void CResourceFolderView::OnSelectionChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*) pNMHDR; CString strPath = GetPathFromItem (pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem); //GetDocument ()->UpdateAllViews (this, 0x5A, (CObject*) (LPCTSTR) strPath); CResourceDoc* pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CResourceDoc, GetDocument()); ///////////////////////////////////////////// old solution /* // append the selected path to the resource path CGDSApp * gApp = dynamic_cast< CGDSApp * >( AfxGetApp() ); if( gApp ) { stdstrPath = StdString(gApp->GetResourcePath()) + _T("\\") + stdstrPath; } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////// new solution StdString stdstrPath( strPath ); stdstrPath = m_strResouceDirectory + "\\" + stdstrPath; pDoc->SetActiveDirectory( stdstrPath ); *pResult = 0; }
void CPage6::OnItemexpanding(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR); HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CString strPathName = GetPathFromItem (hItem); if (!IsMediaValid (strPathName)) { HTREEITEM hRoot = GetDriveNode (hItem); m_FileTree.Expand (hRoot, TVE_COLLAPSE); DeleteChildren (hRoot); AddDummyNode (hRoot); *pResult = TRUE; return; } if (!IsPathValid (strPathName)) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER && strPathName != "") { m_FileTree.DeleteItem (hItem); *pResult = TRUE; return; } } CWaitCursor wait; if (pNMTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (!AddDirectoryNodes (hItem, strPathName)) *pResult = TRUE; } } else { if(strPathName != MYCOMPUTER) { DeleteChildren (hItem); if (IsDriveNode (hItem)) AddDummyNode (hItem); else SetButtonState (hItem, strPathName); } } m_LocalPath = strPathName; *pResult = 0; }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnMenuDelete(wxCommandEvent&) { if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) return; if (!m_contextMenuItem) return; const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(m_contextMenuItem); if (path.empty()) return; if (wxMessageBoxEx(_("Really delete all selected files and/or directories from the server?"), _("Confirmation needed"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO, this) != wxYES) return; const bool hasParent = path.HasParent(); CRecursiveOperation* pRecursiveOperation = m_pState->GetRecursiveOperationHandler(); CServerPath startDir; if (hasParent) { const wxString& name = GetItemText(m_contextMenuItem); startDir = path.GetParent(); pRecursiveOperation->AddDirectoryToVisit(startDir, name); } else { startDir = path; pRecursiveOperation->AddDirectoryToVisit(startDir, _T("")); } CServerPath currentPath; const wxTreeItemId selected = GetSelection(); if (selected) currentPath = GetPathFromItem(selected); if (!currentPath.empty() && (path == currentPath || path.IsParentOf(currentPath, false))) currentPath = startDir; CFilterManager filter; pRecursiveOperation->StartRecursiveOperation(CRecursiveOperation::recursive_delete, startDir, filter.GetActiveFilters(false), !hasParent, currentPath); }
void CLeftView::CreateRoots() { CTreeCtrl &ctlTree=GetTreeCtrl(); ctlTree.DeleteAllItems(); CTreeCtrl &ctlDrives = this->GetTreeCtrl(); HTREEITEM hRoot; char * strBuffer= NULL; CString strMessage; int nPos = 0; UINT nCount = 0; CString strDrive = _T("?:\\"); DWORD dwDriveList = ::GetLogicalDrives (); CString cTmp; while (dwDriveList) { if (dwDriveList & 1) { cTmp = strDrive; strDrive.SetAt (0, 0x41 + nPos); strDrive = strDrive.Left(2); hRoot = ctlDrives.InsertItem(strDrive,0, 1); } dwDriveList >>= 1; nPos++; } TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; ::GetCurrentDirectory (sizeof (szPath) / sizeof (TCHAR), szPath); CString strPath = szPath; strPath = strPath.Left (3); HTREEITEM hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().GetNextItem (NULL, TVGN_ROOT); while (hItem != NULL) { if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetItemText (hItem) == strPath) break; hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().GetNextSiblingItem (hItem); } if (hItem != NULL) { GetTreeCtrl ().Expand (hItem, TVE_EXPAND); GetTreeCtrl ().Select (hItem, TVGN_CARET); } strPath = GetPathFromItem (GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem()); GetDocument()->UpdateAllViews (this, 0x5A, (CObject*) (LPCTSTR) strPath); }
