コード例 #1
GridMap GridMap::getSubmap(const Eigen::Vector2d& position, const Eigen::Array2d& length, Eigen::Array2i& indexInSubmap, bool& isSuccess)
  // Submap the generate.
  GridMap submap(types_);

  // Get submap geometric information.
  Array2i topLeftIndex;
  Array2i submapBufferSize;
  Eigen::Vector2d submapPosition;
  Array2d submapLength;

  if (!getSubmapInformation(topLeftIndex, submapBufferSize, submapPosition, submapLength, indexInSubmap, position,
                       length, length_, position_, resolution_, bufferSize_, bufferStartIndex_)) {
    isSuccess = false;
    return GridMap(types_);

  submap.setGeometry(submapLength, resolution_, submapPosition);
  submap.bufferStartIndex_.setZero(); // Because of the way we copy the data below.

  // Copy data.
  std::vector<Eigen::Array2i> submapIndeces;
  std::vector<Eigen::Array2i> submapSizes;

  if (!getBufferRegionsForSubmap(submapIndeces, submapSizes, topLeftIndex, submap.bufferSize_, bufferSize_, bufferStartIndex_)) {
    cout << "Cannot access submap of this size." << endl;
    isSuccess = false;
    return GridMap(types_);

  for (auto& data : data_) {
    submap.data_[data.first].topLeftCorner    (submapSizes[0](0), submapSizes[0](1)) = data.second.block(submapIndeces[0](0), submapIndeces[0](1), submapSizes[0](0), submapSizes[0](1));
    submap.data_[data.first].topRightCorner   (submapSizes[1](0), submapSizes[1](1)) = data.second.block(submapIndeces[1](0), submapIndeces[1](1), submapSizes[1](0), submapSizes[1](1));
    submap.data_[data.first].bottomLeftCorner (submapSizes[2](0), submapSizes[2](1)) = data.second.block(submapIndeces[2](0), submapIndeces[2](1), submapSizes[2](0), submapSizes[2](1));
    submap.data_[data.first].bottomRightCorner(submapSizes[3](0), submapSizes[3](1)) = data.second.block(submapIndeces[3](0), submapIndeces[3](1), submapSizes[3](0), submapSizes[3](1));

  isSuccess = true;
  return submap;
コード例 #2
  void ModelContainerView::generateHeightMap(int pMapId, int x, int y)
      //TODO: Fix this in general.
      //Here we need to load the GridMap from .map file. then generate vertex map from heigh points.
      GridMap mapArray[64][64]; //TODO: make smaller array and recalculate matching gridmap.
      for (int x1 = x-1; x1 <= x+1; ++x1)
        for (int y1 = y-1; y1 <= y+1; ++y1) {
            mapArray[x1][y1] = GridMap();
            char tmp[12];
            sprintf(tmp, "%03u%02u%02u.map",pMapId,x1,y1);
            std::string gmap =  gMapDataDir + "/" + tmp;
            if (mapArray[x1][y1].loadData(gmap.c_str()))
                printf("Loaded %s\n", gmap.c_str());
    float x_min,y_min,x_max, y_max;
    x_max = (32-x)*SIZE_OF_GRIDS + 50;
    y_max = (32-y)*SIZE_OF_GRIDS + 50;
    x_min = (32-x)*SIZE_OF_GRIDS - 533 - 50;
    y_min = (32-y)*SIZE_OF_GRIDS - 533 - 50;
    for (float x = x_min; x < x_max-2;x += 2)
        for (float y = y_min; y < y_max-2;y += 2) {
            int gx,gy;
            // Here we need to add vertexes. so 3 Vector3 for each triangle.
            // FIXME: This is overly efficient since we visit each vector3 multipletimes during loop.
            gx = (int)(32 - x / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            gy = (int)(32 - y / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            float heightxy = mapArray[gx][gy].getHeight(x,y);
            gx = (int)(32 - (x+2) / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            float heightx1y = mapArray[gx][gy].getHeight(x+2,y);
            gx = (int)(32 - x / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            gy = (int)(32 - (y+2) / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            float heightxy1 = mapArray[gx][gy].getHeight(x,y+2);
            gx = (int)(32 - (x+2) / SIZE_OF_GRIDS);
            float heightx1y1 = mapArray[gx][gy].getHeight(x+2,y+2);
            Vector3 vector1(x,y,heightxy);
            Vector3 vector2(x+2,y,heightx1y);
            Vector3 vector3(x,y+2,heightxy1);
            Vector3 vector4(x+2,y+2,heightx1y1);
             * vector1 ------ vector2
             *   |     \     /    |
             *   |      \   /     |
             *   |       \ /      |
             *   |        X       |
             *   |       / \      |
             *   |      /   \     |
             *   |     /     \    |
             * vector3 -------- vector4

            Triangle t1 = Triangle(vector1,vector4,vector3);
            Triangle t2 = Triangle(vector1,vector2,vector4);
            // Check if the center of this Triangle is deep under water. (here: 1 meter)
            Vector3 center = t1.center();
            if (mapArray[(int)(32 - center.x / SIZE_OF_GRIDS)][(int)(32 - center.y / SIZE_OF_GRIDS)].getLiquidLevel(center.x,center.y) < center.z - 1.f)
            center = t2.center();
            if (mapArray[(int)(32 - center.x / SIZE_OF_GRIDS)][(int)(32 - center.y / SIZE_OF_GRIDS)].getLiquidLevel(center.x,center.y) < center.z - 1.f)