コード例 #1
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void pack_table(Table *table)
{ _Table *object  = (_Table *) (((char *) table) - Table_Offset);
  if (object->vsize > table_vsize(table))
    { object->vsize = table_vsize(table);
      if (object->vsize != 0)
        table->vector = Guarded_Realloc(table->vector,
        { free(table->vector);
          table->vector = NULL;
  if (object->csize > table_csize(table))
    { object->csize = table_csize(table);
      if (object->csize != 0)
        table->cells = Guarded_Realloc(table->cells,
        { free(table->cells);
          table->cells = NULL;
  if (object->ssize > table_ssize(table))
    { object->ssize = table_ssize(table);
      if (object->ssize != 0)
        table->strings = Guarded_Realloc(table->strings,
        { free(table->strings);
          table->strings = NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
void Parse_Stack_Name(char *file_name, char **prefix, int *num_width, int *first_num)
{ static char *Prefix = NULL;
  static int   Prefix_Max = 0;

  char *s, *t, c;

  s = file_name + strlen(file_name) - 4;
  if (strcmp(s,".tif") != 0)
    error("1st file, %s, in stack does not have .tif extension",file_name);
  t = s;
  while (t > file_name && isdigit(t[-1]))
    t -= 1;
  if (s-t <= 0)
    error("No number sequence in stack file names %s",file_name);

  if (t-file_name > Prefix_Max)
    { Prefix_Max = (int)((t-file_name)*1.2 + 20);
      Prefix     = (char *) Guarded_Realloc(Prefix,Prefix_Max+1,"Parse_Stack_Name");

  c = *t;
  *t = '\0';
  *t = c;

  *prefix    = Prefix;
  *num_width = s-t;
  *first_num = atoi(t);
コード例 #3
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline Table *new_table(int vsize, int csize, int ssize, char *routine)
{ _Table *object;
  Table  *table;

  if (Free_Table_List == NULL)
    { object = (_Table *) Guarded_Realloc(NULL,sizeof(_Table),routine);
      table = &(object->table);
      object->vsize = 0;
      table->vector = NULL;
      object->csize = 0;
      table->cells = NULL;
      object->ssize = 0;
      table->strings = NULL;
    { object = Free_Table_List;
      Free_Table_List = object->next;
      table = &(object->table);
  Table_Inuse += 1;
  object->refcnt = 1;
  if (Use_Table_List != NULL)
    Use_Table_List->prev = object;
  object->next = Use_Table_List;
  object->prev = NULL;
  Use_Table_List = object;
  return (table);
コード例 #4
ファイル: cdf.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline Cdf *new_cdf(int tsize, char *routine)
{ _Cdf *object;
  Cdf  *cdf;

