コード例 #1
CStdString CSysInfo::GetUserAgent()
  CStdString result;
  result = "XBMC/" + g_infoManager.GetLabel(SYSTEM_BUILD_VERSION) + " (";
#if defined(_WIN32)
  result += "Windows; ";
  result += GetKernelVersion();
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#if defined(__arm__)
  result += "iOS; ";
  result += "Mac OS X; ";
  result += GetUnameVersion();
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
  result += "FreeBSD; ";
  result += GetUnameVersion();
#elif defined(_LINUX)
  result += "Linux; ";
  result += GetLinuxDistro();
  result += "; ";
  result += GetUnameVersion();
  result += "; http://www.xbmc.org)";

  return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: kernel_info.cpp プロジェクト: FritzX6/osquery
QueryData genKernelInfo(QueryContext& context) {
  Row r;

  r["path"] = SQL_TEXT(getSystemRoot().string() + "\\System32\\ntoskrnl.exe");

  return {r};
コード例 #3
// Function: init
// init is a plugin_t function. It is executed when the plugin is
// initially loaded by IDA.
// Three return codes are possible:
//    PLUGIN_SKIP - Plugin is unloaded and not made available
//    PLUGIN_KEEP - Plugin is kept in memory
//    PLUGIN_OK   - Plugin will be loaded upon 1st use
// Check are added here to ensure the plug-in is compatible with
// the current disassembly.
int initPlugin(void)
	char szBuffer[MAXSTR];
	char sdkVersion[32];
	int nRetCode = PLUGIN_OK;
	HINSTANCE hInstance = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);

	// Initialize global strings
	LoadString(hInstance, IDS_PLUGIN_HELP, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
	gszPluginHelp = qstrdup(szBuffer);
	LoadString(hInstance, IDS_PLUGIN_COMMENT, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
	gszPluginComment = qstrdup(szBuffer);
	if ( !GetKernelVersion(sdkVersion, sizeof(sdkVersion)) )
		msg("%s: could not determine IDA version\n", gszWantedName);
		nRetCode = PLUGIN_SKIP;
	else if ( gSdkVersion < 600 )
		warning("Sorry, the %s plugin required IDA v%s or higher\n", gszWantedName, sdkVersion);
		nRetCode = PLUGIN_SKIP;
	else if ( ph.id != PLFM_386 || ( !inf.is_32bit() && !inf.is_64bit() ) || inf.like_binary() )
		msg("%s: could not load plugin\n", gszWantedName);
		nRetCode = PLUGIN_SKIP;
			"%s (v%s) plugin has been loaded\n"
			"  The hotkeys to invoke the plugin is %s.\n"
			"  Please check the Edit/Plugins menu for more informaton.\n",
			gszWantedName, gszVersion, gszWantedHotKey);
	return nRetCode;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SystemInfo.cpp プロジェクト: MrMC/mrmc
std::string CSysInfo::GetOsVersion(void)
  static std::string osVersion;
  if (!osVersion.empty())
    return osVersion;

#if defined(TARGET_FREEBSD)
  osVersion = GetKernelVersion(); // FIXME: for Win32 and FreeBSD OS version is a kernel version
#elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
  osVersion = CDarwinUtils::GetIOSVersionString();
#elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN_OSX)
  osVersion = CDarwinUtils::GetOSXVersionString();
#elif defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
  char versionCStr[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
  int propLen = __system_property_get("ro.build.version.release", versionCStr);
  osVersion.assign(versionCStr, (propLen > 0 && propLen <= PROP_VALUE_MAX) ? propLen : 0);

  if (osVersion.empty() || std::string("0123456789").find(versionCStr[0]) == std::string::npos)
    osVersion.clear(); // can't correctly detect Android version
    size_t pointPos = osVersion.find('.');
    if (pointPos == std::string::npos)
      osVersion += ".0.0";
    else if (osVersion.find('.', pointPos + 1) == std::string::npos)
      osVersion += ".0";
#elif defined(TARGET_LINUX)
  osVersion = getValueFromOs_release("VERSION_ID");
  if (osVersion.empty())
    osVersion = getValueFromLsb_release(lsb_rel_release);
#endif // defined(TARGET_LINUX)

  if (osVersion.empty())
    osVersion = "0.0";

  return osVersion;
コード例 #5
ファイル: SystemInfo.cpp プロジェクト: Distrotech/xbmc
std::string CSysInfo::GetUserAgent()
  static std::string result;
  if (!result.empty())
    return result;

