コード例 #1
CPosPassThru::GetCurrentPosition(LONGLONG *pCurrent)
    // Can we report the current position
    HRESULT hr = GetMediaTime(pCurrent,NULL);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = NOERROR;
    else hr = GetSeekingLongLong( &IMediaSeeking::GetCurrentPosition, pCurrent );
    return hr;
コード例 #2
void CMMAMMFPlayerBase::StopL(TBool aPostEvent)
    if (iState == EStarted)
        TInt64 time;
        iStartedEventTime = time;

        TInt err = KErrNone;
        // AAC controller does not support multiple
        // calls to pause but leave with KErrNotReady.
        // That error is dismissed as player should
        // be paused already in that case.
        if (time == 0)
            LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::StopL: Position is zero, stopping");
            // Normally pause would be called, but if
            // current time is zero, Stop is called instead.
            // This is done because video playback breaks
            // if pause is called between events
            // KMMFEventCategoryVideoLoadingStarted and
            // KMMFEventCategoryVideoLoadingCompleted
            // (no wurther events are delivered altough
            // playback continues fine).
            // However calling Stop is tolerated in that
            // situation.
            err = iController.Stop();
            if (err == KErrNone)
                err = iController.Prime();
            LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::StopL: Position not zero, pausing");
            err = iController.Pause();

        if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotReady))
            ELOG1(EJavaMMAPI, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::StopL: pause/stop failed %d, leaving", err);

        if (aPostEvent)
            PostLongEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EStopped, time);
        // go back to prefetched state
コード例 #3
void CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL(TInt64* aTime)
    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL");

    // Negative values are not checked here
    // because it's done already in Java side.

    // Get clip duration
    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration;
    LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL iController.GetDuration=%d", duration.Int64());

    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds position;

    // If the desired media time is beyond the duration,
    // the time is set to the end of the media.
    if (*aTime > duration.Int64())
        position = duration;
        position = *aTime;

    TBool paused = EFalse;
    TInt err = KErrNone;

    if (iState == EStarted)
        paused = ETrue;
        User::LeaveIfError(err = iController.Pause());
        ELOG1(EJavaMMAPI, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL after iController.Pause = %d", err);

    if (err == KErrNone)
        // The controller must be in the PRIMED or PLAYING state
        User::LeaveIfError(err = iController.SetPosition(position));
        ELOG1(EJavaMMAPI, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL iController.SetPosition() = %d", err);

    // Reset cached media time, because actual set position may be
    // something else than aTime.
    iMediaTime = KTimeUnknown;

    // Inform about the position change to the StateListeners

    // Get the actual media time

    iStartedEventTime = iMediaTime;

    if (err == KErrNone)
        if (paused == (TBool)ETrue)
            User::LeaveIfError(err = iController.Play());
            ELOG1(EJavaMMAPI, "CMMAMMFPlayerBase::SetMediaTimeL iController.Play() = %d", err);

    if (err != KErrNone)