CXTPReportRecords* CXTPReportRecord::GetChilds() { if (m_pChildren == NULL) m_pChildren = new CXTPReportRecords(this); if (GetRecords()) { BOOL bCase = GetRecords()->IsCaseSensitive(); m_pChildren->SetCaseSensitive(bCase); } return m_pChildren; }
CXTPReportRecord* CReportCtrl::TransferAddRecord(void) { ASSERT (m_pAddOpRecord != NULL); CXTPReportRecord *pRec = new CXTPReportRecord(); for (int i=0; i<m_nColCount; ++i) { const ColInfo &col = m_cols[i]; if (col.fmt != FmtIdOnly) { CXTPReportRecordItem *pItem = new CXTPReportRecordItem(); if (!col.check) { pItem->SetCaption(m_pAddOpRecord->GetItem(i)->GetCaption(NULL)); } else { pItem->SetEditable(col.editable); pItem->HasCheckbox(col.check); pItem->SetChecked(m_pAddOpRecord->GetItem(i)->IsChecked()); } pRec->AddItem(pItem); } } PutRecordAux(pRec); GetRecords()->InsertAt(m_pAddOpRecord->GetIndex(),pRec); ClearAddRecord(); Populate(); return pRec; }
void CSimpleReport::RowDelete() { int idx = RowGetFocused(); GetRecords()->RemoveAt(idx); Populate(); SetFocusedRow(GetRows()->GetAt(idx)); SetFocus(); }
void CSimpleReport::ColReplace(int r, int c, double n) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = GetRecords()->GetAt(r); if (!pRec) return; CXTPReportRecordItemNumber* p = (CXTPReportRecordItemNumber*)pRec->GetItem(c); if (p) p->SetValue(n); }
void CSimpleReport::ColSetBold(int r, int c, BOOL x) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = GetRecords()->GetAt(r); if (!pRec) return; CXTPReportRecordItem* p = pRec->GetItem(c); if (p) p->SetBold(x); }
int BuscaPagina(int id,char szComando[],char szRuta[]) { Tipo_XML *xml=NULL; int i,sts; char szAux[512]; char szComando1[256]; FILE *f; //printf("Busca Pagina\n\r"); if (global.xml_paginas==NULL) { char szSql[1024]; sprintf(szSql,"select * from paginas"); global.xml_paginas=GetRecords(id,szSql,&global.nTotalPaginas,global.xml_paginas,&sts); if (!sts) { WriteLog(id,"No puede leer tabla paginas"); WriteLog(id,szSql); printf("Falla leer paginas"); exit(0); } } //printf("Total Paginas %i\n\r",global.nTotalPaginas); for(i=0;i<global.nTotalPaginas;i++) { xml=global.xml_paginas; memset(szComando1,0,sizeof(szComando1)); GetNivelStrXML(xml,"COMANDO",szComando1,sizeof(szComando1),i); printf("TAG=%s(%i) %s(%i)\n\r",szComando1,strlen(szComando1),szComando,strlen(szComando)); if ((strlen(szComando1)==strlen(szComando)) && (memcmp(szComando,szComando1,strlen(szComando))==0)) { GetNivelStrXML(xml,"RUTA",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); sprintf(szRuta,"%s",szAux); return 1; } } WriteLog(0,szComando); //Si viene un .. me estan tratando de hackear if (strstr(szComando,"..")) { WriteLog(0,"INTENTO DE HACKEO"); sprintf(szRuta,"/home/switch/paginas_web/index.htm"); } else { //27-03-2009 cambio para operar como servidor web tradicional //si no esta la pagina en la tabla paginas enviamos como si fuera el archivo directo sprintf(szRuta,"/home/switch/paginas_web/%s",szComando); WriteLog(0,szRuta); } return 1; }
void CSimpleReport::ColReplace(int r, int c, const char* s) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = GetRecords()->GetAt(r); if (!pRec) return; CXTPReportRecordItem* p = pRec->GetItem(c); if (p) p->SetCaption(s); }
void CSimpleReport::ColSetColor(int r, int c, COLORREF fore, COLORREF back) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = GetRecords()->GetAt(r); if (!pRec) return; CXTPReportRecordItem* p = pRec->GetItem(c); if (p) { p->SetBackgroundColor(back); p->SetTextColor(fore); } }
