コード例 #1
ファイル: Main.cpp プロジェクト: mwaltman/3D-FPS-Engine
// Main function
int main(int iArgc, char** cppArgv) {
	// Creates all LevelMaps
	LevelMap level1, level2;
	level1 = LevelMap("Level1.txt", 0);

	// Links all LevelMaps
	//level1.AddConnection(Vector3(9, 2.5, 9), 0, &level2, Vector3(17, 0, 13), 270);

	// Determines the current LevelMap based on posX and posZ
	currentMap = &level1; // GetCurrentMap(posX, posZ);

	// Sets starting position posY
	float addHeight = GetGroundHeight(posX, posZ, currentMap);
	if (addHeight != noCeilingHeight)
		posY = playerHeight + addHeight;

	// Initiates keyTable and keyHandled
	for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		keyTable[i] = false;
		keyHandled[i] = false;

	// Initiates prevPosList
	for (int i = 0; i < prevListCount; i++) {
		prevPosList.push_back(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ));

	//texture = LoadTexture("./FloorTile.bmp");

	glutInit(&iArgc, cppArgv); // Initializes glut

	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); // Sets the parameters for GLUT
	glutInitWindowSize(screenW, screenH); // Initializes the window size
	glutInitWindowPosition((1920 - screenW) / 2, (1080 - screenH) / 2); // Initializes the window position

	glutCreateWindow("Example"); // Sets the window name


	glutWarpPointer(centerX, centerY);

	glutTimerFunc(1000, SecondPassed, 0);

	glutMainLoop(); // Runs the program using the callback functions that were specified before, never returns

	return 0;
コード例 #2
// "Bend" our line of sight around corners until we can "see" the point.
bool CCSBot::BendLineOfSight(const Vector *eye, const Vector *point, Vector *bend) const
	// if we can directly see the point, use it
	TraceResult result;
	UTIL_TraceLine(*eye, *point + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

	if (result.flFraction == 1.0f && !result.fStartSolid)
		// can directly see point, no bending needed
		*bend = *point;
		return true;

	// "bend" our line of sight until we can see the approach point
	Vector v = *point - *eye;
	float startAngle = UTIL_VecToYaw(v);
	float length = v.Length2D();

	float angleInc = 10.0f;
	for (float angle = angleInc; angle <= 135.0f; angle += angleInc)
		// check both sides at this angle offset
		for (int side = 0; side < 2; ++side)
			float actualAngle = (side) ? (startAngle + angle) : (startAngle - angle);

			float dx = BotCOS(actualAngle);
			float dy = BotSIN(actualAngle);

			// compute rotated point ray endpoint
			Vector rotPoint(eye->x + length * dx, eye->y + length * dy, point->z);

			TraceResult result;
			UTIL_TraceLine(*eye, rotPoint + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

			// if this ray started in an obstacle, skip it
			if (result.fStartSolid)

			Vector ray = rotPoint - *eye;
			float rayLength = ray.NormalizeInPlace();
			float visibleLength = rayLength * result.flFraction;

			// step along ray, checking if point is visible from ray point
			const float bendStepSize = 50.0f;
			for (float bendLength = bendStepSize; bendLength <= visibleLength; bendLength += bendStepSize)
				// compute point along ray
				Vector rayPoint = *eye + bendLength * ray;

				// check if we can see approach point from this bend point
				UTIL_TraceLine(rayPoint, *point + Vector(0, 0, HalfHumanHeight), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &result);

				if (result.flFraction == 1.0f && !result.fStartSolid)
					// target is visible from this bend point on the ray - use this point on the ray as our point

					// keep "bent" point at correct height along line of sight
					if (!GetGroundHeight(&rayPoint, &rayPoint.z))
						rayPoint.z = point->z;

					*bend = rayPoint;
					return true;

	*bend = *point;

