コード例 #1
ファイル: Exercise_14.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
double CExercise_14::Vectorise(int x, int y, CSG_Shape *pSegment)
	int		Dir, ix, iy;
	double	Length;

	Length	= 0.0;

	pSegment->Add_Point(Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize(), Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize());

	if( (Dir = m_pDir->asInt(x, y)) >= 0 )
		Length	= Get_Length(Dir);

		ix		= Get_xTo(Dir, x);
		iy		= Get_yTo(Dir, y);

		switch( m_pChnl->asInt(ix, iy) )
		case CHANNEL:
			Length	+= Vectorise(ix, iy, pSegment);	// recursive function call...

		case MOUTH:
			Length	+= Get_Length(Dir);
			pSegment->Add_Point(Get_XMin() + ix * Get_Cellsize(), Get_YMin() + iy * Get_Cellsize());

	return( Length );
コード例 #2
bool CFilter_Resample::On_Execute(void)
	double		Cellsize;
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid, *pLoPass, *pHiPass;

	pGrid		= Parameters("GRID"  )->asGrid();
	pLoPass		= Parameters("LOPASS")->asGrid();
	pHiPass		= Parameters("HIPASS")->asGrid();
	Cellsize	= Parameters("SCALE" )->asDouble() * Get_Cellsize();

	if( Cellsize > 0.5 * SG_Get_Length(Get_System()->Get_XRange(), Get_System()->Get_YRange()) )
		Error_Set(_TL("resampling cell size is too large"));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	Grid(CSG_Grid_System(Cellsize, Get_XMin(), Get_YMin(), Get_XMax(), Get_YMax()), SG_DATATYPE_Float);

	Grid.Assign(pGrid, GRID_RESAMPLING_Mean_Cells);

	pLoPass->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("Low Pass")));
	pHiPass->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("High Pass")));

	CSG_Colors	Colors;

	DataObject_Get_Colors(pGrid  , Colors);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(pLoPass, Colors);
	DataObject_Set_Colors(pHiPass, 11, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_BLUE);

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	py	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	z, px	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

			if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && Grid.Get_Value(px, py, z) )
				pLoPass->Set_Value(x, y, z);
				pHiPass->Set_Value(x, y, pGrid->asDouble(x, y) - z);
				pLoPass->Set_NoData(x, y);
				pHiPass->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
コード例 #3
ファイル: geo_classes.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
TSG_Intersection CSG_Rect::Intersects(const CSG_Rect &Rect) const
	if(	m_rect.xMax < Rect.Get_XMin() || Rect.Get_XMax() < m_rect.xMin
	||	m_rect.yMax < Rect.Get_YMin() || Rect.Get_YMax() < m_rect.yMin )
		return( INTERSECTION_None );

	if(	is_Equal(Rect) )
		return( INTERSECTION_Identical );

	if(	Contains(Rect.Get_XMin(), Rect.Get_YMin())
	&&	Contains(Rect.Get_XMax(), Rect.Get_YMax()) )
		return( INTERSECTION_Contains );

	if(	Rect.Contains(Get_XMin(), Get_YMin())
	&&	Rect.Contains(Get_XMax(), Get_YMax()) )
		return( INTERSECTION_Contained );

	return( INTERSECTION_Overlaps );
コード例 #4
ファイル: grid_operation.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Grid::_Assign_Interpolated(CSG_Grid *pGrid, TSG_Grid_Interpolation Interpolation)
	int		x, y;
	double	xPosition, yPosition, z;

	Set_NoData_Value_Range(pGrid->Get_NoData_Value(), pGrid->Get_NoData_hiValue());

	for(y=0, yPosition=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++, yPosition+=Get_Cellsize())
		for(x=0, xPosition=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, xPosition+=Get_Cellsize())
			if( pGrid->Get_Value(xPosition, yPosition, z, Interpolation) )
				Set_Value (x, y, z);
				Set_NoData(x, y);

	Get_History()	= pGrid->Get_History();
	Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%f -> %f"), pGrid->Get_Cellsize(), Get_Cellsize()))->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Resampling"));


	return( true );
コード例 #5
ファイル: grid_operation.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Grid::Assign(CSG_Grid *pGrid, TSG_Grid_Interpolation Interpolation)
	bool	bResult	= false;

	if(	is_Valid() && pGrid && pGrid->is_Valid() && is_Intersecting(pGrid->Get_Extent()) != INTERSECTION_None )
		if(	Get_Cellsize() == pGrid->Get_Cellsize()			// No-Scaling...
		&&	fmod(Get_XMin() - pGrid->Get_XMin(), Get_Cellsize()) == 0.0
		&&	fmod(Get_YMin() - pGrid->Get_YMin(), Get_Cellsize()) == 0.0	)
			bResult	= _Assign_Interpolated	(pGrid, GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);
		else switch( Interpolation )
			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour:
			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_Bilinear:
			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_InverseDistance:
			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_BicubicSpline:
				bResult	= _Assign_Interpolated	(pGrid, Interpolation);

			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Nodes:
			case GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Cells:
				bResult	= _Assign_MeanValue		(pGrid, Interpolation != GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Nodes);

				bResult	= _Assign_ExtremeValue	(pGrid, Interpolation == GRID_INTERPOLATION_Maximum);

				if( Get_Cellsize() < pGrid->Get_Cellsize() )	// Down-Scaling...
					bResult	= _Assign_Interpolated	(pGrid, GRID_INTERPOLATION_BSpline);
				else											// Up-Scaling...
					bResult	= _Assign_MeanValue		(pGrid, Interpolation != GRID_INTERPOLATION_Mean_Nodes);

		if( bResult )
//			Set_Name				(pGrid->Get_Name());
			Set_Description			(pGrid->Get_Description());
			Set_Unit				(pGrid->Get_Unit());
			Set_ZFactor				(pGrid->Get_ZFactor());
			Set_NoData_Value_Range	(pGrid->Get_NoData_Value(), pGrid->Get_NoData_hiValue());

	return( bResult );
コード例 #6
ファイル: grid_operation.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Grid::_Assign_ExtremeValue(CSG_Grid *pGrid, bool bMaximum)
	if( Get_Cellsize() < pGrid->Get_Cellsize() || is_Intersecting(pGrid->Get_Extent()) == INTERSECTION_None )
		return( false );

	int			x, y, ix, iy;
	double		px, py, ax, ay, d, z;
	CSG_Matrix	S(Get_NY(), Get_NX()), N(Get_NY(), Get_NX());

	d	= pGrid->Get_Cellsize() / Get_Cellsize();



	ax	= 0.5 + (pGrid->Get_XMin() - Get_XMin()) / Get_Cellsize();
	ay	= 0.5 + (pGrid->Get_YMin() - Get_YMin()) / Get_Cellsize();

	for(y=0, py=ay; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++, py+=d)
		if( (iy = (int)floor(py)) >= 0 && iy < Get_NY() )
			for(x=0, px=ax; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++, px+=d)
				if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && (ix = (int)floor(px)) >= 0 && ix < Get_NX() )
					z	= pGrid->asDouble(x, y);

					if( is_NoData(ix, iy)
					||	(bMaximum == true  && z > asDouble(ix, iy))
					||	(bMaximum == false && z < asDouble(ix, iy)) )
						Set_Value(ix, iy, z);

