ParseArgsStatus CApplication::ParseArguments(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum OptionType { OPT_HELP = 1, OPT_DEBUG, OPT_DATADIR, OPT_LOGLEVEL, OPT_LANGUAGE, OPT_LANGDIR, OPT_VBO }; option options[] = { { "help", no_argument, nullptr, OPT_HELP }, { "debug", no_argument, nullptr, OPT_DEBUG }, { "datadir", required_argument, nullptr, OPT_DATADIR }, { "loglevel", required_argument, nullptr, OPT_LOGLEVEL }, { "language", required_argument, nullptr, OPT_LANGUAGE }, { "langdir", required_argument, nullptr, OPT_LANGDIR }, { "vbo", required_argument, nullptr, OPT_VBO } }; opterr = 0; int c = 0; int index = -1; while ((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", options, &index)) != -1) { if (c == '?') { if (optopt == 0) GetLogger()->Error("Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[optind-1]); else GetLogger()->Error("Expected argument for option: %s\n", argv[optind-1]); m_exitCode = 1; return PARSE_ARGS_FAIL; } index = -1; switch (c) { case OPT_HELP: { GetLogger()->Message("\n"); GetLogger()->Message("Colobot %s (%s)\n", COLOBOT_CODENAME, COLOBOT_VERSION); GetLogger()->Message("\n"); GetLogger()->Message("List of available options:\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -help this help\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -debug enable debug mode (more info printed in logs)\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -datadir path set custom data directory path\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -loglevel level set log level to level (one of: trace, debug, info, warn, error, none)\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -language lang set language (one of: en, de, fr, pl)\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -langdir path set custom language directory path\n"); GetLogger()->Message(" -vbo mode set OpenGL VBO mode (one of: auto, enable, disable)\n"); return PARSE_ARGS_HELP; } case OPT_DEBUG: { SetDebugMode(true); break; } case OPT_DATADIR: { m_dataPath = optarg; GetLogger()->Info("Using custom data dir: '%s'\n", m_dataPath.c_str()); break; } case OPT_LOGLEVEL: { LogLevel logLevel; if (! CLogger::ParseLogLevel(optarg, logLevel)) { GetLogger()->Error("Invalid log level: \"%s\"\n", optarg); return PARSE_ARGS_FAIL; } GetLogger()->Message("[*****] Log level changed to %s\n", optarg); GetLogger()->SetLogLevel(logLevel); break; } case OPT_LANGUAGE: { Language language; if (! ParseLanguage(optarg, language)) { GetLogger()->Error("Invalid language: \"%s\"\n", optarg); return PARSE_ARGS_FAIL; } GetLogger()->Info("Using language %s\n", optarg); m_language = language; break; } case OPT_LANGDIR: { m_langPath = optarg; GetLogger()->Info("Using custom language dir: '%s'\n", m_langPath.c_str()); break; } case OPT_VBO: { std::string vbo; vbo = optarg; if (vbo == "auto") m_deviceConfig.vboMode = Gfx::VBO_MODE_AUTO; else if (vbo == "enable") m_deviceConfig.vboMode = Gfx::VBO_MODE_ENABLE; else if (vbo == "disable") m_deviceConfig.vboMode = Gfx::VBO_MODE_DISABLE; else { GetLogger()->Error("Invalid vbo mode: \"%s\"\n", optarg); return PARSE_ARGS_FAIL; } break; } default: assert(false); // should never get here } } return PARSE_ARGS_OK; }
void Logger::LogSection(Logger::Level level, Section* section, const WCHAR* message) { const std::wstring source = GetSectionSourceString(section); GetLogger().Log(level, source.c_str(), message); }
/* ** Opens the context menu in given coordinates. */ void ContextMenu::ShowMenu(POINT pos, Skin* skin) { static const MenuTemplate s_Menu[] = { MENU_ITEM(IDM_MANAGE, ID_STR_MANAGE), MENU_ITEM(IDM_ABOUT, ID_STR_ABOUT), MENU_ITEM(IDM_SHOW_HELP, ID_STR_HELP), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_SKINS, MENU_ITEM(IDM_OPENSKINSFOLDER, ID_STR_OPENFOLDER), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DISABLEDRAG, ID_STR_DISABLEDRAGGING), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM_GRAYED(0, ID_STR_NOSKINS)), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_FAVORITES, MENU_ITEM_GRAYED(0, ID_STR_NOFAVORITES)), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_THEMES, MENU_ITEM_GRAYED(0, ID_STR_NOTHEMES)), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_EDITCONFIG, ID_STR_EDITSETTINGS), MENU_ITEM(IDM_REFRESH, ID_STR_REFRESHALL), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_LOGGING, MENU_ITEM(IDM_SHOWLOGFILE, ID_STR_SHOWLOGFILE), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_STARTLOG, ID_STR_STARTLOGGING), MENU_ITEM(IDM_STOPLOG, ID_STR_STOPLOGGING), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DELETELOGFILE, ID_STR_DELETELOGFILE), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DEBUGLOG, ID_STR_DEBUGMODE)), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_QUIT, ID_STR_EXIT) }; if (m_MenuActive || (skin && skin->IsClosing())) return; // Show context menu, if no actions were executed HMENU menu = MenuTemplate::CreateMenu(s_Menu, _countof(s_Menu), GetString); if (!menu) return; m_MenuActive = true; Rainmeter& rainmeter = GetRainmeter(); SetMenuDefaultItem(menu, IDM_MANAGE, MF_BYCOMMAND); if (_waccess(GetLogger().GetLogFilePath().c_str(), 0) == -1) { EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_SHOWLOGFILE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_DELETELOGFILE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_STOPLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } else { EnableMenuItem( menu, (GetLogger().IsLogToFile()) ? IDM_STARTLOG : IDM_STOPLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } if (rainmeter.m_Debug) { CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_DEBUGLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } HMENU allSkinsMenu = GetSubMenu(menu, 4); if (allSkinsMenu) { if (!rainmeter.m_SkinRegistry.IsEmpty()) { // "Open folder" = 0, "Disable dragging" = 1, separator = 2 DeleteMenu(allSkinsMenu, 3, MF_BYPOSITION); // "No skins available" menuitem CreateAllSkinsMenu(allSkinsMenu); } if (rainmeter.m_DisableDragging) { CheckMenuItem(allSkinsMenu, IDM_DISABLEDRAG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } } HMENU favoritesMenu = GetSubMenu(menu, 5); if (favoritesMenu) { if (!rainmeter.m_Favorites.empty()) { DeleteMenu(favoritesMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); // "No skins available" menuitem CreateFavoritesMenu(favoritesMenu); } } HMENU layoutMenu = GetSubMenu(menu, 6); if (layoutMenu) { if (!rainmeter.m_Layouts.empty()) { DeleteMenu(layoutMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); // "No layouts available" menuitem CreateLayoutMenu(layoutMenu); } } if (skin) { HMENU rainmeterMenu = menu; menu = CreateSkinMenu(skin, 0, allSkinsMenu); InsertMenu(menu, IDM_CLOSESKIN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)rainmeterMenu, L"Rainmeter"); InsertMenu(menu, IDM_CLOSESKIN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); } else { InsertMenu(menu, 13, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); // Create a menu for all active skins int index = 0; std::map<std::wstring, Skin*>::const_iterator iter = rainmeter.m_Skins.begin(); for (; iter != rainmeter.m_Skins.end(); ++iter) { Skin* skin = ((*iter).second); HMENU skinMenu = CreateSkinMenu(skin, index, allSkinsMenu); InsertMenu(menu, 13, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)skinMenu, skin->GetFolderPath().c_str()); ++index; } // Add update notification item if (rainmeter.m_NewVersion) { InsertMenu(menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_NEW_VERSION, GetString(ID_STR_UPDATEAVAILABLE)); HiliteMenuItem(rainmeter.GetTrayIcon()->GetWindow(), menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_HILITE); InsertMenu(menu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); } } HWND hWnd = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (hWnd != nullptr) { Skin* skin = rainmeter.GetSkin(hWnd); if (skin) { // Cancel the mouse event beforehand skin->SetMouseLeaveEvent(true); } } DisplayMenu(pos, menu, skin ? skin->GetWindow() : rainmeter.m_TrayIcon->GetWindow()); DestroyMenu(menu); m_MenuActive = false; }