  if (Free_Cdf_List == NULL)
    { object = (_Cdf *) Guarded_Realloc(NULL,sizeof(_Cdf),routine);
      cdf = &(object->cdf);
      object->tsize = 0;
      cdf->tab = NULL;
    { object = Free_Cdf_List;
      Free_Cdf_List = object->next;
      cdf = &(object->cdf);
  Cdf_Inuse += 1;
  object->refcnt = 1;
  if (Use_Cdf_List != NULL)
    Use_Cdf_List->prev = object;
  object->next = Use_Cdf_List;
  object->prev = NULL;
  Use_Cdf_List = object;
  return (cdf);
コード例 #5
ファイル: cdf.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void allocate_cdf_tab(Cdf *cdf, int tsize, char *routine)
{ _Cdf *object = (_Cdf *) (((char *) cdf) - Cdf_Offset);
  if (object->tsize < tsize)
    { cdf->tab = Guarded_Realloc(cdf->tab,tsize,routine);
      object->tsize = tsize;
コード例 #6
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void allocate_table_cells(Table *table, int csize, char *routine)
{ _Table *object = (_Table *) (((char *) table) - Table_Offset);
  if (object->csize < csize)
    { table->cells = Guarded_Realloc(table->cells,csize,routine);
      object->csize = csize;
コード例 #7
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void allocate_table_vector(Table *table, int vsize, char *routine)
{ _Table *object = (_Table *) (((char *) table) - Table_Offset);
  if (object->vsize < vsize)
    { table->vector = Guarded_Realloc(table->vector,vsize,routine);
      object->vsize = vsize;
コード例 #8
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void allocate_table_strings(Table *table, int ssize, char *routine)
{ _Table *object = (_Table *) (((char *) table) - Table_Offset);
  if (object->ssize < ssize)
    { table->strings = Guarded_Realloc(table->strings,ssize,routine);
      object->ssize = ssize;
コード例 #9
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
inline void pack_image(Image *image)
{ _Image *object  = (_Image *) (((char *) image) - Image_Offset);
  if (object->asize != image_asize(image))
    { object->asize = image_asize(image);
      object->image.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(object->image.array,
コード例 #10
ファイル: poly.c プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
void polyfit_realloc_workspace( int n, int degree, double **workspace )
{ degree += 1; // e.g. for degree 2 need 3 coefficients
  { *workspace = Guarded_Realloc(*workspace, sizeof(double)*( polyfit_size_workspace(n,degree) ), "polyfit workspace" );
  } else {
    *workspace = polyfit_alloc_workspace( n, degree );
コード例 #11
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
inline void pack_stack(Stack *stack)
{ _Stack *object  = (_Stack *) (((char *) stack) - Stack_Offset);
  if (object->vsize != stack_vsize(stack))
    { object->vsize = stack_vsize(stack);
      object->stack.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(object->stack.array,
コード例 #12
ファイル: common.c プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
void *request_storage( void *buffer, size_t *maxlen, size_t nbytes, size_t minindex, char *msg )
{   if( (nbytes*minindex) > *maxlen )
    {   size_t newsize = (size_t) (1.25 * minindex + 64) * nbytes;
        printf("REQUEST %7d bytes (%7d items) above current %7d bytes by %s\n",minindex * nbytes, minindex, *maxlen,msg);
        buffer = Guarded_Realloc( buffer, newsize, msg );
        *maxlen = newsize;
    return buffer;
コード例 #13
ファイル: common.c プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
// TODO - returns buffers where maxlen_items is a power of 2
void *request_storage_pow2items( void *buffer, size_t *maxlen_bytes, size_t nbytes, size_t minindex, char *msg )
{   if( (nbytes*minindex) > *maxlen_bytes )
        printf("REQUEST %7d bytes (%7d items) above current %7d bytes by %s\n",minindex * nbytes, minindex, *maxlen_bytes,msg);
        *maxlen_bytes = (size_t) ( _next_pow2_uint32(minindex) ) * nbytes;
        buffer = Guarded_Realloc( buffer, *maxlen_bytes, msg );
    return buffer;
コード例 #14
ファイル: cdf.c プロジェクト: Vaa3D/v3d_external
static inline void pack_cdf(Cdf *cdf)
{ _Cdf *object  = (_Cdf *) (((char *) cdf) - Cdf_Offset);
  if (object->tsize > cdf_tsize(cdf))
    { object->tsize = cdf_tsize(cdf);
      if (object->tsize != 0)
        cdf->tab = Guarded_Realloc(cdf->tab,
        { free(cdf->tab);
          cdf->tab = NULL;
コード例 #15
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
static uint32 *get_raster(int npixels, char *routine)
{ static uint32 *Raster = NULL;
  static int     Raster_Size = 0;                           //  Manage read work buffer

  if (npixels < 0)
    { free(Raster);
      Raster_Size = 0;
      Raster      = NULL;
  else if (npixels > Raster_Size)
    { Raster_Size = npixels;
      Raster = (uint32 *) Guarded_Realloc(Raster,sizeof(uint32)*Raster_Size,routine);
  return (Raster);
コード例 #16
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
Stack *Translate_Stack(Stack *stack, int kind, int in_place)
{ int width, height, depth;