	Get_History()	= pGrid->Get_History();
	Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%f -> %f"), pGrid->Get_Cellsize(), Get_Cellsize()))->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Resampling"));


	return( true );
コード例 #7
bool CXYZ_Export::On_Execute(void)
	bool					bExNoData;
	int						x, y, i;
	TSG_Point				p;
	CSG_File				Stream;
	CSG_String				FileName;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids;

	pGrids		= Parameters("GRIDS")	->asGridList();
	FileName	= Parameters("FILENAME")->asString();
	bExNoData	= Parameters("EX_NODATA")->asBool();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() > 0 && Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false) )
		if( Parameters("CAPTION")->asBool() )

			for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
				Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t\"%s\""), pGrids->asGrid(i)->Get_Name());


		for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
				if( !bExNoData || (bExNoData && !pGrids->asGrid(0)->is_NoData(x, y)) )
					Stream.Printf(SG_T("%f\t%f"), p.x,  p.y);

					for(i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
						Stream.Printf(SG_T("\t%f"), pGrids->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y));


		return( true );

	return( false );
コード例 #8
ファイル: opencv_nnet.cpp プロジェクト: johanvdw/saga-debian
CvMat* COpenCV_NNet::GetEvalMatrix(CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *gl_grids, int type)
	bool				b_NoData;
	int					x,y,i_Grid;
	CSG_Table			*t_data;
	CSG_Table_Record	*tr_rec;
	TSG_Point			p;
	CvMat				*mat;

	// We will use this table as a temporary data store,
	// since we cannot dynamically resize the CvMat
	t_data = new CSG_Table();
	// We need a column for each grid and the output lable
	for (int i = 0; i < gl_grids->Get_Count(); i++)
		t_data->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("GRID_%d"), i), SG_DATATYPE_Float, i); 

	// Traverse all grids, every point
	for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
		for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(i_Grid=0, b_NoData=false; i_Grid<gl_grids->Get_Count() && !b_NoData; i_Grid++)
				// If there is one grid that has no data in this point p, then set the no data flag
				if( gl_grids->asGrid(i_Grid)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					b_NoData = true;

			if (!b_NoData)
				// We have data in all grids, so lets add them to the eval data table
				tr_rec = t_data->Add_Record();
				for(i_Grid=0; i_Grid<gl_grids->Get_Count(); i_Grid++)
					tr_rec->Set_Value(i_Grid, (float) gl_grids->asGrid(i_Grid)->asFloat(x, y));

	// Now create the matrix and add all data from the table to the matrix
	mat = GetEvalMatrix(t_data, type);

	return mat;
コード例 #9
bool CGrid_Mask::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pMask	= Parameters("MASK")->asGrid();

	if( !pGrid->is_Intersecting(pMask->Get_Extent()) )
		Message_Add(_TL("no intersection with mask grid."));

		return( false );

	CSG_Grid	*pMasked	= Parameters("MASKED")->asGrid();

	if( pMasked && pMasked != pGrid )
		pMasked->Fmt_Name("%s [%s]", pGrid->Get_Name(), _TL("masked"));

		pGrid	= pMasked;


	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	py	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) )
				double	px	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

				if( !pMask->is_InGrid_byPos(px, py) )
					pGrid->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
コード例 #10
bool CGrid_Completion::On_Execute(void)
	int					x, y;
	double				xPos, yPos, Value;
	TSG_Grid_Interpolation	Interpolation;
	CSG_Grid				*pGrid, *pAdditional;

	pAdditional		= Parameters("ADDITIONAL")	->asGrid();
	pGrid			= Parameters("COMPLETED")	->asGrid();

	if( pGrid->is_Intersecting(pAdditional->Get_Extent()) )
		if( pGrid != Parameters("ORIGINAL")->asGrid() )
			Process_Set_Text(_TL("Copying original data..."));


		Interpolation	= (TSG_Grid_Interpolation)Parameters("INTERPOLATION")->asInt();

		Process_Set_Text(_TL("Data completion..."));

		for(y=0, yPos=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++, yPos+=Get_Cellsize())
			if( yPos >= pAdditional->Get_YMin() )
				for(x=0, xPos=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX() && xPos<=pAdditional->Get_XMax(); x++, xPos+=Get_Cellsize())
					if( pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && xPos >= pAdditional->Get_XMin() )
						if( !pAdditional->is_NoData_Value(Value = pAdditional->Get_Value(xPos, yPos, Interpolation)) )
							pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);

		return( true );

	Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do: there is no intersection with additonal grid."));

	return( false );
コード例 #11
bool CGWR_Grid_Downscaling::Set_Model(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pRegression	= Parameters("REGRESSION" )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pReg_ResCorr	= Parameters("REG_RESCORR")->asGrid();

	pRegression->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"), m_pDependent->Get_Name(), _TL("GWR")));

	if( pReg_ResCorr )
		pReg_ResCorr->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s, %s]"), m_pDependent->Get_Name(), _TL("GWR"), _TL("Residual Correction")));

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	p_y	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	Value, Residual, p_x	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

			if( Set_Model(p_x, p_y, Value, Residual) )
				pRegression->Set_Value(x, y, Value);

				if( pReg_ResCorr )
					pReg_ResCorr->Set_Value(x, y, Value + Residual);
				pRegression->Set_NoData(x, y);

				if( pReg_ResCorr )
					pReg_ResCorr->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
コード例 #12
ファイル: Grid_Mask.cpp プロジェクト: johanvdw/saga-debian
bool CGrid_Mask::On_Execute(void)
	int			x, y;
	double		z;
	TSG_Point	p;
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid, *pMask, *pMasked;

	pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")	->asGrid();
	pMask	= Parameters("MASK")	->asGrid();
	pMasked	= Parameters("MASKED")	->asGrid();

	if( !pGrid->is_Intersecting(pMask->Get_Extent()) )
		Message_Add(_TL("no intersection with mask grid."));

		return( false );

	if( pMasked == NULL )
		pMasked	= pGrid;

	else if( pMasked != pGrid )


	for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
		for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
			if( !pMasked->is_NoData(x, y) && !pMask->Get_Value(p, z, GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour) )
				pMasked->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
コード例 #13
void CGrid_3D_Image::_Set_Shapes(CSG_Shapes *pInput)
	int			iShape, iPart, iPoint;
	double		x, y, z, dx, dy;
	T3DPoint	p;
	TSG_Point	Point;
	CSG_Shape		*pShape;
	CSG_Shapes		*pOutput;

	if( pInput && pInput->is_Valid() )
		Process_Set_Text("%s \"%s\"", _TL("Project"), pInput->Get_Name());

		pOutput	= SG_Create_Shapes(*pInput);
		dx		= (double)Get_NX() / Get_System().Get_XRange();
		dy		= (double)Get_NY() / Get_System().Get_YRange();

		for(iShape=0; iShape<pOutput->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(iShape, pOutput->Get_Count()); iShape++)
			pShape	= pOutput->Get_Shape(iShape);

			for(iPart=0; iPart<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); iPart++)
				for(iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
					Point	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);

					x		= dx * (Point.x - Get_XMin());
					y		= dy * (Point.y - Get_YMin());
					z		= m_pDEM->is_InGrid((int)x, (int)y, true) ? m_pDEM->asDouble((int)x, (int)y) : 0.0;