AppConfig::AppConfig(std::string& xmlfile) : analyticsEnabled(true), updateMonitorEnabled(true) { systemProperties = new PropertiesBinding(); xmlParserCtxtPtr context = xmlNewParserCtxt(); xmlDocPtr document = xmlCtxtReadFile(context, xmlfile.c_str(), NULL, 0); if (!document) { std::ostringstream error; if (context->lastError.code != XML_IO_LOAD_ERROR) { error << context->lastError.file << "[Line "; error << context->lastError.line << "] "; } error << context->lastError.message; GetLogger()->Error(error.str()); xmlFreeParserCtxt(context); xmlCleanupParser(); return; } xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document); xmlNodePtr node = root->children; while (node) { if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { node = node->next; continue; } // This should always be a UTF-8, so we can just cast // the node name here to a char* std::string nodeName(reinterpret_cast<char*>( const_cast<xmlChar*>(node->name))); if (nodeName == "name") { appName = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "id") { appID = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "description") { description = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "copyright") { copyright = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "url") { url = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "version") { version = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "publisher") { publisher = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "window") { this->windows.push_back(WindowConfig::FromXMLNode(node)); } else if (nodeName == "analytics") { std::string nodeValue(ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node)); analyticsEnabled = ConfigUtils::StringToBool(nodeValue); } else if (nodeName == "update-monitor") { std::string nodeValue(ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node)); updateMonitorEnabled = ConfigUtils::StringToBool(nodeValue); } else if (nodeName == "icon") { icon = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } else if (nodeName == "property") { ParsePropertyNode(node, systemProperties->GetConfig()); } else if (nodeName == "title") { appTitle = ConfigUtils::GetNodeValue(node); } node = node->next; } xmlFreeDoc(document); xmlFreeParserCtxt(context); xmlCleanupParser(); }
/** * Create a render device and stuff. */ HRESULT ProgramStartup(const char *chAPI) { HWND hWnd3D[4]; RECT rcWnd; int x = 0, y = 0; // no opengl render device yet... //if (strcmp(chAPI, "OpenGL") == 0) return S_OK; // create a render objekt g_pRenderer = new ZFXRenderer(g_hInst); // create a device for the chosen api if (FAILED(g_pRenderer->CreateDevice(chAPI))) return E_FAIL; // get a pointer on that device g_pDevice = g_pRenderer->GetDevice(); if (g_pDevice == NULL) return E_FAIL; // build for child windows GetClientRect(g_hWnd, &rcWnd); g_MAXWND = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_MAXWND; i++) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 2)) x = 10; else x = rcWnd.right / 2 + 10; if ((i == 0) || (i == 1)) y = 10; else y = rcWnd.bottom / 2 + 10; hWnd3D[i] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, TEXT("static"), NULL, WS_CHILD | SS_BLACKRECT | WS_VISIBLE, x, y, rcWnd.right / 2 - 20, rcWnd.bottom / 2 - 20, g_hWnd, NULL, g_hInst, NULL); } // init render device if (FAILED(g_pDevice->Init(g_hWnd, hWnd3D, g_MAXWND, 16, 0, false))) { GetLogger().Print(LOG_DEBUG,log_file,"Error RenderDevice Init"); return ZFX_FAIL; } g_pDevice->UseWindow(0); POINT ptRes; g_pDevice->GetResolution(&ptRes); long lx = 0, ldx = 0, ldy = 0, fs = 0; ldx = ptRes.x / 2.666666f; ldy = ldx / 1.333333f; lx = ptRes.x - ldx - 10; fs = ptRes.x / 20; ZFXVIEWPORT rc = { lx, 0, ldx, ldy }; g_pDevice->InitStage(60, NULL, 0); g_pDevice->InitStage(60, &rc, 1); if (strcmp(chAPI, "Direct3D") == 0) { if (FAILED(g_pDevice->CreateFont("Arial", 0, false, false, false, fs, &g_nFontID))) { GetLogger().Print(LOG_DEBUG,log_file,"error: ZFXRenderDevice::CreateFont failed\n"); return ZFX_FAIL; } } IShaderManager* sm = g_pDevice->GetShaderManager(); std::string str("shader//shader.vert"); g_vshader = sm->CreateShader((void*)str.c_str(), SHT_VERTEX, true); str.assign("shader//shader.frag"); g_fshader = sm->CreateShader((void*)str.c_str(), SHT_PIXEL, true); return ZFX_OK; } // ProgramStartup
TextCtrlLogger* DebuggerManager::GetLogger() { int index; return GetLogger(index); }
void NuTo::Structure::ElementDelete(int rElementNumber) { Timer timer(__FUNCTION__, GetShowTime(), GetLogger()); ElementDeleteInternal(rElementNumber); }
TCPServerConnectionBinding::TCPServerConnectionBinding(Poco::Net::StreamSocket& s, Poco::Net::SocketReactor & r) : StaticBoundObject("Network.TCPServerSocketConnection"), socket(s), reactor(r), closed(false), onRead(0), onWrite(0), onReadComplete(0), currentSendDataOffset(0), readStarted(false), writeReadyHandlerInstalled(false) { GetLogger()->Debug("TCPServerConnectionBinding creating"); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.close,since=1.2) * Close the Socket object's connection, if it is open. * @tiresult[Boolean] true if the connection was successfully close, false if otherwise */ this->SetMethod("close", &TCPServerConnectionBinding::Close); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.write,since=1.2) * @tiapi Write data to the Socket's connection, if open. * @tiarg[String, data] The data to write to the connection. * @tiresult[Boolean] True if the write was successful, false otherwise. */ this->SetMethod("write", &TCPServerConnectionBinding::Write); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.isClosed,since=1.2) * @tiapi Check whether the Socket is closed. * @tiresult[Boolean] true if a Socket object is closed, false if otherwise */ this->SetMethod("isClosed",&TCPServerConnectionBinding::IsClosed); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.onRead,since=1.2) * @tiapi Set a callback that will be fired when data is received on the Socket. * @tiarg[Function, onRead] Function to be called when data is received. */ this->SetMethod("onRead",&TCPServerConnectionBinding::SetOnRead); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.onWrite,since=1.2) * @tiapi Set a callback that will be fired when data is written on the Socket. * @tiarg[Function, onWrite] Function to be called when data is written. */ this->SetMethod("onWrite",&TCPServerConnectionBinding::SetOnWrite); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.onError,version=1.2) * @tiapi Set the callback that will be fired when the Socket encounters an error. * @tiarg[Function, onError] Function to be called when an error happens. */ this->SetMethod("onError",&TCPServerConnectionBinding::SetOnError); /** * @tiapi(method=True,name=Network.TCPServerSocketConnection.onReadComplete,since=1.2) * @tiapi Set the callback function that will be fired when a read finishes. A read is * @tiapi considered finished if some bytes have been read and a subsequent call to read * @tiapi returns zero bytes. * @tiarg[Function, onReadComplete] Function be called when a read completes. */ this->SetMethod("onReadComplete",&TCPServerConnectionBinding::SetOnReadComplete); reactor.addEventHandler(socket, Poco::NObserver<TCPServerConnectionBinding, Poco::Net::ReadableNotification>(*this, &TCPServerConnectionBinding::onReadable)); reactor.addEventHandler(socket, Poco::NObserver<TCPServerConnectionBinding, Poco::Net::ShutdownNotification>(*this, &TCPServerConnectionBinding::onShutdown)); reactor.addEventHandler(socket, Poco::NObserver<TCPServerConnectionBinding, Poco::Net::ErrorNotification>(*this, &TCPServerConnectionBinding::onErrored)); }