  width  = stack->width;
  height = stack->height;
  depth  = stack->depth;

  if (in_place)
    { if (stack->kind == kind)
        return (stack);

      if (kind > stack->kind)
        { _Stack *object  = (_Stack *) (((char *) stack) - Stack_Offset);

          if (object->vsize < width * height * depth * kind)
            { object->vsize = width * height * depth * kind;
              stack->array  = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(stack->array,object->vsize,"Translate_Stack");


      stack->kind = kind;

      return (stack);
    { Stack *xlate;

      if (stack->kind == kind)
        return (Copy_Stack(stack));

      xlate  = new_stack(kind*width*height*depth,"Translate_Stack");
      xlate->depth  = depth;
      xlate->width  = width;
      xlate->height = height;
      xlate->kind   = kind;


      return (xlate);
コード例 #17
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
static inline Image *new_image(int asize, char *routine)
{ _Image *object;

  if (Free_Image_List == NULL)
    { object = (_Image *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(_Image),routine);
      Image_Offset = ((char *) &(object->image)) - ((char *) object);
      object->asize = asize;
      object->image.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Malloc(asize,routine);
      Image_Inuse += 1;
    { object = Free_Image_List;
      Free_Image_List = object->next;
      if (object->asize < asize)
        { object->asize = asize;
          object->image.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(object->image.array,
  return (&(object->image));
コード例 #18
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
static inline Stack *new_stack(int vsize, char *routine)
{ _Stack *object;

  if (Free_Stack_List == NULL)
    { object = (_Stack *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(_Stack),routine);
      Stack_Offset = ((char *) &(object->stack)) - ((char *) object);
      object->vsize = vsize;
      object->stack.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Malloc(vsize,routine);
      Stack_Inuse += 1;
    { object = Free_Stack_List;
      Free_Stack_List = object->next;
      if (object->vsize < vsize)
        { object->vsize = vsize;
          object->stack.array = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(object->stack.array,
  return (&(object->stack));
コード例 #19
ファイル: mg_image_lib11.cpp プロジェクト: Vaa3D/vaa3d_tools
Image *Translate_Image(Image *image, int kind, int in_place)
{ int width, height;

  width  = image->width;
  height = image->height;

  if (in_place)
    { if (image->kind == kind)
        return (image);

      if (kind > image->kind)
        { _Image *object  = (_Image *) (((char *) image) - Image_Offset);
          if (object->asize < width * height * kind)
            { object->asize = width * height * kind;
              image->array  = (uint8 *)Guarded_Realloc(image->array,object->asize,"Translate_Image");


      image->kind = kind;

      return (image);
    { Image  *xlate;

      if (image->kind == kind)
        return (Copy_Image(image));

      xlate  = new_image(kind*width*height,"Translate_Image");
      xlate->width  = width;
      xlate->height = height;
      xlate->kind   = kind;


      return (xlate);
コード例 #20
ファイル: seed.c プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
**  Uses a levelset and size threshold to segment an image constrained by the
**  zone mask.
Object_Map *find_objects(Image *image, int vthresh, int sthresh)
{ static Object_Map mymap;
  static int        obj_max = 0;
  static Contour  **objects = NULL;

  static Paint_Brush zero = { 0., 0., 0. };

  uint8 *array  = image->array;

  int carea   = image->width*image->height;

