コード例 #1
BOOL CPrintProgressDialog::OnInitDialog()

    CRect clientRect;

    CRect titleRect;
    GetLocalRect(GetDlgItem(IDC_PPD_DOC_TITLE_STATIC), titleRect, this);

    CRect itemRect;
    GetLocalRect(GetDlgItem(IDC_PPD_DOC_TXT), itemRect, this);

    CRect progRect;
    progRect.left   = titleRect.left;
    progRect.top    = itemRect.top+itemRect.Height()+5;
    progRect.right  = clientRect.Width()-(2*titleRect.left);
    progRect.bottom = progRect.top+titleRect.Height();

    m_wndProgress.Create (WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, progRect, this, -1);
    m_wndProgress.SetPos (0);

    return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
    // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
コード例 #2
//Moves accordingly to the mouse
void GuiItem::Move()
	iPoint tmp = App->input->GetMousePosition();
	tmp.x -= GetLocalRect().w / 2;
	tmp.y -= GetLocalRect().h / 2;

コード例 #3
ファイル: GuiItem.cpp プロジェクト: joeyGumer/Inventowryy
//Moves accordingly to the mouse
void GuiItem::Move()
	//TODO 4: Fill Move() function so, the item movement is exactly like the cursor (hint: not using the draggable property or mouse motion)
	//and also make that the item is centered at the cursor (is at the middle not at the vertex)
	iPoint tmp = App->input->GetMousePosition();
	tmp.x -= GetLocalRect().w / 2;
	tmp.y -= GetLocalRect().h / 2;

コード例 #4
void GuiElement::Center(bool x, bool y)
	if (x || y)
		int fw, fh;
		if (parent)
			fw = parent->GetLocalRect().w;
			fh = parent->GetLocalRect().h;
			fw = App->render->camera.w;
			fh = App->render->camera.h;
		int w, h;
		SDL_Rect rect = GetLocalRect();
		if (x)
			w = fw / 2 - rect.w / 2;
			w = rect.x;

		if (y)
			h = fh / 2 - rect.h / 2;
			h = rect.y;

		SetLocalPosition({ w, h });
コード例 #5
// Special Hook Procedure for handling the print dialog messages
static UINT CALLBACK PrintHookProc(HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 

  if (uiMsg == WM_COMMAND) {
    UINT id = LOWORD(wParam);
    if (id == rad4 || id == rad5 || id == rad6) {
      gFrameSelectedRadioBtn = id;
      SetRadioOfGroup(hdlg, id);

  } else if (uiMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) {
    PRINTDLG * printDlg = (PRINTDLG *)lParam;
    if (printDlg == nullptr) return 0L;

    int16_t howToEnableFrameUI = (int16_t)printDlg->lCustData;
    // don't add frame options if they would be disabled anyway
    // because there are no frames
    if (howToEnableFrameUI == nsIPrintSettings::kFrameEnableNone)
      return TRUE;

    HINSTANCE hInst = (HINSTANCE)::GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, GWLP_HINSTANCE);
    if (hInst == nullptr) return 0L;

    // Start by getting the local rects of several of the controls
    // so we can calculate where the new controls are
    HWND wnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, grp1);
    if (wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT dlgRect;
    GetLocalRect(wnd, dlgRect, hdlg);

    wnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, rad1); // this is the top control "All"
    if (wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT rad1Rect;
    GetLocalRect(wnd, rad1Rect, hdlg);

    wnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, rad2); // this is the bottom control "Selection"
    if (wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT rad2Rect;
    GetLocalRect(wnd, rad2Rect, hdlg);

    wnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, rad3); // this is the middle control "Pages"
    if (wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT rad3Rect;
    GetLocalRect(wnd, rad3Rect, hdlg);

    HWND okWnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDOK);
    if (okWnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT okRect;
    GetLocalRect(okWnd, okRect, hdlg);

    wnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, grp4); // this is the "Print range" groupbox
    if (wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    RECT prtRect;
    GetLocalRect(wnd, prtRect, hdlg);