/* ** Opens the context menu in given coordinates. */ void ContextMenu::ShowMenu(POINT pos, MeterWindow* meterWindow) { static const MenuTemplate s_Menu[] = { MENU_ITEM(IDM_MANAGE, ID_STR_MANAGE), MENU_ITEM(IDM_ABOUT, ID_STR_ABOUT), MENU_ITEM(IDM_SHOW_HELP, ID_STR_HELP), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_SKINS, MENU_ITEM_GRAYED(0, ID_STR_NOSKINS), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_OPENSKINSFOLDER, ID_STR_OPENFOLDER), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DISABLEDRAG, ID_STR_DISABLEDRAGGING)), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_THEMES, MENU_ITEM_GRAYED(0, ID_STR_NOTHEMES)), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_EDITCONFIG, ID_STR_EDITSETTINGS), MENU_ITEM(IDM_REFRESH, ID_STR_REFRESHALL), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_SUBMENU(ID_STR_LOGGING, MENU_ITEM(IDM_SHOWLOGFILE, ID_STR_SHOWLOGFILE), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_STARTLOG, ID_STR_STARTLOGGING), MENU_ITEM(IDM_STOPLOG, ID_STR_STOPLOGGING), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DELETELOGFILE, ID_STR_DELETELOGFILE), MENU_ITEM(IDM_DEBUGLOG, ID_STR_DEBUGMODE)), MENU_SEPARATOR(), MENU_ITEM(IDM_QUIT, ID_STR_EXIT) }; if (m_MenuActive || (meterWindow && meterWindow->IsClosing())) return; // Show context menu, if no actions were executed HMENU menu = MenuTemplate::CreateMenu(s_Menu, _countof(s_Menu), GetString); if (!menu) return; m_MenuActive = true; Rainmeter& rainmeter = GetRainmeter(); SetMenuDefaultItem(menu, IDM_MANAGE, MF_BYCOMMAND); if (_waccess(GetLogger().GetLogFilePath().c_str(), 0) == -1) { EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_SHOWLOGFILE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_DELETELOGFILE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDM_STOPLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } else { EnableMenuItem( menu, (GetLogger().IsLogToFile()) ? IDM_STARTLOG : IDM_STOPLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } if (rainmeter.m_Debug) { CheckMenuItem(menu, IDM_DEBUGLOG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } HMENU allSkinsMenu = GetSubMenu(menu, 4); if (allSkinsMenu) { if (!rainmeter.m_SkinRegistry.IsEmpty()) { DeleteMenu(allSkinsMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); // "No skins available" menuitem CreateAllSkinsMenu(allSkinsMenu); } if (rainmeter.m_DisableDragging) { CheckMenuItem(allSkinsMenu, IDM_DISABLEDRAG, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } } HMENU layoutMenu = GetSubMenu(menu, 5); if (layoutMenu) { if (!rainmeter.m_Layouts.empty()) { DeleteMenu(layoutMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); // "No layouts available" menuitem CreateLayoutMenu(layoutMenu); } } if (meterWindow) { HMENU rainmeterMenu = menu; menu = CreateSkinMenu(meterWindow, 0, allSkinsMenu); InsertMenu(menu, IDM_CLOSESKIN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)rainmeterMenu, L"Rainmeter"); InsertMenu(menu, IDM_CLOSESKIN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); } else { InsertMenu(menu, 12, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); // Create a menu for all active skins int index = 0; std::map<std::wstring, MeterWindow*>::const_iterator iter = rainmeter.m_MeterWindows.begin(); for (; iter != rainmeter.m_MeterWindows.end(); ++iter) { MeterWindow* mw = ((*iter).second); HMENU skinMenu = CreateSkinMenu(mw, index, allSkinsMenu); InsertMenu(menu, 12, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)skinMenu, mw->GetFolderPath().c_str()); ++index; } // Add update notification item if (rainmeter.m_NewVersion) { InsertMenu(menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION, IDM_NEW_VERSION, GetString(ID_STR_UPDATEAVAILABLE)); HiliteMenuItem(rainmeter.GetTrayWindow()->GetWindow(), menu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_HILITE); InsertMenu(menu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_SEPARATOR, 0, nullptr); } } HWND hWnd = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (hWnd != nullptr) { MeterWindow* mw = rainmeter.GetMeterWindow(hWnd); if (mw) { // Cancel the mouse event beforehand mw->SetMouseLeaveEvent(true); } } // Set the window to foreground hWnd = meterWindow ? meterWindow->GetWindow() : rainmeter.m_TrayWindow->GetWindow(); HWND hWndForeground = GetForegroundWindow(); if (hWndForeground != hWnd) { const DWORD foregroundThreadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndForeground, nullptr); const DWORD currentThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); AttachThreadInput(currentThreadID, foregroundThreadID, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); AttachThreadInput(currentThreadID, foregroundThreadID, FALSE); } // Show context menu TrackPopupMenu( menu, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTALIGN | (*GetString(ID_STR_ISRTL) == L'1' ? TPM_LAYOUTRTL : 0), pos.x, pos.y, 0, hWnd, nullptr); DestroyMenu(menu); m_MenuActive = false; }
int CFileListener::Run(CThread * thisThread) { CString loop = "File Listener loop"; bool found = true; while (!m_stopped) { try { if ( !found ) { LOG_DEBUG(GetLogger(), ATF_DEBUG, "File listener wait for dir changes"); DWORD result = WaitForMultipleObjects(2,m_handles,false,INFINITE); if ( 1 == result - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { break; } if ( 0 != result - WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { THROW_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION("Problem during wait changes"); } FindNextChangeNotification(m_handles[ATF_WAIT_HANDLE]); } CString file = GetNextFile(); if ( file.IsEmpty() ) { found = false; continue; } found = true; LOG_DEBUG(GetLogger(), ATF_DEBUG, "File found ["+file+"]"); CMessage * msg = new CMessage(file); int pos_point = file.ReverseFind('.'); int pos_slash = file.ReverseFind('\\'); if ( pos_point < pos_slash || pos_point == -1 ) { msg->SetType("$$$"); } else { CString ext = ((const char*)file)[pos_point+1]; msg->SetType(ext); } CString tranId; if ( pos_point < pos_slash || pos_slash == -1) { tranId.Format("%0ld", msg->GetID()); msg->SetTransactionID(tranId); } else { for ( int i = pos_slash + 1; i < pos_point; i++ ) { tranId += file[i]; } msg->SetTransactionID(tranId); } IExecutor * executor = m_executors.Get(); CThread * proc = m_threads.Get(); executor->SetTask(msg); IRunnable& body = proc->GetBody(); ((CThreadBodyRunnable&)body).SetTask(executor, &m_executors); ((CPoolableThread*)proc)->Run(); } catch (CSystemException &se) { CExceptionLogger::Log(GetLogger(), se); } catch (CAtfException &te) { CExceptionLogger::Log(GetLogger(), te); } catch (...) { LOG_ERROR(GetLogger(), ATF_ASSERT_ERR, "Unknown Exception was thrown"); } LOG_DEBUG(GetLogger(), ATF_DEBUG, loop); } return 0; };