	// bending rays didn't help - still can't see the point
	return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Main.cpp プロジェクト: mwaltman/3D-FPS-Engine
// Checks inputs and moves the player. Gets called each frame
void CheckInputs() {
	// Checks inputs
	if (keyTable['d'])
		direction.first = -1;
	if (keyTable['a'])
		direction.first = 1;
	if (!keyTable['d'] == !keyTable['a'])
		direction.first = 0;
	if (keyTable['s'])
		direction.second = -1;
	if (keyTable['w'])
		direction.second = 1;
	if (!keyTable['s'] == !keyTable['w'])
		direction.second = 0;
	if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) & 0x8000) && !inAir && !flying) { // Ctrl
		posY = max(posY - crouchSpeed, groundHeight + crouchHeight);
		if (!crouching)
			crouching = true;
	if (!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) & 0x8000) && crouching && posY != groundHeight + playerHeight && !flying && !inAir) {
		posY = min(posY + crouchSpeed, groundHeight + playerHeight);
		if (crouching && posY == groundHeight + playerHeight)
			crouching = false;
	if (keyTable[32] && !keyHandled[32] && !inAir && !crouching && !flying) { // Space
		velocityY = jumpVelocity;
		jumping = true;
		keyHandled[32] = true;
	if (keyTable['f'] && !keyHandled['f'] && !crouching) {
		flying = !flying;
		keyHandled['f'] = true;
		inAirDuration = 0;
	if (keyTable['r'] && !keyHandled['r'] && !crouching) {
		showRedLine = !showRedLine;
		keyHandled['r'] = true;
	if (keyTable[27])  // Escape

	// Finds the X and Z coordinates of the player after it has moved in the direction that it is going
	if (crouching)
		speed = crouchingSpeed;
	if (!crouching || flying)
		speed = walkingSpeed;
	Move(speed, 180.0 - 90.0 * direction.first + 45.0 * direction.first * direction.second - 180.0 * (((direction.second == -1 || direction.second == 0) && direction.first == 0) ? 1 : 0));

	// TODO: add wall strafing (player now stops when making contact with slanted wall)
	if (!flying) {
		// Checks for collisions with walls in up, left, right and down directions
		nH = GetGroundHeight(newX, newZ, currentMap);
		lH = GetGroundHeight(newX - minDist, newZ, currentMap);
		rH = GetGroundHeight(newX + minDist, newZ, currentMap);
		uH = GetGroundHeight(newX, newZ - minDist, currentMap);
		dH = GetGroundHeight(newX, newZ + minDist, currentMap);
		collisionCheck = true;
		if ((lH + playerHeight - posY > stepThreshold && !crouching) || (lH + crouchHeight - posY > stepThreshold && crouching)) {
			posX = floor(posX / gridSep) * gridSep + minDist + epsilon;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if ((rH + playerHeight - posY > stepThreshold && !crouching) || (rH + crouchHeight - posY > stepThreshold && crouching)) {
			posX = ceil(posX / gridSep) * gridSep - minDist - epsilon;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if ((uH + playerHeight - posY > stepThreshold && !crouching) || (uH + crouchHeight - posY > stepThreshold && crouching)) {
			posZ = floor(posZ / gridSep) * gridSep + minDist + epsilon;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if ((dH + playerHeight - posY > stepThreshold && !crouching) || (dH + crouchHeight - posY > stepThreshold && crouching)) {
			posZ = ceil(posZ / gridSep) * gridSep - minDist - epsilon;
			collisionCheck = false;

		// Checks for step-ups
		if (((nH + playerHeight - posY <= stepThreshold && !crouching) || (nH + crouchHeight - posY <= stepThreshold && crouching)))
			groundHeight = nH;

		// Sets posY if it is below the correct position
		if (posY < groundHeight + playerHeight && !crouching)
			posY = groundHeight + playerHeight;
		if (posY < groundHeight + crouchHeight && crouching)
			posY = groundHeight + crouchHeight;

		// Sets posY if it is above the ceiling
		nC = GetCeilingHeight(newX, newZ, currentMap);
		if (posY > nC - minDist - epsilon) {
 			posY = nC - minDist - epsilon;
			velocityY = 0.0;

