コード例 #1
static OSErr QT_AddUserDataTextToMovie (Movie theMovie, char *theText, OSType theType)
	UserData					myUserData = NULL;
	Handle						myHandle = NULL;
	long						myLength = strlen(theText);
	OSErr						myErr = noErr;

	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)
	// copy the specified text into a new handle
	myHandle = NewHandleClear(myLength);
	if (myHandle == NULL)

	BlockMoveData(theText, *myHandle, myLength);

	// add the data to the movie's user data
	myErr = AddUserDataText(myUserData, myHandle, theType, 1, (short)GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode));

	// clean up
コード例 #2
OSErr QTUtils_SetMovieTargetID (Movie theMovie, long theTargetID)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	long			myID = 0;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	Str255	 		myPString;
	char 			*myCString = NULL;
	Handle			myHandle = NULL;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;

	// make sure we've got a movie
	if (theMovie == NULL)
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)

	// remove any existing movie target ID
	while (QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieIDPrefix) != 0)
		RemoveUserData(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieIDPrefix));

	// convert the ID into a string
	NumToString(theTargetID, myPString);
	myCString = QTUtils_ConvertPascalToCString(myPString);
	if (myCString == NULL)
	// create the user data item data
	myString = malloc(strlen(kMovieIDPrefix) + strlen(myCString) + 2 + 1);	// 2 + 1 == '\"' + '\"' + '\0'
	if (myString != NULL) {
		myString[0] = '\0';
		strcat(myString, kMovieIDPrefix);
		strcat(myString, "\"");
		strcat(myString, myCString);
		strcat(myString, "\"");

		// add in a new user data item
		PtrToHand(myString, &myHandle, strlen(myString));
		if (myHandle != NULL)
			myErr = AddUserData(myUserData, myHandle, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'));

	} else {
		myErr = memFullErr;
	if (myHandle != NULL)
コード例 #3
OSErr QTUtils_SetMovieTargetName (Movie theMovie, char *theTargetName)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	Handle			myHandle = NULL;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;

	// make sure we've got a movie and a name
	if ((theMovie == NULL) || (theTargetName == NULL))
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)

	// remove any existing movie target name
	while (QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieNamePrefix) != 0)
		RemoveUserData(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), QTUtils_FindUserDataItemWithPrefix(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieNamePrefix));

	// create the user data item data
	myString = malloc(strlen(kMovieNamePrefix) + strlen(theTargetName) + 2 + 1);	// 2 + 1 == '\"' + '\"' + '\0'
	if (myString != NULL) {
		myString[0] = '\0';
		strcat(myString, kMovieNamePrefix);
		strcat(myString, "\"");
		strcat(myString, theTargetName);
		strcat(myString, "\"");

		// add in a new user data item
		PtrToHand(myString, &myHandle, strlen(myString));
		if (myHandle != NULL)
			myErr = AddUserData(myUserData, myHandle, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'));
	} else {
		myErr = memFullErr;
	if (myHandle != NULL)

コード例 #4
char *QTUtils_GetMovieTargetName (Movie theMovie)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	// make sure we've got a movie
	if (theMovie == NULL)
		goto bail;
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)
		goto bail;

	// find the "value" of the user data item of type 'plug' that begins with the string "moviename="
	myString = QTUtils_GetUserDataPrefixedValue(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieNamePrefix);

コード例 #5
long QTUtils_GetMovieTargetID (Movie theMovie, Boolean *theMovieHasID)
	UserData		myUserData = NULL;
	long			myID = 0;
	char 			*myString = NULL;
	StringPtr 		myPString = NULL;
	Boolean			myMovieHasID = false;
	OSErr			myErr = noErr;
	// make sure we've got a movie
	if (theMovie == NULL)
		goto bail;
	// get the movie's user data list
	myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
	if (myUserData == NULL)
		goto bail;