void TCPServerConnectionBinding::onReadable (const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ReadableNotification>& notification) { if (this->closed) { return; } static std::string eprefix("TCPServerConnectionBinding::OnRead: "); try { // Always read bytes, so that the tubes get cleared. char data[BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; int size = socket.receiveBytes(&data, BUFFER_SIZE); // A read is only complete if we've already read some bytes from the socket. bool readComplete = this->readStarted && (size <= 0); this->readStarted = (size > 0); if (readComplete && !this->onReadComplete.isNull()) { ValueList args; RunOnMainThread(this->onReadComplete, args, false); } else if (size > 0 && !this->onRead.isNull()) { data[size] = '\0'; BytesRef bytes(new Bytes(data, size)); ValueList args(Value::NewObject(bytes)); RunOnMainThread(this->onRead, args, false); } } catch (ValueException& e) { GetLogger()->Error("Read failed: %s", e.ToString().c_str()); ValueList args(Value::NewString(e.ToString())); if (!this->onError.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(this->onError, args, false); } catch (Poco::Exception &e) { // sometimes we'll get a I/O error (9) after closing during // a read, we can safely ignore errors if closed if (!this->closed) { GetLogger()->Error("Read failed: %s", e.displayText().c_str()); ValueList args(Value::NewString(e.displayText())); if (!this->onError.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(this->onError, args, false); } } catch (...) { GetLogger()->Error("Read failed: unknown exception"); ValueList args(Value::NewString("Unknown exception during read")); if (!this->onError.isNull()) RunOnMainThread(this->onError, args, false); } }
void Log::SetOutputLevel ( const enum OutputLevel level ) { GetLogger().mLevel = level; }
INetTransport::INetTransport() { GetLogger()->Register(STR_NAME_NET_TRANSPORT); }
bool CApplication::Create() { GetLogger()->Info("Creating CApplication\n"); boost::filesystem::path dataPath(m_dataPath); if (! (boost::filesystem::exists(dataPath) && boost::filesystem::is_directory(dataPath)) ) { GetLogger()->Error("Data directory '%s' doesn't exist or is not a directory\n", m_dataPath.c_str()); m_errorMessage = std::string("Could not read from data directory:\n") + std::string("'") + m_dataPath + std::string("'\n") + std::string("Please check your installation, or supply a valid data directory by -datadir option."); m_exitCode = 1; return false; } SetLanguage(m_language); //Create the sound instance. if (!GetProfile().InitCurrentDirectory()) { GetLogger()->Warn("Config not found. Default values will be used!\n"); m_sound = new CSoundInterface(); } else { std::string path; if (GetProfile().GetLocalProfileString("Resources", "Data", path)) m_dataPath = path; #ifdef OPENAL_SOUND m_sound = static_cast<CSoundInterface *>(new ALSound()); #else GetLogger()->Info("No sound support.\n"); m_sound = new CSoundInterface(); #endif m_sound->Create(true); if (GetProfile().GetLocalProfileString("Resources", "Sound", path)) { m_sound->CacheAll(path); } else { m_sound->CacheAll(GetDataSubdirPath(DIR_SOUND)); } if (GetProfile().GetLocalProfileString("Resources", "Music", path)) { m_sound->AddMusicFiles(path); } else { m_sound->AddMusicFiles(GetDataSubdirPath(DIR_MUSIC)); } } std::string standardInfoMessage = "\nPlease see the console output or log file\n" "to get more information on the source of error"; /* SDL initialization sequence */ Uint32 initFlags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER; if (SDL_Init(initFlags) < 0) { m_errorMessage = std::string("SDL initialization error:\n") + std::string(SDL_GetError()); GetLogger()->Error(m_errorMessage.c_str()); m_exitCode = 2; return false; } // This is non-fatal and besides seems to fix some memory leaks if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { GetLogger()->Warn("Joystick subsystem init failed\nJoystick(s) will not be available\n"); } if ((IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG) & IMG_INIT_PNG) == 0) { m_errorMessage = std::string("SDL_Image initialization error:\n") + std::string(IMG_GetError()); GetLogger()->Error(m_errorMessage.c_str()); m_exitCode = 3; return false; } // load settings from profile int iValue; if ( GetProfile().GetLocalProfileInt("Setup", "Resolution", iValue) ) { std::vector<Math::IntPoint> modes; GetVideoResolutionList(modes, true, true); if (static_cast<unsigned int>(iValue) < modes.size()) m_deviceConfig.size =; } if ( GetProfile().GetLocalProfileInt("Setup", "Fullscreen", iValue) ) { m_deviceConfig.fullScreen = (iValue == 1); } if (! CreateVideoSurface()) return false; // dialog is in function if (m_private->surface == nullptr) { m_errorMessage = std::string("SDL error while setting video mode:\n") + std::string(SDL_GetError()); GetLogger()->Error(m_errorMessage.c_str()); m_exitCode = 4; return false; } SDL_WM_SetCaption(m_windowTitle.c_str(), m_windowTitle.c_str()); // Enable translating key codes of key press events to unicode chars SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); // Don't generate joystick events SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_IGNORE); // The video is ready, we can create and initalize the graphics device m_device = new Gfx::CGLDevice(m_deviceConfig); if (! m_device->Create() ) { m_errorMessage = std::string("Error in CDevice::Create()\n") + standardInfoMessage; m_exitCode = 5; return false; } // Create the 3D engine m_engine = new Gfx::CEngine(this); m_engine->SetDevice(m_device); if (! m_engine->Create() ) { m_errorMessage = std::string("Error in CEngine::Init()\n") + standardInfoMessage; m_exitCode = 6; return false; } // Create model manager m_modelManager = new Gfx::CModelManager(m_engine); // Create the robot application. m_robotMain = new CRobotMain(this); m_robotMain->ChangePhase(PHASE_WELCOME1); GetLogger()->Info("CApplication created successfully\n"); return true; }
void Database::Close(const ValueList& args, KValueRef result) { GetLogger()->Debug("Closing database: %s", name.c_str()); this->Close(); }
bool ALSound::SearchFreeBuffer(SoundType sound, int &channel, bool &alreadyLoaded) { int priority = GetPriority(sound); // Seeks a channel used which sound is stopped. for (auto& it : m_channels) { if (it.second->IsPlaying()) { continue; } if (it.second->GetSoundType() != sound) { continue; } it.second->SetPriority(priority); it.second->Reset(); channel = it.first; alreadyLoaded = it.second->IsLoaded(); return true; } // just add a new channel if we dont have any if (m_channels.size() == 0) { auto chn = MakeUnique<Channel>(); // check if we channel ready to play music, if not report error if (chn->IsReady()) { chn->SetPriority(priority); chn->Reset(); channel = 1; m_channels[channel] = std::move(chn); alreadyLoaded = false; return true; } GetLogger()->Error("Could not open channel to play sound!\n"); return false; } // Assigns new channel within limit if (m_channels.size() < m_channelsLimit) { auto it = m_channels.end(); it--; int i = (*it).first; while (++i) { if (m_channels.find(i) == m_channels.end()) { auto chn = MakeUnique<Channel>(); // check if channel is ready to play music, if not destroy it and seek free one if (chn->IsReady()) { chn->SetPriority(priority); chn->Reset(); m_channels[i] = std::move(chn); channel = i; alreadyLoaded = false; return true; } GetLogger()->Debug("Could not open additional channel to play sound!\n"); break; } } } int lowerOrEqual = -1; for (auto& it : m_channels) { if (it.second->GetPriority() < priority) { GetLogger()->Debug("Sound channel with lower priority will be reused.\n"); channel = it.first; it.second->Reset(); return true; } if (it.second->GetPriority() <= priority) lowerOrEqual = it.first; } if (lowerOrEqual != -1) { channel = lowerOrEqual; m_channels[channel]->Reset(); GetLogger()->Debug("Sound channel with lower or equal priority will be reused.\n"); return true; } GetLogger()->Debug("Could not find free buffer to use.\n"); return false; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMasterLogic::InitLog() { GetLogger()->Register("Inner");// для логирования внутренних событий GetLogger()->Init("Master"); }
