コード例 #1
ファイル: Registry.cpp プロジェクト: thameera/profi
void* InternalAllocator::Allocate(size_t size)
	char* returnPtr = m_Tail->CurrentPtr;
	const auto roundedSize = size + (4 - size & 3);
		auto tail = m_Tail;
		returnPtr = tail->CurrentPtr;
		char* newPtr = returnPtr + roundedSize; // round to 4 bytes
		char* startPtr = tail->GetStartPtr();

		if(size_t(newPtr - startPtr) <= tail->GetSize()) {
			if(tail->CurrentPtr.compare_exchange_weak(returnPtr, newPtr))
		} else {
			// not enough memory - we need a new page
				std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(m_PagesMutex);
				if(tail == m_Tail) // check if tail hasn't changed in the mean time
					Page* page = Page::Allocate(m_ExternalAllocator, std::max(PAGE_SIZE, roundedSize));
					page->GetPrevious() = tail;
					m_Tail = page;

	return returnPtr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SeqTree.cpp プロジェクト: Symbolk/CloneCodeMining
// This Proc assumes that all the records in pDB has a common Prefix PrefixSeq with lenght of PrefixLen.
// It creates and returns projected db for that common prefix.
struct PROJ_DB * MakeProjDB( const struct PROJ_DB* pDB, Prefix * aPrefix )
	int * PostStart = NULL;
	SeqWrap * aSeqWrap = NULL;
	//int * RecEnd;
	int * tmpPtr = NULL;
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	int tmp = 0;
	int PatLen = 0;
	int Sup = 0;
	struct PROJ_DB * ProjDB = NULL;
	struct PROJ_SEQ * tmpSeq = NULL;

//	RTATest( pDB );
//	if( (*pDB).m_nPatLen>2 && (*pDB).m_pnPat[0] == 33 && (*pDB).m_pnPat[2] == 56  )
//		printf( " werwrwrwrewerwrwrwrwer\n" );

	//if( (*pDB).m_nPatLen>4 && (*pDB).m_pnPat[0] == 867 && (*pDB).m_pnPat[2] == 92 && (*pDB).m_pnPat[4] == 631 )
	//	printf( " werwrwrwrewerwrwrwrwer\n" );

	tmp = sizeof( struct PROJ_DB );
	n_total_mem += tmp;
  ProjDB = (struct PROJ_DB*) memalloc(tmp);

	PatLen = (*aPrefix).Size() + (*pDB).m_nPatLen;

	(*ProjDB).m_nPatLen = PatLen;

	// Copy the prefix of pDB to ProjDB's prefix.
	tmp = PatLen * sizeof(int);
	n_total_mem += tmp;
  (*ProjDB).m_pnPat = (int*) memalloc(tmp);
	if( (*pDB).m_nPatLen == 1 ) 
		(*ProjDB).m_pnPat[0] = (int) (*pDB).m_pnPat;
		memcpy( (*ProjDB).m_pnPat, (*pDB).m_pnPat, (*pDB).m_nPatLen * sizeof(int) );

	// Add aPrefix to ProjDB's prefix.
	tmpPtr = (*aPrefix).GetFirst();

	for( i = (*pDB).m_nPatLen; i<PatLen; i++ )
		(*ProjDB).m_pnPat[i] = (int) *tmpPtr;
		tmpPtr = (*aPrefix).GetNext();

	(*ProjDB).m_nMaxSup = (*pDB).m_nSup;
	tmp = (*pDB).m_nSup * sizeof( struct PROJ_SEQ );
	n_total_mem += tmp;
	(*ProjDB).m_pProjSeq = (struct PROJ_SEQ*) memalloc( tmp );
	memset( (*ProjDB).m_pProjSeq, 0, tmp );
	(*ProjDB).m_nVer = -1;
	(*ProjDB).m_nSup = 0;

	int JMax = 1;
	int PrjCnt;
	bool Inter;
	bool IncSup;
	if( *(*aPrefix).GetFirst() == -1 )
		Inter = true;
		Inter = false;

	bool CheckStrings = false;
	if( (*MainSeqTree).IsContained( new Sequence(pDB) ) )
		CheckStrings = true;

	#endif // defined( _USE_STRING_ELEMINATION )

	for( i=0; i<(*pDB).m_nSup; i++ ) // For every seq in DB

		PrjCnt = 0;
		if( !Inter )
			JMax = (*pDB).m_pProjSeq[i].m_nProjCount;

		IncSup = true;

		#if defined( _USE_STRING_ELEMINATION )
		//if( (*MainSeqTree).IsContained( pDB, (*aSeqWrap).GetFirst() ) )
		if( CheckStrings )
			if( (*MainSeqTree).IsContained( pDB, GetStartPtr( pDB, i) ) )
				//Sequence * aS = new Sequence( pDB, GetStartPtr( pDB, i) );
				//printf( " Sequence Eleminated.\n" );
		#endif // defined( _USE_STRING_ELEMINATION )

		for( j=0; j < JMax; j++ ) 
			aSeqWrap = new SeqWrap( GetStartPtr( pDB, i, j ) );

			if( !(*aSeqWrap).IsEmpty() )

				if( IncSup )
					IncSup = false;

