bool UTextProperty::Identical( const void* A, const void* B, uint32 PortFlags ) const { const TCppType ValueA = GetPropertyValue(A); if ( B ) { const TCppType ValueB = GetPropertyValue(B); if ( ValueA.IsCultureInvariant() != ValueB.IsCultureInvariant() || ValueA.IsTransient() != ValueB.IsTransient() ) { //A culture variant text is never equal to a culture invariant text //A transient text is never equal to a non-transient text return false; } if ( ValueA.IsCultureInvariant() == ValueB.IsCultureInvariant() || ValueA.IsTransient() == ValueB.IsTransient() ) { //Culture invariant text don't have a namespace/key so we compare the source string //Transient text don't have a namespace/key or source so we compare the display string return *FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueA) == *FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueB); } #if WITH_EDITOR return *FTextInspector::GetSourceString(ValueA) == *FTextInspector::GetSourceString(ValueB); #else return FTextInspector::GetNamespace(ValueA) == FTextInspector::GetNamespace(ValueB) && FTextInspector::GetKey(ValueA) == FTextInspector::GetKey(ValueB); #endif } return FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueA).IsEmpty(); }
bool UTextProperty::Identical( const void* A, const void* B, uint32 PortFlags ) const { const TCppType ValueA = GetPropertyValue(A); if ( B ) { const TCppType ValueB = GetPropertyValue(B); if ( ValueA.IsCultureInvariant() != ValueB.IsCultureInvariant() || ValueA.IsTransient() != ValueB.IsTransient() ) { //A culture variant text is never equal to a culture invariant text //A transient text is never equal to a non-transient text return false; } if ( ValueA.IsCultureInvariant() == ValueB.IsCultureInvariant() || ValueA.IsTransient() == ValueB.IsTransient() ) { //Culture invariant text don't have a namespace/key so we compare the source string //Transient text don't have a namespace/key or source so we compare the display string return FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueA) == FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueB); } if (GIsEditor) { return FTextInspector::GetSourceString(ValueA)->Compare(*FTextInspector::GetSourceString(ValueB), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive) == 0; } else { return FTextInspector::GetNamespace(ValueA) == FTextInspector::GetNamespace(ValueB) && FTextInspector::GetKey(ValueA) == FTextInspector::GetKey(ValueB); } } return FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueA).IsEmpty(); }
bool UTextProperty::Identical( const void* A, const void* B, uint32 PortFlags ) const { const TCppType ValueA = GetPropertyValue(A); if ( B ) { const TCppType ValueB = GetPropertyValue(B); return Identical_Implementation(ValueA, ValueB, PortFlags); } return FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(ValueA).IsEmpty(); }
void UTextProperty::ExportTextItem( FString& ValueStr, const void* PropertyValue, const void* DefaultValue, UObject* Parent, int32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) const { const FText& TextValue = GetPropertyValue(PropertyValue); if (PortFlags & PPF_ExportCpp) { ValueStr += GenerateCppCodeForTextValue(TextValue, FString()); } else if (PortFlags & PPF_PropertyWindow) { if (PortFlags & PPF_Delimited) { ValueStr += TEXT("\""); ValueStr += TextValue.ToString(); ValueStr += TEXT("\""); } else { ValueStr += TextValue.ToString(); } } else { FTextStringHelper::WriteToString(ValueStr, TextValue, !!(PortFlags & PPF_Delimited)); } }
FdoDataValue * CGwsFlatGwsIterator::GetDataValue (FdoString* propertyName) { const CGwsPropertyDesc & desc = GetPropertyDescriptor (propertyName); if (desc.m_name.empty ()) return NULL; return GetPropertyValue (desc); }
void CCryScriptInstance::SetManagedObject(MonoObject *newObject, bool allowGC) { CScriptObject::SetManagedObject(newObject, allowGC); IMonoObject *pScriptIdResult = *GetPropertyValue("ScriptId"); m_scriptId = pScriptIdResult->Unbox<int>(); pScriptIdResult->Release(); }
bool ConfigProperty::GetPropertyValue(const char* name, bool default_value) { assert(name != NULL); std::string tmp = GetPropertyValue(name, default_value ? "true" : "false"); return (tmp == "true"); }
// Set value void UILabelValueTweener::SetValue(const int32 nNewValue, const int32 nDurationInMs) { const int32 nCurrent = GetPropertyValue(); // Save target value SetPropertyValue(nNewValue); // Start running SetPropertyRunning(true); // Start tweener Start(nCurrent, nNewValue, nDurationInMs, GTTweenInterpolation::Linear, 0.0f); }
void UTextProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, int32 MaxReadBytes, void const* Defaults ) const { const TCppType PropertyValue = GetPropertyValue(Value); if ( Ar.IsSaving() && Ar.IsPersistent() && PropertyValue.IsTransient() ) { const FText ErrorMessage = FText::Format( FText::SerializationFailureError, FText::FromString( FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(PropertyValue) ) ); UE_LOG( LogProperty, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *ErrorMessage.ToString()); SetPropertyValue(Value, ErrorMessage); } Ar << *GetPropertyValuePtr(Value); }
void CPropertyBase::GetPropertyValue(LPCTSTR Name, DWORD Phase, double T, double P, MPropertyValue & Value) { long i=PropertyIndex(Name); if (i>=0) { GetPropertyValue(i, Phase, T, P, Value); return; } CString S; S.Format("%s '%s' not valid", DefinedPropertyMapName(), Name); throw MMdlException(0, (LPCTSTR)S); };
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMCSSDeclaration::GetPropertyValue(const nsAString& aPropertyName, nsAString& aReturn) { const nsCSSProperty propID = nsCSSProps::LookupProperty(aPropertyName); if (propID == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN) { aReturn.Truncate(); return NS_OK; } return GetPropertyValue(propID, aReturn); }
void UTextProperty::ExportTextItem( FString& ValueStr, const void* PropertyValue, const void* DefaultValue, UObject* Parent, int32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) const { const FText& TextValue = GetPropertyValue(PropertyValue); const FString& StringValue = FTextInspector::GetDisplayString(TextValue); if( !(PortFlags & PPF_Delimited) ) { ValueStr += StringValue; } else if ( StringValue.Len() > 0 ) { ValueStr += FString::Printf( TEXT("\"%s\""), *(StringValue.ReplaceCharWithEscapedChar()) ); } }
int ConfigProperty::GetPropertyValue(const char* name, int default_value) { assert(name != NULL); char buf[64] = {0}; sprintf(buf, "%d", default_value); std::string tmp = GetPropertyValue(name, buf); int result = atoi(tmp.c_str()); return result; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMCSSDeclaration::RemoveProperty(const nsAString& aPropertyName, nsAString& aReturn) { const nsCSSProperty propID = nsCSSProps::LookupProperty(aPropertyName); if (propID == eCSSProperty_UNKNOWN) { aReturn.Truncate(); return NS_OK; } nsresult rv = GetPropertyValue(propID, aReturn); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return RemoveProperty(propID); }
char *getMsgString(int messageID) { char *value, *v2 = NULL; char *key = messages[0].key; char *defaultMessage = messages[0].message; int i, len, len2; twchar_t wArray[MAXPATHLEN]; len = sizeof(messages)/sizeof(messages[0]); for (i=0; i<len; i++) { if (messages[i].id == messageID) { key = messages[i].key; defaultMessage = messages[i].message; break; } } if (msgs_inProgress) { /* double fault - error generating error msg return default*/ return defaultMessage; } msgs_inProgress = TRUE; if (!msgs_initialized) { initializeMessages(sysGetLocaleStr()); msgs_initialized = TRUE; } value = GetPropertyValue(MsgFileHead, key); if (value == NULL) { value = defaultMessage; } len2 = DecodeMessage(value, wArray); v2 = sysWideCharToMBCS(wArray, len2); msgs_inProgress = FALSE; if (v2 == NULL) { return defaultMessage; } else { return v2; } }
static int GetTotalVideoMemory() { if (RootContainer != NULL) { // Get device container IDxDiagContainer* container = GetContainer(RootContainer, L"DxDiag_DisplayDevices"); if (container != NULL) { // Get device name container = GetContainer(container, L"0"); if (container != NULL) { const int bufferLength = 256; WCHAR buffer[bufferLength]; GetPropertyValue(container, L"szDisplayMemoryLocalized", buffer, bufferLength); // Value in MB is first token in string return _wtoi(buffer); } } } // No good! return -1; }
QVariant GetPropertyValue( AEditableProperty* theProperty ) { if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Bool>()) { EdProperty_Bool* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_Bool* >( theProperty ); return QVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_UInt32>()) { EdProperty_UInt32* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_UInt32* >( theProperty ); return QVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Float>()) { EdProperty_Float* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_Float* >( theProperty ); return QVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Vector3D>()) { EdProperty_Vector3D* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_Vector3D* >( theProperty ); return ToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Quat>()) { EdProperty_Quat* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_Quat* >( theProperty ); return ToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Array>()) { EdProperty_Array* pPropertyArray = static_cast< EdProperty_Array* >( theProperty ); (void)pPropertyArray; #if 0 QList<QVariant> valueList; valueList.reserve(pPropertyArray->Num()); for( UINT iProperty = 0; iProperty < pPropertyArray->Num(); iProperty++ ) { AProperty * pProperty = pPropertyArray->ToPtr()[ iProperty ]; valueList.append( GetPropertyValue( pProperty ) ); } return QVariant(valueList); #else return QVariant(); #endif } MX_REMOVE_OLD_CODE //else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_AssetReference>()) //{ // EdProperty_AssetReference* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_AssetReference* >( theProperty ); // const SResourceObject* resource = pProperty->Get(); // if( resource != nil ) // { // return QVariant(QString(resource->edGetEditorInterface()->edToChars(0))); // } // else // { // return "NULL"; // } // //return QVariant(QString(EdResourceIdToChars(resource->GetResourceGUID()))); //} else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_String>()) { EdProperty_String* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_String* >( theProperty ); return ToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_ClassGuid>()) { EdProperty_ClassGuid* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_ClassGuid* >( theProperty ); return ToVariant(pProperty->rttiGetTypeName()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_FileTime>()) { EdProperty_FileTime* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_FileTime* >( theProperty ); return ToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<Property_32BitHexId>()) { Property_32BitHexId* pProperty = static_cast< Property_32BitHexId* >( theProperty ); return ResourceIdToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_ColorRGBA>()) { EdProperty_ColorRGBA* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_ColorRGBA* >( theProperty ); return ColorToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_VoidPointer>()) { EdProperty_VoidPointer* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_VoidPointer* >( theProperty ); return VoidPointerIdToVariant(pProperty->Get()); } else if (theProperty->Is<EdProperty_Enum>()) { EdProperty_Enum* pProperty = static_cast< EdProperty_Enum* >( theProperty ); return pProperty->GetCurrEnumItem().name.ToChars(); } else { Unimplemented; return nil; } }
CTString GetItemValue(CEntity *pen, INDEX iColumn, INDEX &iFormat) { ASSERT(pen!=NULL); if(pen==NULL) return CTString(""); CEntityClass *pecEntityClass = pen->GetClass(); CDLLEntityClass *pdllecDllEntityClass = pecEntityClass->ec_pdecDLLClass; FLOAT3D vOrigin = pen->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; ANGLE3D vAngles = pen->GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle; CTString strResult=""; iFormat=PDF_STRING; switch( iColumn) { case COLUMN_INDEX: { INDEX iIndex=dcEntities.GetIndex(pen); strResult.PrintF("%d", FLOAT(iIndex)); iFormat=PDF_INDEX; break; } case COLUMN_CLASS: { strResult=pdllecDllEntityClass->dec_strName; break; } case COLUMN_NAME: { strResult=pen->GetName(); break; } case COLUMN_DESCRIPTION: { strResult=pen->GetDescription(); break; } case COLUMN_SECTOR_NAME: { CBrushSector *pbsc = pen->GetFirstSectorWithName(); if( pbsc!=NULL) { strResult=pbsc->bsc_strName; } break; } case COLUMN_X: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vOrigin(1)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_Y: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vOrigin(2)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_Z: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vOrigin(3)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_H: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vAngles(1)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_P: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vAngles(2)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_B: { strResult.PrintF("%g", vAngles(3)); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; break; } case COLUMN_DISTANCE: { if( _penForDistanceSort != NULL) { FLOAT3D vSelectedOrigin = _penForDistanceSort->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; FLOAT3D fDistance = vOrigin-vSelectedOrigin; strResult.PrintF("%g", fDistance.Length()); iFormat=PDF_FLOAT; } break; } case COLUMN_SPAWN_FLAGS: { strResult.PrintF("0x%08X", pen->GetSpawnFlags()); break; } // entity properties default: { CDLLEntityClass *pdecDLLClass = pen->GetClass()->ec_pdecDLLClass; // for all classes in hierarchy of this entity INDEX iPropertyOrder=0; for(;pdecDLLClass!=NULL; pdecDLLClass = pdecDLLClass->dec_pdecBase) { // for all properties for(INDEX iProperty=0; iProperty<pdecDLLClass->dec_ctProperties; iProperty++) { CEntityProperty *pepProperty = &pdecDLLClass->dec_aepProperties[iProperty]; if( pepProperty->ep_strName!=CTString("")) { if( iPropertyOrder==iColumn-COLUMN_PROPERTY_START) { strResult=GetPropertyValue(pen, pepProperty, iFormat); return strResult; } iPropertyOrder++; } } } } } return strResult; }