void CSettings::LoadSettings() { CApplication* app = CApplication::GetInstancePointer(); CRobotMain* main = CRobotMain::GetInstancePointer(); Gfx::CEngine* engine = Gfx::CEngine::GetInstancePointer(); Gfx::CCamera* camera = main->GetCamera(); CSoundInterface* sound = app->GetSound(); int iValue = 0; float fValue = 0.0f; bool bValue = false; std::string sValue = ""; GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "Tooltips", m_tooltips); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "InterfaceGlint", m_interfaceGlint); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "InterfaceRain", m_interfaceRain); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "Soluce4", m_soluce4); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "Movies", m_movies); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "FocusLostPause", m_focusLostPause); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "OldCameraScroll", bValue)) camera->SetOldCameraScroll(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "CameraInvertX", bValue)) camera->SetCameraInvertX(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "CameraInvertY", bValue)) camera->SetCameraInvertY(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "InterfaceEffect", bValue)) camera->SetEffect(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "Blood", bValue)) camera->SetBlood(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "Autosave", bValue)) main->SetAutosave(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "AutosaveInterval", iValue)) main->SetAutosaveInterval(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "AutosaveSlots", iValue)) main->SetAutosaveSlots(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "ObjectDirty", bValue)) engine->SetDirty(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "FogMode", bValue)) { engine->SetFog(bValue); camera->SetOverBaseColor(Gfx::Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // TODO: color ok? } if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "LightMode", bValue)) engine->SetLightMode(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "JoystickIndex", iValue)) { if (iValue >= 0) { auto joysticks = app->GetJoystickList(); for(const auto& joystick : joysticks) { if (joystick.index == iValue) { app->ChangeJoystick(joystick); app->SetJoystickEnabled(true); } } } else { app->SetJoystickEnabled(false); } } if (GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Setup", "ParticleDensity", fValue)) engine->SetParticleDensity(fValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Setup", "ClippingDistance", fValue)) engine->SetClippingDistance(fValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "AudioVolume", iValue)) sound->SetAudioVolume(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "MusicVolume", iValue)) sound->SetMusicVolume(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "EditIndentMode", bValue)) engine->SetEditIndentMode(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "EditIndentValue", iValue)) engine->SetEditIndentValue(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "MipmapLevel", iValue)) engine->SetTextureMipmapLevel(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "Anisotropy", iValue)) engine->SetTextureAnisotropyLevel(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Setup", "ShadowColor", fValue)) engine->SetShadowColor(fValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Setup", "ShadowRange", fValue)) engine->SetShadowRange(fValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "MSAA", iValue)) engine->SetMultiSample(iValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "FilterMode", iValue)) engine->SetTextureFilterMode(static_cast<Gfx::TexFilter>(iValue)); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "ShadowMapping", bValue)) engine->SetShadowMapping(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Setup", "ShadowMappingQuality", bValue)) engine->SetShadowMappingQuality(bValue); if (GetConfigFile().GetIntProperty("Setup", "ShadowMappingResolution", iValue)) { if (iValue == 0) { engine->SetShadowMappingOffscreen(false); } else { engine->SetShadowMappingOffscreen(true); engine->SetShadowMappingOffscreenResolution(iValue); } } if (GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty("Experimental", "TerrainShadows", bValue)) engine->SetTerrainShadows(bValue); CInput::GetInstancePointer()->LoadKeyBindings(); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "FontSize", m_fontSize); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "WindowPosX", m_windowPos.x); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "WindowPosY", m_windowPos.y); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "WindowDimX", m_windowDim.x); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "WindowDimY", m_windowDim.y); GetConfigFile().GetBoolProperty ("Edit", "IOPublic", m_IOPublic); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "IOPosX", m_IOPos.x); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "IOPosY", m_IOPos.y); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "IODimX", m_IODim.x); GetConfigFile().GetFloatProperty("Edit", "IODimY", m_IODim.y); m_language = LANGUAGE_ENV; if (GetConfigFile().GetStringProperty("Language", "Lang", sValue)) { if (!sValue.empty() && !ParseLanguage(sValue, m_language)) { GetLogger()->Error("Failed to parse language '%s' from config file. Default language will be used.\n", sValue.c_str()); } } app->SetLanguage(m_language); }
bool ALSound::SearchFreeBuffer(Sound sound, int &channel, bool &bAlreadyLoaded) { int priority = GetPriority(sound); // Seeks a channel used which sound is stopped. for (auto it : mChannels) { if (it.second->IsPlaying()) continue; if (it.second->GetSoundType() != sound) continue; it.second->SetPriority(priority); channel = it.first; bAlreadyLoaded = it.second->IsLoaded(); return true; } // just add a new channel if we dont have any if (mChannels.size() == 0) { Channel *chn = new Channel(); // check if we channel ready to play music, if not report error if (chn->IsReady()) { chn->SetPriority(priority); mChannels[1] = chn; channel = 1; bAlreadyLoaded = false; return true; } delete chn; GetLogger()->Error("Could not open channel to play sound!"); return false; } // Seeks a channel completely free. if (mChannels.size() < 64) { auto it = mChannels.end(); it--; int i = (*it).first; while (++i) { if (mChannels.find(i) == mChannels.end()) { Channel *chn = new Channel(); // check if channel is ready to play music, if not destroy it and seek free one if (chn->IsReady()) { chn->SetPriority(priority); mChannels[++i] = chn; channel = i; bAlreadyLoaded = false; return true; } delete chn; GetLogger()->Warn("Could not open additional channel to play sound!"); } } } int lowerOrEqual = -1; for (auto it : mChannels) { if (it.second->GetPriority() < priority) { GetLogger()->Debug("Sound channel with lower priority will be reused."); channel = it.first; return true; } if (it.second->GetPriority() <= priority) lowerOrEqual = it.first; } if (lowerOrEqual != -1) { channel = lowerOrEqual; GetLogger()->Debug("Sound channel with lower or equal priority will be reused."); return true; } GetLogger()->Warn("Could not find free buffer to use.