void CSimpleReport::RowInsert(CXTPReportRecord* pRec, bool bAdd) { if (!pRec) return; CXTPReportRow* pRow = GetFocusedRow(); if (bAdd) { pRec = GetRecords()->Add(pRec); // 맨 뒤에 추가 } else { if (pRow != NULL) { int n = pRow->GetRecord()->GetIndex(); GetRecords()->InsertAt(n, pRec); } else { // 데이터 처음으로 넣음 pRec = GetRecords()->Add(pRec); } } Populate(); RowSetFocused(pRec); }
static void PackData(uint16_t record_id, SnifferResponse *response){ uint8_t interrupt_flag; SnifferResponse_RSSIRecord *record; int count=GetRecords(record_id,rssi_buf,id_buf,&interrupt_flag); DEBUG_PRINT("Pack: record count=%d\n",count); for(int i=0;i<count;++i){ record=response->add_rssi_data(); record->set_mac(rssi_buf[i].mac,MAC_LEN); record->set_rssi(rssi_buf[i].rssi); record->set_id(id_buf[i]); } response->set_interrupted((bool)interrupt_flag); }
int BuscaFormatoSms(int id,Tabla_FormatoSms *p) { Tipo_XML *xml=NULL; int i,sts; char szAux[1024]; if (global.xml_formatosms==NULL) { char szSql[1024]; sprintf(szSql,"select * from sms_formato_msg"); global.xml_formatosms=GetRecords(id,szSql,&global.nTotalFormatoSms,global.xml_formatosms,&sts); if (!sts) { WriteLog(id,"No puede leer tabla tablas"); printf("Falla leer tablas"); exit(0); } } xml=global.xml_formatosms; for(i=0;i<global.nTotalFormatoSms;i++) { char szCliente[5]; char szTmp[100]; char chTipoTx,chProtocolo; GetNivelStrXML(xml,"CLIENTE",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); sprintf(szCliente,"%s",szAux); GetNivelStrXML(xml,"TIPO_MSG",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); chTipoTx=szAux[0]; GetNivelStrXML(xml,"PROTOCOLO",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); chProtocolo=szAux[0]; //sprintf(szTmp,"PROTO=%c CLIENTE=%s TX=%c",chProtocolo,szCliente,chTipoTx); //WriteLog(id,szTmp); if ((memcmp(szCliente,p->szCliente,strlen(szCliente))==0) && (chTipoTx==p->chTipoTx) && (chProtocolo==p->chProtocolo)) { GetNivelIntXML(xml,"FORMATO_ENTRADA",&p->nFormatoIn,i); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"FORMATO_SALIDA",&p->nFormatoOut,i); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"FORMATO_SALIDA_TEXTO",&p->nFormatoOutTexto,i); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"FORMATO_IN_TRANS",&p->nFormatoInTrans,i); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"FORMATO_OUT_TRANS",&p->nFormatoOutTrans,i); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"POSICION_DATOS",&p->nPosicionDatos,i); GetNivelStrXML(xml,"TX_BACKOFFICE",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); sprintf(p->szTxBack,"%s",szAux); return 1; } } return 0; }
TEST_F(CheckpointTests, CheckpointScanTest) { logging::LoggingUtil::RemoveDirectory("pl_checkpoint", false); auto &txn_manager = concurrency::TransactionManagerFactory::GetInstance(); txn_manager.BeginTransaction(); // Create a table and wrap it in logical tile size_t tile_group_size = TESTS_TUPLES_PER_TILEGROUP; size_t table_tile_group_count = 3; // table has 3 tile groups std::unique_ptr<storage::DataTable> target_table( ExecutorTestsUtil::CreateTable(tile_group_size)); ExecutorTestsUtil::PopulateTable(target_table.get(), tile_group_size * table_tile_group_count, false, false, false); txn_manager.CommitTransaction(); auto cid = txn_manager.GetNextCommitId() - 