	// find the "value" of the user data item of type 'plug' that begins with the string "movieid="
	myString = QTUtils_GetUserDataPrefixedValue(myUserData, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('plug'), kMovieIDPrefix);
	// convert the string into a number
	if (myString != NULL) {
		myPString = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(myString);
		StringToNum(myPString, &myID);
		myMovieHasID = true;


	if (theMovieHasID != NULL)
		*theMovieHasID = myMovieHasID;
コード例 #6
OSErr QTWired_CreateWiredSpritesMovie (void)
	short					myResRefNum = 0;
	short					myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	Movie					myMovie = NULL;
	Track					myTrack;
	Media					myMedia;
	FSSpec					myFile;
	Boolean					myIsSelected = false;
	Boolean					myIsReplacing = false;	
	StringPtr 				myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kWiredSavePrompt);
	StringPtr 				myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kWiredSaveFileName);
	QTAtomContainer			mySample = NULL;
	QTAtomContainer			myActions = NULL;
	QTAtomContainer			myBeginButton, myPrevButton, myNextButton, myEndButton;
	QTAtomContainer			myPenguinOne, myPenguinTwo, myPenguinOneOverride;
	QTAtomContainer			myBeginActionButton, myPrevActionButton, myNextActionButton, myEndActionButton;
	QTAtomContainer			myPenguinOneAction, myPenguinTwoAction;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Point					myLocation;
	short					isVisible, myLayer, myIndex, myID, i, myDelta;
	Boolean					hasActions;
	long					myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	OSType					myType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none');
	UInt32					myFrequency;
	QTAtom					myEventAtom;
	long					myLoopingFlags;
	ModifierTrackGraphicsModeRecord		myGraphicsMode;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// create a new movie file and set its controller type

	// ask the user for the name of the new movie file
	QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
	if (!myIsSelected)
		goto bail;

	// create a movie file for the destination movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// select the "no controller" movie controller
	myType = EndianU32_NtoB(myType);
	SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(myMovie), &myType, sizeof(myType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1);
	// create the sprite track and media
	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, ((long)kSpriteTrackWidth << 16), ((long)kSpriteTrackHeight << 16), kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, kSpriteMediaTimeScale, NULL, 0);

	// create a key frame sample containing six sprites and all of their shared images

	// create a new, empty key frame sample
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&mySample);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myKeyColor.red = 0xffff;						// white
	myKeyColor.green = 0xffff;
	myKeyColor.blue = 0xffff;

	// add images to the key frame sample
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToBeginningButtonUp, &myKeyColor, kGoToBeginningButtonUpIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToBeginningButtonDown, &myKeyColor, kGoToBeginningButtonDownIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToEndButtonUp, &myKeyColor, kGoToEndButtonUpIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToEndButtonDown, &myKeyColor, kGoToEndButtonDownIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToPrevButtonUp, &myKeyColor, kGoToPrevButtonUpIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToPrevButtonDown, &myKeyColor, kGoToPrevButtonDownIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToNextButtonUp, &myKeyColor, kGoToNextButtonUpIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kGoToNextButtonDown, &myKeyColor, kGoToNextButtonDownIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kPenguinForward, &myKeyColor, kPenguinForwardIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kPenguinLeft, &myKeyColor, kPenguinLeftIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kPenguinRight, &myKeyColor, kPenguinRightIndex, NULL, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, kPenguinClosed, &myKeyColor, kPenguinClosedIndex, NULL, NULL);

	for (myIndex = kPenguinDownRightCycleStartIndex, myID = kWalkDownRightCycleStart; myIndex <= kPenguinDownRightCycleEndIndex; myIndex++, myID++)
		SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample(mySample, myID, &myKeyColor, myIndex, NULL, NULL);
	// assign group IDs to the images
	// add samples to the sprite track's media

	// go to beginning button with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myBeginButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h	= (1 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kStartEndButtonWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v	= (4 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 5) - (kStartEndButtonHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= false;
	myLayer			= 1;
	myIndex			= kGoToBeginningButtonUpIndex;
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myBeginButton, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// go to previous button with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myPrevButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h 	= (3 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kNextPrevButtonWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v	= (4 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 5) - (kStartEndButtonHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= false;
	myLayer			= 1;
	myIndex			= kGoToPrevButtonUpIndex;
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myPrevButton, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// go to next button with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myNextButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h 	= (5 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kNextPrevButtonWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v	= (4 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 5) - (kStartEndButtonHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= false;
	myLayer			= 1;
	myIndex			= kGoToNextButtonUpIndex;
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myNextButton, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// go to end button with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myEndButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h 	= (7 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kStartEndButtonWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v	= (4 * kSpriteTrackHeight / 5) - (kStartEndButtonHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= false;
	myLayer			= 1;
	myIndex			= kGoToEndButtonUpIndex;
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myEndButton, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// first penguin sprite with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myPenguinOne);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h 	= (3 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kPenguinWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v 	= (kSpriteTrackHeight / 4) - (kPenguinHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= true;
	myLayer			= 2;
	myIndex			= kPenguinDownRightCycleStartIndex;
	myGraphicsMode.graphicsMode = blend;
	myGraphicsMode.opColor.red = myGraphicsMode.opColor.green = myGraphicsMode.opColor.blue = 0x8FFF;	// grey
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myPenguinOne, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, &myGraphicsMode, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// second penguin sprite with no actions
	myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myPenguinTwo);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myLocation.h 	= (5 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kPenguinWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v 	= (kSpriteTrackHeight / 4) - (kPenguinHeight / 2);
	isVisible		= true;
	myLayer			= 3;
	myIndex			= kPenguinForwardIndex;
	myErr = SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myPenguinTwo, &myLocation, &isVisible, &myLayer, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, myActions);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// add actions to the six sprites

