コード例 #1
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::InternalSetMenuBar()
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();

                     m_hMenu, GetMDIWindowMenu(parent));
コード例 #2
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: 781155640/wxWidgets
void wxMDIChildFrame::Maximize(bool maximize)
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    if ( parent && parent->GetClientWindow() )
        if ( !IsShown() )
            // Turn off redrawing in the MDI client window because otherwise
            // maximizing it would also show it and we don't want this for
            // hidden windows.
            ::SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_SETREDRAW,
                          FALSE, 0L);

                      maximize ? WM_MDIMAXIMIZE : WM_MDIRESTORE,
                      (WPARAM)GetHwnd(), 0);

        if ( !IsShown() )
            // Hide back the child window shown by maximizing it.
            ::ShowWindow(GetHwnd(), SW_HIDE);

            // Turn redrawing in the MDI client back on.
            ::SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_SETREDRAW,
                          TRUE, 0L);
コード例 #3
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::Activate()
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    if ( parent && parent->GetClientWindow() )
        ::SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_MDIACTIVATE,
                      (WPARAM) GetHwnd(), 0);
コード例 #4
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::Restore()
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    if ( parent && parent->GetClientWindow() )
        ::SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_MDIRESTORE,
                      (WPARAM) GetHwnd(), 0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::Maximize(bool maximize)
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    if ( parent && parent->GetClientWindow() )
                      maximize ? WM_MDIMAXIMIZE : WM_MDIRESTORE,
                      (WPARAM)GetHwnd(), 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
bool wxMDIChildFrame::HandleMDIActivate(long WXUNUSED(activate),
                                        WXHWND hwndAct,
                                        WXHWND hwndDeact)
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();

    WXHMENU hMenuToSet = 0;

    bool activated;

    if ( m_hWnd == hwndAct )
        activated = true;

        WXHMENU hMenuChild = m_hMenu;
        if ( hMenuChild )
            hMenuToSet = hMenuChild;
    else if ( m_hWnd == hwndDeact )
        wxASSERT_MSG( parent->GetActiveChild() == this,
                      wxT("can't deactivate MDI child which wasn't active!") );

        activated = false;

        WXHMENU hMenuParent = parent->m_hMenu;

        // activate the the parent menu only when there is no other child
        // that has been activated
        if ( hMenuParent && !hwndAct )
            hMenuToSet = hMenuParent;
        // we have nothing to do with it
        return false;

    if ( hMenuToSet )
                   (HMENU)hMenuToSet, GetMDIWindowMenu(parent));

    wxActivateEvent event(wxEVT_ACTIVATE, activated, m_windowId);
    event.SetEventObject( this );


    return HandleWindowEvent(event);
コード例 #7
void wxMDIChildFrame::Activate()
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    if ( parent && parent->GetClientWindow() )
        // Activating an iconized MDI frame doesn't do anything, so restore it
        // first to really present it to the user.
        if ( IsIconized() )

        ::SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_MDIACTIVATE,
                      (WPARAM) GetHwnd(), 0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
  RECT rect;
  GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rect);
  POINT point;
  point.x = rect.left;
  point.y = rect.top;

  // Since we now have the absolute screen coords,
  // if there's a parent we must subtract its top left corner
  wxMDIParentFrame * const mdiParent = GetMDIParent();
  ::ScreenToClient(GetHwndOf(mdiParent->GetClientWindow()), &point);

  if (x)
      *x = point.x;
  if (y)
      *y = point.y;
コード例 #9
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: 781155640/wxWidgets
bool wxMDIChildFrame::Show(bool show)
    if (!wxFrame::Show(show))
        return false;

    // KH: Without this call, new MDI children do not become active.
    // This was added here after the same BringWindowToTop call was
    // removed from wxTopLevelWindow::Show (November 2005)
    if ( show )

    // we need to refresh the MDI frame window menu to include (or exclude if
    // we've been hidden) this frame
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();
    MDISetMenu(parent->GetClientWindow(), NULL, NULL);

    return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
// Set the client size (i.e. leave the calculation of borders etc.
// to wxWidgets)
void wxMDIChildFrame::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height)
  HWND hWnd = GetHwnd();