    // calculate various different "gaps" for layout purposes

    int rbGap     = rad3Rect.top - rad1Rect.bottom;     // gap between radiobtns
    int grpBotGap = dlgRect.bottom - rad2Rect.bottom;   // gap from bottom rb to bottom of grpbox
    int grpGap    = dlgRect.top - prtRect.bottom ;      // gap between group boxes
    int top       = dlgRect.bottom + grpGap;            
    int radHgt    = rad1Rect.bottom - rad1Rect.top + 1; // top of new group box
    int y         = top+(rad1Rect.top-dlgRect.top);     // starting pos of first radio
    int rbWidth   = dlgRect.right - rad1Rect.left - 5;  // measure from rb left to the edge of the groupbox
                                                        // (5 is arbitrary)
    nsIntRect rect;

    // Create and position the radio buttons
    // If any one control cannot be created then 
    // hide the others and bail out
    rect.SetRect(rad1Rect.left, y, rbWidth,radHgt);
    HWND rad4Wnd = CreateRadioBtn(hInst, hdlg, rad4, kAsLaidOutOnScreenStr, rect);
    if (rad4Wnd == nullptr) return 0L;
    y += radHgt + rbGap;

    rect.SetRect(rad1Rect.left, y, rbWidth, radHgt);
    HWND rad5Wnd = CreateRadioBtn(hInst, hdlg, rad5, kTheSelectedFrameStr, rect);
    if (rad5Wnd == nullptr) {
      Show(rad4Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      return 0L;
    y += radHgt + rbGap;

    rect.SetRect(rad1Rect.left, y, rbWidth, radHgt);
    HWND rad6Wnd = CreateRadioBtn(hInst, hdlg, rad6, kEachFrameSeparately, rect);
    if (rad6Wnd == nullptr) {
      Show(rad4Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      Show(rad5Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      return 0L;
    y += radHgt + grpBotGap;

    // Create and position the group box
    rect.SetRect (dlgRect.left, top, dlgRect.right-dlgRect.left+1, y-top+1);
    HWND grpBoxWnd = CreateGroupBox(hInst, hdlg, grp3, NS_LITERAL_STRING("Print Frame"), rect);
    if (grpBoxWnd == nullptr) {
      Show(rad4Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      Show(rad5Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      Show(rad6Wnd, FALSE); // hide
      return 0L;

    // Here we figure out the old height of the dlg
    // then figure its gap from the old grpbx to the bottom
    // then size the dlg
    RECT pr, cr; 
    ::GetWindowRect(hdlg, &pr);
    ::GetClientRect(hdlg, &cr);

    int dlgHgt = (cr.bottom - cr.top) + 1;
    int bottomGap = dlgHgt - okRect.bottom;
    pr.bottom += (dlgRect.bottom-dlgRect.top) + grpGap + 1 - (dlgHgt-dlgRect.bottom) + bottomGap;

    ::SetWindowPos(hdlg, nullptr, pr.left, pr.top, pr.right-pr.left+1, pr.bottom-pr.top+1, 

    // figure out the new height of the dialog
    ::GetClientRect(hdlg, &cr);
    dlgHgt = (cr.bottom - cr.top) + 1;
    // Reposition the OK and Cancel btns
    int okHgt = okRect.bottom - okRect.top + 1;
    ::SetWindowPos(okWnd, nullptr, okRect.left, dlgHgt-bottomGap-okHgt, 0, 0, 

    HWND cancelWnd = ::GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDCANCEL);
    if (cancelWnd == nullptr) return 0L;

    RECT cancelRect;
    GetLocalRect(cancelWnd, cancelRect, hdlg);
    int cancelHgt = cancelRect.bottom - cancelRect.top + 1;
    ::SetWindowPos(cancelWnd, nullptr, cancelRect.left, dlgHgt-bottomGap-cancelHgt, 0, 0, 

    // localize and initialize the groupbox and radiobuttons
    InitializeExtendedDialog(hdlg, howToEnableFrameUI);

    // Looks like we were able to extend the dialog
    gDialogWasExtended = true;
    return TRUE;
  return 0L;