					_Get_Position(x, y, z, p);

					pShape->Set_Point(p.x, p.y, iPoint, iPart);

コード例 #14
bool CGW_Multi_Regression_Grid::Set_Model(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pRegression	= Parameters("REGRESSION")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pQuality		= Parameters("QUALITY"   )->asGrid();

	pRegression->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s]"    ), m_Points.Get_Name(), _TL("GWR")));
	pQuality   ->Set_Name(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s [%s, %s]"), m_Points.Get_Name(), _TL("GWR"), _TL("Quality")));

	if( m_pQuality == Parameters("QUALITY")->asGrid() )
		pQuality	= NULL;

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	p_y	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	Value, p_x	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

			if( Set_Model(p_x, p_y, Value) )
				GRID_SET_VALUE(pRegression, x, y, Value);
				GRID_SET_VALUE(pQuality   , x, y, m_pQuality->Get_Value(p_x, p_y));
				GRID_SET_NODATA(pRegression, x, y);
				GRID_SET_NODATA(pQuality   , x, y);


	return( true );
コード例 #15
bool CGrid_Classify_Supervised::Set_Classifier(CSG_Classifier_Supervised &Classifier, CSG_Shapes *pPolygons, int Field)

	TSG_Point	p;	p.y	= Get_YMin();

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
		p.x	= Get_XMin();

		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
			CSG_Vector	Features(m_pFeatures->Get_Count());

			if( Get_Features(x, y, Features) )
				for(int iPolygon=0; iPolygon<pPolygons->Get_Count(); iPolygon++)
					CSG_Shape_Polygon	*pPolygon	= (CSG_Shape_Polygon *)pPolygons->Get_Shape(iPolygon);

					if( pPolygon->Contains(p) )
						Classifier.Train_Add_Sample(pPolygon->asString(Field), Features);

	if( Classifier.Train(true) )

		return( true );

	return( false );
コード例 #16
ファイル: mrvbf.cpp プロジェクト: johanvdw/saga-debian
bool CMRVBF::Get_Flatness(CSG_Grid *pSlopes, CSG_Grid *pPercentiles, CSG_Grid *pCF, CSG_Grid *pVF, CSG_Grid *pRF, double T_Slope)
//	const int	Interpolation	= GRID_INTERPOLATION_Bilinear;
	const int	Interpolation	= GRID_INTERPOLATION_BSpline;

	if( pSlopes && pSlopes->is_Valid() && pPercentiles && pPercentiles->is_Valid() )
		int		x, y;
		double	xp, yp, Slope, Percentile, cf, vf, rf;

		for(y=0, yp=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, yp+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, xp=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, xp+=Get_Cellsize())
				if( pSlopes		->Get_Value(xp, yp, Slope     , Interpolation)
				&&	pPercentiles->Get_Value(xp, yp, Percentile, Interpolation) )
					cf	= pCF->asDouble(x, y) * Get_Transformation(Slope, T_Slope, m_P_Slope);
					vf	= cf * Get_Transformation(      Percentile, m_T_Pctl_V, m_P_Pctl);
					rf	= cf * Get_Transformation(1.0 - Percentile, m_T_Pctl_R, m_P_Pctl);

					pCF->Set_Value	(x, y, cf);
					pVF->Set_Value	(x, y, 1.0 - Get_Transformation(vf, 0.3, 4.0));
					pRF->Set_Value	(x, y, 1.0 - Get_Transformation(rf, 0.3, 4.0));
					pVF->Set_NoData	(x, y);
					pRF->Set_NoData	(x, y);

		return( true );

	return( false );
コード例 #17
bool CWRF_Export::Save(const CSG_String &Directory, CSG_Parameter_Grid_List *pGrids)
	// 00001-00600.00001-00600
	// 01234567890123456789012

	int	xOffset	= m_Index.m_TILE_BDR + (int)(0.5 + (Get_XMin() - m_Index.m_KNOWN_LON) / Get_Cellsize());
	int	yOffset	= m_Index.m_TILE_BDR + (int)(0.5 + (Get_YMin() - m_Index.m_KNOWN_LAT) / Get_Cellsize());

	CSG_String	Name	= SG_File_Get_Name(Directory, true);

	Name.Printf(SG_T("%05d-%05d.%05d-%05d"), xOffset + 1, xOffset + m_Index.m_TILE_X, yOffset + 1, yOffset + m_Index.m_TILE_Y);

	CSG_File	Stream;

	if( !Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, Name), SG_FILE_W) )
		Error_Set(_TL("data file could not be openend"));

		return( false );

	char	*pLine, *pValue;
	int		x, y, nBytes_Line;

	nBytes_Line	= Get_NX() * m_Index.m_WORDSIZE;
	pLine		= (char *)SG_Malloc(nBytes_Line);

	for(int z=0; z<pGrids->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); z++)
		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pGrids->asGrid(z);

		for(y=0; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && !Stream.is_EOF() && Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++)
			int	yy	= m_Index.m_ROW_ORDER == VAL_TOP_BOTTOM ? pGrid->Get_NY() - 1 - y : y;

			for(x=0, pValue=pLine; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++, pValue+=m_Index.m_WORDSIZE)
				if( m_Index.m_SIGNED )
					switch( m_Index.m_WORDSIZE )
					case 1:	*((signed char    *)pValue)	= (signed char   )pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;
					case 2:	*((signed short   *)pValue)	= (signed short  )pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;
					case 4:	*((signed int     *)pValue)	= (signed int    )pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;
					switch( m_Index.m_WORDSIZE )
					case 1:	*((unsigned char  *)pValue)	= (unsigned char )pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;
					case 2:	*((unsigned short *)pValue)	= (unsigned short)pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;
					case 4:	*((unsigned int   *)pValue)	= (unsigned int  )pGrid->asInt(x, yy);	break;

				if( m_Index.m_ENDIAN == VAL_ENDIAN_BIG )
					SG_Swap_Bytes(pValue, m_Index.m_WORDSIZE);