		// Checks for collisions between ceilings of different heights
		lC = GetCeilingHeight(newX - minDist, newZ, currentMap);
		rC = GetCeilingHeight(newX + minDist, newZ, currentMap);
		uC = GetCeilingHeight(newX, newZ - minDist, currentMap);
		dC = GetCeilingHeight(newX, newZ + minDist, currentMap);
		if (posY + minDist > lC && lC != noCeilingHeight) {
			posX = floor(posX / gridSep) * gridSep + minDist;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if (posY + minDist > rC && rC != noCeilingHeight) {
			posX = ceil(posX / gridSep) * gridSep - minDist;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if (posY + minDist > uC && uC != noCeilingHeight) {
			posZ = floor(posZ / gridSep) * gridSep + minDist;
			collisionCheck = false;
		if (posY + minDist > dC && dC != noCeilingHeight) {
			posZ = ceil(posZ / gridSep) * gridSep - minDist;
			collisionCheck = false;

		// If no collision: move to new position
		if (collisionCheck) {
			posX = newX;
			posZ = newZ;

		// Checks whether the player is falling down
コード例 #4
// Compute shortest path to goal position via A* algorithm
// If 'goalArea' is NULL, path will get as close as it can.
bool CCSBot::ComputePath(CNavArea *goalArea, const Vector *goal, RouteType route)
	// Throttle re-pathing
	if (!m_repathTimer.IsElapsed())
		return false;

	// randomize to distribute CPU load
	m_repathTimer.Start(RANDOM_FLOAT(0.4f, 0.6f));


	CNavArea *startArea = m_lastKnownArea;
	if (!startArea)
		return false;

	// note final specific position
	Vector pathEndPosition;

	if (!goal && !goalArea)
		return false;

	if (!goal)
		pathEndPosition = *goalArea->GetCenter();
		pathEndPosition = *goal;

	// make sure path end position is on the ground
	if (goalArea)
		pathEndPosition.z = goalArea->GetZ(&pathEndPosition);
		GetGroundHeight(&pathEndPosition, &pathEndPosition.z);

	// if we are already in the goal area, build trivial path
	if (startArea == goalArea)
		return true;

	// Compute shortest path to goal
	CNavArea *closestArea = nullptr;
	PathCost pathCost(this, route);
	bool pathToGoalExists = NavAreaBuildPath(startArea, goalArea, goal, pathCost, &closestArea);

	CNavArea *effectiveGoalArea = (pathToGoalExists) ? goalArea : closestArea;

	// Build path by following parent links
	// get count
	int count = 0;
	CNavArea *area;
	for (area = effectiveGoalArea; area; area = area->GetParent())

	// save room for endpoint
	if (count > MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1)
		count = MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1;

	if (count == 0)
		return false;

	if (count == 1)
		return true;

	// build path
	m_pathLength = count;
	for (area = effectiveGoalArea; count && area; area = area->GetParent())
		m_path[count].area = area;
		m_path[count].how = area->GetParentHow();

	// compute path positions
	if (ComputePathPositions() == false)
		PrintIfWatched("Error building path\n");
		return false;

	if (!goal)
		switch (m_path[m_pathLength - 1].how)
		case GO_NORTH:
		case GO_SOUTH:
			pathEndPosition.x = m_path[m_pathLength - 1].pos.x;
			pathEndPosition.y = effectiveGoalArea->GetCenter()->y;

		case GO_EAST:
		case GO_WEST:
			pathEndPosition.x = effectiveGoalArea->GetCenter()->x;
			pathEndPosition.y = m_path[m_pathLength - 1].pos.y;

		GetGroundHeight(&pathEndPosition, &pathEndPosition.z);

	// append path end position
	m_path[m_pathLength].area = effectiveGoalArea;
	m_path[m_pathLength].pos = pathEndPosition;
	m_path[m_pathLength].ladder = nullptr;
	m_path[m_pathLength].how = NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES;

	// do movement setup
	m_pathIndex = 1;
	m_areaEnteredTimestamp = gpGlobals->time;
	m_spotEncounter = nullptr;
	m_goalPosition = m_path[1].pos;

	if (m_path[1].ladder)
		m_pathLadder = nullptr;

	return true;