inline std::vector<double> GetGradient(const int64_t x_index, const int64_t y_index, const int64_t z_index, const bool enable_edge_gradients=false) const { // Make sure the index is inside bounds if ((x_index >= 0) && (y_index >= 0) && (z_index >= 0) && (x_index < GetNumXCells()) && (y_index < GetNumYCells()) && (z_index < GetNumZCells())) { // Make sure the index we're trying to query is one cell in from the edge if ((x_index > 0) && (y_index > 0) && (z_index > 0) && (x_index < (GetNumXCells() - 1)) && (y_index < (GetNumYCells() - 1)) && (z_index < (GetNumZCells() - 1))) { double inv_twice_resolution = 1.0 / (2.0 * GetResolution()); double gx = (Get(x_index + 1, y_index, z_index) - Get(x_index - 1, y_index, z_index)) * inv_twice_resolution; double gy = (Get(x_index, y_index + 1, z_index) - Get(x_index, y_index - 1, z_index)) * inv_twice_resolution; double gz = (Get(x_index, y_index, z_index + 1) - Get(x_index, y_index, z_index - 1)) * inv_twice_resolution; return std::vector<double>{gx, gy, gz}; } // If we're on the edge, handle it specially else if (enable_edge_gradients) { // Get the "best" indices we can use int64_t low_x_index = std::max((int64_t)0, x_index - 1); int64_t high_x_index = std::min(GetNumXCells() - 1, x_index + 1); int64_t low_y_index = std::max((int64_t)0, y_index - 1); int64_t high_y_index = std::min(GetNumYCells() - 1, y_index + 1); int64_t low_z_index = std::max((int64_t)0, z_index - 1); int64_t high_z_index = std::min(GetNumZCells() - 1, z_index + 1); // Compute the axis increments double x_increment = (high_x_index - low_x_index) * GetResolution(); double y_increment = (high_y_index - low_y_index) * GetResolution(); double z_increment = (high_z_index - low_z_index) * GetResolution(); // Compute the gradients for each axis - by default these are zero double gx = 0.0; double gy = 0.0; double gz = 0.0; // Only if the increments are non-zero do we compute the gradient of an axis if (x_increment > 0.0) { double inv_x_increment = 1.0 / x_increment; double high_x_value = Get(high_x_index, y_index, z_index); double low_x_value = Get(low_x_index, y_index, z_index); // Compute the gradient gx = (high_x_value - low_x_value) * inv_x_increment; } if (y_increment > 0.0) { double inv_y_increment = 1.0 / y_increment; double high_y_value = Get(x_index, high_y_index, z_index); double low_y_value = Get(x_index, low_y_index, z_index); // Compute the gradient gy = (high_y_value - low_y_value) * inv_y_increment; } if (z_increment > 0.0) { double inv_z_increment = 1.0 / z_increment; double high_z_value = Get(x_index, y_index, high_z_index); double low_z_value = Get(x_index, y_index, low_z_index); // Compute the gradient gz = (high_z_value - low_z_value) * inv_z_increment; } // Assemble and return the computed gradient return std::vector<double>{gx, gy, gz}; } // Edge gradients disabled, return no gradient else { return std::vector<double>(); } } // If we're out of bounds, return no gradient else { return std::vector<double>(); } }
void test_estimate_distance( const std::function<void( const visualization_msgs::MarkerArray&)>& display_fn) { const double res = 1.0; const double size = 10.0; const Eigen::Isometry3d origin_transform = Eigen::Translation3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) * Eigen::Quaterniond( Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI_4, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())); auto map = sdf_tools::CollisionMapGrid(origin_transform, "world", res, size, size, 1.0, sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(0.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(5.0, 6.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(6.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(6.0, 6.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(7.0, 7.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(3.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(4.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(2.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); map.SetValue4d(origin_transform * Eigen::Vector4d(2.0, 7.0, 0.0, 1.0), sdf_tools::COLLISION_CELL(1.0)); const std_msgs::ColorRGBA collision_color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); const std_msgs::ColorRGBA free_color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); const std_msgs::ColorRGBA unknown_color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); const auto map_marker = map.ExportForDisplay(collision_color, free_color, unknown_color); const auto sdf = map.ExtractSignedDistanceField(1e6, true, false).first; const auto sdf_marker = sdf.ExportForDisplay(0.05f); // Assemble a visualization_markers::Marker representation of the SDF to display in RViz visualization_msgs::Marker distance_rep; // Populate the header distance_rep.header.frame_id = "world"; // Populate the options distance_rep.ns = "estimated_distance_display"; = 1; distance_rep.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE_LIST; distance_rep.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; distance_rep.