  { int p, n;

    n = 0;
    for (p = 0; p < carea; p++)
      if (array[p] >= vthresh)                             // start at a non-masked pixel
        { Contour *c = Trace_Region(image,p,GE,vthresh,1); // trace the contour around that pixel
          Draw_Contour_Interior(c,&zero,image);            // mask out that countour
          if (Contour_Area(c) >= sthresh)                  // apply a size threshold to the region
            { if (n >= obj_max)
                { obj_max = 1.2*n+500;
                  objects = (Contour **)
                              Guarded_Realloc(objects,sizeof(Contour *)*obj_max,Program_Name());
              objects[n++] = c;
            } else {
              Free_Contour( c );
    mymap.num_objects = n;
    mymap.objects     = objects;

  return (&mymap);
コード例 #21
ファイル: seed.c プロジェクト: nclack/whisk
Seed_Vector *decompose_trace_x(Contour *trace, int width, int height, uint8 *value)
{ static Seed       *seedlist = NULL;
  static int         seedmax  = 0;
  static Seed_Vector myseeds;

  static Seed *boo;

  int    *yaster, ypairs;
  Raster *raster;

  int nseeds;
  int ntrk, mtrk, etrk;
  int r, x, x0;

  nseeds = 0;

  yaster = Yaster_Scan(trace,&ypairs,height);
  // reencode yaster as (x,y) points - in place
  raster = (Raster *) yaster; 
  for (r = 0; r < ypairs; r++)
  { int mj = yaster[r]/height; // x
    int mn = yaster[r]%height; // y
    raster[r].major = mj;      // x
    raster[r].minor = mn;      // y

  printf("\nTRACE:\n"); fflush(stdout);

  ntrk = mtrk = etrk = 0;
  r = 0;
  while (r < ypairs)
  { x0 = x = raster[r].major;  // the x value for this (vertical) raster
    printf("  %d:",x0); fflush(stdout);

    ntrk = mtrk;   
    mtrk = etrk;
    // advance over vertically aligned intervals in the raster  
    while (x == x0)
    { raster[r].major = 0;     // mark it
      //                      y0              y1
      printf(" (%d,%d)",raster[r].minor,raster[r+1].minor-1); fflush(stdout);
      r += 2;                  // move to next pair
      if (r >= ypairs) break;
      x = raster[r].major;
    etrk = r;   // remember the end of this sequence of intervals
    printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);

    { int  m, n;
      int  mb, me;
      int  nb, ne;
      int   c, o;
      Seed *s;

      m = mtrk;
      n = ntrk;
      c = 0;
      while (n < mtrk)
      { if (m >= etrk)            //if the end of this sequence of intervals has been passed...
          mb = me = ne;           //...empty m interval located at end of n
        { mb = raster[m].minor;   //beginning of the m'th interval
          me = raster[m+1].minor; //end       of the m'th interval
        nb = raster[n].minor;     //beginning of the n'th interval
        ne = raster[n+1].minor;   //end       of the n'th interval

        // init
        if (me > nb && ne > mb)   //if the intervals have an intersection...
        { raster[m].major += 1;   //...increment m's id
          c += 1;                 //...count

        if (me < ne)              //if m's end is before n's ...
          m += 2;                 //...increment to interval following m and move on
        else                      //else m and n intersect or m is past n
        { raster[n+1].major = -1; //...mark next
          if (c > 1)                  //if there was more than one intersection event...
          { // move o back till all intersection counts are accounted for
            //   and add counts into interval labels
            o = m;
            while (1)
            { if (me > nb && ne > mb) // if m and n intersect ...
              { raster[o].major += 1; // ...increment label
                if (--c <= 0) break;  // ...clear counts
              o -= 2;                 // back up an interval
              mb = raster[o].minor;
              me = raster[o+1].minor;
          else if (c == 1)            // if only one intersection count
          { if (ne > mb)
            { if ((n+2 >= mtrk || raster[n+2].minor >= me) && raster[m].major <= 1)
              raster[n+1].major = m;
            { if (raster[m-2].major <= 1)
              raster[n+1].major = m-2;
          if (raster[n+1].major < 0)
            printf("Track (%d,%d) %d expires\n",
          n += 2;
          c  = 0;

      for (m = mtrk; m < etrk; m += 2) //iterate over sequence of vertically aligned intervals
        if (raster[m].major != 1)      //if unlabelled
          printf("Track (%d,%d) = %d starts\n",
          raster[m].major = 1;         //...init label

      for (n = ntrk; n < mtrk; n += 2)
      { c = raster[n+1].major;
        raster[n+1].major = x0-1;      // set back to x0
        if (c < 0)                     // if termination...compute seed on n'th
        { if (nseeds >= seedmax)
          { seedmax  = 1.2*nseeds + 10;
            seedlist = (Seed *)
          s = compute_seed(raster,n,x0-1,width,value);
          if (s != NULL)
            seedlist[nseeds++] = *s;
          raster[c].major = raster[n].major+1;
    } //end context
  } //end while

