bool CControlSocket::TryLockCache(const CServerPath& directory) { wxASSERT(m_pCurrentServer); std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own == m_lockInfoList.end()) { t_lockInfo info; = directory; info.pControlSocket = this; info.waiting = true; m_lockInfoList.push_back(info); own = --m_lockInfoList.end(); } else { wxASSERT(own->waiting); } // Try to find other instance holding the lock for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != own; iter++) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (directory == iter->directory) { // Some other instance is holding the lock return false; } } own->waiting = false; return true; }
enum CControlSocket::locking_reason CControlSocket::ObtainLockFromEvent() { if (!m_pCurOpData) return lock_unknown; std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own == m_lockInfoList.end()) return lock_unknown; if (!own->waiting) return lock_unknown; for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != own; ++iter) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (iter->directory != own->directory) continue; if (iter->reason != own->reason) continue; // Another instance comes before us return lock_unknown; } own->waiting = false; own->lockcount++; return own->reason; }
bool CControlSocket::IsWaitingForLock() { std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own == m_lockInfoList.end()) return false; return own->waiting == true; }
bool CControlSocket::TryLockCache(enum locking_reason reason, const CServerPath& directory) { wxASSERT(m_pCurrentServer); wxASSERT(m_pCurOpData); std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own == m_lockInfoList.end()) { t_lockInfo info; = directory; info.pControlSocket = this; info.waiting = true; info.reason = reason; info.lockcount = 0; m_lockInfoList.push_back(info); own = --m_lockInfoList.end(); } else { if (own->lockcount) { if (!m_pCurOpData->holdsLock) { m_pCurOpData->holdsLock = true; own->lockcount++; } return true; } wxASSERT(own->waiting); wxASSERT(own->reason == reason); } // Needs to be set in any case so that ResetOperation // unlocks or cancels the lock wait m_pCurOpData->holdsLock = true; // Try to find other instance holding the lock for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != own; ++iter) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (directory != iter->directory) continue; if (reason != iter->reason) continue; // Some other instance is holding the lock return false; } own->lockcount++; own->waiting = false; return true; }
void CControlSocket::UnlockCache() { if (!m_pCurOpData || !m_pCurOpData->holdsLock) return; m_pCurOpData->holdsLock = false; std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator iter = GetLockStatus(); if (iter == m_lockInfoList.end()) return; wxASSERT(!iter->waiting || iter->lockcount == 0); if (!iter->waiting) { iter->lockcount--; wxASSERT(iter->lockcount >= 0); if (iter->lockcount) return; } CServerPath directory = iter->directory; enum locking_reason reason = iter->reason; m_lockInfoList.erase(iter); // Find other instance waiting for the lock if (!m_pCurrentServer) { LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("UnlockCache called with !m_pCurrentServer")); return; } for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != m_lockInfoList.end(); ++iter) { if (!iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) { LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("UnlockCache found other instance with !m_pCurrentServer")); continue; } if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (iter->directory != directory) continue; if (iter->reason != reason) continue; // Send notification wxCommandEvent evt(fzOBTAINLOCK); iter->pControlSocket->AddPendingEvent(evt); break; } }
void CControlSocket::UnlockCache() { if (!m_pCurOpData || !m_pCurOpData->holdsLock) return; m_pCurOpData->holdsLock = false; std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator iter = GetLockStatus(); if (iter == m_lockInfoList.end()) return; wxASSERT(!iter->waiting || iter->lockcount == 0); if (!iter->waiting) { iter->lockcount--; wxASSERT(iter->lockcount >= 0); if (iter->lockcount) return; } CServerPath directory = iter->directory; enum locking_reason reason = iter->reason; m_lockInfoList.erase(iter); // Find other instance waiting for the lock if (!m_pCurrentServer) { LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("UnlockCache called with !m_pCurrentServer")); return; } for (auto & lockInfo : m_lockInfoList) { if (!lockInfo.pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer){ LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("UnlockCache found other instance with !m_pCurrentServer")); continue; } if (*m_pCurrentServer != *lockInfo.pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if ( != directory) continue; if (lockInfo.reason != reason) continue; // Send notification lockInfo.pControlSocket->send_event<CObtainLockEvent>(); break; } }
bool CControlSocket::ObtainLockFromEvent() { std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own == m_lockInfoList.end()) return false; if (!own->waiting) return false; for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != own; iter++) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (iter->directory == own->directory) return false; } own->waiting = false; return true; }
bool CControlSocket::IsLocked(enum locking_reason reason, const CServerPath& directory) { wxASSERT(m_pCurrentServer); std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator own = GetLockStatus(); if (own != m_lockInfoList.end()) return true; // Try to find other instance holding the lock for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != own; ++iter) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (directory != iter->directory) continue; if (reason != iter->reason) continue; // Some instance is holding the lock return true; } return false; }
void CControlSocket::UnlockCache() { std::list<t_lockInfo>::iterator iter = GetLockStatus(); if (iter == m_lockInfoList.end()) return; CServerPath directory = iter->directory; m_lockInfoList.erase(iter); // Find other instance waiting for the lock for (std::list<t_lockInfo>::const_iterator iter = m_lockInfoList.begin(); iter != m_lockInfoList.end(); iter++) { if (*m_pCurrentServer != *iter->pControlSocket->m_pCurrentServer) continue; if (iter->directory != directory) continue; // Send notification wxCommandEvent evt(fzOBTAINLOCK); iter->pControlSocket->AddPendingEvent(evt); break; } }
bool Frontend::Tune( Transponder &t ) { if( !IsPresent( )) { LogWarn( "device not present '%s'", name.c_str( )); return false; } Lock( ); if( transponder ) { if( transponder == &t ) { usecount++; Unlock( ); return true; } Log( "Frontend busy" ); Unlock( ); return false; } if( !Open( )) { Unlock( ); return false; } state = State_Tuning; transponder = &t; usecount++; Unlock( ); t.SetState( Transponder::State_Tuning ); Log( "Tuning %s", t.toString( ).c_str( )); uint8_t signal, noise; LogWarn( "dvb_set_compat_delivery_system %d", t.GetDelSys( )); int r = dvb_set_compat_delivery_system( fe, t.GetDelSys( )); if( r != 0 ) { LogError( "dvb_set_compat_delivery_system return %d", r ); goto fail; } SetTuneParams( t ); t.GetParams( fe ); LogWarn( "dvb_estimate_freq_shift"); dvb_estimate_freq_shift( fe ); r = dvb_fe_set_parms( fe ); if( r != 0 ) { LogError( "dvb_fe_set_parms failed with %d.", r ); dvb_fe_prt_parms( fe ); goto fail; } dvb_fe_prt_parms( fe ); /* As the DVB core emulates it, better to always use auto */ dvb_fe_store_parm(fe, DTV_INVERSION, INVERSION_AUTO); uint32_t freq; dvb_fe_retrieve_parm(fe, DTV_FREQUENCY, &freq); dvb_fe_prt_parms(fe); if( !GetLockStatus( signal, noise, tune_timeout )) { LogError( "Tuning failed" ); goto fail; } t.SetState( Transponder::State_Tuned ); t.SetSignal( signal, noise ); return true; fail: t.SetState( Transponder::State_TuningFailed ); t.SaveConfig( ); Release( ); return false; }