  RECT rect;
  ::GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);

  RECT rect2;
  GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect2);

  // Find the difference between the entire window (title bar and all)
  // and the client area; add this to the new client size to move the
  // window
  int actual_width = rect2.right - rect2.left - rect.right + width;
  int actual_height = rect2.bottom - rect2.top - rect.bottom + height;

  if (GetStatusBar() && GetStatusBar()->IsShown())
    int sx, sy;
    GetStatusBar()->GetSize(&sx, &sy);
    actual_height += sy;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

  POINT point;
  point.x = rect2.left;
  point.y = rect2.top;

  // If there's an MDI parent, must subtract the parent's top left corner
  // since MoveWindow moves relative to the parent
  wxMDIParentFrame * const mdiParent = GetMDIParent();
  ::ScreenToClient(GetHwndOf(mdiParent->GetClientWindow()), &point);

  MoveWindow(hWnd, point.x, point.y, actual_width, actual_height, (BOOL)true);

  wxSize size(width, height);
  wxSizeEvent event(size, m_windowId);
  event.SetEventObject( this );
コード例 #11
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
// Change the client window's extended style so we don't get a client edge
// style when a child is maximised (a double border looks silly.)
bool wxMDIChildFrame::ResetWindowStyle(void *vrect)
    RECT *rect = (RECT *)vrect;
    wxMDIParentFrame * const pFrameWnd = GetMDIParent();
    wxMDIChildFrame* pChild = pFrameWnd->GetActiveChild();

    if (!pChild || (pChild == this))
        HWND hwndClient = GetWinHwnd(pFrameWnd->GetClientWindow());
        DWORD dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(hwndClient, GWL_EXSTYLE);

        // we want to test whether there is a maximized child, so just set
        // dwThisStyle to 0 if there is no child at all
        DWORD dwThisStyle = pChild
            ? ::GetWindowLong(GetWinHwnd(pChild), GWL_STYLE) : 0;
        DWORD dwNewStyle = dwStyle;
        if ( dwThisStyle & WS_MAXIMIZE )
            dwNewStyle &= ~(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE);
            dwNewStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;

        if (dwStyle != dwNewStyle)
            // force update of everything
            ::RedrawWindow(hwndClient, NULL, NULL,
                           RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN);
            ::SetWindowLong(hwndClient, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwNewStyle);
            ::SetWindowPos(hwndClient, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                           SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOACTIVATE |
                           SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER |
            if (rect)
                ::GetClientRect(hwndClient, rect);

            return true;

    return false;
コード例 #12
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
    // if we hadn't been created, there is nothing to destroy
    if ( !m_hWnd )


    // will be destroyed by DestroyChildren() but reset them before calling it
    // to avoid using dangling pointers if a callback comes in the meanwhile
    m_frameToolBar = NULL;
    m_frameStatusBar = NULL;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR


    MDIRemoveWindowMenu(NULL, m_hMenu);

コード例 #13
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
void wxMDIChildFrame::MSWDestroyWindow()
    wxMDIParentFrame * const parent = GetMDIParent();

    // Must make sure this handle is invalidated (set to NULL) since all sorts
    // of things could happen after the child client is destroyed, but before
    // the wxFrame is destroyed.

    HWND oldHandle = (HWND)GetHWND();
    SendMessage(GetWinHwnd(parent->GetClientWindow()), WM_MDIDESTROY,
                (WPARAM)oldHandle, 0);

    if (parent->GetActiveChild() == NULL)

    if (m_hMenu)
        ::DestroyMenu((HMENU) m_hMenu);
        m_hMenu = 0;
    m_hWnd = 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: mdi.cpp プロジェクト: DumaGit/winsparkle
bool wxMDIChildFrame::MSWTranslateMessage(WXMSG* msg)
    // we must pass the parent frame to ::TranslateAccelerator(), otherwise it
    // doesn't do its job correctly for MDI child menus
    return MSWDoTranslateMessage(GetMDIParent(), msg);