bool CTabLayoutUI::SelectItem(int iIndex) { if (iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= m_items.GetSize()) return false; if (iIndex == m_iCurSel) return true; int iOldSel = m_iCurSel; m_iCurSel = iIndex; for (int it = 0; it < m_items.GetSize(); it++) { if (it == iIndex) { GetItemAt(it)->SetVisible(true); GetItemAt(it)->SetFocus(); SetPos(m_rcItem); } else GetItemAt(it)->SetVisible(false); } NeedParentUpdate(); if (m_pManager != NULL) { m_pManager->SetNextTabControl(); m_pManager->SendNotify(this, DUI_MSGTYPE_TABSELECT, m_iCurSel, iOldSel); } return true; }
bool CAnimationTabLayoutUI::SelectItem( int iIndex ) { if( iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= m_items.GetSize() ) return false; if( iIndex == m_iCurSel ) return true; if( iIndex > m_iCurSel ) m_nPositiveDirection = -1; if( iIndex < m_iCurSel ) m_nPositiveDirection = 1; int iOldSel = m_iCurSel; m_iCurSel = iIndex; for( int it = 0; it < m_items.GetSize(); it++ ) { if( it == iIndex ) { GetItemAt(it)->SetVisible(true); GetItemAt(it)->SetFocus(); m_bControlVisibleFlag = false; m_pCurrentControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[it]); } else GetItemAt(it)->SetVisible(false); } NeedParentUpdate(); if( NULL != m_pCurrentControl ) m_pCurrentControl->SetVisible( false ); AnimationSwitch(); if( m_pManager != NULL ) { m_pManager->SetNextTabControl(); m_pManager->SendNotify(this, _T("tabselect"), m_iCurSel, iOldSel); } return true; }
bool CMenuElementUI::Activate() { if (CListContainerElementUI::Activate() && m_bSelected) { if( m_pWindow ) return true; bool hasSubMenu = false; for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i) { if (GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) != NULL) { (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetVisible(true); (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetInternVisible(true); hasSubMenu = true; } } if (hasSubMenu) { CreateMenuWnd(); } else { ContextMenuParam param; param.hWnd = m_pManager->GetPaintWindow(); param.wParam = 1; param.lParam = (LPARAM)GetName().GetData(); s_context_menu_observer.RBroadcast(param); } return true; } return false; }
void CMenuElementUI::DoPaint(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint) { if( !::IntersectRect(&m_rcPaint, &rcPaint, &m_rcItem) ) return; CMenuElementUI::DrawItemBk(hDC, m_rcItem); DrawItemText(hDC, m_rcItem); for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i) { if (GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) == NULL) GetItemAt(i)->DoPaint(hDC, rcPaint); } }
bool CGroupsUI::SelectItem(int iIndex, bool bTakeFocus) { if( iIndex == m_iCurSel ) return true; // We should first unselect the currently selected item if( m_iCurSel >= 0 ) { CControlUI* pControl = GetItemAt(m_iCurSel); if( pControl != NULL) { IListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(_T("ListItem"))); if( pListItem != NULL ) { CListContainerElementUI* pFriendListItem = static_cast<CListContainerElementUI*>(pControl); Node* node = (Node*)pControl->GetTag(); if ((pFriendListItem != NULL) && (node != NULL) && !node->folder()) { // pFriendListItem->SetFixedHeight(kFriendListItemNormalHeight); // CContainerUI* pOperatorPannel = static_cast<CContainerUI*>(paint_manager_.FindSubControlByName(pFriendListItem, kOperatorPannelControlName)); // if (pOperatorPannel != NULL) // { // pOperatorPannel->SetVisible(false); // } } pListItem->Select(false); } } m_iCurSel = -1; } if( iIndex < 0 ) return false; if (!__super::SelectItem(iIndex, bTakeFocus)) return false; CControlUI* pControl = GetItemAt(m_iCurSel); if( pControl != NULL) { CListContainerElementUI* pFriendListItem = static_cast<CListContainerElementUI*>(pControl); Node* node = (Node*)pControl->GetTag(); if ((pFriendListItem != NULL) && (node != NULL) && !node->folder()) { // pFriendListItem->SetFixedHeight(kFriendListItemSelectedHeight); // CContainerUI* pOperatorPannel = static_cast<CContainerUI*>(paint_manager_.FindSubControlByName(pFriendListItem, kOperatorPannelControlName)); // if (pOperatorPannel != NULL) // { // pOperatorPannel->SetVisible(true); // } //pFriendListItem->SetBkImage() } } return true; }