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.0); distance_rep.frame_locked = false; distance_rep.pose = EigenHelpersConversions::EigenIsometry3dToGeometryPose(sdf.GetOriginTransform()); const double step = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.125 * 0.25; distance_rep.scale.x = sdf.GetResolution() * step;// * 0.125; distance_rep.scale.y = sdf.GetResolution() * step;// * 0.125; distance_rep.scale.z = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.95;// * 0.125;// * 0.125; // Add all the cells of the SDF to the message double min_distance = 0.0; double max_distance = 0.0; // Add colors for all the cells of the SDF to the message for (double x = 0; x < sdf.GetXSize(); x += step) { for (double y = 0; y < sdf.GetYSize(); y += step) { double z = 0.5; //for (double z = 0; z <= sdf.GetZSize(); z += step) { const Eigen::Vector4d point(x, y, z, 1.0); const Eigen::Vector4d point_in_grid_frame = origin_transform * point; // Update minimum/maximum distance variables const double distance = sdf.EstimateDistance4d(point_in_grid_frame).first; if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; } if (distance < min_distance) { min_distance = distance; } } } } std::cout << "Min dist " << min_distance << " Max dist " << max_distance << std::endl; for (double x = 0; x < sdf.GetXSize(); x += step) { for (double y = 0; y < sdf.GetYSize(); y += step) { double z = 0.5; //for (double z = 0; z <= sdf.GetZSize(); z += step) { const Eigen::Vector4d point(x, y, z, 1.0); const Eigen::Vector4d point_in_grid_frame = origin_transform * point; const double distance = sdf.EstimateDistance4d(point_in_grid_frame).first; if (distance >= 0.0) { const std_msgs::ColorRGBA new_color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA> ::InterpolateHotToCold(distance, 0.0, max_distance); distance_rep.colors.push_back(new_color); } else { const std_msgs::ColorRGBA new_color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); distance_rep.colors.push_back(new_color); } geometry_msgs::Point new_point; new_point.x = x; new_point.y = y; new_point.z = z; distance_rep.points.push_back(new_point); } } } visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markers; markers.markers = {map_marker, sdf_marker, distance_rep}; // Make gradient markers for (int64_t x_idx = 0; x_idx < sdf.GetNumXCells(); x_idx++) { for (int64_t y_idx = 0; y_idx < sdf.GetNumYCells(); y_idx++) { for (int64_t z_idx = 0; z_idx < sdf.GetNumZCells(); z_idx++) { const Eigen::Vector4d location = sdf.GridIndexToLocation(x_idx, y_idx, z_idx); const std::vector<double> discrete_gradient = sdf.GetGradient4d(location, true); std::cout << "Discrete gradient " << PrettyPrint::PrettyPrint(discrete_gradient) << std::endl; const std::vector<double> smooth_gradient = sdf.GetSmoothGradient4d(location, sdf.GetResolution() * 0.125); std::cout << "Smooth gradient " << PrettyPrint::PrettyPrint(smooth_gradient) << std::endl; const std::vector<double> autodiff_gradient = sdf.GetAutoDiffGradient4d(location); std::cout << "Autodiff gradient " << PrettyPrint::PrettyPrint(autodiff_gradient) << std::endl; if (discrete_gradient.size() == 3) { const Eigen::Vector4d gradient_vector(discrete_gradient[0], discrete_gradient[1], discrete_gradient[2], 0.0); visualization_msgs::Marker gradient_rep; // Populate the header gradient_rep.header.frame_id = "world"; // Populate the options gradient_rep.ns = "discrete_gradient"; = (int32_t)sdf.HashDataIndex(x_idx, y_idx, z_idx); gradient_rep.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; gradient_rep.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; gradient_rep.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.0); gradient_rep.frame_locked = false; gradient_rep.pose = EigenHelpersConversions::EigenIsometry3dToGeometryPose(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity()); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location)); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location + gradient_vector)); gradient_rep.scale.x = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.06125; gradient_rep.scale.y = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.125; gradient_rep.scale.z = 0.0; gradient_rep.color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0); markers.markers.push_back(gradient_rep); } if (smooth_gradient.size() == 3) { const Eigen::Vector4d gradient_vector(smooth_gradient[0], smooth_gradient[1], smooth_gradient[2], 0.0); visualization_msgs::Marker gradient_rep; // Populate the header gradient_rep.header.frame_id = "world"; // Populate the options gradient_rep.ns = "smooth_gradient"; = (int32_t)sdf.HashDataIndex(x_idx, y_idx, z_idx); gradient_rep.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; gradient_rep.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; gradient_rep.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.0); gradient_rep.frame_locked = false; gradient_rep.pose = EigenHelpersConversions::EigenIsometry3dToGeometryPose(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity()); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location)); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location + gradient_vector)); gradient_rep.scale.x = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.06125; gradient_rep.scale.y = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.125; gradient_rep.scale.z = 0.0; gradient_rep.color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); markers.markers.push_back(gradient_rep); } if (autodiff_gradient.size() == 3) { const Eigen::Vector4d gradient_vector(autodiff_gradient[0], autodiff_gradient[1], autodiff_gradient[2], 0.0); visualization_msgs::Marker gradient_rep; // Populate the header gradient_rep.header.frame_id = "world"; // Populate the options gradient_rep.ns = "autodiff_gradient"; = (int32_t)sdf.HashDataIndex(x_idx, y_idx, z_idx); gradient_rep.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; gradient_rep.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; gradient_rep.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.0); gradient_rep.frame_locked = false; gradient_rep.pose = EigenHelpersConversions::EigenIsometry3dToGeometryPose(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity()); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location)); gradient_rep.points.push_back(EigenHelpersConversions::EigenVector4dToGeometryPoint(location + gradient_vector)); gradient_rep.scale.x = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.06125; gradient_rep.scale.y = sdf.GetResolution() * 0.125; gradient_rep.scale.z = 0.0; gradient_rep.color = arc_helpers::RGBAColorBuilder<std_msgs::ColorRGBA>::MakeFromFloatColors(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); markers.markers.push_back(gradient_rep); } } } } display_fn(markers); }