std::string ConfigProperty::GetPropertyValue(const char* name, const std::string& default_value) { return GetPropertyValue(name, default_value.c_str()); }
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) { if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE))) { PCWSTR pszAppName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); PCWSTR pszOp = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszOp && ((pszOp[0] == L'-') || (pszOp[0] == L'/'))) { /* skip - or / */ pszOp++; if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"?")) { Usage(pszAppName); } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"get")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { GetPropertyValue(pszFileName, pszPropertyName); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"enum")) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { EnumerateProperties(pszFileName); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"set")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { PCWSTR pszPropertyValue = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyValue) { PCWSTR pszFileName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszFileName) { SetPropertyValue(pszFileName, pszPropertyName, pszPropertyValue); } else { wprintf(L"No file name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property value specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else if (!_wcsicmp(pszOp, L"info")) { PCWSTR pszPropertyName = CONSUME_NEXT_ARG(argv, argc); if (pszPropertyName) { GetPropertyDescription(pszPropertyName); } else { wprintf(L"No property canonical name specified.\n"); } } else { wprintf(L"Unrecognized operation specified: -%s\n", pszOp); Usage(pszAppName); } } else { wprintf(L"No operation specified.\n"); Usage(pszAppName); } CoUninitialize(); } return 0; }
void UTextProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, void const* Defaults ) const { const TCppType PropertyValue = GetPropertyValue(Value); Ar << *GetPropertyValuePtr(Value); }
void getset_property( CAMHandle hCam, CAMDeviceInfoPtr pDevInfo, OPTS *pOpts) { CAMPropertyDescPtr pProp = 0; if (validate_property( pDevInfo, pOpts->property)) { camcli_error( "The device does not support property 0x%04X", pOpts->property); return; } if (GetPropertyDesc( hCam, pOpts->property, &pProp)) { camcli_error( "Could not get device property description for 0x%04X", pOpts->property); return; } printf( "\n Get/Set Property %s\n", pDevInfo->Model); printf( " ================ %s\n", underline( pDevInfo->Model)); printf( " Property: 0x%04X\n", pProp->DevicePropertyCode); printf( " Description: %s\n", GetPropertyName( pDevInfo, pOpts->property)); printf( " DataType: %s\n", GetCodeName( pProp->DataType, CAM_DATATYPE)); printf( " %sValue: ", (pOpts->value ? "Previous" : " Current")); print_propval( pProp->DataType, pProp->cntCurrentValue, pProp->CurrentValue, (pProp->FormFlag == CAM_PROP_EnumForm)); printf("\n"); if (pOpts->value) { uint16_t ret; CAMPropertyValuePtr pValue = 0; ret = set_property( hCam, pProp->DevicePropertyCode, pOpts->value, pProp->DataType); if (ret == CAMERR_BADPARM) camcli_error( "Unable to set property value for this datatype"); else if (ret) camcli_error( "Unable to set property value - rc= %X", ret); else { ret = GetPropertyValue( hCam, pProp->DevicePropertyCode, pProp->DataType, &pValue); if (ret == 0) { printf( " NewValue: "); print_propval( pValue->DataType, pValue->cntValue, pValue->Value, (pProp->FormFlag == CAM_PROP_EnumForm)); printf("\n"); } else camcli_error( "Unable to get new property value - rc= %X", ret); } if (pValue) free( pValue); if (pProp) free( pProp); return; } printf( " DefaultValue: "); print_propval( pProp->DataType, pProp->cntDefaultValue, pProp->DefaultValue, (pProp->FormFlag == CAM_PROP_EnumForm)); printf("\n"); if (pProp->GetSet == CAM_PROP_ReadOnly) printf( " Read/Write: read only\n"); else printf( " Read/Write: read & write\n"); if (pProp->FormFlag == CAM_PROP_EnumForm) { if (pProp->Form.Enum.cntSupportedValues) { printf( " ValueFormat: enumeration\n"); printf( " AllowedValues: "); print_propval( pProp->DataType, pProp->Form.Enum.cntSupportedValues, pProp->Form.Enum.SupportedValues, 1); printf( "\n"); } } else if (pProp->FormFlag == CAM_PROP_RangeForm) { printf( " ValueFormat: range\n"); printf( " AllowedValues: "); print_propval( pProp->DataType, 1, pProp->Form.Range.MinimumValue, 1); printf( " - "); print_propval( pProp->DataType, 1, pProp->Form.Range.MaximumValue, 1); printf( "; step size: "); print_propval( pProp->DataType, 1, pProp->Form.Range.StepSize, 1); printf( "\n"); } else if (pProp->FormFlag != CAM_PROP_None) printf( " ValueFormat: %02X [not supported]\n", (uint8_t)pProp->FormFlag); if (pProp) free( pProp); return; }