			Stream.Write(pLine, sizeof(char), nBytes_Line);


	return( true );
コード例 #18
ファイル: opencv_nnet.cpp プロジェクト: johanvdw/saga-debian
bool COpenCV_NNet::On_Execute(void)
	bool					b_updateWeights, b_noInputScale, b_noOutputScale, b_NoData;
	int						i_matType, i_layers, i_maxIter, i_neurons, i_areasClassId, i_trainFeatTotalCount, *i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount, i_Grid, x, y, i_evalOut, i_winner;
	double					d_alpha, d_beta, d_eps;
	DATA_TYPE				e_dataType;
	TRAINING_METHOD			e_trainMet;
	CSG_Table				*t_Weights, *t_Indices, *t_TrainInput, *t_EvalInput, *t_EvalOutput;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*gl_TrainInputs;
	CSG_Grid				*g_EvalOutput, *g_EvalOutputCert;
	CSG_Shapes				*s_TrainInputAreas;
	CSG_Parameters			*p_TrainFeatures;
	TSG_Point				p;
	CvMat					*mat_Weights, *mat_Indices, **mat_data, *mat_neuralLayers, mat_layerSizesSub, *mat_EvalInput, *mat_EvalOutput;	// todo: mat_indices to respect input indices, mat_weights for initialization
	CvANN_MLP_TrainParams	tp_trainParams;
	CvANN_MLP				model;

	b_updateWeights		= Parameters("UPDATE_WEIGHTS"							)->asBool();
	b_noInputScale		= Parameters("NO_INPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	b_noOutputScale		= Parameters("NO_OUTPUT_SCALE"							)->asBool();
	i_layers			= Parameters("NNET_LAYER"								)->asInt();
	i_neurons			= Parameters("NNET_NEURONS"								)->asInt();
	i_maxIter			= Parameters("MAX_ITER"									)->asInt();
	i_areasClassId		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS_CLASS_FIELD"			)->asInt();
	e_dataType			= (DATA_TYPE)Parameters("DATA_TYPE"						)->asInt();
	e_trainMet			= (TRAINING_METHOD)Parameters("TRAINING_METHOD"			)->asInt();
	e_actFunc			= (ACTIVATION_FUNCTION)Parameters("ACTIVATION_FUNCTION"	)->asInt();
	d_alpha				= Parameters("ALPHA"									)->asDouble();
	d_beta				= Parameters("BETA"										)->asDouble();
	d_eps				= Parameters("EPSILON"									)->asDouble();
	t_Weights			= Parameters("WEIGHTS"									)->asTable();
	t_Indices			= Parameters("INDICES"									)->asTable();
	t_TrainInput		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	t_EvalInput			= Parameters("EVAL_INPUT_TABLE"							)->asTable();
	t_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_TABLE"						)->asTable();
	p_TrainFeatures		= Parameters("TRAIN_FEATURES_TABLE"						)->asParameters();
	gl_TrainInputs		= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_GRIDS"						)->asGridList();
	g_EvalOutput		= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CLASSES"					)->asGrid();
	g_EvalOutputCert	= Parameters("EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CERTAINTY"				)->asGrid();
	s_TrainInputAreas	= Parameters("TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS"						)->asShapes();

	// Fixed matrix type (TODO: Analyze what to do for other types of data (i.e. images))
	i_matType = CV_32FC1;

	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// We are working with TABLE data
		if( t_TrainInput->Get_Count() == 0 || p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count() == 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select an input table and at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Count the total number of available features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Count();

		// Count the number of selected output features
		i_outputFeatureIdxs = (int *)SG_Calloc(i_trainFeatTotalCount, sizeof(int));
		i_outputFeatureCount = 0;
		for(int i=0; i<p_TrainFeatures->Get_Count(); i++)
			if( p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->asBool() )
				i_outputFeatureIdxs[i_outputFeatureCount++] = CSG_String(p_TrainFeatures->Get_Parameter(i)->Get_Identifier()).asInt();

		// Update the number of training features
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = i_trainFeatTotalCount-i_outputFeatureCount;

		if( i_outputFeatureCount <= 0 )
			Error_Set(_TL("Select at least one output feature!"));
			return( false );

		// Now convert the input and output training data into a OpenCV matrix objects
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(t_TrainInput, i_matType, i_outputFeatureIdxs, i_outputFeatureCount);
		// TODO: Add some grid validation logic
		i_trainFeatTotalCount = gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count();
		i_outputFeatureCount = s_TrainInputAreas->Get_Count();

		// Convert the data from the grid into the matrix from
		mat_data = GetTrainAndOutputMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType, s_TrainInputAreas, i_areasClassId, g_EvalOutput, g_EvalOutputCert);

	// Add two additional layer to the network topology (0-th layer for input and the last as the output)
	i_layers = i_layers + 2;
	mat_neuralLayers = cvCreateMat(i_layers, 1, CV_32SC1);
	cvGetRows(mat_neuralLayers, &mat_layerSizesSub, 0, i_layers);
	//Setting the number of neurons on each layer
	for (int i = 0; i < i_layers; i++)
		if (i == 0)
			// The first layer needs the same size (number of nerons) as the number of columns in the training data
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_trainFeatTotalCount));
		else if (i == i_layers-1)
			// The last layer needs the same size (number of neurons) as the number of output columns
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_outputFeatureCount));
			// On every other layer set the layer size selected by the user
			cvSet1D(&mat_layerSizesSub, i, cvScalar(i_neurons));	

	// Create the training params object
	tp_trainParams = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams();
	tp_trainParams.term_crit = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, i_maxIter, d_eps);

	// Check which training method was selected and set corresponding params
	if(e_trainMet == RPROP)
		// Set all RPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::RPROP;
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw0 = Parameters("RP_DW0"				)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_plus = Parameters("RP_DW_PLUS"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_minus = Parameters("RP_DW_MINUS"	)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_min = Parameters("RP_DW_MIN"		)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.rp_dw_max = Parameters("RP_DW_MAX"		)->asDouble();
		// Set all BPROP specific params
		tp_trainParams.train_method = CvANN_MLP_TrainParams::BACKPROP;
		tp_trainParams.bp_dw_scale = Parameters("BP_DW_SCALE"			)->asDouble();
		tp_trainParams.bp_moment_scale = Parameters("BP_MOMENT_SCALE"	)->asInt();
	// Create the model (depending on the activation function)
	if(e_actFunc == SIGMOID)
		model.create(mat_neuralLayers, CvANN_MLP::GAUSSIAN, d_alpha, d_beta);

	// Now train the network

	// TODO: Integrate init weights and indicies for record selection
	// mat_Weights  = GetMatrix(t_Weights, i_matType);
	// mat_Indices = GetMatrix(t_Indices, i_matType);
	//model.train(mat_TrainInput, mat_TrainOutput, NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);
	model.train(mat_data[0], mat_data[1], NULL, NULL, tp_trainParams);

	// Predict data
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// Get the eavaluation/test matrix from the eval table
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(t_EvalInput, i_matType);
		// Train and eval data overlap in grid mode
		mat_EvalInput = GetEvalMatrix(gl_TrainInputs, i_matType);

	// Prepare output matrix
	mat_EvalOutput = cvCreateMat(mat_EvalInput->rows, i_outputFeatureCount, i_matType);

	// Start prediction
	model.predict(mat_EvalInput, mat_EvalOutput);

