コード例 #1
ファイル: data_table.cpp プロジェクト: skyformat99/peloton
const std::string DataTable::GetInfo() const {
  std::ostringstream os;

  // os << "=====================================================\n";
  // os << "TABLE :\n";

  oid_t tile_group_count = GetTileGroupCount();
  // os << "Tile Group Count : " << tile_group_count << "\n";

  oid_t tuple_count = 0;
  oid_t table_id = 0;
  for (oid_t tile_group_itr = 0; tile_group_itr < tile_group_count;
       tile_group_itr++) {
    auto tile_group = GetTileGroup(tile_group_itr);
    table_id = tile_group->GetTableId();
    auto tile_tuple_count = tile_group->GetNextTupleSlot();

    // os << "Tile Group Id  : " << tile_group_itr
    //    << " Tuple Count : " << tile_tuple_count << "\n";
    // os << (*tile_group);

    tuple_count += tile_tuple_count;

  os << "Table " << table_id << " Tuple Count :: " << tuple_count << "\n";

  // os << "=====================================================\n";

  return os.str();
コード例 #2
void TimestampOrderingTransactionManager::PerformInsert(
    TransactionContext *const current_txn, const ItemPointer &location,
    ItemPointer *index_entry_ptr) {

  oid_t tile_group_id = location.block;
  oid_t tuple_id = location.offset;

  auto storage_manager = storage::StorageManager::GetInstance();
  auto tile_group_header = storage_manager->GetTileGroup(tile_group_id)->GetHeader();
  auto transaction_id = current_txn->GetTransactionId();

  // check MVCC info
  // the tuple slot must be empty.
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetTransactionId(tuple_id) ==
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetBeginCommitId(tuple_id) == MAX_CID);
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetEndCommitId(tuple_id) == MAX_CID);

  tile_group_header->SetTransactionId(tuple_id, transaction_id);

  // no need to set next item pointer.

  // Add the new tuple into the insert set

  // Write down the head pointer's address in tile group header
  tile_group_header->SetIndirection(tuple_id, index_entry_ptr);
コード例 #3
ファイル: table.cpp プロジェクト: wy4515/peloton
// Generate a scan over all tile groups.
// @code
// column_layouts := alloca<peloton::ColumnLayoutInfo>(
//     table.GetSchema().GetColumnCount())
// oid_t tile_group_idx := 0
// num_tile_groups = GetTileGroupCount(table_ptr)
// for (; tile_group_idx < num_tile_groups; ++tile_group_idx) {
//   tile_group_ptr := GetTileGroup(table_ptr, tile_group_idx)
//   consumer.TileGroupStart(tile_group_ptr);
//   tile_group.TidScan(tile_group_ptr, column_layouts, vector_size, consumer);
//   consumer.TileGroupEnd(tile_group_ptr);
// }
// @endcode
void Table::GenerateScan(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *table_ptr,
                         uint32_t batch_size, ScanCallback &consumer) const {
  // First get the columns from the table the consumer needs. For every column,
  // we'll need to have a ColumnInfoLayout struct
  const uint32_t num_columns =

  llvm::Value *column_layouts = codegen->CreateAlloca(

  // Get the number of tile groups in the given table
  llvm::Value *tile_group_idx = codegen.Const64(0);
  llvm::Value *num_tile_groups = GetTileGroupCount(codegen, table_ptr);

  // Iterate over all tile groups in the table
  lang::Loop loop{codegen,
                  codegen->CreateICmpULT(tile_group_idx, num_tile_groups),
                  {{"tileGroupIdx", tile_group_idx}}};
    // Get the tile group with the given tile group ID
    tile_group_idx = loop.GetLoopVar(0);
    llvm::Value *tile_group_ptr =
        GetTileGroup(codegen, table_ptr, tile_group_idx);
    llvm::Value *tile_group_id =
        tile_group_.GetTileGroupId(codegen, tile_group_ptr);

    // Invoke the consumer to let her know that we're starting to iterate over
    // the tile group now
    consumer.TileGroupStart(codegen, tile_group_id, tile_group_ptr);

    // Generate the scan cover over the given tile group
    tile_group_.GenerateTidScan(codegen, tile_group_ptr, column_layouts,
                                batch_size, consumer);

    // Invoke the consumer to let her know that we're done with this tile group
    consumer.TileGroupFinish(codegen, tile_group_ptr);

