コード例 #1
 * Function IsSame
 * test is 2 zones are equivalent:
 * 2 zones are equivalent if they have same parameters and same outlines
 * info relative to filling is not take in account
 * @param aZoneToCompare = zone to compare with "this"
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::IsSame( const ZONE_CONTAINER& aZoneToCompare )
    // compare basic parameters:
    if( GetLayer() != aZoneToCompare.GetLayer() )
        return false;

    if( GetNetCode() != aZoneToCompare.GetNetCode() )
        return false;

    if( GetPriority() != aZoneToCompare.GetPriority() )
        return false;

    // Compare zone specific parameters
    if( GetIsKeepout() != aZoneToCompare.GetIsKeepout() )
        return false;

    if( GetIsKeepout() )
        if(  GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )
            return false;

        if(  GetDoNotAllowVias() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowVias() )
            return false;

        if(  GetDoNotAllowTracks() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
            return false;

    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount != aZoneToCompare.GetArcSegmentCount() )
        return false;

    if( m_ZoneClearance != aZoneToCompare.m_ZoneClearance )
        return false;

    if( m_ZoneMinThickness != aZoneToCompare.GetMinThickness() )
        return false;

    if( m_FillMode != aZoneToCompare.GetFillMode() )
        return false;

    if( m_PadConnection != aZoneToCompare.m_PadConnection )
        return false;

    if( m_ThermalReliefGap != aZoneToCompare.m_ThermalReliefGap )
        return false;

    if( m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge != aZoneToCompare.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge )
        return false;

    // Compare outlines
    wxASSERT( m_Poly );                                      // m_Poly == NULL Should never happen
    wxASSERT( aZoneToCompare.Outline() );

    if( Outline()->m_CornersList.GetList() !=
        aZoneToCompare.Outline()->m_CornersList.GetList() )    // Compare vector
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #2
bool PCB_POLYGON::Parse( XNODE*          aNode,
                         const wxString& aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                         const wxString& aActualConversion )
    XNODE*      lNode;
    wxString    propValue;

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "netNameRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        propValue.Trim( true );
        m_net = propValue;
        m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );

    // retrieve polygon outline
    FormPolygon( aNode, &m_outline, aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );

    m_positionX = m_outline[0]->x;
    m_positionY = m_outline[0]->y;

    // fill the polygon with the same contour as its outline is
    m_islands.Add( new VERTICES_ARRAY );
    FormPolygon( aNode, m_islands[0], aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );

    return true;
コード例 #3
TRACK* TRACK::GetEndNetCode( int NetCode )
    TRACK* NextS, * Track = this;
    int    ii = 0;

    if( Track == NULL )
        return NULL;

    if( NetCode == -1 )
        NetCode = GetNetCode();

    while( Track != NULL )
        NextS = (TRACK*) Track->Pnext;

        if( Track->GetNetCode() == NetCode )

        if( NextS == NULL )

        if( NextS->GetNetCode() > NetCode )

        Track = NextS;

    if( ii )
        return Track;
        return NULL;
コード例 #4
TRACK* TRACK::GetStartNetCode( int NetCode )
    TRACK* Track = this;
    int    ii    = 0;

    if( NetCode == -1 )
        NetCode = GetNetCode();

    while( Track != NULL )
        if( Track->GetNetCode() > NetCode )

        if( Track->GetNetCode() == NetCode )

        Track = (TRACK*) Track->Pnext;

    if( ii )
        return Track;
        return NULL;
コード例 #5
wxString TRACK::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString text;
    wxString netname;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    // deleting tracks requires all the information we can get to
    // disambiguate all the choices under the cursor!
    if( board )
        net = GetNet();

        if( net )
            netname = net->GetNetname();
            netname = _("Not found");
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "TRACK::GetSelectMenuText: BOARD is NULL" ) );
        netname = wxT( "???" );

    text.Printf( _("Track %s, net [%s] (%d) on layer %s, length: %s" ),
                 GetChars( ShowWidth() ), GetChars( netname ),
                 GetNetCode(), GetChars( GetLayerName() ),
                 GetChars( ::LengthDoubleToString( GetLength() ) ) );

    return text;
コード例 #6
void TRACK::GetMsgPanelInfoBase_Common( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    // Display Net Name
    if( GetBoard() )
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

        if( net )
            msg = net->GetNetname();
            msg = wxT( "<noname>" );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetName" ), msg, RED ) );

        // Display net code : (useful in test or debug)
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d.%d" ), GetNetCode(), GetSubNet() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED ) );

#if defined(DEBUG)

    // Display the flags
    msg.Printf( wxT( "0x%08X" ), m_Flags );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "Flags" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#if 0
    // Display start and end pointers:
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), start );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "start ptr" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), end );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "end ptr" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    // Display this ptr
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), this );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "this" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#if 0
    // Display start and end positions:
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d %d" ), m_Start.x, m_Start.y );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "Start pos" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d %d" ), m_End.x, m_End.y );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "End pos" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#endif  // defined(DEBUG)

    // Display the State member
    msg = wxT( ". . " );

    if( GetState( TRACK_LOCKED ) )
        msg[0] = 'F';

    if( GetState( TRACK_AR ) )
        msg[2] = 'A';

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Status" ), msg, MAGENTA ) );
コード例 #7
bool PCB_COPPER_POUR::Parse( XNODE*         aNode,
                             wxString       aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                             wxString       aActualConversion,
                             wxStatusBar*   aStatusBar )
    XNODE*          lNode;
    wxString        pourType, str, propValue;
    int             pourSpacing, thermalWidth;

    // aStatusBar->SetStatusText( aStatusBar->GetStatusText() + wxT( " CooperPour..." ) );