	Message_Add(_TL("Successfully trained the network and predicted the values. Here comes the output."));
	// Save and print results
	if (e_dataType == TABLE)
		// DEBUG -> Save results to output table and print results
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String(t_TrainInput->Get_Field_Name(i_outputFeatureIdxs[i])), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);
		// Fill the output table output
		for (int i = 0; i < i_outputFeatureCount; i++)
			// TODO: Get the class name
			t_EvalOutput->Add_Field(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("CLASS_%d"), i), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		for (int i = 0; i < mat_EvalOutput->rows; i++)
			CSG_Table_Record* tr_record = t_EvalOutput->Add_Record();

			for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
				float f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
				tr_record->Set_Value(j, f_targetValue);

		i_evalOut = 0;

		// Fill the output grid
		for(y=0, p.y=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, p.y+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, p.x=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, p.x+=Get_Cellsize())
				for(i_Grid=0, b_NoData=false; i_Grid<gl_TrainInputs->Get_Count() && !b_NoData; i_Grid++)
					// If there is one grid that has no data in this point p, then set the no data flag
					if( gl_TrainInputs->asGrid(i_Grid)->is_NoData(x, y) )
						b_NoData = true;

				if (!b_NoData)
					// We have data in all grids, so this is a point that was predicted
					// Get the winner class for this point and set it to the output grid
					float f_targetValue = 0;

					for (int j = 0; j < i_outputFeatureCount; j++)
						if (mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j] > f_targetValue)
							// The current value is higher than the last one, so lets memorize the current class
							f_targetValue = mat_EvalOutput->data.fl[i_evalOut*i_outputFeatureCount+j];
							i_winner = j;

					// Now finally set the values to the grids
					g_EvalOutput->Set_Value(x, y, i_winner);
					g_EvalOutputCert->Set_Value(x, y, f_targetValue);


	return( true );
コード例 #19
bool CTC_Parameter_Base::Get_Parameter(CSG_Grid *pValues, CSG_Grid *pParameter)
	DataObject_Set_Colors(pParameter, 10, SG_COLORS_RED_GREY_BLUE, true);

	if( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() == 0 )
		m_Kernel.Get_Weighting().Set_BandWidth(Parameters("SCALE")->asDouble() * m_Kernel.Get_Weighting().Get_BandWidth());

		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				if( pValues->is_NoData(x, y) )
					pParameter->Set_NoData(x, y);
					double	d, w, nTotal = 0.0, nValid = 0.0;

					for(int i=0, ix, iy; i<m_Kernel.Get_Count(); i++)
						if( m_Kernel.Get_Values(i, ix = x, iy = y, d, w, true) && pValues->is_InGrid(ix, iy) )
							nTotal	+= w;

							if( pValues->asInt(ix, iy) != 0 )
								nValid	+= w;

					pParameter->Set_Value(x, y, nTotal > 0.0 ? 100.0 * nValid / nTotal : 0.0);	// make percentage


		double		Cellsize	= Parameters("SCALE")->asInt() * Get_Cellsize();

		if( Cellsize > 0.5 * SG_Get_Length(Get_System()->Get_XRange(), Get_System()->Get_YRange()) )
			Error_Set(_TL("resampling cell size is too large"));

			return( false );

		CSG_Grid	Values(CSG_Grid_System(Cellsize, Get_XMin(), Get_YMin(), Get_XMax(), Get_YMax()), SG_DATATYPE_Float);

		Values.Assign(pValues, GRID_RESAMPLING_Mean_Cells);

		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			double	py	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

			#pragma omp parallel for
			for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				double	z, px	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

				if( pValues->is_NoData(x, y) || !Values.Get_Value(px, py, z, GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline) )
					pParameter->Set_NoData(x, y);
					pParameter->Set_Value(x, y, 100.0 * z);	// make percentage

	return( true );
コード例 #20
ファイル: grid_io.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Native(const CSG_String &File_Name, int xA, int yA, int xN, int yN, bool bBinary)
	bool		bResult		= false;
	CSG_File	Stream;

	if(	Stream.Open(File_Name, SG_FILE_W, false) )
		// Header...

		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_NAME			], Get_Name() );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_DESCRIPTION	], Get_Description() );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_UNITNAME		], Get_Unit() );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %d\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_DATAFILE_OFFSET], 0 );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_DATAFORMAT		], bBinary ? gSG_Data_Type_Identifier[Get_Type()] : SG_T("ASCII") );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_BYTEORDER_BIG	], GRID_FILE_KEY_FALSE );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %.10f\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_POSITION_XMIN	], Get_XMin() + Get_Cellsize() * xA );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %.10f\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_POSITION_YMIN	], Get_YMin() + Get_Cellsize() * yA );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %d\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_CELLCOUNT_X	], xN );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %d\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_CELLCOUNT_Y	], yN );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %.10f\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_CELLSIZE		], Get_Cellsize() );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %f\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_Z_FACTOR		], m_zFactor );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %f\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_NODATA_VALUE	], Get_NoData_Value() );
		Stream.Printf(SG_T("%s\t= %s\n")	, gSG_Grid_File_Key_Names[ GRID_FILE_KEY_TOPTOBOTTOM	], GRID_FILE_KEY_FALSE );

		// Data...

		if( Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path(NULL, File_Name, SG_T("sdat")), SG_FILE_W, true) )
			if( bBinary )
				bResult		= _Save_Binary	(Stream, xA, yA, xN, yN, Get_Type(), false, false);
				bResult		= _Save_ASCII	(Stream, xA, yA, xN, yN);

	return( bResult );
コード例 #21
bool CTIN_From_Grid_Specific_Points::On_Execute(void)
	bool					bResult;
	int						x, y, i;
	CSG_TIN					*pTIN;
	CSG_Grid					*pGrid, Grid;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pValues;
	CSG_Shape					*pPoint;
	CSG_Shapes					Points;

	pGrid	= Parameters("GRID")->asGrid();
	Grid.Create(pGrid, SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

	switch( Parameters("METHOD")->asInt() )
		bResult	= false;

	case 0:
		bResult	= Get_MarkHighestNB	(&Grid, pGrid);

	case 1:
		bResult	= Get_OppositeNB	(&Grid, pGrid, Parameters("HIGH")->asInt());

	case 2:
		bResult	= Get_FlowDirection	(&Grid, pGrid,

	case 3:
		bResult	= Get_FlowDirection2(&Grid, pGrid,

	case 4:
		bResult	= Get_Peucker		(&Grid, pGrid, Parameters("PEUCKER")->asDouble());

	if( bResult )
		pValues	= Parameters("VALUES")->asGridList();

		Points.Add_Field(_TL("VALUE"), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(i=0; i<pValues->Get_Count(); i++)
			Points.Add_Field(pValues->asGrid(i)->Get_Name(), SG_DATATYPE_Double);

		for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
			for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
				if( Grid.asInt(x, y) != 0 )
					pPoint	= Points.Add_Shape();