\n"); return false; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | NPT_LogManager::GetLogger +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Logger* NPT_LogManager::GetLogger(const char* name) { // exit now if the log manager is disabled if (!LogManager.m_Enabled) return NULL; // auto lock until we return from this method NPT_AutoLock lock(LogManager.m_Lock); /* check that the manager is initialized */ if (!LogManager.m_Configured) { /* init the manager */ LogManager.Configure(); NPT_ASSERT(LogManager.m_Configured); } /* check if this logger is already configured */ NPT_Logger* logger = LogManager.FindLogger(name); if (logger) return logger; /* create a new logger */ logger = new NPT_Logger(name, LogManager); if (logger == NULL) return NULL; /* configure the logger */ LogManager.ConfigureLogger(logger); /* find which parent to attach to */ NPT_Logger* parent = LogManager.m_Root; NPT_String parent_name = name; for (;;) { NPT_Logger* candidate_parent; /* find the last dot */ int dot = parent_name.ReverseFind('.'); if (dot < 0) break; parent_name.SetLength(dot); /* see if the parent exists */ candidate_parent = LogManager.FindLogger(parent_name); if (candidate_parent) { parent = candidate_parent; break; } /* this parent name does not exist, see if we need to create it */ if (LogManager.HaveLoggerConfig(parent_name)) { LogManager.m_Lock.Unlock(); parent = GetLogger(parent_name); LogManager.m_Lock.Lock(); break; } } /* attach to the parent */ logger->SetParent(parent); /* add this logger to the list */ LogManager.m_Loggers.Add(logger); return logger; }
int NuTo::Structure::BoundaryElementsCreate(int rElementGroupId, int rNodeGroupId, NodeBase* rControlNode) { Timer timer(__FUNCTION__, GetShowTime(), GetLogger()); // find groups boost::ptr_map<int, GroupBase>::iterator itGroupElements = mGroupMap.find(rElementGroupId); if (itGroupElements == mGroupMap.end()) throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Group with the given identifier does not exist."); if (itGroupElements->second->GetType() != NuTo::eGroupId::Elements) throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Group is not an element group."); boost::ptr_map<int, GroupBase>::iterator itGroupBoundaryNodes = mGroupMap.find(rNodeGroupId); if (itGroupBoundaryNodes == mGroupMap.end()) throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Group with the given identifier does not exist."); if (itGroupBoundaryNodes->second->GetType() != NuTo::eGroupId::Nodes) throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Group is not a node group."); Group<ElementBase>& elementGroup = *(itGroupElements->second->AsGroupElement()); Group<NodeBase>& nodeGroup = *(itGroupBoundaryNodes->second->AsGroupNode()); // since the search is done via the id's, the surface nodes are ptr, so make another set with the node ptrs std::set<const NodeBase*> nodePtrSet; for (auto itNode : nodeGroup) { nodePtrSet.insert(itNode.second); } std::vector<int> newBoundaryElementIds; // loop over all elements for (auto itElement : elementGroup) { ElementBase* elementPtr = itElement.second; const InterpolationType& interpolationType = elementPtr->GetInterpolationType(); // std::cout << typeid(*elementPtr).name() << "\n"; // std::cout << typeid(ContinuumElement<1>).name() << std::endl; if (typeid(*elementPtr) != typeid(ContinuumElement<1>) && typeid(*elementPtr) != typeid(ContinuumElement<2>) && typeid(*elementPtr) != typeid(ContinuumElement<3>)) throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Element is not a ContinuumElement."); // loop over all surfaces for (int iSurface = 0; iSurface < interpolationType.GetNumSurfaces(); ++iSurface) { bool elementSurfaceNodesMatchBoundaryNodes = true; Eigen::VectorXi surfaceNodeIndices = interpolationType.GetSurfaceNodeIndices(iSurface); int numSurfaceNodes = surfaceNodeIndices.rows(); std::vector<const NodeBase*> surfaceNodes(numSurfaceNodes); for (int iSurfaceNode = 0; iSurfaceNode < numSurfaceNodes; ++iSurfaceNode) { surfaceNodes[iSurfaceNode] = elementPtr->GetNode(surfaceNodeIndices(iSurfaceNode, 0)); } // check, if all surface nodes are in the node group for (auto& surfaceNode : surfaceNodes) { if (nodePtrSet.find(surfaceNode) == nodePtrSet.end()) { // this surface has at least one node that is not in the list, continue elementSurfaceNodesMatchBoundaryNodes = false; break; } } if (not elementSurfaceNodesMatchBoundaryNodes) continue; int surfaceId = iSurface; int elementId = GetUnusedId(mElementMap); ElementBase* boundaryElement = nullptr; ConstitutiveBase& constitutiveLaw = elementPtr->GetConstitutiveLaw(0); switch (elementPtr->GetLocalDimension()) { case 1: { const auto& integrationType = *GetPtrIntegrationType(eIntegrationType::IntegrationType0DBoundary); auto& element = dynamic_cast<ContinuumElement<1>&>(*elementPtr); if (rControlNode == nullptr) boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElement<1>(element, integrationType, surfaceId); else boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElementConstrainedControlNode<1>(element, integrationType, surfaceId, rControlNode); break; } case 2: { eIntegrationType integrationTypeEnum; // check for 2D types switch (interpolationType.GetStandardIntegrationType()) { case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss1Ip: case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NGauss1Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NGauss1Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss3Ip: case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NGauss4Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NGauss2Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss6Ip: case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NGauss9Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NGauss3Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss12Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NGauss5Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto9Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NLobatto3Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto16Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NLobatto4Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto25Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType1D2NLobatto5Ip; break; default: throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Could not automatically determine integration type of the boundary element."); } const auto& integrationType = *GetPtrIntegrationType(integrationTypeEnum); auto& element = dynamic_cast<ContinuumElement<2>&>(*elementPtr); if (rControlNode == nullptr) boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElement<2>(element, integrationType, surfaceId); else boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElementConstrainedControlNode<2>(element, integrationType, surfaceId, rControlNode); break; } case 3: { eIntegrationType integrationTypeEnum; // check for 3D types switch (interpolationType.GetStandardIntegrationType()) { case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D4NGauss1Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss1Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D4NGauss4Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D3NGauss3Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D8NGauss1Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NGauss1Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D8NGauss2x2x2Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NGauss4Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D8NLobatto3x3x3Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto9Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D8NLobatto4x4x4Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto16Ip; break; case eIntegrationType::IntegrationType3D8NLobatto5x5x5Ip: integrationTypeEnum = eIntegrationType::IntegrationType2D4NLobatto16Ip; break; default: throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Could not automatically determine integration type of the boundary element."); } const auto& integrationType = *GetPtrIntegrationType(integrationTypeEnum); auto& element = dynamic_cast<ContinuumElement<3>&>(*elementPtr); if (rControlNode == nullptr) boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElement<3>(element, integrationType, surfaceId); else boundaryElement = new ContinuumBoundaryElementConstrainedControlNode<3>(element, integrationType, surfaceId, rControlNode); break; } default: throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Boundary element for Continuum element with dimension " + std::to_string(elementPtr->GetLocalDimension()) + "not implemented"); } mElementMap.insert(elementId, boundaryElement); newBoundaryElementIds.push_back(elementId); boundaryElement->SetConstitutiveLaw(constitutiveLaw); } } int boundaryElementGroup = GroupCreate(eGroupId::Elements); for (int boundaryElementId : newBoundaryElementIds) GroupAddElement(boundaryElementGroup, boundaryElementId); return boundaryElementGroup; }
void CGLFramebuffer::Create() { if (m_fbo != 0) return; m_width = m_params.width; m_height = m_params.height; m_depth = m_params.depth; m_samples = m_params.samples; glGenFramebuffers(1, &m_fbo); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_fbo); // create color texture if (m_params.colorTexture) { GLint previous; glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &previous); glGenTextures(1, &m_colorTexture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_colorTexture); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, m_params.width, m_params.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, previous); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_colorTexture, 0); } // create color renderbuffer else { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &m_colorRenderbuffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_colorRenderbuffer); if (m_params.samples > 1) glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_params.samples, GL_RGBA8, m_params.width, m_params.height); else glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_RGBA8, m_params.width, m_params.height); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_colorRenderbuffer); } GLuint depthFormat = 0; switch (m_params.depth) { case 16: depthFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16; break; case 24: depthFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24; break; case 32: depthFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32; break; default: depthFormat = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16; break; } // create depth texture if (m_params.depthTexture) { GLint previous; glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &previous); glGenTextures(1, &m_depthTexture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_depthTexture); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, depthFormat, m_params.width, m_params.height, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, GL_LEQUAL); float color[] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER); glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, color); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, previous); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_depthTexture, 0); } // create depth renderbuffer else { glGenRenderbuffers(1, &m_depthRenderbuffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_depthRenderbuffer); if (m_params.samples > 1) glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_params.samples, depthFormat, m_params.width, m_params.height); else glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthFormat, m_params.width, m_params.height); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, m_depthRenderbuffer); } GLuint result = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (result != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { GetLogger()->Error("Framebuffer incomplete\n"); assert(false); } glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_currentFBO); }
/** * WinMain function to get the thing started. */ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { WNDCLASSEX wndclass; HRESULT hr; HWND hWnd; MSG msg; // Set up window attributes wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = MsgProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wndclass.hInstance = hInst; wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW); wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; wndclass.lpszClassName = g_szAppClass; wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); if (RegisterClassEx(&wndclass) == 0) return 0; // create window if (!(hWnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, g_szAppClass, "ZFXEngine - Demo Application", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 2 - 400, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) / 2 - 300, 800, 600, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL))) return 0; ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE); g_hWnd = hWnd; g_hInst = hInst; int SwitchAPI = 1; std::string chAPI; switch (SwitchAPI) { case 0: chAPI.assign("Direct3D"); break; case 1: chAPI.assign("OpenGL"); break; default: chAPI.assign("Direct3D"); break; } // try to start the engine if (FAILED(hr = ProgramStartup(chAPI.c_str()))) { GetLogger().Print(LOG_DEBUG,log_file,"error: ProgramStartup() failed\n"); g_bDone = true; } else if (hr == ZFX_CANCELED) { GetLogger().Print(LOG_DEBUG,log_file,"error: ProgramStartup() canceled by user \n"); g_bDone = true; } else { GetLogger().Print(LOG_DEBUG,log_file,"ProgramStartup Success"); g_pDevice->SetClearColor(1, 1, 1); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); LoadModel(); } //DrawVertex(); InitTriangleExam(); InitFont(); //InitLightExam(); InitGlyphTex(); GetTimer()->Reset(); while (!g_bDone) { while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (g_bIsActive) { UpdateFPS(); //DrawGlyphTex(); //DrawLightExam(); //ProgramTick(); IShaderManager* sm = g_pDevice->GetShaderManager(); sm->EnableShader(false); //DrawTriangle(sm); //DrawS3DModel(); DrawString("Life is cool"); /*if (g_pDevice->IsWindowed()) { g_pDevice->UseWindow(1); g_pDevice->SetView3D(vU*-1.0f, vR, vD, vP); ProgramTick(); g_pDevice->UseWindow(2); g_pDevice->SetView3D(vR*-1.0f, vU*-1, vD, vP); ProgramTick(); g_pDevice->UseWindow(3); g_pDevice->SetView3D(vU, vR*-1, vD, vP); ProgramTick(); }*/ } } // cleanup stuff ProgramCleanup(); UnregisterClass(g_szAppClass, hInst); // return back to windows return (int)msg.wParam; } // WinMain