1; LOG_INFO("Scan with cid = %d. MaxCommittedCid = %d", (int) cid, (int) txn_manager.GetMaxCommittedCid()); auto schema = target_table->GetSchema(); std::vector<oid_t> column_ids; column_ids.resize(schema->GetColumnCount()); std::iota(column_ids.begin(), column_ids.end(), 0); // create checkpoint auto &checkpoint_manager = logging::CheckpointManager::GetInstance(); checkpoint_manager.Configure(CHECKPOINT_TYPE_NORMAL, true, 1); checkpoint_manager.DestroyCheckpointers(); checkpoint_manager.InitCheckpointers(); auto checkpointer = checkpoint_manager.GetCheckpointer(0); auto simple_checkpointer = reinterpret_cast<logging::SimpleCheckpoint *>(checkpointer); simple_checkpointer->SetLogger(new logging::WriteAheadBackendLogger()); simple_checkpointer->SetStartCommitId(cid); simple_checkpointer->Scan(target_table.get(), DEFAULT_DB_ID); // verify results auto records = simple_checkpointer->GetRecords(); EXPECT_EQ(records.size(), TESTS_TUPLES_PER_TILEGROUP * table_tile_group_count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(records[i]->GetType(), LOGRECORD_TYPE_WAL_TUPLE_INSERT); } }
int LeeTablaXML(int id,char szSql[],Tipo_Tabla_XML *p) { int sts; WriteLog(id,"Lock Proceso"); pthread_mutex_lock(&p->mutex); if (p->xml!=NULL) goto fin; p->xml=GetRecords(id,szSql,&p->nTotal,p->xml,&sts); if (sts==0) { WriteLog(id,"Falla lectura de tabla"); WriteLog(id,szSql); exit(1); //Si falla la lectura de la tabla dejo el puntero en nulo para que se vuelva a leer p->xml=CierraXML(p->xml); sts=-1; } fin: WriteLog(id,"UnLock Proceso"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->mutex); return sts; }
void CSimpleReport::RowDown( bool (*copyFunc)(CSimpleReport*, CXTPReportRecord*, CXTPReportRecord*) ) { int rowidx = GetFocusedRow()->GetIndex(); int recidx = GetFocusedRow()->GetRecord()->GetIndex(); CXTPReportRecords* pRecs = GetRecords(); if (!pRecs || recidx >= pRecs->GetCount() - 1) return; CXTPReportRecord* pRec = newRec(); CXTPReportRecord* src = pRecs->GetAt(recidx); if (!pRec || !src) return; copyFunc(this, src, pRec); pRecs->RemoveAt(recidx); pRecs->InsertAt(recidx+1, pRec); Populate(); SetFocusedRow(GetRows()->GetAt(rowidx+1)); SetFocus(); }
int BuscaTabla(int id,int nTx,Tipo_Tabla *p) { Tipo_XML *xml=NULL; int i,sts; char szAux[512]; if (global.xml_tablas==NULL) { char szSql[1024]; sprintf(szSql,"select * from tablas"); global.xml_tablas=GetRecords(id,szSql,&global.nTotalTablas,global.xml_tablas,&sts); if (!sts) { WriteLog(id,"No puede leer tabla tablas"); printf("Falla leer tablas"); exit(0); } } for(i=0;i<global.nTotalTablas;i++) { xml=global.xml_tablas; GetNivelIntXML(xml,"TX",&p->nTx,i); if (p->nTx==nTx) { GetNivelStrXML(xml,"QUERY",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); sprintf(p->szQuery,"%s",szAux); GetNivelStrXML(xml,"LIMITE",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); p->nLimit=atoi(szAux); GetNivelStrXML(xml,"TITULO",szAux,sizeof(szAux),i); sprintf(p->szTitulo,"%s",szAux); GetNivelIntXML(xml,"BASEDATOS",&p->nBaseDatos,i); return 1; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j; int record_count = 400; int range = record_count/10; uint8_t len = 5; AttributeType type[len]; const char hans[] = "hans"; Index *index; Iterator **iterator = (Iterator**) malloc(sizeof(Iterator*)); Transaction *t; Record recs[record_count]; Key keys[record_count]; Key minkey; Key maxkey; Record *currentResult; Attribute attr; Block blocks[record_count]; time_t tm; for (j = 0; j < record_count; j++) { blocks[j].size = 5; blocks[j].data = malloc(5); sprintf((char*)blocks[j].data, "%i", j); attr.type = kInt; keys[j].value = (Attribute**) malloc(len*sizeof(Attribute*)); keys[j].attribute_count = len; // printf("Key number %i: \n", j); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { type[i] = kInt; keys[j].value[i] = (Attribute*) malloc(sizeof(Attribute)); keys[j].value[i]->type = kInt; keys[j].value[i]->int_value = randInt(range); // printf("key.value[%i] = %ld \n", i, keys[j].value[i]->int_value); } // printf("\n"); recs[j].key = keys[j]; recs[j].payload = blocks[j]; } // generate min and max keys minkey.value = (Attribute**) malloc(len*sizeof(Attribute*)); minkey.attribute_count = len; maxkey.value = (Attribute**) malloc(len*sizeof(Attribute*)); maxkey.attribute_count = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { minkey.value[i] = (Attribute*) malloc(sizeof(Attribute)); minkey.value[i]->type = kInt; minkey.value[i]->int_value = 0.3*range; maxkey.value[i] = (Attribute*) malloc(sizeof(Attribute)); maxkey.value[i]->type = kInt; maxkey.value[i]->int_value = 0.8*range; } printf("Done with generating data. \n"); tm = time(NULL); CreateIndex(hans, len, type); // len OpenIndex(hans, &index); BeginTransaction(&t); for (i = 0; i < record_count; i++) { //record_count InsertRecord(t, index, recs+i); if (i % 1000 == 0) printf("i = %i / %i \n", i, record_count); } printf("finished inserting, took %is \n", time(NULL)-tm); tm = time(NULL); // for (i = 0; i < record_count; i+=2) { // record_count // if (i == 398) { // printf("deleting record %i \n", i); // } DeleteRecord(t, index, recs+4, 0); // } // if (DeleteRecord(t, index, recs+398, 0) != kErrorNotFound) { // printf(";_; \n "); // } printf("deleted half of the records, took %is \n", time(NULL)-tm); GetRecords(t, index, minkey, maxkey, iterator); while (GetNext(*iterator, ¤tResult) != kErrorNotFound) { printf("%i \t(%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%i)\t%s \n", currentResult->key.value[0]->int_value, currentResult->key.value[0]->int_value, currentResult->key.value[1]->int_value, currentResult->key.value[2]->int_value, currentResult->key.value[3]->int_value, currentResult->key.value[4]->int_value, currentResult->; } printf("just to be sure: \n"); for (i = 0; i < record_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { // len // if (!(compareKeys(minkey, keys[i], j, true) <= 0 && compareKeys(keys[i], maxkey, j, true) < 0)) { if (!((minkey.value[j] == 0 || compareKeys(minkey, keys[i], j, true) <= 0) && (maxkey.value[j] == 0 || compareKeys(keys[i], maxkey, j, true) < 0))) { break; } } if (j == len) { // len printf("so: %i \n", keys[i].value[0]->int_value); } } // printf("committing \n"); CommitTransaction(&t); // printf("closing \n"); CloseIndex(&index); // printf("deleting \n"); DeleteIndex(hans); // printf("should be zero: %i \n", all_indices["hans"]); return 0; }
