void ServerEvents::OnMutelistItem( const wxString& /*unused*/, const wxString& mutee, const wxString& description ) { wxString message = mutee; wxString desc = description; wxString mutetime = GetWordParam( desc ); long time; if ( mutetime == _T("indefinite") ) message << _(" indefinite time remaining"); else if ( mutetime.ToLong(&time) ) message << wxString::Format( _(" %d minutes remaining"), time/60 + 1 ); else message << mutetime; if ( !desc.IsEmpty() ) message << _T(", ") << desc; mutelistWindow( message ); }
bool ReadError(uint8_t dxl_id, uint8_t* error_return) { uint8_t data[MAX_PACKET_BYTES]; int position_register = 50; int position_bytes = 1; int num_parameters_tx = MakeReadPacket(data, dxl_id, position_register, position_bytes); uint16_t num_parameters_rx = 1 + position_bytes; // Error, Position low, position high bool result = TXRXPacket(data, num_parameters_tx, num_parameters_rx); uint8_t error = GetByteParam(data, 0); if (result && error == 0) { *error_return = GetWordParam(data, 1); return true; } else { return false; } }
bool SendPing(uint8_t dxl_id, int* modelnum, int* firmware_version) { uint8_t data[MAX_PACKET_BYTES]; // Make packet. uint16_t num_parameters_tx = MakePingPacket(data, dxl_id); uint16_t num_parameters_rx = 4; // Error, model low, model high, firmware bool result = TXRXPacket(data, num_parameters_tx, num_parameters_rx); uint8_t error = GetByteParam(data, 0); if (result && error == 0) { *modelnum = GetWordParam(data, 1); *firmware_version = GetByteParam(data, 3); return true; } else { return false; } }
bool Channel::ExecuteSayCommand( const wxString& in ) { if ( in.length() == 0 ) return true; if ( in[0] != '/' ) return false; wxString subcmd = in.BeforeFirst(' ').Lower(); wxString params = in.AfterFirst( ' ' ); wxString cmdline = in; wxString param = GetWordParam( cmdline ); if ( param == _T("/me") ) { DoAction( cmdline ); return true; } else if ( in == _T("/part") || in == _T("/p") ) { Leave(); uidata.panel = 0; return true; } else if ( param == _T("/sayver") ) { //!this instance is not replaced with GetAppname for sake of help/debug online DoAction( _T("is using SpringLobby v") + GetSpringLobbyVersion() ); return true; } else if(subcmd==_T("/userban")){ m_banned_users.insert(params); m_serv.SayPrivate(_T("ChanServ"),_T("!kick #")+GetName()+_T(" ")+params); return true; } else if(subcmd==_T("/userunban")){ m_banned_users.erase(params); return true; } else if(subcmd==_T("/banregex")){ ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,_T("/banregex ")+params); m_do_ban_regex=!params.empty(); if(m_do_ban_regex){ #ifdef wxHAS_REGEX_ADVANCED m_ban_regex.Compile(params, wxRE_ADVANCED); #else m_ban_regex.Compile(params, wxRE_EXTENDED); #endif if(!m_ban_regex.IsValid())ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,_T("Invalid regular expression")); } return true; } else if(subcmd==_T("/unbanregex")){ ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,_T("/unbanregex ")+params); m_do_unban_regex=!params.empty(); if(m_do_unban_regex){ #ifdef wxHAS_REGEX_ADVANCED m_unban_regex.Compile(params, wxRE_ADVANCED); #else m_unban_regex.Compile(params, wxRE_EXTENDED); #endif if(!m_unban_regex.IsValid())ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,_T("Invalid regular expression")); } return true; } else if (subcmd==_T("/checkban")) { if(IsBanned(params)){ ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,params+_T(" is banned")); }else{ ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,params+_T(" is not banned")); } return true; } else if(subcmd==_T("/banregexmsg")){ ui().OnChannelMessage(m_name,_T("/banregexmsg ")+params); m_ban_regex_msg=params; return true; } return false; }