	// add go to beginning button
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myBeginButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myBeginActionButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myBeginActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClick, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToBeginningButtonDownIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myBeginActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEnd, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToBeginningButtonUpIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToBeginningAction(myBeginActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myBeginActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myBeginActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, false, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myBeginActionButton, kGoToBeginningSpriteID);	

	// add go to prev button
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myPrevButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myPrevActionButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myPrevActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClick, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToPrevButtonDownIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myPrevActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEnd, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToPrevButtonUpIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieStepBackwardAction(myPrevActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPrevActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPrevActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, false, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myPrevActionButton, kGoToPrevSpriteID);

	// add go to next button
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myNextButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myNextActionButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myNextActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClick, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToNextButtonDownIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myNextActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEnd, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToNextButtonUpIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieStepForwardAction(myNextActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myNextActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myNextActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, false, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myNextActionButton, kGoToNextSpriteID);

	// add go to end button
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myEndButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myEndActionButton);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myEndActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClick, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToEndButtonDownIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myEndActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEnd, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kGoToEndButtonUpIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddMovieGoToEndAction(myEndActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myEndActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myEndActionButton, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, false, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myEndActionButton, kGoToEndSpriteID);

	// add penguin one
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myPenguinOne, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myPenguinOneAction);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// show the buttons on mouse enter and hide them on mouse exit
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToBeginningSpriteID, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToBeginningSpriteID, false, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToPrevSpriteID, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToPrevSpriteID, false, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToNextSpriteID, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToNextSpriteID, false, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseEnter, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToEndSpriteID, true, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetVisibleAction(myPenguinOneAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseExit, 0, NULL, 0, kTargetSpriteID, (void *)kGoToEndSpriteID, false, NULL);
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myPenguinOneAction, kPenguinOneSpriteID);
	QTWired_AddCursorChangeOnMouseOver(mySample, kPenguinOneSpriteID);

	// add penguin two
	myErr = QTCopyAtom(myPenguinTwo, kParentAtomIsContainer, &myPenguinTwoAction);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// blink when clicked on
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myPenguinTwoAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClick, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kPenguinClosedIndex, NULL);
	WiredUtils_AddSpriteSetImageIndexAction(myPenguinTwoAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEnd, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, kPenguinForwardIndex, NULL);

	WiredUtils_AddQTEventAtom(myPenguinTwoAction, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventMouseClickEndTriggerButton, &myEventAtom);

	// toggle the movie rate and both of the birds' graphics modes
	QTWired_AddPenguinTwoConditionalActions(myPenguinTwoAction, myEventAtom);


	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myPenguinTwoAction, kPenguinTwoSpriteID);
	// add an action for when the key frame is loaded, to set the movie's looping mode to palindrome;
	// note that this will actually be triggered every time the key frame is reloaded,
	// so if the operation was expensive we could use a conditional to test if we've already done it
	myLoopingFlags = loopTimeBase | palindromeLoopTimeBase;
	WiredUtils_AddMovieSetLoopingFlagsAction(mySample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kQTEventFrameLoaded, myLoopingFlags);

	// add the key frame sample to the sprite track media
	// to add the sample data in a compressed form, you would use a QuickTime DataCodec to perform the
	// compression; replace the call to the utility AddSpriteSampleToMedia with a call to the utility
	// AddCompressedSpriteSampleToMedia to do this
	SpriteUtils_AddSpriteSampleToMedia(myMedia, mySample, kSpriteMediaFrameDuration, true, NULL);	
	//SpriteUtils_AddCompressedSpriteSampleToMedia(myMedia, mySample, kSpriteMediaFrameDuration, true, zlibDataCompressorSubType, NULL);