void CSimpleReport::Paste() { if (IsVirtualMode()) return; CWaitCursor _WC; CLIPFORMAT uCF_Records = (CLIPFORMAT)::RegisterClipboardFormat(XTPREPORTCTRL_CF_RECORDS); CXTPReportRecords arRecords; BOOL bTryPasteFromText = TRUE; // Retrieve text from the clipboard if (!OpenClipboard()) return; if (::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(uCF_Records)) { HGLOBAL hPasteData = ::GetClipboardData(uCF_Records); if (hPasteData) { bTryPasteFromText = FALSE; const int cErrTextSize = 1024; TCHAR szErrText[cErrTextSize + 1]; CSharedFile fileSahred; fileSahred.SetHandle(hPasteData, FALSE); CArchive ar(&fileSahred, CArchive::load); try { CXTPPropExchangeArchive px(ar); BOOL bread = FALSE; #if _XTPLIB_VERSION_PREFIX == 1502 bread = _ReadRecordsFromData(&px, arRecords); #else bread = _ReadRecodsFromData(&px, arRecords); #endif if (!bread) { arRecords.RemoveAll(); } } catch(CArchiveException* pE) { if (pE->GetErrorMessage(szErrText, cErrTextSize)) { TRACE(_T("EXCEPTION: CXTPReportControl::Paste() - %s\n"), szErrText); } pE->Delete(); } catch(CFileException* pE) { if (pE->GetErrorMessage(szErrText, cErrTextSize)) { TRACE(_T("EXCEPTION: CXTPReportControl::Paste() - %s\n"), szErrText); } pE->Delete(); } catch(...) { TRACE(_T("EXCEPTION: CXTPReportControl::Paste() - Unhandled Exception!\n")); } //********* ar.Close(); // detach from file fileSahred.Detach(); //detach from data ::GlobalUnlock(hPasteData); // unlock data } } UINT uCF_TText = sizeof(TCHAR) == 2 ? CF_UNICODETEXT : CF_TEXT; if (bTryPasteFromText && ::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(uCF_TText)) { // Try to get text data from the clipboard HGLOBAL hglbPaste = ::GetClipboardData(uCF_TText); // Import Text data into the control if (hglbPaste != NULL) { TCHAR* lpszClipboard = (TCHAR*)GlobalLock(hglbPaste); BOOL bRead = FALSE; #if _XTPLIB_VERSION_PREFIX == 1502 bRead = _ReadRecordsFromText(lpszClipboard, arRecords); #else bRead = _ReadRecodsFromText(lpszClipboard, arRecords); #endif if (!bRead) { arRecords.RemoveAll(); } ::GlobalUnlock(hglbPaste); } } ::CloseClipboard(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUpdateContext updateContext(this); // Add and Populate records CXTPReportRow* pRow = GetFocusedRow(); if (pRow == NULL) return; int n = pRow->GetRecord()->GetIndex(); int nRecordsCount = arRecords.GetCount(); if (nRecordsCount > 0) { for (int i = nRecordsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CXTPReportRecord* pRecord = arRecords.GetAt(i); if (pRecord) { CMDTARGET_ADDREF(pRecord); if (m_bAdd) GetRecords()->Add(arRecords.GetAt(i)); else GetRecords()->InsertAt(n, arRecords.GetAt(i)); } } Populate(); _SelectRows(&arRecords); } m_bAdd = false; }
bool CSimpleReport::doCutPaste(CPoint pt, int op) { CXTPReportSelectedRows* pRows = GetSelectedRows(); if (pRows == NULL) return false; CXTPReportRow* pRow = pRows->GetAt(0); int nRow = 0; if (pRow) nRow = pRows->GetAt(0)->GetIndex(); int n; CMenu menu; if (!menu.CreatePopupMenu()) return false; if ((op & DO_ADD) != 0) { menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 10, "Add New"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 13, "Insert"); } if (CanCopy() && (op & DO_COPY) != 0) menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 11, "Copy"); if (CanCut() && (op & DO_CUT) != 0) menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, 12, "Delete"); n = menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, this); menu.DestroyMenu(); switch (n) { case 10: // add case 13: // insert { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = newRec(); if (callback_add) { if (!callback_add(this, pRec)) { delete pRec; return false; } } RowInsert(pRec, (n == 10)); } break; case 11: // copy { pRow = GetFocusedRow(); if (!pRow) return false; CXTPReportRecord* pSource = pRow->GetRecord(); CXTPReportRecord* pTarget = newRec(); if (callback_copy) { if (!callback_copy(this, pSource, pTarget)) { delete pTarget; return false; } } RowInsert(pTarget); } break; case 12: // delete { n = pRows->GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (callback_del) { CXTPReportRecord* pRec = pRows->GetAt(i)->GetRecord(); if (!callback_del(this, pRec)) { return false; } } } for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pRow = pRows->GetAt(i); GetRecords()->RemoveAt(pRow->GetRecord()->GetIndex()); } Populate(); RowSetFocused(nRow); } break; default: return false; } return true; }
void CReportCtrl::DeleteRecord(CXTPReportRecord *pRec) { GetRecords()->RemoveRecord(pRec); Populate(); }
int Ptron_edam( int argc, char** argv, ostream& errMsg){ errMsg << "Run E-DaM\n"; //errMsg << "[mode]: training(0), testing(1), both(2), Anomaly Detection(3), Error-D(4), Error-DaM(5)\n"; //errMsg << "[norm]: unnormalized(0)/normalized(1) data\n"; errMsg << "[datafile]: Name of file containing data. \n"; errMsg << "[tilt_time] : (0) Do NOT use tilted time (1) use tilted time.\n"; errMsg << "[nvar]: Number of variables in datafile. \n"; errMsg << "[tgtIdx]: Column of target variable (first column = 0).\n"; errMsg << "[delay1]: delay before starting time-series of first variable\n"; errMsg << "[nlag1]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the first variable from\n"; errMsg << "[delay2]: delay before starting time-series of secon variable\n"; errMsg << "[nlag2]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the second variable from\n"; errMsg << "\n\n\n"; if ( argc != 9+2*(atoi(argv[7])) ) return(0); // string prefix = argv[2]; cout << "# I/O prefix: " << prefix << endl; // int norm = atoi(argv[4]); cout << "# Using normalized params: " << norm << endl; if( norm!=0 && norm!=1 ){ errMsg << "Error: Invalid variable [norm]\n"; return(0); } // cout << "# Inputfile is: " << argv[5] << endl; ifstream ifile( argv[5] ); if( !ifile ) { cerr << "ERROR: cannot open \"" << argv[5] << "\"... aborting\n"; return( 0 ); } // int mitigation; if( atoi( argv[3] ) == 4 ) mitigation=0; if( atoi( argv[3] ) == 5 ) mitigation=1; if( mitigation == 0 ) cout << "# Mitigation off.\n"; if( mitigation == 1 ) cout << "# Mitigation on.\n"; int tilt_time = atoi( argv[6] ); if( tilt_time == 0 ) cout << "# Using linear time window.\n"; if( tilt_time == 1 ) cout << "# Using tilted time window\n"; // int nvar = atoi(argv[7]); cout << "# nvar is: " << nvar << endl; // int tgtIdx = atoi(argv[8]); cout << "# Target index is: " << tgtIdx << endl; if( tgtIdx > nvar-1 ){ errMsg << "ERROR: Invalid target index\n"; return( 0 ); } // vector<int> delay(nvar); vector<int> nlags(nvar); cout << "# ( delay , lag )\n"; for(int i=0; i< nvar; i++){ int argvIdx = 9+2*i; delay[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx]); nlags[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx+1]); if( i==tgtIdx && delay[i] <= 0){ delay[i]==1; } cout << "# ( " << delay[i] << "," << nlags[i] << " )" << endl; } int nAtt = 0; for( int i=0; i< nvar; i++) { nAtt += nlags[i]; } // cout << "# Reading Data" << endl; vector< ts_record > Records; if( GetRecords( ifile, Records ) != 1 ){ errMsg << "ERROR: could not read records from " << argv[5] << "... aborting.