    //str = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pourType" ) )->GetNodeContent();
    //str.Trim( false );
    //pourType = str.MakeUpper();

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "netNameRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        propValue.Trim( true );
        m_net = propValue;
        m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );

    if( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "width" ) ) )
        SetWidth( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "width" ) )->GetNodeContent(),
                  aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &m_width, aActualConversion );

    if( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pourSpacing" ) ) )
        SetWidth( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pourSpacing" ) )->GetNodeContent(),
                  aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &pourSpacing, aActualConversion );

    if( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "thermalWidth" ) ) )
        SetWidth( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "thermalWidth" ) )->GetNodeContent(),
                  aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &thermalWidth, aActualConversion );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pcbPoly" ) );

    if( lNode )
        // retrieve copper pour outline
        FormPolygon( lNode, &m_outline, aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );

        m_positionX = m_outline[0]->x;
        m_positionY = m_outline[0]->y;
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #8
wxString ZONE_CONTAINER::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString text;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );

    if( ncont )
        text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );

    if( GetIsKeepout() )
        text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Keepout)" );

    text << wxString::Format( wxT( " (%08lX)" ), m_TimeStamp );

    // Display net name for copper zones
    if( !GetIsKeepout() )
        if( GetNetCode() >= 0 )
            if( board )
                net = GetNet();

                if( net )
                    text << wxT( " [" ) << net->GetNetname() << wxT( "]" );
                text << _( "** NO BOARD DEFINED **" );
        {   // A netcode < 0 is an error:
            // Netname not found or area not initialised
            text << wxT( " [" ) << GetNetname() << wxT( "]" );
            text << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );

    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Zone Outline %s on %s" ), GetChars( text ),
                 GetChars( GetLayerName() ) );

    return msg;
コード例 #9
void D_PAD::CopyNetlistSettings( D_PAD* aPad )
    // Don't do anything foolish like trying to copy to yourself.
    wxCHECK_RET( aPad != NULL && aPad != this, wxT( "Cannot copy to NULL or yourself." ) );

    aPad->SetNetCode( GetNetCode() );

    aPad->SetLocalClearance( m_LocalClearance );
    aPad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( m_LocalSolderMaskMargin );
    aPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMargin( m_LocalSolderPasteMargin );
    aPad->SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio( m_LocalSolderPasteMarginRatio );
    aPad->SetZoneConnection( m_ZoneConnection );
    aPad->SetThermalWidth( m_ThermalWidth );
    aPad->SetThermalGap( m_ThermalGap );
コード例 #10
TRACK* TRACK::GetBestInsertPoint( BOARD* aPcb )
    TRACK* track;

    if( Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )
        track = aPcb->m_Zone;
        track = aPcb->m_Track;

    for( ; track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( GetNetCode() <= track->GetNetCode() )
            return track;

    return NULL;
コード例 #11
wxString VIA::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString text;
    wxString format;
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    switch( GetViaType() )
        format = _( "Blind/Buried Via %s, net[%s] (%d) on layers %s/%s" );
    case VIA_MICROVIA:
        format = _( "Micro Via %s, Net [%s] (%d) on layers %s/%s" );
    // else say nothing about normal (through) vias
        format = _( "Via %s net [%s] (%d) on layers %s/%s" );

    if( board )
        wxString netname = GetNetname();

        // say which layers, only two for now
        LAYER_NUM topLayer;
        LAYER_NUM botLayer;
        LayerPair( &topLayer, &botLayer );
        text.Printf( format.GetData(), GetChars( ShowWidth() ),
                     GetChars( netname ), GetNetCode(),
                     GetChars( board->GetLayerName( topLayer ) ),
                     GetChars( board->GetLayerName( botLayer ) ) );

        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "VIA::GetSelectMenuText: BOARD is NULL" ) );
        text.Printf( format.GetData(), GetChars( ShowWidth() ),
                     wxT( "???" ), 0,
                     wxT( "??" ), wxT( "??" ) );

    return text;
コード例 #12
void CN_CONNECTIVITY_ALGO::markItemNetAsDirty( const BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
    if( aItem->IsConnected() )
        auto citem = static_cast<const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( aItem );
        MarkNetAsDirty( citem->GetNetCode() );
        if( aItem->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
            auto mod = static_cast <const MODULE*>( aItem );

            for( D_PAD* pad = mod->PadsList(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
                MarkNetAsDirty( pad->GetNetCode() );
コード例 #13
bool PCB_PLANE::Parse( XNODE*         aNode,
                       wxString       aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                       wxString       aActualConversion,
                       wxStatusBar*   aStatusBar )
    XNODE*          lNode;
    wxString        pourType, str, propValue;

    // aStatusBar->SetStatusText( aStatusBar->GetStatusText() + wxT( " Plane..." ) );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "netNameRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        propValue.Trim( true );
        m_net = propValue;
        m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );

    if( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "width" ) ) )
        SetWidth( FindNode( aNode, wxT( "width" ) )->GetNodeContent(),
                  aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &m_width, aActualConversion );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pcbPoly" ) );

    if( lNode )
        // retrieve plane outline
        FormPolygon( lNode, &m_outline, aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );

        m_positionX = m_outline[0]->x;
        m_positionY = m_outline[0]->y;
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #14
TRACK* TRACK::GetBestInsertPoint( BOARD* aPcb )
    TRACK* track;

    // When reading from a file most of the items will already be in the correct order.
    // Searching from the back therefore takes us from n^2 to essentially 0.