void GetPropertiesValue(const VTreeTextStyle* inUniformStyles, StyleProperties& ioStyle) { if(inUniformStyles) { if(ioStyle.fontName) { VString vfont; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.fontName = &vfont; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.fontName) = vfont; } if(ioStyle.fontSize) { Real vfontsize; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.fontSize = &vfontsize; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.fontSize) = vfontsize; } if(ioStyle.bold) { sLONG vbold; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.bold = &vbold; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.bold) = vbold; } if(ioStyle.italic) { sLONG vitalic; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.italic = &vitalic; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.italic) = vitalic; } if(ioStyle.underline) { sLONG vunderline; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.underline = &vunderline; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.underline) = vunderline; } if(ioStyle.strikeout) { sLONG vstrikeout; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.strikeout = &vstrikeout; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.strikeout) = vstrikeout; } if(ioStyle.foreColor) { RGBAColor vforeColor; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.foreColor = &vforeColor; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.foreColor) = vforeColor; } if(ioStyle.just) { justificationStyle vjust; StyleProperties vstyle; memset(&vstyle,0,sizeof(StyleProperties)); vstyle.just = &vjust; GetPropertyValue(inUniformStyles, vstyle); *(ioStyle.just) = vjust; } } }
void GetPropertyValue(const VTreeTextStyle* inUniformStyles, StyleProperties& ioStyle) { if(inUniformStyles) { if(ioStyle.fontName) { VString vfont; vfont = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetFontName(); if(vfont == "") { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.fontName) = vfont; } else *(ioStyle.fontName) = vfont; } else if(ioStyle.fontSize) { Real vfontsize; vfontsize = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetFontSize(); if(vfontsize == -1) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.fontSize) = vfontsize; } else *(ioStyle.fontSize) = vfontsize; } else if(ioStyle.bold) { sLONG vbold; vbold = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetBold(); if(vbold == -1) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.bold) = vbold; } else *(ioStyle.bold) = vbold; } else if(ioStyle.italic) { sLONG vitalic; vitalic = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetItalic(); if(vitalic == -1) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.italic) = vitalic; } else *(ioStyle.italic) = vitalic; } else if(ioStyle.underline) { sLONG vunderline; vunderline = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetUnderline(); if(vunderline == -1) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.underline) = vunderline; } else *(ioStyle.underline) = vunderline; } else if(ioStyle.just) { justificationStyle vjust; vjust = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetJustification(); if(vjust == JST_Notset) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.just) = vjust; } else *(ioStyle.just) = vjust; } else if(ioStyle.strikeout) { sLONG vstrikeout; vstrikeout = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetStrikeout(); if(vstrikeout == -1) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.strikeout) = vstrikeout; } else *(ioStyle.strikeout) = vstrikeout; } else if(ioStyle.foreColor) { RGBAColor vcolor; bool hascolor = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetHasForeColor(); if(!hascolor) { VTreeTextStyle* parent = inUniformStyles->GetParent(); if(parent) GetPropertyValue(parent,ioStyle); else *(ioStyle.foreColor) = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetColor(); } else { *(ioStyle.foreColor) = inUniformStyles->GetData()->GetColor(); } } } }