						Get_XMin() + Get_Cellsize() * x,
						Get_YMin() + Get_Cellsize() * y

					pPoint->Set_Value(0, pGrid->asDouble(x, y));

					for(i=0; i<pValues->Get_Count(); i++)
						pPoint->Set_Value(1 + i, pValues->asGrid(i)->asDouble(x, y));

		if( Points.Get_Count() >= 3 )
			pTIN	= Parameters("TIN")->asTIN();

	return( bResult );
コード例 #22
// This function is executed if the user is pressing the OK button
bool CGrid_Polygon_Clip::On_Execute(void)
	int						x, y, ix, iy, ax, ay, nx, ny;
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids_in, *pGrids_out;
	CSG_Grid				*pGrid_in, *pGrid_out, Mask;
	CSG_Shapes				*pShapes;

	pGrids_in	= Parameters("INPUT"   )->asGridList();
	pGrids_out	= Parameters("OUTPUT"  )->asGridList();
	pShapes		= Parameters("POLYGONS")->asShapes();
	m_bNoData	= Parameters("NODATA"  )->asBool();

	if(	pShapes->Get_Type() == SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon && pShapes->Get_Count() > 0
	&&	Get_System()->Get_Extent().Intersects(pShapes->Get_Extent()) )
		// create temporary grid.
		// Cells within the shapefile get the value +1
		// Cells outside the shapefile get the value -1
		Mask.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Byte);

		// Get_Mask assignes +1 values to gridcells within the shapefile
		// The function has been copied from Module: 'Grid_Statistics_AddTo_Polygon'
		// Function: Get_ShapeIDs(...)
		// and check extent of valid values in Mask to 
		// calculate GridSystem parameters pGrid_out	
		if( Get_Mask(pShapes, &Mask) && Get_Extent(ax, nx, ay, ny, &Mask, pGrids_in) )
			for(int iGrid=0; iGrid<pGrids_in->Get_Count(); iGrid++)
				pGrid_in	= pGrids_in->asGrid(iGrid);

				pGrid_out	= SG_Create_Grid(					// creating the output grid GridSystem
					pGrid_in->Get_Type(), nx, ny, Get_Cellsize(),
					Get_XMin() + ax * Get_Cellsize(),
					Get_YMin() + ay * Get_Cellsize()

				pGrid_out	->Set_Name(pGrid_in->Get_Name());
				pGrid_out	->Set_NoData_Value(pGrid_in->Get_NoData_Value());

				pGrids_out	->Add_Item(pGrid_out);

				// Assign valid values from input grid to the cells of the
				// output grid that are within the borders of the shapefile
				// Assign NoData values to the cells outside the shapefile borders
				for(y=0, iy=ay; y<ny && Set_Progress(y, ny); y++, iy++)
					for(x=0, ix=ax; x<nx; x++, ix++)
						if( Mask.asDouble(ix, iy) == MASK_ON )	// -1 = NoData_Value
							pGrid_out->Set_Value(x, y, pGrid_in->asDouble(ix, iy));
							pGrid_out->Set_NoData(x, y);

			return( true );

	return( false );
コード例 #23
bool CCropToData::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pGrids	= Parameters("INPUT")->asGridList();

	if( pGrids->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Error_Set(_TL("no grids in selection"));

		return( false );

	bool	bCrop	= false;

	int		xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			bool	bData	= false;

			for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count() && !bData; i++)
				if( !pGrids->asGrid(i)->is_NoData(x, y) )
					bData	= true;

			if( bData )
				if( bCrop == false )
					bCrop	= true;

					xMin	= xMax	= x;
					yMin	= yMax	= y;
					if( xMin > x )
						xMin	= x;
					else if( xMax < x )
						xMax	= x;

					if( yMin > y )
						yMin	= y;
					else if( yMax < y )
						yMax	= y;

	if( bCrop == false )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("nothing to crop"), _TL("no valid data found in grid(s)")));
	else if( (1 + xMax - xMin) == Get_NX() && (1 + yMax - yMin) == Get_NY() )
		Message_Add(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s: %s"), _TL("nothing to crop"), _TL("valid data cells match original grid extent")));
		CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pCropped	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();


		for(int i=0; i<pGrids->Get_Count(); i++)
			CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= SG_Create_Grid(
				1 + xMax - xMin,
				1 + yMax - yMin,
				Get_XMin() + xMin * Get_Cellsize(),
				Get_YMin() + yMin * Get_Cellsize()

			pGrid->Assign(pGrids->asGrid(i), GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour);


	return( true );
コード例 #24
CSG_Shape * CWatersheds_ext::Get_Basin(CSG_Grid *pBasins, CSG_Shapes *pPolygons)
	int			x, y, nEdges, Basin_ID;
	CSG_Grid	Edge;
	CSG_Shape	*pPolygon	= NULL;

	Basin_ID	= 1 + pPolygons->Get_Count();

	Edge.Create(SG_DATATYPE_Char, 2 * Get_NX() + 1, 2 * Get_NY() + 1, 0.5 * Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize(), Get_YMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize());

	for(y=0, nEdges=0; y<Get_NY() && Process_Get_Okay(); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( pBasins->asInt(x, y) == Basin_ID )
				for(int i=0; i<8; i+=2)
					int	ix	= Get_xTo(i, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yTo(i, y);

					if( !is_InGrid(ix, iy) || pBasins->asInt(ix, iy) != Basin_ID )
						ix	= 1 + 2 * x;
						iy	= 1 + 2 * y;

						Edge.Set_Value(               ix,                 iy ,  1);
						Edge.Set_Value(Get_xTo(i    , ix), Get_yTo(i    , iy), -1);
						Edge.Set_Value(Get_xTo(i - 1, ix), Get_yTo(i - 1, iy), -1);


	if( nEdges > 0 )
		for(int yEdge=0; yEdge<Edge.Get_NY(); yEdge++)	for(int xEdge=0; xEdge<Edge.Get_NX(); xEdge++)
			int	i	= 4;

			if( Edge.asInt(xEdge, yEdge) == 1 && Edge.asInt(Get_xTo(i, xEdge), Get_yTo(i, yEdge)) == -1 )
				if( pPolygon == NULL )
					pPolygon	= pPolygons->Add_Shape();

				int	iPart	= pPolygon->Get_Part_Count();
				int	xFirst	= x	= Get_xTo(i, xEdge);
				int	yFirst	= y	= Get_yTo(i, yEdge);
				i	= i + 2;

				pPolygon	->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

					int	ix	= Get_xTo(i + 2, x);
					int	iy	= Get_yTo(i + 2, y);

					if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )			// go right ?
						pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

						i	= (i + 2) % 8;
						if( Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == 1 )
							Edge.Set_NoData(ix, iy);	// erase class id in right cells

						ix	= Get_xTo(i, x);
						iy	= Get_yTo(i, y);

						if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )		// go ahead ?
							// nop
							ix	= Get_xTo(i + 6, x);
							iy	= Get_yTo(i + 6, y);

							if( Edge.is_InGrid(ix, iy) && Edge.asInt(ix, iy) == -1 )	// go left ?
								pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

								i	= (i + 6) % 8;
								return( false );

					x	= ix;
					y	= iy;
				while( x != xFirst || y != yFirst );

				pPolygon->Add_Point(Edge.Get_System().Get_Grid_to_World(x, y), iPart);

	return( pPolygon );
コード例 #25
bool CSADO_SolarRadiation::Initialise(void)
	int		x, y;