	// add a few override samples to move penguin one and change its image index

	// original penguin one location
	myLocation.h 	= (3 * kSpriteTrackWidth / 8) - (kPenguinWidth / 2);
	myLocation.v 	= (kSpriteTrackHeight / 4) - (kPenguinHeight / 2);

	myDelta = (kSpriteTrackHeight / 2) / kNumOverrideSamples;
	myIndex = kPenguinDownRightCycleStartIndex;
	for (i = 1; i <= kNumOverrideSamples; i++) {
		QTRemoveChildren(mySample, kParentAtomIsContainer);

		myLocation.h += myDelta;
		myLocation.v += myDelta;
		if (myIndex > kPenguinDownRightCycleEndIndex)
			myIndex = kPenguinDownRightCycleStartIndex;
		SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData(myPenguinOneOverride, &myLocation, NULL, NULL, &myIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample(mySample, myPenguinOneOverride, kPenguinOneSpriteID);
		SpriteUtils_AddSpriteSampleToMedia(myMedia, mySample, kSpriteMediaFrameDuration, false, NULL);	

	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
		QTAtomContainer		myTrackProperties;
		RGBColor			myBackgroundColor;
		// add a background color to the sprite track
		myBackgroundColor.red = EndianU16_NtoB(0x8000);
		myBackgroundColor.green = EndianU16_NtoB(0);
		myBackgroundColor.blue = EndianU16_NtoB(0xffff);
		QTInsertChild(myTrackProperties, 0, kSpriteTrackPropertyBackgroundColor, 1, 1, sizeof(RGBColor), &myBackgroundColor, NULL);

		// tell the movie controller that this sprite track has actions, Jackson
		hasActions = true;
		QTInsertChild(myTrackProperties, 0, kSpriteTrackPropertyHasActions, 1, 1, sizeof(hasActions), &hasActions, NULL);
		// tell the sprite track to generate QTIdleEvents
		myFrequency = EndianU32_NtoB(2);
		QTInsertChild(myTrackProperties, 0, kSpriteTrackPropertyQTIdleEventsFrequency, 1, 1, sizeof(myFrequency), &myFrequency, NULL);
		myErr = SetMediaPropertyAtom(myMedia, myTrackProperties);
		if (myErr != noErr)
			goto bail;

	// finish up
	// add the movie resource to the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, myFile.name);

	if (mySample != NULL)

	if (myBeginButton != NULL)
	if (myPrevButton != NULL)
	if (myNextButton != NULL)
	if (myEndButton != NULL)
	if (myResRefNum != 0)

	if (myMovie != NULL)
コード例 #7
OSErr QTTarg_MakeDualVRControllerMovie (void)
	Movie					myMovie = NULL;
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	RGBColor				myKeyColor;
	Fixed					myWidth, myHeight;
	FSSpec					myFile;
	Boolean					myIsSelected = false;
	Boolean					myIsReplacing = false;	
	StringPtr 				myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSavePrompt);
	StringPtr 				myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSaveMovieFileName);
	long					myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	short					myResRefNum = 0;
	short					myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	OSType					myType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none');
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// create a new movie file

	// prompt the user for the destination file name
	QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
	myErr = myIsSelected ? noErr : userCanceledErr;
	if (!myIsSelected)
		goto bail;

	// create a movie file for the destination movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// select the "no-interface" movie controller
	myType = EndianU32_NtoB(myType);
	SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(myMovie), &myType, sizeof(myType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1);

	// get some information about the target movie

	myWidth = Long2Fix(kVRControlMovieWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(kVRControlMovieHeight);
	// create a new sprite track in the target movie
	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, kVRControlMovieDuration, NULL, 0);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add sprite images and sprites to the sprite track; add actions to the sprites
	QTTarg_AddVRControllerButtonSamplesToMedia(myMedia, kVRControlMovieWidth, kVRControlMovieHeight, kVRControlMovieDuration);
	// insert media into track
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, 0);								// idle as fast as possible
	myKeyColor.red = myKeyColor.green = myKeyColor.blue = 0xffff;		// white
	MediaSetGraphicsMode(GetMediaHandler(myMedia), transparent, &myKeyColor);
	// add the movie resource to the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, myFile.name);
	if (myResRefNum != 0)

	if (myMovie != NULL)