  { int   m;
    Seed *s;

    for (m = mtrk; m < etrk; m += 2)
    { if (nseeds >= seedmax)
      { seedmax  = 1.2*nseeds + 10;
        seedlist = (Seed *)
      s = compute_seed(raster,m,x0,width,value);
      if (s != NULL)
        seedlist[nseeds++] = *s;
      printf("Track (%d,%d) %d = 0 expires\n",

  myseeds.nseeds = nseeds;
  myseeds.seeds  = seedlist;
  return (&myseeds);
コード例 #22
void String_Workspace_Realloc(String_Workspace *sw, int size)
  sw->size = size;
  sw->array = (char*)Guarded_Realloc(sw->array, string_workspace_asize(sw),
コード例 #23
Overlaps *Find_Overlaps(Segmentation *segs)
{ Overlaps  *ovl;
  int        totsegs, *alist, *heads, *chans;
  int        ecount, emax;
  uint8    **vals;
  Size_Type  k;
  Indx_Type  v, w, p;
  Region    *rci;
  int        c, d;
  int        i, j;

  totsegs = segs[NumChans-1].base + segs[NumChans-1].nsegs;
  alist   = (int *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int)*(totsegs+1),Program_Name());
  chans   = (int *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int)*totsegs,Program_Name());
  emax    = totsegs*NumChans;
  heads   = (int *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int)*emax,Program_Name());
  for (k = 0; k <= totsegs; k++)
    alist[k] = 0;

  vals   = (uint8 **) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(uint8 *)*NumChans,Program_Name());
  for (k = 0; k < NumChans; k++)
    vals[k] = AUINT8(segs[k].label);

  ecount = 0;
  for (c = 0; c < NumChans-1; c++) {
    printf("channel=%d numSegs=%d\n", c, segs[c].nsegs);
    for (i = 0; i < segs[c].nsegs; i++)
      { rci = segs[c].segs[i];
        alist[segs[c].base+i] = ecount;
        chans[segs[c].base+i] = c;
        for (k = 0; k < rci->rastlen; k += 2)
          { v = rci->raster[k];
            w = rci->raster[k+1];
            for (p = v; p <= w; p++)
              for (d = c+1; d < NumChans; d++) {
		//		printf("vals d=%d p=%d =%d\n", d, p, vals[d][p]);
                if (vals[d][p] > 0)
                  { j = segs[d].base+(vals[d][p]-1);
                    alist[j] += 1;
                    if (alist[j] == MIN_OVERLAP)
                      { if (ecount >= emax)
                          { emax = 1.2*emax + 100;
                            heads = (int *) Guarded_Realloc(heads,sizeof(int)*emax,Program_Name());
                        heads[ecount++] = j;
        for (j = segs[c+1].base; j < totsegs; j++)
          alist[j] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i <= segs[c].nsegs; i++)
    { alist[segs[c].base+i] = ecount;
      chans[segs[c].base+i] = c;


  ovl = (Overlaps *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(Overlaps),Program_Name());
  ovl->totsegs = totsegs;
  ovl->alist   = alist;
  ovl->heads   = heads;
  ovl->chans   = chans;