	CSG_Colors	c(100, SG_COLORS_YELLOW_RED, true);

	c.Set_Ramp(SG_GET_RGB(  0,   0,  64), SG_GET_RGB(255, 159,   0),  0, 50);
	c.Set_Ramp(SG_GET_RGB(255, 159,   0), SG_GET_RGB(255, 255, 255), 50, 99);

	if( m_pSumDirect )
		DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pSumDirect, c);

		if( m_bUpdateDirect )
			m_TmpDirect.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
			DataObject_Update(m_pSumDirect, true);

	if( m_pSumDiffus )
		DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pSumDiffus, c);

		if( m_bUpdateDiffus )
			m_TmpDiffus.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
			DataObject_Update(m_pSumDiffus, true);

	if( m_pSumTotal )
		m_pSumTotal ->Assign(0.0);
		m_pSumTotal ->Set_Unit(_TL("Joule"));
		DataObject_Set_Colors(m_pSumTotal , c);

		if( m_bUpdateTotal )
			m_TmpTotal.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
			DataObject_Update(m_pSumTotal , true);

	Process_Set_Text(_TL("initialising gradient..."));

	m_Shade .Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Byte);
	m_Slope .Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
	m_Aspect.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			double	s, a;

			if( m_pDEM->Get_Gradient(x, y, s, a) )
				m_Slope .Set_Value(x, y, s);
				m_Aspect.Set_Value(x, y, a);
				m_Slope .Set_NoData(x, y);
				m_Aspect.Set_NoData(x, y);

	if( m_bBending )
		Process_Set_Text(_TL("initialising planetary bending..."));

		CSG_Grid	*pLat	= Parameters("GRD_LAT")->asGrid(),
				*pLon	= Parameters("GRD_LON")->asGrid();

		m_Lat		.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		m_Lon		.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		m_Decline	.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);
		m_Azimuth	.Create(*Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Float);

		if( pLat || pLon )
			if( pLat )
				m_Lat	= *pLat;
				m_Lat	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;

			if( pLon )
				m_Lon	= *pLon;
				m_Lon	*= M_DEG_TO_RAD;

			double	d, dx, dy, dxA, dyA;

			d	= M_DEG_TO_RAD / (Parameters("RADIUS")->asDouble() * M_PI / 180.0);

			switch( Parameters("LON_OFFSET")->asInt() )
			case 0:	dxA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_XMin();	break;	// left
			case 1:	dxA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_XCenter();	break;	// center
			case 2:	dxA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_XMax();	break;	// right
			case 3:	dxA	= Parameters("LON_REF_USER")->asDouble();	break;	// user defined coordinate

			switch( Parameters("LAT_OFFSET")->asInt() )
			case 0:	dyA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_YMin();	break;	// bottom
			case 1:	dyA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_YCenter();	break;	// center
			case 2:	dyA	= Get_System()->Get_Extent().Get_YMax();	break;	// top
			case 3:	dyA	= Parameters("LAT_REF_USER")->asDouble();	break;	// user defined coordinate

			dxA	 = d * (Get_XMin() - dxA);
			dyA	 = d * (Get_YMin() - dyA) + m_Latitude;
			d	*= Get_Cellsize();

			for(y=0, dy=dyA; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++, dy+=d)
				for(x=0, dx=dxA; x<Get_NX(); x++, dx+=d)
					m_Lat.Set_Value(x, y, dy);
					m_Lon.Set_Value(x, y, dx);

	return( true );
コード例 #26
ファイル: grid_operation.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
CSG_Grid & CSG_Grid::_Operation_Arithmetic(const CSG_Grid &Grid, TSG_Grid_Operation Operation)
	if( is_Intersecting(Grid.Get_Extent()) )
		int						x, y;
		double					xWorld, yWorld, Value;
		TSG_Grid_Interpolation	Interpolation;

		Interpolation	=	Get_Cellsize() == Grid.Get_Cellsize() && fmod(Get_XMin() - Grid.Get_XMin(), Get_Cellsize()) == 0.0
						&&	Get_Cellsize() == Grid.Get_Cellsize() && fmod(Get_YMin() - Grid.Get_YMin(), Get_Cellsize()) == 0.0
						?	GRID_INTERPOLATION_NearestNeighbour

		for(y=0, yWorld=Get_YMin(); y<Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++, yWorld+=Get_Cellsize())
			for(x=0, xWorld=Get_XMin(); x<Get_NX(); x++, xWorld+=Get_Cellsize())
				if( !Grid.Get_Value(xWorld, yWorld, Value, Interpolation, true) )
					Set_NoData(x, y);
				else switch( Operation )
				case GRID_OPERATION_Addition:
					Add_Value(x, y,  Value);

				case GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction:
					Add_Value(x, y, -Value);

				case GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication:
					Mul_Value(x, y,  Value);

				case GRID_OPERATION_Division:
					if( Value != 0.0 )
						Mul_Value(x, y, 1.0 / Value);
						Set_NoData(x, y);


		switch( Operation )
		case GRID_OPERATION_Addition:
			Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), Grid.Get_Name())->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Addition"));

		case GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction:
			Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), Grid.Get_Name())->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Subtraction"));

		case GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication:
			Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), Grid.Get_Name())->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Multiplication"));

		case GRID_OPERATION_Division:
			Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), Grid.Get_Name())->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Division"));

		Get_History()	+= ((CSG_Grid *)&Grid)->Get_History();

	return( *this );
コード例 #27
ファイル: grid_operation.cpp プロジェクト: am2222/SAGA-GIS
bool CSG_Grid::_Assign_MeanValue(CSG_Grid *pGrid, bool bAreaProportional)
	if( Get_Cellsize() < pGrid->Get_Cellsize() || is_Intersecting(pGrid->Get_Extent()) == INTERSECTION_None )
		return( false );

	int			x, y, ix, iy, jx, jy;
	double		px, py, ax, ay, d, w, wx, wy, z;
	CSG_Matrix	S(Get_NY(), Get_NX()), N(Get_NY(), Get_NX());

	d	= pGrid->Get_Cellsize() / Get_Cellsize();



	if( bAreaProportional == false )
		ax	= 0.5 + (pGrid->Get_XMin() - Get_XMin()) / Get_Cellsize();
		ay	= 0.5 + (pGrid->Get_YMin() - Get_YMin()) / Get_Cellsize();

		for(y=0, py=ay; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++, py+=d)
			if( (iy = (int)floor(py)) >= 0 && iy < Get_NY() )
				for(x=0, px=ax; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++, px+=d)
					if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && (ix = (int)floor(px)) >= 0 && ix < Get_NX() )
						S[ix][iy]	+= pGrid->asDouble(x, y);
						N[ix][iy]	++;