//************************************ // 函数名称: SetItemCheckBox // 返回类型: bool // 参数信息: bool _Selected // 参数信息: CTreeNodeUI * _TreeNode // 函数说明: //************************************ bool CTreeViewUI::SetItemCheckBox( bool _Selected,CTreeNodeUI* _TreeNode /*= NULL*/ ) { if(_TreeNode) { if(_TreeNode->GetCountChild() > 0) { int nCount = _TreeNode->GetCountChild(); for(int nIndex = 0;nIndex < nCount;nIndex++) { CTreeNodeUI* pItem = _TreeNode->GetChildNode(nIndex); pItem->GetCheckBox()->Selected(_Selected); if(pItem->GetCountChild()) SetItemCheckBox(_Selected,pItem); } } return true; } else { int nIndex = 0; int nCount = GetCount(); while(nIndex < nCount) { CTreeNodeUI* pItem = (CTreeNodeUI*)GetItemAt(nIndex); pItem->GetCheckBox()->Selected(_Selected); if(pItem->GetCountChild()) SetItemCheckBox(_Selected,pItem); nIndex++; } return true; } return false; }
void CGroupsUI::SetChildVisible(Node* node, bool visible) { if (!node || node == root_node_) return; if (node->data().child_visible_ == visible) return; node->data().child_visible_ = visible; TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CDuiString html_text; if (node->data().has_child_) { if (node->data().child_visible_) html_text += level_expand_image_; else html_text += level_collapse_image_; _stprintf_s(szBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, _T("<x %d>"), level_text_start_pos_); html_text += szBuf; html_text += node->data().text_; CLabelUI* nick_name = static_cast<CLabelUI*>(paint_manager_.FindSubControlByName(node->data().list_elment_, kNickNameControlName)); if (nick_name != NULL) { nick_name->SetShowHtml(true); nick_name->SetText(html_text); } } if (!node->data().list_elment_->IsVisible()) return; if (!node->has_children()) return; Node* begin = node->child(0); Node* end = node->get_last_child(); for (int i = begin->data().list_elment_->GetIndex(); i <= end->data().list_elment_->GetIndex(); ++i) { CControlUI* control = GetItemAt(i); if (_tcsicmp(control->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) { if (visible) { Node* local_parent = ((Node*)control->GetTag())->parent(); if (local_parent->data().child_visible_ && local_parent->data().list_elment_->IsVisible()) { control->SetVisible(true); } } else { control->SetVisible(false); } } } }
bool CTabLayoutUI::Remove(CControlUI* pControl) { if (pControl == NULL) return false; int index = GetItemIndex(pControl); bool ret = CContainerUI::Remove(pControl); if( !ret ) return false; if (m_nCurSel == index) { if (GetCount() > 0) { m_nCurSel=0; GetItemAt(m_nCurSel)->SetVisible(true); } else m_nCurSel=-1; NeedParentUpdate(); } else if (m_nCurSel > index) { m_nCurSel -= 1; } return ret; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMAttributeMap::Item(PRUint32 aIndex, nsIDOMNode** aReturn) { nsresult rv; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aReturn = GetItemAt(aIndex, &rv)); return rv; }
BOOL CTabLayoutUI::Remove(CControlUI* pControl) { if( pControl == NULL) return FALSE; int index = GetItemIndex(pControl); BOOL ret = CContainerUI::Remove(pControl); if( !ret ) return FALSE; if( m_iCurSel == index) { if( GetCount() > 0 ) { m_iCurSel=0; GetItemAt(m_iCurSel)->SetVisible(TRUE); } else m_iCurSel=-1; NeedParentUpdate(); } else if( m_iCurSel > index ) { m_iCurSel -= 1; } return ret; }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::RemoveItem(uint32_t aIndex, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return nullptr; } if (aIndex >= LengthNoFlush()) { aError.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } AutoChangePointListNotifier notifier(this); // Now that we know we're removing, keep animVal list in sync as necessary. // Do this *before* touching InternalList() so the removed item can get its // internal value. MaybeRemoveItemFromAnimValListAt(aIndex); // We have to return the removed item, so get it, creating it if necessary: RefPtr<nsISVGPoint> result = GetItemAt(aIndex); // Notify the DOM item of removal *before* modifying the lists so that the // DOM item can copy its *old* value: mItems[aIndex]->RemovingFromList(); InternalList().RemoveItem(aIndex); mItems.RemoveElementAt(aIndex); UpdateListIndicesFromIndex(mItems, aIndex); return result.forget(); }