    // Move to next tile group in the table
    tile_group_idx = codegen->CreateAdd(tile_group_idx, codegen.Const64(1));
    loop.LoopEnd(codegen->CreateICmpULT(tile_group_idx, num_tile_groups),
コード例 #4
ファイル: logger_workload.cpp プロジェクト: YangMann/peloton
void CheckTupleCount(oid_t db_oid, oid_t table_oid, oid_t expected) {
  auto& manager = catalog::Manager::GetInstance();
  storage::Database* db = manager.GetDatabaseWithOid(db_oid);
  auto table = db->GetTableWithOid(table_oid);

  oid_t tile_group_count = table->GetTileGroupCount();

  oid_t active_tuple_count = 0;
  for (oid_t tile_group_itr = 0; tile_group_itr < tile_group_count;
       tile_group_itr++) {
    auto tile_group = table->GetTileGroup(tile_group_itr);
    active_tuple_count += tile_group->GetActiveTupleCount(INVALID_TXN_ID);

  // check # of active tuples
  if (expected != active_tuple_count) {
    throw Exception("Tuple count does not match \n");
コード例 #5
void TimestampOrderingTransactionManager::PerformUpdate(
    TransactionContext *const current_txn, const ItemPointer &location,
    const ItemPointer &new_location) {

  ItemPointer old_location = location;

  LOG_TRACE("Performing Update old tuple %u %u", old_location.block,
  LOG_TRACE("Performing Update new tuple %u %u", new_location.block,

  auto storage_manager = storage::StorageManager::GetInstance();
  auto tile_group_header =
  auto new_tile_group_header =

  auto transaction_id = current_txn->GetTransactionId();
  // if we can perform update, then we must have already locked the older
  // version.
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetTransactionId(old_location.offset) ==
      tile_group_header->GetPrevItemPointer(old_location.offset).IsNull() ==

  // check whether the new version is empty.
  PELOTON_ASSERT(new_tile_group_header->GetTransactionId(new_location.offset) ==
  PELOTON_ASSERT(new_tile_group_header->GetBeginCommitId(new_location.offset) ==
  PELOTON_ASSERT(new_tile_group_header->GetEndCommitId(new_location.offset) ==

  // if the executor doesn't call PerformUpdate after AcquireOwnership,
  // no one will possibly release the write lock acquired by this txn.

  // Set double linked list
  tile_group_header->SetPrevItemPointer(old_location.offset, new_location);

  new_tile_group_header->SetNextItemPointer(new_location.offset, old_location);

  new_tile_group_header->SetTransactionId(new_location.offset, transaction_id);

  // we should guarantee that the newer version is all set before linking the
  // newer version to older version.

  // we must be updating the latest version.
  // Set the header information for the new version
  ItemPointer *index_entry_ptr =

  // if there's no primary index on a table, then index_entry_ptr == nullptr.
  if (index_entry_ptr != nullptr) {
    new_tile_group_header->SetIndirection(new_location.offset, index_entry_ptr);

    // Set the index header in an atomic way.
    // We do it atomically because we don't want any one to see a half-done
    // pointer.
    // In case of contention, no one can update this pointer when we are
    // updating it
    // because we are holding the write lock. This update should success in
    // its first trial.
    UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE auto res =
        AtomicUpdateItemPointer(index_entry_ptr, new_location);
    PELOTON_ASSERT(res == true);

  // Add the old tuple into the update set
コード例 #6
  // Add the old tuple into the update set

void TimestampOrderingTransactionManager::PerformUpdate(
    TransactionContext *const current_txn UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE,
    const ItemPointer &location) {

  oid_t tile_group_id = location.block;
  UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE oid_t tuple_id = location.offset;

  auto storage_manager = storage::StorageManager::GetInstance();
  UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE auto tile_group_header =

  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetTransactionId(tuple_id) ==
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetBeginCommitId(tuple_id) == MAX_CID);
  PELOTON_ASSERT(tile_group_header->GetEndCommitId(tuple_id) == MAX_CID);

  // no need to add the older version into the update set.
  // if there exists older version, then the older version must already
  // been added to the update set.
  // if there does not exist an older version, then it means that the
  // transaction
  // is updating a version that is installed by itself.
  // in this case, nothing needs to be performed.