コード例 #1
ファイル: BoardModel.cpp プロジェクト: zc5872061/wonderland
void BoardModel::getPath(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
//	Log("Threaded pathfinding - from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d)", startX, startY, endX, endY);
	m_startGrid = GridInfo(startX, startY);
	m_endGrid = GridInfo(endX, endY);
	m_thread = GameThread::createThread(this);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Action_Grid.cpp プロジェクト: SAMAN-64/cpptraj
// Action_Grid::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Grid::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  nframes_ = 0;
  // Get output filename
  std::string filename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out");
  // Get grid options
  grid_ = GridInit( "GRID", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  // Get extra options
  max_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("max", 0.80);
  madura_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("madura", 0);
  smooth_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("smoothdensity", 0);
  invert_ = actionArgs.hasKey("invert");
  pdbfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("pdb"),"Grid PDB",DataFileList::PDB,true);
  density_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("density",0.033456);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("normframe")) normalize_ = TO_FRAME;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("normdensity")) normalize_ = TO_DENSITY;
  else normalize_ = NONE;
  if (normalize_ != NONE && (smooth_ > 0.0 || madura_ > 0.0)) {
    mprinterr("Error: Normalize options are not compatible with smoothdensity/madura options.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GRID: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Setup output file
  // For backwards compat., if no 'out' assume next string is filename
  if (filename.empty() && actionArgs.Nargs() > 1 && !actionArgs.Marked(1))
    filename = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(filename, actionArgs);
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet((DataSet*)grid_);

  // Info
  mprintf("    GRID:\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  if (outfile != 0) mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tGrid data set: '%s'\n", grid_->legend());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  if (pdbfile_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tPseudo-PDB will be printed to %s\n", pdbfile_->Filename().full());
  if (normalize_ == TO_FRAME)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized by number of frames.\n");
  else if (normalize_ == TO_DENSITY)
    mprintf("\tGrid will be normalized to a density of %g molecules/Ang^3.\n", density_);
  // TODO: print extra options

  return Action::OK;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BoardModel.cpp プロジェクト: zc5872061/wonderland
GridInfo BoardModel::findGrid(const Ball* ball) const
	for(int j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
		for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
			if(m_grids[i][j].ball.get() == ball)
				return GridInfo(i, j);
	Log("Wrong pointer supplied - %p", ball);
	Log("Ball's color - %d", ball->getBallColor());
	assert(!"Wrong pointer supplied!");
	return GridInfo(-1, -1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: BoardModel.cpp プロジェクト: zc5872061/wonderland
const BoardModel::GridInfoContainer& BoardModel::getOccupiedGrids() const
	static GridInfoContainer occupied;
	for(int j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
		for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
			if(m_grids[i][j].ball != null)
				occupied.push_back(GridInfo(i, j));
	return occupied;
コード例 #5
ファイル: BoardModel.cpp プロジェクト: zc5872061/wonderland
const BoardModel::GridInfoContainer& BoardModel::getFreeGrids() const
	static GridInfoContainer empty;
	for(int j = 0; j < COUNT; ++j)
		for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i)
			if(m_grids[i][j].ball == null)
				empty.push_back(GridInfo(i, j));
	return empty;
コード例 #6
// Action_GridFreeEnergy::init()
Action::RetType Action_GridFreeEnergy::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get output filename
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringNext(), actionArgs);
  if (outfile == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: no output filename specified.\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  // Get grid options (<nx> <dx> <ny> <dy> <nz> <dz> [box|origin] [negative])
  grid_ = GridInit( "GridFreeEnergy", actionArgs, init.DSL() );
  if (grid_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
# ifdef MPI
  if (ParallelGridInit(init.TrajComm(), grid_)) return Action::ERR;
# endif
  //grid_.PrintXplor( filename_, "", "REMARKS Change in Free energy from bulk solvent with bin normalisation of " + integerToString(currentLargestVoxelOccupancyCount) );

  // Get mask
  std::string maskexpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (maskexpr.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: GridFreeEnergy: No mask specified.\n");
    init.DSL().RemoveSet( grid_ );
    return Action::ERR;

  // Get extra args
  tempInKevin_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("temp", 293.0);
  outfile->AddDataSet( grid_ );

  // Info
  mprintf("Warning: DNAIONTRACKER is experimental code!\n");
  mprintf("    GridFreeEnergy\n");
  GridInfo( *grid_ );
  mprintf("\tGrid will be printed to file %s\n",outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tMask expression: [%s]\n",mask_.MaskString());
  mprintf("\tTemp is : %f K\n",tempInKevin_);

  // Allocate grid
  //if (GridAllocate()) return 1;

  return Action::OK;