#ifdef VERBOSE
  { int   k, h, c, i, d;

    for (k = 0; k < ovl->totsegs; k++)
      { c = chans[k];
        d = (k-segs[c].base)+1;
        if (d < 10)
          printf("  ");
        else if (d < 100)
          printf(" ");
        printf("  %c%d:",Letter[c],(k-segs[c].base)+1);
        for (h = alist[k]; h < alist[k+1]; h++)
          { i = heads[h];
            c = chans[i];
            printf("  %c%d",Letter[c],(i-segs[c].base)+1);

  return (ovl);
コード例 #24
int Read_All_Channels(string name, int maxchans)
{ Tiff *tif;
  int   depth, height, width, chans;
  int   i;

  if(strcmp(getSuffix(name), "tif")==0 || strcmp(getSuffix(name), "lsm")==0) {

    tif = Open_Tiff(name,"r");
    if (tif == NULL)
      { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file %s for reading\n",name);
	exit (1);


    printf("width=%d height=%d chans=%d\n", width, height, chans);

    if (chans < 2)
      { fprintf(stderr,"LSM %s does not at least 2 channels\n",name);
	exit (1);

    depth = 0;
    while ( ! Tiff_EOF(tif))
      { int w, h, c;
	if (w == width && h == height && c == chans)
	  { for (i = 0; i < chans; i++)
	      if (Get_IFD_Channel_Type(tif,i) != UINT16_TYPE)
		{ fprintf(stderr,"Channel %d of %s is not 16-bit)\n",i,name);
		  exit (1);
	    depth += 1;

    if (NumChans + chans > maxchans)
      { maxchans = 1.2*(NumChans+chans) + 20;
	Images   = (Array **) Guarded_Realloc(Images,sizeof(Array *)*maxchans,Program_Name());
    for (i = NumChans; i < NumChans + chans; i++)
      Images[i] = Make_Array_With_Shape(PLAIN_KIND,UINT16_TYPE,Coord3(depth,height,width));

    depth = 0;
    while ( ! Tiff_EOF(tif))
      { int w, h, c;
	if (w == width && h == height && c == chans)
	  { for (i = 0; i < chans; i++)
	      { Array_Bundle plane = *(Images[NumChans+i]);
	    depth += 1;


    NumChans += chans;
    return (maxchans);

  } else if (strcmp(getSuffix(name), "raw")==0 || strcmp(getSuffix(name), "v3draw")==0) {

    unsigned char* img;
    long* sz;

    int rawLoadResult=loadRaw2Stack(name, &img, &sz, 2);
    if (rawLoadResult!=0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Load of raw file failed\n");
    if (sizeof(unsigned short)!=2) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Read_All_Channels() making false assumption that unsigned short is size=2\n");
    unsigned short* rawp=(unsigned short*)img;


    printf("width=%d height=%d depth=%d chans=%d\n", width, height, depth, chans);

    if (chans < 2)
      { fprintf(stderr,"File %s does not contain at least 2 channels\n",name);
	exit (1);

    if (NumChans + chans > maxchans)
      { maxchans = 1.2*(NumChans+chans) + 20;
	Images   = (Array **) Guarded_Realloc(Images,sizeof(Array *)*maxchans,Program_Name());
    for (i = NumChans; i < NumChans + chans; i++) {
      Images[i] = Make_Array_With_Shape(PLAIN_KIND,UINT16_TYPE,Coord3(depth,height,width));
	int rx,ry,rz;
	uint16 *v;
	Indx_Type p;

	v = AUINT16(Images[i]);
	p = 0;
	long oc=(i-NumChans)*depth*height*width;
	for (rz=0;rz<depth;rz++) {
	  long oz = rz*height*width;
	  for (ry=0;ry<height;ry++) {
	    long oy = ry*width;
	    for (rx=0;rx<width;rx++) {
	      long offset=oc + oz + oy + rx;
	      unsigned short uv = *(rawp + offset);
	      v[p++] = uv;

    NumChans += chans;
    return (maxchans);