    if( Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )  // Deprecated items, only found in very old boards
        track = aPcb->m_SegZoneDeprecated.GetLast();
        track = aPcb->m_Track.GetLast();

    for( ; track;  track = track->Back() )
        if( GetNetCode() >= track->GetNetCode() )
            return track->Next();

    if( Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )  // Deprecated
        return aPcb->m_SegZoneDeprecated.GetFirst();
        return aPcb->m_Track.GetFirst();
 * Function AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList
 * Supports a min thickness area constraint.
 * Add non copper areas polygons (pads and tracks with clearance)
 * to the filled copper area found
 * in BuildFilledPolysListData after calculating filled areas in a zone
 * Non filled copper areas are pads and track and their clearance areas
 * The filled copper area must be computed just before.
 * BuildFilledPolysListData() call this function just after creating the
 *  filled copper area polygon (without clearance areas)
 * to do that this function:
 * 1 - Creates the main outline (zone outline) using a correction to shrink the resulting area
 *     with m_ZoneMinThickness/2 value.
 *     The result is areas with a margin of m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     When drawing outline with segments having a thickness of m_ZoneMinThickness, the
 *      outlines will match exactly the initial outlines
 * 3 - Add all non filled areas (pads, tracks) in group B with a clearance of m_Clearance +
 *     m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     in a buffer
 *   - If Thermal shapes are wanted, add non filled area, in order to create these thermal shapes
 * 4 - calculates the polygon A - B
 * 5 - put resulting list of polygons (filled areas) in m_FilledPolysList
 *     This zone contains pads with the same net.
 * 6 - Remove insulated copper islands
 * 7 - If Thermal shapes are wanted, remove unconnected stubs in thermal shapes:
 *     creates a buffer of polygons corresponding to stubs to remove
 *     sub them to the filled areas.
 *     Remove new insulated copper islands
void ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList( BOARD* aPcb )
    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF;
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_LOW_DEF;

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    s_Correction = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount );

    // This KI_POLYGON_SET is the area(s) to fill, with m_ZoneMinThickness/2
    KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_zone_solid_areas;
    int         margin = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    /* First, creates the main polygon (i.e. the filled area using only one outline)
     * to reserve a m_ZoneMinThickness/2 margin around the outlines and holes
     * this margin is the room to redraw outlines with segments having a width set to
     * m_ZoneMinThickness
     * so m_ZoneMinThickness is the min thickness of the filled zones areas
     * the main polygon is stored in polyset_zone_solid_areas

    CopyPolygonsFromFilledPolysListToKiPolygonList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );
    polyset_zone_solid_areas -= margin;

    if( polyset_zone_solid_areas.size() == 0 )

    /* Calculates the clearance value that meet DRC requirements
     * from m_ZoneClearance and clearance from the corresponding netclass
     * We have a "local" clearance in zones because most of time
     * clearance between a zone and others items is bigger than the netclass clearance
     * this is more true for small clearance values
     * Note also the "local" clearance is used for clearance between non copper items
     *    or items like texts on copper layers
    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += margin;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    // static to avoid unnecessary memory allocation when filling many zones.
    static CPOLYGONS_LIST cornerBufferPolysToSubstract;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_OVAL : PAD_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + margin;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );


            if( ( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE )
                || ( pad->GetShape() == PAD_TRAPEZOID ) )

            // PAD_TRAPEZOID shapes are not in zones because they are used in microwave apps
            // and i think it is good that shapes are not changed by thermal pads or others
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + margin;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                         s_Correction );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance,
                    s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove its area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool addclearance = GetNetCode() != zone->GetNetCode();
        int clearance = zone_clearance;

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() )
            addclearance = true;
            clearance = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

                    clearance, addclearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != THERMAL_PAD
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // cornerBufferPolysToSubstract contains polygons to substract.
    // polyset_zone_solid_areas contains the main filled area
    // Calculate now actual solid areas
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() > 0 )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );
        // Remove holes from initial area.:
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

    // put solid areas in m_FilledPolysList:
    CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

    // Remove insulated islands:
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

    // Now we remove all unused thermal stubs.

    // Test thermal stubs connections and add polygons to remove unconnected stubs.
    // (this is a refinement for thermal relief shapes)
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        BuildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, aPcb, this,
                                                 s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // remove copper areas corresponding to not connected stubs
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );

        // Remove unconnected stubs
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

        // put these areas in m_FilledPolysList
        CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

        if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
            TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

コード例 #16
void ZONE_CONTAINER::GetMsgPanelInfo( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    msg = _( "Zone Outline" );

    // Display Cutout instead of Outline for holes inside a zone
    // i.e. when num contour !=0
    int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );

    if( ncont )
        msg << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Type" ), msg, DARKCYAN ) );

    if( GetIsKeepout() )

        if( GetDoNotAllowVias() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No via") );

        if( GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No track") );

        if( GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No copper pour") );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Keepout" ), msg, RED ) );
    else if( IsOnCopperLayer() )
        if( GetNetCode() >= 0 )
            NETINFO_ITEM* equipot = GetNet();

            if( equipot )
                msg = equipot->GetNetname();
                msg = wxT( "<noname>" );
        else // a netcode < 0 is an error
            msg = wxT( " [" );
            msg << GetNetname() + wxT( "]" );
            msg << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetName" ), msg, RED ) );

#if 1
        // Display net code : (useful in test or debug)
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetNetCode() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED ) );

        // Display priority level
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetPriority() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Priority" ), msg, BLUE ) );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Non Copper Zone" ), wxEmptyString, RED ) );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Layer" ), GetLayerName(), BROWN ) );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetCornersCount() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Corners" ), msg, BLUE ) );

    if( m_FillMode )
        msg = _( "Segments" );
        msg = _( "Polygons" );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Fill mode" ), msg, BROWN ) );

