コード例 #1
ファイル: slider.cpp プロジェクト: Annovae/Dolphin-Core
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateSlider( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    wxInt32 value,
                                    wxInt32 minimum,
                                    wxInt32 maximum,
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long style,
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );
    int tickMarks = 0;
    if ( style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS )
        tickMarks = (maximum - minimum) + 1; // +1 for the 0 value

    // keep the number of tickmarks from becoming unwieldly, therefore below it is ok to cast
    // it to a UInt16
    while (tickMarks > 20)
        tickMarks /= 5;

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacSliderCarbonControl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateSliderControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        value, minimum, maximum,
        (UInt16) tickMarks, true /* liveTracking */,
        peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    return peer;
コード例 #2
ファイル: spinbutt.cpp プロジェクト: gitrider/wxsj2
bool wxSpinButton::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
        long style, const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if ( !wxSpinButtonBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
                                   style, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
        return false;

    m_min = 0;
    m_max = 100;

    if (!parent)
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateLittleArrowsControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , 0 , m_min , m_max , 1 ,
     m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    m_peer->SetActionProc( GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() ) ;
    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return true;
コード例 #3
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateScrollBar( wxWindowMac* wxpeer,
                                    wxWindowMac* parent,
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id),
                                    const wxPoint& pos,
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style),
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer, pos, size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxOSXScrollBarCarbonImpl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateScrollBarControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        0, 0, 100, 1, true /* liveTracking */,
        peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );
    return peer;
コード例 #4
// Scrollbar
bool wxScrollBar::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
           const wxPoint& pos,
           const wxSize& size, long style,
           const wxValidator& validator,
           const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = FALSE ;
    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return FALSE;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateScrollBarControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds , 
    0 , 0 , 100 , 1 , true /* liveTracking */ , GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return TRUE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: spinbutt.cpp プロジェクト: jonntd/dynamica
wxWidgetImplType* wxWidgetImpl::CreateSpinButton( wxWindowMac* wxpeer, 
                                    wxWindowMac* parent, 
                                    wxWindowID WXUNUSED(id), 
                                    wxInt32 value,
                                    wxInt32 minimum,
                                    wxInt32 maximum,
                                    const wxPoint& pos, 
                                    const wxSize& size,
                                    long WXUNUSED(style), 
                                    long WXUNUSED(extraStyle))
    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxpeer , pos , size );

    wxMacControl* peer = new wxMacControl( wxpeer );
    OSStatus err = CreateLittleArrowsControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds, value, 
        minimum, maximum, 1, peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    peer->SetActionProc( GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() );
    return peer ;
コード例 #6
ファイル: slider.cpp プロジェクト: czxxjtu/wxPython-1
bool wxSlider::Create(wxWindow *parent,
    wxWindowID id,
    int value, int minValue, int maxValue,
    const wxPoint& pos,
    const wxSize& size, long style,
    const wxValidator& validator,
    const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false;

    m_macMinimumStatic = NULL;
    m_macMaximumStatic = NULL;
    m_macValueStatic = NULL;

    m_lineSize = 1;
    m_tickFreq = 0;

    m_rangeMax = maxValue;
    m_rangeMin = minValue;

    m_pageSize = (int)((maxValue - minValue) / 10);

    // our styles are redundant: wxSL_LEFT/RIGHT imply wxSL_VERTICAL and
    // wxSL_TOP/BOTTOM imply wxSL_HORIZONTAL, but for backwards compatibility
    // reasons we can't really change it, instead try to infer the orientation
    // from the flags given to us here
    switch ( style & (wxSL_LEFT | wxSL_RIGHT | wxSL_TOP | wxSL_BOTTOM) )
        case wxSL_LEFT:
        case wxSL_RIGHT:
            style |= wxSL_VERTICAL;

        case wxSL_TOP:
        case wxSL_BOTTOM:
            style |= wxSL_HORIZONTAL;

        case 0:
            // no specific direction, do we have at least the orientation?
            if ( !(style & (wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_VERTICAL)) )
                // no: choose default
                style |= wxSL_BOTTOM | wxSL_HORIZONTAL;

    wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & wxSL_VERTICAL) || !(style & wxSL_HORIZONTAL),
        wxT("incompatible slider direction and orientation") );

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size );

    // NB: (RN) Ticks here are sometimes off in the GUI if there
    // are not as many tick marks as there are values
    int tickMarks = 0;
    if ( style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS )
        tickMarks = (maxValue - minValue) + 1; // +1 for the 0 value

    // keep the number of tickmarks from becoming unwieldly, therefore below it is ok to cast
    // it to a UInt16
    while (tickMarks > 20)
        tickMarks /= 5;

    m_peer = new wxMacControl( this );
    OSStatus err = CreateSliderControl(
        MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds,
        value, minValue, maxValue,
        (UInt16) tickMarks, true /* liveTracking */,
        m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
    verify_noerr( err );

    if (style & wxSL_VERTICAL)
        // Forces SetSize to use the proper width
        SetSizeHints(10, -1, 10, -1);
        // Forces SetSize to use the proper height
        SetSizeHints(-1, 10, -1, 10);

    // NB: SetSizeHints is overloaded by wxSlider and will substitute 10 with the
    // proper dimensions, it also means other people cannot bugger the slider with
    // other values

    if (style & wxSL_LABELS)
        m_macMinimumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macMaximumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macValueStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );

    SetRange(minValue, maxValue);

    MacPostControlCreate(pos, size);

    return true;
コード例 #7
bool wxSlider::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                      int value, int minValue, int maxValue,
                      const wxPoint& pos,
                      const wxSize& size, long style,
                      const wxValidator& validator,
                      const wxString& name)
    m_macIsUserPane = false ;

    if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    m_macMinimumStatic = NULL ;
    m_macMaximumStatic = NULL ;
    m_macValueStatic = NULL ;

    m_lineSize = 1;
    m_tickFreq = 0;

    m_rangeMax = maxValue;
    m_rangeMin = minValue;

    m_pageSize = (int)((maxValue-minValue)/10);

    Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;

    // NB: (RN) Ticks here are sometimes off in the GUI if there
    // is not as many ticks as there are values
    UInt16 tickMarks = 0 ;
    if ( style & wxSL_AUTOTICKS )
        tickMarks = (maxValue - minValue) + 1; //+1 for the 0 value

    while (tickMarks > 20)
        tickMarks /= 5; //keep the number of tickmarks from becoming unwieldly

    m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
    verify_noerr ( CreateSliderControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds ,
        value , minValue , maxValue , kControlSliderPointsDownOrRight , tickMarks , true /* liveTracking */ ,
        GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() ) );

    if(style & wxSL_VERTICAL) {
        SetSizeHints(10, -1, 10, -1);  // Forces SetSize to use the proper width
    else {
        SetSizeHints(-1, 10, -1, 10);  // Forces SetSize to use the proper height
    // NB!  SetSizeHints is overloaded by wxSlider and will substitute 10 with the
    // proper dimensions, it also means other people cannot bugger the slider with
    // other values

    if(style & wxSL_LABELS)
        m_macMinimumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macMaximumStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        m_macValueStatic = new wxStaticText( parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
        SetRange(minValue, maxValue);

    MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;

    return true;