  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Do not recognize file suffix %s\n", getSuffix(name));
コード例 #25
ファイル: tz_sp_grow.c プロジェクト: janelia-flyem/NeuTu
Int_Arraylist* Stack_Sp_Grow(const Stack *stack, const size_t *seeds, 
			     int nseed, const size_t *targets, int ntarget, 
			     Sp_Grow_Workspace *sgw)
  size_t nvoxel = Stack_Voxel_Number(stack);
  sgw->width = stack->width;
  sgw->height = stack->height;
  sgw->depth = stack->depth;

  /* allocate workspace */
  if (sgw->size < nvoxel) {
    sgw->dist = (double*) Guarded_Realloc(sgw->dist, sizeof(double) * nvoxel,
    sgw->path = (int*) Guarded_Realloc(sgw->path, sizeof(int) * nvoxel,
    sgw->checked = (int*) Guarded_Realloc(sgw->checked, sizeof(int) * nvoxel,
    sgw->flag = (uint8_t*) Guarded_Realloc(sgw->flag, sizeof(uint8_t) * nvoxel,
    if (sgw->lengthBufferEnabled) {
      sgw->length = (double*) Guarded_Realloc(
          sgw->length, sizeof(double) * nvoxel, "Stack_Sp_Grow");
  } else {
    if (sgw->dist == NULL) {
      sgw->dist = (double*) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(double) * nvoxel,
    if (sgw->path == NULL) {
      sgw->path = (int*) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int) * nvoxel,
    if (sgw->checked == NULL) {
      sgw->checked = (int*) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int) * nvoxel,
    if (sgw->flag == NULL) {
      sgw->flag = (uint8_t*) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * nvoxel,

    if (sgw->lengthBufferEnabled) {
      if (sgw->length == NULL) {
        sgw->length = (double*) Guarded_Malloc(
            sizeof(double) * nvoxel, "Stack_Sp_Grow");

  sgw->size = nvoxel;
  /* initialize */
  size_t s;
  for (s = 0; s < nvoxel; s++) {
    sgw->dist[s] = Infinity;
    if (sgw->length != NULL) {
      sgw->length[s] = 0.0;
    sgw->path[s] = -1;
    sgw->checked[s] = 0;
    sgw->flag[s] = 0;

  if (sgw->mask != NULL) {
    memcpy(sgw->flag, sgw->mask, nvoxel);

  /* Recruit seeds (source) */
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < nseed; i++) {
    if (sgw->sp_option == 1) {
      sgw->dist[seeds[i]] = -Stack_Array_Value(stack, seeds[i]);
    } else {
      sgw->dist[seeds[i]] = 0.0;
    sgw->checked[seeds[i]] = 1;
    sgw->flag[seeds[i]] = SP_GROW_SOURCE;
  if (sgw->mask != NULL) {
    for (s = 0; s < nvoxel; s++) {
      if (sgw->flag[s] == SP_GROW_SOURCE) {
        if (sgw->sp_option == 1) {
          sgw->dist[s] = -Stack_Array_Value(stack, s);
        } else {
          sgw->dist[s] = 0.0;
        sgw->checked[s] = 1;	

  Int_Arraylist *result = New_Int_Arraylist();

  for (i = 0; i < ntarget; i++) {
    if (sgw->flag[targets[i]] == 2) { /* overlap of source and target */
      Int_Arraylist_Add(result, targets[i]);
      sgw->value = 0.0;
      return result;
    sgw->flag[targets[i]] = SP_GROW_TARGET;

  int width = Stack_Width(stack);
  int height = Stack_Height(stack);
  int depth = Stack_Depth(stack);

  double dist[26];
  Stack_Neighbor_Dist_R(sgw->conn, sgw->resolution, dist);

  int is_in_bound[26];
  int neighbors[26];
  Stack_Neighbor_Offset(sgw->conn, Stack_Width(stack), Stack_Height(stack), 

  BOOL stop = FALSE;

  /* Check neighbors of seeds */
  int j;
  //  for (i = 0; i < nseed; i++) {
  // size_t r = seeds[i];