/* ** Called when tab is displayed. ** */ void DialogAbout::TabLog::Initialize() { // Add columns to the list view HWND item = GetControl(Id_ItemsListView); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(item, 0, LVS_EX_LABELTIP | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER); // Set folder/.ini icons for tree list HIMAGELIST hImageList = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32, 3, 1); HMODULE hDLL = GetModuleHandle(L"user32"); HICON hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(103), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); ImageList_AddIcon(hImageList, hIcon); DeleteObject(hIcon); hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(101), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); ImageList_AddIcon(hImageList, hIcon); DeleteObject(hIcon); hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(hDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(104), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); ImageList_AddIcon(hImageList, hIcon); DeleteObject(hIcon); ListView_SetImageList(item, (WPARAM)hImageList, LVSIL_SMALL); LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; // left-aligned column lvc.iSubItem = 0; = 75; lvc.pszText = GetString(ID_STR_TYPE); ListView_InsertColumn(item, 0, &lvc); lvc.iSubItem = 1; = 85; lvc.pszText = GetString(ID_STR_TIME); ListView_InsertColumn(item, 1, &lvc); lvc.iSubItem = 2; = 225; lvc.pszText = GetString(ID_STR_SOURCE); ListView_InsertColumn(item, 2, &lvc); lvc.iSubItem = 4; // Start 4th column at max width RECT rect; = GetWindowRect(item, &rect) ? (rect.right - rect.left - 405) : 180; lvc.pszText = GetString(ID_STR_MESSAGE); ListView_InsertColumn(item, 3, &lvc); // Add stored entires for (const auto& entry : GetLogger().GetEntries()) { AddItem(entry.level, entry.timestamp.c_str(), entry.source.c_str(), entry.message.c_str()); } item = GetControl(Id_ErrorCheckBox); Button_SetCheck(item, BST_CHECKED); item = GetControl(Id_WarningCheckBox); Button_SetCheck(item, BST_CHECKED); item = GetControl(Id_NoticeCheckBox); Button_SetCheck(item, BST_CHECKED); item = GetControl(Id_DebugCheckBox); Button_SetCheck(item, BST_CHECKED); m_Initialized = true; }
void CPathManager::AddMod(std::string modPath) { GetLogger()->Info("Loading mod: '%s'\n", modPath.c_str()); CResourceManager::AddLocation(modPath, true); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------- void TEditorMapLogic::InitLog() { GetLogger()->Register( "Inner" );// для логирования внутренних событий GetLogger()->Init( "EditorMap" ); }
void Logger::LogSectionVF(Logger::Level level, Section* section, const WCHAR* format, va_list args) { const std::wstring source = GetSectionSourceString(section); GetLogger().LogVF(level, source.c_str(), format, args); }
void Database::Execute(const ValueList& args, KValueRef result) { args.VerifyException("execute", "s"); if (!session) throw ValueException::FromString("Tried to call execute, but database was closed."); std::string sql(args.GetString(0)); GetLogger()->Debug("Execute called with %s", sql.c_str()); Statement select(*this->session); try { ValueBinding binding; select << sql; if (args.size()>1) { for (size_t c=1;c<args.size();c++) { KValueRef anarg =; if (anarg->IsList()) { KListRef list = anarg->ToList(); for (size_t a=0;a<list->Size();a++) { KValueRef arg = list->At(a); binding.convert(select,arg); } } else { binding.convert(select,anarg); } } } Poco::UInt32 count = select.execute(); GetLogger()->Debug("sql returned: %d rows for result",count); this->SetInt("rowsAffected",count); // get the row insert id Statement ss(*this->session); ss << "select last_insert_rowid()", now; RecordSet rr(ss); Poco::DynamicAny value = rr.value(0); int i; value.convert(i); this->SetInt("lastInsertRowId",i); if (count > 0) { RecordSet rs(select); KObjectRef r = new ResultSet(rs); result->SetObject(r); } else { KObjectRef r = new ResultSet(); result->SetObject(r); } } catch (Poco::Data::DataException &e) { GetLogger()->Error("Exception executing: %s, Error was: %s", sql.c_str(), e.what()); throw ValueException::FromString(e.what()); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { GetLogger()->Register(STR_NAME_MMO_ENGINE); GetLogger()->Register(STR_NAME_NET_TRANSPORT); GetLogger()->Init("Client_Test"); GetLogger()->SetPrintf(false); GetLogger()->SetEnable(false); THandlerMMO_Client handler; TInputCmdTestMMO_Client inputCmd; bool res = inputCmd.SetArg(argc, argv); BL_ASSERT(res); TInputCmdTestMMO_Client::TInput inputArg; inputCmd.Get(inputArg); TMakerTransport makerTransport; std::vector<nsMMOEngine::TClient*> pArrClient; for( int i = 0 ; i < inputArg.count ; i++ ) { nsMMOEngine::TClient* pClient = new nsMMOEngine::TClient; pClient->Init(&makerTransport); nsMMOEngine::TDescOpen descOpen; descOpen.port = inputArg.begin_port + i; pClient->Open(&descOpen); pClient->SetDstObject(&handler); pClient->SetSelfID(descOpen.port); pArrClient.push_back(pClient); } const char* sLocalHost =; unsigned int masterIP = boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(sLocalHost).to_ulong(); int indexClientOnLogin = 0; while(true) { unsigned int startTime = ht_GetMSCount(); // Login int cnt = std::min(inputArg.count, indexClientOnLogin+STEP_LOGIN); for( int i = indexClientOnLogin ; i < cnt ; i++ ) { char sLogin[100]; sprintf(sLogin, "%d", inputArg.begin_id + i); pArrClient[i]->Login(masterIP, MASTER_PORT, sLogin, strlen(sLogin), (void*)PASSWORD_CLIENT, strlen(PASSWORD_CLIENT)); } indexClientOnLogin = cnt; // Work for( int i = 0 ; i < indexClientOnLogin ; i++ ) pArrClient[i]->Work(); handler.Work(); // burn rest time unsigned int deltaTime = ht_GetMSCount() - startTime; static int old_delta_time = -1; if((old_delta_time!=deltaTime)&& (deltaTime>70)) { printf("dTime=%d\n", deltaTime); old_delta_time = deltaTime; } if(deltaTime < CLIENT_QUANT_TIME) ht_msleep(CLIENT_QUANT_TIME-deltaTime); } return 0; }
void CApplication::SetLanguage(Language language) { m_language = language; /* Gettext initialization */ std::string locale = ""; switch (m_language) { default: case LANGUAGE_ENV: locale = ""; break; case LANGUAGE_ENGLISH: locale = "en_US.utf8"; break; case LANGUAGE_GERMAN: locale = "de_DE.utf8"; break; case LANGUAGE_FRENCH: locale = "fr_FR.utf8"; break; case LANGUAGE_POLISH: locale = "pl_PL.utf8"; break; } if (locale.empty()) { char *envLang = getenv("LANGUAGE"); if (envLang == NULL) { envLang = getenv("LANG"); } if (envLang == NULL) { GetLogger()->Error("Failed to get language from environment, setting default language"); m_language = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; } else if (strncmp(envLang,"en",2) == 0) { m_language = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; } else if (strncmp(envLang,"de",2) == 0) { m_language = LANGUAGE_GERMAN; } else if (strncmp(envLang,"fr",2) == 0) { m_language = LANGUAGE_FRENCH; } else if (strncmp(envLang,"pl",2) == 0) { m_language = LANGUAGE_POLISH; } GetLogger()->Trace("SetLanguage: Inherit LANGUAGE=%s from environment\n", envLang); } else { std::string langStr = "LANGUAGE="; langStr += locale; strcpy(S_LANGUAGE, langStr.c_str()); putenv(S_LANGUAGE); GetLogger()->Trace("SetLanguage: Set LANGUAGE=%s in environment\n", locale.c_str()); } setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("colobot", m_langPath.c_str()); bind_textdomain_codeset("colobot", "UTF-8"); textdomain("colobot"); GetLogger()->Debug("SetLanguage: Test gettext translation: '%s'\n", gettext("Colobot rules!")); }