    // Useful for statistics :
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Hatch lines" ), msg, BLUE ) );

    if( m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount() )
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Corners in DrawList" ), msg, BLUE ) );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::buildFeatureHoleList( BOARD* aPcb, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aFeatures )
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );


    int outline_half_thickness = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += outline_half_thickness;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_SHAPE_OVAL : PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );


            // Pads are removed from zone if the setup is PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE )
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( gap );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                         correctionFactor );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    aFeatures, zone_clearance,
                    segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                aFeatures, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove this area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add any clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool same_net = GetNetCode() == zone->GetNetCode();
        bool use_net_clearance = true;
        int min_clearance = zone_clearance;

        // Do not forget to make room to draw the thick outlines
        // of the hole created by the area of the zone to remove
        int holeclearance = zone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

        // The final clearance is obviously the max value of each zone clearance
        min_clearance = std::max( min_clearance, holeclearance );

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() || same_net )
            // Just take in account the fact the outline has a thickness, so
            // the actual area to substract is inflated to take in account this fact
            min_clearance = outline_half_thickness;
            use_net_clearance = false;

                    min_clearance, use_net_clearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( aFeatures,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );

void ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList_NG( BOARD* aPcb )
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;
    int outline_half_thickness = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    std::unique_ptr<SHAPE_FILE_IO> dumper( new SHAPE_FILE_IO(
            g_DumpZonesWhenFilling ? "zones_dump.txt" : "", SHAPE_FILE_IO::IOM_APPEND ) );

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );



    SHAPE_POLY_SET solidAreas = ConvertPolyListToPolySet( m_smoothedPoly->m_CornersList );

    solidAreas.Inflate( -outline_half_thickness, segsPerCircle );
    solidAreas.Simplify( POLY_CALC_MODE );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET holes;

        dumper->Write( &solidAreas, "solid-areas" );

    buildFeatureHoleList( aPcb, holes );

        dumper->Write( &holes, "feature-holes" );

    holes.Simplify( POLY_CALC_MODE );

    if (g_DumpZonesWhenFilling)
        dumper->Write( &holes, "feature-holes-postsimplify" );

    solidAreas.BooleanSubtract( holes, POLY_CALC_MODE );

    if (g_DumpZonesWhenFilling)
        dumper->Write( &solidAreas, "solid-areas-minus-holes" );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET areas_fractured = solidAreas;
    areas_fractured.Fracture( POLY_CALC_MODE );

    if (g_DumpZonesWhenFilling)
        dumper->Write( &areas_fractured, "areas_fractured" );

    m_FilledPolysList = areas_fractured;

    // Remove insulated islands:
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

    SHAPE_POLY_SET thermalHoles;

    // Test thermal stubs connections and add polygons to remove unconnected stubs.
    // (this is a refinement for thermal relief shapes)
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        BuildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( thermalHoles, aPcb, this,
                                                 correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );

    // remove copper areas corresponding to not connected stubs
    if( !thermalHoles.IsEmpty() )
        thermalHoles.Simplify( POLY_CALC_MODE );
        // Remove unconnected stubs
        solidAreas.BooleanSubtract( thermalHoles, POLY_CALC_MODE );

        if( g_DumpZonesWhenFilling )
            dumper->Write( &thermalHoles, "thermal-holes" );

        // put these areas in m_FilledPolysList
        SHAPE_POLY_SET th_fractured = solidAreas;
        th_fractured.Fracture( POLY_CALC_MODE );

        if( g_DumpZonesWhenFilling )
            dumper->Write ( &th_fractured, "th_fractured" );

        m_FilledPolysList = th_fractured;

        if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
            TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

コード例 #19
ファイル: pcb_pad.cpp プロジェクト: BTR1/kicad-source-mirror
void PCB_PAD::Parse( XNODE*   aNode, wxString aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                     wxString aActualConversion )
    XNODE*          lNode, *cNode;
    long            num;
    wxString        propValue, str, emsg;
    PCB_PAD_SHAPE*  padShape;

    m_rotation = 0;
    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "padNum" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetNodeContent().ToLong( &num );
        m_number = (int) num;

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "padStyleRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        m_name.text = propValue;

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "pt" ) );

    if( lNode )
        SetPosition( lNode->GetNodeContent(), aDefaultMeasurementUnit,
                     &m_positionX, &m_positionY, aActualConversion );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "rotation" ) );

    if( lNode )
        str = lNode->GetNodeContent();
        str.Trim( false );
        m_rotation = StrToInt1Units( str );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "netNameRef" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        propValue.Trim( false );
        propValue.Trim( true );
        m_net = propValue;
        m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );

    lNode = FindNode( aNode, wxT( "defaultPinDes" ) );

    if( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );
        //propValue.Trim( false );
        m_defaultPinDes = propValue;

    lNode = aNode;

    while( lNode && lNode->GetName() != wxT( "www.lura.sk" ) )
        lNode = lNode->GetParent();

    lNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "library" ) );
    if ( !lNode )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxT( "Unable to find library section" ) );

    lNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "padStyleDef" ) );

    while( lNode )
        lNode->GetAttribute( wxT( "Name" ), &propValue );

        if( propValue.IsSameAs( m_name.text, false) )

        lNode = lNode->GetNext();

    if ( !lNode )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( wxT( "Unable to find padStyleDef " ) + m_name.text ) );

    cNode = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "holeDiam" ) );

    if( cNode )
        SetWidth( cNode->GetNodeContent(), aDefaultMeasurementUnit, &m_hole, aActualConversion );

    if( FindNodeGetContent( lNode, wxT( "isHolePlated" ) ) == wxT( "False" ) )
        m_isHolePlated = false;