// Help-Function to create a new Directory // Returns the name of the new directory CServerPath CRemoteTreeView::MenuMkdir() { if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) return CServerPath(); if (!m_contextMenuItem) return CServerPath(); const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(m_contextMenuItem); if (path.empty()) return CServerPath(); CInputDialog dlg; if (!dlg.Create(this, _("Create directory"), _("Please enter the name of the directory which should be created:"))) return CServerPath(); CServerPath newPath = path; // Append a long segment which does (most likely) not exist in the path and // replace it with "New directory" later. This way we get the exact position of // "New directory" and can preselect it in the dialog. wxString tmpName = _T("25CF809E56B343b5A12D1F0466E3B37A49A9087FDCF8412AA9AF8D1E849D01CF"); if (newPath.AddSegment(tmpName)) { wxString pathName = newPath.GetPath(); int pos = pathName.Find(tmpName); wxASSERT(pos != -1); wxString newName = _("New directory"); pathName.Replace(tmpName, newName); dlg.SetValue(pathName); dlg.SelectText(pos, pos + newName.Length()); } if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return CServerPath(); newPath = path; if (!newPath.ChangePath(dlg.GetValue())) { wxBell(); return CServerPath(); } m_pState->m_pCommandQueue->ProcessCommand(new CMkdirCommand(newPath)); return newPath; }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnMenuRename(wxCommandEvent&) { if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) return; if (!m_contextMenuItem) return; const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(m_contextMenuItem); if (path.empty()) return; if (!path.HasParent()) return; EditLabel(m_contextMenuItem); }
// Create a new Directory void CRemoteTreeView::OnMkdir(wxCommandEvent&) { CServerPath newpath = MenuMkdir(); CServerPath listed; if (newpath.HasParent()) { listed = newpath.GetParent(); m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(listed); } CServerPath currentPath; const wxTreeItemId selected = GetSelection(); if (selected) currentPath = GetPathFromItem(selected); if (!currentPath.empty() && currentPath != listed) m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(currentPath); }
void CDriveView::OnInitialUpdate() { CTreeView::OnInitialUpdate(); // // Initialize the image list. // m_ilDrives.Create (IDB_DRIVEIMAGES, 16, 1, RGB (255, 0, 255)); GetTreeCtrl ().SetImageList (&m_ilDrives, TVSIL_NORMAL); // // Populate the tree view with drive items. // AddDrives (); // // Show the folders on the current drive. // TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; ::GetCurrentDirectory (sizeof (szPath) / sizeof (TCHAR), szPath); CString strPath = szPath; strPath = strPath.Left (3); HTREEITEM hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().GetNextItem (NULL, TVGN_ROOT); while (hItem != NULL) { if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetItemText (hItem) == strPath) break; hItem = GetTreeCtrl ().GetNextSiblingItem (hItem); } if (hItem != NULL) { GetTreeCtrl ().Expand (hItem, TVE_EXPAND); GetTreeCtrl ().Select (hItem, TVGN_CARET); } // // Initialize the list view. // strPath = GetPathFromItem (GetTreeCtrl ().GetSelectedItem ()); GetDocument ()->UpdateAllViews (this, 0x5A, (CObject*) (LPCTSTR) strPath); }
bool CRemoteTreeView::ListExpand(wxTreeItemId item) { const CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(item); wxASSERT(!path.empty()); if (path.empty()) return false; CDirectoryListing listing; if (m_pState->m_pEngine->CacheLookup(path, listing) == FZ_REPLY_OK) RefreshItem(item, listing, false); else { SetItemImages(item, true); wxTreeItemId child = GetLastChild(item); if (!child || GetItemText(child).empty()) return false; } return true; }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnBeginLabelEdit(wxTreeEvent& event) { if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) { event.Veto(); return; } const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(event.GetItem()); if (path.empty()) { event.Veto(); return; } if (!path.HasParent()) { event.Veto(); return; } }
void CDriveView::OnItemExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CString string = GetPathFromItem (hItem); *pResult = FALSE; if (pNMTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { DeleteFirstChild (hItem); if (AddDirectories (hItem, string) == 0) *pResult = TRUE; } else { // pNMTreeView->action == TVE_COLLAPSE DeleteAllChildren (hItem); if (GetTreeCtrl ().GetParentItem (hItem) == NULL) GetTreeCtrl ().InsertItem (_T (""), ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, ILI_CLOSED_FOLDER, hItem); else SetButtonState (hItem, string); } }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnSelectionChanged(wxTreeEvent& event) { if (event.GetItem() != m_ExpandAfterList) m_ExpandAfterList = wxTreeItemId(); if (m_busy) return; if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) { wxBell(); return; } wxTreeItemId item = event.GetItem(); if (!item) return; const CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(item); wxASSERT(!path.empty()); if (path.empty()) return; m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(path); }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnMenuGeturl(wxCommandEvent&) { if (!m_contextMenuItem) return; const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(m_contextMenuItem); if (path.empty()) { wxBell(); return; } const CServer *pServer = m_pState->GetServer(); if (!pServer) { wxBell(); return; } if (!wxTheClipboard->Open()) { wxMessageBoxEx(_("Could not open clipboard"), _("Could not copy URLs"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION); return; } wxString url = pServer->FormatServer(true); url += path.GetPath(); // Poor mans URLencode url.Replace(_T(" "), _T("%20")); wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxURLDataObject(url)); wxTheClipboard->Flush(); wxTheClipboard->Close(); }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnMenuChmod(wxCommandEvent&) { if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) return; if (!m_contextMenuItem) return; const CServerPath& path = GetPathFromItem(m_contextMenuItem); if (path.empty()) return; const bool hasParent = path.HasParent(); CChmodDialog* pChmodDlg = new CChmodDialog; // Get current permissions of directory const wxString& name = GetItemText(m_contextMenuItem); char permissions[9] = {0}; bool cached = false; // Obviously item needs to have a parent directory... if (hasParent) { const CServerPath& parentPath = path.GetParent(); CDirectoryListing listing; // ... and it needs to be cached cached = m_pState->m_pEngine->CacheLookup(parentPath, listing) == FZ_REPLY_OK; if (cached) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < listing.GetCount(); i++) { if (listing[i].name != name) continue; pChmodDlg->ConvertPermissions(*listing[i].permissions, permissions); } } } if (!pChmodDlg->Create(this, 0, 1, name, permissions)) { pChmodDlg->Destroy(); pChmodDlg = 0; return; } if (pChmodDlg->ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { pChmodDlg->Destroy(); pChmodDlg = 0; return; } // State may have changed while chmod dialog was shown if (!m_contextMenuItem || !m_pState->IsRemoteConnected() || !m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) { pChmodDlg->Destroy(); pChmodDlg = 0; return; } const int applyType = pChmodDlg->GetApplyType(); CRecursiveOperation* pRecursiveOperation = m_pState->GetRecursiveOperationHandler(); if (cached) // Implies hasParent { // Change directory permissions if (!applyType || applyType == 2) { wxString newPerms = pChmodDlg->GetPermissions(permissions, true); m_pState->m_pCommandQueue->ProcessCommand(new CChmodCommand(path.GetParent(), name, newPerms)); } if (pChmodDlg->Recursive()) // Start recursion pRecursiveOperation->AddDirectoryToVisit(path, _T(""), CLocalPath()); } else { if (hasParent) pRecursiveOperation->AddDirectoryToVisitRestricted(path.GetParent(), name, pChmodDlg->Recursive()); else pRecursiveOperation->AddDirectoryToVisitRestricted(path, _T(""), pChmodDlg->Recursive()); } if (!cached || pChmodDlg->Recursive()) { pRecursiveOperation->SetChmodDialog(pChmodDlg); CServerPath currentPath; const wxTreeItemId selected = GetSelection(); if (selected) currentPath = GetPathFromItem(selected); CFilterManager filter; pRecursiveOperation->StartRecursiveOperation(CRecursiveOperation::recursive_chmod, hasParent ? path.GetParent() : path, filter.GetActiveFilters(false), !cached, currentPath); } else { pChmodDlg->Destroy(); const wxTreeItemId selected = GetSelection(); if (selected) { CServerPath currentPath = GetPathFromItem(selected); m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(currentPath); } } }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnBeginDrag(wxTreeEvent& event) { // Drag could result in recursive operation, don't allow at this point if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) { wxBell(); return; } const wxTreeItemId& item = event.GetItem(); if (!item) return; CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(item); if (path.empty() || !path.HasParent()) return; const CServerPath& parent = path.GetParent(); const wxString& lastSegment = path.GetLastSegment(); if (lastSegment.empty()) return; wxDataObjectComposite object; CServer const* pServer = m_pState->GetServer(); if (!pServer) return; CServer const server = *pServer; CRemoteDataObject *pRemoteDataObject = new CRemoteDataObject(*pServer, parent); pRemoteDataObject->AddFile(lastSegment, true, -1, false); pRemoteDataObject->Finalize(); object.Add(pRemoteDataObject, true); #if FZ3_USESHELLEXT std::unique_ptr<CShellExtensionInterface> ext = CShellExtensionInterface::CreateInitialized(); if (ext) { const wxString& file = ext->GetDragDirectory(); wxASSERT(!file.empty()); wxFileDataObject *pFileDataObject = new wxFileDataObject; pFileDataObject->AddFile(file); object.Add(pFileDataObject); } #endif CDragDropManager* pDragDropManager = CDragDropManager::Init(); pDragDropManager->pDragSource = this; pDragDropManager->server = *pServer; pDragDropManager->remoteParent = parent; wxDropSource source(this); source.SetData(object); int res = source.DoDragDrop(); pDragDropManager->Release(); if (res != wxDragCopy) { return; } #if FZ3_USESHELLEXT if (ext) { if (!pRemoteDataObject->DidSendData()) { pServer = m_pState->GetServer(); if (!pServer || !m_pState->IsRemoteIdle() || *pServer != server) { wxBell(); return; } CLocalPath target(ext->GetTarget()); if (target.empty()) { ext.reset(); // Release extension before the modal message box wxMessageBoxEx(_("Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation.\nEither the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window.")); return; } m_pState->DownloadDroppedFiles(pRemoteDataObject, target); } } #endif }
void CRemoteTreeView::ApplyFilters(bool resort) { std::list<struct _parents> parents; const wxTreeItemId root = GetRootItem(); wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; for (wxTreeItemId child = GetFirstChild(root, cookie); child; child = GetNextSibling(child)) { CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(child); if (path.empty()) continue; struct _parents dir; dir.item = child; dir.path = path; parents.push_back(dir); } CFilterManager filter; while (!parents.empty()) { struct _parents parent = parents.back(); parents.pop_back(); if (resort) { SortChildren(parent.item); } CDirectoryListing listing; if (m_pState->m_pEngine->CacheLookup(parent.path, listing) == FZ_REPLY_OK) RefreshItem(parent.item, listing, false); else if (filter.HasActiveFilters()) { for (wxTreeItemId child = GetFirstChild(parent.item, cookie); child; child = GetNextSibling(child)) { CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(child); if (path.empty()) continue; if (filter.FilenameFiltered(GetItemText(child), path.GetPath(), true, -1, false, 0, CDateTime())) { wxTreeItemId sel = GetSelection(); while (sel && sel != child) sel = GetItemParent(sel); if (!sel) { Delete(child); continue; } } struct _parents dir; dir.item = child; dir.path = path; parents.push_back(dir); } // The stuff below has already been done above in this one case continue; } for (wxTreeItemId child = GetFirstChild(parent.item, cookie); child; child = GetNextSibling(child)) { CServerPath path = GetPathFromItem(child); if (path.empty()) continue; struct _parents dir; dir.item = child; dir.path = path; parents.push_back(dir); } } }
void CRemoteTreeView::OnEndLabelEdit(wxTreeEvent& event) { if (event.IsEditCancelled()) { event.Veto(); return; } if (!m_pState->IsRemoteIdle()) { event.Veto(); return; } CItemData* const pData = (CItemData*)GetItemData(event.GetItem()); if (pData) { event.Veto(); return; } CServerPath old_path = GetPathFromItem(event.GetItem()); CServerPath parent = old_path.GetParent(); const wxString& oldName = GetItemText(event.GetItem()); const wxString& newName = event.GetLabel(); if (oldName == newName) { event.Veto(); return; } m_pState->m_pCommandQueue->ProcessCommand(new CRenameCommand(parent, oldName, parent, newName)); m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(parent); CServerPath currentPath; const wxTreeItemId selected = GetSelection(); if (selected) currentPath = GetPathFromItem(selected); if (currentPath.empty()) return; if (currentPath == old_path || currentPath.IsSubdirOf(old_path, false)) { // Previously selected path was below renamed one, list the new one std::list<wxString> subdirs; while (currentPath != old_path) { if (!currentPath.HasParent()) { // Abort just in case return; } subdirs.push_front(currentPath.GetLastSegment()); currentPath = currentPath.GetParent(); } currentPath = parent; currentPath.AddSegment(newName); for (std::list<wxString>::const_iterator iter = subdirs.begin(); iter != subdirs.end(); ++iter) currentPath.AddSegment(*iter); m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(currentPath); } else if (currentPath != parent) m_pState->ChangeRemoteDir(currentPath); }