangulation( test );
   // Check for existing instance of the same window
	// Not sure if this feature is working normally.... 
   #ifndef _DEBUG
	// Note - it can be really useful to debug network code to have
	// more than one instance of the game up at one time - so
	// feel free to comment these lines in or out as you wish!
   if (!IsOnlyInstance( VGetGameTitle() ) )
      return false;
   // Check system requirements
   bool resourceCheck = false;
	while (!resourceCheck)
		const DWORDLONG physicalRAM = 512 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG virtualRAM = 1024 * MEGABYTE;
		const DWORDLONG diskSpace = 10 * MEGABYTE;
		if ( !CheckStorage(diskSpace) )
			return false;
		const DWORD minCpuSpeed = 1300;			// 1.3Ghz
		DWORD thisCPU = ReadCPUSpeed();
		if ( thisCPU < minCpuSpeed )
			ENG_ERROR("GetCPUSpeed reports CPU is too slow for this game.");
			return false;

		resourceCheck = true;
   // Check system requirements

   //  Initialize ResCache, all assets are within a zip file
   IResourceFile *pFile = NULL;
   if( m_EngineOptions.GetIsUsingDevDirectory() )
      pFile = ENG_NEW DevResourceFile( DevResourceFile::Editor );
      pFile = ENG_NEW ResourceZipFile( L"Assets.zip" );
   m_pResCache = ENG_NEW ResourceCache( 50, pFile );

	if ( !m_pResCache->Init() )
      ENG_ERROR("Failed to initialize resource cache!  Are your paths set up correctly?");
		return false;

 //  extern shared_ptr<IResourceLoader> CreateWAVResourceLoader();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< XmlResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< MeshResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< TextureResourceLoader >();
   m_pResCache->RegisterLoader< ScriptResourceLoader >();

   if( !LoadStrings("English") )
      ENG_ERROR("Failed to load strings");
		return false;
   //  Initialize ResCache

   //  Initialize Lua scripting

   // Rez up the Lua State manager now, and run the initial script - discussed in Chapter 5, page 144.
   if( !LuaStateManager::GetSingleton().VInit() )
      ENG_ERROR( "Failed to initialize Lua" );
      return false;

   Resource resource( m_EngineOptions.GetPreInitScriptFile() );
   shared_ptr<ResHandle> pResourceHandle = m_pResCache->GetHandle( resource );  
   ENG_ASSERT( pResourceHandle );

   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationClipNode, IAnimationNode >();
   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationLerpNode, IAnimationNode >();
   RegisterScriptClass< AnimationState >();

   //  Initialize Lua scripting

   //  Initialize EventManager

   // Set as global EventManager
   m_pEventManager = ENG_NEW EventManager( "Engine Event Manager", true );
	if ( !m_pEventManager )
		ENG_ERROR( "Failed to create EventManager." );
		return false;
   //  Initialize EventManager

   // Initiate window & SDL, glew
   if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0 )
      ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
      return false;

   CHAR charTitle[100];
   if(  GenericToAnsiCch( charTitle, VGetGameTitle(),  strlen( charTitle ) ) != S_OK )
      ENG_ERROR( "Game title translation failed" );
   if( !window )
      m_pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow( charTitle, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screenWidth,screenHeight, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL );
      if ( !m_pWindow ) 
         ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
         return false;
      m_pWindow = window;

   // Only if execute under editor can engine allow file drop 
   if( m_EngineOptions.GetEngineEnvironment() == Environment_Editor )

   if( m_EngineOptions.GetShowMouseCursor() )
      SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_ENABLE );
      SDL_ShowCursor( SDL_DISABLE );
   SDL_WarpMouseInWindow( g_pApp->GetWindow(), g_pApp->GetScreenSize().GetX() / 2, g_pApp->GetScreenSize().GetY() / 2 );
   // setup opengl rendering context
   SDL_GLContext glContext = SDL_GL_CreateContext( m_pWindow );
   if( !glContext )
      ENG_ERROR( SDL_GetError() );
   // Needed for core profile
   glewExperimental = true; 

   GLenum error = glewInit();

   if( error != GLEW_OK )
      ENG_ERROR( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( gluErrorString( error ) ) );
   // set two buffer for rendering
   SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );

   m_ShutDownEventType = RegisterEvent( 1 );
   // Initiate window & SDL, glew

   // SDL_Image
   int initted = IMG_Init( initFlags );

   if( ( initted & initFlags ) != initFlags ) 
      ENG_ERROR( IMG_GetError() );
   // SDL_Image

   // Set Renderer
    if( GetRendererImpl() == Renderer_OpenGL )
      m_pRenderer = shared_ptr<IRenderer>( ENG_NEW OpenGLRenderer() );
      ENG_ERROR( "Not supported renderer type" );
   m_pRenderer->VSetBackgroundColor( g_Black );
   // Enable depth test
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
	// Accept fragment if it closer to the camera than the former one
	glDepthFunc( GL_LESS ); 
   // Cull triangles which normal is not towards the camera
   glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
   // Set Renderer

   // Start global timer

   // initialize the directory location you can store save game files
	_tcscpy_s( m_saveGameDirectory, GetSaveGameDirectory( GetHwnd(), VGetGameAppDirectory() ) );
   // Create game & view
   m_pEngineLogic = VCreateLogic();
   if (!m_pEngineLogic)
      return false;
   // Create game & view
   m_bIsRunning = true;

   return true;
コード例 #9
	void PrecisionTimer::Reset()
		startCount = GetGlobalTimer();