    cNode   = FindNode( lNode, wxT( "padShape" ) );

    while( cNode )
        if( cNode->GetName() == wxT( "padShape" ) )
            // we support only Pads on specific layers......
            // we do not support pads on "Plane", "NonSignal" , "Signal" ... layerr
            if( FindNode( cNode, wxT( "layerNumRef" ) ) )
                padShape = new PCB_PAD_SHAPE( m_callbacks, m_board );
                padShape->Parse( cNode, aDefaultMeasurementUnit, aActualConversion );
                m_shapes.Add( padShape );

        cNode = cNode->GetNext();
コード例 #20
void VIA::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                   const wxPoint& aOffset )
    int radius;
    LAYER_NUM curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;

    int fillvia = 0;
    PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame  = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) panel->GetParent();
    PCB_SCREEN*     screen = frame->GetScreen();

    if( frame->m_DisplayViaFill == FILLED )
        fillvia = 1;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    BOARD * brd =  GetBoard( );
    EDA_COLOR_T color = brd->GetVisibleElementColor(VIAS_VISIBLE + GetViaType());

    if( brd->IsElementVisible( PCB_VISIBLE(VIAS_VISIBLE + GetViaType()) ) == false
        && ( color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG ) != HIGHLIGHT_FLAG )

    if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            ColorTurnToDarkDarkGray( &color );

    if( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT )
        ColorChangeHighlightFlag( &color, !(aDrawMode & GR_AND) );

    ColorApplyHighlightFlag( &color );

    SetAlpha( &color, 150 );

    radius = m_Width >> 1;
    // for small via size on screen (radius < 4 pixels) draw a simplified shape

    int radius_in_pixels = aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( radius );

    bool fast_draw = false;

    // Vias are drawn as a filled circle or a double circle. The hole will be drawn later
    int drill_radius = GetDrillValue() / 2;

    int inner_radius = radius - aDC->DeviceToLogicalXRel( 2 );

    if( radius_in_pixels < MIN_VIA_DRAW_SIZE )
        fast_draw = true;
        fillvia = false;

    if( fillvia )
        GRFilledCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius, color );
        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius, 0, color );

        if ( fast_draw )

        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, inner_radius, 0, color );

    // Draw the via hole if the display option allows it
    if( DisplayOpt.m_DisplayViaMode != VIA_HOLE_NOT_SHOW )
        // Display all drill holes requested or Display non default holes requested
        if( (DisplayOpt.m_DisplayViaMode == ALL_VIA_HOLE_SHOW)
          || ( (drill_radius > 0 ) && !IsDrillDefault() ) )
            if( fillvia )
                bool blackpenstate = false;

                if( screen->m_IsPrinting )
                    blackpenstate = GetGRForceBlackPenState();
                    GRForceBlackPen( false );
                    color = WHITE;
                    color = BLACK;     // or DARKGRAY;

                if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0)
                    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

                if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( drill_radius ) > MIN_DRAW_WIDTH )  // Draw hole if large enough.
                    GRFilledCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x,
                                    m_Start.y + aOffset.y, drill_radius, 0, color, color );

                if( screen->m_IsPrinting )
                    GRForceBlackPen( blackpenstate );
                if( drill_radius < inner_radius )         // We can show the via hole
                    GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, drill_radius, 0, color );

    if( ShowClearance( this ) )
        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius + GetClearance(), 0, color );

    // for Micro Vias, draw a partial cross : X on component layer, or + on copper layer
    // (so we can see 2 superimposed microvias ):
    if( GetViaType() == VIA_MICROVIA )
        int ax, ay, bx, by;

        if( IsOnLayer( LAYER_N_BACK ) )
            ax = radius; ay = 0;
            bx = drill_radius; by = 0;
            ax = ay = (radius * 707) / 1000;
            bx = by = (drill_radius * 707) / 1000;

        /* lines | or \ */
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x + bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + by,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x + ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + ay, 0, color );

        // lines - or /
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x + ay,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ax,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x + by,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - bx, 0, color );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - by,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + bx,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ay,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + ax, 0, color );

    // for Buried Vias, draw a partial line : orient depending on layer pair
    // (so we can see superimposed buried vias ):
    if( GetViaType() == VIA_BLIND_BURIED )
        int ax = 0, ay = radius, bx = 0, by = drill_radius;
        LAYER_NUM layer_top, layer_bottom;

        ( (VIA*) this )->LayerPair( &layer_top, &layer_bottom );

        // lines for the top layer
        RotatePoint( &ax, &ay, layer_top * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        RotatePoint( &bx, &by, layer_top * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );

        // lines for the bottom layer
        ax = 0; ay = radius; bx = 0; by = drill_radius;
        RotatePoint( &ax, &ay, layer_bottom * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        RotatePoint( &bx, &by, layer_bottom * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );

    // Display the short netname:
    if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )

    if( DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 )

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

    if( net == NULL )

    int len = net->GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( len > 0 )
        // calculate a good size for the text
        int tsize = m_Width / len;

        if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )
            tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10;        // small reduction to give a better look, inside via
            if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 )
                GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

            EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel? panel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipbox, aDC, m_Start,
                                 color, WHITE, BLACK, net->GetShortNetname(), 0,
                                 wxSize( tsize, tsize ),
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 tsize / 7, false, false );
コード例 #21
void TRACK::DrawShortNetname( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel,
        wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T aBgColor )
    /* we must filter tracks, to avoid a lot of texts.
     *  - only tracks with a length > 10 * thickness are eligible
     * and, of course, if we are not printing the board
    if( DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 )

    #define THRESHOLD 10

    int len = KiROUND( GetLineLength( m_Start, m_End ) );

    if( len < THRESHOLD * m_Width )