  result = GetAppName() + "/" + (std::string)g_infoManager.GetLabel(SYSTEM_BUILD_VERSION_SHORT) + " (";
#if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
  result += GetKernelName() + " " + GetKernelVersion();
  BOOL bIsWow = FALSE;
  if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow) && bIsWow)
      result.append("; WOW64");
    SYSTEM_INFO si = {};
    if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64)
      result.append("; Win64; x64");
    else if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64)
      result.append("; Win64; IA64");
    else if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM)
      result.append("; ARM");
#elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN)
#if defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
  std::string iDevStr(GetModelName()); // device model name with number of model version
  size_t iDevStrDigit = iDevStr.find_first_of("0123456789");
  std::string iDev(iDevStr, 0, iDevStrDigit);  // device model name without number 
  if (iDevStrDigit == 0)
    iDev = "unknown";
  result += iDev + "; ";
  std::string iOSVerison(GetOsVersion());
  size_t lastDotPos = iOSVerison.rfind('.');
  if (lastDotPos != std::string::npos && iOSVerison.find('.') != lastDotPos
      && iOSVerison.find_first_not_of('0', lastDotPos + 1) == std::string::npos)
  StringUtils::Replace(iOSVerison, '.', '_');
  if (iDev == "iPad" || iDev == "AppleTV")
    result += "CPU OS ";
    result += "CPU iPhone OS ";
  result += iOSVerison + " like Mac OS X";
  result += "Macintosh; ";
  std::string cpuFam(GetBuildTargetCpuFamily());
  if (cpuFam == "x86")
    result += "Intel ";
  else if (cpuFam == "PowerPC")
    result += "PPC ";
  result += "Mac OS X ";
  std::string OSXVersion(GetOsVersion());
  StringUtils::Replace(OSXVersion, '.', '_');
  result += OSXVersion;
#elif defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
  result += "Linux; Android ";
  std::string versionStr(GetOsVersion());
  const size_t verLen = versionStr.length();
  if (verLen >= 2 && versionStr.compare(verLen - 2, 2, ".0", 2) == 0)
    versionStr.erase(verLen - 2); // remove last ".0" if any
  result += versionStr;
  std::string deviceInfo(GetModelName());

  char buildId[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
  int propLen = __system_property_get("ro.build.id", buildId);
  if (propLen > 0 && propLen <= PROP_VALUE_MAX)
    if (!deviceInfo.empty())
      deviceInfo += " ";
    deviceInfo += "Build/";
    deviceInfo.append(buildId, propLen);

  if (!deviceInfo.empty())
    result += "; " + deviceInfo;
#elif defined(TARGET_POSIX)
  result += "X11; ";
  struct utsname un;
  if (uname(&un) == 0)
    std::string cpuStr(un.machine);
    if (cpuStr == "x86_64" && GetXbmcBitness() == 32)
      cpuStr = "i686 (x86_64)";
    result += un.sysname;
    result += " ";
    result += cpuStr;
    result += "Unknown";
  result += "Unknown";
  result += ")";

  if (GetAppName() != "Kodi")
    result += " Kodi_Fork_" + GetAppName() + "/1.0"; // default fork number is '1.0', replace it with actual number if necessary

  // Add distribution name
  std::string linuxOSName(GetOsName(true));
  if (!linuxOSName.empty())
    result += " " + linuxOSName + "/" + GetOsVersion();

  result += " HW_RaspberryPi/1.0";
#elif defined (TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
  std::string iDevVer;
  if (iDevStrDigit == std::string::npos)
    iDevVer = "0.0";
    iDevVer.assign(iDevStr, iDevStrDigit, std::string::npos);
  StringUtils::Replace(iDevVer, ',', '.');
  result += " HW_" + iDev + "/" + iDevVer;
  // add more device IDs here if needed. 
  // keep only one device ID in result! Form:
  // result += " HW_" + "deviceID" + "/" + "1.0"; // '1.0' if device has no version

#if defined(TARGET_ANDROID)
  // Android has no CPU string by default, so add it as additional parameter
  struct utsname un1;
  if (uname(&un1) == 0)
    std::string cpuStr(un1.machine);
    StringUtils::Replace(cpuStr, ' ', '_');
    result += " Sys_CPU/" + cpuStr;

  result += " App_Bitness/" + StringUtils::Format("%d", GetXbmcBitness());

  std::string fullVer(g_infoManager.GetLabel(SYSTEM_BUILD_VERSION));
  StringUtils::Replace(fullVer, ' ', '-');
  result += " Version/" + fullVer;

  return result;