				PostStart = (*aSeqWrap).GetItemSet( (*aPrefix).NumOfItemSets );
				Sequence * aSeq = NULL;
				aSeq = new Sequence( GetStartPtr( pDB, i ), false );
				printf( "Rec:\n  " );
				delete aSeq;
				aSeq = new Sequence( PostStart, false );
				printf( "Post:\n  " );
				delete aSeq;

				if( !SeqIsEmpty( PostStart ) )
					buf_idx[ PrjCnt++ ] = int( PostStart );
			delete aSeqWrap;
		if( PrjCnt > 0 )
			tmpSeq = (struct PROJ_SEQ *) (*ProjDB).m_pProjSeq + (*ProjDB).m_nSup;
			(*tmpSeq).m_nProjCount = PrjCnt;
			if( PrjCnt == 1 )
				(*tmpSeq).m_ppSeq = (int**) buf_idx[0];
			} else {
				tmp = PrjCnt * sizeof(int);
				n_total_mem += tmp;
				(*tmpSeq).m_ppSeq = (int**) memalloc( tmp );
				memcpy( (*tmpSeq).m_ppSeq, buf_idx, tmp );

#if defined( _USE_OUTPUT_BUFFER )
	(*ProjDB).OutputBuf = OutputPattern( (*ProjDB).m_pnPat, PatLen, Sup );
	(*(*ProjDB).OutputBuf).Parent = (*pDB).OutputBuf;
	OutputPattern( (*ProjDB).m_pnPat, PatLen, Sup );

	if( (*ProjDB).m_nSup < gSUP  )

		//Added by Ramin
#if defined( _USE_OUTPUT_BUFFER )
				//fprintf( gpFreqFile, "+++===>>>>>>  Right Pattern  " );
				//(*(*ProjDB).OutputBuf).Print( gpFreqFile );
				EmptyBuffer( aSeqList, (*ProjDB).OutputBuf );
				if( n_max_mem < n_total_mem )
					n_max_mem = n_total_mem;
#if defined( _FIND_MAX_SEQS ) && !defined( _DO_NAIVE_APPROACH )
				//Sequence * aSeq = new Sequence( (*ProjDB).m_pnPat, (*ProjDB).m_nPatLen, (*ProjDB).m_nSup );
				Sequence * aSeq = new Sequence( ProjDB, Sup );
				(*MainSeqTree).AddSeq( aSeq );

		tmp = (*ProjDB).m_nMaxSup * sizeof( struct PROJ_SEQ );
		n_total_mem -= tmp;
		freemem( (void**) &(*ProjDB).m_pProjSeq );

		tmp = PatLen * sizeof(int);
		n_total_mem -= tmp;
		freemem( (void**)&((*ProjDB).m_pnPat) );

		n_total_mem -= sizeof( struct PROJ_DB );
	  freemem( (void**)&(ProjDB) );
		return NULL;
	} else
		return ProjDB;
コード例 #3
ファイル: SeqTree.cpp プロジェクト: Symbolk/CloneCodeMining
Prefix::Prefix( const struct PROJ_DB * pDB ) : SeqWrap()
//#define GetDBPrefix_PRINT_DEBUG_INFO

	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	int JMax = 1;
	bool Inter;
	SeqWrap * aSeqWrap = NULL;
	bool PrefixIsEmpty = true;


	Sequence * aSeq = NULL;
	Sequence * tmpSeq = NULL;
	static int Cnt = 0;

	tmpSeq = new Sequence( pDB );
	printf( "  Original Prefix %dth Record ===> ", Cnt++ );
	delete tmpSeq;
	End = NULL;
	NumOfItemSets = 0;
	//Sup = 1;
	Sup = 0; 
	if( (*pDB).m_nSup > 0 )
		// Find first none empty sequence.
		for( i=0; i<(*pDB).m_nSup; i++ )
			for( j=0; j < (*pDB).m_pProjSeq[i].m_nProjCount; j++ )
				aSeqWrap = new SeqWrap( GetStartPtr( pDB, i, j ) );

				if( !(*aSeqWrap).IsEmpty() )
					Start = (*aSeqWrap).GetFirst();
					End = GetEndPtr( Start ) - 1;
					//TrimPrefix( Start ); //Trim it with itself.
					PrefixIsEmpty = false;
					#ifdef GetDBPrefix_PRINT_DEBUG_INFO
						aSeq = new Sequence( Start, End-Start, 0, true );
						printf( "  First Prefix %dth Record ===> ", i+1 );
						if( aSeq ) (*aSeq).Print();
						printf( "    Real First Start=%d End=%d Size=%d ===> ", Start, End, End-Start );

					delete aSeqWrap;
				delete aSeqWrap;
			if( Start != End )

	if( Start != End )
		JMax = 1;
		if( *(Start) == -1 )
			Inter = true;
			Inter = false;

		//for( i++; i<(*pDB).m_nSup; i++ ) // For every seq in DB
		for( i; i<(*pDB).m_nSup; i++ ) // For every seq in DB
			if( !Inter )
				JMax = (*pDB).m_pProjSeq[i].m_nProjCount;

			//JMax = 1;
			for( j=0; j < JMax; j++ )
				aSeqWrap = new SeqWrap( GetStartPtr( pDB, i, j ) );

				tmpSeq = new Sequence( (*aSeqWrap).GetFirst(), true );
				printf( "  %dth Record ===> ", i+1 );
				delete tmpSeq;

				if( !(*aSeqWrap).IsEmpty() )
					TrimPrefix( (*aSeqWrap).GetFirst() );
					if( Start != End )
						aSeq = new Sequence( Start, End-Start, 0, true );
						printf( "     ++++++++++++++++ Remaining prefix is  " );
						printf( "        +++++Real Start=%d End=%d Size=%d prefix is ", Start, End, End-Start );
				delete aSeqWrap;

				PrefixIsEmpty = IsEmpty();
				if( PrefixIsEmpty )
			if( PrefixIsEmpty )

	//if( Start == End )	
	if( PrefixIsEmpty )	
		Start = NULL;
		End = NULL;
		NumOfItemSets = 0;
		Sup = 0;
	} else {