    // no room to display a text inside track
    if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( m_Width ) < MIN_TEXT_SIZE )

    if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

    if( net == NULL )

    int textlen = net->GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( textlen > 0 )
        // calculate a good size for the text
        int     tsize = std::min( m_Width, len / textlen );
        int     dx = m_End.x - m_Start.x ;
        int     dy = m_End.y - m_Start.y ;
        wxPoint tpos  = m_Start + m_End;
        tpos.x /= 2;
        tpos.y /= 2;

        // Calculate angle: if the track segment is vertical, angle = 90 degrees
        // If horizontal 0 degrees, otherwise compute it
        double angle;        // angle is in 0.1 degree

        if( dy == 0 )        // Horizontal segment
            angle = 0;
            if( dx == 0 )    // Vertical segment
                angle = 900;
                /* atan2 is *not* the solution here, since it can give upside
                   down text. We want to work only in the first and fourth quadrant */
                angle = RAD2DECIDEG( -atan( double( dy ) / double( dx ) ) );

        LAYER_NUM curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
        if( ( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )
         && ( !(!IsOnLayer( curr_layer )&& DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay) ) )
            if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 )
                GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

            tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10;       // small reduction to give a better look
            EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel? panel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipbox, aDC, tpos,
                                 aBgColor, BLACK, WHITE, net->GetShortNetname(), angle,
                                 wxSize( tsize, tsize ),
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 tsize / 7,
                                 false, false );
コード例 #22
void D_PAD::DrawShape( EDA_RECT* aClipBox, wxDC* aDC, PAD_DRAWINFO& aDrawInfo )
    wxPoint coord[4];
    double  angle = m_Orient;
    int     seg_width;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawInfo.m_DrawMode );

    // calculate pad shape position :
    wxPoint shape_pos = ShapePos() - aDrawInfo.m_Offset;

    wxSize  halfsize = m_Size;
    halfsize.x >>= 1;
    halfsize.y >>= 1;

    switch( GetShape() )
    case PAD_CIRCLE:
        if( aDrawInfo.m_ShowPadFilled )
            GRFilledCircle( aClipBox, aDC, shape_pos.x, shape_pos.y,
                            halfsize.x + aDrawInfo.m_Mask_margin.x, 0,
                            aDrawInfo.m_Color, aDrawInfo.m_Color );
            GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, shape_pos.x, shape_pos.y,
                      halfsize.x + aDrawInfo.m_Mask_margin.x,
                      m_PadSketchModePenSize, aDrawInfo.m_Color );

        if( aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance )
            GRCircle( aClipBox,
                      aDC, shape_pos.x, shape_pos.y,
                      halfsize.x + aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance,
                      0, aDrawInfo.m_Color );


    case PAD_OVAL:
        wxPoint segStart, segEnd;
        seg_width = BuildSegmentFromOvalShape(segStart, segEnd, angle,
        segStart += shape_pos;
        segEnd += shape_pos;

        if( aDrawInfo.m_ShowPadFilled )
            GRFillCSegm( aClipBox, aDC, segStart.x, segStart.y, segEnd.x, segEnd.y,
                         seg_width, aDrawInfo.m_Color );
            GRCSegm( aClipBox, aDC, segStart.x, segStart.y, segEnd.x, segEnd.y,
                     seg_width, m_PadSketchModePenSize, aDrawInfo.m_Color );

        // Draw the clearance line
        if( aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance )
            seg_width += 2 * aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance;
            GRCSegm( aClipBox, aDC, segStart.x, segStart.y, segEnd.x, segEnd.y,
                     seg_width, aDrawInfo.m_Color );

    case PAD_RECT:
        BuildPadPolygon( coord, aDrawInfo.m_Mask_margin, angle );

        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            coord[ii] += shape_pos;

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC, 4, coord, aDrawInfo.m_ShowPadFilled,
                      aDrawInfo.m_ShowPadFilled ? 0 : m_PadSketchModePenSize,
                      aDrawInfo.m_Color, aDrawInfo.m_Color );

        if( aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance )
            BuildPadPolygon( coord, wxSize( aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance,
                                            aDrawInfo.m_PadClearance ), angle );
            for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                coord[ii] += shape_pos;

            GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC, 4, coord, 0, aDrawInfo.m_Color, aDrawInfo.m_Color );


    // Draw the pad hole
    wxPoint holepos = m_Pos - aDrawInfo.m_Offset;
    int     hole    = m_Drill.x >> 1;

    bool drawhole = hole > 0;

    if( !aDrawInfo.m_ShowPadFilled && !aDrawInfo.m_ShowNotPlatedHole )
        drawhole = false;

    if( drawhole )
        bool blackpenstate = false;

        if( aDrawInfo.m_IsPrinting )
            blackpenstate = GetGRForceBlackPenState();
            GRForceBlackPen( false );
            aDrawInfo.m_HoleColor = WHITE;

        if( aDrawInfo.m_DrawMode != GR_XOR )
            GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );
            GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_XOR );

        EDA_COLOR_T hole_color = aDrawInfo.m_HoleColor;

        if( aDrawInfo. m_ShowNotPlatedHole )    // Draw a specific hole color
            hole_color = aDrawInfo.m_NPHoleColor;

        switch( GetDrillShape() )
        case PAD_DRILL_CIRCLE:
            if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( hole ) > MIN_DRAW_WIDTH )
                GRFilledCircle( aClipBox, aDC, holepos.x, holepos.y, hole, 0,
                                hole_color, hole_color );

        case PAD_DRILL_OBLONG:
            wxPoint drl_start, drl_end;
            GetOblongDrillGeometry( drl_start, drl_end, seg_width );
            GRFilledSegment( aClipBox, aDC, holepos + drl_start,
                             holepos + drl_end, seg_width, hole_color );


        if( aDrawInfo.m_IsPrinting )
            GRForceBlackPen( blackpenstate );