コード例 #8
OSErr QTTarg_CreateTwinSpritesMovie (void)
	Movie					myMovie = NULL;
	Track					myTrack = NULL;
	Media					myMedia = NULL;
	FSSpec					myFile;
	Boolean					myIsSelected = false;
	Boolean					myIsReplacing = false;	
	Fixed					myHeight = 0;
	Fixed					myWidth = 0;
	StringPtr 				myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSavePrompt);
	StringPtr 				myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSpriteSaveMovieFileName);
	long					myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	OSType					myType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none');
	short					myResRefNum = 0;
	short					myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	OSErr					myErr = noErr;

	// create a new movie file

	// prompt the user for the destination file name
	QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
	myErr = myIsSelected ? noErr : userCanceledErr;
	if (!myIsSelected)
		goto bail;

	// create a movie file for the destination movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smSystemScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// select the "no-interface" movie controller
	myType = EndianU32_NtoB(myType);
	SetUserDataItem(GetMovieUserData(myMovie), &myType, sizeof(myType), kUserDataMovieControllerType, 1);
	// create the sprite track and media
	myWidth = Long2Fix(kIconSpriteTrackWidth);
	myHeight = Long2Fix(kIconSpriteTrackHeight);

	myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, SpriteMediaType, kSpriteMediaTimeScale, NULL, 0);

	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// add the appropriate samples to the sprite media
	myErr = QTTarg_AddIconMovieSamplesToMedia(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the media to the track
	InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
	// set the sprite track properties
	QTTarg_SetTrackProperties(myMedia, 1);
	// add the movie resource to the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, myFile.name);
	if (myResRefNum != 0)

	if (myMovie != NULL)

コード例 #9
ファイル: QTInfo.c プロジェクト: fruitsamples/qtinfo.win
Boolean QTInfo_EditAnnotation (Movie theMovie, OSType theType)
    DialogPtr		myDialog = NULL;
    short 			myItem;
    short 			mySavedResFile;
    GrafPtr			mySavedPort;
    Handle			myHandle = NULL;
    short			myItemKind;
    Handle			myItemHandle;
    UserData		myUserData = NULL;
    Rect			myItemRect;
    Str255			myString;
    Boolean			myIsChanged = false;
    OSErr			myErr = noErr;

    // save the current resource file and graphics port

    mySavedResFile = CurResFile();

    // set the application's resource file

    // get the movie user data
    myUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie);
    if (myUserData == NULL)
        goto bail;

    // create the dialog box in which the user will add or edit the annotation

    myDialog = GetNewDialog(kEditTextResourceID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L);
    if (myDialog == NULL)
        goto bail;


    SetDialogDefaultItem(myDialog, kEditTextItemOK);
    SetDialogCancelItem(myDialog, kEditTextItemCancel);

    // get a string for the specified annotation type
    switch (theType) {
    case kUserDataTextFullName:
        GetIndString(myString, kTextKindsResourceID, kTextKindsFullName);

    case kUserDataTextCopyright:
        GetIndString(myString, kTextKindsResourceID, kTextKindsCopyright);

    case kUserDataTextInformation:
        GetIndString(myString, kTextKindsResourceID, kTextKindsInformation);

    GetDialogItem(myDialog, kEditTextItemEditLabel, &myItemKind, &myItemHandle, &myItemRect);
    SetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, myString);

    // set the current annotation of the specified type, if it exists

    myHandle = NewHandleClear(4);
    if (myHandle != NULL) {
        myErr = GetUserDataText(myUserData, myHandle, theType, 1, GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode));
        if (myErr == noErr) {
            QTInfo_TextHandleToPString(myHandle, myString);
            GetDialogItem(myDialog, kEditTextItemEditBox, &myItemKind, &myItemHandle, &myItemRect);
            SetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, myString);
            SelectDialogItemText(myDialog, kEditTextItemEditBox, 0, myString[0]);



    // display and handle events in the dialog box until the user clicks OK or Cancel

    do {
        ModalDialog(gModalFilterUPP, &myItem);
    } while ((myItem != kEditTextItemOK) && (myItem != kEditTextItemCancel));

    // handle the selected button

    if (myItem != kEditTextItemOK)
        goto bail;

    // retrieve the edited text
    myHandle = NewHandleClear(4);
    if (myHandle != NULL) {
        GetDialogItem(myDialog, kEditTextItemEditBox, &myItemKind, &myItemHandle, &myItemRect);
        GetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, myString);
        QTInfo_PStringToTextHandle(myString, myHandle);
        myErr = AddUserDataText(myUserData, myHandle, theType, 1, GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode));
        myIsChanged = (myErr == noErr);

    // restore the previous resource file and graphics port

    if (myDialog != NULL)