//************************************ // 函数名称: SetItemExpand // 返回类型: void // 参数信息: bool _Expanded // 参数信息: CTreeNodeUI * _TreeNode // 函数说明: //************************************ void CTreeViewUI::SetItemExpand( bool _Expanded,CTreeNodeUI* _TreeNode /*= NULL*/ ) { if(_TreeNode) { if(_TreeNode->GetCountChild() > 0) { int nCount = _TreeNode->GetCountChild(); for(int nIndex = 0;nIndex < nCount;nIndex++) { CTreeNodeUI* pItem = _TreeNode->GetChildNode(nIndex); pItem->SetVisible(_Expanded); if(pItem->GetCountChild() && !pItem->GetFolderButton()->IsSelected()) SetItemExpand(_Expanded,pItem); } } } else { int nIndex = 0; int nCount = GetCount(); while(nIndex < nCount) { CTreeNodeUI* pItem = (CTreeNodeUI*)GetItemAt(nIndex); pItem->SetVisible(_Expanded); if(pItem->GetCountChild() && !pItem->GetFolderButton()->IsSelected()) SetItemExpand(_Expanded,pItem); nIndex++; } } }
bool TabBox::Remove(Control* pControl) { if( pControl == NULL) return false; int index = GetItemIndex(pControl); bool ret = Box::Remove(pControl); if( !ret ) return false; if( m_iCurSel == index) { if( GetCount() > 0 ) { m_iCurSel=0; if (!IsFadeSwitch()) { GetItemAt(m_iCurSel)->SetVisible(true); } pControl->SetMouseEnabled(true); if (Box* box = dynamic_cast<Box*>(pControl)) { box->SetMouseChildEnabled(true); } pControl->SetAlpha(255); } else m_iCurSel=-1; ArrangeAncestor(); } else if( m_iCurSel > index ) { m_iCurSel -= 1; } return ret; }
void TodoTab::handleExport () { const QString& filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this, tr ("Todos export"), QDir::homePath (), tr ("iCalendar files (*.ics)")); QFile file (filename); if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open file" << filename << file.errorString (); emit gotEntity (Util::MakeNotification ("Otlozhu", tr ("Unable to export to %1: %2.") .arg (filename) .arg (file.errorString ()), Priority::Critical)); return; } ICalGenerator gen; auto storage = Core::Instance ().GetTodoManager ()->GetTodoStorage (); for (int i = 0; i < storage->GetNumItems (); ++i) gen << storage->GetItemAt (i); file.write (gen ()); emit gotEntity (Util::MakeNotification ("Otlozhu", tr ("Todo items were successfully exported to %1.") .arg (QFileInfo (filename).fileName ()), Priority::Info)); }
//************************************ // 函数名称: RemoveAt // 返回类型: bool // 参数信息: int iIndex // 函数说明: iIndex 索引以及下的所有节点将被一并移除 //************************************ bool CTreeViewUI::RemoveAt( int iIndex ) { CTreeNodeUI* pItem = (CTreeNodeUI*)GetItemAt(iIndex); if(pItem->GetCountChild()) Remove(pItem); return true; }
//************************************ // 函数名称: SetSelItemHotTextColor // 返回类型: void // 参数信息: DWORD _dwSelHotItemTextColor // 函数说明: //************************************ void CTreeViewUI::SetSelItemHotTextColor( DWORD _dwSelHotItemTextColor ) { for(int nIndex = 0;nIndex < GetCount();nIndex++){ CTreeNodeUI* pTreeNode = static_cast<CTreeNodeUI*>(GetItemAt(nIndex)); if(pTreeNode) pTreeNode->SetSelItemHotTextColor(_dwSelHotItemTextColor); } }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMCSSValueList::Item(PRUint32 aIndex, nsIDOMCSSValue **aReturn) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aReturn); NS_IF_ADDREF(*aReturn = GetItemAt(aIndex)); return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPluginElement::Item(PRUint32 aIndex, nsIDOMMimeType** aReturn) { nsresult rv; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aReturn = GetItemAt(aIndex, &rv)); return rv; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPluginArray::Item(PRUint32 aIndex, nsIDOMPlugin** aReturn) { nsresult rv; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aReturn = GetItemAt(aIndex, &rv)); return rv; }
bool CContainerUI::RemoveAt(int iIndex) { CControlUI* pControl = GetItemAt(iIndex); if (pControl != NULL) { return CContainerUI::Remove(pControl); } return false; }
/* nsIDOMSVGTransform getItem (in unsigned long index); */ NS_IMETHODIMP DOMSVGTransformList::GetItem(PRUint32 index, nsIDOMSVGTransform **_retval) { *_retval = GetItemAt(index); if (!*_retval) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } NS_ADDREF(*_retval); return NS_OK; }