\n"; return( 0 ); } ifile.close(); cout << "# Read " << Records.size() << " records\n"; // vector< vector< float > > normParam; string npfile = prefix + "-norm_param.dat"; GetNormParam( npfile, normParam ); // string pfile_name = prefix + "-ptron_predictor.out"; adet_ptron model( pfile_name ); // int last_written_idx = 0; bool write = false; int inc = 30; int timer=-2; int ErrCnt = 0; int ExampCnt = 0; timestamp lastOutput; for( int i=0; i < Records.size(); i++ ){ ts_record newEx; int secDiff; if( i==0) lastOutput = Records[i].TS(); if( MakeLinearTimeExample( Records, i, tgtIdx-1, delay, nlags, newEx) == 1 ){ // //vector< float > Example = newEx.Data(); if( norm == 1 ) NormalizeExample( newEx.Data(), normParam ); // vector< float > result = model.TestHelper( newEx.Data() ); // if( norm == 1 ) UnnormalizeResult( result, normParam ); // if( result[4] == 0 ) ErrCnt++; ExampCnt++; /******************************** *********************************/ newEx.TS().PrintTimestamp(cout); newEx.TS().PrintJulianDate(cout); for( int k=0; k<result.size(); k++ ){ cout << setw(15) << result[k]; } //cout << " write = true "; cout << endl; /********************************** if( write ){ secDiff = newEx.TS().DifferenceSec(lastOutput); lastOutput = newEx.TS(); if( secDiff < inc ){ newEx.TS().PrintTimestamp(cout); newEx.TS().PrintJulianDate(cout); for( int k=0; k<result.size(); k++ ){ cout << setw(15) << result[k]; } //cout << " write = true "; cout << endl; } else{ timer = -2; write = false; } if( result[4]== 0 ) timer = inc; } if(result[4] == 0 && !write ){ //cout << "RESULT == 0 " << endl; if( ErrCnt != 1 ) cout << endl << endl << endl; for( int j=i-inc; j<=i; j++ ){ if( j>=0 && j<Records.size() && Records[j].TS()>=Records[i].TS().NextIntervalSec(-inc) ){ // if( j>=0 && j<Records.size() ){ ts_record tmpEx; if( MakeLinearTimeExample( Records, j, tgtIdx-1, delay, nlags, tmpEx) == 1 ){ if( norm == 1 ) NormalizeExample( tmpEx.Data(), normParam ); // vector< float > tmpResult = model.TestHelper( tmpEx.Data() ); // if( norm == 1 ) UnnormalizeResult( tmpResult, normParam ); tmpEx.TS().PrintTimestamp(cout); tmpEx.TS().PrintJulianDate(cout); for( int k=0; k<tmpResult.size(); k++ ){ cout << setw(15) << tmpResult[k]; } secDiff = tmpEx.TS().DifferenceSec(lastOutput); lastOutput = tmpEx.TS(); } else{ Records[j].TS().PrintTimestamp(cout); Records[j].TS().PrintJulianDate(cout); cout << setw(15) << Records[j].Data()[0]; secDiff = Records[j].TS().DifferenceSec(lastOutput); lastOutput = Records[j].TS(); } //cout << " other loop"; cout << endl; } } timer = inc; } if( timer > 0 ) write = true; else write = false; timer--; **********************************/ if( mitigation && result[4]==0 ){ Records[i].Data()[tgtIdx-1] = result[2]; } } } cout << "# Number of Examples: " << ExampCnt << endl; cout << "# Number of Errors: " << ErrCnt << endl; return( 1 ); }
int Ptron_clean( int argc, char** argv, ostream& errMsg){ errMsg << "Clean file\n"; //errMsg << "[mode]: training(0), testing(1), both(2), Anomaly Detection(3), Error-D(4), Error-DaM(5)\n"; //errMsg << "[norm]: unnormalized(0)/normalized(1) data\n"; errMsg << "[datafile]: Name of file containing data. \n"; errMsg << "[tilt_time] : (0) Do NOT use tilted time (1) use tilted time.\n"; errMsg << "[nvar]: Number of variables in datafile. \n"; errMsg << "[tgtIdx]: Column of target variable (first column = 0).