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawInfo.m_DrawMode );

    // Draw "No connect" ( / or \ or cross X ) if necessary
    if( GetNetCode() == 0 && aDrawInfo.m_ShowNCMark )
        int dx0 = std::min( halfsize.x, halfsize.y );
        EDA_COLOR_T nc_color = BLUE;

        if( m_layerMask[F_Cu] )    /* Draw \ */
            GRLine( aClipBox, aDC, holepos.x - dx0, holepos.y - dx0,
                    holepos.x + dx0, holepos.y + dx0, 0, nc_color );

        if( m_layerMask[B_Cu] )     // Draw /
            GRLine( aClipBox, aDC, holepos.x + dx0, holepos.y - dx0,
                    holepos.x - dx0, holepos.y + dx0, 0, nc_color );

    if( aDrawInfo.m_DrawMode != GR_XOR )
        GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );
        GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_XOR );

    // Draw the pad number
    if( !aDrawInfo.m_Display_padnum && !aDrawInfo.m_Display_netname )

    wxPoint tpos0 = shape_pos;     // Position of the centre of text
    wxPoint tpos  = tpos0;
    wxSize  AreaSize;              // size of text area, normalized to AreaSize.y < AreaSize.x
    int     shortname_len = 0;

    if( aDrawInfo.m_Display_netname )
        shortname_len = GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( GetShape() == PAD_CIRCLE )
        angle = 0;

    AreaSize = m_Size;

    if( m_Size.y > m_Size.x )
        angle += 900;
        AreaSize.x = m_Size.y;
        AreaSize.y = m_Size.x;

    if( shortname_len > 0 )       // if there is a netname, provides room to display this netname
        AreaSize.y /= 2;          // Text used only the upper area of the
                                  // pad. The lower area displays the net name
        tpos.y -= AreaSize.y / 2;

    // Calculate the position of text, that is the middle point of the upper
    // area of the pad
    RotatePoint( &tpos, shape_pos, angle );

    // Draw text with an angle between -90 deg and + 90 deg
    double t_angle = angle;
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( t_angle );

    /* Note: in next calculations, texte size is calculated for 3 or more
     * chars.  Of course, pads numbers and nets names can have less than 3
     * chars. but after some tries, i found this is gives the best look
    #define MIN_CHAR_COUNT 3
    wxString buffer;

    int      tsize;
    EDA_RECT* clipBox = aDrawInfo.m_DrawPanel?
                        aDrawInfo.m_DrawPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;

    if( aDrawInfo.m_Display_padnum )
        StringPadName( buffer );
        int numpad_len = buffer.Len();
        numpad_len = std::max( numpad_len, MIN_CHAR_COUNT );

        tsize = std::min( AreaSize.y, AreaSize.x / numpad_len );

        if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE ) // Not drawable when size too small.
            // tsize reserve room for marges and segments thickness
            tsize = ( tsize * 7 ) / 10;
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipBox, aDC, tpos,
                                 aDrawInfo.m_Color, BLACK, WHITE,
                                 buffer, t_angle,
                                 wxSize( tsize , tsize ), GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, tsize / 7, false, false );


    // display the short netname, if exists
    if( shortname_len == 0 )

    shortname_len = std::max( shortname_len, MIN_CHAR_COUNT );
    tsize = std::min( AreaSize.y, AreaSize.x / shortname_len );

    if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )  // Not drawable in size too small.
        tpos = tpos0;

        if( aDrawInfo.m_Display_padnum )
            tpos.y += AreaSize.y / 2;

        RotatePoint( &tpos, shape_pos, angle );

        // tsize reserve room for marges and segments thickness
        tsize = ( tsize * 7 ) / 10;
        DrawGraphicHaloText( clipBox, aDC, tpos,
                             aDrawInfo.m_Color, BLACK, WHITE,
                             GetShortNetname(), t_angle,
                             wxSize( tsize, tsize ), GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, tsize / 7, false, false );
コード例 #23
void VIA::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, const wxPoint& aOffset )
    wxCHECK_RET( panel != NULL, wxT( "VIA::Draw panel cannot be NULL." ) );

    int radius;
    PCB_LAYER_ID curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;

    int fillvia = 0;
    PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame  = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) panel->GetParent();
    PCB_SCREEN*     screen = frame->GetScreen();
    auto displ_opts = (PCB_DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)( frame->GetDisplayOptions() );

    if( displ_opts->m_DisplayViaFill == FILLED )
        fillvia = 1;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    BOARD * brd =  GetBoard();
    COLOR4D color = frame->Settings().Colors().GetItemColor( LAYER_VIAS + GetViaType() );

    if( brd->IsElementVisible( LAYER_VIAS + GetViaType() ) == false
        && !( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT ) )

    // Only draw the via if at least one of the layers it crosses is being displayed
    if( !( brd->GetVisibleLayers() & GetLayerSet() ).any() )

    if( displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay )
        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            color = COLOR4D( DARKDARKGRAY );

    if( ( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT ) && !( aDrawMode & GR_AND ) )

    color.a = 0.588;

    radius = m_Width >> 1;
    // for small via size on screen (radius < 4 pixels) draw a simplified shape

    int radius_in_pixels = aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( radius );

    bool fast_draw = false;

