コード例 #1
LexerConf::Ptr_t EclipseInnoSetupThemeImporter::Import(const wxFileName& eclipseXmlFile)
    LexerConf::Ptr_t lexer = InitializeImport(eclipseXmlFile, GetLangName(), wxSTC_LEX_INNOSETUP);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_DEFAULT, "Default", m_foreground.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_COMMENT, "Comment", m_singleLineComment.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_KEYWORD, "Keyword", m_keyword.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_PARAMETER, "Parameter", m_variable.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_SECTION, "Section", m_klass.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_PREPROC, "Pre processor", m_string.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_INLINE_EXPANSION, "Inline Expansion", m_string.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_COMMENT_PASCAL, "Pascal Comment", m_singleLineComment.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_KEYWORD_PASCAL, "Pascal Keyword", m_keyword.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_KEYWORD_USER, "User Keyword", m_keyword.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_STRING_DOUBLE, "Double string", m_string.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_STRING_SINGLE, "Single string", m_string.colour, m_background.colour);
    AddProperty(lexer, wxSTC_INNO_IDENTIFIER, "Identifier", m_foreground.colour, m_background.colour);
    return lexer;
コード例 #2
	bool GetLangNamesAutoC(int /*cat*/, StdStringVector &set)
		for(int i = 0; i < GetLangCount(); ++i)
			set.push_back(std::_tstring(GetLangName(i)) + _T("?2"));
		return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: UspDump.cpp プロジェクト: aronsoyol/UspDump
void GenUsp10DllData()
	WCHAR		*text = new WCHAR[0xFFFF];
	SCRIPT_ITEM *si = new SCRIPT_ITEM[0x0ffff];

	for(int i = 0; i < 0xffff; ++i)
		text[i] = i + 1; 
	int item_count = 0 ;
	HRESULT hr =  ScriptItemize(text, 0xffff, 0x0fffff, NULL, NULL, si, &item_count);
	wprintf(L"#,code range,scriptId\n");
	if(hr == S_OK)
		WCHAR out_str[200];
		for(int j = 0; j<item_count; ++j)
			wsprintf(out_str, L"%d,U%04X-U%04X,%d\n",j,text[si[j].iCharPos], text[si[j+1].iCharPos - 1],si[j].a.eScript);

	wprintf(L"Script Property List:\n\n");
	WCHAR out_str[1000];
	wprintf(L"id,");//,                 //:16; // Primary and sublanguage associated with script
	wprintf(L"langid,");//,                 //:16; // Primary and sublanguage associated with script
	wprintf(L"Numeric,");//,               //:1;
	wprintf(L"Complex,");//,               //:1;  // Script requires special shaping or layout
	wprintf(L"NeedsWordBreaking,");//,     //:1;  // Requires ScriptBreak for word breaking information
	wprintf(L"NeedsCaretInfo,");//,        //:1;  // Requires caret restriction to cluster boundaries
	wprintf(L"CharSet,");//,               //:8;  // Charset to use when creating font
	wprintf(L"Control,");//,               //:1;  // Contains only control characters
	wprintf(L"PrivateUseArea,");//,        //:1;  // This item is from the Unicode range U+E000 through U+F8FF
	wprintf(L"NeedsCharacterJustify,");//, //:1;  // Requires inter-character justification
	wprintf(L"InvalidGlyph,");//,          //:1;  // Invalid combinations generate glyph wgInvalid in the glyph buffer
	wprintf(L"InvalidLogAttr,");//,        //:1;  // Invalid combinations are marked by fInvalid in the logical attributes
	wprintf(L"CDM,");//                   //:1;  // Contains Combining Diacritical Marks
	wprintf(L"AmbiguousCharSet,");//,      //:1;  // Script does not correspond 1:1 with a charset
	wprintf(L"ClusterSizeVaries,");//,     //:1;  // Measured cluster width depends on adjacent clusters
	wprintf(L"RejectInvalid\n");//,         //:1;  // Invalid combinations rejected,//
	const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES **propList = NULL;
	int		propCount = 0;
	ScriptGetProperties(&propList, &propCount);
	for (int i = 0; i < propCount; i++)
		wprintf(L"%2d,", i);
		wprintf(L"%s,", GetLangName(propList[i]->langid));
		wprintf(L"0x%04X,", propList[i]->langid);                 //:16; // Primary and sublanguage associated with script
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fNumeric);               //:1;
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fComplex);               //:1;  // Script requires special shaping or layout
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fNeedsWordBreaking);     //:1;  // Requires ScriptBreak for word breaking information
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fNeedsCaretInfo);        //:1;  // Requires caret restriction to cluster boundaries
		wprintf(L"0x%02X,", propList[i]->bCharSet);               //:8;  // Charset to use when creating font
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fControl);               //:1;  // Contains only control characters
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fPrivateUseArea);        //:1;  // This item is from the Unicode range U+E000 through U+F8FF
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fNeedsCharacterJustify); //:1;  // Requires inter-character justification
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fInvalidGlyph);          //:1;  // Invalid combinations generate glyph wgInvalid in the glyph buffer
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fInvalidLogAttr);        //:1;  // Invalid combinations are marked by fInvalid in the logical attributes
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fCDM);                   //:1;  // Contains Combining Diacritical Marks
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fAmbiguousCharSet);      //:1;  // Script does not correspond 1:1 with a charset
		wprintf(L"%d,", propList[i]->fClusterSizeVaries);     //:1;  // Measured cluster width depends on adjacent clusters
		wprintf(L"%d\n", propList[i]->fRejectInvalid);         //:1;  // Invalid combinations should be rejected

	delete[] si;
	delete[] text;