\n"; errMsg << "[delay1]: delay before starting time-series of first variable\n"; errMsg << "[nlag1]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the first variable from\n"; errMsg << "[delay2]: delay before starting time-series of secon variable\n"; errMsg << "[nlag2]: number of lags to compose the time-series of the second variable from\n"; errMsg << "\n\n\n"; if ( argc != 9+2*(atoi(argv[7])) ) return(0); // string prefix = argv[2]; cout << "# I/O prefix: " << prefix << endl; // int norm = atoi(argv[4]); cout << "# Using normalized params: " << norm << endl; if( norm!=0 && norm!=1 ){ errMsg << "Error: Invalid variable [norm]\n"; return(0); } // cout << "# Inputfile is: " << argv[5] << endl; ifstream ifile( argv[5] ); if( !ifile ) { cerr << "ERROR: cannot open \"" << argv[5] << "\"... aborting\n"; return( 0 ); } // int mitigation; if( atoi( argv[3] ) == 6 ) mitigation=0; if( atoi( argv[3] ) == 7 ) mitigation=1; if( mitigation == 0 ) cout << "# Excising anomalies.\n"; if( mitigation == 1 ) cout << "# Correcting anomalies.\n"; int tilt_time = atoi( argv[6] ); if( tilt_time == 0 ) cout << "# Using linear time window.\n"; if( tilt_time == 1 ) cout << "# Using tilted time window\n"; // int nvar = atoi(argv[7]); cout << "# nvar is: " << nvar << endl; // int tgtIdx = atoi(argv[8]); cout << "# Target index is: " << tgtIdx << endl; if( tgtIdx > nvar-1 ){ errMsg << "ERROR: Invalid target index\n"; return( 0 ); } // vector<int> delay(nvar); vector<int> nlags(nvar); cout << "# ( delay , lag )\n"; for(int i=0; i< nvar; i++){ int argvIdx = 9+2*i; delay[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx]); nlags[i] = atoi(argv[argvIdx+1]); if( i==tgtIdx && delay[i] <= 0){ delay[i]==1; } cout << "# ( " << delay[i] << "," << nlags[i] << " )" << endl; } int nAtt = 0; for( int i=0; i< nvar; i++){ nAtt += nlags[i]; } // cout << "# Reading Data" << endl; vector< ts_record > Records; if( GetRecords( ifile, Records ) != 1 ){ errMsg << "ERROR: could not read records from " << argv[5] << "... aborting.\n"; return( 0 ); } ifile.close(); cout << "# Read " << Records.size() << " records\n"; // vector< vector< float > > normParam; string npfile = prefix + "-norm_param.dat"; GetNormParam( npfile, normParam ); // string pfile_name = prefix + "-ptron_predictor.out"; adet_ptron model( pfile_name ); // int last_written_idx = 0; bool write = false; int inc = 30; int timer=-2; int ErrCnt = 0; int ExampCnt = 0; timestamp lastOutput; for( int i=0; i < Records.size(); i++ ){ ts_record newEx; int secDiff; if( i==0) lastOutput = Records[i].TS(); // if record can be cleaned -- do so if( MakeLinearTimeExample( Records, i, tgtIdx-1, delay, nlags, newEx) == 1 ){ // //vector< float > Example = newEx.Data(); if( norm == 1 ) NormalizeExample( newEx.Data(), normParam ); // vector< float > result = model.TestHelper( newEx.Data() ); // if( norm == 1 ) UnnormalizeResult( result, normParam ); // ExampCnt++; ts_record outputVal( Records[i] ); if( result[4] == 0 ){ ErrCnt++; Records[i].Data()[tgtIdx-1] = result[2]; if( mitigation==1 ){ outputVal.Data()[tgtIdx-1] = result[2]; } else{ outputVal.Data()[tgtIdx-1] = outputVal.NAFlag(); } } outputVal.PrintCSV(1, cout ); } // otherwise just leave record uncleaned else{ Records[i].PrintCSV(1, cout ); } } cout << "# Number of Examples: " << ExampCnt << endl; cout << "# Number of Errors: " << ErrCnt << endl; return( 1 ); }