	else // if( bAreaProportional == true )
		ax	= ((pGrid->Get_XMin() - 0.5 * pGrid->Get_Cellsize()) - (Get_XMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize())) / Get_Cellsize();
		ay	= ((pGrid->Get_YMin() - 0.5 * pGrid->Get_Cellsize()) - (Get_YMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize())) / Get_Cellsize();

		for(y=0, py=ay; y<pGrid->Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, pGrid->Get_NY()); y++, py+=d)
			if( py > -d || py < Get_NY() )
				iy	= (int)floor(py);
				wy	= (py + d) - iy;
				wy	= wy < 1.0 ? 1.0 : wy - 1.0; 

				for(x=0, px=ax; x<pGrid->Get_NX(); x++, px+=d)
					if( !pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && (px > -d && px < Get_NX()) )
						ix	= (int)floor(px);
						wx	= (px + d) - ix;
						wx	= wx < 1.0 ? 1.0 : wx - 1.0; 

						z	= pGrid->asDouble(x, y);

						if( iy >= 0 && iy < Get_NY() )		// wy > 0.0 is always true
							if( ix >= 0 && ix < Get_NX() )	// wx > 0.0 is always true
								w	= wx * wy;
								S[ix][iy]	+= w * z;
								N[ix][iy]	+= w;

							if( wx < 1.0 && (jx = ix + 1) >= 0 && jx < Get_NX() )
								w	= (1.0 - wx) * wy;
								S[jx][iy]	+= w * z;
								N[jx][iy]	+= w;

						if( wy < 1.0 && (jy = iy + 1) >= 0 && jy < Get_NY() )
							if( ix >= 0 && ix < Get_NX() )
								w	= wx * (1.0 - wy);
								S[ix][jy]	+= w * z;
								N[ix][jy]	+= w;

							if( wx < 1.0 && (jx = ix + 1) >= 0 && jx < Get_NX() )
								w	= (1.0 - wx) * (1.0 - wy);
								S[jx][jy]	+= w * z;
								N[jx][jy]	+= w;

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(y, Get_NY()); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( N[x][y] )
				Set_Value(x, y, S[x][y] / N[x][y]);
				Set_NoData(x, y);

	Get_History()	= pGrid->Get_History();
	Get_History().Add_Child(SG_T("GRID_OPERATION"), CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%f -> %f"), pGrid->Get_Cellsize(), Get_Cellsize()))->Add_Property(SG_T("NAME"), LNG("Resampling"));


	return( true );
コード例 #28
bool CGrid_Gaps_Resampling::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= Parameters("RESULT")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pMask	= Parameters("MASK"  )->asGrid();

	if( pGrid == NULL )
		pGrid	= Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid();
		pGrid->Fmt_Name("%s [%s]", Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid()->Get_Name(), _TL("no gaps"));

	TSG_Grid_Resampling	Resampling;

	switch( Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asInt() )
	default: Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour; break;
	case  1: Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear        ; break;
	case  2: Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline   ; break;
	case  3: Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline         ; break;

	CSG_Grid_Pyramid	Pyramid;

	if( !Pyramid.Create(pGrid, Parameters("GROW")->asDouble()) )
		Error_Set(_TL("failed to create pyramid"));

		return( false );

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		double	py	= Get_YMin() + y * Get_Cellsize();

		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( pGrid->is_NoData(x, y) && (!pMask || !pMask->is_NoData(x, y)) )
				double	px	= Get_XMin() + x * Get_Cellsize();

				for(int i=0; i<Pyramid.Get_Count(); i++)
					CSG_Grid	*pPatch	= Pyramid.Get_Grid(i);

					if( pPatch->is_InGrid_byPos(px, py) )
						pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, pPatch->Get_Value(px, py, Resampling));


	if( pGrid == Parameters("INPUT")->asGrid() )

	return( true );
コード例 #29
bool CWatershed_Segmentation::Get_Borders(void)

    CSG_Grid	*pBorders	= SG_Create_Grid(SG_DATATYPE_Byte, Get_NX() + 2, Get_NY() + 2, Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize(), Get_YMin() - 0.5 * Get_Cellsize());



    for(int y=0, yy=1; yy<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(yy); y++, yy++)
        for(int x=0, xx=1; xx<Get_NX(); x++, xx++)
            int		id	= m_pSegments->asInt(x, y);

            if( id != m_pSegments->asInt(xx,  y) )
                pBorders->Set_Value(xx,  y, 1);

            if( id != m_pSegments->asInt( x, yy) )
                pBorders->Set_Value( x, yy, 1);

            if( id != m_pSegments->asInt(xx, yy) )
                pBorders->Set_Value(xx, yy, 1);

    return( true );
コード例 #30
bool CGCS_Grid_Longitude_Range::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pInput		= Parameters("INPUT" )->asGridList();
	CSG_Parameter_Grid_List	*pOutput	= Parameters("OUTPUT")->asGridList();

	if( pInput->Get_Count() <= 0 )
		Message_Dlg(_TL("nothing to do: no data in selection"));

		return( false );


	int				xZero;
	CSG_Grid_System	Target;

	if( Parameters("DIRECTION")->asInt() == 0 )	// 0 - 360 >> -180 - 180
		if( Get_XMax() <= 180.0 )
			Message_Add(_TL("Nothing to do. Raster is already within target range."));

			return( true );
		else if( Get_XMin() >= 180.0 )
			xZero	= 0;

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 360.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());
		else if( Get_XMax() - 360.0 < Get_XMin() - Get_Cellsize() )
			Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do be done. Raster splitting is not supported."));

			return( false );
			xZero	= (int)(0.5 + 180.0 / Get_Cellsize());

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 180.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());

	else										// -180 - 180 >> 0 - 360
		if( Get_XMin() >= 0.0 )
			Message_Add(_TL("Nothing to do. Raster is already within target range."));

			return( true );
		else if( Get_XMax() <= 0.0 )
			xZero	= 0;

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() + 360.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());
		else if( Get_XMin() + 360.0 > Get_XMax() + Get_Cellsize() )
			Error_Set(_TL("Nothing to do be done. Raster splitting is not supported."));

			return( false );
			xZero	= (int)(0.5 + 180.0 / Get_Cellsize());

			Target.Assign(Get_Cellsize(), Get_XMin() - 180.0, Get_YMin(), Get_NX(), Get_NY());

	for(int i=0; i<pInput->Get_Count() && Process_Get_Okay(); i++)
		CSG_Grid	*pIn	= pInput->asGrid(i);
		CSG_Grid	*pOut	= SG_Create_Grid(Target, pIn->Get_Type());

		pOut->Set_NoData_Value_Range(pIn->Get_NoData_Value(), pIn->Get_NoData_hiValue());


		for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
			for(int x=0, xx=xZero; x<Get_NX(); x++, xx++)
				if( xx >= Get_NX() )
					xx	= 0;

				pOut->Set_Value(xx, y, pIn->asDouble(x, y));

	return( true );