    // Vias are drawn as a filled circle or a double circle. The hole will be drawn later
    int drill_radius = GetDrillValue() / 2;

    int inner_radius = radius - aDC->DeviceToLogicalXRel( 2 );

    if( radius_in_pixels < MIN_VIA_DRAW_SIZE )
        fast_draw = true;
        fillvia = false;

    if( fillvia )
        GRFilledCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius, color );
        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius, 0, color );

        if ( fast_draw )

        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, inner_radius, 0, color );

    if( fillvia )
        bool blackpenstate = false;

        if( screen->m_IsPrinting )
            blackpenstate = GetGRForceBlackPenState();
            GRForceBlackPen( false );
            color = WHITE;
            color = BLACK;     // or DARKGRAY;

        if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0)
            GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

        // Draw hole if the radius is > 1pixel.
        if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( drill_radius ) > 1 )
            GRFilledCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x,
                            m_Start.y + aOffset.y, drill_radius, 0, color, color );

        if( screen->m_IsPrinting )
            GRForceBlackPen( blackpenstate );
        if( drill_radius < inner_radius )         // We can show the via hole
            GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, drill_radius, 0, color );

    if( ShowClearance( displ_opts, this ) )
        GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start + aOffset, radius + GetClearance(), 0, color );

    // for Micro Vias, draw a partial cross : X on component layer, or + on copper layer
    // (so we can see 2 superimposed microvias ):
    if( GetViaType() == VIA_MICROVIA )
        int ax, ay, bx, by;

        if( IsOnLayer( B_Cu ) )
            ax = radius; ay = 0;
            bx = drill_radius; by = 0;
            ax = ay = (radius * 707) / 1000;
            bx = by = (drill_radius * 707) / 1000;

        // lines '|' or '\'
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x + bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + by,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x + ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + ay, 0, color );

        // lines - or '/'
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x + ay,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ax,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x + by,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - bx, 0, color );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - by,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + bx,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ay,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y + ax, 0, color );

    // for Buried Vias, draw a partial line : orient depending on layer pair
    // (so we can see superimposed buried vias ):
    if( GetViaType() == VIA_BLIND_BURIED )
        int ax = 0, ay = radius, bx = 0, by = drill_radius;
        PCB_LAYER_ID layer_top, layer_bottom;

        LayerPair( &layer_top, &layer_bottom );

        // lines for the top layer
        RotatePoint( &ax, &ay, layer_top * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        RotatePoint( &bx, &by, layer_top * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );

        // lines for the bottom layer
        ax = 0; ay = radius; bx = 0; by = drill_radius;
        RotatePoint( &ax, &ay, layer_bottom * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        RotatePoint( &bx, &by, layer_bottom * 3600.0 / brd->GetCopperLayerCount( ) );
        GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), aDC, m_Start.x + aOffset.x - ax,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - ay,
                m_Start.x + aOffset.x - bx,
                m_Start.y + aOffset.y - by, 0, color );

    // Display the short netname:
    if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )

    if( displ_opts->m_DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || displ_opts->m_DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 )

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

    if( net == NULL )

    int len = net->GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( len > 0 )
        // calculate a good size for the text
        int tsize = m_Width / len;

        if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )
            tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10;        // small reduction to give a better look, inside via

            if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 )
                GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

            EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel->GetClipBox();
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipbox, aDC, m_Start,
                                 color, WHITE, BLACK, net->GetShortNetname(), 0,
                                 wxSize( tsize, tsize ),
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 tsize / 7, false, false );
コード例 #24
void PCB_POLYGON::AssignNet( const wxString& aNetName )
    m_net = aNetName;
    m_netCode = GetNetCode( m_net );
コード例 #25
TRACK* TRACK::GetTrack( TRACK* aStartTrace, TRACK* aEndTrace, ENDPOINT_T aEndPoint,
        bool aSameNetOnly, bool aSequential )
    const wxPoint &position = GetEndPoint( aEndPoint );
    LAYER_MSK refLayers = GetLayerMask();
    TRACK *previousSegment;
    TRACK *nextSegment;

    if( aSequential )
        // Simple sequential search: from aStartTrace forward to aEndTrace
        previousSegment = NULL;
        nextSegment = aStartTrace;
        /* Local bidirectional search: from this backward to aStartTrace
         * AND forward to aEndTrace. The idea is that nearest segments
         * are found (on average) faster in this way. In fact same-net
         * segments are almost guaranteed to be found faster, in a global
         * search, since they are grouped together in the track list */
        previousSegment = this;
        nextSegment = this;

    while( nextSegment || previousSegment )
        // Terminate the search in the direction if the netcode mismatches
        if( aSameNetOnly )
            if( nextSegment && (nextSegment->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode()) )
                nextSegment = NULL;
            if( previousSegment && (previousSegment->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode()) )
                previousSegment = NULL;

        if( nextSegment )
            if ( (nextSegment != this) &&
                 !nextSegment->GetState( BUSY | IS_DELETED ) &&
                 (refLayers & nextSegment->GetLayerMask()) )
                if( (position == nextSegment->m_Start) ||
                    (position == nextSegment->m_End) )
                    return nextSegment;

            // Keep looking forward
            if( nextSegment == aEndTrace )
                nextSegment = NULL;
                nextSegment = nextSegment->Next();

        // Same as above, looking back. During sequential search this branch is inactive
        if( previousSegment )
            if ( (previousSegment != this) &&
                 !previousSegment->GetState( BUSY | IS_DELETED ) &&
                 (refLayers & previousSegment->GetLayerMask()) )
                if( (position == previousSegment->m_Start) ||
                    (position == previousSegment->m_End) )
                    return previousSegment;

            if( previousSegment == aStartTrace )
                previousSegment = NULL;
                previousSegment = previousSegment->Back();

    return NULL;