bool DuiLib::CRecentCallContactUI::RemoveAt( int iIndex ) { CControlUI* pControl = GetItemAt(iIndex); if (!pControl) return false; if (_tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) != 0) return false; return CListUI::RemoveAt(iIndex); }
bool CMusicListUI::SetRadioPlayingItem(int iIndex, bool bTakeFocus) { if (!__super::SelectItem(iIndex, bTakeFocus)) return false; if (m_nPlayingItemIndex != -1) { CRadioListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<CRadioListItemUI*>(GetItemAt(m_nPlayingItemIndex)); pListItem->SetPlaying(false); } m_nPlayingItemIndex = iIndex; if (m_nPlayingItemIndex != -1) { CRadioListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<CRadioListItemUI*>(GetItemAt(m_nPlayingItemIndex)); pListItem->SetPlaying(true); } return true; }
bool CGroupsUI::RemoveAt(int iIndex) { CControlUI* pControl = GetItemAt(iIndex); if (!pControl) return false; if (_tcsicmp(pControl->GetClass(), _T("ListContainerElementUI")) == 0) return false; return CListUI::RemoveAt(iIndex); }
NS_IMETHODIMP DOMSVGPointList::GetItem(PRUint32 aIndex, nsIDOMSVGPoint **_retval) { *_retval = GetItemAt(aIndex); if (!*_retval) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } NS_ADDREF(*_retval); return NS_OK; }
//************************************ // 函数名称: SetItemMinWidth // 返回类型: void // 参数信息: UINT _ItemMinWidth // 函数说明: //************************************ void CTreeViewUI::SetItemMinWidth( UINT _ItemMinWidth ) { m_uItemMinWidth = _ItemMinWidth; for(int nIndex = 0;nIndex < GetCount();nIndex++){ CTreeNodeUI* pTreeNode = static_cast<CTreeNodeUI*>(GetItemAt(nIndex)); if(pTreeNode) pTreeNode->SetMinWidth(GetItemMinWidth()); } Invalidate(); }
void CMenuElementUI::DoPaint(HDC hDC, const RECT& rcPaint) { if( !::IntersectRect(&m_rcPaint, &rcPaint, &m_rcItem) ) return; if(m_bDrawLine) { RECT rcLine = { m_rcItem.left + m_rcLinePadding.left, +, m_rcItem.right - m_rcLinePadding.right, + }; CRenderEngine::DrawLine(hDC, rcLine, 1, m_dwLineColor); } else { CMenuElementUI::DrawItemBk(hDC, m_rcItem); DrawItemText(hDC, m_rcItem); DrawItemIcon(hDC, m_rcItem); DrawItemExpland(hDC, m_rcItem); for (int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i) { if (GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(_T("MenuElement")) == NULL) GetItemAt(i)->DoPaint(hDC, rcPaint); } } }
already_AddRefed<nsISVGPoint> DOMSVGPointList::IndexedGetter(uint32_t aIndex, bool& aFound, ErrorResult& aError) { if (IsAnimValList()) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } aFound = aIndex < LengthNoFlush(); if (aFound) { return GetItemAt(aIndex); } return nullptr; }
already_AddRefed<SVGTransform> DOMSVGTransformList::IndexedGetter(uint32_t index, bool& found, ErrorResult& error) { if (IsAnimValList()) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } found = index < LengthNoFlush(); if (found) { return GetItemAt(index); } return nullptr; }
void CMenuElementUI::DoEvent(TEventUI& event) { if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSEENTER ) { CListContainerElementUI::DoEvent(event); if( m_pWindow ) return; bool hasSubMenu = false; for( int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i ) { if( GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) != NULL ) { (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetVisible(true); (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetInternVisible(true); hasSubMenu = true; } } if( hasSubMenu ) { m_pOwner->SelectItem(GetIndex(), true); CreateMenuWnd(); } else { Activate(); } return; } if( event.Type == UIEVENT_BUTTONDOWN ) { if( IsEnabled() ){ CListContainerElementUI::DoEvent(event); if( m_pWindow ) return; bool hasSubMenu = false; for( int i = 0; i < GetCount(); ++i ) { if( GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName) != NULL ) { (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetVisible(true); (static_cast<CMenuElementUI*>(GetItemAt(i)->GetInterface(kMenuElementUIInterfaceName)))->SetInternVisible(true); hasSubMenu = true; } } if( hasSubMenu ) { CreateMenuWnd(); } else { Activate(); } } return; } CListContainerElementUI::DoEvent(event); }