  /* alloc <heap> */
  Int_Arraylist *heap = New_Int_Arraylist();

  size_t r;
  for (r = 0; r < nvoxel; r++) {
    if (sgw->flag[r] == SP_GROW_SOURCE) { /* seeds */
      int nbound = Stack_Neighbor_Bound_Test_I(sgw->conn, width, height, depth, 
          r, is_in_bound);

      if (nbound == sgw->conn) { /* all neighbors are in bound */
        for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
          size_t nbr_index = r + neighbors[j];
          if (sgw->checked[nbr_index] != 1) {
            update_waiting(stack, r, nbr_index, dist[j], heap, result, sgw);
      } else if (nbound > 0) {
        for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
          if (is_in_bound[j]) {
            size_t nbr_index = r + neighbors[j];
            if (sgw->checked[nbr_index] != 1) {
              update_waiting(stack, r, nbr_index, dist[j], heap, result, sgw);

  //Verify_Int_Heap_I(heap, sgw->dist);

  ssize_t last_r = -1;

  while (stop == FALSE) {
    ssize_t r = extract_min(sgw->dist, sgw->checked, sgw->size, heap);

    if (r >= 0) {
      last_r = r;
      if (sgw->flag[r] == 0) { /* normal voxel */
        int nbound = Stack_Neighbor_Bound_Test_I(sgw->conn, width, height, 
            depth, r, is_in_bound);

        if (nbound == sgw->conn) { /* all neighbors are in bound */
          for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
            size_t nbr_index = r + neighbors[j];
            if (sgw->checked[nbr_index] != 1) {
              update_waiting(stack, r, nbr_index, dist[j], heap, result, sgw);
        } else if (nbound > 0) {
          for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
            if (is_in_bound[j]) {
              size_t nbr_index = r + neighbors[j];
              if (sgw->checked[nbr_index] != 1) {
                update_waiting(stack, r, nbr_index, dist[j], heap, result, sgw);
        //Print_Int_Heap(heap, "%d");
        //Verify_Int_Heap_I(heap, sgw->dist);
      } else if (sgw->flag[r] == SP_GROW_TARGET) { /* target reached */
        //Int_Arraylist_Add(result, r);
        stop = TRUE;
      } else if (sgw->flag[r] == SP_GROW_CONDUCTOR) { 
        /* 0-distance region (super conductor) */
        int nbound = Stack_Neighbor_Bound_Test_I(sgw->conn, width, height, 
            depth, r, is_in_bound);
        size_t tail_index = r;
        size_t old_tail_index = tail_index;
        size_t cur_index = r;
#ifdef _DEBUG_2
        printf("r: %lu\n", r);

        size_t nbr_index = cur_index + neighbors[j];	\
        if (sgw->flag[nbr_index] == 4) {				\
          if (sgw->checked[nbr_index] > 1) {				\
            Int_Heap_Remove_I_At(heap, nbr_index, sgw->dist,		\
                sgw->checked);				\
          }								\
          tail_index = update_neighbor(cur_index, tail_index, nbr_index,sgw); \
        } else {							\
          update_waiting(stack, cur_index, nbr_index, dist[j], heap, result,sgw); \

        if (nbound == sgw->conn) { /* all neighbors are in bound */
          for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
        } else if (nbound > 0) {
          for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
            if (is_in_bound[j]) {

        int count = 0;
        while (tail_index != old_tail_index) {
          old_tail_index = tail_index;

          size_t cur_index = tail_index;
          while (sgw->checked[cur_index] != 1) {
            int nbound = Stack_Neighbor_Bound_Test_I(sgw->conn, width, height, 
                depth, cur_index, 
            if (nbound == sgw->conn) { /* all neighbors are in bound */
              for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
            } else if (nbound > 0) {
              for (j = 0; j < sgw->conn; j++) {
                if (is_in_bound[j]) {

            sgw->checked[cur_index] = 1;
            size_t tmp_index = cur_index;
            cur_index = sgw->path[cur_index];
            sgw->path[tmp_index] = r;